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70831968 No.70831968 [Reply] [Original]

I forgive Shiori

>> No.70832004

What did she do?

>> No.70832110

She will collab with a male two weeks from now.

>> No.70832152

Forgiveness implies she did something wrong.

>> No.70832210

I used to be her anti because i thought she would collab with males but she has proven me wrong. Now I just hate on bae alone

>> No.70832274

Yeah, me.

>> No.70832609

you’re still a retard

>> No.70835210
File: 91 KB, 385x578, shiori~~n[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1y2c2e.opus].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing to forgive
she is a cutie patootie and deserves better treatment
May Allah strike those infidels that anti her

>> No.70835222

>hates the sweetest members of each gen
Let me guess you hate Kiara, too?

>> No.70835515

No, because Kiara ignores the males.

>> No.70837325

She's a cutie. Her solo content filters me, but I like her. She's always fun during advent collabs.

>> No.70837341
File: 213 KB, 1257x1008, IMG_9146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Shiori and wish nothing but good things to go her way.

>> No.70837563

A boring personality needs to act spicy, it's understandable why her fans understand.

>> No.70838009

>i hate women who talk with males
How do you live like this pathetically and feel absolutelt any shame.

>> No.70838156

I was never upset with her, but then again, I am not an insecurity parasocial kek.

>> No.70838535

Kiara is not sweet

>> No.70838746

She's a narcissistic bitch

>> No.70839214

But enough about millie
Let's talk about shiori

>> No.70839547 [DELETED] 
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>> No.70839627


>> No.70839720

I wasn't sure about her at the start but she turned out pretty good.

>> No.70840912

Let's wait for at least the first anniversary

>> No.70841379


>> No.70842780

Bad idea

>> No.70843289

KFP moment

>> No.70844238
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Her only crime is being a chubby chink but nobody is perfect.

>> No.70844780

I can just imagine her at a con going to a late night panel about writing smut and sitting in the corner giggling to herself as she listens to the presenter talk about writing boys fucking while taking mental notes of how to apply the presenters suggestions to her favorite yaoi ships.
I need a collab stream with her and Reine bringing their favorite BL and GL lemon fics from their favorite series to share with each other.

>> No.70844887

My ancestral blood memory has revealed this to me. It will be so.

>> No.70845135
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>> No.70845412

Why do people hate Shiori? Are they retarded?

>> No.70845427

BBC jokes

>> No.70845514

That's it? What a bunch of sensitive faggots.

>> No.70845536

I'm sorry, but I don't.
Forcing anyone who wants to watch her to go to such an harrowing experience like watching Twilight cannot be forgiven so easily, and even the apology she already did is not enough.

>> No.70845628


>> No.70845893

Pretty sure it was only one joke. It was dumb of her to joke about it in the current climate, but I can't imagine hating her for that, especially since she didn't double down and dumb shit like that.

>> No.70845919

people forget that she's an autistic south park enjoyer

>> No.70846048

She blue balled the sisters with the "respect my collab choices" line and when she didn't collab with men to epically own the incels they've held a grudge against her since.

>> No.70846188

Her voice filters me hard. God it is bad.

>> No.70846201

>his oshi is a coalburner
Do Novelkeks really?

>> No.70846375

Shiori's only sin is having shit taste
other than that she's harmless

>> No.70846429

>she is harmless
Then you don't know her

>> No.70846465

>Seething Fanfiction
Try harder retard.

>> No.70846569

She is a western asian, it was over before it even began. I guess I'm a coalburner too, because I joked about Black lord guy a decade ago.

>> No.70846764
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Im sorry anon but you are a blacked whore now. I don't make the rules.

>> No.70846823

Me on the lower right corner everytime i tune into a kiara stream.

>> No.70846956
File: 321 KB, 550x520, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes us practically besties with Shiorin

>> No.70846971

The sisters wanted her to collab with men. It was your retarded islamic unicorn clan that wen't crazy over it don't try to twist reality now moron

>> No.70846998

That makes her more endearing

>> No.70847050

I present to you Exhibit A.

>> No.70847934

Yeah exhibit A. As unicorns being the one getting their panty twisted in a bunch by digging out her RM history and shitposting for month with it. Thank you for agreeing with me. Concession accepted.

>> No.70848877

Yeah me, in my bed
