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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70818320 No.70818320 [Reply] [Original]

What’s wrong with being dedicated to Kayfabe? If anything it should be welcomed for vtubbers to act like their characters 24/7

>> No.70818452

if you don't want kayfabe just go watch some twitch e-girl

>> No.70818454

Since FWMC is the only that does it in EN, it comes of as fake and everyone is put off by it, especially Kronii.

>> No.70818477

>implying they're pretending
They're like this irl.

>> No.70818676

I hope they go Bao Bao during conversations at McDonald’s or some shit

>> No.70818766

Less cutesy but Mococo really talks like that, which I think would get old fast. It's also how I know they're not real twins.

>> No.70818905

Well maybe she should be more Kayfabe. More time related puns

>> No.70818925

>everyone is put off by it, especially Kronii.

>> No.70820519

You wish they were pretending like that outside vtubing.

They're 100% the same except for the "BAU BAU".

>> No.70820564

If kronii hates something that thing must be good

>> No.70820746

>he doesn't know

>> No.70820796

That’s what true Kayfabe is. They should be saying it like how Hulk Hogan still says brother irl.

>> No.70820810

>What’s wrong with being dedicated to Kayfabe?
Nothing. If they don't like it, they can go back to watching their Twitch whores.

>> No.70820821

>insane man argues with wind

>> No.70820941

kayfabe is great but i'm just not into theirs.

>> No.70820993

Anon, its a sister trying to pit fans against each other, you got bamboozled

>> No.70821011

It's all about the money and the miles.

>> No.70822026

Mococo was adopted

>> No.70822264

Nothing in my view. Some never do kayfabe, some lean on it for some situations. It is entertainment, do not watch it if you do not vibe with it. How hard is that?

>> No.70822426

I do have a problem with people not doing Kayfabe though. Fuck em. Killing the business and turning vtubbing into another eceleb avenue

>> No.70822635
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>Fuwamoco is just doing a caricatured impression of PL Mococo
Not beating the allegations

>> No.70823347

the accident wasn't your fault. you need to move on.

>> No.70823425

No one says it's wrong but dramafags

>> No.70823440

It is welcomed, they're very popular

>> No.70823773

It isn't. Keyfabe is great, but fwmc are just annoying to me. Not everyone is against keyfabe just because they don't enjoy teletubbies with tits

>> No.70823854

Personally, I find it a little frustrating that they always respond as "the character" and don't speak about personal stuff. That being said, I'm not gonna bitch about it since some people clearly enjoy it and I have 100 other chuubas to watch anyway.

>> No.70824048

I can’t watch them either but I think they are great and the ruffians have it real good.

>> No.70824052
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I honestly like the kayfabe. We have so many fucking chuubas that don't do kayfabe or only vaguely gesture toward doing it, and you know, the reason I like Vtubers is because I want to watch anime girls being silly.

What I don't like is a bunch of effort getting put into kayfabe at debut and it just fizzles out after the first month.

>> No.70824084

When you meant kayfabe. I thought they'd stick to their lore about being demon dogs with a yangiri streak but no. They're just teletubbies that yell extreme violence like cartoon characters and pull out the Tom and Jerry physics.

If they wanted to be doing cutesy shit while still keeping the kayfabe. Maybe they should've been HoloJP

>> No.70824109

it was yuyushiki all along...

>> No.70824250

Is this a case of "it's UNIRONICALLY okay when HoloJP does it"? You have a billion twitch whores to occupy yourself with in EN.

>> No.70824548

>what's wrong with kayfabe
>nothing, it's just not for me
>go watch your twitch whores if you hate it this much
Is there something you're insecure about? Do you really believe the words you're saying about liking kayfabe?

>> No.70824721

The dude seems like an unironic schizo.
I didn't even say I disliked keyfabe as a whole, I just dislike fwmc. Whatever he is reading from that, thats his problem

>> No.70824768

reddit post

>> No.70824876

imagine fuck them and they going baubau harder baubauharder.

>> No.70824985
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>have a "tough girl with soft side" classic anime trope kayfabe
>people give you shit for being aloof
>people give you shit for swearing
>people give you shit for acting gruff/awkward when called cute
>people call you fake when you give flashes of a girly side
sometimes kayfabe is more trouble than it's worth, especially when your audience is made of "le wholesome poggers" morons

>> No.70825038

This is the second thread I see about it, but I saw absolutely no one complain about FWMC kayfabe. Is this another episode of "let's take the shitposting of a single schizo seriously because we are bored"? Or maybe another Nijiyab deflection thread?

>> No.70825057

there needs to be a line to how hard you commit to it, especially when you are collabing with other people.

>> No.70825549

They don't really open up to discuss much in group streams and usually have their own conversation going on separate from anyone else's.

>> No.70825749

>people give you shit
Because it's fucking cringe

>> No.70825936

nothing is wrong with it, anyone who says there is is a liar, a faggot, or both. They are hired to play characters, too many of them get lazy and drop the act after a few months and are just fleshies with an anime mask talking about their trip to walmart and trauma dumping on chat. I don't care about you as a person, I care about the character. I might wish for the person to have success, and very much enjoy their performance, but I dont know them and never will, just like a VA or movie star.

>> No.70826018

not really, has Kronii even interacted with them once? even brought them up? She's too exhausted and high to even bother with her own kayfabe, I can see her hating others who do it so cheerfully and energetically

>> No.70826094

She fostered that fucking audience in the first place. Should’ve killed off the “dad” meme on sight if she didn’t want to be le heckin ironico VTuber who no one can take seriously.

>> No.70826116

This. I want to see characters. Wallmart trips should be done in character

>> No.70826326

the fucking dad thing is closer to her sticking to a kayfabe than her being hammered into a fucking soft-talking Ina/Fauna clone #54768579 because fucking manbabies couldn't deal with anything rougher threatening the last drip of testosterone in their body
fucking faggots watching girls talk about makeup and Twillight and squeeling like trannies but shitting on a girl that talks about fishing and having a good drink
this is why all fucking tomboys are turning into troons in the west

>> No.70826465

>muh tomboy
Just step out of the fucking closet already. Or better yer, get actual male friends so you don’t have to expect a woman to occupy both roles of “male companionship” and “holes to stick cock into” simultaneously.

>> No.70826611

spoken like a true fag. tomboys are peak female experience, why the hell would I want to hang out with dudes if I can have a cute girl fill their role instead, that I then also get to fuck?

>> No.70826666

go watch your favorite makeup tutorial, spending couple hours learning about foundation is peak manly behavior after all

>> No.70826708

Women thinking they can occupy the same spaces as men is how we got to transgenderism.

>> No.70826822

no, the main reason for transgenderism is autogynephile cucks spending hours watching "cute girls doing cute things" and being like "damn, being a girl is so fucking awesome and easy" and trooning out in the millions
the fucking cuteness obsession is completely unhealthy and almost entirely a product of modern excess and social media and it feeds directly into that type of behavior

>> No.70826931

Is that what your therapist told you? Lemme guess, big “manime” fan?

>> No.70827040

You sound mentally ill, Kronii not interacting with them is not proof of your delusional headcanon Anon. Consider getting high on your on meds, then maybe you will be too exhausted to waste my time again.

>> No.70827056

The distinction here is lore vs. kaybafe (in its popular usage, who cares abou its official definition). Sticking to lore is always cringe first-month vtubing and nobody wants that, not even Fuwamoco do that. It's also impossible to do in a company like Hololive because the lore is often interconnected and you'd have to plan beforehand with everyone that they should pretend your lore is real even though they don't want to pretend theirs is. But kayfabe in vtubing is just playing your role as an entertainer instead of a fleshbag, which is what Fuwamoco do and it pisses Americans off but it's what normal people want vtubing to be.

>> No.70827258

I wish we got more people willing to play into characters the characters they were assigned. It doesn't have to be over the top but I do get turned off by immersion breaks

>> No.70827400

Closeted faggot rationalizing being disgusted by cute women and into men is a sign of masculinity

>> No.70827506

So everyone she doesn't collab with she hates? Damn she hates so many girls, what a hater

>> No.70827540

strawman harder, sissy, then go talk with your girfriends about their favorite romance book and be surprised once again why they consider you their gay bestie

>> No.70827923

pretty based reference anon

>> No.70827992


>> No.70828062

it's not old

>> No.70828067

As if Kronii could take anything serious, it would probably kill her lmao

>> No.70828116

>What’s wrong with being dedicated to Kayfabe?
it's literally retarded, but to each their own
>If anything it should be welcomed for vtubbers to act like their characters 24/7
i'm sure there are some that do this, if you're interested i suggest searching on YTKids

>> No.70828133

>what's wrong with kayfabe
it's the bread and butter of the industry
those lacking it are just riding a trend
long after the last cynical bandwagoner graduates, the true performers will still be here

>> No.70828363

Fuwawa will give you the big boot and drop her third leg for the finish brother.

>> No.70828454

At the very least, I like the ones with a titanium-hard kayfabe but are self-aware about it. Luna for example. She rarely breaks character and is very enjoyable in kayfabe.

>> No.70828552

I watch both!

>> No.70829351

Biboo does a better job at it than these two

>> No.70829499

Nothing, literally all the top (hololive) vtubers do it.

>> No.70829525

Le morbidly obese shinigami and the clock legit have the worst fans on /vt/, at least on the Holo side of thing

>> No.70830471

Is it true she’s 300+?

>> No.70830897


>> No.70833490

they are cringe

>> No.70834986

Since the thread topic is related I'll ask here
Who on the EN scene actually tries to maintain the kayfabe? I wanna check out more girls but too many of them just e-whore like they always used to but with anime skin on top. It doesn't have to be fwmc tier, just give me something

>> No.70835047

Acting in character while streaming or doing events is 100% fine.
Acting in character in the real world is probably a sign of mental illness.

>> No.70835429

Advent collabs are better without them 2bh

>> No.70835598

They are just not good at collabing full stop. I think it might be because they are always going "wuffian this, wuffian that" but in collabs it comes off as weird that they keep talking to chat, and not the person they are collabing with (who can't even see their chat).
It's quite rude actually.

>> No.70836256

Their style is fine for one-off videos but it’s just kinda fucking weird to do it in casual chats or collabs with people trying to communicate normally. It’s like having a TV character do a cameo on a talk show, it always comes off stiff and awkward

>> No.70838107

>but it’s just kinda fucking weird to do it in casual chats or collabs with people trying to communicate normally.
Skill issue:

>> No.70838517

As kayfabe goes up intimacy goes down.
100% kayfabe means 0% intimacy.

>> No.70838929

the inverse is true
look at the EN's who do zero kayfabe and how they view their fans
no one would call that intimate

>> No.70839067
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>> No.70839088

Impressive, very nice. Let's see their EN collabs.

>> No.70839129


>> No.70839520

>Let's see their EN collabs.
Who cares? They interact fine with Advent + Mori. As long as they hang out with them and focus on JP, they will be fine.

>> No.70839599

The ones that do zero kayfabe are open with their fans.
You just don't like the result.
It's intimate if you are wearing a mask the whole time.

>> No.70840792


>> No.70841937

And that's a good thing, millennial irony brainworms should probably be expunged

>> No.70842213

Nothing wrong with it unless your idea of good kayfabe is shouting "bau bau" like an autist.

>> No.70842554

Can I ask, honestly, what part of FWMC is supposed to be the kayfabe?
Is it just that they say bau bau?

They sure as hell don't act like demonic guard dogs, that's for sure.

>> No.70842754

>watches voice actress
>why the fake voice
>why does she pretend she's a character
>i bet she doesn't even look like that
this board attracts geniuses once more

>> No.70842797

EN viewers are full of ironic weebs, they want GFE ethots in anime form, so kayfabe takes them out of it. Personally i think FWMC is doing just fine, JPs clearly like them and the point of vtubers is they are playing a character so if anything they are doing it right.

>> No.70843026

Its bau bau not bao bao you Chinese fatass

>> No.70843295

kronii must fucking hate half of HoloJP then.

>> No.70843784

Kronii is the kind of person that hangs out with the weirder people and genuinely finds them likeable but will instantly distance herself and smile from the side whenever something out of ordinary happens. Like she's better than "this".

But she'll get better. She's actually super weak willed, she'll come around

>> No.70844194

I don't like Kayfabe because the word sounds dumb. I think vtubers are closer to Muppets then they are to wrestlers.

>> No.70845419

They're white girls putting on an exaggerated Japanese accent. Even if their personalities are real with being dumbasses, adding in the accent on top it makes them seems inauthentic and either marketing geniuses or schemers playing the audience.

>> No.70846479

Exactly! that's the whole point! To immerse yourself with cute anime girls. Go watch flesh streamers or Enna if you want drama.

>> No.70846679

Is it supposed to be Japanese? Sounds like ESL, maybe French-Canadian.

>> No.70847570

There's nothing wrong really, I think most people in the west are just used to being disingenuous about the value of the things they enjoy, couple that with the weird hatred we have for japanese stuff and specially anime things and the whole thing gets perceived as cringe.

I don't think everyone should be in kayfabe all the time however, it's a nice change of pace but it would be obnoxious to not have the bluntness that comes with vtubers being themselves; I hope more do it overall anyway, just because cool wrassling antics would be nice.

>> No.70847717

We could probably have some kino storylines that lead up into the PPVs if not for the drama hungry seamonkeys who can't comprehend basic theatrics.

>> No.70850088

Their kayfabe isn't good since it just puts them in their own little bubble. Anything and everything is deflected by bau bau so that shit gets boring real quick in collabs.

>> No.70850234

based and true
Kronii just feels threatened because she could never commit like FWMC

>> No.70851412

OP is not a fag

If you can't kayfabe don't Vtube.

>> No.70852830

They're silly demonic guard dogs and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.70853712

>If you can't kayfabe don't Vtube.
RIP Hololive I guess.

>> No.70855199

It’ll happen. Vtuber companies will go the way of MLMs

>> No.70855877

She called them cute when Fuwawa was lying poorly in the amogus collab. Watch streams.

>> No.70856474

>girls calling other girls cute but then never interact with them or mention them
It’s not a good cute

>> No.70857411

> has Kronii even interacted with them once? even brought them up?
If you watched streams you’d know the answer to this sister

>> No.70857551

Say no more. You're a retard my friend.

>> No.70857611

But what about egirls too ugly to flesh stream

>> No.70857676

>my boring whore is too uncreative to improvise
I'm sorry, anon

>> No.70861117

