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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 92 KB, 680x621, GHcH1LMWoAIZicN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70771570 No.70771570 [Reply] [Original]

/eien/ - EIEN Project General - 5th Grade Edition

Website: https://eien-project.com/
Schedule: https://schedule.eien-project.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@EIENProject
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EIENproj

>Gen 1 Museia
Kilia Kurayami

Kiki Lockheart

Skye Shinryu

>Gen 2 Haven
Blaise Shinryu

Nanimo Navi

Amora Lumina

Zumi Dokumi

Mirri Saffire

Museia (Group)
https://youtu.be/_mFL83YuV60 [Embed] [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0YDsm5ntyY [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/evgLDpsNO4Y [Embed] [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvfOATfCLro [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/RyjTWrsQloE [Embed] [Embed]
EIEN Group song
https://youtu.be/wx7Je4xK3SM [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/byoTCv3tVRU [Embed] [Embed]

Haven covers
https://youtu.be/6mW60runkRM [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/T0u1sVjUPF8 [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/7jJeepTai-k [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/xMkqCzhbsKc [Embed] [Embed]
https://youtu.be/0xc7ldr7Uac [Embed] [Embed]

Unarchived streams archive:

Previous thread >>70694292

>> No.70771759

Yours came first, use this one

>> No.70772070

Based navi

>> No.70772650
File: 161 KB, 310x384, image_2024-03-07_062010524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I like Blaise, just a little bit though, nothing serious
also she's live with a 6 person collab

>> No.70773304
File: 454 KB, 500x500, navilove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cute robowife Navi!

>> No.70773384

behead those that [Embed] [Embed]

>> No.70774443


>> No.70774448
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1080, 1696578308071133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the heck

>> No.70774470
File: 264 KB, 1593x2048, GFHA9kkW8AIQmEe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frog sex!

>> No.70774509

This thread is more soulful anyway.

>> No.70774531

All because that image in the op was too big so i had to spend time cutting it

>> No.70774551
File: 466 KB, 640x360, 233131332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70774600
File: 200 KB, 399x399, navi think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im so proud of my robodaughter Navi!

>> No.70774631

t-thanks meidos

>> No.70774694

I STILL love Kiki

>> No.70774708

Mirri couldn't help herself not to say dick on someone else's stream

>> No.70774718


>> No.70774753

I don't know how to feel about Skye streaming another mecha game

>> No.70774967

still stalking that guy?

>> No.70775021

because it's boring or because it could lead to another meltdown?

>> No.70775075

No Navi bing bing wahoo'd on stream. I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.70775235

looks like ahegao

>> No.70775274

It attracts weird chatters and then we have to deal with the mech jokes for another month

>> No.70775350
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>> No.70775559

I can't wait for chat to see Rusty's ghost in every corner of the screen

>> No.70775570

I want to mating press Navi while whispering to her ear the table of 8

>> No.70775698
File: 32 KB, 595x263, wrath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70775801

God Yae's voice when she's speaking softly to her collabmates makes my dick so hard

>> No.70775891

oh no looks like Zumi will have to cancel again

>> No.70775939


>> No.70775998

fucking greys...

>> No.70776007

Yae's is very sex

>> No.70776129

>Let me have a break

>> No.70776407

Literal CEO of sex. Her entire gen is for that matter (rip horse)

>> No.70776533
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Monkey's paw twitter space

>> No.70776617
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>> No.70776831
File: 2.02 MB, 1080x1920, CEO of sex[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fp1sjhn.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70777015

So she waited until she has her new PC to finally do a Twitter space...

>> No.70777059

Wait she's never done one? I thought she had

>> No.70777191

Nope, just put it on the table earlier and left it out to rot until now

>> No.70777244


>> No.70777313

>playing with her fidget toy because she's thinking too much
Mora cute

>> No.70777578

I think Yae and Amora should have lubed up sex

>> No.70777626

Yeah, with me.

>> No.70777688

yeah, with me

>> No.70777801

yeah, with Skye

>> No.70778029

Yeah, on me

>> No.70778120


>> No.70778209

they should public the discord sex

>> No.70778401

Glad Blaise is getting a gift train, even if it's not whale-sized

>> No.70778471
File: 4 KB, 376x28, image_2024-03-07_074716428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already are

>> No.70778626

Okay, thats hot

>> No.70778960
File: 14 KB, 271x309, 1706492671432568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70779280

Amora keeps staring at Yae and it's pretty hot.

>> No.70779300

Is amora autistic

>> No.70779320

So how does a twitter space work exactly? Do you just press a button and start streaming your voice?

>> No.70779363

what the fuck

>> No.70779691

As the person doing the Space? yea you press the Start Space button and just talk into your phone/mic
For the listener, just go to their profile and find the Space post, then join

>> No.70779875

Better hope she presses the record button, too

>> No.70780199

>where the fuck is Greece

>> No.70780549

The twitter space isn't happening is it bros?

>> No.70780596

50/50 chance

>> No.70780626

I briefly considered posting a fake link to it just to mess with deadpoles, but the collab distracted me.

>> No.70780722

She's probably waiting for the collab to end

>> No.70780743

she working with the mods to find a way to see chat

>> No.70780825

The easiest way to do that is to have a youtube waiting room, and use that waiting room chat

>> No.70780880

it's doomed then

>> No.70780952

Is zumi stupid? Just put up a waiting room

>> No.70781019

might not be an option since only her phone has internet atm, so she can't watch chat from her PC

>> No.70781077

twitter app can be put in the background while the space is going, so she can pull up yt

>> No.70781180


>> No.70781398

Thats all we're getting, the space will never happen due to "issues"...

>> No.70781444

Aren't they all? Bri's the just the one that weaponizes it

>> No.70781497


Get in

>> No.70781520

I'm not sure who's worse. The Kichains that watch Zumi or the Buoys that watch Zumi.

>> No.70781546

>It's in 34 minutes
Great, i have time to fap

>> No.70781570

get new material

>> No.70781810

I love seeing baby towa posts, thank you

>> No.70781891

The kichains that watch Mirri

>> No.70781908

The Deadpoles that watch Navi.

>> No.70782052

The skyelights that watch Navi
The Luminaughts that watch Navi
why tf does Navi have the only fanbase that isn't socially inept

>> No.70782106
File: 659 KB, 941x884, 997161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked

>> No.70782116

The buoys that watch Mirri.

>> No.70782184

the debugs that watch blaise

>> No.70782213

that's almost her whole fanbase though

>> No.70782292
File: 81 KB, 778x778, 32313132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has fallen for my masterful bait. Outstanding move!

>> No.70782342

does Blaise even have that kind of cross-viewership?

>> No.70782484
File: 103 KB, 693x896, navi wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70782590
File: 407 KB, 421x663, 1701968202557727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mora thighs

>> No.70782674

why is Blaise whoring out Amora?

>> No.70782681

she's so damn sexy

>> No.70782687

It's mostly a singular Luminaut and a singular Skyelight, let's be real

>> No.70782769

the singular buoy is already bad enough

>> No.70782879

So everyone hates everyone, got it

>> No.70782936

All me btw

>> No.70783039

people don't like crossviewers, that's for sure

>> No.70783474
File: 199 KB, 480x480, 926272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to see any of you

>> No.70783532

Is this regardless of if they're faggots or not? You see a lot of the same names across small corpos anyway

>> No.70783709

If you're not dedicated to one girl you're trash

>> No.70783812


>> No.70784097

What am I supposed to do with the rest of my time when she's not streaming then? Improve my life?

>> No.70784233


>> No.70784325

Zumi and Navi encourage tacking them both as wives though

>> No.70784410

Its been so long...

>> No.70784415

well yeah both of them put together stream as much as one regular vtuber

>> No.70784933

quality over quantity

>> No.70784979

Ah yes, the chumbud cope

>> No.70785061
File: 573 KB, 509x439, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lovely collab, thanks blaise

>> No.70785349

Zumi wants to show feet to make up for her nubby hands

>> No.70785461

>6 person collab
>doesn’t include 2 of her genmates
Is Blaise a mean girl?

>> No.70785535

Post coni hands

>> No.70785569

I only have her foot saved

>> No.70785691


>> No.70786049

She doesn't know what to talk about

>> No.70786306

>I'm never reading the deadpoles channels ever again
I'm not convinced you do already Zumi

>> No.70786309

after 3 weeks of no streams?

>> No.70786448

you'd think she could fill an hour after two weeks of radio silence

>> No.70786576

I'm starting to see why she didn't do a space last week...

>> No.70786837

The members asmr is still coming

>> No.70786972

Lower your birthday expectations

>> No.70787116

I'm still waiting for thankmas

>> No.70787294

I was already way ahead of her

>> No.70787374

>Old PC fucks up valentines
>New PC fucks up donothon

>> No.70787712

Zumi is actually George R. R. Martin

>> No.70788947

Rate the space poles, is it all you hoped for?

>> No.70788967

Rate the zumi space

>> No.70789043

I was happy to hear her voice again and get some frog kisses. Definitely don't feel like we're anywhere near back though.

>> No.70789160

If tomorrow goes well we'll be back!

>> No.70789214

we are almost so back

>> No.70789275

It was nice hearing from her, I was happy. Hopefully it let her shake off any nervous return jitters

>> No.70789764

Get your Offkai tickets now!

>> No.70790543

Uhhh, anon?

>> No.70791445

That dude is definitely Z*w

>> No.70791878

Zumi's biggest fear is exposing her asshole on stream, yet it is my biggest dream...

>> No.70793011

Skye soon

>> No.70794159
File: 178 KB, 385x385, 1699817351939356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bro is live. Pray for a good stream

>> No.70794631

Skye talking calmly while the world is being destroyed behind her back is gap moe.

>> No.70794970
File: 160 KB, 289x455, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro's got her tits out today

>> No.70795127

But what about her oversized back door?

>> No.70795453

Filled with my cock, but I won't smack it

>> No.70795702


>> No.70795766

slam pig

>> No.70795800

I'm confused are we supposed to be thinking about her tits or her models' tits?

>> No.70796028

I kinda miss being able to find Mirri sexo. Now she just annoys me.

>> No.70796235

Feelings can change, anon, just like how I'm cumming around on Blaise. As long as the vtuber doesn't hate their fans, there's always a chance

>> No.70796783

Deadpoles, you're feeding the faggot

>> No.70796895

So talking about her tits sends her on a one week break but she's fine showing off her bra and cup size?

>> No.70796943

Very attention whorish, quite sad.

>> No.70796967

Stop it anon you're gonna traumatize her.

>> No.70797261

Am I still welcomed here?

>> No.70797296

It was the emotional baiting, but anons don't always care about accuracy

>> No.70797400

feel free to @ her on the discord whenever you like after she apologizes to you.

>> No.70797407

No, it was both

>> No.70797676

anon, she threatened to extend her break over a "show feet" joke and went on a rant about never showing her hands on stream.

>> No.70798063

JWU. Watching the collab. Bwaise called Poko "fat girl".

>> No.70798206


>> No.70798491

Oof that's even worse than Blaise calling Zumi a clansman. Poko's gonna be thinking about that for the next month...

>> No.70798716

Skye's not having a good time

>> No.70799091
File: 195 KB, 1154x923, raz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if your oshi was this easily emotionally manipulated by someone who used her as a back-up since his own oshi doesn't give him enough attention

>> No.70799217

Discord was a mistake

>> No.70799424

people act like navi is a problem for shooting the shit with the debugs when this is how mirri acts on discord

>> No.70799524

difference being Navi would have told R*z to suck a cock

>> No.70799538

All this America talk reminds me of Skye's minesweeper stream that turned into just looking at states one by one.

>> No.70799604

Difference is that Navi is based and knows how to interact with people she likes and shun away people she doesn't like

>> No.70799750

Raz: Tries to emotionally manipulate Navi.
Navi: N-

>> No.70799773

that's why i'm a debug

>> No.70799918

Yes thats why I'm also a debug and will follow her to hell and back.

>> No.70799999

Skye hates this game

>> No.70800157

Spoiled by new AC

>> No.70800341

It was fun back when it came out, but as >>70800157 said, it's hard to enjoy older stuff when newer stuff has improved so much when compared.

>> No.70800432
File: 424 KB, 1263x908, 1690613557296471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck that UI

>> No.70800456

im using the power of the get to say I love navi

>> No.70800496

The campy story is the main draw but I imagine it loses a lot of its appeal if you aren't either American or a westaboo.
Nice digits by the way.

>> No.70800515
File: 350 KB, 512x512, hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Riifling who still loves you guys

>> No.70800521

fuck I missed

>> No.70800612

The Riiflings that watch EIEN.

>> No.70800768

God, I want to disappoint Skye

>> No.70802008

It wouldn't be a hard thing to do

>> No.70802684

just make sexual advances on her

>> No.70804357
File: 13 KB, 688x103, 3452567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70804526


>> No.70804934

Being flat won't stop me from slurping the bug juice from those mosquito bites

>> No.70805366
File: 282 KB, 523x428, zumi think.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't afford it because they are small and she's embarrassed or she can't afford it because they are outrageous and it would break the illusion of her model?

>> No.70806497

they're definitely small, she's referencing the fact that deadpoles were bullying her for being a short gremlin because of her hands today

>> No.70807474

this is gonna be like when nova showed her tits

>> No.70807764

Is Vallure like our vdere?

>> No.70807902

yes except vdere is based and vallure is cringe

>> No.70807977

how'd that go?

>> No.70808193

She was covering it with a blanket during a handcam card stream. It slipped off for a brief moment without her noticing until her collab partner warned her.

She has super nice boobs. The don't call her brestie in /VRex/ for nothing.

>> No.70808341

her tits are so nice it killed all the bro vibes in the /vre/ thread

>> No.70808412

Make it vice versa and you'd be correct

>> No.70808700

almost sounds like she ended up in a Skye type situation kek

>> No.70809130

Oh no, anon. Skye's was from the front, on purpose, and she was covered. Brestie's camera was top-down, and she was wearing a t-shirt with DEEP cleavage

>> No.70809244

Alright, if you don't spoonfeed me this clip pronto you'll be sorry mister!

>> No.70809382

from the screenshot in the catalogue, it's crazy that was an accident

>> No.70809538

I more mean a Skye situation in the fact she may have acquired a perception from her fanbase she didn't want

>> No.70809720

Nah, Skye knows she has big boobs, and doesn't care that fans know

>> No.70810013

but she also doesn't (or at least didn't) want her fans to overly sexualize her

>> No.70810761

Skye was worried that people couldn't tell the difference between her as a person, and her as Skye. That's a non-issue now. The only people who still give her trouble are tourists/greys that show up in chat from time to time.

>> No.70811816

I’m literally going to die if Skye doesn’t draw some blowjob art soon

>> No.70812584

How have >we preserved where others like us have failed?

>> No.70813354

you can't say that and not post a pic

>> No.70813459

I will post the picture if you explain to me what a monosaccharide is

>> No.70813503

fine I'll do it myself

>> No.70813569

you're no fun!

>> No.70813731

god bless nova

>> No.70814161
File: 911 KB, 1180x668, 1686848047011 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70815591

Nova's massive tatas really killed EIEN thread

it feels like flieien but maybe we're dieien

>> No.70815752

It's more like a no stream probleien

>> No.70816041

Blaise sex

>> No.70816417
File: 113 KB, 249x252, 18242415124124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70816629

For some odd reason I really want milk right now

>> No.70817872
File: 225 KB, 426x404, 1706507530722667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70818498

Tender loving sex with Blaise just to get her pregnant for her breast milk

>> No.70820516


>> No.70821892

I miss Blaise

>> No.70823047

I miss Blaise too

>> No.70824422


>> No.70824650

Kilia in Elia Stellaria's birthday stream.

>> No.70825433

Has Kilia said which friends are joining the jackbox stream

>> No.70825581
File: 256 KB, 1920x1080, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had to check her twitter, nvm

>> No.70826746


>> No.70827503
File: 377 KB, 2048x2211, BlaiseShinryu-1751652918762287148-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70827548

Which one of these do you want to fuck the most

>> No.70827630

Where are her legs

>> No.70827913

tender loving sex with Xiulan while she licks my ear

>> No.70828985

Blaisuchma a cute

>> No.70829956
File: 732 KB, 1500x2500, sastgamer-1749823903365472384-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70830984

Hewwo, does anyone have the Zumi twitter space archive?

>> No.70832423

I haven't set up twitter archives so don't look at me

>> No.70832481


>> No.70833960

It's eienover

>> No.70835023

Amora...save us

>> No.70836044

New AC looks rad

>> No.70836178

>No Otskye after the metal wolf stream
Guess she hated it

>> No.70836461

Oh it wasn't archived? Here you go. https://gofile.io/d/tq1zaM

>> No.70836545

love you much!

>> No.70837381

Why is there always one of you archiving things

>> No.70837488

There was

>> No.70837547

Would you prefer if there wasn't?

>> No.70837936
File: 15 KB, 463x453, 1684763179118131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and no, it's convenient when i miss stuff but i also don't want other people to enjoy/watch things they missed

>> No.70838162


>> No.70838184
File: 750 KB, 1924x1742, 1691704482944321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it, in a mentally ill sort of way. I started archiving as a hobby just because I missed some stuff I wish I hadn't, and now I don't.
And when someone asks and I have it, I post it.

>> No.70838586


>> No.70838720

Dunno why I keep replying

>> No.70838800
File: 330 KB, 720x906, 074859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70839981


>> No.70840366

Kilia is officially the funniest woman

>> No.70840522

This thread was the unfunny one all this time

>> No.70840685

Skye showed her skyelights?

>> No.70841865

Did you know that amora was live

>> No.70842551

Yeah, it was back during the discord VC era. Good times...

>> No.70843219

Wonder how the different Havens would have handled VC if it was still a thing

>> No.70843389

If it were still a thing I unironically think debugs would turn into kichain levels of creepy. Also there is a 0% chance Navi wouldn't call someone in there a nigger

>> No.70843710


>> No.70844260

Amora's crush? Me

>> No.70844733

Idk about all that. While she's clearly very parasocial with the debugs she is anti-gfe and anti-lewd.

>> No.70845385

What a strange dynamic

>> No.70845617

It really is the daughter experience. They just buy her plushies and listen to stories about her day or gaming exploits.

>> No.70845683

This is exactly the reason why I think they would get extremely creepy.

>> No.70846221

Certainly a bit, but no more than any with other vtuber that regularly interacts with her audience. To think it would be worse than the psycho-sexual mess the Kichains and Mirricles have is a bit disingenuous.

>> No.70846244

Navi stream rescheduled to 7 hours from now

>> No.70846343

I really don't see a world where that would happen, let alone one where Navi wouldn't immediately shit all over someone who got out of line. A Raz or Zow wouldn't last long.

>> No.70846350

no we wouldn't, that shit gets hidden under multiple layers of irony, it would be a vc where we chill while talking about random shit, kinda like that one time Kilia joined VC.

>> No.70846544

Better for me, probably worse for her sleep schedule though.

>> No.70846548

I had a feeling that was coming given her sleep schedule plus having a therapy appointment.

>> No.70846610

If she's lucky it will wear her out and she'll make it to bed before 5 am

>> No.70847013

I've never seen a creator who self-retweets their posts more than Zumi

>> No.70847236

I miss Blaise.
Captcha: TARPS

>> No.70847244

Skye got a new skeb!

>> No.70847632

That's good

>> No.70847677

Why is Z*w back?

>> No.70847768

>psycho-sexual mess the Kichains and Mirricles have is a bit disingenuous.
The thing about kichains being creepy in VC was never about being sexual, except that one guy that constantly told everyone when he was masturbating. People tend to forget (or haven newfags don't know) that Kiki was portraying herself as a kissless virgin that wanted to be lewd, but was ultimately innocent. People in VC were never openly sexual, they were just waiting for her 24/7 and talking about how much they care for and love their little strawberry. Shit got creepy when they talked about nothing except Kiki for 5 days in a row. Then they continued for a whole month and man, shit got really bad near the end
I am just saying that I can see debugs going down the same route if they were given the chance.

>> No.70848524

a wild zumi waiting room appeared

>> No.70848919

do not compare us debugs to the cuck chair kichains ever again
Aside from debugs being filtered by how Navi behaves, she herself would probably put any schizo in the shadow realm if she doesn't like him.

>> No.70849569
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>> No.70849779

obsessive autismos never learn

>> No.70849784

2 of them (starting from tomorrow)

>> No.70849982

>talking about how much they care for and love their little strawberry
But debugs literally don't do this in her channel currently and nothing is stopping them from doing so, if they wanted to. Not sure how being in a VC would change that. I just don't think you understand their dynamic with Navi very well.

>> No.70850030
File: 135 KB, 1150x776, GIGdk8hXAAArxJ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70850129

I thought the chain would make her look like a granny (ugly) but it actually makes her look like a granny (sexo)

>> No.70850172

if Amora is a granny what does that make Skye?

>> No.70850226

A time traveler

>> No.70850331

I bet R*z sent that fucking maro that Mirri just answered.

>> No.70850339

bending the laws of time and space to commit mother-daughter incest

>> No.70850401

wouldn't be the first time he's tried to purposefully upset her

>> No.70850485

nah he fucking pays for maros, he'd be logged in

>> No.70850636

Unfathomably based with oyakodon included

>> No.70850883
File: 44 KB, 479x680, GIGXxKWXwAAlqhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70851930

mid mid mid

>> No.70852016

Finally. Tits I can look at care free

>> No.70852294

finally some mirri art with her models actual proportions

>> No.70852577

maybe if you put a bag over her head

>> No.70852898

it is crazy that somehow Zumi ends up with better lewds

>> No.70853062

>Navi delay after therapy
>Zumi cancellation after therapy
These women...

>> No.70853457

No way Zumi cancelled again

>> No.70854052

I don't know why she even bothered promising to do one during the space yesterday, including taking a poll on it

>> No.70854140

but hey at least she added more stuff on throne

>> No.70855351

If I ever needed living proof of that therapy was ineffective, vtubers are it

>> No.70855734

>Does streaming stress you out?
>Are there any negative repercussions for not streaming?
>Then don't stream
Therapy might be working. It just doesn't necessarily mean that we are getting more streams

>> No.70856527

Next week we'll be back for sure

>> No.70856929

I feel like we've been saying that since december...

>> No.70857966

>Does streaming stress you out?
>Are there any negative repercussions for not streaming?
>I only get paid when I stream
>Well you should probably keep streaming then, therapy ain't free.

>> No.70858145

She got a whole new pc while not streaming

>> No.70858289

>I only get paid when I stream
If only

>> No.70860003
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>> No.70862131
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>> No.70862375

Tomorrow will be better

>> No.70862520


>> No.70863130

Placing my bet in now that tomorrows reason is gonna be an emergency.

>> No.70863439
File: 474 KB, 720x874, 0777247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70863833

This image is too powerful

>> No.70864470

What a weird change

>> No.70864729

Early bake because I have stuff to do

>> No.70865189

Zumi wouldn't keep canceling streams if you let her be in the OP for once. All that art down the drain...
