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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70615101 No.70615101 [Reply] [Original]

Fellow spics.
What do you expect from IdolEs?

>> No.70615159

Uh, mexican jews

>> No.70615211

Marranos, Sephardi Jews and Mizrahi jews. Also Idol LD as in Idol Ladino, the spanish version of yiddish.

>> No.70615276

Nonstop drama and general awfulness

>> No.70615381

Assuming IdolES gets lucky and gets actual functional chuubas that won't self-destruct and take everyone else with them, probably a new audience.
I do wonder how much of Idol EN's influence will mesh with IdolES thought. Pretty sure some level of playful racist jokes between members of different countries will not be allowed, given how Idol will most likely attempt to play it safe after their last drama.
I expected them to be more cursed than any talents that Idol has so far.

>> No.70615475

Nothing. I will keep watching Hololive.

>> No.70615521

xey prefer latinx

>> No.70615582

What's the point? They will mostly speak english anyway

>> No.70615589

a chuuba unironically named Lolita

>> No.70615699

Doxeos en hispachan

>> No.70615704

>debut stream
>"hola mis queridos Latinx"
It would be pretty funny to see

>> No.70615841

I expect Spanish speaking chuubas
What I'd like to see - full telenovela style bitchiness

>> No.70615898
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Nothing but trash, you have to understand that in latam there's a deep hatred to the jews, you can see in international geopolitics everyday, when you see countries defending in the ONU or doing rallies pro Palestine, it's always some latam country.

The fact that IdolES is an Israelite company, mean this project was dead before it even started.

They will get canceled on their first stream, and they will get raided, by Twitter users.

Like Chavez once said, and every latino know...

>> No.70616095


>> No.70616108

with a bit of luck it could be a group like yumegirls.
Hispanic girls are really crafty thanks to the material limitations, so maybe they could be more efficient with money than usual branches.


>> No.70616190


>> No.70616225

Shouldn't you be starving? If you're not I urge you to self-immolate.

>> No.70616297

Sorry golem, no one is gonna watch those jews.

>> No.70616382

fat single mothers as vtubers.
would simp again.

>> No.70616449

Hopefully one of them saves Aviel from eternal damnation by accepting Christ as his Lord and Savior.

>> No.70616630

Chavez was based, too bad he left Maduro in charge.

>> No.70616663

>in latam there's a deep hatred to the jews
No, there isn't. The only thing the average person knows about jews is that they got holocausted and that's it. No one really gives a shit about them.

>> No.70616721

I'm hoping one of them does some Hana Macchia PL stuff for members.

>> No.70616783

Nah, her name will be Dolores, that way her viewers and clippers can look for her without getting bonked by the search engines, while still maintaining the literary reference.
Plot twist: either she'll have the lewdest outfit and character lore of any of the Idol girls but will be unironically seiso or she'll have a fairly modest outfit but will be hornier than Riro and Melody put together

>> No.70616848

Anon latinos do not care about jews one way or another, this is a lie. Growing up in South America, jews were not even a topic of conversation. This is pure bullshit.

>> No.70616861

I’m dropping the first one that says latinx

>> No.70616926

Drama & cringe. La esfera de creadores de contenido hispanohablantes está enfocada en atrapar la atención de escuincles retrasados y otakus calientes. No se puede esperar nada bueno de esto.
Chubas who speak just a little bit of spanish every once in a while are absolute God tier tho.

>> No.70617046

Grabbing all of Owosu's survivors.

>> No.70617082

Oh no. Is the latam scene the same as the EN scene? Pure drama and coomers?
>Chubas who speak just a little bit of spanish every once in a while are absolute God tier tho.
I only follow one Latina chuuba and it’s Seina because she’s cute and sings well

>> No.70617111
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I don't qualify as a spic, but if they debut cute lolis I'll watch them.

>> No.70617168

>company ruining gossips on the second month after debut
>manager fucking talents again

>> No.70617193


>> No.70617216

I don't get it. If they wanted to be gender neutral then just say Latin instead of making up a word.

>> No.70617228

I'm thinking early 2000s "frikis" in both ironic and unironic ways. I'm ES, but all the people that get airtime are either clowns or dramamongers. The rest only know social media extremism.

>> No.70617239

>manager fucking talents again
Come on, how often does that happen in spic corpos? IdolEN's case was a super rare exception in the EN sphere.

>> No.70617268

there already are indie spic loli chuuba

>> No.70617272

I'm a spic and I don't watch Hispanic chuubas. Even if Hololive debuted an Spanish branch I wouldn't watch it.

>> No.70617284

ARS copypasta seems relevant.

>> No.70617314

It's worse, there's very little creativity involved. In EN at least you get some interesting characters with some new ideas. In LATAM everything is too samey and boring.
>Pure drama and coomers
At the end of the day, that's where the money is.

>> No.70617354

the accents will be absolute sex

>> No.70617396

Dolores la súcubo would be absolutely KINO with either of those concepts

>> No.70617480

I hope they have a decent singer
I love music en espanol

>> No.70617496
File: 64 KB, 500x500, 2873587235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Rin Penrose of IdolES. ¡Cojonudo!

>> No.70617522

The absolute state of late millennial cooking streams from people who have an abuela that cooks like the gods themselves in a 50yo pot.

>> No.70617567

Corpos are curators of talent.

>> No.70617626

I was excited for hakka but I cringed everytime he spoke Spanish. I don’t watch Ironmouse but hers doesn’t make me cringe. Maybe it’s cause Puerto Ricans sound funny asf to me

>> No.70617703

meant for >>70617272

>> No.70617710

I only know of her because she defended MT. I find her content a little boring, it's mostly react shit from what I remember.

>> No.70617814

5 Nimus. If IdolEN has a lot of menheras already, I can only imagine that mixed with your average latina twitch dramawhore shit.

>> No.70617896

I know USA likes extreme kayfabe, just being the fakest, most deranged shitsona in an "ironic" manner to preemptively deny the haters. What's something equivalent in the ESphere?

>> No.70617995

If Pippa can carry a whole corpo with react content then this seems like a worthy investment.

>> No.70618018

Oh my god
>model artist: Akira Toryiyama

>> No.70618407

It's a tankie larper.

>> No.70619004

Fuck, I'd have to actually learn spanish if they did something that kino

>> No.70619053
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Check them if you have the time, they would appreciate it.



>> No.70619663

Bolivian Mermaid
Argentine Toucangirl
Mexican Monkeygirl
Hispachan esta muerta anon
There's literally only two countries in the entirety of LatAm that don't recognize Israel as a country and they're fucking Venezuela and Cuba

>> No.70619688


>> No.70620493

Got any coomers?

>> No.70621780

I don't actually know any. Some anons were spamming that the hispanic chuuba sphere is filled with them but I unironically haven't seen any, but to be honest I only know the Yumegirls, the girls I posted before.

>> No.70623744

Nothing. There are many reasons why they shouldn't expand:
The ES market is extremely dramatic and heavy handed.
Idol has no money to squander on "maybe" projects.
Management is in shambles.
The current branches aren't doing well enough to support the early stages of a new one.
Most ES people already watch EN chuubas.
And above all: idol squandered whatever good will they had in the past few months. I'd only give ES chuubas from Hololive and maybe Phase Connect a try. Every other corpo has proven to be garbage at managing their talents.
Fix your EN branch before even considering expanding overseas.

>> No.70623937

loli gfe

>> No.70624632

Me siento viejo

>> No.70625218


>> No.70625234

idolES can succeed, but only in a way that mostly defeats the purpose of opening an ES branch in the first place: by doing what HoloID does and appealing to EN viewers as much as possible
still, exchange rates might make that more profitable than just another EN branch full of burgers and euros

>> No.70625252

Jewish men and latin women teaming up to steal money from lonely white men

I hope Palestine has a vtuber agency soon for me to support

I want a Hamas chuuba that is forced to do GFE at gunpoint

>> No.70626565

where are you from because jews aren't a topic here, like even many of them came here as refugees and there is no problems

>> No.70626897

They're cute!

>> No.70627164

can I get a spanish speaking Coni or something idk I expect nothing and probably will get nothing
>inb4 they are all americans that speak spanish

>> No.70627267

Akami cute

>> No.70627379

into the trash they go

>> No.70627460


>> No.70629316

i expect aviel to realize the massive mistake that an spanish branch means
if he is smart, he will not make any mentions of idolES and slowly remove any reference of it
if not, i imagine they will invest the bare minimum on the branch and demand solvency asap to whoever is put in charge of it

>> No.70629660

sex-scandal during first month

>> No.70629780

Va a ser un fracaso LATAM no tiene dinero

>> No.70630866

if you promise any of them a green card, they will drop their panties, and they contact you in discord

>> No.70631728

Fun ride for a year then commit sudoku due to lack of proper management. Just like every ES corpo.

>> No.70632601

Ningún negro de por acá les va a donar dinero, desafortunadamente van a fracasar

>> No.70632610

>Spanish speaking chuubas
>Mentally functional

>> No.70632864

Desde lo de Yuko se pueden ir a la mierda

>> No.70632928

Pandering to the third world is a bold move. They will get unironic ARS akasupas, and even in a relatively "strong" currency like MXN subs/memberships are worth like a dollar. I pay 50 pesos for tier 1 twitch subs, which after taxes and twitch cut leaves like 1 buck for the chuuba.
Trying to go after a small market full of poor people is a bold move to say the least.

>> No.70633168


>> No.70633245

you don't sound like someone from my country, this weird petty cultural fixation can only come from some mutt larpie that uses twitter.

>> No.70633262

boring clique

>> No.70633643

5 lolitas

>> No.70633831

idk the latinx I know online are pretty severe /pol/tards like that

>> No.70634134

Antes me pego un tiro que apoyar a una mierda de empresa judía, aún peor, una empresa judía con sede en Israel, arderéis en el infierno sodomizados por Satanás, sionistas subhumanos de mierda

>> No.70634166
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>> No.70634490

I wouldn't know, I'm not watching them ese

>> No.70634516

Nobody gives a shut about Jews here. Wtf do you live?

>> No.70634656
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>> No.70636359

big numbers
zero profits
Its not gonna be sustainable in the long run because idol is a profit-driven company. Hispanics show they can be there for their oshi (as it happened with WACTOR) but they cannot financially support them. You can argue that even numbers matter because they can spread the word and bring others that might end up paying, and while in theory that is true, in practice it doesnt happen as often as one'd think.
So, basing all of this, my conclusion is that idolES might have plenty fans and stream to 200-500 people at a time, but the branch will struggle to remain above the red in the long run and it will be eventualy disbanded or they gonna reduce costs as much as possible and the branch will slowly deteriorate.

>> No.70636372

Good luck finding latinos that do not hate Israel
I bet you one mfer is gonna pull out the "Maldito seas estado de Israel"
Also even as a latino I'm certain they will be trash but considering the entire latinamerican vtuber field is on fire constantly, it will be a nice change of pace.

>> No.70636751

>as a latino I'm certain they will be trash but considering the entire latinamerican vtuber field is on fire constantly, it will be a nice change of pace.
This. The spanish side of vtubing is in a permanent telenovela state, i am curious in a sadistic way to see how hard manager(s) are gonna tardwrangle them and to which degree until they eventually give up and the talents return to their natural shitflinging dumsptersfiring natural habitat.

>> No.70637130

>chuuba enter on idol
>chuuba farm fanbase
>chuuba start streaming on her past pl or make a alternative pl
>chuuba fuck off with the fans

vtuber agencies are cancer.

>> No.70637530

that's the goal of every talent that joins a corpo. Unless the corpo has way too many benefits that makes you think that ditching them and running away with the fans is not worth giving up those benefits.

>> No.70637582

You for the part where she drinks her own pee and does drugs on stream

>> No.70640013

>that's the goal of every talent that joins a corpo.
Wrong. Whoever is serious about vtubing is trying to make a name for themselves so they can get a shot at auditioning for Hololive. That's the only way to win in vtubing.

>> No.70642156

>having to provide a service that makes staying worth it to your talents is somehow bad
Imagine being as stupid as the average small corpo CEO.

>> No.70642251

>What do you expect from IdolEs?
A lack of creativity

>> No.70643503

Poor management and drama. Like everything else we're involved in.

>> No.70643652

If any of em use Latinx on debut, the entire gen might end up DOA.

>> No.70643739

