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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70587927 No.70587927[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Makes the Irysfags from /Hirys/ seethe soo hard that want to kill themselves.
How is Hakos Baelz from Hololive English so fucking based bros!!!!!!!

In before the cucks from /Hirys/ start talking about cocks and how she is a whore and blah blah blah.
No bitch, we aren't just afraid of a fucking PNG on screen like you insecure cucks. We all know who loves her audience more out of the two and who streams more.
She is the star performer of Hololive En for a reason.

>> No.70587948

honorary nijien

>> No.70588111

Look man. I know my oshi is trying to find a house and is on break but you don't need to larp as /us/ in order to cause some kind of artificial Holo vs Holo divide.
Nobody gives a fuck about /HiRyS/fags or their seethe or whatever, this larp of yours is extremely cringe.

>> No.70588128

Bae good, but could you post your thread drama somewhere else? It’s kinda gay

>> No.70588169

Enna, your singing isn't that good. And do you really think that, even if it was, that would ever make you a better entertainer than IRyS? You projecting your insecurity here every fucking day.
And everyone sees it, don't you understand? Everyone here sees you seething everyday. You're miserable and everyone sees it because you keep showing us. Are you aware?

>> No.70588184

>Nobody gives a fuck about /HiRyS/fags or their seethe or whatever, this larp of yours is extremely cringe.
They raid HLGG for no reason to shit on Bae

>> No.70588233

and I shit on them whenever they do it. Why are you seething at the squeelings of impotent men? Be better.

>> No.70588275

why would hirys raid hlgg when they are busy fighting each other?

>> No.70588290

bae good. don't believe a word coming from the mouths of pajeetokeks.

>> No.70588295

They need to be bullied and gatekept
Thats why.
Bae literally was under a lot of stress as IRyS listened to those niggers at /HIRyS/ and cancelled her streams with Bae during last year's Valentine's.
She even gave up on the ChadCast 3D Live this year because of those fags
I hope their oshi gets raped by camels.

>> No.70588347

and of course everything was made up by the terrorist

>> No.70588368

NTA, but they literally forced IRyS to change her streams schedule and not interact with Bae and Mori and convinced her to numberfag like a Nijinigger in her streams

>> No.70588378

>star pole dancer/e-stripper

>> No.70588404

You are confusing /hlgg/ with /#/
The crats in /hlgg/ are good people but /#/ and /HiRyS/ raid each other constantly and vice versa.
t. BratRyStocrat

>> No.70588466

No you nigger, thr IRyStocrats from /HIRyS/ raid every thread you fucking nigger.
And you are not Brat Iryscuxk

>> No.70588484

Sorry but not even /rrat/ believes this. This RRAT was started by raiders in /HiRyS/ and even if it's true, they are good friends now. Stop putting so much weight on the opinions of antis you fucking tard.

>> No.70588531

Yeah sure Iryscuck. Stop falseflagging at as a Bart

>> No.70588575

I'm more of a brat than you will ever be ennakek. Please use someone else besides my oshi in your crusade.

>> No.70588627

Post your membership "Brat".
I hope IRyS gets fucked by blackmen and gives birth to black babies btw.
If you are not a Crat, this shouldn't bother you

>> No.70588734

>Ennacuck is now Brat
fucking KEK

>> No.70588910
File: 4 KB, 416x57, Membership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, now fuck off
I don't care about your crusade about /HiRyS/ since I don't care about lowlife dipshits but if you are anti-ing IRyS and wishing harm upon her because of the actions of the mentally ill, you can fuck off ennakek

>> No.70588960

Ennacuck go back to larping as an IMfag lol you don't know anything about these two

>> No.70589019

>holo vs holo falseflag
sorry your company doesn't even qualify to be compared to holo kek

>> No.70589078

Show your currency pajeet kek. You yourself are one of those /HIRyS/ niggers aren't you

>> No.70589111

yep, its Ennacuck larping again

>> No.70589144 [DELETED] 

No, I don't care about Enna and her bbc obsessed fans Iryscuck. I hope IRyS gets raped by subhumans to death

>> No.70589273

I don't care about Enna IRyS cuck. Back to your containment thread where you seethe about Bae

>> No.70589897
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Ffs, Irys cute, my rrat wife cute, end of discussion.
Now post sex of both of them, with eachother, with other members, alone, cheebs, whatever as long as it's sex.
