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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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7057742 No.7057742 [Reply] [Original]

No, I'm not going to watch it myself.

>> No.7057770

Watch it yourself

>> No.7057780

It was good

>> No.7057843

Not bad

>> No.7057942

Better than Coco's

>> No.7057949

It was a real shitshow, but in a fun way.

>> No.7057966

Why is it so hard for redditors to come up with new meme formats?

>> No.7057967

It was pretty good

>> No.7058005

>Why is it so hard for redditors to come up with new meme formats?
He says, on the website that's been interacting almost exclusively using variations of the same rageface and sad frog for over a decade.

>> No.7058040

It was funny because her English is so bad she struggles to read and understand what any of them mean. That was the real charm of it.

>> No.7058101

You didn’t watch the stream

>> No.7058127

Wrong. I watched all of it, Anon.

>> No.7058134

Post the freshest new /vt/ memes /vt/ro, the dankest most epic ones only.

>> No.7058140

Bad numbers. Big disappointment. She'll probably only do 1 or 2 more and not with guests, or at least not any notable guests. Maybe Anya can come on or something .

>> No.7059199

It was actually good because it was a shitshow. Better than Coco's in my opinion just because most of the memes are trash anyways so watching her not understand them and skipping through shittier lists was funny as hell.

>> No.7059412

She tried. Thats all I can say

Reddit whore

>> No.7059442

Jesus... haatons on damage control hardcore today

>> No.7059458

It was good, I could barely understand haachama's English

>> No.7059498

Sometimes she didn't explain shit to the JP audience lol.

>> No.7059511

It was oggey. I hope she'll have a guest for the next episode.

>> No.7059583

This is why Coco didn’t want anyone to continue it, because you faggots just compare the two.
I don't get it why she let her do it.

>> No.7059669


i dont know anon, you tell me

>> No.7059707

Who knows, I doubt Haachama will make it regularly occurring anyways.

>> No.7059762

Everything copyrighted is banned so there is no much left.

>> No.7059837

It was fine
Reddit memes are still shit, and the presentation's a bit stiff without a guest to bounce off of but Chammers certainly sounded like she was having fun

>> No.7060527

It was chama chama

>> No.7060572

>Coco didn’t want anyone to continue it
lol, when Kanata said she was thinking of doing it Coco instantly replied "do it, I'll help"

>> No.7060596

the memes were shit but chammers was hilarious and cute.
watching chat help her understand what she was reading was extremely endearing.

>> No.7060740

yea about that

>> No.7060855

And? She's just saying she wanted whoever did it to do it their own way, which Haato is.

>> No.7060899

>No, I'm not going to watch it myself.

>> No.7060999

C'mon, she literally tried to do it like Coco, she didn't even bother to change the title or the time.

>> No.7061017

Awful. Chama spoke mostly in Japanese but not in a comedic way like Korone or Suisei. This hard filtered the EOP audience and made the stream mostly for nips. Nip pandering is fine and all, but it's the status quo. No other holos were there so there wasn't any collab novelty. And she hasn't been doing her eigo reps, so she's not even able to project her personality let alone be funny in English.

tldr It was a huge failure because she didn't do anything that made Coco's meme review fun. She doesn't have the irreverent attitude or sense of humor for it either. Nothing about it was acceptable.

>> No.7061074


Haatons are always on damage control. Their oshi has conditioned them to it.

>> No.7061315

Memes were fucking shit as usual
Chammers was a loveable cute retard as usual.
Whether that means you can enjoy it or not it up to you

>> No.7061588

It was fun. Outside of the first tierlist, she actually sped through the memes compared to Coco. It was kinda funny seeing her try to get some of them for a few seconds too.

She didn't get some of the slang but getting her to understand them was kinda the best part

>> No.7062265
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you dont waana watch it but you wanna know how was it, tsundere?

>> No.7062272


>> No.7062426

Don't act like 4chan comes up with anything good either. Meme formats are almost always made by once in blue moon autists completely unironically. The other 99.99% of anons can be witty at best but don't make anything new

>> No.7062465

>4chan retards whining
just as powerful as reddit

>> No.7062493

I'm a Redditor so seeing Haachama fill my front page with trash is a pain in the ass

>> No.7062552

memes have been on a steep decline since late 2007, predating reddit. you people can only blame yourselves for ruining what WE had here

>> No.7063058

I'm not wasting 2 hours of my life on a meme review, no.

>> No.7063075

You're right we need to return to rage comics

>> No.7063110
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memes should be illegal

>> No.7063167

yeah it's wild to me that people on 4chan think they're any better when everything here is recycled garbage as well. it just proves that most people here don't believe what they're saying, they just know the socially correct things to seethe at

>> No.7063211

Haachama relaxed with her bare legs on a haaton the whole time, a nice contrast with her outfit.
Haachama spotted herself listed as a bad mother and excused it: oh, it must Akai Haato who's bad, not me.
Haachama acknowledged that Matsuri would be a uniquely bad child-carer as she would brainwish children into thinking she's seiso.
The memes were reddit-tier as usual but she did an OK job translating them to a Japanese audience, and she had her legs out the entire time, and it was Haachama and she's streaming again. And you're not going to watch it? What are you too busy watching filth on Netflix? Listening to NPR? Reading the newspaper?

>> No.7063217

Then why do you care

>> No.7063270

Lol, Coco offered it to everyone who asked.
By all accounts she and Kanata talked to Haachama about it too.

>> No.7063286

Watching NijiEN

>> No.7063334

>This is why Coco didn’t want anyone to continue it
In between bouts of making shit up in your head you should probably try actually watching the content, retardchama

>> No.7063452

Don't forget to do your reps first, retardchama. >>7060740

>> No.7063504

haatards are the most insecure fanbase and it isn't even close

>> No.7063688


>> No.7063724

Yeah, minus the “ha”

>> No.7063749

>Haato didnt handpick memes before hand like Coco did
>She was just browsing Reddit live
>Risked potential DMCA yabs by playing videos with the audio unmuted

>> No.7064200

rage comics were a part of that decline and its not about the specific meme, but the general culture was more creative rather than doing the easiest thing possible for likes, upvotes, (you)s

>> No.7064428

She literally brought this up in the first few seconds, she doesn't want Kanata or anyone to continue meme review, not the way she did.

>> No.7064441

And what you had before?
"Ultra mega giga nigga" tier "memes"

>> No.7064818

>not the way she did
Important part

>> No.7065319

She just doesn't give a fuck.
I still remember when Coco had to pay hundreds of dollars for fucking stock photos just to be able to show a single meme.

>> No.7065398

absolutely more creative and funny than "haha schizo touch grass and medicate" from the actually mentally ill

Let alone the glory of DESUposting

>> No.7065414


>> No.7065457 [DELETED] 

That's the way it should be. DMCA fear needs to die.

>> No.7065711

That shit subreddit is going to be filled with even more unfunny shit

>> No.7065734

So much better than this shit board's unfunny shit, right?

>> No.7065760

Never claimed that

>> No.7065823

But it's still funnier than that place

>> No.7065999

Coco's "handpicked" memes weren't exactly much better, since she just grabbed the stuff off of the front page of the subreddit, same as Haachama. DMCA can fuck itself.

>> No.7066022

you will never be a woman

>> No.7066274 [DELETED] 

you will never be japanese

>> No.7066395

you will never stop repeating the same unfunny phrases

>> No.7066430


>> No.7067150
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>> No.7067217
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>> No.7067452

Idk man I remember mudkips and party van spam being pretty repetitive. I agree that it was more joyous because we were idiot children rather than jaded adults, but it wasn't more creative. That culture directly spawned advice animals which were mega popular and fucking cancer.

>> No.7067773
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>> No.7067828

"mudkipz" was a callback to a well-known, humorous greentext, party van was a light-hearted euphemism for something particularly dark, thus generating humor from the juxtaposition, and the advice animals were all about taking a relatable concept and putting it into words, and sharing those relatable experiences. "Touch grass" and "take your meds" are just people stroking themselves off at how great they are for not being mentally unwell. The fact that you don't notice this casts serious doubt on your implied claim at being an oldfag.

>> No.7068578

Hi Ayamefriend

>> No.7068729

I honestly find it weird that people are looking back on 2011 as being the halcyon days when the prevailing attitude back then was that 4chan had already gone to fucking shit. All the brainless repetition has been here forever. You're praising advice dog of all things. By the time I started posting /b/ was stereotyped as the place existing memes were beaten to death. Certainly not as a font of creativity.

I do find the parroted catch phrases annoying but people really weren't more creative with their insults back in the day. They would just call you a nigger or a retard. This was not an exclusive period of history and I'm not claiming to be a seasoned oldfag. 2010 was when the site got popular.

>> No.7071019

hes not praising advice animals, hes saying the worst of 2006 was better than the best of 2012+ 2011 may not have been great, but it was certainly better than what we have now by a substantial amount. /sp/ was carrying the website, tho to be fair.

>> No.7071203

chammers carried with her 'unique' thought process

>> No.7071235

Because they were never creative

>> No.7073180

If you think anyone who says these phrases are mental then you just lost your shot. "u mad" "virgin" "have sex" "touch grass" it's just the newest phrase that they repeat again and again to annoy someone in the dark. Anyone who is mental wouldn't even know the phrase "touch grass" or 4ch.

>> No.7073218

He takes you to McDonald's after you go through a rough breakup to cheer you up and while ordering he says "...and a happy meal for my kid here." You're simultaneously a little insulted as he's literally only 1 year older than you, embarrassed because he's not wrong but you're an adult, and grateful because you appreciate your roommate dad taking care of you. He thinks he's hilarious for ordering you a happy meal but secretly he's a little jealous that his meal doesn't come with a toy, despite you both being grown adults and the toy being a cheap piece of plastic.

>> No.7073318

here have your upvote

>> No.7073368

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn’t he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God. I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little Gender assumption meme up and press post. Oh, and we all know the meme. The “epic” Assume my gendur?! isn’t it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you type it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it’s ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that’s right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on reddit recommenting an overused joke. imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic redditfag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even try to talk with you because all you say is “DID U JUST ASSUME MI GENDUR?!.” You’ve become a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now. And that’s all you’ll ever be.

>> No.7073398

Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it, kiddo? Let's take a look at what I said again
>"Touch grass" and "take your meds" are just people stroking themselves off at how great they are for not being mentally unwell.
They (the people saying these things) are insinuating that the people they are saying "take meds" or "touch grass" to are not mentally well, and that they themselves are. Please try harder next time.

>> No.7073430

>She literally did everything like Coco because these two small details are the same!
Touch your medicinal grass, autismo supreme.

>> No.7074428

And i am saying you don't need to feel insulted by someone saying touch grass. "Take your meds" would imply that you need help but i haven't seen it that much lately. It got replaced with "touch grass". My parents where telling me that when i was 5 how is this an insult? "Get some fresh air" "touch grass" "get some sunlight"

>> No.7074754

That's precisely my point, they are basic, empty, and meaningless, and in no way comparable to even the most repetitive memes from the 2012 era. You really need to go back and read my post and the conversation that led up to it, because you appear to be tilting at windmills.

>> No.7075435

And now we're some mix of /pol/ and Twitter lingo. End the site hiro.

>> No.7076091

>Well, how bad was it?
after the the two tier lists it was pretty good, actually

>> No.7076534

Had an awful start thanks to a shitty long meme in a tier list format that took almost half an hour for Haachama to go thru (after 25 minutes she realized she wasted a lot of time and just abandoned it with a few tiers to go) but then it was an enjoyable experience to see Haachama struggling while trying to understand every meme to come.
