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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 11 KB, 274x217, animesoccerwife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70565871 No.70565871 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous thread: >>70545157

>> No.70566004

Reminder there are no Keitaro fans. He streamed to 2 people all day today. Sin, Gscha, please stop collabing with this dude.

>> No.70566033

I've had enough of you momomo, I'm going to lock you up in Berlin forever

>> No.70566053

Since when the number of viewers is the most important factor when it comes to collabs?

>> No.70566082

Friends are friends

>> No.70566105

When you're a leeching cunt who pretends you have fans in /asp/. And he doesn't even interact with them, he sexpests Arisu the entire fucking time.

>> No.70566196

Sorry you don't understand the concept of friendship.

>> No.70566217

Please don't collaborate with me

>> No.70566332

please tell me who you are and reasons as to why i shouldn't do it.

>> No.70566339

Vagueposters get the rope.

>> No.70566362

What's a fan? I'm friends with all my viewers.

>> No.70566378

none of the menhera boys are gay/bi, the world is so unfair :(

>> No.70566390

Kill yourself numberfag

>> No.70566398
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VAllure. Avtuber corpo. Focusing on audio, Female only.

>> No.70566424

Albert is very Bi.

>> No.70566488

You're right, let's keep having a bunch of posts about Keitaro despite literally no one watching him.

>> No.70566489

>his mostly female chat scare me so I stay quiet.
So you are afraid of girls?

>> No.70566523

He's not going to fuck you.

>> No.70566530

yes, anon, he is afraid of females, why would you force him to say it?

>> No.70566547

are you blind?

>> No.70566636

all the /asp/ies are prison gay.
There's no legitimate gay/bi males here.

>> No.70566692

I am not gay, not prison gay, not fujobait. I am straight, bro. go acusse your mother of being a whone in front of her face next time.

>> No.70566799

Stop talking in the third person and just quit man. Other males that started AFTER you do better.

>> No.70566856

Brother in chirst, only prison gays feel the need to confirm they're straight.
No straight man will try to correct someone in a passive aggressive tone.

>> No.70566926

you are so right daddy, please correct me with your meat stick!!!
happy now? whatever you say bro

>> No.70566935

The sooner he admits it the sooner he will accept his identity

>> No.70566963

I'm gay and people think I'm straight because I have fangirls...

>> No.70567030

Don't forget to say no homo, fucking fag.

>> No.70567038

Why the fuck do you want a menhera

>> No.70567073

He seems relatively normal, or at least his menhera levels are low
The universe is blind to my pain
It's so over

>> No.70567110

You're the only person bringing him up.

>> No.70567121

>his menhera levels are low
Hi, welcome to /asp/, hope you're enjoying your first day

>> No.70567144
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>his menhera levels are low

>> No.70567200
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>He seems relatively normal

>> No.70567231

>his menhera levels are low
Only lately

>> No.70567243

Can you grow without networking?

>> No.70567242

Crazy men and women are so interesting

>> No.70567247

Actually, I am only doing so because these posts mysteriously appeared before his stream
But you're right! Typically, no one else does! And honestly, that's even more of a reason for him to quit and stop forcing himself around /asp/ies. Thank you for agreeing with me.

>> No.70567329

Can you? Yeah definitely, but is it plausible? Not really.

>> No.70567368


>> No.70567398

Sometimes people even flop with networking. I know one in particular is.

>> No.70567477

Someone drop the menhera tierlist

>> No.70567483

My oshi confessed to me. I have truly made it chat

>> No.70567509

this is fake just because you called me fucking chat

>> No.70567576

normal: me
menhera:everyone else

>> No.70567586

My oshi hates to me. I have truly made it

>> No.70567601

So you want him to stop self-posting in the self-posting thread?

>> No.70567682

I'm not afraid of girls, I like girls, I'm straight.

>> No.70567729

Selfposting is posting your link and asking for advice. This is the embarrassing Kliffoth shit where you pretend to act as other people who like you but it's not even working for him. I'm saving him from further embarrassment.

>> No.70567761
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>> No.70567845

Yes but its easier after networking

>> No.70567846

If I were you I'd be embarrassed writing like this.

>> No.70567853

You aren't the arbiter of self-posting. Fuck off, you are actively ruining the threads by vendettta posting.

>> No.70567862

that's a big ass mouth wtf

>> No.70567879

I do watch you, I'm just shy

>> No.70567906

I dunno anon can you grow without eating food?

>> No.70567912

for big ass dicks
that were in his ass

>> No.70567922

Custom engineered for sück

>> No.70568031
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I miss Vita.

>> No.70568070

When are you all going to learn that you CANNOT reason with somebody who doesn't want to be reasoned with.
You CANNOT convince somebody who has no intention of being convinced.
You're not going to debate a schizo to death with your sick questions and dunks. You're just contributing to giving them attention and shitting up the thread. You are a bigger problem than the faggots starting shit in the first place and you cannot seem to fathom why.

>> No.70568077
File: 151 KB, 474x605, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear vita: I watch my viewerlist all the time, and you are not there.
P.S - Number 1 fan

>> No.70568163

>wow anon you really believe [obviously bait opinion shitting on [name]]???
>Nuh uh I really like them and you don't even watch streams!

>> No.70568173

Remember to run advertising breaks regularly if you have the option. If you don't like Twitch sponsored advertising try cooking up your own homebrewed advertising.

>> No.70568218

you don't stream, that's why you don't know that there is no way to avoid ads.

>> No.70568217

Watch streams and youll find them in chat, right now in fact.

>> No.70568247

Thanks for using a name so I can filter your posts more easily.

>> No.70568324

>one dude: tries to give some advice
>asp anons, in the advice thread, losing their fucking minds that he dared speak up
Go fuck yourselves

>> No.70568378

I'm sorry, I'm a fake fan and a fraud

>> No.70568382

>say that x isn't true
>THEY ARE: losing their mind
rebel, i thought you were better than this

>> No.70568498
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>> No.70568563

Why don't you give him a view if you care so much?

>> No.70568659

Your first mistake is thinking rebel, a fucking schizo who used to call himself an analog vtuber, is someone worth listening to.

>> No.70568794

I like girls. They make me not want to die. Their voices are so sweet

>> No.70568823

I didn't realize it was him.
The guy is obviously severely autistic, so you shouldn't bully him too hard anyhow. Just ignore it imo

>> No.70568831
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>> No.70568871

The Kliffoth thing was an embarrassment but also got aspies and indies almost permanently blacklisted from a thread

>> No.70568995

I've been feeling really alone lately and I'm torn about whether or not I should mention this on stream, I think it's probably a negative for a male to bring up.

>> No.70569057

If nobody's watching you, just vent about it

>> No.70569070

I like Keitaro.

>> No.70569111

I get a reasonable amount of viewers.

>> No.70569143

I'm so helplessly in love with her

>> No.70569175


>> No.70569177

I was happy to see Vita in my stream yesterday. Really happy. I hadn't seen him in months but then when he showed up a big smile came on my face and I got so giddy over it. I felt dumb, but never underestimate what just saying hi to someone once in a while can do.

>> No.70569218

Very cute

>> No.70569252

Sorry anon, she's already my gf.

>> No.70569251

who. makes. these?

>> No.70569283

this thread has improved a lot lately
maybe splits are a good thing

>> No.70569291

If you have a discord, mention it there or ask advice from trusted allies.

You can also mention it on stream, but don't dwell on it. Mentioning it is fine, but if you dwell it will bring down the mood for your audience. Get it off your chest and move on is my advice.

Do not tweet about it. Never tweet about it. Big mistake that many people fall for. Reach out to friends, but dont broadcast it on twitter.

I hope you feel better anon. I like to think that we'd be friends, if it's any consolation.

>> No.70569339

... who are you?
I am not vita btw.

>> No.70569401

Not important...but if you haven't watched someone you used to for a while, drop in and say hi to them. It could make their day. :)

>> No.70569551
File: 389 KB, 663x328, DialTown Promo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be dating some phones tonight! Come help me flirt!

>> No.70569604

I'll try to keep it brief if I bring it up, thank you.

>> No.70569640

so many people streaming tonight

>> No.70569640,1 [INTERNAL] 

notriifu i already applied and you haven’t looked at my video

>> No.70569707


>> No.70569739


>> No.70570141

Which of the 2 viewers were you?

>> No.70570255

Didn't watch him tonight, but I have a generally positive disposition of him. He seems like a nice dude.

>> No.70570350

remember: blocktwitchads.com

>> No.70570592

Who is vita? I tried googling them and came up with like 5 similarly named vtubers.

>> No.70570636

he's a viewer darling

>> No.70570712
File: 2.12 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20240304_012859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come with a cursed sketch, also with cursed camera quality....

>> No.70570746

The first result, she lurks here constantly on her viewer alt. Vita_X_3

>> No.70570834

Who are you anon?

>> No.70570842


>> No.70570866 [DELETED] 
File: 2.91 MB, 3120x4160, 1708465251145263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"she" has manly hands

>> No.70570875
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>> No.70570902


>> No.70570908

Sterling G Golem holding a balloon.

>> No.70570977

i need him to shove those fingers up my pussy

>> No.70570982

Please delete.

>> No.70571044

Man, was just curious to see what people meant by mostly female chat, since the bigger vtubers with those end up terrifying, but I could use more guy streamers to watch

>> No.70571066


>> No.70571093

You're mixing up Vita with Keitaro, somehow

>> No.70571263

When Vita gets a new PC he will start streaming.

>> No.70571283

tbqh both have a similar amount of viewers

>> No.70571327

lmfao true, except people actually talk about vita

>> No.70571372

>except people actually talk about vita

as if you crabs don't shut the fuck up about keitaro

>> No.70571384

Check out some of our boys like Haru, Beryl, Keitaro, Nikola, Kankuro, Finbar, Ace, etc.

>> No.70571412

It's fun making fun of flops.

>> No.70571467

big foot spotted in argentina

>> No.70571512
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>> No.70571541

All the "flopping males nobody likes / watches" have at least a 10ccv every stream, but they never crab people with low views like ChaosFoundry, Tupo or Cody
Makes ya think

>> No.70571607


>> No.70571615

>beryl with 68 viewers at prime hours
Holy fuck he's making it

>> No.70571645

I think I found it, but got a ref pic just in case?

>> No.70571666

he was raided

>> No.70571735

please please tell me why mond has viewers? i showed up for a few minutes and i can't understand a thing it's a lot of "ah mah... wahhh ah" is she retarded and can't speak properly?

>> No.70571747

Good for him. Can't wait for his sex model

>> No.70571780

Cunny buff+"she is autistic like me" buff

>> No.70571801

Keep in mind those peaks are with raids.

>> No.70571811

Yes and that is why we love her

Also ESL skill issue, she's easy enough to understand if you pay attention

>> No.70571951

she is cute.
Very cute.
Super cute.

>> No.70572051

This guy gets it.

Mond is also very chill when she wants to be and can hold a conversation without needing to be carried her chat

>> No.70572069


>> No.70572094

She's a woman with a good model. That's all you need. Your stream can be as scuff as you want, you can stream whatever you want, you can be as unintelligible as you want, you can have as low quality equipment as you want. Just be a woman. Just have a vagina. That's all it takes. There are certainly some outliers and streaming in the right time slot will help a lot but this is the one universal key to easy and quick success.

>> No.70572103

Males that can get 2 digit ccv without raids tierlist?

>> No.70572108

Can't most of the girls do that?

>> No.70572128

Balloon requester is back

>> No.70572136

I don't give enough of a shit, just put Keitaro at the bottom.

>> No.70572151
File: 1.10 MB, 956x664, 1707483865301071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

News about this: pako answered right away, with a very nice email. He said he's interested, but simply too swamped with work, and the first chance he'd have to work on my design would probably be next year. Honestly, I'm just happy I got a reply from him, and so swiftly also!
It's probably rude, but I think he left a door open to keep the conversation going, so I'm gonna ask him if he knows an good artists who specializes in designing non-fuccboi male character, to possibly introduce me. There's a chance he might get offended, but I'll ask as humbly as possible, and I have to take the risk. If that does not go well, I have another, unrelated, artist I'd like to ask, although it's sort of complicated to do that because of personal reasons. But I'll try anyway. If he's busy as well, well I'm fucked and I'll have to settle for a so-so company. They are not bad, but also not as experienced.

>> No.70572197

Lots of girls feel conscious if they're not being reassured my their chat and that inhibits their conversation ability. Mond can ramble on forever even if chat disagrees with her.

>> No.70572216

I hate how no matter how much I do to show how much I care about some people, it never feels like enough. and the worst part is I know this is all in my head, and if I told anybody this publicly they'd call me insane because I do too much as it is.

>> No.70572225

So in other words, she's boring?

>> No.70572230
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>> No.70572308

Who is Pako? Glad to hear it worked out well.

>> No.70572322

If you consider watch a cute girl be cute as boring then yes, but you're also incredibly retarded and need to remember what hobby you're in

>> No.70572366
File: 57 KB, 625x378, image_2024-03-03_225936026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I be concerned?

>> No.70572461

Is that why everyone loves rebel

>> No.70572477

No, they're just esoteric. They used to request a lot of different chuubas holding balloons and nobody ever figured out why

>> No.70572544

I do have big feet, check my OnlyFans for that.

>> No.70572551

My side oshi cucked me. I have truly made it

>> No.70572593

Hardly. Mentally ill people are difficult to deal with because they have an elaborate inner life that exists inside their own head. If something bad happens inside that reality, they will act as if it really happened and you will be in the crossfire.

>t. Menhera who avoids social contact so I don't hurt people

>> No.70572595

If I wanted to spend hours staring at a cute thing just because it's cute I'd watch a puppy cam
I watch streams because I want to be entertained

>> No.70572620

Well, it didn't work out well because he can't work on it. But hopefully he can recommend me someone just as good.
Pako designed Sana and Noir Vesper 2.0. He's amazing at designing non-fuccboi male characters, something that I believe is quite rare in the VTubing industry.

>> No.70572651

Anyone else here have a great community but the brainworms get you down and you constantly feel like they're going to leave you or you're not doing enough for them and it's kind of overwhelming and you constantly fight the urge to just quit because you feel like they don't like you enough and you're not doing enough for them aaaaaaaaAAAAA

>> No.70572726

Meeee and also I feel like everyone hates me and I'm terrified to ask about growth advice because once I attach my name I feel I won't get any genuine help lol.

>> No.70572741
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>> No.70572765

Same. Crabs have ruined this thread and made people afraid to use it for its intended purpose.

>> No.70572768

Writing zatsu topics feel artificial and forced, any other tips?

>> No.70572786
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This one reminds me of my characters design.

>> No.70572796

Same SAME every day I'm having an internal battle against myself but I need to keep up appearances that I'm doing fine.

>> No.70572809

I wish I was a bird

>> No.70572836

Well actually if someone for once had a proper talk with them some of the milder schizos could heal and maybe even realize that they are just wasting their time with vtubers and could be doing literally anything else for more good feelings. Simping never did good to anyone and the sooner you realize this the better everything will go

>> No.70572845

Okay? I don't get your point

>Hey, I don't understand why people like Mond
>>Because she is cute and we like to watch her be cute
>Yeah but I don't like that so therefore she is boring
We explained why people like her, if she's not your cup of tea that's fine but fuck off with your negativity

>> No.70572852

>I need to keep up appearances that I'm doing fine
That's called professionalism, and if you're doing that, it's GMI behavior. Take pride in not sperging out on Twitter every other day.

>> No.70572875

why are all vtubers mental illness so much like this? no offensive i just wonder

>> No.70573009

I like them until they get too close and break the illusion. Let me dream of how you would be the perfect wife in peace you will just make me schizo if you actually go and dm me

>> No.70573010

My upbringing was pretty bleak and I'm severely clinically depressed. I want to make others happy in spite of this.

>> No.70573239

If you are in a social hobby like vtubing someone will force themselves into your life eventually. Girls always do that to me and i do nothing more than say hi and talk about whatever they are doing on the stream

>> No.70573321

lol, but no stop trying to reason with shitposters you retard

>> No.70573333

Girl cute is different. Its not entertaining in the traditional sense but men will keep watching because a girl being cute does things to their brain

>> No.70573362

What do you think this conversation will accomplish?

>> No.70573407

We've seen several chuubas try to have these proper talks and it's like watching them run into a brick wall repeatedly and gets them crabbed even harder every time they try.
Nobody should try to reason with schizos no matter how much they believe they can. You cannot argue in good faith with a person arguing in bad faith. These are not reasonable people and as such, you can't reason with them. Logical arguments simply do not work with the mentally deranged. Tell them you don't care and to fuck off. Don't waste a single keystroke on them outside of those exact words.

>> No.70573470

>Tell them you don't care and to fuck off.
That much is overkill.

>> No.70573570

Did you know that a twitch subscription now costs more in Turkey than a Netflix subscription? I thought that was funny.

>> No.70573581

I've seen it work. For a short time we had one poster that replied to every crab post simply with "fuck off" and we wouldn't see those crabs again for a few threads.

>> No.70573595

i see i hope you can be yourself and not stress about it and be cool

>> No.70573621

Good, I hate all turks except momomo

>> No.70573701

I've never been fond of the "stop wasting your time on that person" mentality.
If I reach out it's because I'm humoring the idea that maybe you'll connect with something I say and actually stop and think before you say some other stupid shit.

If you don't sure whatever I wasted time I was already wasting by sitting in this thread, but at least an attempt was made, and I think the effort with no payoff is worth more than lack of effort alltogether.

>> No.70573703

Yeah but they don't recognize the differences and indeed try to make something of those broken record types. You don't have to try for months to realize if something is producing results or not and actually some of the worst cases from the past would have blown up way less badly if they got kicked out earlier. I know some girls just think they are being kind and that is the right thing to do but sometimes the most helpful and kind thing to do is letting go of someone

>> No.70573763

While we're on the subject of housecleaning. Friendly reminder that selfreplying to push a rrat or pretend to be having an argument with yourself is reportable and all patriotic aspies should do their duty to Super Earth and do the needful.

>> No.70573831

Thank you. It's hard not to beat myself up some days but I haven't had a breakdown or anything just yet and I'm going to do my best for my viewers because I really care about them.

>> No.70573834

Just make organic high quality posts. Its really not that hard to get lots of replies from the other anons

>> No.70574351

I want to become a vtuber known for being drunk, I'm looking for an outlet to drink a fuckton
Set me on the right path

>> No.70574441

Is this really how guys work?

>> No.70574449

Honestly don't do it, not worth it.

>> No.70574455

lzysusan did that.
Just do that again.

>> No.70574458

Excessive drinking is against Twitch ToS. You're shooting yourself in the foot from the get go. Tying any redeems to drinking or drinking when your viewers tell you to will also get you banned.

>> No.70574482

Only if they're permavirgins

>> No.70574549

Most vtube viewers are mega virgins

>> No.70574623

Well its vtubing we are talking about here. Even many of the vtubers are femcels

>> No.70574630

Given how many females do just fine despite openly having boyfriends I'm not sure that's the case

>> No.70574732

Don't underestimate the lonely simps desperation. They might indeed have boyfriends but female attention is still female attention. Actually the ones that are in relationship might even pull off a more convincing act

>> No.70574972

Considering how popular ntr is amongst the weeb community I wouldn't be surprised if they like them even more.

>> No.70575194
File: 22 KB, 640x480, screaming Tokomon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every male vtuber fan community I try to join is full of nothing but underages

>> No.70575280

Maybe do a better job chosing a community, most of the ones I joined are +18 and most of them don't even allow nsfw

>> No.70575406

Give me a hint on where to look please

>> No.70575639

Join mine, it's mostly 30ish year olds talking about boomer /tg/ stuff

>> No.70575680

no join MINE!
It's dead because I work nights and my community isn't awake when I am.

>> No.70575688

I know Haru's is 18+ and doesn't allow NSFW.

>> No.70575718

Appreciate the offer but I'm trying to join some to stealth shill myself

>> No.70575788

He goes even further, he doesn't allow any kind of lewd stuff even if it's a joke.

>> No.70575848

How are you accomplishing that? I've literally never seen one that even permits minors to join.

>> No.70575933

alot of decently sized male indies have communities of underage nijisisters for some reason

>> No.70575939

Elliott loves and encourages them for his community

>> No.70575946

This, most have any and all minors instantly banned if they reveal their age too.

>> No.70576181

I have only had this issue with women but it sorta makes sense because the women tend to be pretty young 20somethings so they relate more. The men probably have immunity because my interest is in chill bros that are poison to the tiktok brain

>> No.70576192

Mine is comprised of people with day jobs or service members.
Benefits of doing gun content, I guess.

>> No.70576438

Does he? I don't think I've seen him get mad at anyone for that.

>> No.70576456

Same, mine's all noita and blacksmithing photos

>> No.70576501

I've seen him twice getting mad because someone made a lewd joke directed at him and then warning them

>> No.70576512

Instead of creating a discord server, what if I actively promote youtube community instead? You know the one with random polls and shit. I vaguely remember a youtuber/streamer said something along this line

>> No.70576631

Completely different things, if you just care about polls you can just use twitter

>> No.70576707

That's different from making a general dirty joke.

>> No.70576885

that's how he got a young vtuber gf?

>> No.70577010

post latest smithing project

>> No.70577152

Would but apparently the files are too big and icba to resize them. Looks like a longsword blade fairly early in the process.

>> No.70577227

How come that so many vtubers graduate after finding their vtuber bf? And if they come back some day you know that they are single again

>> No.70577427

males are only ever in it to date anyways

>> No.70577494

So true bestie

>> No.70577495

Hey Jamie, can you update Zeph's name to ZephHaathun? Appreciate it.

>> No.70577534

Go for it

>> No.70577649

People here don't seem to understand the difference between making jokes and being horny for some reason.

>> No.70577674

YIPPEE, fangs are super based. Ty anon :>

>> No.70577695

>beryl raided up again
Tell me why you guys like to keep raiding him again?

>> No.70577710


>> No.70577771

Yeah but women enable them so no surprise. If every vtuber woman had a strict no dating policy this issue wouldn't exist but now the field is full of mixed signals one screaming how vtubers aren't here to date someone and next one not even trying to hide that they moved in with a male vtuber that just happened to give them time of their day

>> No.70577784

there isn't a single male vtuber who wouldn't give it all up for a crumb of pussy

>> No.70577802

It's just social etiquette, making a dirty joke about a situation or just a general one is completely different from making a dirty joke or saying you want to bang someone.

>> No.70577849

In the vtuber context people are always horny. It may be a joke but they made it because thats all their horny brain had to give

>> No.70577912

who did he raid this time?

>> No.70577920

Because we are also raiding up into Beryl

>> No.70578071

True, but you didn't have to say it

>> No.70578155
File: 638 KB, 720x810, sketch-1689976992411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birthday's coming up next monday
Hopefully should be able to stream again now that college is dying down
Whoever wants to gift, be my guest

>> No.70578381


>> No.70578413

Zenya, another /asp/ie

>> No.70578448

sure man keep tellin' yourself that.
some of us have broken the cycle you are trapped in.

>> No.70578506

I wouldn't. I like streaming too much! :)

>> No.70578543

what's the issue then?

>> No.70578549

Idk who you are but I can't wait for you to have cirrhosis

>> No.70578574

Doubt you would survive a serious test

>> No.70578595

No idea anon's just got a stick up his ass

>> No.70578673

who the f is zenya?

>> No.70578707

we really are entering a new gen at this rate huh

>> No.70578840

She was Gen 4 that decided to go hard into the GFE path.
Joined us when she was unsure about her content, glad she was able to soar after the redesign

>> No.70579045

Her new design is sex. I love her giant ass head

>> No.70579154

I'm saving myself for marriage.

>> No.70579212


>> No.70579235

>abandoned this place after she got big
Another grifter, wow.

>> No.70579308

Thats how it should be. Why would you keep posting when you've made it? The whole point is to get people in and out of here.

>> No.70579314


>> No.70579371

Remember where you came from, bitch. I don't see Beryl or Zenya ever raiding down or even participating in /asp/ chats. This hobby already has enough grifters as it is, we don't need more people just ignoring others who helped them out when they were just as small.

>> No.70579440

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

Can someone show me where it says to raid into randoms from the thread?

>> No.70579467

Entitlement, everyone.

>> No.70579480
File: 1.52 MB, 1200x1261, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70579532

Beryl or Zenya's would not watch you though
Same reason UwO or LCQ raids won't do much for us here
Raids are cool but retention depends on whether your content vibes with their content

The raids that are good are the ones where someone you raided in the same category raids you back, that completes the networking handshake. Please stop raiding large randos, be mindful of your raid targets

>> No.70579594

Point and laugh at this whiny little bitch >>70579371

>> No.70579781

Beryl raided me when I was fresh off the block and hadn't even hit affiliate yet. He's a good man

>> No.70579783

Vox from Hazbin hotel?

>> No.70579856

That's kopa wearing a sundress

>> No.70579870


>> No.70579949

The real etiquette should be that /asp/ies stop supporting people once they don't need us anymore

>> No.70579955

Thank you for the chibi art! I look extremely chuckable :) And thank you to anyone who came along today!

>> No.70580037

femboy kopa my beloved...

>> No.70580331

You really shouldn't stick around here once your popularity is self-sustaining. /asp/ is just here to help you get started and to support you as you find your way. After that, you should set foot off into the wild.

>> No.70580388

I've seen Beryl in plenty of people's chats, he absolutely keeps a pulse on newbies. I've seen Zenya in chats as well, including males.

>> No.70580497

shut the fuck up

>> No.70580499

Its genuinely crazy that you guys are actually just posting the exact same posts you made yesterday to the exact same bait. This is a thread full of literal NPCs.

>> No.70580570

No see, its like twitter. If you reply a bunch of times to bait that means the guy that posted bait lost!

>> No.70580688

I'm not a newbie but Beryl lurks my stream regularly. Love him. Very nice guy.

>> No.70580752

So far, I had been only envious of people that is performing worse than me somehow, I don't know if im retarded or something, i can't even feel envy of those who are so far from where i am with all of this, nor do i envy those who are really doig better than me, only people who really lack stuff that i do so much better than them... i guess im just stupid or something kek

>> No.70580795

You're drunk go to bed.

>> No.70580863

that migth be true, good night anon.

>> No.70580943
File: 72 KB, 750x750, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70580953


>> No.70580988

Goodnight bros, remember to brush your teeth before going to bed.

>> No.70581219

It was hard to get into the habit of doing it every night instead of just every other night or few nights but now that I have I've found it's impossible to be too tired to brush.

>> No.70581242

I've been listening to basil asmr thing every night since the other day, it's unfair how it makes me feel.
Every day I say to myself that I will not listen to it but I keep doing anyway.
It's over, I might be gay.

>> No.70581348


>> No.70581437


>> No.70581490

Why would you crab ChaosFoundry?

>> No.70581550

Arch from chaosfoundry.

>> No.70581596

Just accept it vita

>> No.70581621

People forget they exist.

>> No.70581775


>> No.70581830

Maybe you are just bi

>> No.70581871

Believe me bro, you don't want to end with an infection like me just because you were too lazy to brush your teeth.
So good on you for changing that habit.

>> No.70582206

Okay yeah you're definitely gay

>> No.70582518
File: 46 KB, 448x265, GEq4wZ-WAAA2Sda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the destroyer of men

>> No.70582733

I hope to be a better chuuba, but I shitpost too much bros...

>> No.70582750


>> No.70582829

Chat, is this true?

>> No.70583038

veeta is just a little lonely and confused, he would probably fall for the first human that looks in his direction so don't be cruel to him

>> No.70583254

I want to message him and thank him for being cute all while being completely platonic.

>> No.70583298

This but while being completely sexual.

>> No.70583315

You fuckers know that Vita is like 6' and weighs 100KG and as hairy as a gorilla? and you're treating him like a little sensitive boy

>> No.70583397

dude same

>> No.70583547

>You fuckers know that Vita is like 6' and weighs 100KG and as hairy as a gorilla?

Also he is a sensitive boy, he probably gets flustered very easily

I would be surprised if no one groomed him already just for fun

>> No.70583719

i need to stop playing aoe2 and fucking stream

>> No.70583762


>> No.70583805

Sensitive gorillas, while not my thing, are a pretty common anime trope, and someone probably loves the gap moe

>> No.70584076

and i love needy desperate men

>> No.70584191

it's 4 am here.
anyone live? :3c

>> No.70584239


>> No.70584242


>> No.70584395
File: 87 KB, 240x240, ichihime-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on here....

>> No.70584576

Stream AoE2 and revive rts

>> No.70584660

Could you please start avatar posting with a gorilla? It can be a cute one

>> No.70584782

I'm not that hairy....

>> No.70584897
File: 82 KB, 240x240, 1700009635296523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I woke up to talks about grooming me and someone calling me a gorilla, you guys are so mean.
I'm going back to bed.
I don't listen to ASMR btw.

>> No.70584945

I'm convinced if he actually managed to stream during prime time instead of dead hours he could probably get partner numbers in a month

>> No.70585195
File: 449 KB, 1025x775, Schedule.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here schedule, my head hurts.

>> No.70585311

Since the thread is ending I still can't get over her and nothing I do helps since I just get reminded of why I'm doing it

>> No.70585331

Wanting to chew the fingernails of your oshi to trim them because you bound her arms together for so long she couldn't do it herself

>> No.70585589


>> No.70585697

Literally forgotten....

>> No.70585782


>> No.70586370

>was at around 20 viewers
love to see the boys doing well every once in a while
