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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70525932 No.70525932 [Reply] [Original]

Only 2 EN streams on the schedule today. We're 7 months into advent and we've reached the point where their streaming hours are dropping fast. Meanwhile the rest of EN doesn't feel threatened by them anymore and stopped streaming. In the next few months we'll probably go back to days with nothing on the schedule until management convinces Kiara to do a guerilla just like what happened in the first half of 2023.
EN4 when?

>> No.70526040

Don't bitch faggot just watch VODs

>> No.70526085

shut up sister

>> No.70526095

Advent's streaming hours aren't "dropping fast"--the twins are literally moving and even still are doing as much as they can without a computer.

>> No.70526109
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look at this zero friend faggot.

>> No.70526167
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Ok do that without cherrypicking a random day.

>> No.70526211

The dogs are currently in the middle of Japan. They aren't pulling a Gura.

>> No.70526221

It's sunday you retarded nigger

>> No.70526270

Ina is streaming tonight.
Fuwamoco moving to Japan.
Shiori has the same schedule.
Others are busy with 3D and Holofes.

EN4 after Advent 3D why not

>> No.70526275

the fact that you come here to complain instead of watching their streams means Bijou is that boring of a bitch, buy an ad

>> No.70526327

Fuwamoco are settling in after their move.
Not sure about Shiori.

>> No.70526360

Are you implying EN girls are devout Christians or implying they're busy getting fucked in a club's bathroom stall?

>> No.70526711

jesas it always comes back to projecting cuck fantasies with you nijifags
get some new material ffs

>> No.70526819

Myth are busy recording "something cool"
Promise are also working on a group project, and most of them don't do schedules and rarely put frames up long in advance anyway
FWMC are moving

for someone who cares so much about lack of streams, you sure as fuck don't watch em

>> No.70527058

Retarded bait, but Fauna will stream today too

>> No.70527154

that doesn’t matter Biboo will probably fill dead hours anyway

>> No.70527388

Shiori had a breakdown yesterday during a member stream. She won’t be back for a while.

>> No.70527615


>> No.70527657

I'm implying people rest on sundays you sub-human monkey

>> No.70527665

an actual breakdown?

>> No.70527712

>going to a club on a sunday
listen i know you're socially inept but you don't have to show it this fucking hard

>> No.70527892
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Well, it’s both in Shiori's case.

>> No.70528030

I thought she only cosplayed a menhara.

>> No.70528080

yeah half the stream was crying

>> No.70528165

qrd on breakdown?

>> No.70528271

Out of sheer curiosity, is the 14:00-17:00 timeframe just a coincidence, a dead time outside of primetime, or is that time that they're in meetings, practice, and other background-type work?

>> No.70528359

Link to vod.

>> No.70528522
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I hid ID and holostars EN to make my point stronger but even adding them back in only tossed in a couple random streams. It's working hours for North America and ass-o-clock for Asia so I can only guess it's complete dead hours for most streamers and probably used for admin work.

>> No.70528526

If only you knew how bad things were before Advent

>> No.70529397

yea the one day fans can watch extra streams.
and nobody is fucking streaming!

>> No.70529505

That's pretty sad

>> No.70529623

>Promise are also working on a group project, and most of them don't do schedules and rarely put frames up long in advance anyway
They're always "working on a cool project" that usually turns out bunk, if it ever materializes. Most of them don't stream for shit either.

>> No.70529722

Why are western women so lazy? There are millionaires on the JP side who stream almost every day yet EN girls get a taste of success then just sit back and passively collect membership/merch money.

>> No.70529833

Oh no only like 8 hours of entertainment in one day, how will you manage

>> No.70531406


>> No.70531861

14 member vs 35 member

>> No.70532059

Work smarter not harder

>> No.70532209

>Why are western women so lazy?
Because (((western society))) programs them to be lazy and entitled. Some of them like Kiara reject this programming but a lot of them don't.

>> No.70532222
File: 178 KB, 977x1200, FSXwrooVUAATX2s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon if you're looking for some content for today, may I suggest Grimmi? She's gonna debut a new model tonight.

>> No.70532485

>oh no they arent streaming
>I cannot watch if it is not live
>please i need something to keep me company in my lonely and terminal existence
It sounds like a (You) problem anon.

>> No.70532655

I'm sorry to hear that. I hope she's okay

>> No.70532702

Did Novelites call her fat again?

>> No.70532737

You could watch vtubers that aren't in hololive

>> No.70534902

they cool
