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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70476197 No.70476197 [Reply] [Original]

>prism project disbanding
>girls: sad but hopeful messages about their future and prism family love
>male: picrel

>> No.70476284

>women being sapy and emotionally sappy with their fans
>man just shitposts and says nothing
I'm thinking based.

>> No.70476499


>> No.70476508

Why does everything on this board have to be turned into some kind of gender or culture war?

>> No.70476524

what happen to the models?

>> No.70476588

He does have a strong shot at being a StarsEN. Cover did open up auditions recently

>> No.70476603

Male vtuber isn't male dumbass, every one that have brain know that shit nigger

>> No.70476656

Stop dick riding Jun dude, damn

>> No.70476669

>OP: obsessing over cock as usual.
A wonderful South East Asian morning to you, sister. As if there was any doubt where unicorn shitters came from...

>> No.70476870

This is the reality of 4chan post-2013.

>> No.70477196

this is why i will never stop asking for males
men are just genuinely funnier than women. sure the current popular roster are largely on the spectrum of gay but mark my words, full-roleplay tokusatsu chuuba WILL come. I believe...

>> No.70477424

Unicorns (anons that want to pretend they're in a relationship with an anime girl streamer) and ironic bandwagoners following the former for the lols.
They are fully mindbroken by the existence of males. They have gone full Chris Chan anti-male.

>> No.70477430

You are mindbroken

>> No.70477457

kek based

>> No.70477707

Go feed the chickens instead of complaining about males on 4channel, Slamet.

>> No.70477840

Not op and no one is complaining about men on 4channel. Unicorns mindbroke you

>> No.70477855

kek, that's fuckin funny

>> No.70477893

You have one chance to pretend youre not a tourist. Tell us again what you think a unicorn is.

>> No.70477946

Hate mixed gens but that's funny.

>> No.70478030


>> No.70478064


>> No.70478349

Unicorns are people who buy merch and watch streams, thats why holostars have no viewers and sell no merch

>> No.70478372

so true sis slay them

>> No.70478687

Nice gaslighting. Youre either willfully ignorant, retarded, or simply butthurt.
Regardless, you should be more original instead of copying others epithets.

Come on, you guys have homobegger, you made that up all on your own. Take pride Slamet.

>> No.70479784

I'd judge him not giving a shit about prism but I don't care about it either

>> No.70479820

>Nice gaslighting
too obvious, enjoy my last (you)

>> No.70479890

The definitions of words change. /vt/ unicorns are different from JP unicorns. Or do people not remember the rationalizing during amegate or Mumei/Fauna?

>> No.70479896
File: 472 KB, 1600x2410, 1442489069587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when this nonsense was something to be mocked and not admired? I remember. Now the dumb shitheads that would unironically do this are allowed to parade themselves on this board openly.

>> No.70479944
File: 62 KB, 518x518, 91885589_2679049535686873_1371466186704814080_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre goddamn right

>> No.70480497

People needing somewhere to 'belong' and give themselves a purpose based on someone else's values because they're fucking terrified to establish their own and be responsible for their decisions when they look in the mirror.

>> No.70481380

the talents go indie and get to keep the models

>> No.70481798

holy basado

>> No.70483031

Tenma's the only funny female vtuber I've seen in the last four years. It's true, men simply are funnier. They have a biological incentive to be funnier too. A man's ability to have sex hinges on women being able to trust him (ergo sociability is important), A woman's ability to have sex hinges on her capacity to spread her legs.

Retard ipad kid zoomers think that if they don't peacock their political views through everything (including consumption choices), then they're letting the other side win. Everything's political, nothing can be enjoyed. There will be no more fun.

>> No.70483659

Sisters attacked first, I was there on /nijiEN/ when it happened.

>> No.70484525
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Because rejecting shit that brings annoying kpop fangirls and twitter trannies into the hobby is always good.

>> No.70484587

most self-aware ESL unicuck

>> No.70484691

You'll be waiting forever while everyone else watches male fleshtubers and female vtubers then. None of the faggots will ever be funny.

>> No.70489243

That still makes ripples tho this day...

>> No.70489654

>Put pressure on Google, the company that owns Yotube...
bilibili shills being sneaky little shits

>> No.70489824

>this is why i will never stop asking for males
The nigger in the OP pic has a grand total of 30 CCV and 2k subscribers, and his debut tanked the growth and revenue of all the other girls.

If you are pushing for this shit to happen to agencies that aren't mixed gender from the outset, you are basically a malignant cancer.

>> No.70489989

Trannies love gender politics

>> No.70490509

Males played a role in killing Tsunderia
Males played a role in killing Prism.

Unless you have money to burn like Cover or made males an intricate part of your company like Nijisanji shoving male vtubers into preestablished cute girl companies are the equivalent of letting WNBA players on your NBA team and then watching you sink your franchise and wondering why it happened. There are other aspects to the failure but it plays a role.

>> No.70490941

a lot of penis hating trannies-to-be on this board

>> No.70491115
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here's the (you) for that retarded shit

>> No.70491439

The truth makes you seethe. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.70491730

Jun is a good dude, he gets shit on a lot but he’d probably be one of my favourite Prism members if he wasn’t so focused on fps. Making light of the situation is honestly pretty refreshing, Prism fans don’t need any more doom and gloom right now, I’d like to believe this will be good for them in the long run.

>> No.70492127

homobeggars dont watch streams, they dont actually care about these girls

>> No.70492398
File: 22 KB, 112x112, 1707828078646102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, who is still going to continue to stream indie and who is graduating?

>> No.70492536

So far, only Kou is graduating. iirc Iku, Naki, and Meno still have to make a statement

>> No.70493508

A whole tenth of a finana.

>> No.70493730

Their minds are fascinating in a way. The seem to believe that if a female streamer doesn't interact with males on stream... well, she clearly doesn't interact with males irl!

>> No.70493838

Devil's advocate, but I think many profess that they do know that they probably have IRL relationships but ignorance is bliss and THEY FUCKEN BETTER HIDE IT rule apply. So basically they're cucks.

>> No.70494533

keep kvetching about unicorns.
Men will just stop forking over shekels to whores that can't play the role properly.
Cuckolds and fujoshis can go watch males (read: homosexuals), but female nature dictates only a tiny fraction of male Vtubers will ever break 3view, because women are attracted to males that are pre-selected. Ie, fujoshis will tank the male Vtuber industry as a consequence of their very nature.

Companies will have to realize simple market dynamics and applied evolutionary biology and sociology if they want the industry to actually survive and expand. The only way the industry has a future is if they cater to unicorns. That's a statement of fact.

>> No.70494967
File: 560 KB, 891x891, 1676449733504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make up scenarios about unicorns all you want but nothing changes your main demographic is composed of trannies and cucks

>> No.70495136

What is this?

>> No.70495470

I mean, he's a pirate and the model and IP belongs to him. If it wasn't for Japanese retardation they could naturally bring him over and keep the Job Class system that Tempus and Armis have.

>> No.70495476
File: 82 KB, 640x480, gatenkei-kakyuusei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can go even farther back...

>> No.70496763

NTR is based though. It wasn't even NTR, it was more like Netori.

>> No.70502350

(OP) how in the fuck did this devolve into being about unicorns and homobegging
the entire point of this thread is how much funnier men are than women. is this objective fact not the case at all or?

>> No.70502560

>Objective fact
Nah. I find some guys funny. I find some girls funny. I find some guys and girls terribly unfunny. There really isn't a trend either way unless you either really hate men or really hate women and are thus biased in your opinion.
Incidentally most of the people in the homobeggar vs unicorn argument either hate women or hate men and can't evaluate people fairly. As proven in this thread above

>> No.70502583

I have never seen a homostar that is funny. Only Pekora.

>> No.70502635

The whole argument is that they started failing when they released the male Gen retard. The dude not giving a fuck when he was the reason most of the unicorns left is what’s being mentioned. They tried to shoehorn the guy into the girls stuff harder than they even did with HoloEn and tempus

>> No.70502737

>>70502560 (me)
Oh yeah and everyone who's obsessed with timelooping this argument thinks everyone on the other side is a tranny for some reason.
Really makes you think. /v/ and /pol/ were truly mistakes

>> No.70505192

There is literally nothing wrong with what they did unless you are a genocidal kike yourself.

>> No.70505524

Spoken like a true bro lol

>> No.70505608

You have to be 18 or older to post here Craig. Do your fucking homework.

>> No.70505702

>holostars have no viewers and sell no merch

>> No.70505800

>using humor to make light of a bad situation
uhh based?

>> No.70505885

Jurard is streaming right now wearing a bunch of nametags of all the people that bought the $500 membership tier.

>> No.70506756

Who made this? Palworld's team?

>> No.70506911

Board is unironically full of proto-trannies. Give it a few years and you'll see tons of people saying Hololive made them into Transbians.

>> No.70507055

>someone took the time to make this edit
speaks volumes

>> No.70507132


>> No.70507400

A mid 2000s internet spotting of a unicorn, or a purityfag as they used to be called in anime circles.

The main girl of the series Kannagi (far left cover, blue haired girl) was revealed a couple years into the series' serialization to have had a boyfriend in the past. Fans protested by posting pictures of their destroyed books online and the series went on a several year long hiatus due to intense backlash

>> No.70507511

If you watched his announcement stream, he actually cried on that stream because he felt like he was harming the careers of the rest of the Prism members when he was the only male left there after Yuki left after only being on for 3 months. Dude was considerate but also recognized how screwed it was that he felt unwanted and unicorns and gachis attacked him while also dealing with the fact that he had to basically ride the coattails of the rest of the company's talents while feeling like he was dragging them down. Kinda fucked, but his content was never really for me, so best of luck to him while he simulcasts.

>> No.70507896

>post 2013
Did you even read the rules of the internet?

>> No.70508312

leave jun alone he's a better vtuber then the two sexpests that got fired from holostars by far

>> No.70508705

I absolutely refuse to believe any logical human being would be mad over a fictional character's love life
And this is coming from someone who read the story about the hot jap news girl and said "yea, bitch shoulda kept that boyfriend hidden"

>> No.70509466

I'd need to ask that big titty gorilla if there are any pirates in Elysium and with Bettel's new outfit confirming it, there's probably a pirate group out there.

>> No.70509496

lol what coattails

>> No.70509502

neither of them are sexpests faggot, they're not Nijimales

>> No.70509657

>Unicorns are people who buy merch and watch streams
Das rite

>> No.70509689

jesus christ that's exploitative, I thought holopro had some standards

>> No.70510571

none of you have bought merch or watched streams even though I've asked for proof from you fags several times

and even if you did, they were all gifted, real proof is Tier 3 menshis

>> No.70511874

I never gave Yuko a cent because I knew her roommate from the beginning. I give money to good chuubas.

>> No.70513154

>Tenma's the only funny female vtuber I've seen in the last four years.
Lia is also funny.
>Everything's political, nothing can be enjoyed. There will be no more fun.
Add gacha / pay to win / blockchain web 3.0 shit, and everything is monetized, nothing can be enjoyed for its own sake. The future is bleak.

>> No.70515553

>Who is going indie?
Non, Nana, Emma, Yura, Aoi, Pina, Nia, Shiki, Sara, Rita, Ami, Luto, Meno, Iku, Jun

>Who is going back to their pl?

>Who is leaving vtubing altogether?
Kou Tsubame

>> No.70517026

Holy shit, we really do timeloop huh

>> No.70517696

this manipulation seems different from the others i've seen from foreigners

>> No.70518627

It was made by a deeply unwell person.

>> No.70521272


>> No.70521315

>Cover did open up auditions recently
StarsEN auditions have been permanently open for like a year now

>> No.70521344

Cool thread retard

>> No.70521612

Based. I'm glad that he's taking it well. Reminds me of how Kazu reacted to Tsunderia's death. Coincidentally he also retweeted Jun's tweet.

>> No.70521820

Magni sure ok fine
Explain YBDBD without Vesper being a sex pest. You can’t.
