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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70243011 No.70243011 [Reply] [Original]

At the end of the day, only IRyS and maybe Mumei sing as well as they do in all of HoloEN

>> No.70243050


>> No.70243219

enna sounds like a dying cat so no

>> No.70243222

I'm a Vtuber insider
Elira and Millie need more singing lessons

>> No.70243235

>yet again another dogshit thread clogging up the catalog

>> No.70243306

WAOOOOOOOOW UTAITE SINGER CAN... LE SINGS???!?!! have fun watching them sing every stream then lmao.
pro tips don't listen to enna normal speaking voices

>> No.70243318

Will Elira's throat ever recover from all the investor deepthroating she has do on Riku's loveboat?

>> No.70243341

You might be right. I will never know becase I refuse to watch them.
Try harder next time, niji intern.

>> No.70243413

Elira is one of the best singers in all of vtubing and its a shame its wasted on a completely rotten person like her

>> No.70243785

Do they? Like genuinely not based on my bias against their personalities, I just don't see anything special, like they can sing, but I wouldn't call them anything special, particularly Enna.

>> No.70243796

Female singers are usually massive irredeemable cunts - hence the term Prima Donna.

>> No.70243848

Nerissa literally shits on all of them. Fuck Nerissa's sisters literally shit on them lmao.

>> No.70243912

Risu is the best singer in Hololive

>> No.70243919

Dunno anon, im blessed with enough taste to not llisten jpop/kpop slop.

>> No.70244176
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>> No.70244209

Does anyone actually watch vtubers to listen to them sing?

>> No.70244493

Risu needs to grind harder before menopause ruins her heavenly voice

>> No.70245202

>Female singers are usually massive irredeemable cunts
That is why I believe in Astel supremacy.

>> No.70245246

Sorry I just read the title of this thread.
Will do, thanks!

>> No.70245248

Enna Alouette of Nijisanji. You disgust me. Unsympathic narcissist. The only reason you share an existence on this earth is because your parents made a mistake, and it's a shame you inherited that same behavioural mistake. I don't want to see your sorry excuse of trying to be human on my YouTube recommendations ever again. Get out. The only time I want to hear your voice is when you're asphyxiating. Because you don't deserve to breathe the same air I breathe. You're going to tell me to touch grass; I'm touching grass more than you ever will with you being strung up so high. The audacity. I cannot believe your impotence. If there was bug spray for me to hand out to every individual on this planet, I would buy out the entire bug spray economy just so I'd know that my and others' houses were bug free. And don't think that others won't turn on you, either. Your mind is so rotted you think your way of life is acceptable. You expect others to be with you through thick and thin, at the expense of their own well-being? What a terrible joke. Unbelievable. Awaiting my copyright strike.

>> No.70245347
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Ahahahahaha lmaoo
Literal who 3views forever fucking seething that the loli meme queen is also the best singer on top of all the other ways she is superior

>> No.70245640

how can elira sing with so much cum in her mouth?

>> No.70245849

>Nerissa literally shits on all of them.
This. Only one in Niji that can compete is Chima.

>> No.70245868


>> No.70245905

I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard all day than three seconds of these harpies.

>> No.70245984

This is how I feel about Enna. Her singing is great but I can't stand her as a person.

>> No.70246358

Elira? She can sing sure, but never came across as something special. As for Millie, is she even still singing? She might be so fat she eats the microphone as soon as she puts it close to her face.

>> No.70246374

She sings with her other face.

>> No.70246530
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>and whenever she's not on screen, every other character should be asking "where's Gura??"
Fucking kek, nijisisters forever malding over a cute innocent girl who doesn't even know they exist

>> No.70246659

What is it about the smol anime shark that makes so many people seethe?

>> No.70246766

When was their last karaoke

>> No.70247045
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Success breeds jealousy. And the fact that all the jealous whores are also rotten people on the inside and Gura is a sweetheart fucking angel only makes them that much angrier, they have this idea that they should be compensated for how they have to live with knowing they're awful blackhearted backstabbing cunts. In their minds that kind of mean-spiritedness is necessary to climb to the top, it should have bought them the success that Gura achieved effortlessly and without a single bit of conniving or malice. Drives the bitches up a fucking wall. She's better than them in every way including morally.

>> No.70247087

>Hate them all you want
Okay I will

>> No.70250644

Are we seriously still pretending that singing is what VTubing is about? Like sure it's a nice skill but it's far from most of what they do, or what people come to see.

>> No.70250929

I unironically never understood this. Why would you care that your oshi is the best singer in the world. If you want great, practiced voices, go to the fucking opera. Hearing my oshi sing to me, sing songs that she loves to sing and hearing her improve over time are much more important than being the best singer from the moment she debuts

Yeah if your main content is singing, of course, you need to be a good singer, but if your main content is shitting on your fans, it really shouldn't matter

>> No.70251277

Then Elira should do more singing and less of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o65VwnQvWW4

>> No.70251737

i will hate them and make you seethe even more so you go and make another seethe deflection thread.

>> No.70253103

>The girls hate idols, idol fans etc in every way
>Force their audience to confirm to their whims and opinions by brute force
>"But guys, you guys, they can sing good!"

What is wrong with this picture. This is why nijiEN is failing. They think their truthbomb girl power yassssss takes are compatible with trying to also mooch off the idolfag audience. They have a strange juxtaposition of literally clashing interests. Who gives a FUCK about their singing when you KNOW they are doing it only to try to brag about it for money and attention.

Enna tries so hard because she undoubtedly has a complex about the situation, making her think "I'll show those idol fans, I'll show those idol enabler girls, they're all missing out on someke better than any of their girls by rejecting me!" - in other words out of lasting spite @people who wanted her to be a sincere cute girl idol.

>> No.70253719

They should've sung while apologizing to their fans then.
AND, enna's singing voice is so fucking overrated than even moona's singing is better.
+ the fact that her talking voice sounds so bad that idk how you anons stay on her zatsu.

>> No.70253887

>Ennaschizo still attacking hololive as his black company is burning to the ground

>> No.70254030

The problem ultimately lies with Riku. Thing is, Nijisanji is NOT an idol group. Its a factory that mass produces variety chuubas. You may have an idol aspiration slike Pomu, but Riku DOES NOT CARE. All you are to him is a "hand", a "liver", an organ. The same goes for the other aspirations - you may be esports driven like Selen but again, Rike DOES NOT CARE. He will understaff his corpo and leave the livers to handle themselves. The difference is night and day. Cover knows it runs not just a talent agency, but also an actual idol agency. Its why it invests in its talent. It is also why Gawr Gura is even more of an idol now and less of a streamer. But Nijisanji did little for its talent.

>> No.70254800

>Michael Jackson sure did rape all of those kids, but we can't legally do anything because he can sing and dance!

Surely you can't be this fucking dumb

>> No.70254956

I can't believe Enna, Elira, and Millie raped Selen.

>> No.70255141

So Niggysanji debuted ten thousand waves and found three decent singers, as compared to Hololive snagging 2 after only three waves?

>> No.70255187

At least the holos don't sound like squidward, no amount of singing will ever change that.

>> No.70255478

Enna is the only really good singer in the entire EN branch.

Elira can't sing a proper track even with every trick in post

Millie is barely better

Even Enna sometimes just sucks BBC but she can actually sing

>> No.70255545

I think you mean Reimu instead of Elira. Elira sucks as a singer. She's weak with no range. Much like her career.

>> No.70255987
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watch streams or kys

>> No.70256630

You can watch Clara in phase and Roca in Idol for frequent karaoke streams without having to deal with bitches.

>> No.70257160

>Hate them all you want
Ok, I will

>> No.70257258

Based and same pilled

>> No.70257630
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>even the sisters recognize Mumei's superior talent
Our girl can't stop winning

>> No.70259041

Mumei's vibrato is unmatched.

>> No.70260230

Gura does it better

>> No.70260497

R Kelly could sing like an an angel but he's still a fucking piece of shit.

>> No.70260912

Did you mean Reimu? Reimu's singing is just boring with no power.

>> No.70263771

You wish. HoloEN mogs these whores.

>> No.70263901

Your standards are rock bottom

>> No.70264385

She can blow on command. The Nijiclique whores can't. Simple as.

>> No.70264400

mj was never convicted or even found guilty tho

>> No.70264533

Pomu was wasted in that shitty black corpo. Glad she got out of there.

>> No.70267521

I hope she can truly fulfill her idol dream. It should not come to an end.

>> No.70271297

you just know

>> No.70271430

It should just because she's some weird weeaboo and the idol thing is cringe and inherently exploitative to start with.

>> No.70272066

Nice sounding-ish voice ≠ good singing. All 3 are an example of this. Their technique and performance are meh and all they do is try to sound nice. I can find buskers off the streets that sound nice. They are nothing special.

>> No.70276662

>nice sounding voice
Buddy, Enna's got problems, but singing isn't one of them.

>> No.70276724

I wouldn't say Gura is better, no.

>> No.70277988

This is the weakest bait I've seen all day. And I just saw a Default Mori bait thread.

>> No.70278213

Decent and good aren't the same thing. I don't think she'd be notable as a vocalist if she wasn't a vtuber for a popular company.

>> No.70278235


>> No.70278431

Reminder that the clique thrives on karaoke. Many a Niji staff member who got invited to after parties for a little nibbling and sucking. Fug, it's where Vox an Reimu madenout out, Kyo and Enna too. Elira with her boss drinking champagne from her cooch.

>> No.70279223

Go back to failing at being a normie

>> No.70279298

anon what the fuck is your schizo ass talking about

>> No.70279340

I'm not even a huge Gura fan, but I still prefer Gura's singing than any of them lol.

>> No.70279452

I know this is bait, but we don't often get to discuss this.

I don't give a single fucking shit about the musical content in vtubing as most of it is cringe and unoriginal, plus releases tend to be way too sporadic and minimal for me to take any vtuber's music serious even just as a brand to consoom (not setting the bar high enough to use the term "artist", as that would be a mistake from me and not the industry that knows they aren't artists).

I won't ever support my oshi's music unless she comes up with it, it's good enough to make me re-evaluate my previous understanding of the music I like, and it comes from her soul and her pain trying to find a place in a world that didn't gave her one to begin with, so she had to make it and evolve to get there, not from whatever narrative trends and morals tell her about who she is and how music has to be.

TL;DR Chuubas are for chuubing. Musicians are for making music.

>> No.70279477

also honestly, without going for the absolute stomp that is nerissa and her family

irys and mumei mog all three too in all metrics that count

>> No.70279984

>Hate them all you want

>> No.70281125

I get more excited for Gura karaokes than special events.

>> No.70282315

They'll sing when interrogated.
