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70208627 No.70208627 [Reply] [Original]

Even if Selen was "wrong" to upload the cover without perms, it will never not be funny how insane their overreaction was. It's like shooting a bazooka at your own kid in your own house's kitchen because you saw them sneaking a cookie at night
And if any of the leaks are real and not just schizo larps, they still think nuking their own house was the correct decision

>> No.70208761

That really is the funniest part, I don't care, and i don't think anybody really cares, Whether or not she was in the right or not, Or whether the bullying was real or imagined, Niji's own god damn fucktarded actions are the sole reason they got completely destroyed, Literally the only reason, and all they have left are inbred schizos who keep timelooping and brigading /here/ while their CCV and revenue is in the gutter

>> No.70209096

I just absolutely love that Doki will live rent free in their heads for months and months and months while she herself has fun streaming and collabing, freely living out her vtubing life.
Elira and her clique are going to age ugly from stress and frustration ^-^

>> No.70209118

>let her graduate normally

>eat shit for rest of eternity
if there is actual management in nijisanji EN they should be all fired and blacklisted from the industry because Jesus lol

>> No.70209215

You think you got enough commas in that run on sentence?

>> No.70209283

>And if any of the leaks are real and not just schizo larps,
>they still think nuking their own house was the correct decision
it's even funnier than that. not only do they believe their nuclear strikes were justified but they're planning even more despite the first two blowing up before leaving their own silos.

>> No.70209327

This drama is 2 weeks old. Move on faggot

>> No.70209360

Sure thing bud. Niji isn't living in your head rent free or anything. It totally isn't Dokitards still seething about drama that happened 2 weeks ago.

>> No.70209379
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>> No.70209516

>BPD Rentry
>Niji Artist Psyop
>Fillian Collab Seethe
>Hitlist Rentry
>Positivity Rentry
>Playbutton Seethe
Sure sis, WE'RE the obsessed ones.. totally

>> No.70209521

What have I got to lose, to seethe? I have no money in Nijisanji. I'm not part of the clique. At this moment I am euphoric that both Doki and /vt/ anons WILL be a negative part of your daily lives for many, many months ahead. I am cathartic and satisfied.
Seethe. I know you will. Today and everyday :)

>> No.70209631

>BPD rentry
Happened during week 1
>Fillian collab seethe
>Hitless rentry
>Positivity rentry
>playbutton seethe
Literal strawmen. Three losers crying on Twitter means nothing. You brining it ip shows you seething.
Tldr. Seethe more sister

>> No.70209662

Projection at its finest.
Dokibird lives rent free in Nijikek sisters' heads.

>> No.70209690

It's the same as Zaion.
Did she fuckup? Yeah a couple were legit mistakes on her part.
Were any of them termination worthy? Fuck no.
The only one that's even remotely bad was the rape joke, and she immediately realised she said something stupid and apologised.

>> No.70209755

See 70209662.
Nobody's seething in these threads except the Nijisisters.

>> No.70209767

How did you misspell hitlist sister i LITERALLY WROTE IT DOWN, My god i'm actually dying laughing at that, Nevermind your fucking copium overdose

>> No.70209777

>completely ignore your manager
Doki and doki sisters are retarded

>> No.70209828

>Ghost talent for 37 hours during final check
>Didn't bother to properly send or sign NDAs for artists involved until late jan/early feb
>Neck yourselfr you worthless rotten cunt pagpag

>> No.70209851

That's the nature of the japanese. same thing happened in WW2, they could surrender but no they had to protect 'muh honoru'
then they get nuked twice.

>> No.70209872

>they could surrender
Would have resulted in a coup.

>> No.70209938

It’s indeed so funny how they dig their own grave. All they had to do was not send that retarded black video. CEO would be apologizing and they would be under scrutiny, but it would have blew over by now.
Instead, now they have to do these counter streams only to get regularly beaten and humiliated. And we are the less numberfag, dramatubers and reddit breathes the math and they are gonna give them shit.

They are still in time to save it if they accept the L and settle the matter instead of dig in deeper until the floor caves.

>> No.70210000

You didn't read, but you felt the need to tell me to seethe and call me one of you on top of that? That's adorable.
Your enemies have won!
You have eternally lost!
You will always be shitter vtubers and you will always come to /vt/ scraping the limits of your skulls to see what absolutely dumb narratives to share with anons here!
You exist to entertain anons! The only way out is for you to graduate from life ^o^
Seethe for me monkey! Make sure to post that you didn't read! And that you're not owned!
This is your life now for many months to come! You have utterly lost already :D

>> No.70210033

>And still they did after the nukes.
Stubborness is commendable, but foolish if used to justify stupid choices.

>> No.70210114
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>> No.70210116
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>The only one that's even remotely bad was the rape joke
SKB club makes rape jokes on the regular, which is why it's so fucking hilarious how nijisisters don't even know their company. Admittedly part of the reason I even got into nijiEN in the first place was the supposed freedom to make these kind of jokes in addition to being shotacons/lolicons, and I left when Zaion got the boot clearly showing the branch went off track.

>> No.70210565

Let's try this again.
>liver get permissions from content creators months in advance
>liver asks for management approval months in advance
>management slow-walks, either deliberately or through sheer incompetence
>liver asks for permission again on the eve of release promised deadline
>management ghosts
>liver shares content to fulfill promise to fans
>management goes scorched earth, fires liver, engages in defamation by press-release, thereby exposing their own predatory management practices and the toxic workplace environment
>fired liver responds (minimally, per her attorney's instructions), goes indie, rallies her fan-base and supporters
>ex-fellow livers go full-retard
>nijisister cult members go even more retard

>> No.70210781

There almost was a coup.

>> No.70210823

No - the problems stem from the termination notice. No-one would've give a shit if it wasn't a fucking laundry list. Every one with 2 working braincells would've understood if she got booted for saying "please reupload". But adding a 4 page list of infractions reeks of maliciousness. That's not a termination notice, that's a notice trying to destroy any chance of career after Nijisanji. Every person who has a job saw through that shit. And the fact this is the second time they've done it has turned up the heat. Sayu didn't have the clout for an effective backlash of this scale but there was backlash. They learnt fucking nothing and now getting fucked in the ass with no lube in terms of PR.
Compare how Cover/Phase and the majority of corpos handle termination notices. Only WACTOR does termination notices like Nijisanji. When your comparison is WACTOR then you've definitely fucked up.
Then they decide to follow it up with a Black screen stream over the top of Doki's most anticipated stream, which again reeked of malicious intent, then the Gurrat appeared and they gave it life by the sisters amplifying it and EN basically trying to counter everything in the Gurrat with ever move they've made since, making them look even more stupid and guilty.
Never mind idiots saying very questionnable things in members stream. And idiots like Uki and Wilson biting on dollar store bait and making an ass of themselves.
A pack of baboons could run NijiEN PR more effectively

>> No.70210841
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>> No.70210999

Yeah at the end of the day it really comes down to the fact that she never made a public accusation and and even her very first "statement" was just in response to Retardsanji self-reporting.

Even if she is le ebin liar (cope) or "delusional", it doesn't matter for shit because she never even made any attack. Meanwhile Niji has been doing that relentlessly and even wheeled out Vox to basically say "don't trust that bitch"

>> No.70211773

Lmao you think they'll let this die? Half the dragoons are drama nerds who still associate Doki as the one who BTFO'd nijiniggs, none of them will move on from this as long as the golden yacht is docked.

>> No.70211841

Can we conclude dookie is the most vile and cunning chuba in the world?
Not even elira can compete with her

>> No.70211889

dookie deez nuts

>> No.70211923

Any other thread that criticizes Nijisanji without mentioning any other external liver will have the NDF pop up screaming "DRAMABIRD DOKITARD DOOKIETURD" completely unprompted. Hell, you see it on blebbit and xitter too. The "dookiebird boogeyman" is behind every attempt to criticize Nijisanji in your minds.

I guarantee you, if it weren't for you retards shitting up the place then most people would get bored of the Niji-hate circlejerk after a few days. Your inability to shut up is actively prolonging the situation, which is why I suspect a bunch of you must be livers or staff coming here after the laughing stock of the artist posts last week.

>> No.70211931

Preemptively defending yourself will always make you look guilty of whatever you are gonna be accused of, its like common sense

>> No.70211935

dookiebird is a turd

>> No.70212139

They are STILL trying to fuck with her. >>70205071
...and I doubt this will be the last time. They still for some insane reason think that sinking Doki will somehow make things better for them. They're completely divorced from reality and are a danger to themselves, the parent company, and the industry as a whole, and really need to be shut down before they successfully get someone killed and this goes from Youtube news to mainstream news.

>> No.70212245
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This, management's power can't really be threatened unless it's actually compromised so it amuses me that Elira's clique don't see their own hand in their, it's only because of their hoarding power away from management that management was threatened enough to activate Japanese stupidity mode.

When this starts to happen with Japs divest immediately, they won't recover. Recovery teams were prevented from accessing the actively burning Fukushima reactor for over 3 hours by transport officials who blocked vehicles insisting the situation was "irregular". Once the Samurai bullshit starts up all bets are off and notice how careful Yagoo is to never, ever take that tone in absolutely anything. All the great Japanese men are like this, Zun, Kojima, Nasu, anyone at all you can think of and it has to do with their memes, the ones in which Oda Nobunaga is a terrible man and Toyotomi Hideyoshi actually isn't, even though he is. Honestly Tazumi is too young.

>> No.70212268
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The actual funny part is that Selen/Doki DID already have perms to use the song from the creators (for well over a year by now), but Niji Management pulled this bullshit rule over using ex-livers right out of their own arses...
It's some very fucking thin ground to terminate one of your most popular and beloved EN livers over, even if it was just purely out of spite on their part.

>> No.70212339

Hey Enna/Millie whoever this is
I have a big, thick white cock hit me up

>> No.70212351

has anyone stopped watching Doki because of all this annoying drama and the fake popularity? apart from me

>> No.70212414

I assume the person in charge of the Twitter account is the cattiest Twitterbrained sister they could find, which explains everything starting from the retarded bullet point termination of Zaion

>> No.70212696

complete opposite. Enna's and Millies voices in particular make me want to punch kittens. Refused to watch nijiEN at all. I never watched any Holo collabs if they had nijien shitlords in it. Those termination notices were one of the most unprofessional things I have ever seen. Membered to Doki out of pure spite. Same with Sayu. They ended up being sweet, funny and entertaining and look forward to many more months if not years with them. TND

>> No.70212764

>the only vtubers in existence are nijiEn

>> No.70213144

>doesn't know how to read
NTA but he clearly said Holo collabs. Dude is a holodrone who didnt watch NijiEN and now watch Doki thanks to Niji.

>> No.70213391

I'm not seeing the connection between honor and Selen termination here. But it's clear that the letter of Selen termination was written by someone who clearly hates Selen.

>> No.70213564

Nijisanji is literally and ontologically evil so it's impossible for anyone to do wrong against them

>> No.70214318

I think a more appropriate analogy would be that a girl goes to the mall with her mother so that she can buy her a toy that she had already promised her for months, but when they arrive, the mother makes up any excuse not to buy it and the girl instead asks her dad to buy it for her, only for her mother to get super mad and start beating the shit out of her in front of the entire store and when the girl tries to escape from the beating she falls down the stairs and ends up in the mall’s infirmary and once leaving, her siblings sent by her mother continue beating her because "she deserves it"
And in the end the father divorced her and obtained full custody of the girl and the children who did not participated in the beating go to live with their father too
now alone and everyone hating her, she wonders, why is everyone so mean to her, If she didn't do anything wrong.

>> No.70214457

Selen almost died and NijiEN didn't give a fuck. I'll never move on.

>> No.70214524
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> Membered to Doki out of pure spite. Same with Sayu. They ended up being sweet, funny and entertaining and look forward to many more months if not years with them.

>> No.70214820
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Who would win, apple-orange analogies more mentally torturous than the behaviour they try to excuse, or calling a spade a spade.

>> No.70215114

You are not wrong, but consider this. Riku went and apologized specifically for the stuff in the letter. That was a lot of fat dump BS, but was a manageable one. That apology would have probably calmed the waters by now.

The black video is still the smelliest turd Elira ever did and it’s still smelling nowasays. No apology, and tgat caused the radio silence. You know Elira has leverage because any other CEO in a position of power would have scapegoated the shit out of you for that.
And now Niji is trying these poor snipes and failing because they don’t know how the fuck to back down from that turd. They are only digging a deeper grave as even if everyone returns, they will have to be in heavy ass moderation for weeks and that’s not good for channel growth.
It was so bad even the actual defenders (not the Nijisis shill) went from “hearts” to full Ls.

You can’t compare the letter to that.

>> No.70215181

Yep, when all the hate about the rape joke started, it was like a confirmation that many people didnt even watch clips of NijiJP.

>> No.70215729

It's interesting that in another world, Selen secretly maintained and improved Niji's reputation by providing events and music videos to fans at her own expense.

>> No.70220669


>> No.70220935

It wasn't that funny. The fan overreaction to their overreaction wasn't and still isn't funny either. The whole shitshow has been nothing but terrible for the industry EN side. Actual fools that piss and shit where they eat, not thinking ahead, not realizing they're going to get sick.

>> No.70221828
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>"he says the worst part was how bad it was for the industry"

>> No.70222349

No, Riku apologized for the "The effects of Selen Tatsuki's termination will be negligible" investor notice. Which is a different fuckup in itself. However that's less of a fuckup as it's an investor announcement, it's still shitty comms but the audience for that is investors rather than fans. Considering NijiEN only brings in 15% of revenue TOTAL to Anycolor, while the message lacked tact and empathy it isn't actually factually untrue. The entire EN branch could be culled for 15% loss in revenue. NijiEN isn't as valuable as the sisters think from a pure financial perspective. The notice to investors was unnecessary and poorly executed
