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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 193 KB, 1200x1600, 1709118436933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
70207690 No.70207690 [Reply] [Original]

VRe Schedule: https://holodex.net/?org=VReverie

Nova Aokami [Gen 1]

Lilrya Prisvielle [Gen 1]

Rana Ianna [Gen 2]

Akiko Sushi [Gen 2]

Salmon Lordette [Gen 2.5]



Bri At Cookiebox

Umi Kyoku



Graduated members links:

Song playlist:


Yandex is dead, we need to rebuild that. Anyone save them?


Previous thread: >>70152800

>> No.70208713
File: 169 KB, 1067x706, 20240122_143019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amaya...I can't live without your poison. I want it. I need it. I'm hopelessly hooked...

>> No.70209073

baker... the subject field...

>> No.70209189

Ik. Wanted to let it die but the poison taster denied the opportunity to hide my shame

>> No.70210448

At least you didn't [embed]

>> No.70210617

>Val included

Mad respect, bro

>> No.70211649
File: 273 KB, 1649x1075, 3456776867867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is just unending pain punctuated by moments of happiness that stop you from being completely numb

>> No.70211708

>tits bigger than Umi

>> No.70212272

You may as well start including the March graduate's PL accounts in "Extended", seeing as how they are already active on them.

What the hell is going on in this company?

>> No.70212913

Sorry guys but I broke me penis trying to look for Freya lewds and now I'm going to be out for commission for a year. Sorry for your lots.

>> No.70212919

I bet Amaya is a lot more amiable and willing to give favors in person.

>> No.70214051
File: 736 KB, 950x1300, 1686532749812816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70214102

I'm new over the last few days... Did someone die two weeks ago?? Idk where to ask politely...

>> No.70215365

Abacus magic with Aki

>> No.70215583

>Fish live but I can't see any thread up
>lazy fuck so I just grab template from previous thread
>post... duplicate exists
Nice effort baker but I'm worried thread will die without people being able to find it

>> No.70217779

Who you looking for nigga stop vagueposting

>> No.70218117

You just couldn't let it die could you. Why do you hate OP so much?

>> No.70219705

Because OP is a faggot like all of us. Not like the thread can't be found, "VRe" finds it perfectly fine stop being autistic

>> No.70220283

going to cum inside erika again before i take a nap

>> No.70220417

Sadly I didn't.

>> No.70221484

I didn't write this post.
I didn't write this post at all.
What is happening to me.
I can feel the darkness of the abyss tearing into me.
What have you done to me Lasakat?

>> No.70223130

Umi has been zatsuing for a while

>> No.70223291 [SPOILER] 
File: 261 KB, 317x353, tw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can feel the tora overtaking me

>> No.70223534
File: 183 KB, 1080x1360, 1688065851531937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There never was a talent named Erika Byakko employed by VReverie

>> No.70223756

Oh, we're finally allowed to speak the truth? The schizos are gone for good now? Dear god, that whole thing was embarrassing, why did people make up a whole talent that never existed?

>> No.70223766

>Aki raiding into Umi's stream
She doesn't give a shit anymore and I love it

>> No.70223842

then who the fuck did anon cum into then

>> No.70223951

But anon, Aki and Umi have collab'd before.

>> No.70223983

They have not, there's no proofs.

>> No.70224796 [SPOILER] 
File: 240 KB, 337x253, ihatemylife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't want to know

>> No.70224899

The girls, specifically Umi, have been tweeting like someone died and they miss them. I'm not sure if someone graduated but the replies also make it seem more serious than that.

>> No.70224986

Anon, you might be unironically autistic.

>> No.70224988

Umi was talking about her Ophie persona you troglodyte

>> No.70225240

Mental illness, you're on 4chan afterall. Ngl, it was pretty funny.

>> No.70225340

Cute little autistic anon...
They're talking about their VRe personas

>> No.70225413

Pls don't doxx me, ty

>> No.70225719

gws anon

>> No.70226348 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, 412378412374123670123123789123890123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have proofs. However I'm not going to deny image tampering allegations

>> No.70226387

Licking Freya's tummy

>> No.70226562

Nyanheras are playing Persona 3

>> No.70226783

Umi losing her shit when Aki raided her was fun to watch

>> No.70228712

Sorry Anon. I couldn't help making my Ritual post. It's a compulsion I have.

>> No.70229137

>What the hell is going on in this company?
Soon, not much anymore

>> No.70229309

Not until they graduate
It was same for Bri and Umi

>> No.70230258

Kissing Freya's tired hands

>> No.70230530

I'm a bit out of the loop but who is Valentine? Is this a VReX friend or somebody I should know?

>> No.70230613
File: 145 KB, 282x301, 1693171385544176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stream is quite something...
Iora from gen 0

>> No.70230746

Thanks. I was more of a gen2 and Rya watcher so I had no idea. I'll check her out

>> No.70231732
File: 374 KB, 1433x2048, 1705068593406354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Amaya
I love you Amaya
I love you Amaya
I love you Amaya
I love you Amaya

>> No.70232325
File: 65 KB, 1200x1218, 75606182204202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Val got some 300 followers since yesterday and she seemed pretty happy about getting to stream to so many people. Hopefully it cheers her up and helps to motivate her to stream more often. I really enjoyed watching her, she's a lot of fun

>> No.70233306

She's a fun gal indeed and the other girls seemed to like her a lot since the start. I hope she gets to stream more often now.

>> No.70233629

Same, hope she sticks around, I've busted like 3 nuts to her already since finding her yesterday

>> No.70233904
File: 76 KB, 952x934, 61706782204202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's really nice, isn't she

>> No.70235541
File: 470 KB, 2134x1200, uuuu[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fldm3cx.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you Freya
I love you Freya
I love you Freya
I love you Freya
I love you Freya

>> No.70236084
File: 27 KB, 646x141, 1691856329126842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what even

>> No.70236195


>> No.70236382

Sometimes people you work with are actual subhumans. Before home office became permanent, there was someone at the office where I worked who would shit literally all over the toilet and half the toilet stall. It was never discovered who but I have my suspicion it was this massively bloated obese fuck because after his team got moved to a different floor, it stopped happening. Probably died due to heart attack since then

>> No.70236702

Sounds great

>> No.70236995

90% chance this is a woman who's hovering over the toilet to piss because she thinks the seat is dirty. Which of course makes it dirty and continues the endless cycle of piss.

>> No.70237094

okay whatever
but what would it take for Salmon to do this to my bathroom for me?

>> No.70237121

>She thinks it's dirty
There's piss on the floors and the seat anon

>> No.70237198

>pisses all over the seat and floor
I wonder why there's piss all over the place

>> No.70237214


>> No.70237231

Yeah, because of the hovering. If they sat down to piss then it would go into the toilet and the seat wouldn't be dirty. It's a never-ending cycle.

>> No.70237270

I don't think you know where pee comes from

>> No.70237370

Have you never talked to a woman? This isn't uncommon.

>> No.70237449
File: 363 KB, 250x150, scary-movie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.70237458

Paying this much money for it would make it even hotter

>> No.70237570

You also cannot be present when she does it and she will scrub the bathroom clean before you can enter it.

>> No.70237587

Women don't just randomly start talking about how they piss

>> No.70237700

You've...never talked to a women

>> No.70237725

Watersports anon... It's ok

>> No.70237894

No like, you've actually never talked to a woman. They will go off about shit like that without a second thought if they're comfortable enough around you

>> No.70237981

You hang around some interesting women

>> No.70238030

That I do, they're great gals

>> No.70238096

I think you're both missing the part where it's not necessary to talk to women to figure out where they piss from.
Elementary school level biology should be enough for that
or watching porn involving piss

>> No.70238153

that last part is a deal breaker, but let's haggle
I think just the history of her doing that would be good enough for half price

>> No.70238373

There will be no haggling, the conditions have been set

>> No.70239003

alright she has me by the balls
I'll buy two

>> No.70240005

Where do you think you are

>> No.70240073

Right now? Sitting in my kitchen waiting for my meat to defrost so I can make dinner

>> No.70240261

If I ever found Bri's mom as a vtuber I would masturbate like crazy to her

>> No.70240938
File: 68 KB, 636x393, 1702201136140942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go

>> No.70241225
File: 248 KB, 513x481, 1700211112965939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine an ASMR stream where she rambles for 2 hours about repainting her house

>> No.70241267

>repainting her house
yeah... me

>> No.70241622
File: 309 KB, 600x483, 1681880013828876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you vore her each day

>> No.70241799

Who is this? It's a sex model

>> No.70241887


>> No.70242082

Valentine, the Gen 0 talent. Also check her Twitter, she draws porn of herself

>> No.70242247

Even if it's just a chibi, I'll power through it

>> No.70242315

yeah, with me

>> No.70242604

Who the fuck is the retard who baked with no subject i thought this wasnt up all day cos i was looking for /vrex/

>> No.70242698

I just put "rana" because searching for /vrex/ brings up 7 other small corpo generals

>> No.70242739

if you're talking about umi's tweet, i think youre retarded to not know who she is talking about

>> No.70242871
File: 428 KB, 952x1600, F9wP3ZtbUAAI3Wm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i usually just search vrex now as that brings me to /corpo/ and some other threads i skim too so its my go to, didnt expect someone to just completely fucking forget it kek

oh well, my bake can die at least but im posting the art here too

>> No.70243002

I wish, Umi, I wish...

>> No.70243076


>> No.70243085


>> No.70243127


>> No.70243319

You can't blame everything on me

>> No.70243409

I can and I will.

>> No.70243443

Yes we can

>> No.70243481

Yes I can and I have

>> No.70243640

nuh uh

>> No.70245094

Yuh uh

>> No.70246748

Bestie was so high energy yesterday
you're welcome

>> No.70246990

There were attempts to let the thread die but some anons were against it

>> No.70247321

does anyone have a clip of nova actually laughing? all she does is say "that is so funny"

>> No.70247360

literally just go watch her vod from yesterday

>> No.70247383

She laughs 30% of each stream

>> No.70247414

P3 or digimon?
I decided to check out her digimon stream and for the first 25 minutes she only goes "that is soooo funny"

>> No.70247432
File: 189 KB, 291x370, 17045u65u293138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight my /vrex/'ers day 52 over and out...

>> No.70247506

gn anon

>> No.70247538


>> No.70248511

Bri collecting every DS1 weapon again

>> No.70248513

Bri live and getting every weapon in DS

>> No.70249937

I miss Freya...

>> No.70249975
File: 244 KB, 828x590, were_pogging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope nobody minds me being a bit of a faggot, but I want (you)r input on something
I'm a drawfag, but I never post my shit online. It's mostly for IRL friends anyway. I also have to be inspired to draw, and posting random shit to bump this thread was so fun that I decided to make something, but with all the shit going on it also feels like it won't be of any use. Its still a rough sketch, but I'm not sure if I should actually line and render it
Just fyi I wanted to make a drawing of bestie looking at the pregnancy test and saying
>we're pogging

>> No.70250174
File: 1.65 MB, 1080x1920, Erika-Phone-Wallpaper-585s7b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo this is pretty good! Lines might be a bit thick, I'd definitely suggest going over them with eraser and thinning them up a bit on the ends but other than that, it's coming along pretty nicely!

>> No.70250250

I don't know shit about art, but I appreciate it so post your shit bestie, fuck anyone who says otherwise

>> No.70250505

Yea me too...me too

>> No.70250534

That's a cute Bestie

>> No.70250567

Its just a more rough sketch, I plan on actually lining over it. Thanks for the input though!

will do

Thanks, I will finish it when I get the time. Things at my actual job are hectic, but this is a nice relaxing part.
Also i was the one asking about what art bestie doensn't like being posted. Its not really lewd, but still a bit suggestive

>> No.70251430
File: 203 KB, 637x511, 1697043919120800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70252034

Bestie live

>> No.70253398

I can't believe management would do this...

>> No.70253475

First they cut off Aki's water supply, and now they're cutting power lines...

>> No.70253511

not their first time sabotaging civilian infrastructure

>> No.70253757

Bestie needs more jars on her desk

>> No.70255954


>> No.70257387

good night vrexies

>> No.70257461

Good night anon

>> No.70257474

gn vrexie

>> No.70259087

Bestie cute

>> No.70259870

That's actually looking really good, wouldn't mind seeing it finished

Management seething that we found Val and that she had a good time while streaming. They just had to cripple the powerlines

>> No.70261192
File: 18 KB, 472x133, 1700080101716107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.70261323
File: 280 KB, 580x578, 1687284573752661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70262569

What is she yapping about

>> No.70262808

Sleeping irl puts you in a dream, and sleeping in a dream puts you back into reality. Or something like that

>> No.70263432

I miss Bestie...
