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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70121145 No.70121145 [Reply] [Original]

>bae, mori, fauna and mumei were not yet in LA
>at the house was only gura, ame, ina and kiara
>the girls order a pizza
>on the pizza there were mushrooms and green onions (might have been olives)
>ame is allergic to bread
>ina is lactose intolerant
>kiara hates mushrooms and picked them off (gura ate them)
>gura is lactose intolerant and hated the green peppers (or maybe it was olives)
why did they buy this pizza? were ame, gura and ina intentionally giving themselves diarrhea poisoning? did gura do it so she could smell rancid tommy hart farts? was it kiara being a retard?

>> No.70121313

Didn't ame eat a bunch of bread in Japan?
Also just because you're lactose intolerant that doesn't mean you can't eat dairy completely.

>> No.70121352

Manager ordered it

>> No.70121410

gura has made it seem like if she eats cheese she gets really bad farts

>> No.70121445

Being allergic to something means you may actually die from it, which is obviously not the case, so she has to be at most only intolerant.

>> No.70121501

she has celiacs, which isnt an allergy
also lactose intolerant people can still eat cheese just fine, generally

>> No.70121537

>Didn't ame eat a bunch of bread in Japan?
imagine being ame, going to another country, knowing you have to do physical work and then going out of your way to eat something you know will give you diarrhea poisoning

>> No.70121584

>also lactose intolerant people can still eat cheese just fine, generally
mozzarella absolutely has lactose

>> No.70121687

Japanese bread didn't make her sick though. She still doesn't know exactly what her allergy is, she assumes gluten but hasn't been able to diagnose it because the test requires you to eat gluten for like a month and she can't do that while working so she just avoids it completely

>> No.70121705
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Have you never been to a pharmacy before?

>> No.70121727

Do you think lactose will kill them?
It just gives them the shits
Many lactose intolerant people go out of their way to eat as much cheese as they can because they see it as a challenge

>> No.70121735

all of cheeses do to some extent, but cheese is very low in lactose compared to milk or yoghurt.

>> No.70121737

She's allergic to the folate they add to American bread

>> No.70121802

gura ate warm yoghurt on stream

>> No.70121831

It could also be in her head

>> No.70121867

>imagine being ame, going to another country, knowing you have to do physical work and then going out of your way to eat something you know will give you diarrhea poisoning
okay, i'll imagine it
>doctor says i can't eat the bread
>manager says don't eat the bread
>fuck it, i'm eating the bread anyway, AMEWAY ALL DAY EVERY DAY
>hey guys, i ate bread and now tummy hort so no stream today

>> No.70121884

kek imagine the smell

>> No.70121906

I ordered the pizza
so I could smell the bathroom aftermath

>> No.70121941

you can still digest some lactose before getting assraped
well maybe only if you're white
don't look Uki

>> No.70122048

Why are Americans always unable to eat normal food? Are they just pretending for attention?

>> No.70122091

Then Japanese bread should have triggered it
More likely there are simply a lot of additives in American bread because it needs a really long shelf life, and one of these additives causes it. Some people have had issues with calcium propionate or other mold inhibitors

>> No.70122113

Eating nothing but McDonalds over multiple generations fucked up their digestive tracts.

>> No.70122115

ina isn't white though
gura has ibs or some shit. she has said before she had to eat sweat potatoes on family trips or she would get the shits

>> No.70122254

>well maybe only if you're white
There's a lot of variation in lactose intolerance rates even within the same race. It's all about the specific region you're descended from. Japan is astronomical because they didn't eat dairy until the 20th century, but it's relatively rare in places like Mongolia. This is just one of the examples of why there is no such thing as a universal perfect diet.

>> No.70122353

Elevated risk of severe allergies is a known side effect of vaccines; the immune system is constantly stimulated during childhood, and without actual diseases to fight it sometimes fixates on food. Some cases are also people with rare diseases who would have just died in childhood if they weren't born in a rich country with advanced medical care.

>> No.70122399

American bread could just be shit. Heard it tastes like fucking cake from non americans.

>> No.70122407

Not really, if anything being in japan would be very distracting and distanced from whatever stressor causes the psychosomatic symptoms in the first place. Losing vague "allergies" when you're too distracted to otherwise notice them is actually a huge sign it's all in your mind. I've seen it a lot

>> No.70122414

I'd guess something about having shit microbiomes from growing up indoors and never going outside and/or inheriting shit microbiomes and antibody profiles from their mother.

I grew up in the countryside and I did have allergies as a kid to pollen and such, they simply went away. it's moreso to me these days that it feels like half of everyone at whatever events has not necessarily something they're allergic to or can't eat, but they have some autistic diet shit like it needs to be vegan or kosher or halal. having a healthy diet is one thing (like I understand vegetarians/pescatarians etc) but having some arbitrary "I can't eat that because of personal beliefs" reasoning is like, while I smile and nod to these people in person, in private I want to fucking strangle them for the notion that they are better people for having a specific diet. no, they most certainly are not.

>> No.70122448
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>allergic to bread

>> No.70122656

NA plebs don't know that there are gluten and lactose free food products out in the world. As other anon mentioned you can buy lactose breaking pills too.

>> No.70122661

celiac disease is an allergy to the protein from grains. ame does not have celiac disease tho

>> No.70122735

there are also some cheese that are basically lactose free like brie, parmesan, cheddar, swiss.

>> No.70122753

Lactose intolerant here, eating lots of cheese can cause serious health problems not just a bad case of the farts

>> No.70122950

>diarrhea poisoning?
oh man, this is some nostalgic bait, I haven't heard that phrase on /vt/ in forever

>> No.70122982

Ame said the bread in Japan doesn't fuck with her as much as American bread.
She also said that she's willing to take the L for Japanese bread since she's only there a couple times a year.

But honestly it isn't bad to eat gluten every once in a while. It's when you eat it like every day that you can really get fucked up.

>> No.70123179

I have an egg allergy but can still eat some types of food with eggs. Shits weird yo. She probably has an allergy to one of the specific proteins that is more commonly found in American grains.

>> No.70123289

>>ame is allergic to bread

>> No.70123509

Ew, why?

>> No.70123528
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You stupid fucks why do you think "tummy hort" is so common among chuubas? I'll tell you it's not because they're making it up, it's because they're all mentally ill and their lives are shit and their bodies are reacting to it. It's the easiest, vaguest, hardest to explain symptom of stress but it's also really easy to cope and blame it on something like "bread/eggs/whatever but not all the times for some reason" so you never actually have to confront it and you can feel like it's a goal that may be something you can resolve later instead of fixing the situation now. Ame is just a schizo and any anons who relate to it are also schizos. Myself included. Thank you for your time

>> No.70123593

Mmmm Fatzrin

>> No.70123612

>You stupid fucks why do you think "tummy hort" is so common among chuubas?

>> No.70123634
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Kek, this situation is so stupid it's actually causing me to bust out laughing at 3 am.
Good thread.
Also I have no fucking idea why they bought it, maybe like two people enjoyed that pizza. Should have just gotten Chinese food or something.

>> No.70123679

>why did they buy this pizza?
they are women

>> No.70123696

in third world countries like yurope someone like ame or gura would just shit themselves to death

>> No.70123778

pizza has mozzarella, not swiss or brie

>> No.70123815

I miss the 2014 /pol/ arc where they tried to turn being white enough to drink milk into a status symbol

>> No.70123828

because she is autistic

>> No.70123932
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Run from the truth into your cave of the bad red week you naive fool but ask yourself this as you cower behind the shield of "women weird". Do you really think these women who talk about their violent liquid shits after eating a "bad food" are making allegories or metaphors all the time. No they're disgusting unstable whores who think that the things wrong with them is the worlds fault and not theirs. Look upon the small chuubas. The 1 views. They will happily regale you with tales of tummy hort. It's directly correlated. The bigger they get the less they talk about it. When they stagnate in growth it comes back in full force. I didn't make spreadsheets or anything to provide proof but see for yourself anons. When they go through it, diarrhea goes through them, and there's always some convenient boogeyman like some weird protein or additive that they can't name or mitigate but they're certain it's what's causing it. Or they don't think about it and just claim to have IBS which is also a stress disease

>> No.70124076

>But honestly it isn't bad to eat gluten every once in a while. It's when you eat it like every day that you can really get fucked up.
no, celiac disease isn't like being lactose intolerant. eating gluten when you have celiac disease physically destroys the lining of your intestines which is a cancer risk

>> No.70124116

don't forget the first en off collab
>5 girls
>1 room
>2 beds and a couch
>1 toilet
>eat nothing but taco bell all fucking day for some reason

>> No.70124135

It reminded her of cum

>> No.70124199

Quick Google search:
'Hard cheeses such as cheddar, colby, Swiss, mozzarella and Monterey Jack “are virtually lactose-free.'"

>> No.70124225


>> No.70124227

In case of emergency, sinks and showers can be used as toilets.

>> No.70124277

Yeah, my cum

>> No.70124319

>ask yourself this as you cower behind the shield of "women weird".
I never said it was "weird", you fucking virgin. Periods aren't weird.

>> No.70124343

...Are those hard? Wait no they fucking aren't what? did you get that off some schizo ai search?

>> No.70124395
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Women are cuter when they're retarded

>> No.70124426

The original heated until elastic was, today's version from cow's milk is considered soft.

>> No.70124446

anon finds out all bitches love pizza

>> No.70124452

I've talked to several women and the slightly retarded ones were definitely the cutest

>> No.70124532

in the same bathroom?

>> No.70124658

Most americans with 'celiac' (undiagnosed) actually just react poorly to the chemicals put into cheap american white bread to leaven the dough and replace the 'age with yeast' process. Unlike celiac which is an actual disease the solution for being weak to american bread is to git gud.

>> No.70124741

It's a bonding exercise.

>> No.70124961

No. It is mostly genetic and the mutation is only about 10 thousand years old. In fact it's down to a few identified genes in particular. The genes don't shut off the production of lactase enzyme in your gut, which for most people, gets shut off after childhood.
It has to do with the location of your ancestors. Places like Europe had lots of available land and so the ancient populations there raised cattle. Anyone who could continue to drink milk after adulthood had an additional source of nutrition and thus a natural selection edge over others. Given enough time and generations, those genes are expressed in the majority of the population as the people with them have more children then the ones that don't.
This is why places like Mongolia also have a high rate of tolerance to dairy, because they were nomadic herders for thousands of years and have always drank cow and horse milk.
However, just because you have these genes, doesn't mean you will be able to have milk. There are many people that are still lactose intolerant even with those genes, but the concentration of people that can eat dairy are located in populations that historically raised cattle.

>> No.70125007

Wait, nevermind lol. I mixed your reply up with another anon's. You basically described the same thing I did.

>> No.70125074

As can I

>> No.70125237

you shit in the sink?

>> No.70125305

It did actually end up effecting her, as she admitted to shitting blood at the end of her trip. She just thought she could get away with it.

>> No.70126715

>kiara hates mushrooms and picked them off (gura ate them)
Gura ordered the pizza so Kiara would feed her mushrooms, the green onions (or maybe olives) were just a distraction

>> No.70128445


>> No.70129103

Folic acid allergy is incredibly rare and presents as a rash. Rice bread on the other hand--which is very common in Japan-- is generally gluten free, which means that someone with a gluten allergy could likely eat it without much consequence.

>> No.70129498

Lactose is broken down by lactase which is produced by your body, but as you age your body disables much of your lactase production, and if you eat more lactose than you can produce lactase, you are incapable of digesting it and will get diarrhea. The amount of lactose people can safely eat therefore varies from person to person.
But, if you take a lactase supplement >>70121705 then you can eat as much lactose as you want and digest it fine.

>> No.70129565

Amerimutt food is poison

>> No.70129866

They literally put a dozen different perservatives in american bread, it can be any of those.

>> No.70131172

Ok, but the worst that can happen is that you spend a hour on the toilet. Still worth it for a pizza.

>> No.70131249

Well her allergic reaction is rash. Also, she said her poop was green, also a common trait for folic acid allergy.

>> No.70131608

Myth Party

>> No.70132264

Imagine hating your country's bread so much that you accept physical sickness in order to eat foreign one. I know that the laws regarding the stuff that you can put into food are not that restrictive in the US, but this is just sad.

>> No.70133347

>5 girls
>1 room
imagine the smell...

>> No.70136053

I've had a pizza variation that had brie instead of mozzarella

>> No.70136174

celiac disease is an allergy to the protein from grains. ame does not have celiac disease tho and the anon from >>70121501 is just lying.

>> No.70136280

You got it backwards. Japan bread doesn't make her nearly as sick as american bread so she's not "accepting physical sickness", unless you mean this in some deep way of her admiting she has celiac, which she clearly does not.

>> No.70136294
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I feel like some of you retards don't know that all women get "tummy hort" every month

>> No.70139025

imagine the smell

>> No.70139104

no one in your country has teeth or lives past 32

>> No.70139117

I might be retarded. I always took "tummy hort" at face value, or as a placeholder for the actual excuse. Never connected the dots about it being about their menstrual cycle...

>> No.70139157

it was all in le head

>> No.70139236

gura has IBS as well

>> No.70139296

I took it as an excuse for things they don't want to say for one reason or another, yet for some reason this didn't pass through my mind...

>> No.70139319

ahh Dr Anon, BHD. Please read another med journal article at me whilst pretending it's your own words of expertise on diagnosing anime girls *swoon*.

>> No.70139941

This is the good kind of schizo post. We need more schizos like you anon

>> No.70140287

So, here is what happened:
>Gura ate the pizza and slept in Ame's bed. Instead of peeing in her bed like the original rrat, she actually had a massive wet shart in Ame's bed, thinking it was a fart.

>> No.70140353

Imagine being Amerifat and claiming you're the superior race, but die when you eat peanut butter. kek

>> No.70140432

this is the best diarrhea song I've heard in my life
I'm going to sing this in my head when I'm having the shits
