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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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70087417 No.70087417 [Reply] [Original]


>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: https://tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

Previous thread: >>70055891

>> No.70087579

Genuinely think some aspies would do much better if they put some effort into their streams.

>> No.70087614
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We need more girls in glasses

>> No.70087714

Daiya and Keitaro flirting on Charley's magma...
They have to be fucking.

>> No.70087784




that's all of them I think, I'm done searching either way

>> No.70087836

How do I record a song with the music background and what im singing and post it here?

>> No.70087849

Haru, stop leeching and go get a job you loser.

>> No.70087876

>See someone getting picked on
>Try to befriend them
>never goes anywhere because of them

Damn next time I’m going to be on the side of the bullies

>> No.70087922

If you already have the instrumental part by itself just add that to a track in a daw then record yourself on a separate track singing. You can then either add the file to catbox and post here or use virtual audio cable to record a voca of the finished file.

>> No.70087980

Same. There's a couple /asp/ies here nobody gave a shit about and actively crabbed when they first debuted and I was the only person in their chat from day one, and all of them turned out to be egotistical backstabbing assholes.

>> No.70088102

Dorian ignored me from day one even though I tried to support him despite using the shit voice changer

>> No.70088118

name and shame them sis

>> No.70088253

I wish anyone had reached out to me. In all the time I've been crabbed, only one person sent me a "sorry that's happening" kind of message. Am I unapproachable?

>> No.70088405

Never happened to me.

>> No.70088547

Name yourself please and I'll try to support you more

>> No.70088576
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Silence, Heathens.

>1. Why not merge with /wvt/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with /lig/?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with corpos?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see [chubas] numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The baiters are insulting your oshi!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey guess what I heard from the crabs!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.70088598

I'm afraid of approaching anyone to support them, the few times I did I mostly received the most cold and uninterested responses possible with only a few exceptions but thats how it is sometimes.
I stopped showing care and support privately since then.
In a way I can understand why though, they probably would have preferred another streamer showing support to them and not a viewer.

>> No.70088724
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>they probably would have preferred another streamer showing support to them and not a viewer.
Man you /asp/ dudes are lucky most viewers are cucks because normal people would drop you for a situation like that.

>> No.70088739

I am afraid of posting my go live link on twitter. What if my oshis who follow me see it and see how complete trash I am :(

>> No.70088794

I'm sorry, I don't feel comfortable with that for a few reasons. Primarily, I don't want it to be obvious that the crabbing is getting to me.

>> No.70088851


>> No.70088859

Us crab targets have to stick together anon

>> No.70088958

I honestly don't get the whole "reaching out" thing. Is it normal to DM someone acting sad on Twitter and tell them it's going to be alright?

>> No.70089042

No, the only people that do that are sexpests and the people that feel obligated to because of their saviour complex.

>> No.70089048

Why would I drop someone I enjoy watching over something like that?
If they keep me entertained I will probably keep watching them, at most I will feel a little awkward about it and be less active in their stream.

>> No.70089080

If you are actually friends with them or know them IRL it is. My IRL friends DM me before they post suicidal stuff just to let me know they are ok and that I don't need to check on them

>> No.70089096

Same, people seem to be afraid to reach out unless they also align with my hyper fixated interests as well, then they're able to get past it.

>> No.70089151

Cuck behavior desu

>> No.70089168

>he just removed beryl entirely

>> No.70089200

Proving his point. Don't support people that will refuse to support you back or even treat you with basic kindness.

>> No.70089205

Dude you're a cuck.
Not just a cuck but you're like, fat bastard cuck.

>> No.70089217

Not an /asp/ie, go talk about him in /wvt/

>> No.70089305

That's why I don't watch /wasp/ies

>> No.70089345

It makes me cry and feel like quitting at times. It's pretty weak, but I feel very isolated.

>> No.70089436

I think you missed the point where I said I was a viewer.
I don't watch people expecting to become their friends and it cost me nothing to show some care for someone I think might be having a bad time.
If they don't appreciate it that's fine, if they do then I'm happy to be of any help.
You guys are too vindictive about menial stuff.

>> No.70089465


>> No.70089485

So what is the point that an apsie should move to /wvt/?

>> No.70089533

Answer A:
Never because its a schizo wasteland
Answer B:
When their streams are actually good

Proper answer depends on state of the general

>> No.70089546 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.70089573

Based, I take it a step further and don't watch anyone that doesn't watch me
If I support you and raid you and never even get you dropping by for a second to say hi to me when I stream then you can kick rocks
No free rides

>> No.70089590

Honestly never. /wvt/ is a dry husk of what it once was. If you're a girl you might get a couple of viewers from there, but they're the unsavory kind

>> No.70089617

looks pretty good. this AI?

>> No.70089625

Then stop streaming bitch

>> No.70089639

But /asp/ is also a schizo wasteland.

>> No.70089673

never. dead thread

>> No.70089694

but all the wvt schizos moved here because they ran out of targets there.

>> No.70089714

This place is more of a schizo battlefield that hasn't burned out yet

>> No.70089716

He already gets discussed there and has his link posted

>> No.70089721

/asp/ is schizo but it isn't a wasteland, it's fairly active compared to most other generals in the catalog

>> No.70089759

Haru will never support you unless he has something to gain from it.

>> No.70089767

Somehow I think that's worse
"Heh we're so much better than that dead thread that got ruined by schizos because we have a bunch of active schizos shitting all over our chuubas"

>> No.70089820

Flanzen please let me groom you. I will pay you so much money if you just would make art of me constantly

>> No.70089880

Haru has messaged me privately unprompted many times to support me or to check on me and let me tell you, he has nothing to gain from it.

>> No.70089907
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>Heh we're so much better than that dead thread that got ruined by schizos because we have a bunch of active schizos shitting all over our chuubas
this but unironically. The users here are at least not as retarded as on peak wvt and the crabs have a harder time spreading their rrats.

pic related, he's in here shitting up the threads every day

>> No.70089962

Haru shitposter is annoying as hell though and the guy who keeps trying to keep Beryl

>> No.70089965

All the /wvt/ chuubas retreated into their own discord groups and let the schizos take over the thread. The schizos got bored and realize that /asp/ is full of gullible targets they can harass all year long because there will always be someone new. There's no way of dealing with schizos other than finding good people you like and retreating from this thread.

>> No.70089997

Once he doesn't see any use for you, he won't touch you with a ten foot pole.

>> No.70090047

that's so cucked of you, if they act like that you should crab them so they learn their place and leave

>> No.70090201

Thinking about Gumpai's tight asian pussy

>> No.70090220

>nothing to gain
he is trying to keep you around as a viewer, which he is already struggling to keep

>> No.70090350

Thinking about Fuza's big french afro

>> No.70090370

/asp/ is better because despite the schizos there are still decent people posting here. can't say the same for /wvt/

>> No.70090466

He doesn't really care about you.

>> No.70090501
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Best asp for this feel? Or would make me into this?

>> No.70090527
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asp for this feel?

>> No.70090564


>> No.70090566


>> No.70090594


>> No.70090602

Because seething jobless 1views have nothing else to do but talk about pointless drama and crab

>> No.70090611

The worst is camuischizo. Haruschizo, keitaroschizo and the like will shitpost and fuck off after a while but he will keep it up for entire threads. The second he appears you might as well pack up and come back tomorrow because the thread will be unusable.

>> No.70090612

That's a lot of lipstick to be kissing boys.

>> No.70090621
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asp for this feel?

>> No.70090665

Did she kill herself?

>> No.70090668

I want to have sex with a drawing

>> No.70090705

oh no anon, you'll summon him..

>> No.70090757

I wish that were me

>> No.70090827

One of the great mysteries of /asp/

>> No.70090925

>Charley didn't raid a small aspie

>> No.70090980
File: 338 KB, 2552x2238, 1704811640344053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bout yull ell me da asp for this feel right der

>> No.70091005
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asp for this feel?

>> No.70091013

How did he do it?

>> No.70091067

Charley is as bad as Haru and Beryl for this but he doesn't get any flak for it idk why

>> No.70091069

asps for this uhhh........unnm...........umm........ahhh....ehhhhh....hold on just give me a second uhhhh. for this. for this, for- for uh....

>> No.70091116
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Asp for this feel?

>> No.70091151
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The digbys

>> No.70091194

Haru is the single worst /asp/ie. He doesn't support anyone and only takes from here without giving back.

>> No.70091205


>> No.70091334

He raided an aspie, just not a small aspie.
I don't think Charley is as bad, I see him lurking around a lot of aspies.

>> No.70091451
File: 69 KB, 430x170, ROPE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idling on other /asp/ chats to prove your loyalty instead of just watching what you want to watch

>> No.70091566

No free rides

>> No.70091593

What the fuck is a "free ride"?

>> No.70091598
File: 6 KB, 276x115, Capture 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Havent streamed in 2 days
Is this what making it feels like? I have literally no clue where these guys are coming from. Not even bots.

>> No.70091637

Some people, like Haru can't even be bothered to boost the view count of their fellow /asp/ies.

>> No.70091650
File: 2.11 MB, 1140x1286, myfeelings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sexy = i watch you a lot, i think you are sexy
cute = i will tune in to your stream to watch you be stupid
weird = i'm getting very different feelings from you and i don't know what to do
nope = i will never watch your stream
??? = who the fuck are you

>> No.70091681
File: 23 KB, 225x225, 1593104808238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello non-women aspiring vtubers

>> No.70091686

Any asp with a cat Vtuber/PNGtuber

(Except me. I am temporarily a cat. The end goal is humanoid guy made of bacteria, blood agar, and spite. -Bacilly)

>> No.70091734
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>> No.70091779

I can't stop thinking about cute boys, I don't want to be GAYYYYYYY!!!!!

>> No.70091809

I don’t think you know what those words mean

>> No.70091858

Surely he has nothing better to do than to check on me, someone who has nothing to give him.

>> No.70091960

He sees that you have something to give to him. Otherwise he wouldn't give you the time of day.

>> No.70091968

I had some hopes of seeing my smut being in the list, and Im glad I made it :) Arigathanks iriya-sensei

>> No.70091978

I like how you have to keep insisting there's a "schizo" dedicated to you just to attempt some /asp/ defense force, Keitaro. I guess you've noticed you're falling to 1view status and need that extra pity watch.

>> No.70092038

What's sexy about Skab, Kenny and Sterling?
Why're Ria and Fuza in Nope tier?

>> No.70092039

The camuischizo literally only shows up when people try to defend Camui's actions, they're at least predictable

>> No.70092069

You’re just responding to a troll.

>> No.70092094
File: 271 KB, 1651x392, folder1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have so many folders full of him. I miss him ToT

>> No.70092162

why would you watch someone that doesn't care about you and your support towards them instead of watching someone who would actually appreciate you?

also are you who I think you are? probably because I don't think there is a more obnoxious viewer in this thread. if it's you then no wonder they reacted the way they did towards you because you probably are in the dm of half the aspies

>> No.70092163

hi, schizo.

>> No.70092188

I'm speaking out. I've been burned by him more than once and I won't trust him again.

>> No.70092228

Unbelievably based taste

>> No.70092238

No you aren’t.

>> No.70092239


>> No.70092240


>> No.70092313

>in ??? Tier

>> No.70092385

Last time that 'action' was banning a sexpest that turned out to also be a huge dramafag. The schizo will come out whenever he-who-must-not-be-named is being talked about. That's why we hyphenate his name.

>> No.70092431

You can choose not to heed my advice, but you'll be burned too. I've seen his type before.

>> No.70092442

Ok? How has Haru burned you? What did he do?

>> No.70092533

Huh maybe I am gay

>> No.70092752

He hasn't raided me back once even though I raided into him several times. I've never seen him in my chat for a second, either. He's just here for free viewership without giving anything back.

>> No.70092817

Rin wasabi, abigail, hauntlich, hargmentor, drex, shania, rebel, hyde, anyaposter, somebody else i didnt mention so that they can egosearch themselves?

>> No.70092845

Fair enough I suppose. Doesn't make him a bad person, but it's reason enough to feel like he doesn't deserve your support.

>> No.70092885
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I already watch everyone that I know cars about me.
No idea who you think I am but I'm only had private conversations with 9 aspies and in none of them I dmed them first because I don't feel like a viewer should be talking privately to a streamer and if the few times I went out of my way to reach out to people I had talked before are any indication of how the average aspies will react to me showing concern because I saw them feeling bad at the end of the stream or because I read a twitter post in which they are showing that they feel sad then I don't want to reach to anyone anymore, even to the ones that have been thankful to me for reaching out because I managed to cheer them up or I made feel better because I was honest about how much they helped me with their streams I no longer plan on doing it.
I'm sorry for the long post, I just wanted to get this out of my system.

>> No.70092906


>> No.70092963

a woman made this list because no man would ever not want to watch Ria

>> No.70093012

I've seen a couple of my old regulars in his chat since I raided him and they barely show up in my chat anymore. He is not worth supporting, he's not a real /asp/ie.

>> No.70093030

I was tossing up between Ria and Spellcrafter (I don't think suka was live at the time or I just missed him). But I wanted to raid Ria as a sort of welcome back since her computer got all fucked up. If there were other aspies live at the time I don't think I follow them so if you could link them I'd appreciate it.

I'll take this feedback on and try and raid some smaller aspies more in future, I didn't really think too much about my last few raids but if people feel that I'm doing that then I'll be more mindful.

>> No.70093065
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Thoughts? Opinions?

>> No.70093066

>I've seen a couple of my old regulars in his chat since I raided him and they barely show up in my chat anymore
This is my nightmare scenario and why I'm hesitant to raid. I only do it out of obligation.

>> No.70093067

>Coworkers want me to watch some reality tv show
>No time
>Get brilliant idea to do react andy of clips of the show
>There's no clips longer than 1 minute on YT
So close yet so far

>> No.70093099

im sexually frustrated from work today can someone lend a hand

>> No.70093114

sure dm me at @keitaroch

>> No.70093116

The only regulars Haru has are the same ones he had a year ago, literally and I can count them with one hand, I don't think Haru stole those people away from you.

>> No.70093165


>> No.70093205

Yes commit suicide

>> No.70093212

You’re just lying and can’t even keep your story straight.

>> No.70093229

you missed gael, hanabi, kuku, renata

>> No.70093251

If you want to name them I'll tell you if any of those are my regulars. They're in his chat way more than mine now and I hate him.

>> No.70093288
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>> No.70093294

We should all be kinder to eachother

>> No.70093340

Crabs lie all the time. They're schizos anon.

>> No.70093346
File: 261 KB, 676x312, eyes 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these days I will be able to make art that will make my oshi proud

>> No.70093384

Hey /asp, you're a pretty high IP thread. Why don't you just mass report and ignore your trolls?
Trolling is against global rule 3. Crazy anti-ing is against /vt/ rule 3.
The more reports something gets, the higher it goes on the janitor/mod queue and the more likely it is to be deleted.

>> No.70093441

This is a brilliant idea.

>> No.70093446

Thanks anon I keep forgetting we can just fix it ourselves

>> No.70093450

They probably see support as a given and consider that "being burned".

>> No.70093454
File: 139 KB, 261x320, 1411249130950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you making this post

>> No.70093572

Bonus points if it makes the crab seethe

>> No.70093730

>Turn on mobile network
>Thousands of new IPs

>> No.70093791

If I see someone getting crabbed often it makes me want to support them

>> No.70093800

I'm not crabbing, I'm speaking my experiences with him.

>> No.70093828

Actually fucking insane Beryl gets 20-30ccv but he refuses to raid anyone from here, despite half his audience being here

>> No.70093879

Aspire through jong

>> No.70093943

nah fuck keitaro lmao

>> No.70093945

now I'm completely certain of who you are, I don't believe for a second that you don't dm people unprompted like you claim

the reason they reacted like shit was because they knew you are trying to groom them like the sexpest you are

no need to reply to this post, I won't give you the attention you crave

>> No.70093952

>h-higher ccv and bigger streamers are required to raid smaller ones!
>remember to network outside of /asp/ to grow, don’t let your audience be only from here!

>> No.70093985

Unironically a very marketable design

>> No.70093994

Someone mentioned avoiding Focusrite's Scarlett but there wasn't an explanation attached. How come it's bad and what are some good alternatives?

>> No.70094024

/wvt/ is that way

>> No.70094028

steinberg ur22

>> No.70094060

>steinberg ur22
Haven't heard of this one, how does it compare? Thanks for the reply btw

>> No.70094064

Why would anyone with a following expose their audience you you ""people""

>> No.70094073

>Ultimate cuck is not actually ultimate cuck and only covering his ass
Y'know, that makes sense.

>> No.70094104

>big aspies are obligated to raid small aspies
At least name yourselves so I know which of you are two faced cunts

>> No.70094155

It isn't an aspie, just a troll trying to spread paranoia. Report and ignore them here where they are shitting it up.

>> No.70094176

gclef here, FUCK the ur22 unironically the worst fucking interface i've had to use, the drivers are TERRIBLE and caused me endless problems, I had a scarlett for a while and that also had some issues but FUCK the ur22!!!

>> No.70094206

Haru here, I'll only raid you back if you raid into me with 25+ people.

>> No.70094302


>> No.70094339

And I'm completely sure you are mistaking me for someone else.
How I am a cuck for reaching out to someone who might be having a bad time?

>> No.70094384

git gud, I've been using the ur44 for 8 years and never had an issue

>> No.70094464

>It isn't an aspie
I guarantee you it is. The rest of what you said is true, but half of the /asp/ies I've encountered are two-faced cunts that thrive on drama and gossip.

>> No.70094536

What do I pick T_T

>> No.70094546

Remember that the Keitaro schizo is Haru and the Haru schizo is Keitaro.

>> No.70094565

What do you guys think about raiding with a small viewer count, with or without consideration for the raidee's? I want to raid people, but I'm worried that people might think badly of me if I raid with a huge discrepancy. I know it's a meme response to say "Chad's raid regardless" or something but I'd like an honest opinion, if possible.

>> No.70094618

It legitimately doesn't matter. A slightly better interface will not increase the quality of your streams

>> No.70094663

This is why I ship them secretly

>> No.70094732

>under sexy
I love you anon.

>> No.70094751

It's one of those high sexual tension kind of ships.

>> No.70094773

The schizos?

>> No.70094774


>> No.70094870
File: 89 KB, 950x1092, F5C2pvIXoAA-XCh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like the poster above me I was gonna ask, who is actually streaming at like 9 am est when beryl goes offline. do we have Australian /asp/ies? European NEET crowd maybe?

>> No.70094933

>What do you guys think about raiding with a small viewer count
It's bad and you'll be seen as a leech if you keep raiding channels that are a lot bigger than yours

>> No.70094986

Maybe I can stream around that time if I fix my sleep schedule

>> No.70095040

Reminder not to pour water on an oil fire.

>> No.70095082

Like Haru.

>> No.70095138

where's the asmr? coward!!!!

>> No.70095157

scege's layout is so cool

>> No.70095395

>It's bad and you'll be seen as a leech
Are you still in fucking high school?
Do you have a fucking wound in between your legs?
No? Then shut your whore mouth.

>> No.70095438

Scege is legitimately on another level. Polite, approachable, good at art with amazing redeems and an interactable model. He streams for more hours than anyone else, it's actually just super impressive

>> No.70095453

Nice try, wont watch.

>> No.70095465

drawfags are schizos?

>> No.70095513

I can second this. He's the nicest /asp/ie I've had the pleasure of chatting with. Just all around a good guy.

>> No.70095532

I sure am :(

>> No.70095544
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, Cd7mvUWUYAAdVWy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been called sexy thank you

>> No.70095601

>Not on the list.
Hell yeh.

>> No.70095631

He's good. I wish I could get to know him, I wish I could be as good a streamer as he is.

>> No.70095670

having a good reputation with people is important if you want to work with them in the future anon, whether chuubing or working

>> No.70095677

please add me to the tier list so I can make a bunch of them with myself in S tier arigato

>> No.70095708

I'm sure you could get to know him if you just message him. Dude is super approachable

>> No.70095709

tired tired tired tired tired tired tired tired tired tired tired tired no more please I i'm tired

>> No.70095746

i was feeling the same until I realized I just hadn't smoked any weed in a few hours and now I feel right as rain

>> No.70095793

i recall it being a specific issue with the ur22 and how it interacts with the yamaha driver, you'd think it was purely the driver but as far as i could see nope just the 22 specifically. it persisted over multiple versions of windows, reinstalls, and entire pc hardware config changes, it was definitely just the ur22, i even bought another and returned mine but nope, it was endemic to the platform, not just a one-off issue

what this guy said, if you have a working interface already, a new one wont do anything that yours doesnt unless it has new features, they don't really have quality differences


>> No.70095809

He's a great guy, just message him. Every time I've interacted with him it's been a really wonderful experience. Just shoot your shot, I'm sure he wouldn't mind you messaging him.

>> No.70095912

I remember him having big autism meltdowns on twitter about inane shit constantly, which put me off from him. I don't think he's a bad guy or anything, but seemed like someone who might have a public tantrum about you at some point, so I steered clear.

>> No.70095927

I'm going to piggyback off these
He's humble, hardworking and crazy nice. Just hit him up any hour, if he's busy he'll get back with you when he can.

>> No.70095991

>DM friends to let them know
>post suicidal stuff to public anyway
For what purpose? Is this the infamous suicide engagement bait?

>> No.70096047

DM me right NOW!

>> No.70096063

That all happened a long time ago, just give him another chance. He's a good guy.

>> No.70096101

>Cheen goes live at the same time was uwu
>Lava chooses to watch uwu instead

Cheen... you did it to yourself.
You can't compete.

>> No.70096126

It does. I watched a schizo in another thread seethe because he got reported and banned for spamming the thread with anti garbage.

>> No.70096189

I used to do it and i sometimes still do but i feel like most people wouldnt even bother doing it for me or most other people dont really talk to me anyway unless out of obligation.

>> No.70096249


>> No.70096333

i miss the animal posts
where did the animal question poster go

>> No.70096491

I took a look and it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. People change and Scege clearly has for the better. Give him a chance.

>> No.70096716

Who live?

>> No.70096796
File: 99 KB, 1080x1152, cute gorl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello guys!! im going live with tekken! https://twitch.tv/miukyun

>> No.70096867

Who live who isn't a f*male playing tek*en?

>> No.70096888


>> No.70096956


>> No.70097012
File: 568 KB, 1024x1024, DEMD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally able to start Deus Ex Mankind Divided, let's gooooo

>> No.70097029

I saw that! Same crab also tried to ruin one of the early /wasp/ threads and his posts got deleted and he started reposting his ritualposts but adding "fuck you jannies"

>> No.70097064

If it's who I think it is then she's MIA.

>> No.70097341

This thread is pretty much just a containment thread to keep self promotion fags all in one place. The entire purpose of the thread breaks global rule 11 (against advertising) avatarfagging is very common (global rule 13).

I think the mods and jannies basically just ignore the thread. I doubt reporting will do a lot since the entire foundation and purpose of the thread is against the rules.

>> No.70097397

>15ccv just sitting at intro screen for 15 minutes
tell me again how the female buff isnt real

>> No.70097430
File: 56 KB, 661x1287, Untitledfgfdd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70097502
File: 5 KB, 480x45, found you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep crying bitch, guessing this is you?

>> No.70097526

Bloom please tell me why I yawn when i sing

>> No.70097527

It can't hurt. At the very least it will hide the troll's post if you're using normal 4chan or have your 4chanx set up to do that.
However it generally it is very effective.
>This thread is pretty much just a containment thread to keep self promotion fags all in one place. The entire purpose of the thread breaks global rule 11 (against advertising)
I'm not certain if that is true. Advertising is one thing, however isn't /asp/ more about seeking advice, connections and ways to self-improve? That is different from just self-advertising.

>> No.70097545

The female buff is the fault of male viewers.
Look at her chat, its all male aspies.
When male aspies stream, unless they are artists like Cheen or Charley, there are barely any male aspie chatting in there.
So look in the mirror.

>> No.70097560

Meat wants to groom women and he's here for a gf
He wouldn't anti a girl

>> No.70097612

I don't have a working interface I just want to choose the one that gives me the least issues and/or is technically the best in price bracket... Using a Shure SM58.

>> No.70097632
File: 2 KB, 235x33, icecream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropping miu now

>> No.70097656

Then start talking about animals, forge the future you want to see.

>> No.70097689

I wasn't able to hit 10 ccv with Tekken 8, thanks Women

>> No.70097706

This but unironically

>> No.70097851


>> No.70097868

Fuck off Cheen would never lose Lava's attention

>> No.70097884

I get regular viewers but not very many are from /here/. The ones from /here/ are, however, usually some of my more active chatters and have the most fun using my redeems and so on. I don't think there's anything especially cut and dry about that.

>> No.70097919

Drop me too, I saw him in my chat for a while.

>> No.70097939

i use a motu m4, which is probably overkill for you and an m2 would work, BUT motu interfaces are pretty expensive so uh... might not work for you. the scarlett is probably fine imo

>> No.70098010

QRD on Jignx?

>> No.70098021

Is he still involved with abigail/hargcord in any way

>> No.70098037

how do you feel about ice cream

>> No.70098062

>viewercord in chat

>> No.70098106

Normal viewers who are into vtubers are immensely shy, you can't expect your average viewer to be as social as a streamer

>> No.70098110
File: 288 KB, 500x500, EmotesHeart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you lots and lots! I didn't expect you to scribble me up so it was a lovely surprise! It looks adorable, and thanks for the little heart
Also I still super love your new model

>> No.70098147

why did you expect to? no one cares about tekken, unless you are world-class and make it all you ever stream you aren't going to do numbers streaming tekken as a guy

>> No.70098179

he still is the server owner obviously and will randomly show up once or twice a month to talk about random shit but otherwise just silently lurks

>> No.70098193

I'm fond of it in the warmer months, I guess

>> No.70098280
File: 133 KB, 640x640, thatfuckingsmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70098303

Not bloom but I do have several music degrees. Could be many things and it would be easier if you recorded it. Maybe has to do with how you are manipulating your soft palate. Yawning was never a issue I had, nor do I recall anyone that was in the mixed or women's choirs having that issue

>> No.70098309

I'm dropping Miu too then

>> No.70098318

t. guy who knows literally nothing about streaming or Tekken

>> No.70098352

>just one emote
>has been streaming for two weeks maybe?
>12 subs
Kay I hate women

>> No.70098395

Thanks, is there any reason for choosing the M4 over the M2 if I'm just streaming? Assuming I can get either

>> No.70098599

Groomers gonna groom, but it happens to males too.

>> No.70098614

It's happening only when I try to sing lower and when I hold a note, maybe something to do with air getting stuck because this is what google told me...

>> No.70098637

i got the m4 because it had the amount of inputs i needed to record several instruments simultaneously, if you don't need that the m2 is probably fine

>> No.70098657

>relying on a game as a crutch
I can literally search bing for results of footage from the worlds top tournament winners.
Try...being a vtuber, and less of a gamer?

>> No.70098761

I see male aspies in kukus chat all the time

>> No.70098857

kuku isn't a male...

>> No.70098964


>> No.70098980

I'm a m ale

>> No.70099024

A malt ale? I don't like beer, sorry.

>> No.70099040

a masochistic ale?

>> No.70099050

That guy weirds me out. There's something evil about him.

>> No.70099052


>> No.70099090

How about before his past self with numbers was revealed?

>> No.70099129

no. but I think maybe I am

>> No.70099135

>meanwhile, beryl

>> No.70099138

I own all his keychains and acrylic stand. If only he had a fumo

>> No.70099203

Please, charley, I love you, dont bite the bait, dont get corrupted by it.

>> No.70099224

Prove it. Post audo saying that you hate mahjong and love to plan gran blue

>> No.70099304

I love you shania, please stream more, you can make it! No spite, no hate, just shania shanenigans to the moon!!!

>> No.70099434

Why can't I be a woman

>> No.70099561

I like to sort tiles in mahjong its soothing and exciting when I get Yakuman.

>> No.70099662

>it's another episode of bitching about not succeeding as a male despite knowing the options that will make you succeed

1. Get hired by a corpo.
2. Be really fucking good at something.
3. Do BFE, you don't even have to be good, just earnest

Yet you're all so prideful you won't accept the BFE pill

>> No.70099668

with the power of hrt you too can try to switch to life on easy mode

>> No.70099776

But... I wouldn't whore myself out to multiple women. I only want (You)...

>> No.70099783

meat actually has viewers tho why would he care?

>> No.70099790

and even in corpos the girls mog the boys

>> No.70099800

hrt won't give you what you want. It isn't a magic pill that will make up the ideal women in your head. It is a road to further despair.

>> No.70099878

NOBODY wants BFE from a schlub like me. My only options, then, are to either continue trying to build myself up until I can make a play at getting into a corpo (one of the few bothering with males, atleast), or find something that I can channel all of my 'tism into and get super fucking good at it.

>> No.70099885

He’s not?

>> No.70099961

Not anymore
Call me despairanon

>> No.70100027

??? Elaborate

>> No.70100056
File: 1.87 MB, 4096x2304, 22524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New week, new chaos.

>> No.70100081
File: 43 KB, 256x256, lamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent three days trying to make a single variable initialize in a redeem and I want to die

>> No.70100082


>> No.70100123

>just join a corpo bro

>> No.70100156

Not a great example currently but still Nijisanji begs otherwise (because the guys do BFE)

>> No.70100258

>Be earnest
>Not THAT earnest

>> No.70100273

am attractive enough that I would have more success as a regular streamer

>> No.70100317

Need a tierlist of all the males and whether their personalities would work doing BFE

>> No.70100372

Then you need somebody who knows enough about those personalities to make that chart and there's nobody in this thread with that information.

>> No.70100442

There’s no female buff on YouTube

>> No.70100491

>there's nobody in this thread with that information.
which is because no one is familiar enough with them to know anything about them because noone watches them and if they wanted to be watched theyd do bfe and hey look weve gone in a circle

>> No.70100564

Imagine Chaos MtF....

>> No.70100572

true, everyone is equally unviewed on youtube if they arent a corpo

>> No.70100584

How much BFE would you say you consume on a daily basis? Don't lie now.

>> No.70100599

>3. Do BFE, you don't even have to be good, just earnest
I would like to do bfe, even as a one off, but I don't think either my personality or voice would be good fits, maybe as a joke for April's fool, and even then that's a stretch.
t. two rocks cat.

>> No.70100645

My 2c are: you are too nervous, and you dont relax consciously, so your body tells you to do it by yawning. Try to breath more.

>> No.70100713

The female of chaosfoundry is the real one. The fake one is the boy but she doesn't want you to know that

>> No.70100783

There's a reason the boy never gets avatar updates.

>> No.70100781

I stay party rocking over here in the boonies while everyone is screaming and crying to get their 5 in the slums that is twitch

>> No.70100789

I want to fuck her, I dont even know her name but I love tall girls.

>> No.70100799
File: 1.20 MB, 1140x737, BFE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ask me why is someone in what tier, I'll answer

>> No.70100854

I kinda want to do BFE, but sadly I'm ESL and sound like a bitch.

>> No.70100892


>> No.70100915

Wtf, why?

>> No.70101069

>manasong is AI moron and will burn in hell
>digby is a cat
>ryuuta is a sexpest weirdo
>icefox rumao
>poly is in love with mond too much
>dorian will come out of impossible when he stops using the voicechanger
>cheen rumao
>bubby i have no idea who this is
>meat rumao
>haunt yeah not happening for you pal

>> No.70101081
File: 942 KB, 1032x651, Screenshot 2023-07-16 052805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuki. And she's over 7ft tall. ~

>> No.70101122

He literally streams with his GF.
He can't be BFE.

>> No.70101139

Jokes on you, I'm gonna go bfe because I like going parasocial

>> No.70101181
File: 23 KB, 278x494, ERu6fdSWkAAQKcm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didn't mean to moan like that my bad

>> No.70101205

He has the voice for it, I don't know his girlfriend

>> No.70101212

I don't stream or watch vtubers

>> No.70101248

Curious on:
uwu, sin, kenny, kankuro, gscha, camui

>> No.70101254
File: 616 KB, 879x1119, IMG_0271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep getting dreams where people leak my face during the middle of a stream and every time it happens I just go “yeah that’s cool and all but can we go back to me being an anime girl.”

It’s happened like 4 times now

>> No.70101379

I have dreams that all my old friends and family are back around at a big party

>> No.70101389

You are delusional.

>> No.70101407

>burn in hell
lmao it's you again

>> No.70101467

3rdPT, Charley, Sterling, Kuku, Scege and Merlie go.

>> No.70101480

>uwu doing weird bfe where he builds a fuck machine
>sin just based off of the voice desu
>kenny is pure sex and people sleep on him >kankuro doing bfe falling in love with a doll (you)
>gscha i can see a gag moe kind of bfe moment for him, he looks cute but will do something incredibly sexy?
>camui rrats and mental illness aside, he has an incredibly sexy voice and he for sure would be able to do it well

>> No.70101512


>> No.70101599
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x1084, Screenshot 2024-02-22 160925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the boy of ChaosFoundry as cute as the girl?

>> No.70101617 [SPOILER] 
File: 25 KB, 196x234, hanabi1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I in cute?
t. picrel

>> No.70101635

I keep having vivid dreams of sex with Joseph joestar bro I get u

>> No.70101640

>3rdPT talking about old war games while you fall asleep
>Charley beating you up and talking in his heavy sexy british accent
>Sterling metal robot goes clink clank
>Kuku cute boy(girl?), nice voice
>Scege incredibleee voice and i'm sure he can go low with it
>Merlie cutie that will go shy after a few minutes but still continue

>> No.70101681
File: 453 KB, 1080x1168, Picsart_24-02-26_19-44-59-471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only BFE I've considered doing is basically this, your autistic bf gets excited over the new deck he built.

>> No.70101773

Bro do you like getting pegged that much?

>> No.70101784

You can try and try but you will never reach the sexy levels

>> No.70101783

Holy shit

>> No.70101906

I dont think i can do it honestly even though you put me in hot.

>> No.70101930

Which chuuba have the highest chance of going corpo? Which ones would join which company?

>> No.70101964

And yet the only person who actually does it is Iriya and he BTFOs everybody on any social media platform with his yt sub count, except Meat and Cheen's twitter following
It's literally that fucking easy but you're too "uuuu its embarassing, I dont have X I dont have Y I dont know how to Z" pathetic, all of you

>> No.70101968

We get it. You like it up the ass.

>> No.70101988

Trust me, you can

>> No.70101991

Shvah why?

>> No.70102015
File: 1.57 MB, 1242x1233, 1685339226492970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.70102076

Cute tier?

>> No.70102092

>Shvah will do a BFE where he eats you and you cry for help but he soothes you

>> No.70102118

Is this based on voice because of the guys in weird could probably be higher

>> No.70102142

>yt sub count

>> No.70102159

Boys that can't do sexy but can do cute boyfriend experience, i thought it was clear

>> No.70102217

All this bfe talk makes me want to form a bfe group. Imagine treating your viewers like they're the MC of otome games and they can have their own reverse harem, imagine the possibilities

>> No.70102247

If you're in weird it means you are too mentally ill/scary to be put anywhere else

>> No.70102342

Please explain Ainslie, Zeph, Kiji, Bunkum, Parseks and especially Free since his voice seems more hot than cute.

>> No.70102393

It's mostly a joke at this point desu

>> No.70102412

Curious about gClef, Haru, Kankuro and Mawg.

>> No.70102483

I think at minimum if you want to live roleplay being a girl's anime boyfriend, you need to be mentally ill to make it work

>> No.70102619

I thought so but wasn't sure

>> No.70102666
File: 5 KB, 113x89, Thonkong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what exactly does "BFE" consist of

>> No.70102721

scissors doko?

>> No.70102753

Pretending to be someone's boyfriend, what else? I feel if you have to ask the question of what a boyfriend does, you're not cut out for it

>> No.70102778

We talked about it once and it immediately derailed what we were doing and it's just a recurring bit every time we stream together.

>> No.70102792

>ainslie is your cute bfe experience at war, the only outlet you can get from the horrors of it
>zeph will be your cute party member and fall in love with you
>free too just as zeph, maybe a harem moment
>kiji makes you waffles in the morning experience
>bunkum you catch him trying to steal something from you, he can be sexy or cute desu
>parseks is just so cute, let him talk about old dead people and suck his 4 inch hard leaking dick

>> No.70102875

Getting drunk and threatening to kill her parents if she ever leaves you, whispers, asking about her day, showing slightly vulnerability

>> No.70103001

>gclef is your rock/punk boyfriend you THINK is cheating on you but he is actually preparing a secret present for you
>Haru is just cute, i think he could make something for girls and boys
>Kankuro already explained, something about falling in love with a doll just like him
>Mawg scary dino eats you, he can also be in cute where you find out he isn't as scary as he looks

>> No.70103033

I mean explain

>> No.70103157

You want me to explain all of them? I am too lazy

>> No.70103269

Do I have what it takes bros?

>> No.70103379

connor_(detroit:_become_human) gay sound on rule34, good luck

>> No.70103389


>> No.70103400

>Haru is just cute, i think he could make something for girls and boys
Couldn't this apply to all the femboy vtubers? What does bi ASMR even look like?

>> No.70103440

That's a lot of effort. Who even are you BFE queen femanon?

>> No.70103477

you sound like markiplier

>> No.70103478

Threesome ASMR?

>> No.70103883

I'm a man

>> No.70104091

Kill yourself tranny faggot

>> No.70104102

Ew, why are you so obsessed with BFE?

>> No.70104205


>> No.70104246


>> No.70104328

I don't watch or listen to asmr, it makes me cringe

>> No.70104479

I'm sorry

>> No.70104553

Me too.

>> No.70104558

The closest to that I've done is Eldritch asmr where u get subsumed into the consciousness of a cosmic entity but the rest of my stuff was mostly yandere asmr

>> No.70104614

sorry guys.. i didn't mean to rile the board up, i hope you all have a goodnight

>> No.70104766

Don't worry, you are a really nice person

>> No.70104793

i know /asp/ is an easy place where you can get a lot of men to follow you but go to /wasp/ and stay there

>> No.70104812
File: 41 KB, 539x540, ohio9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry friend, we're going places

>> No.70104862

got it! ill still silently support male chuubas :D
