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70046704 No.70046704 [Reply] [Original]

ZERO teeth by 2025

>> No.70046863

Owls don't have teeth.

>> No.70047137

I can chew for her

>> No.70047198


>> No.70047252

i can fix her. we can share toothpaste

>> No.70047359

billion cavities, probably her autistic boomer mom's fault

>> No.70047583

imagine the smell of her breath

>> No.70047584

hey did you know that some people have a tolerance to the numbing medicine dentists use and have to go through a filling feeling the drill

>> No.70047709

who the fuck can resist anesthesia?
poor oral hygiene? very not based

>> No.70047758


>> No.70047880


>> No.70048009

she drinks more soda than irys

>> No.70048044

Me. Fillings are fucking agony.

>> No.70048245

gingers are genetically predisposed to it

>> No.70048456

Those xray tab things they make you hold in your mouth go right though any anesthetic you have

>> No.70048463


>> No.70048668

This is why you read the instructions.

>> No.70048896

Its one of the reasons they put fluoride in the tap water. Rinsing out after brushing isnt the end of the world cus youre still getting the plaque and decaying matter out.

>> No.70048901

my toothpaste bottle says not to rinse

>> No.70048904

The instructions on my toothpaste say that you're supposed to rinse completely after brushing, so good for me

>> No.70049057

To what? Not brushing your teeth twice every day?

>> No.70049062
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>eat the flouride
eh... no thanks

>> No.70049120

Rinsing or not depends on the type of toothpaste you have, but ultimately, >>70048896 has been done to prevent most of the issues there from happening. Most of the benefits of brushing is supposed to actually clean out food particles that lower the pH of your mouth which is the number one reason people get cavities. You also have to brush correctly getting all the areas and it helps too to brush your tongue too which can harbor some nasty bacteria and make your breath smell bad even if you brushed your teeth correctly.

>> No.70049303

You spit out the toothpaste after you are done if the instructions call for it. And no, it's not nasty if you don't rinse, you won't notice it after several minutes.

>> No.70049411

Not crystallizing my pineal gland, simple as.

>> No.70049459

I want to sniff mumei even more than I thought possible

>> No.70049552
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I just grabbed all toothpastes in my house. None of them have instructions. I checked several dentist pages and they all say to rinse.
Sorry, I live in a civilized world, we don't have an IQ lowering fluoride in our tap water. not that it would matter, I have a well.

>> No.70049895

Huh, okay. I was taught to just spit. I guess it doesn't matter if you are using tap water that is flourinated but I've grew up with a family that never used the tap water for ingestion. In the end though, I just figure it's one of those dental things many people don't do, but it's not as bad as not flossing which is a huge pain. I compromise and use a Waterpik knowing it's not as good but does a better than good enough job and it has generally caught all the food stuck in between teeth brushing would never get out.

>> No.70049967

>that never used the tap water for ingestion
...What do you drink? Please don't tell me you're buying water in plastic bottles.

>> No.70049999

Flouride in the tap water is more damaging than leaded gas in the air ever was

>> No.70050012

>Please don't tell me you're buying water in plastic bottles.
Turns out >>70049895 is not a human anymore just a talking bag of microplastics.

>> No.70050041

>helps too to brush your tongue too which can harbor some nasty bacteria and make your breath smell bad even if you brushed your teeth correctly.
>when my parents were growing up, doctors said that brushing your tongue is good
>when i was a kid, doctors said that brushing it will kill your tastebuds, create microtears in the tissue and destroy the natural tongue protection

>> No.70050245
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We would get water filled by a local source with a water jug like the ones you see on water coolers except it has a spigot on the front, I assume this is a California thing though, it's been a thing since forever.
You can dive into the medical literature and online, don't have to listen to anonymous opinions if you want an informed opinion on this. But this was one of the rare oral issues where I had white tongue for the longest time and had bad breath. Brushing my tongue cured all of that.

>> No.70050346

How many teeth has Moom lost up to this day?

>> No.70050572

>teeth issues
>blind as fuck
>flat feet
>used tissues all over the room
>dodges meeting Gura cause self esteem issues
I mean the evidence is there about her looks.

>> No.70050657
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>We would get water filled by a local source with a water jug like the ones you see on water coolers except it has a spigot on the front, I assume this is a California thing though, it's been a thing since forever.
It's still plastic. I'm lucky to live in a place that has a mineral water factory and they sell their water in glass bottles. You buy a crate, drink it all, return the bottles and get a cheap refill.

Well, suddenly, I don't feel sorry for you. I hope California sinks into the ocean. Nothing personal.

>> No.70051057

True, but unfortunately I bulk buy it from the local source and plastic is the only thing light enough for 5 gallons. It leaches minimally though at cold or room temperature so I am not too worried but yeah, sucks for what it is unless there is a better alternative in this case. I should clarify and say that the local sources filters separately the water and processes it on their own, my shop will show you exactly what is being done where they have reverse osmosis filters and etc. It would be nice if I can get something like what you have or the well the other anon has but yeah, not realistic for everyone.
Also no offense taken to California getting that kind of verbal abuse, I hate it here too but I only tolerate it because my tech job is here and pays well.

>> No.70051329

My teeth rapidly turn to shit despite brushing and not rinsing unless I water floss them, in which case it happens slowly instead. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.70051361

Probably acidic food/drink.

>> No.70053726

Fix your diet anon.

>> No.70054062

Brush properly and actually floss. Haven't needed to get a filling in years since I did that. If you have shitty teeth then invest in an electric toothbrush.
Mouthwash is for suckers, good dental hygiene will make your bad breath problems go away

>> No.70056283
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this anon is in possession of the most criticial knowledge

>> No.70056439

Looks like sex to me

>> No.70056724

Tap water supremacy!

>> No.70056752

>Toothless sloppy head from Mumei
Okay, I accept it.

>> No.70057431

t. General Ripper

>> No.70057464

That last one is made up. Second to last has no proof, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true.
