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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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700281 No.700281 [Reply] [Original]

Why are vtubers leeching from spanish speakers?
Are spanish vtubers a thing?

>> No.700733

Diós mío...

>> No.701058

Beaner here, let me explain this in an easy way.

It is happening because VTubers from spanish speaking countries do make bank, and EN is already getting convoluted so JP VTubers are already trying to get ahead of the big companies (Hololive, Nijisanji...) because once those step in, anyone without a following is gonna find themselves on a steep situation, but before the talents entered ESP, they weren´t either aware or are not that aware about the fact that, VTubers already exist in Spanish speaking nations, and they do make bank, but mostly on Twitch, which makes them compete for following that has been taken long before their arrival and at a disadvantage in platform.

It is basically an untamed market that has yet to find a behemot to rule it, it doesn´t bring that much profits unless you get massive following tho, but is better than nothing.

Also some companies like WACTOR are already stepping in because they really can´t compete in their own national market anymore, at least not in safe way.

BTW, this VTuber thing in ESP exploded around the time Hololive got popular in ENG, so yeah, different happenings but same result.

>> No.701109

The spanish are a large yet mysterious group of people are into aliens and anime. They may not have much money but they will offer their undying loyalty as compensation if you just say a few words.
t. spic

>> No.701125

Hispanics love anime, why wouldn't they like Vtubers

>> No.701137

It is also a mostly "indie ruled" territory, and is full of drama, paid one sometimes (slander).

Also, a lot of the followers in the ESP regions of latin america treat the character as actual anime characters because they don´t know better.

It is weird to explain, imagine an entire region where anyone who likes otaku culture is most likely an unironical weeb.

>> No.701185

Loyalty, like, militaristic dictatorship levels of loyalty, even raids against detractors of your Oshi alas the stuff that used to be organized here years ago.

>> No.701231

Have you seen the state of /a/? Spanish speaking countries love anime more than SEA. Several fighting manga get their translations in spanish first because they love it that much
They are closet moefags too. They all pretend to like just big muscly men punching the shit out of each other but one of the most popular anime among otaku here are Love Live and Hitori Bocchi. Also Vtubershit is growing in otaku groups. Mainly HL EN but also JP.

>> No.701326
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They’re indeed a thing, anon.

>> No.701333

There are a couple of big actual spanish speaking vtubers, all of them are indies

And then you have a lot of leeches that installed duolingo last week and are trying to get into the taco market before any big company does it.

The simping potential seems really big when you remember that mute girl vtuber that got one of her simps to buy her a VR set or something like that. Plot twist, she wasn't mute and it was actually a guy

>> No.701413

Latin american countries LOVE big foreign brands, that's why WACTOR is struggling. If Hololive or Nijisanji started a branch, they could easily dominate the ES market.

>> No.702091


Back when japanese animation was in its golden age, spanish countries TV channels bought A LOT of rights to anime series as they came cheaper than some of the western animation (disney, warner, etc) at the time and because the japanese right holders weren´t expecting any good merch profit from the anime being broadcasted around less developed places (like the entirety of Latin American), they basically told dub studios to do whatever they wanted with the shows, which meant that most anime got dubbed with neutral or mexican/venezuelan/neutral slang sometimes slipped in, even sexually questionable lines and shit like that, this leaded to shows exploding in popularity as the characters basically spoke like your average townsfolk/city resident, accent included and even the jokes got adapted to more spanish/latin american ones and also, the lack of a third party like 4Kids controlling most of the anime present (even popular series), meant that when the scripts got translated, they didn´t filter anything, so many series in Latin American dubs (more than Spain based ones) are completely unfiltered and even came with the original ost, like DBZ, we never had the Faulconer OST, but the original japanese one, and also the original script got translated, so it is very faithful to the manga, all the way from the original DB to up to date Super and movies, hilariously enough, Latin America is still the worst market of DB related stuff and yet one of the most fanatic ones, when the tournament of power arc reached the last 2 episodes, people started to gather in public plazas and transmit the episode from either crunchyroll or pirate sites and watched it like a goddamn boxing match, beer and grill included.

More context here:


Getting back to topic:

There are several examples which can be found everywhere in the net of this, the most infamous and hilarious example of this was with the anime "Koni-Chan" in which, the purely japanese/otaku culture context of the show made it impossible to translate adequatly if not at all, and the lack of a good if not even present japanese translator on studio, made the writers "Re-do" the entirety of the show script, leading to the show probably being the closest thing to a "Latin American written Anime" ever made, with slang, sexual references (the spouse of one of the characters implies to have sex with the neighbour) and context included, shit is like the ghost stories ENG Dub for your average beaner, and probably not safe for americans, for example, one of the villains called Ivan was changed to "El Tal Ivan" (The so called Ivan) which is making fun of "Taliban" (terrorists) as they sound very similar and other characters like a fish samurai called Mero Mero, changed to "El mero mero" (Something similar to That One Dude meme but implying badassery or expertise).

Here's a clip if someone is actually curious about it.


TL;DR: Being a weeb in Mexico isn´t as bad as in the ENG speaking nations, and people are already used to those "cartoons" as the boomers here call it (my mother got to see Candy Candy when she was a kid/teen).

>> No.702256

This is true, back when the DBS manga first chapter got released, some spanish translators were already scouring through the net for the scan of the japanese version, it was an unreal race against time because every single big group started to drop their own version of the manga translation and managed to get ahead of some english translators in some sites.

>> No.702328

That´s because your average /a/ user grew up watching DBZ but also whatever other anime BS was being transmitted next or before it, like sailor moon.

>> No.702443

they treat their youtubers like religious figures, they are worse than chinks

>> No.702470

This is so based

>> No.702523

Welp i guess mexico is based now

>> No.702527

Not quite, if anything, the overall opinion of China since the pandemic has dropped to the ground around the entire region.

>> No.702530

This is not a good thing, hispanics are like weebs on steroids who havent realized they are weebs. Hispanic culture has a lot alike with Japanese culture. You guys can't letbthis cultures meet, it will be a too much autism for the internet to handle.

>> No.702555

They aren't worse than chinks in the sense that they aren't that nationalistic, no Hispanic will seethe at you for months because you cited that SA used to be colony of Spain or some shit like this

>> No.702678

Hispanics are the type of culture where full on major chads will wear dbz tshirts. There already is a lot o historical asian culture mixing. For example in Peru you have borrowed japanese words, like yan ken po, instead of paper scissor rocks, also one of the most important Presidents in history was of japanese decent, Alberto Fujimori. South America as a whole is pure weebness ready to come out, it just needs the right push. Some vtuber is gonna become queen of latinos in a year or two.

>> No.702713

Because weeb culture doesn´t exactly exist in Spanish countries, people don´t get bullied to the point of filling schools full of lead because they like to watch moe girls, if anything, your classmate might even ask you to let him see some of the anime you are watching if they discover you, not beat the fuck out of you, worse case he gets disinterested and leaves.

>> No.702772

I want to be a supreme goy but I refuse to get a credit card only to suupachatto.

Twitch allows me to use my shitty national debit card or paypal easily to paypig away. Why the fuck is fucking Google unable to offer something similar?
Any other spic in my conundrum?

>> No.702814

Most hispanics forget about what they were mad about and go do some other shit.

>> No.703408

I wonder if its gonna be Nene or Korone that ends up being their queen.

>> No.703530 [DELETED] 
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Friendly reminder.

>> No.703611

They already like Korone BTW, checked it.

>> No.703634

Tenía que ser nimu

>> No.703647

Fuck Nimu

>> No.703684

All VTubers leech from their viewers anon.

>> No.703802
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No kidding,Dragonball is mainstream in mexico

>> No.703813

That fucker nearly killed the VTuber scene in Latin America, and was a month or two away from basically creating a company with the most famous ones in the region, fucking idiot.

>> No.703848

>Your Town hall will never publicly announce a projection of DB episodes of any of the series


>> No.703906

Holy Based.

>> No.703912


>> No.703953


>> No.703965

Can you guys teach me to curse in spanish?

>> No.704005

fuck off WACTOR thot
learn on stream

>> No.704009


Wasn't Captain Harlock also huge? I watched My Youth in Arcadia at least a hundred times.

>> No.704041

Chinga tu Madre= fuck your mother
Perro= dog

>> No.704043

Use "Chinga tu madre" to insult Latin Americans, specifically mexicans.

>> No.704060


What about Venezuelans?

>> No.704089

I understand the fear of them not being able to compete with Holo or Niji, they had to adapt and are still vulnerable to getting canned if those 2 drop divisions in spanish.

>> No.704108

Call them "Muertos de hambre" or "esqueletos".

Get it.

Because they don´t have food.

>> No.704199


They're still starving? What the fuck.

>> No.704278

Piracy and not giving a shit.

Dude you are a third worlder sudaca and they are girls that live in the first world and that earn more playing videogames in a year than what you'll earn in 10. Simping as a third worlder is fucking retarded. If you love them, learn to draw or some japanese or something instead of sending them an aka supa worth $10 in ARS.

>> No.704362


>> No.704375

Everyone with any money escaped a long time ago and even those with no money escaped by feet by now. It's a fucking disaster and no one wants to look at it. Every country pretends they don't exist until they start entering their country illegally since they are starving.

>> No.704493

Imma simp

>> No.704550

Let's go desu wa!

>> No.704551

Yeah, not escaping one of the many dictatorial countries of Latin America is a death sentence in the long run, most people get to Mexico and still get offed by criminals groups or sold into slavery, organ trafficking and other shit.

>> No.704896


>> No.705008


That's insane.

>> No.705138

Fuck, even my grandpas know Dragonball, my fathers do, and even the most normie faggot has seen it all. It's truly amazing all the pitared merch you can find everywhere

>> No.705330

>VTubers from spanish speaking countries do make bank
Fuck no they don't, half the spanish countries outside spain itself don't have wages over 500 dollars a month, no way they'd spend a like two weeks worth of food on akasupas the way first worlders can.

>> No.705383

This, Latin americans at least have the balls to talk shit and get killed by their gov. chinks are just mindless bugmen

>> No.705619

Latinos don't have the money to pay superchats nor memberships nor merch. If only they will get for the vtubers views and subs and that's it.

>> No.705781

>half the spanish countries outside spain itself don't have wages over 500 dollars a month,

I mean the average person wouldn't do that either in any country, it's the same as whales in videogames, it's not about the average wage. A small percentage would whale and those are loaded. I know many spic friends who spend thousand of dollars monthly on F2P MMOs or gachas. That being said, obviously they'd spend less, but whales exist everywhere even in poor as fuck countries.

>> No.708039

Just remind them they are Venezuelans, lmao. That place is a complete fucking mess, what the news have showed is barely half of whats going on. Sections of the country have been taken over by gangs, and goverment is losing control of prison, so they become little autonomous zones where crimelords act as kings. A year ago people broke into a zoo to eat the animals because there was no food. The currency is a joke and people use an illegal dollar market. Every week the President goes on television and tells everyone everything is A Ok and any bad news are lies of the CIA, also he thinks the previous President (who is now dead from cancer) has spoken to him via a white bird. It's a fucking shitshow from top to bottom.

>> No.708132

I have family in peru and its bad, the Venezuelans are entering and people are complaining because Venezuelan gangs have started forming up.

>> No.708202
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I'd go the full spanish vtuber route and spend my time drawing/playing, but my computer is worse than Polka's former rig in specs

And it doesnt help i'm Chilean.

>> No.708379

At least you aren't argentinian, they are 5 years or so away from being the next Venezuela.

>> No.708682

You have it the best out of the whole region. Just start practicing drawing on paper even if you don't stream and when you get $$$ for that PC you'll be decently skilled.

>> No.708840

Where is that anon that said he'd make a doc with a list of ES Vtubers. I'm waiting

>> No.709072

Are spanish vtubers mostly made it in VRchat or are there any good models?

>> No.713297

Im peruvian, can confirm. Two venezuelans killed a guy in front of my cousin's house. I want bolivarian blood spilled in the streets.

>> No.713355

Nigger you are the most stable in the whole region.

>> No.717353

Sure, instead of 'Fuck you' you say 'Me cago en tu puta madre'

>> No.717733


>> No.720340

>VTubers from spanish speaking countries do make bank
They don't, e-thots know better and paywall their content because Latam are penny pinching leeches.

>> No.720444

Creen que hablando japonés bien sería bueno?

>> No.720503


>> No.720949

>our highest red SC is 56 u$s

Kill us

>> No.721546

Just call them chavistas, that will make them seethe more than veneco or any other insult. You can also use "mamahuevo", "coño de tu madre" or "mongolico" (this specially)

t. Venezuelan

>> No.721585

Remember that he also said how he "multiplied penises"

>> No.721921


>> No.721965

pls be my wife

>> No.722149

it was a めめ

>> No.722222

I've seen a couple but most of them are jumping into the vtuber fad and just streaming on Twitch with 3D models instead of being actual content creators. Anecdotal, but I was looking for some Muse Dash streams and almost all of them were spanish vtubers (they were also not good at the game or playing for the first time).

Doesn't help that, even if spanish is the second most popular language in the world, latin american countries don't have as much disposable income as english ones or Japan, so even if people consider it as some sort of untapped market, they're not as inclined to donate huge sums of money as constant as in other markets, that's why it's still better to branch yourself as an EN or JP vtuber if you really want to become one. Granted, speaking more than one language can be very beneficial, just look at Kiara for example.

>> No.722284

nice shubas

>> No.722328


>> No.727827

If you want to enter the Spanish market assuming you're aiming for LatAm and not Spain, it'll only give you numbers on views and subscriptions. The weebs with money are already simping on Hololive.

>> No.728070
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A bit unrealted but I always wanted to learn Spanish, my family primarily speaks Spanish but I never could get around to it due to having a speech impediment as a child so the doctor recommended that I only learn English, what are some good platforms to learn, Duolingo or something like that?

>> No.728120

DuoLingo is okay for learning languages like Spanish, but you should be no means rely on it solely. Anki is always good for self-studying, so I would recommend looking into that and using popular decks.
