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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69969924 No.69969924 [Reply] [Original]

TL;DR: Went from sitting on the fence to becoming firmly anti-Niji.
>Discover Nijisanji EN around early to mid 2023
>Enjoys their interactions with each other especially some of the more popular ones
>Has a few they watch more than others
> Nina Kosaka graduates
> Unsettling, but it'll be okay. Ignores the writing on the wall.
> It's fine there are others to watch.
> Mysta graduates. Unsettling, but again it'll be okay. Ignores writing on the wall.
> Other livers graduate. Not my problem because I'm not JP or ID. But still somewhat unsettling as the ID branch is essentially being gutted.
> Selen, one of my oshis, is no longer allowed to host international events within. Fucking confused. Why would they do this to their own talents? Did the other events mean nothing? Has doubts, but willingly turns away from the writing on the wall.
> Mika announces her graduation. Wow. That one is more unsettling in the midst of everything else. But... it'll be okay, right?
> Holoniji APEX event happens. Hyped and excited as I get to watch TSB live and have only watched VODs and clips beforehand. Genuinely thinks that this is hopeful as it brought Hololive and Nijisanji together. I have a good time.
> December 24th. I watch the now infamous music video. Sees nothing wrong with it. Wonders why it was taken down.
> Radio silence from Selen until that one tweet. Concerned for her, but wishing for her recovery.
> Pomu announces her graduation. Genuinely shocked. Checks Selen's account. Silence.
> I can no longer ignore the writing on the wall.
> Pomu graduates. Selen didn't show up. Holy fucking shit.
> Kyo announces his graduation. What the actual fuck. The writing was shoved in my face. Nothing from Selen.
> "But it's fine! Nijisanji just did a resale of her voicelines! There's no fucking way that they'd FIRE HER when they're doing that! THEY'D HAVE TO BE COMPLETE CORPORATE SCUM!"
> February 5th. I wake up. The first video I see is titled "Selen Tatsuki terminated"
> I don't want to believe it.
> Checks Twitter.
> Oh my fucking god, they got rid of one of the only ones I actually liked. And for WHAT?
> Then I see Doki's tweet. I'm sick.
> I wash my hands clean of the livers, unsubscribing before ANYONE remotely suggested it out of disgust.
> I was heartbroken.
> The deluge of bullshit continues. It grows bigger. It breaks containment. I lose my fucking mind.
> The PR videos come out. I completely lose it.
> "After my oshi retires or graduates, I'm never going to touch another Vtuber again. I can't do this any more."
> "Fuck Anycolor. Fuck Nijisanji EN. They might recover, but they can never get me back. I'm fucking done. If they graduate, then good for them. It's better than being associated with this shitshow."
Even if they manage to scrape together what's left of their reputation, I will never bother with Anycolor or their livers again. I'm done with them all, period. Any other former Nijisisters that feel the same?
Actually, I don't even give a shit about this anymore have at this fucking thread it's not like I'm going to fucking look at it it'll just make me more depressed.

>> No.69970035

>only watched them effectively for half a year
You weren't a real sister, anon. But that's why you managed to save yourself.

>> No.69970263

>Has a few they watch more than others
Is this a copypasta or reposted from somewhere else? Why the sudden switch up in pronouns.

>> No.69970598

Not really trying to grammar check with this one.

>> No.69970680

>first time?
Invest in hololive, less likely to get fired. Or indies.

>> No.69970824

*Less likely to get fired in disgrace
Even when you're fired from Hololive, you're let go with grace and not a bullet point list
Unless you're Hitomi Chris Beniot

>> No.69970899

This is reddit tier fanfiction, I can already tell without reading it, I can smell it on you. I hope you feel embarrassed, this is fucking awful anon.

>> No.69970958
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It sucks, man. But you'll get over it. Just be glad that she's still here and still alive, with more freedom and support than ever. I still enjoyed my time with Elira, Enna, and the others, and it helped me through those years, but the selen thing was kind of the final straw. No way to "she was clearly joking" or "you're overreacting" with all of that...

>> No.69971036

>Written by a manlet.
>Directed by a faggot.
>Hopefully chokes on a nugget.
Baits used to be interesting.

>> No.69971131

No female fan ever refers to herself as a "Nijisister". If you unironically fall for this I've got a bridge to sell you

>> No.69971543

>be me
>hated Nijisanji since mid 2022 for a reason i don't remember anymore
>January-February 2024 happen
>Even tho i hated Nijisanji for a long time now, i feel bad for them
>I no longer hate Nijisanji sister because i feel bad for them, because if this happen on Hololive i would kill myself
>hug nijisister

>> No.69971589
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>> No.69971697

>be me
>indifferent to niji
>/vt/ starts hating them
>look into them
>they're actually good
Thanks for the rec, fags.

>> No.69971784

No problem, touristfag

>> No.69971806

This. A real sister wouldn't watch livers at all. Too busy lurking Holo streams

>> No.69971885
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>wall of text
You know what OP, i actually believe you are a sister.
Not going to read any of it though.

>> No.69971905

>they're actually good

>> No.69972687

>be me
>has no actual hate towards niji
>Petra discord leaks happen
>blocked all niji
>waited for the karma to hit them
>karma hit them
>best year of my life (I'm not Enna btw)

>> No.69972799

Different anon here, but I became a big Nijisanji fan after Obsydia debuted, mostly because Selen won me over instantly. I had previously been a fan of HoloEN, but I was growing sick of the idol culture and strict rules and restrictions: playing the same limited set of games, recycling the same basic ass humor. Plus Council had been a total flop for me.

In contrast, NijiEn felt like a breath of fresh air. A lot more freedom of speech, darker, edgier humor allowed, more variety of games....Ethyria debuted and Enna was an absolute dynamo of a singer, basically wiped the floor with anyone from HoloEN.

I enjoyed Luxiem and Noctyx as well. I was skeptical at first, but they turned out to be pretty entertaining streamers, and always made for good collab guests with Selen. However, once they started catering to their fujoshi audience, I lost interest.

It was once Iluna debuted that I started feeling things go down hill. I think if NijiEN had let things chill after Noctyx, they would have been fine in the long run. With Iluna, it really felt like the Nijisanji strategy was "lets just keep spamming waves until we bleed this cow dry"

This was also around the time that Management started fucking with Selen more. From the end of 2022 and especially through 2023, I could tell she was getting more and more frustrated with management. It was really frustrating and saddening seeing her do so much for the company, only to get shit on time and time again.

By the time the "Last Cup" incident happened, I knew it was the straw the broke the camels back. Though her birthday concert and the TSB custom had given me some hope things would be better, it was clear she had fought tooth and nail for them.

When we got the accident notice, I pretty much knew right off the bat that she must have self-harmed. Anyone who was a die hard fan of Selen was aware of how much stress she's been building up.

By this point, Selen was basically the only Niji Liver I had been watching anyways. Enna no longer sang that often and her content was boring as fuck. All the guys had devolved into pandering to their chinese paypigs. Pomu was the only other liver who was actually entertaining, and she had jumped ship. With Selen's termination, I was overjoyed to finally wash my hands of this god awful company.

Seeing her strike out on her own and become more successful than ever is vindication beyond words.

>> No.69972971

You are not alone. Pomudachi here (not former, will always support her). Never knew about her till randomly clicking a Pomu stream one day (might have been 2 years ago - it was an MC collab with Selen iirc). But I am very much done with Nijisanji now, tad ashamed I did not see she was doing so bad. Currently stalking her old account and waiting for rebirth.

Stay strong bro, I know this fucking sucks.

>> No.69973039

>mid 2023
stopped reading there

>> No.69973276

Should of been like me, enjoy everyone from any company. See what Niji does to their talents creating hit lists to discredit them and get super sus especially after Nina's treatment. Pomu graduation. Recall what she said after Nina left, look it up. Selen on the out, start to dig. Turns out other people are digging when you are. Pieces start to fall in place, events don't stop coming when they should, new evidence pops up to collaborate past digs. Magic unfolds.
If we dug and there was nothing to be found, then that would have been the end of it. It's guaranteed no vtuber company is perfect, but my god, the things we found and have yet to be widely accepted yet.

>> No.69973398
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I was a day 1 (by EN standard, though I was a clipwatcher for JP) nijifag. I was watching holoEN at the time but some factors such as the content getting stale and the members starting to fall off in activity made me slide further into Nijisanji until several events got me shaken.
>Be excited for nijiEN because I was enticed by the ruckus and looseness of nijiJP
>Lazulight comes, love Elira and Pomu but kinda iffy on Finana. She might have been the earliest writing on the wall, but i just think to myself maybe some misses in scouting are okay and she will get better eventually.
>Obsydia comes, love them all. Golden wave, made me swallow the nijipill whole.
>Ethyria comes. Enna is very talented and shows herself as one of the best singers in all of EN vtubing, Millie is funny, Reimu is whatever but fairly inoffensive. Nina I get the same iffy feeling I had with Finana, but little did I know she was going to eventually not only be the best, but also the only dignified member of the wave. (At this point, Finana still doesn't impress me.)
>Luxiem comes, be excited because nijiEN is finally turning co-ed and maybe they can start becoming like JP. Firmly remember Vox and Luca being brotubers and having great Souls/Civ/Runescape streams...
>Only one month in however, notice their community becoming very female-ridden. Whatever, continue.
>Noctyx comes, maybe the first wave I don't care about. Increasingly notice the male livers are starting to orient themselves to female audiences, starting with Vox's shift to ASMR content, Mysta's homosexual humor and Uki's entire existence. Whatever, continue.
>Discord leak. Something about Fulgur and Vox insulting Council felt real wrong. Get slightly shaken, but remind myself the root of the discussion was about Holo copycatting Niji's idea of males so whatever, continue.
>First conga line of yabs. Reimu stirs shit with Vox's gachikois, Vox goes balls deep pandering to chinks, Finana dunks on her own fans on PARASOCIAL FUCKS and EDUCATE YOURSELF. Uki openly tweets about POLITICS on the Roe v Wade ruling. Yeah, something went real wrong. Start retreating from male content.
>Iluna comes, first wave that openly fucking sucks. (Also Tempus comes, but I started smelling the same Luxiem taint from them). By that point I no longer care for waves past Ethyria.
>...or Obsydia. Enna and Kyo start making weird advances toward each other, starting with the blacked jokes on Enna's outfit reveal, culminating with more thinly veiled cuck jokes on their offcollab. Millie starts showing signs of "owning le haters" syndrome which made her uncomfortable to watch.
>Xsoleil comes... the girls were enjoyable. Actually contemplated on oshi-ing either Zaion or Kotoka...
>Then Zaion is suspended.
>Then Millie does the Secret GC stream.
>Then the AR live is cancelled.
>Then Zaion is terminated.
>Then Kotoka spits on her grave.
>Yep, I'm done.
Near the end of it I was reduced to watching Selen, Pomu, Rosemi and Elira(LOL!), and by the end of it I was watching none, at least until they started leaving. I'm glad I can watch Doki again without a guilty conscience over supporting Niji's metrics, but it's a fucking shame what she had to go through to break free. Here's to hoping Pomu redebuts to somewhere that isn't Vshojo, hopefully becoming indie at least. Here's to also hoping for Rosemi to break free, and for Elira to enjoy herself being thoroughly gangbanged by the suits at Anycolor HQ.
When I started out I was excited for male vtubers, now I completely understood why CGDCTfags and unicorns call for total homo death. I also no longer looked forward to collab content because of how spammed to death they were, and in hindsight they also seemed to be covering up just how dysfunctional they were as a "family".
I almost quit watching vtubers altogether, telling myself only Holo had the one last chance to capture me again (2022 was also a bad year for them that made me almost drop HoloEN, but at least it wasn't due to endless drama). And they did it with Advent.
I know many holofags won't welcome me back and tell me to fuck off and that's fine. That's my permanent karma for dabbling into nijishit in the first place.

>> No.69974037

cool story bro. You were never a true fan if a backstabbing menhera grifting everyone for hundreds of thousands of dollars is all it took to make you turn

>> No.69974107

I value his opinion and a very common story from most of the people I talked too online who got into Nijisanji recently.
What I find kind of disgusting is that they are just going to repeat history with someone like Vivi.

>> No.69974484


>> No.69974671

People wouldn't get into abusive relationships if they weren't lured in with lies and kept around with false promises.
The good thing about Selens firing being so public is that now so many people know about nijis shittiness that they'll struggle to recruit decent chuubas and lure in decent fans

>> No.69974879

Welcome back, now you know what it's like outside the walled garden.

>> No.69975432


>> No.69976223

reads like one of those people who just managed to escape a cult

>> No.69976798

congrats for having a functioning brain

>> No.69979301

Me with Zaion drama

>> No.69980188

You're experience mirrors mine, especially with the fact that Advent gave me hope in Hololive again

However, these days, I'm having the most fun watching Doki, Phase Girls, Idol girls, and other small indies

>> No.69980322
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So who won? Who lose?

>> No.69980795

>be me
>Oshi is Mint
>she joins a corpo
>enjoy her streams
>corpo treats her like shit
>stick around as long as she sticks around
>drama unfolds
>again and again
I'm unironically glad that she left this place, even if it means that she currently doesn't stream.
Fuck Nijisanji.
