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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69856844 No.69856844 [Reply] [Original]

Towa Thread
Previous >>69774237

Please listen to her newest cover, 「Replica」!

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>> No.69856882
File: 114 KB, 1000x1000, GHBF47qbkAAF6pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Music: https://pastebin.com/AkBD5Ztv
>Latest EPs
>Latest Solo/Group Originals and Covers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGlyohr8CXI Replica (with Minase Rio)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLRMiqM5TXE S.T.Y.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VaXpo1S21oY Ninin Sankyaku (with Nekota Tsuna)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLIz-w5cyeU Otona Blue (with holoID 2nd Gen)

>「Soreyuke!! Makai Gakkou」 by Moro-yan (JP)
>「Underworld Academy Overload!!」 by Moro-yan (EN/ID)

Merch: https://pastebin.com/yk5HHRSr
>Tokoyami Towa 4th Anniversary Celebration
>Tokoyami Towa 1st Single "S.T.Y."
>Hoshimatic Project Supporter Merchandise
>"Lisani! Vol.55 hololive Music Encyclopedia" Limited Edition
>hololive Cookie
>Ichiban Kuji hololive vol.4
>hololive Closet
>hololive friends with u Vol. 6
>hololive Starting Voice
>Fuwakororin 3
>hug meets Vol. 4

Interviews/Articles: https://pastebin.com/vAeipX4B

>> No.69856911
File: 240 KB, 1070x1529, 1695274477728689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Towa.

>> No.69857002

I hate this dumb stupid retarded purple whore...

>> No.69857137

All kenzies do...
That's why we all cheat on Twi and her dumb looking legs...

>> No.69857180


>> No.69857190

shut up whore

>> No.69857312

Good night Towa and menheras!

>> No.69857334

I tried to rotate towa in my head but she just sat there...

>> No.69857343

I just spent an hour setting up an old laptop to rip this stupid musicverse DVD because I thought it had exclusive content, but it's exactly the same as the stream version, except in 480p...

>> No.69857400

i dont know what you expected really...

>> No.69857454

It says it has exclusive content on the DVD box, but it was talking about the same exclusive content that was included in the stream version...

>> No.69857513

my poor poor kenzie...

>> No.69857571

They say will moves mountains therefore Towa is heavier than a mountain...

>> No.69857624

kenzies are just weak-willed...

>> No.69857738

i would do anything for towa... even rotate her...

>> No.69857780

aint no kenzie high enough...aint no femzie low enough...aint no towa wide enough...

>> No.69857844

Not even nuclear Gandhi has the will to move her...

>> No.69857886

i could move towa's ass and make it jiggle...

>> No.69858260

the only thing that jiggles is towa's belly...

>> No.69858284

that's why her legs are bent like that...

>> No.69858539

Waiting for Shuba to report if Towa was ever alive this week...

>> No.69858585

sorry... icarus is cancelled...

>> No.69858596
File: 1.98 MB, 7500x5539, 116341878_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69858613

rrat anemone

>> No.69858695

Sui is so sexy...

>> No.69858907
File: 229 KB, 1200x1846, GG8NvCyXwAA-zty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shuba is too embarrassed to report on what shes been up to with Towa...

>> No.69859045

Towa stop trying to pose as a man who impregnated the duck because that's all me

>> No.69859145


>> No.69859238

So the rrat likes sakigake and anemone...

>> No.69859268

theyre pretty good songs

>> No.69859274

and called towa her beloved...

>> No.69859297

is she secretly a femzoku?

>> No.69859359


>> No.69859386


>> No.69859431

Kenzies like Towa... Femzies like Towa... Kenzies suggest them and femzies to spend more time together because they like the same thing... Eventually they create a kenzoku...

>> No.69859483

anon... she nutted on every presence of Towa...

>> No.69859572

Towa is a femzie.....

>> No.69859613

there's no way that's true...

>> No.69859660
File: 300 KB, 1282x2048, 20240223_231931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my girlfriend.
Say something nice about her.

>> No.69859698

why'd you turn towa green, she was cuter purple

>> No.69859902

She has really nice tits

>> No.69860250

i miss towa the most…

>> No.69860281
File: 293 KB, 1273x1800, 20240215_190223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they really are...

>> No.69860283

i made this post...

>> No.69860399

oh there it is

>> No.69860416

towa's pussy mention...

>> No.69860553

I bet Towa's pussy feels nice...

>> No.69860702

Since I bothered to rip it, here it is if anyone wants it, but it's pretty much exactly the same as the stream version except lower resolution. The video is technically higher bitrate, so I guess maybe some parts might look slightly better if they were super bitrate starved in the stream version, but the resolution difference kind of kills any advantage that might have...

>> No.69860757

thanks kenzie for your work

>> No.69860835

nice tits....

>> No.69861071

First I'd kiss her and then bury my face in her gigantic tits...

>> No.69861124
File: 671 KB, 2425x4096, 1708085594569071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69861206


>> No.69861209

Too small...

>> No.69861239

towa will cry...

>> No.69861358

im sorry for laughing when you tried seducing me towa...

>> No.69861395

towas beautiful boobies...

>> No.69861429

Towa's pretty mosquito bites...

>> No.69861567

too big...

>> No.69861751

Thanks kenzie *chu*

>> No.69861814

not fat enough...

>> No.69861815
File: 2.80 MB, 1920x1080, 1703709891807302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat fuck spotted

>> No.69861890


>> No.69861894

I know that she's a fake femzie but calling her fat is a bit rude...

>> No.69861921

why can't femzies be more fun to watch...

>> No.69861929

Rrat femzie sex! Rrat femzie love!

>> No.69861999

bae really isnt a fake femzie, i dont know what more you want

>> No.69862055


>> No.69862072

we already had this argument and the fake femzie side won, sorry...

>> No.69862104

Nice rrat tits...
And did she cum just now...?

>> No.69862107

too sexy...

>> No.69862184

girls that are friends with towa do not count as femzies...

>> No.69862254

bae already liked towa before she got groomed and tasted the banana though

>> No.69862279

even if they watch her sololive and sob for like 30 minutes straight...?

>> No.69862368


>> No.69862497

kenzies are just jealous femzies are loved... sorry losers...

>> No.69862505

but now they're friends so she can't be recognized as a femzie any longer...

>> No.69862600

real femzies are hated though...

>> No.69862623

Impregnating femzies as revenge!!!

>> No.69862687

stop being jealous towa loves me and not you... maybe try being loyal next time...

>> No.69862808

you're just being groomed...she'll get bored of you like all her other girls...

>> No.69862827

>indie with full custom made MV
kind of impressive, but why do only foreigners cover Towa's songs...

>> No.69862949

Towa hates loyalzokus the most

>> No.69863032

>bibi next to Mori

>> No.69863076

don't worry about it

>> No.69863077


>> No.69863314

shes going to be in shuba's too isnt she...

>> No.69863342

fucking bitch duck not having guests in her thumbnail so i couldn't make the fat fuck spotted joke twice in a row...

>> No.69863477

i hope towa isn't in anyone's live show because that means she has to spend more time away from me to practice!!!

>> No.69863496

honestly pretty neat, i will leave a like

>> No.69863587

what do you think she spent two weeks of her vacation working for...

>> No.69863592

When will PeBoT be revived... When will Botan make holos play more interesting games like Isonzo or Vermintide...

>> No.69863611

i mean the work for these lives are already done...

>> No.69863673

two weeks that i couldn't see her...
i mean forever!!!!!!!

>> No.69863747

i am pretty sure peko mentioned an interest in helldivers 2, perfect pebot collab but also

>> No.69863769

but i want to see cute 3d twi too...
and since she doesn't get 2 lives per year anymore she has to accept as many invitations as she can...

>> No.69863920

i just don't like that she has to practice for weeks only for me to see her for 3 minutes...

>> No.69864017

Pretty good cover

>> No.69864049

spending time with cute girls and not being with kenzies is what makes towa happiest...

>> No.69864127

only the spending time with girls making towa the happiest is true...

>> No.69864226

if towa loved me she'd like my tweets...

>> No.69864350

PeBoT can't go the way of Yonkisei, they're too fun to end up like that...

>> No.69864390

post on her tags and egosearch... itll happen...

>> No.69864469

Towa hates Botan... Towa hates Peko...

>> No.69864525

every group involving towa is destined to not stream together...

>> No.69865116

sounds like towa just doesn't want to stream...

>> No.69865122

because towa hates streaming...

>> No.69865180

if towa didnt want to stream... shed join the other purple woman...

>> No.69865209

the things towa wants to do cant be streamed...

>> No.69865246

Towa will cause an even bigger yab to upstage the other purple woman...

>> No.69865277

>Towa hates Botan...
Towa hating a hag is impossible...
>Towa hates Peko...
Peko is also becoming a hag soon...

>> No.69865737
File: 1.69 MB, 2880x2160, GHEWvUub0AAdHli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69865742

they can... just not on youtube...

>> No.69865785


>> No.69865937

She hates everyone who is sexier than her and there is no one sexier than hags and Peko is about to enter that club...

>> No.69865999

but towa doesn't hate anyone except for herself...

>> No.69866022

but towa is way sexier than everyone

>> No.69866106

Shut up Towa

>> No.69866126

Anon there's a hole in that theory. Towa, this year, she is...

>> No.69866145

Those eyes are piercing into my soul...

>> No.69866176

don't run from the truth

>> No.69866247

Becomes an old used up whore...

>> No.69866285

i hate kenzies so so so much

>> No.69866527


>> No.69866587

i'm 50% sure it's a threadshitter taking a new form to derail the thread/shit on towa but can't get punished for it because kenzies fell for the ellipsis at the end and we have to live with it from now on...

>> No.69866597

will towa hate hags once shes a hag...

>> No.69867384

I think this kenzoku has figured out the reason for all the whore posts these past threads

>> No.69867687


>> No.69867874

Things will be back to normal when towa comes back...

>> No.69867919

It's always I love towa, I hate towa, when will it be I'm indifferent to towa?!

>> No.69867947

this has been normal for a long time...

>> No.69868030

It's definitely been worse than usual lately...

>> No.69868132

i blame whore posters and whore sympathizers

>> No.69868149

I blame purple woman drama, it emboldened shitposters, where's /vtg/...

>> No.69868203

No I'm pretty sure it's just because towa has been on break, dumb kenzie...

>> No.69868389

nothing is safe...nothing is sacred anymore...

>> No.69868427

nta but i think the low amount of towactivity combined with having to keep the thread bumped for several days worth of dramaflood definitely made things worse...

>> No.69868504

Soon the twathread will no longer towa... post...

>> No.69868508

It's true that without a certain blue bitch being posted the thread would have died multiple times...

>> No.69868578

Towa should die...

>> No.69868633

i’d rather die…

>> No.69868695

i just dont get why they cant post towa… we could proliferate cute towa pictures instead for greater kenzie kind…

>> No.69868739
File: 109 KB, 892x759, 1708427910805960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69868759

variety is the spice of life...

>> No.69868762

Towa should kiss me

>> No.69868795

I would rather the thread die than tolerate that blue thing, h*shyomi shouldn't be allowed to be here with how rude they are to both kenzoku and twa...

>> No.69868871

proliferating with twi...

>> No.69868952
File: 130 KB, 1080x1920, 1699344504410325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69869019

Towa will make a scheduled tweet in exactly 3 minutes...

>> No.69869173

kenzies should lust over akwa instead...

>> No.69869280


>> No.69869364

Kenzies have cracked the towacode...

>> No.69869382

but i just want towa… other girls with towa is okay but seeing just other women with no towa isnt what i want…

>> No.69870532

Too many girls want towa to celebrate with them...

>> No.69871751

you guys don't want ryonaposting, you guys don't want kimoiposting, you guys don't want blue woman posting.... what else can we possibly do to keep the thread from drowning in a sea of drama?

>> No.69871846

kimoiposting is the least gross of those and i never really had an issue with it...
we could just talk about towa anyways...

>> No.69871862

big boob posting...

>> No.69871919

talk about towa...? but how...

>> No.69871973

she makes a lot of good music, dances well and is really cute, sexy, and beautiful... there's plenty...

>> No.69872161

I want to make up stupid rumors about towa... Like how she can't say seven but can say seventeen...

>> No.69872394

What did towa do to make someone act like this...?

>> No.69872411

All lies...

>> No.69872493

then why are you even here if you dont think any of those are true... get out...

>> No.69872592
File: 539 KB, 4096x2424, 1687140534640303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69872707

we used to get by with posting about how much we love towa...

>> No.69872761
File: 1.62 MB, 960x864, towasexy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

towa is sexy...

>> No.69872771

when is towa's menstrual cycle...

>> No.69873093


>> No.69873125

don't worry about it...

>> No.69873459

i want to make towa smile…

>> No.69874531

its canceled

>> No.69874570

boys don't...

>> No.69874626

When Towa ascends to hagdom she will finally love herself (on a twitcast).

>> No.69874770

towa will never love herself... thats what kenzies are for...

>> No.69874907

fc2live to celebrate it...

>> No.69875399

why does towa have to be so sexy...

>> No.69876422

Purple Disease outbreak...

>> No.69876459

So that she can fuck as many girls as possible since she's a sex devil...

>> No.69876678

yeah me…

>> No.69876876


>> No.69876923

femzies should post nails...

>> No.69877818
File: 2.16 MB, 1813x1915, 1706808420488401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight towa... i love u...

>> No.69878929

28 towas later...

>> No.69878955

A month is way too long...it already feels like it's been a month but it's only half over...

>> No.69879432

She's gonna take month-long breaks this year ...

>> No.69879533

As Towa's least racist fan, I am ordering femzies to show feet pics...

>> No.69879632

Hopefully every month...

>> No.69879837


>> No.69880403

Now they can legally make a mashup of this video and Kanata's Mephisto...

>> No.69880653


>> No.69880724

why is the right half of the video blank...

>> No.69881122

I can barely hear kanners...

>> No.69881295

better than the songs where they always mix towa out...

>> No.69881538

she can barely hear either...

>> No.69881582


>> No.69882324

towa will stream today...

>> No.69882456

There's no way that's true...

>> No.69883712
File: 35 KB, 438x428, Yo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69884209

what is this thing...

>> No.69884400

Aeh, I got a Towa in my 'Rari...

>> No.69886011
File: 336 KB, 1339x1879, 20240223_220715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Towa to sing with this meddlesome creature again... I bet they'll sound even better than ORIO...

>> No.69887049

i think this cat should be put down

>> No.69887199

On my bed specifically

>> No.69887348

put down as in killed

>> No.69887408

i'd rather towa sing with the sexy blue woman again...

>> No.69887700

towa will come back and stream a single player game...

>> No.69887759

rome total war...

>> No.69888167

roamin' towa-r

>> No.69888640
File: 3.90 MB, 3024x4032, 1686992709416111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting sexy Taas in the Towa thread...!

>> No.69888671

Hello everyone, Towa here

>> No.69888679

i need cover to ship my sty copy so i can consolidate it with my music verse dvd...

>> No.69889284

This Taa is so... uoh... ToT

>> No.69889480

is this ai

>> No.69889732

Good morning Towa and menheras!

>> No.69890039
File: 426 KB, 2048x1536, 20240223_220000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is that stupid guy in the middle?

>> No.69890156

Me receiving service from my wife Korone...!

>> No.69891384


>> No.69891493
File: 103 KB, 1259x900, 1686668767639524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wondering why there were so many posts while I slept
>the board exploded again
Why are purple women like this?

>> No.69892811
File: 135 KB, 1024x682, GEmt4j2bEAAwJU1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69892902

sticking out my twip for the twapper...

>> No.69892999
File: 48 KB, 641x539, 1691126253184681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69893060
File: 2.60 MB, 1920x1080, 1701313149002752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69893750

Towa just kissed me...

>> No.69894550
File: 561 KB, 2048x1536, GE49d3baYAARhiE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69895070


>> No.69895838
File: 1.16 MB, 2160x3840, GHGdAYoaQAA2KWG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69896202

Get off the pool, you fat bitch...

>> No.69896414

Twi unbuttoned her shirt so she can distract me...

>> No.69897019
File: 295 KB, 1998x1998, GHCfdAZasAE9qa4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69897332

i want to play with the balls on twi’s chest…

>> No.69897347

All these cute girls and yet the cutest is towa...

>> No.69897393
File: 690 KB, 1670x3000, 20240223_215850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would (you) like to put your ketchup?

>> No.69897545

Her toes...

>> No.69898102
File: 2.10 MB, 2237x3431, 116353564_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69898308

This pussy should be shaved.

>> No.69899017

no ketchup for me thanks

>> No.69899229

I wonder who she'll sing with this holofes, I kinda wish it's not startend again

>> No.69899368

I'm gonna riot if it's with Lappy.

>> No.69899459


>> No.69899630

Oh I don't want lappy either...

Mumei would be nice, or Okayu, or even Moona.

>> No.69899666

There's too many posts now without ellipsis... Towa...

>> No.69899706


>> No.69899840


>> No.69900052
File: 364 KB, 2066x3330, 20240218_014133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Married woman sex...

>> No.69900436
File: 3.81 MB, 608x526, Penlighttwi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69900680

i would normally agree with you but we already get such little startend as is on top of the fact that the options really aren’t that good…

>> No.69901372

Is Towa gay?

>> No.69901534

she’s straight like a wet noodle

>> No.69901697

i think towa should get another solo instead…

>> No.69901743

She can't afford it anymore...

>> No.69901823

Wait till the turnup of femzies taking massages everyday...

>> No.69901918

Towa took a lump sum for that ad to cover her pachinko debts...

>> No.69902113

cover will make towa and lappy sing together…

>> No.69902548

Towa owes me monetary compensation...

>> No.69902552

Stfu, Lappy.

>> No.69902683

compensated dating towa…

>> No.69902774

towa needs to stream 12 hours a day when she gets back to compensate for all the time she's been away from me...

>> No.69902928

towa already has compensated me…

>> No.69903143


>> No.69903931


>> No.69903992

i just want sitw

>> No.69903996

Inject towa straight into my veins...

>> No.69904100

that's contraband nowadays...

>> No.69904651

i came inside towa…

>> No.69904844

That wasn't towa...

>> No.69905046

Towa is NOT real stop gaslighting me...

>> No.69905448

Towa fertilized me...

>> No.69905815
File: 370 KB, 2732x2048, 1692061105822846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Towa after reading this thread...

>> No.69905945

this is towa crying over si not loving her enough...

>> No.69906120

towa crying because i said she can't have any more snacks for today...

>> No.69906221

towa should just marry me already and then she would never have to worry about her weight again...

>> No.69906248

Towa when the doctor says she needs to go on a diet...

>> No.69906290

when will towa learn that her happiness is basically entirely correlated to going out with girls...

>> No.69906411

her happiness should be entirely correlated to my praise instead...

>> No.69906459

i haven't been seeing your tweets in her egosearch recently...

>> No.69906495

you don’t know who i am…

>> No.69906520

you didn't even deny my statement... guess i do...

>> No.69906870

Joining the literature club with mami...

>> No.69906982

i'm not going to tell you if you're right or wrong because i don't want kenzies stalking me...

>> No.69907352
File: 160 KB, 871x1144, 1692472515310529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69907589

i want to kiss this towa...

>> No.69908188
File: 237 KB, 1340x2048, 20240223_215559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would (you) kiss this Towa as well?

>> No.69908214


>> No.69908291

You whore...

>> No.69908317

theres nothing whorish about loving towa...

>> No.69908464
File: 801 KB, 1920x1920, 1708417189741842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I kiss this Towa? She seems harmless.

>> No.69909004
File: 187 KB, 1117x1728, GHGZwF4awAAfTUo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69909238

I just want to look at towa again...

>> No.69909429
File: 40 KB, 308x313, Twelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at it.

>> No.69909959

Towa will stream exclusively valorant when she gets back...

>> No.69910023

i simply think it's impossible for towa to actually get into that game enough to enjoy streaming it

>> No.69910187

she'll stream league...

>> No.69910306

When will fox hag drag twa into the backrooms...

>> No.69910452

no one wants to play games with towa...

>> No.69910475

Towa should stay on break for another month I fear...

>> No.69910730

towa should come back while people are still playing apex...

>> No.69910801

she will miss the window and she'll be back to being a loner... palworld is over... apex is over... sad solo towa for the end of the times...

>> No.69911015

no choice but to do the nise watchalong...

>> No.69912189

she already forgot...

>> No.69912220

Fat fuck posting in the fat fuck section...

>> No.69912355

why hasn't towa tweeted anything...

>> No.69912620

Anon...Towa is...she's...

>> No.69912869

>Towa on break
>Rurudo streams way more often
What is mami trying to do...?

>> No.69913742
File: 599 KB, 2570x4075, 1696787936669615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69913777

Why does Towa keep getting tied up...

>> No.69913834

apex with yue... home...

>> No.69913884

Steal kenzies to make a better Towa...

>> No.69913911

you cant improve upon perfection...

>> No.69914283

Towa with bigger breasts would be an improvement...

>> No.69914621

Towa's chiropractor stream and the consequences for her comment sections...

>> No.69914708

she just won't ever read them, plus it seems that people just want to draw mio and aki for it instead, rather than her. there was only really one semi-lewd art drawn art of her on her tags.

>> No.69914752

She pays me to do it to her...

>> No.69914938

asking for an ai that will remove towa's voice from collabs in her tags......

>> No.69914965

I miss rurudo...

>> No.69915321
File: 591 KB, 2235x3765, GHF1-n0XEAA8UMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69915442

they look like subahibi characters...

>> No.69915988

they're subatowa characters...

>> No.69916284


>> No.69916934

Punching the Taa real hard in her weird rabbit teeth...
