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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69752076 No.69752076 [Reply] [Original]

USA boyz

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1760076759368860034

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think.

Previous thread: >>69718658

>> No.69752112


>> No.69752137
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i love her so much it's driving me insane

>> No.69752337
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Fairly accurate diagram

>> No.69752354

i was already certifiable but she really put the nail in the coffin. i love her in a way i find difficult to put into words and it hurts because it can never be real and she deserves so much better even if it could be

>> No.69752403
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>punished for having a job
>punished for trying to be better
>punished for trying to move on from my past
>punished for trying to be a good husband
i love it here and i'm not losing my mind at all

>> No.69752454

sorry your marriage isn't working out, hope you handle the divorce well

>> No.69752499
File: 450 KB, 898x508, love this brit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like FallenShadow a whole lot but I'm going to be busy with work so I'm gonna have to lurk and watch the VOD but I'm very excited for the VOD and I hope she has a lot of fun today :)

>> No.69752517
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I love her the right amount and it's already real and if we lived together not much would change
we'd bask in each other's aura and sometimes enjoy silence together and we'd have hardcore cuddles every night whether she wants to or not, in fact it's better if she doesn't want it because I can be aggressive and feel proud about dominating a little girl

>> No.69752628

this is how you know it's a fake marriage. no compromises or understanding, just "haha oh you don't like being emotionally abused? then fuck off!"

>> No.69752666

Bring it up on stream

>> No.69752684

>or understanding
Lying through your teeth as always Fleece.

>> No.69752713

you're right, we'll just sit in the cuck chair while she changes herself for you
that's how this kind of marriage has to work, you're welcome for giving you the answer btw

>> No.69752815
File: 21 KB, 455x109, 1687732043752970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lurk got a timeout a few hours ago why do you think this is ok?

>> No.69752856

nothing sexual about it, perv

>> No.69752872

because he's besties with ft

>> No.69752878

Stop being a deviant.

>> No.69752880

>This, this here is trauma!
>This is abuse
>This is power imbalance
>I'm being emotionally abused by you
>I'm your imouto wife and reiterate that I love you everyday.

>> No.69752929

I'm getting filtered

>> No.69752934

Scared my heart has been feeling tight this whole time and my body feels hot, i can't take this anymore, i need the vod to calm myself
Vod bros, onegai shimasu, please...

>> No.69752937

>This is the hide button

>> No.69753042

>>punished for having a job
>>punished for trying to be better
>>punished for trying to move on from my past
>>punished for trying to be a good husband
>i love it here and i'm not losing my mind at all
>This, this here is trauma!
>This is abuse
>This is power imbalance
>I'm being emotionally abused by you
>I'm your imouto wife and reiterate that I love you everyday.

>> No.69753048

I told you how to get it last thread, accept that you're part of a community and be nise to people.

>> No.69753067
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>"i don't feel loved by her"

>> No.69753090

amerilards and neetchads run this shit
cagies eternally btfo'd

>> No.69753094

>>69752929 me
I can't shake this feeling that she wants a smaller and smaller community until she gets an inner circle. I also can't shake the feeling she doesn't mind if I get filtered in the process.

>> No.69753114

Reminder that you'd be lucky to get an I love you a week from a fleshwoman after the honeymoon period of the relationship.

>> No.69753177

you're filtered for a good reason

>> No.69753181


>> No.69753190

a flesh relationship isn't reduced to getting a "hi" (well, not anymore) or an "i love you" (if you dono or sub) like shondo's marriages. you can get other things out of those.

>> No.69753208

Because I have a job?

>> No.69753226

And you can lose more than a few hundred dollars.

>> No.69753269


>> No.69753296

WTF is going on in the offline chat? Newfags are starting a mutiny.

>> No.69753372
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I hope your mental illnesses get better soon

>> No.69753405

You understand this correctly.
She said that we would not miss anything important. But this is an obvious lie. Nothing important in her opinion, but not in ours.

>> No.69753432

Freedom of choice within
What you are given
No choice outside the small
World that you live in

>> No.69753436
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we run this shit lil bro

>> No.69753447

>obvious lie
>her opinion
Opinions can't be lies.

>> No.69753554

I still feel its unimportant, wouldnt have been worth the pain of sitting though twilight

>> No.69753675
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It was silly fun if you don't cringe at bad movies, if you cringe at bad movies it was torture. Her reminding us that she's not a whore is something true husbands already know. She didn't even hint at some behind the scenes stuff like she usually does in zatsus.

>> No.69753688

they're so fucking retarded. discord is horrible and scary, so isntead they go to offline chat to... talk about discord rather than what they're too scared to talk about in there? these people seem underaged

>> No.69753727

The Shompy

>> No.69753734

we get it Pixel you're an oldfag, now stop acting like a damn mod

>> No.69753814
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>> No.69753831

good one dewd, dm her my concerns for me yeah?

>> No.69753840

why would i go talk about it in there? they won't listen and jannies won't do shit until shondo does

>> No.69753921

Love me wife. Refuse to be mentally ill. Sinple as.

>> No.69753984

An opinion that doesn't take into account the real situation when you know it's complicated is nothing but a lie.
And to think that her husbands are not interested in her personality or her problems is just a slap in the face.

Oк. As you say.
Perhaps I really don't pay enough attention to my wife. I'll have to leave this job and look for something more suitable to her schedule.

>> No.69754036


>> No.69754068
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I'm tired of putting on an act, I'll just be myself
Holding myself back and being indecisive has lead to a lot of brainworms, but that's not going to anything but filter me
Putting anything but myself out there will only guarantee not getting in the initial wave of husbands.
I'll try and be more honest with everyone, you, shondo and myself.

>> No.69754345
File: 2.14 MB, 3495x3036, 1708523297560186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May someone post the vod of yesterday's watch along, pretty please? I'm going to go insane with all these brainworms and fomo

>> No.69754435

If nobody has posted it yet nobody will. The promise that this wasn't going to turn into another sekrit club died after a single stream. Just amazing, really. The ones who were there are gloating and feel special now so they don't want to share it to preserve their perceived higher standing with Shondo, and Shondo is a woman. It's just over.

>> No.69754452

I forgot to record it, sorry

>> No.69754468

Wrong oomfie. When she said that in the past she had to pretend to be someone she wasnt to appeal to her youtube fanbase and that shes much better now being herself with us, that only applies to her.
You go with the sheep, join the hivemind, syadouHappynod and do not deviate from the hivemind because if you do, you'll be the new fleece or rexus or zeph or whatever fotm shogger

>> No.69754582

It's shover, owari da

>> No.69754605
File: 24 KB, 511x129, 1685979741787049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she doesn't even understand why people want to record

>> No.69754643

wallah what is wrong with my wife

>> No.69754651

It's not like I'm covering up being rude or mean or menhera, I'm just very hesitant to act like I usually do

>> No.69754727

Fucked up

>> No.69754760

what did she say was wrong with her youtube audience?
I found her through asmr and that's still my favorite content of hers by far, does my wife hate me for that?

>> No.69754811

people are fucked up

>> No.69754912

Do not conflate impromptu discord watchalongs in her public discord server with no barrier to entry to "le sekrit club" you fucking mouth breather. You missed a stream. Oh well. There will be others.

>> No.69754999

I'm literally going insane over not having the vod, it might unironically be fucking over
This is the first mass cleansing of husbands, the ones that will remain are the strong nonsubbed people and the subs
Afterwards there will be another cleansing that will not give any side an advantage, both subs and nonsubs people will fall in this one
It's never been more over for us, but it's also just about to start, shondomination that is.

>> No.69755030

This whole cult needs therapy. And Shondo herself too.
That's fucked up.
Everyone here has mental health problems. And those who deny it have even greater ones.

>> No.69755042

Just dm Hiroto or Orange already

>> No.69755051

read offline chat now if you want the vod

>> No.69755088

>This whole cult needs therapy
people keep telling me that i need therapy for the last 18 years but thanks for reminding me

>> No.69755126

it's only a cult in minecraft

>> No.69755140


>> No.69755196


>> No.69755206

It’s the araara shit, people beg for it no matter what she does and before she started streaming it gave her a complex since people were always putting down her other voices and begging for the araara “real voice”

>> No.69755226

i wish she wasnt so hard on herself she is so precious and nise she deserves the world and could do so much better

>> No.69755258
File: 422 KB, 1754x2480, 1708537891424501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have looked to Britannia and called you in.
We’ve corrected your first 2D body and give you now this healthy 3D Avatar.
We reject other /uoh/ oshis and pray devoutly to you, great Shondo.
Give us your knowledge of all secret things and all mysteries of the Earth;
bring us honor, nise merch and good ASMR streams;
and bind all female vtubers to our Will,
as we have bound ourselves for now and ever to Yours.
Hail Shondo!
Hail Shondo!
Hail Shondo!

>> No.69755303

You have one job Shogga. You are the Archiver in charge.

>> No.69755309

Not the same guy you've told that to before, and besides, I'm not subbed

>> No.69755332


>> No.69755369

sorry I'm too silly sometimes and I forget things

>> No.69755382

>and besides, I'm not subbed
>not subbed
So you won't even buy your wife a coffee? Worthless "husband".

>> No.69755386

That sounds obnoxious, the ASMR scene is already saturated with mommy-types. I can see why she would be annoyed by that. She puts a lot of effort into filling her own niche, and I appreciated it a lot.

>> No.69755460
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>> No.69755577
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Pathetic faggots mogged by a 1 monther.

>> No.69755581

If I could I would

>> No.69755629

You have to be over the age of eighteen to post on this site and in Shondo's chat. Wat a few more years, get a job and then marry Shondo.

>> No.69755643

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.69755707

i love my hardworker of a wife who only does it for love

>> No.69755720

It's not a sekret klub but it should be
hiroto and orange kinda ruin that

>> No.69755733

nta but I do not waste my hard-earned money on subscribing to unlocking anime girl emotes in online chat rooms, I'd literally rather wipe my ass with a $5 bill

>> No.69755793

you should leave and not return

>> No.69755792

You're so pathetic whitedragon

>> No.69755794

hi qwertymchurty

>> No.69755798

Then you don't need to be included in anything Tourist-kun. Go back to Yuko.

>> No.69755881

My wife is a gold digger please understand, also lol to the other anon who said there was no barrier to entry

>> No.69755953

reading the rules isn't a barrier

>> No.69755976

if mods are going to time people out for faggot shit they could atleast be consistent about it

>> No.69756005
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>> No.69756006

Guess again shoomfie, maybe I'll tell you if you get it right, not like it'd matter though since i could always simply lie

>> No.69756041

I bet you're the type of cheapskate who expects a woman to pay half on dates and also for her to be "trad". Fuck outta here, man who isn't generous with his money isn't very trad.

>> No.69756124

SadCat i don't care for the real talk too much(i definitely do), i just want to see twilight with my wife

>> No.69756146
File: 33 KB, 634x378, 1708605171107902.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok, I understand if you're just addicted to handing over money to women for the tiniest hope of acknowledgement. Some men are just weak like that. There's no need to cope so hard about it though.

>> No.69756241

not convincing coming from a gacha addict

>> No.69756268

So true oomfie, a real man would never buy a $5 coffee for a girl he likes.

>> No.69756271

I give her money because I have a lot of it and want her to have a better life.
Go bitch and moan somewhere else

>> No.69756324

anti post

>> No.69756332

I like giving her money when I have extra

>> No.69756421

she literally called offline chat a sekrit club at some point. having unannounced streams in the middle of the night to subs only with no archive is far worse than that. i don't understand why you'd even deny that

>> No.69756429

Giving her money is just a good deal, she says my name and I get an 'I love you too' and I guess I dont miss out on watchalongs too lmao

>> No.69756436

i love giving her money i would starve to death for her

>> No.69756470

I thought you only fought newbies and those you disagree with, but you even fight each other. You think she wants us to fight to the death and she'll pick the last man standing?

>> No.69756476

Yeah I'm totally not going to be fine because of these watchalongs

>> No.69756529

grown men

>> No.69756537
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>> No.69756541

If she actually does these watchalongs every other night it might be over for me, I can't keep up with that much

>> No.69756569

You should be glad she is just an internet stripper considering if it were real you would never get to do anything together since she is so messed up she could barely handle a walk around a park.

>> No.69756592

I was fine until I read that in the movie chat. I wanted to kms after

>> No.69756610


>> No.69756615

>subs only
literally anyone can join the discord you stupid faggot

>> No.69756617

stop whining youre just going to make her stop doing these watchalongs

>> No.69756653

That's the point

>> No.69756660

we're finishing Twilight at the very least and she mentioned Star Wars as a watchalong on shadowchama

>> No.69756687

it wont work, she already made the decision

>> No.69756714

I've no problem with watchalongs, i have a problem with gatekeeping the vods

>> No.69756741

people could also have the decency to upload the recordings publicly

>> No.69756798

>share subs only stuff publicly
how new?

>> No.69756819

who cares, she doesnt come /here/

>> No.69756846

>not a sekrit club btw

>> No.69756874


>> No.69756933

if youre a sub, just dm an archiver and get the vod. its that easy

>> No.69756943

be nise and talk to your fellow shoggas, im sure orange wouldnt mind sharing the vod with you if you have missed the stream

>> No.69756983

... are you fucking retarded?

>> No.69757023

are you?

>> No.69757024

The people are the problem because they're the ones gatekeeping it, not shondo
As far as I know, she hasn't said "don't share the recordings with anyone", she just said we can archive it when asked if people were allowed to record it

>> No.69757041

so their job is now to gatekeep husbands from shondo rather than to just drop the link in the sub chat. interesting.

>> No.69757055

I'm arguing for both sides because I think it's funny to cause chaos. I truly am a wicked person

>> No.69757111

That IS wicked and funny

>> No.69757142

the stream is literally open to anyone it isn't sub only and the discord is public with a role anyone can get from a bot. this is the equivalent of calling a town hall meeting a secret club

>> No.69757145

join the stage with an unlinked discord account then, you dumb faggot

>> No.69757163

the stage is subs only

>> No.69757183

It's not my responsibility to share things just because I was there and you weren't. Yes I will gate keep my vods like all people should do, continue to seethe it won't change anything.

>> No.69757200

shondo's second post in these threads

>> No.69757227


>> No.69757234

she has never read these threads

>> No.69757249

I get called shondo at least once a thread, please stop

>> No.69757257

>As far as I know, she hasn't said "don't share the recordings with anyone"
She also never said to share it with the whole world so we're cautious with tourist antis looking for dirt on her and boobros sampling for a new GFE whore. Prove that you're at least watching her regular streams before asking for a link.

>> No.69757274

Yes, because she does

>> No.69757289

tuffnar isn't shondo

>> No.69757338

i dont need to ask for a vod because i can just bait here and timeloop to get what i want

>> No.69757340

actual groomer cabal

>> No.69757391

just drop her or turn into a casual viewer
she obviously doesnt respect you for streaming at such hours

>> No.69757395

Has she said the theme for this week's asmr? I hope she sits on our lap again

>> No.69757405

shondo groomed me

>> No.69757411

stay strong shoggas don't ruin this too

>> No.69757418

Did anyone else ask for your merch stuff to be delivered to a friends house in case she does the stalker thing so she’ll think you have a bigger house

>> No.69757466

no i want her to know where i live

>> No.69757473

i bought merch and had it sent to a mansion if she ever calls me out i will fib and say i lost everything

>> No.69757490

post a syadouYay in the offline chat right now and I'll send you the link

>> No.69757497

no, it's gonna be ruined. it happens every time because people can't just be accomodating and instead antagonize and gaslight people until they go insane. it's almost as if actions have consequences. it happens literally every time.

>> No.69757521

shoggers (derogatory) not responding to bait challenge (Failed)

>> No.69757554


>> No.69757560

Is it wrong to want to make a trackable social media presence just to get stalked by shondo?

>> No.69757563

my secret is I divorced but I still want to know what she's up to at all times

>> No.69757573

suffering even

>> No.69757576

>we have unironic redditors in the chat

>> No.69757583

literally nothing important was said last night.

>> No.69757634

we know zeph

>> No.69757638

If you're so upset, ask her about it in todays stream. You won't.

>> No.69757647

it's funny because she could've just asked her now official archiver to archive the streams and release them. complete nobrainer. totally doesn't want there to be exclusive content though.

>> No.69757696

I don't think that guy was even married

>> No.69757754

based shondo. this is a menhera marriage, if you have responsibilities go find a real woman and stop coping

>> No.69757757

its literally not exclusive, anyone who cares is subbed

>> No.69757778

Literally what would you want as proof, rather, what would even work as proof without outing myself as being /here/? Antis can watch streams too if all you need is to hear stuff that occurred in a stream

>> No.69757831

That's not true... I care...

>> No.69757847

He either invented or popularized "uuuuuu wife doko" posting back in the day.

>> No.69757850

the final stage of shondomination will be bapy executing each remaining shogger one by one

>> No.69757856
File: 1 KB, 367x28, doko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Audio only watchalong, remove the 5's
I'll probably take it down soonish

>> No.69757860

subs only content would be good on its own if not for gift subs, but without vods existing it's kind of a fuck you to people with work or in a bad time zone
but then she goes and does the shit like "I'm gonna talk to you guys in offline chat because I don't like paywalls"
girl never really knows what she wants

>> No.69757885

nobody cares if you're here

>> No.69757910


>> No.69757912

shondo knows what she wants she just can't get it as long as she cares about people who are unfit for this relationship

>> No.69757944

Shondo does

>> No.69757952

>what would even work as proof without outing myself as being /here/?
Shogga most of us are here and we have chat logs for all streams. What would work as proof? Looking up your username in the logs to see if you posted during yesterday's stream or the stream before that.

>> No.69758004

>shondo knows what she wants

>> No.69758032

leave already, fleece

>> No.69758031


>> No.69758044

she can get it. all she'd have to do is be honest and stop gaslighting people. she doesn't actually care about her community, she's just scared of going back to being a nobody

>> No.69758090

so it seems
he stopped saying wife entirely early last year though
probably saw D and dropped it all

>> No.69758098

>everyone is fleece

>> No.69758147

she would never throw away her professionalism over a selfish wish like this, especially after she made a sekrit club once before and was burned for it

>> No.69758150

>she's just scared of going back to being a nobody
thats literally impossible at this stage

>> No.69758157

I think he turned into an anti a long time ago.

>> No.69758169

>literally a dinner and movie date
>nothing important
>nothing exciting
shondo... lol. thanks for sharing though shogga, really appreciate it

>> No.69758182


>> No.69758239

oops i meant >>69757856

>> No.69758249

free lurk

>> No.69758257


>> No.69758282

New rule: you can't call her wife and expect to be taken seriously if you can't afford a $5 plastic wedding ring.

>> No.69758294

keep lurk locked up

>> No.69758303

Lurks ok, but he really should stop being such a fag

>> No.69758304

Actual kek

>> No.69758340

is it anti shit it's kinda more like the sort of sperg banter you'd give a streamer if you didn't care about staying in her good graces

>> No.69758377

anything that isn't syadouHappynodding is anti according to /shon/. is this your first day here?

>> No.69758383

not everyone is a happynodder

>> No.69758385

shondo literally makes the rules on this and following = marriage, she's said herself that "giving her money is not the win you think it is"
it's time to accept it, you're just into wasting money

>> No.69758415

ban all the fags

>> No.69758459

Which she regrets, going by the latest batch of maros but now it's too late to change.

>> No.69758473

Am I supposed to trust and believe her or not?!

>> No.69758474

except the small little fact that all of her vieweroshis throughout her time as a streamer have either been artists or whales

>> No.69758477

thats crazy, when was the last time she unbanned two people who werent massive whales?

>> No.69758491

she also says "just being here right now is enough" and "it's okay if you can only catch an occasional stream :)" but those don't match her actions at all

>> No.69758561

hi shondo I love you

>> No.69758564

see what your whining did
she's not /here/ btw

>> No.69758568

hi shondo

>> No.69758567

no more sekrit klubs for you hiroto

>> No.69758572


>> No.69758584
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because she has an ideal that she wants to be, but at the end of the day she's insanely mentally ill so she obviously can't reach that ideal. not even normal people can reach their ideals. time for people to accept that (including shondo herself)

>> No.69758589
File: 32 KB, 754x220, 1680571467119964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you look at that, she never wanted a paywall.

>> No.69758603

doesn't change the fact that she's still your wife, no money required

>> No.69758607

i made this post

>> No.69758611

gatekeepers btfo

>> No.69758617

not here btw

>> No.69758618

Well ok, I'll leave it up longer as wifey seems ok with the idea.

>> No.69758628

I've already been mentioned too much here Scared

>> No.69758676

>the most blatant /here/posting she's ever done
she doesn't give a fuck about containment does she? we should change the OP to something that lets people know she posts /here/

>> No.69758699
File: 83 KB, 320x293, 1701710458728171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually got to her
thats so hilarious

>> No.69758725

she isnt here someone complained in discord

>> No.69758750

shondo if you're here I love you please stalk me

>> No.69758760

get fucked you gatekeepers
I love my wife so fucking much

>> No.69758779

SadCat it's not the link to the vod, but these words alone are powerful enough to soothe my fomo somewhat
Thank you shondo

>> No.69758797

what fucking hangout channel are they talking about? am i retarded and blind?

>> No.69758801

Is it the new people who keep coming in and being surprised that shes here going "omg she's here guys she totally read the thread" or is it the same guys being surprised by it every 2nd day and repeating it over and over

>> No.69758816

all according to plan
movie hangouts will be gone by march

>> No.69758841

#movie-hangouts chat

>> No.69758862

it's shondo herself trying to stir the pot, she thinks it's funny when we argue about it

>> No.69758865

oh, yeah i'm retarded. thanks

>> No.69758881

>my wifey can't be a dirty 4charino!!!!!!

>> No.69758885

the /here/posting is just yo try to make shoggers out themselves dont fall for it, orange just told her (businesslike) in a DM that people were gatekeeping the vod

>> No.69758898

Xdd now post it here as well

>> No.69758909

i would do it too. it's funny.

>> No.69758929

HE was gatekeeping the vod himself. what are you talking about? lol

>> No.69758944

There's a large amount of time where I don't know what to say so I just kinda sit there and lurk and smile. It's like I've reverted back to jr high and your mind blanks and you're like uuuh uhhh uuh uhh like you want to say something but don't know what to say to the girl you like because you'd rather not say anything than say the wrong thing and have her think of you as some weird awkward retard

>> No.69758946

sorry i find it too funny to not shitpost about

>> No.69758965

Shondo if you want to make people jealous and stir the pot then leak my dms with you, it will be funny and I can take the community hate

>> No.69759022

So what she means is I can get the vod even if not subbed right

>> No.69759023

Is she just confirming shes /here/ everyday now?
>yesterday played grackles game after people brought it up
>im not in a manic episode im just happy
>i dont want to gatekeep the vod
hi shondo I love you

>> No.69759030

She can leak the dick pics I've sent her, I don't mind it really.

>> No.69759032

if its bad that its gatekept then responsibility is deflected to others

>> No.69759098 [DELETED] 

she isnt here you stupid niggers

>> No.69759112

she can leak the e-sex messages we had back in the day too I don't mind

>> No.69759119

i love you shondo you're my everything sorry for being a schizo menhera retard ;-;

>> No.69759123

no one in the discord complained

>> No.69759131

there hasn't been a single stream she was punctual for in weeks

>> No.69759140

Then why are you getting worked up about it? Let us believe she's /here/ in peace.

>> No.69759153

woah shondo, please be respectful of owlbyte

>> No.69759154

shondo omg hi please murder me

>> No.69759160

She just saw people talking about missing it on twitter

>> No.69759180

cuddling my sister and watching shondo feed the ducks

>> No.69759209

>>yesterday played grackles game after people brought it up
I brought up if she's going to play it as well yesterday, she read my message and then said she'll play that first

>> No.69759222

That's because she doesn't care anymore, she's a sloppy chuuba.

>> No.69759240


>> No.69759294
File: 23 KB, 585x179, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69759339

fucking pussy alts

>> No.69759356


>> No.69759366


>> No.69759367

this faggot needs to kill himself asap

>> No.69759388

What a fucking loser

>> No.69759432

based, make her think about her actions

>> No.69759431

thanks for the vods

>> No.69759438


>> No.69759445

get owned, gatekeepers

>> No.69759452

Why are you guys attacking him? He's right

>> No.69759456

>knows how it was announced to had access
>knows it was 100 people so he was there
>still complains about it

>> No.69759479

baseg looking out for his fellow shoggas

>> No.69759492
File: 1.00 MB, 749x627, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're all pathetic whiny bitches, instead of doing something to fix your own problems you just piss and shit everywhere until the streamer has to come and wipe your ass
get a grip

>> No.69759522

but enough about otis

>> No.69759523

simply say you'll stop doing GFE and shift your content elsewhere shondo
that's how you go back to having 200 viewers

>> No.69759545

>I just want to stream man
Her job is < 5 hours a day and some emails. This would be low diff for anyone who goes to bed at 1AM-2AM like a normal person.

>> No.69759553

why would I look out for a bunch of faceless cunts

>> No.69759570

I'll miss this stream sadly, some of it at least
It's time for my weekly shower, see you shoggas in 2-3 hours

>> No.69759577
File: 373 KB, 575x529, you look lonely.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
>no scent of coconut
>look to my side
>no shondo
why live

>> No.69759673

>>69759570 (me)
On the bright side, you guys can get read more today!

>> No.69759687

>omg shes/here/
I told you stupid faggots someone complained

>> No.69759709

could have asked nicely. or better yet, asked nicely on his actual account.

>> No.69759741

he can read the thread retard

>> No.69759757

>how do I go back to 200
Reminder she doesn't want 90% of you to be there.

>> No.69759788

Good, I also don't want 90% of you to be here.

>> No.69759793

It's literally just fags pretending to be husbands, going out of their way to be as insufferable as possible to try to make Shondo not like her own community.

>> No.69759796

>no archive
not true

>> No.69759807

She enjoys my comments

>> No.69759824

Hi! Welcome to /shon/! I can tell you're new here, so you might want to stick around (We call this 'Lurking' syadouHehe) for a while to get to know the culture and climate before posting, just to be sure you can fit in!

>> No.69759837

nothing he said was rude, and he's not required to open himself up to attack by spergs like you

>> No.69759851

Groomercord SEEEEEETHING right now

>> No.69759890

She literally specified what she meant, how can you guys take it out of context still?

>> No.69759900

those 200? my alts

>> No.69759912

be nise they've already suffered casualties

>> No.69759921

because this is not the first time he is trying to hurt her

>> No.69759948

It's called bait, don't swallow it.

>> No.69759956

everyone here is a happynodder in the chat, twitter and discord. he said what everyone thinks and gets attacked for it out of projection, because if she hammers the nail that sticks up, its indirectly an attack on all happynodders who are too spineless to state their own opinion

>> No.69760001

also made the archivers look like idiots, so they're probably the ones mad in the thread right now

>> No.69760021

She realistically has only 200 people who actually consider themselves husbands so this isn't too far off the actual viewers she wants

>> No.69760032

>he said what everyone thinks
no because I was there, I don't care about people missing shit because I never will

>> No.69760055

true and he's handsome and has the biggest dick out of all shoggers
how long are you gonna suck yourself off for?

>> No.69760067

I am so glad we're allowed to ask for vods as nonsubs... Thank you shondo, you've saved me a lot of brainworms

>> No.69760087

true, don't forget how hard they were huffing their own farts over it
word of god (shondo) is here: they're all worthless bitches, the archives are free for all of us :)

>> No.69760100

All he had to do is ask her to tell them to post vod links in the discord like someone did for the last watchalong. Crying like a bitch and making her feel bad was a shit thing to do.

>> No.69760127

i'm starting to think the groomer allegations are true after today

>> No.69760147

yeah, directly telling her what to do would have been so much better

>> No.69760158

Gonna kms, why can't we have anything anymore. One instance of gatekeeping and you all piss your little panties.

>> No.69760171

Reminder that nonsubs are underage.

>> No.69760190

do they really think she's going to check if they did it or not and punish them

>> No.69760231

this guy is a cheater btw he is flirting with every vtuber

>> No.69760234

Shes said time and time again she doesn't want anything like that, listen to your wife

>> No.69760341

She doesn't know what she wants, she wants 200 viewers but also for everyone to be included (+130.000 people). Shondo is a retarded woman.

>> No.69760347

he won and they hated him for it

>> No.69760348

Listen to shondo when she talks

>> No.69760382

I'm very pro gatekeeping and wish she would make another secret club

>> No.69760417

on one hand she's made it pretty clear she doesn't want gatekeeping
on the other hand gatekeeping would probably be better for the people serious about this relationship
she's just too big of a streamer to isolate the casuals, i can't blame her

>> No.69760429 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 809x613, 1687080953578670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is he scared now?

>> No.69760442

>wish she would make another secret club

>> No.69760472

you people are making it very obvious why alts are needed kek

>> No.69760474

scared cheater

>> No.69760507


>> No.69760534

Why would he not be? We are unsure of bapy's opinion on this matter, I'd be shaking in my boots

>> No.69760537

the people who would be gatekept aren't the ones who make the chat this fast, the 300-something people who are "serious" about the relationship account for 98% of the spam
if shadowchama streams haven't proven it enough the "core audience" is too big no matter how you slice it

>> No.69760551

its not his alt he is very active there i'm watching his steps for a while :)

>> No.69760564

yes if you're going to be a massive cunt and can't handle the same being done to you then it's best you hide behind anonymity when you're mean to others

>> No.69760567

Bring back the alts shondo i'm begging you, we need a mass filter again. No one takes this shit seriously anymore not even the faggots /here/

>> No.69760618

We can have gatekeeping, its not entirely bad, but gatekeeping 5am vods is not it
Its not like theres more viewers watching and chatting, if the vod is made public, if anything it allows people to rest and you'll have less people watching

>> No.69760626

>yes if you're going to be a massive cunt and can't handle the same being done to you then it's best you hide behind anonymity when you're mean to others
Said by an anon.

>> No.69760630

I take my marriage very seriously, buzz off

>> No.69760644

>say anything against the syadouHYPERNOD hivemind
>instantly husbands try to tear you down to try to get an angstrom closer to their wifey
mid 20s to mid 30s 'men' acting this way is pathetic

>> No.69760705

might be more apt to call them women

>> No.69760717

Alts are cringe and I will destroy or expose them the moment I find them.

>> No.69760737

>yes if you're going to be a massive cunt
by holding shondo to her own words?

>> No.69760753

I'm good to ask about the vod now yeah?

>> No.69760755

>/shon/ is celebrating that an anti got to her
fuck off leave my wife alone

>> No.69760764

anonymity can be good. using it to be an asshole is not

>> No.69760805

>trying to get closer to wife
No, I just don't like most poeple in the community and want a place I can talk with her without having to see them spouting retarded shit

>> No.69760811

if you said anything against my wife irl I'd punch you, sadly I can't punch through the internet

>> No.69760856

incredible thread tonight boys. half of it spent talking about some random faggot's tweet. i don't regret scrolling through it at all

>> No.69760863

Baseg and same

>> No.69760886

yip yip bapy, dont melt

>> No.69760892

This. I've seen many people admit to being an asshole on 4chan and justify it by saying that everyone does it.

>> No.69760911

most likely

>> No.69760950

Have a good start to the stream shoggas, I'll have to miss it unfortunately

>> No.69760968

You've just got here then I assume

>> No.69761098

>holding shondo to her own words is being an anti
syadouHappynod so true shoomfie

>> No.69761173

12 month resub today :) I love this girl!

>> No.69761189

vibes are off today, I'll skip it

>> No.69761194

>only replying to shondo when there is drama
>spends the rest of his time flirting with other vtubers

>> No.69761196

happy anniversary shogga

>> No.69761195

by over exaggerating reality and using that narrative to paint her as a gaslighter

>> No.69761207

biting shondo while shes asleep

>> No.69761208

praying for you, no i wont remind her if she doesn't say i love you

>> No.69761219

let it go and move on, find somewhere else to be a faggot

>> No.69761260

dont forget that your 13th resub is your 1 year anniversary

>> No.69761296

everything he said was true other than the gaslighting part

>> No.69761318

i don't know if you know this, but her stream is live. wanna watch it together My Shoggaz?

>> No.69761322

erm, your 13 month resub is when you've watched for a year
you're a 1 month sub on the day you first sub

>> No.69761327

Could you imagine if shondo didnt have otis? zatsu would be cut in half

>> No.69761337

I'm not gonna do the cheesy 1 year anniversary shit, she already said I love you back at my 3 months resub message. I'm not gonna risk it.

>> No.69761389

why would I do that, i'm just going to beg for the vod later and if I don't get it i'll @ her on twitter crying, perhaps i'll whine /here/ as well

>> No.69761406

where was he when the unannounced alt streams were happening? she was never the one saying the vods should be gatekept and the fact that she asked them not to shows her intention

>> No.69761464

Thank you for the reminder I would have looked like a goofy ahhh shogga

>> No.69761465

pay no attention to the worm farmers, their bait is no good here.

>> No.69761489

None of this is a sekrit club. It was publicly announced and has a discord role. The only real sekrit club was the Twitter account

>> No.69761527

It was a club for a few hours, not a secret one.

>> No.69761597

there will never be a secret club other than her DMs since you're all incapable

>> No.69761666

gatekeeping is good and needed in every community :)

>> No.69761667

>since you're all incapable
*since a few of us are based

>> No.69761672

no, people gloat about being in her dms too causing them to spergout at her, forcing her to close them. people here just don't seem to understand that their retarded baits actually have consequences at the end of the day and they're not learning either

>> No.69761732

unironically this

>> No.69761752

she should DM with me i would keep them secret also i would never leak the secret club unlike other people grrrrrr those are the bad ones not me im a good one

>> No.69761776

i agree with you shogga

>> No.69761835

this unironically projecterchama

>> No.69761842

that's my post read already, i'll you all tomorrow

>> No.69761880

my post wasnt ironic

>> No.69761895

>she could've skipped the kuso movies to be a responsible business owner
a few emails are too much for lil baby Shondo :(

>> No.69761924

Good job pancakee

>> No.69761954
File: 157 KB, 680x680, 1699899141655736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.69762033

Not feeling it today bye

>> No.69762082
File: 3.22 MB, 443x510, 1677299574102057.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69762095

>timelooping secret club streams

>> No.69762137

>that's actual cuck not like those shouting NTR
if you ever shouted NTR you were a cuck in shondo's twisted mind

>> No.69762140

Shondo p[lease open DM's I found a compelling bigfoot video thta you really need to see

>> No.69762244

Send it to me and I'll send it to her

>> No.69762263

your posts never fail to paint a wicked smile on my visage

>> No.69762281

not here btw

>> No.69762327

I don't think she knows any better herself though

>> No.69762338

focus on your stream, wife

>> No.69762588


>> No.69762616

Shondo is Bella from Twilight and I am James from Twilight.

>> No.69762725

zatsubros.... im sorry....

>> No.69762728

baitchama... you're missing the chance to talk about how she's referencing the discord fomo streams on the main stream. thank me later

>> No.69762740

I take so long to draft emails for my desk job but then again I don't play movies on the side while I'm trying to do it

>> No.69762766

i'm shondo's panties

>> No.69762793

already did

>> No.69762827

im shondos shorb

>> No.69762869

I'm the ring of lint around shondo's shorb

>> No.69762898

shondo since you're totally here lets watch classic vampire films like Nosferatu and Dracula

>> No.69762987

I was going to make a really gay and passive aggressive post referencing Twilight but I've decided against it.

>> No.69763005


>> No.69763024

ingmar bergman marathon when

>> No.69763041

she said like 10 times listen to the fucking stream

>> No.69763113

I'm playing mahjong

>> No.69763128

you might like The Strain shondo

>> No.69763181

Let me remind you that she only has about 350 real subscribers (who bought a subscription). All the rest are with gift subscriptions.

>> No.69763200

then Akira Kurosawa
I want her to feel the same pain I felt watching twilight.

>> No.69763202

so you cant use your ears?

>> No.69763267 [DELETED] 

he has the mahjong clicks on maximum volume (he is a filthy chinese nigger)

>> No.69763290 [DELETED] 

kys fag my attention is divided and I'm not a woman so i can't multitaskeru
Orange has my back

>> No.69763302

i would love a kurosawa watchalong with her but i think she would be filtered by his early films. she would have to start with throne of blood and yojimbo

>> No.69763308

edgar wright marathon y/n?

>> No.69763312

House of leaves i think it was

>> No.69763343

this is not how she sounds like when she's in a good mood, is she gaslighting herself into being in a better mood again

>> No.69763408

Ask her actually, she'll be surprised and love you more for noticing it

>> No.69763416

Interview with a Vampire, I think.

>> No.69763446

her self awareness is low

>> No.69763490

she's not in a good mood, she's tired and stressed about the commissions

>> No.69763509

Oh I thought he was asking about the book she settled on reading
Please understand, she's a woman

>> No.69763562

This is a real shogga. Thanks.

>> No.69763578

test (i love my wife)

>> No.69763580

I think he wanted to read the book she was talking about on stream.

>> No.69763610

she probably was in a fine mood until she remembered that she had to deal with a bunch of mentally ill middle age crisis menhera men who cant handle an internet relationship without crumbling down over nothing

>> No.69763730

>you will never impress shondo with your bullet tanking ability

>> No.69763762

>she probably was fine until [INSERT BRAINWORMS]

>> No.69763771

half of those are also just viewers

>> No.69763778

Good test shoomfie

>> No.69763847

she literally explained what bothered her which you'd know if you fucking watched the stream

>> No.69763869
File: 28 KB, 500x500, 1707368866793333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speak for yourself

>> No.69763964
File: 50 KB, 828x427, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im starting this today

>> No.69763983

if you have a unisex name you might as well kill yourself

>> No.69763997

words dont matter actions do

>> No.69764021

why did i laugh at this retarded shit

>> No.69764031

jamesbros... the damage control surely doesn't make it any easier..

>> No.69764062

i regret catching up. what a dogshit thread

>> No.69764097

actually lol'd, instantly knew what it was without clicking it

>> No.69764115

Last for i love my wife unconditionally, thank you shondo for getting rid of my brainworms

>> No.69764134

yeah, might as well not bake again today

>> No.69764196

Is it that hard to be genuinely nise all the time

>> No.69764244


>> No.69764280
File: 162 KB, 1080x1368, 1696466653289825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i just choose not to be

>> No.69764288

Ask shondo, she divorced Fleece because she believed a /shon/ rrat about him being a cheater.

>> No.69764300


>> No.69764332

it's actually quite difficult to be a toxic piece of shit but I bear this cross, you're welcome by the way

>> No.69764380

Fleece, did you consider that you were a monitored user?

>> No.69764386

just give up fleece

>> No.69764448


>> No.69764499

one of favorite /k/ memes

>> No.69764539

maybe she divorced him because he was a mentally unstable faggot who threw the ultimate melty because he didnt get a tweet like

>> No.69764629

She literally said why she's divorcing him, the reasons were "uuuuu you're becoming a Fuwamoco cheater maybe and erm, you emailed me one time!!! this is what you get for not being a favorite like Dewd".

>> No.69764644
File: 141 KB, 1005x966, 1699102946103905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

derekposting is just a natural part of every shogger's life now i guess

>> No.69764774

reaping, sowing

>> No.69764791

Husbands are also husbanding each other, it's a normal aspect of every cult.

>> No.69764850

just syadouHappynod and dont argue about her historical knowledge

>> No.69765011

You're a sadistic one. Smile

>> No.69765302

Back when teenagers had their shit together.

>> No.69765336
File: 515 KB, 960x1234, 1708511740856606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last for i liked hearing sho's voice yesterday and had to stop myself from losing it in chat

>> No.69765348

Just comment shoggas, it's that easy

>> No.69765354

teenagers have been groomed into service to die for no good reason for centuries its nothing new and hasnt stopped

>> No.69765426

2 years of army should be mandatory for all teenagers. They can skip 2 years of grade school.

>> No.69765431

How's the stream so far?

>> No.69765432

last for this guy is gay and he should listen to what his wife says

>> No.69765489

last and only spoonfeeding from me to (You)
try to say something nobody else is saying in chat and she will probably read it

>> No.69765493

good it's pretty fun

>> No.69765518

no shit

>> No.69765552

The trick is to hivemind memes and low effort sex jokes.

>> No.69765563
File: 825 KB, 960x1234, 1708531624818837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gay, sho's just cute, i like cute
Still love shondo infinitely more than anyone else

>> No.69765567

you've cracked the meta

>> No.69765668

Last for Shontoes in my mouth then on my shaft!

>> No.69765669

you say that like shoggas arent very thick in the head

>> No.69765698

last for i will win :)

>> No.69765736

You need to stop saying that

>> No.69765767

i won

>> No.69765779

You need to stop saying that

>> No.69765775

last for rubbing my cock on shondo's moist pussy
