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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69747013 No.69747013 [Reply] [Original]

>niji reputation is in the gutter
>things settle down a bit
>niji talent does a little racism
>niji reputation sinks even lower

>> No.69747082

>Niji gets a Google collab, Singapore concert, and PSO2 collab anyways

>> No.69747095
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>> No.69747128
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the funniest thing about their organs trying to make cheap dunks is when they actually encounter a troll with a brain

>> No.69747244

It's so funny sisters protecting him
>You talk shit about blacks and gays?
>Ayeeee bigot
>You talk shit about whites and straights?
>Slay queen

>> No.69747348

Wow, I can't believe NijiEN is getting all those sponsors.

>> No.69747350

You literally cannot be racist against wypipo.

>> No.69747385

Imagine being triggered by nice old people saying hello to you.

>> No.69747418

Why not?

>> No.69747457

Yes, NijiEN is having a concert and Elira and Luca are in it.

>> No.69747526

I was about to say why is this fuck trying throw his weight around when he's some new fucking hire that has to prove himself and then I checked and he debuted 7 months and barely has 150k subs. I have never heard of him and I am permanently online.
Niji has their own literally fucking whos now

>> No.69748511

>triggered by a display of common courtesy
We need a purge of this guy's generation, leave only the worthy.

>> No.69748806

>contractual obligations from before this started have to be fulfilled
I am shocked and apalled.

>> No.69749309

Because racism is inherently tied to people of power, who use it against marginalized groups of minorities.
You literally cannot be racist towards someone who's the most privileged group on the planet.

>> No.69749411

Wow Uki is in this very thread, kys tranny.

>> No.69749481

39Daph, go to sleep.

>> No.69749492

I'm a spic and I disagree with you.
Now, kys leftoid

>> No.69749548

That might be true, if all white people were only in america, there's white people in other parts of the world.

>> No.69749561

Sound like something we white people like to call a "skill issue"

>> No.69749582


What if you're a white person in somewhere like Japan? Is it not systemic racism if a Japanese person denies service to a white person on the basis of their skin colour?

Power is relative and it is subjective. I spent a couple of my braincells trying to get alt-right racists to comprehend the folly of racism and now I have faux leftists like you using the veneer of progressivism to spread even more hate and division.

>> No.69749613

Watch me

>> No.69749670

And they're always a privileged group, everywhere.
>white person in Japan
Only rich and super privileged people can afford living in Japan. In fact, a white person living in Japan is the textbook definition of privilege, because you cannot just travel and live there. You must have a work visa, which is very difficult to get, or have a permit to stay, which is almost impossible to get. Your argument was faulty from the start.

>> No.69749776

Uki needs the faggot beat out of him, clearly unfit for society

>> No.69749827

>"Did you form that opinion off your favorite drama tuber?"
>Proceeds to prove that they got their opinions from dramatubers

This is a troll with a brain to you? You faggots used to better than this. I'm very disappointed in you

>> No.69749858

>is actually a poorfag
Anon, just getting a fucking job instead of spending all your time /here/ defending some faggotass tranny.

>> No.69749871

I think you'd make it to the Olympics with gymnastics like that.

>> No.69749938

Fucking white people and their............friendly demeanor

>> No.69749947

Oh hi Yu

>> No.69749966

>because you can't just travel and live there
Just go in with a tourist visa and apply for refugee status over and over again. That's what's been happening to Japan

>> No.69749968

are you actually retarded?

>> No.69750059

Anon, this may shock you, but white people aren't born with work visas.

>> No.69750076 [DELETED] 

Some nigger with a house have got a lot more privilege than some homeless cracker. kill yourself retard

>> No.69750136

What if they're a second generation white person? What if they're a hafu with a white parent and a Japanese parent? What if they have the worst of luck and is a hafu born into the stigmatized Korean-Japanese community? Why do you over generalize real world situations into black and white binary choices of "good and bad"? I swear to god nobody understands nuance nowadays. Everybody must be on a side, one side is evil and damned to an eternity in hell and another side is good and angelic, blessed by god to have the correct opinions.

I was like you once, but that's because I was fucking 14. What's your excuse?

>> No.69750146

Recent attempt of re-defining the word to rationalize and justify your hatred against people of european descent.
Even your tortured definition is not correct, those are all untrue assertions.

>> No.69750200

Leftists backing themselves into becoming outright nazis wasn't in my bing card for 2024

>> No.69750249

when did this website start getting upset about racism? tourists really do ruin everything

>> No.69750247

>Dislike a behavior that is primarily exhibited by a certain race of people
>This makes you a person of power, and the race you associate the behavior with, which you dislike - marginalized
What a braindead fucking take, holy fuck.

>> No.69750283

Go back to whatever hole you came from

>> No.69750316

i mean you’re not wrong… niji organs are dramawhores

>> No.69750318

Nobody is upset about racism, the upsetting part is faggots being racist while presenting themselves as the opposite, and prepping themselves on a high moral ground for everyone to witness.
Now please proceed to kill yourself immediately, retard.

>> No.69750319

>You literally cannot be racist towards someone who's the most privileged group on the planet.
This is what Nazis also believed about Jews before exterminating them
Grim that in 2024 and there isn't a single difference between leftists and nazis

>> No.69750387

>Doesn't realize that troons gets no mercy here
Go back

>> No.69750394

That's systemic racism. Racism by itself doesn't need any sort of power inbalance as it by definition refers to discrimination based on skin color.

>> No.69750443

Now you act like you're an 18yo white snowflake crybaby.
wrong, but okay, feel free to remain angry.
Wow, but using a gamer word is cool, according to you.
Thanks for proving me right.
It might work. If you're a white person.
>false parallels
>left wing=nazis
All racism is inherently systemic.

>> No.69750492 [DELETED] 

Nazis are left wing. Funny that it's all come a full circle and the modern nazis are leftists again.

>> No.69750524

I've been stuck on this shithole since 2010
you have thin skin. have you considered using reddit or tumblr?

>> No.69750595

>Thanks for proving me right.
So you agree that privilege isn't tied to race but someone's wealth status. Glad that you agree that >>69749309 is a massive retard.

>> No.69750628

We're upset at the hypocrisy, anon.
Either all racism is ok, or none of it is.

>> No.69750677

No, you came here, literally using slurs and being racist against a marginalized minority, while completely ignoring your own privilege.

>> No.69750720

> slurs and being racist
Huh, and you're also schizophrenic too.

>> No.69750722

>All racism is inherently systemic.
No? I can most certainly be racist as an individual without regard for whether I'm in a position of power over the person I'm being racist to.

>> No.69750728

Are you retarded or being sarcastic? I honestly cannot tell.

>> No.69750824

>while completely ignoring your own privilege.
Good, since that's got nothing to do with the disinfo that privilege is tied to race and not wealth.

>> No.69750829

>shares tumblr/reddit values
>hurr durr you should go there
You're a liar, or the most lost person that ever touched this website.

>> No.69750828

They gonna look up bullying and fail to clear their name again?

>> No.69750858
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Waaah, I got called a snowflake, waaah.

Yeah cry about it, it's called annoyance. I'm annoyed at your dumb shit.

Would you rather I play the rat race with you? I grew up in a boohoo single parent family, whose third world country is actively trying to oppress my people and culture waaaah.

There. Am I more oppressed than you now? Does that mean I win the argument since I'm now a minority and you can't talk ill of me or else it's bigotry?

Shucks but my family and I are getting ourselves out of the situation against the ACTIVE systemic racism throught hardwork and luck. Guess I'm no longer oppressed?

>> No.69750886

>"Wow, you don't like when people pose as morally virtuous while being the complete opposite in reality? Why don't you use websites where that is the modus operandi?"
Holy mega retard.

>> No.69750904

>you are white, that means you are privileged
that's textbook racism
trust me, i'm racist as hell

>> No.69750906

Fuck you Uki.

>> No.69750929

>too retarded to flash a little smile, do the head nod thing or just say hello
wtf is wrong with him

>> No.69750986

A fitting sponsor for the racist purple guy

>> No.69751147 [DELETED] 

My opinion of Niji has only increased because the antis seem to be a bunch of racist white supremacist chuds

>> No.69751163

Racism is just another flavor of discrimination. It is just that it’s harder to discriminate someone with more “power” than you.
Think about a woman in charge of a group of men and tell me they won’t be able to discriminate against her even though she has power over them.

>> No.69751214

That's cuz you're on 4chan, these losers salivate at being racist. Even that "leftist" over there.

>> No.69751278

Excuse me, I'm a blasian supremacist CHAD and I hate niji.

>> No.69751284

Sure Uki

>> No.69751433

nta but this is the most fedora reddit shit I've ever seen in my life

>> No.69751495

>no refutation or valid rebuttal
Seems like you agree with it. Thanks.

>> No.69751684

What the fuck???? What is wrong with this person? Why would anybody watch somebody like this???

>> No.69751971

you are a tourist for getting mad at racism. I don't know what else to tell you.
2016 meme magic election tourists get assblasted over the dumbest shit. this retarded gay chinaman has gotten under your skin and has garnered more attention than kyo's graduation at this point

>> No.69752116

>mad at racism
You keep forcing this bs, when what they're getting mad about is hypocrisy and not racism
You're simply a lying snake through and through, just like Nijisanji

>> No.69752440

Groundbreaking political commentary, straight from your slightly retarded uncle who gets all his opinions from Facebook videos and films he saw in 1993

>> No.69752536

>no argument
Literally replace all "white" with "jews" from all the leftist rhetoric and it becomes nazi rhetoric. Same method of discrimination, literally by the book.

>> No.69752560

It's a feminine thing. Like when a woman gets caught acting like a freak/sperg near you she'll tell all her friends that she saw you being a freak/sperg or something. His ego was harmed that he's too weird to just say 'hello' in the moment, so he makes it out like they're the weird ones for saying hello.

>> No.69752566

people have known about his racism for a long time so it's funny that people wait until now to strike. just goes to show that they don't actually care about the racism and just wants maximum damage inflicted on niji. pretty funny.

>> No.69752614

this is fucking ai no way this is real

>> No.69752651
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I know this is bait, but none of the people who post this shit can ever answer why chinese people immigrate to the US to be discriminated against or whatever. If white people are mean then wouldn't you avoid them? No one goes to detroit to fuck with the niggers there, so logically on would conclude you're just an uppity leech.

>> No.69752736

Always fun to remind them that the Canadian parliament gave a standing ovation to a member of the SS because they forgot who were the allies in WW2. If I were good a vidya editing I'd stick Uki's head onto the old Nazi for added lulz

>> No.69752807
File: 150 KB, 1080x1080, 1678376390491338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? If you think all that Nazism amounts to is just not liking another group then you are retarded. Every political ideology ever articulated has an in-group and an out-group. Your understanding is about as deep as a puddle in a heatwave.

>> No.69752832

>the most privileged group on the planet
Jews? You may be confusing western Europeans with Jews.

>> No.69752907

A good thing is OP using FWMC image, because obviously they hate racism in any forms.
All humans are equally worthless in their judgement.
Only Ruffians will be spared their lives.

>> No.69752914

>no refutation and refusing to address the point
>strawman and adhominems
Couldn't be more obvious you're all hot air and bullshitting people around. The fact remains that leftists and nazis use the same method of discrimination.

>> No.69752932

jews are only the most privileged group in western world, that's why they don't mooch of anyone else and because of that it's hard for coloureds to comprehend it

>> No.69753007

That dramatuber he mentioned is employed by Nijisanji.

>> No.69753229

Now say it again without choking on BBC.

>> No.69753543

>something to strive for
Should we tell him?>>69747082

>> No.69753718

You’re mad because he’s right

>> No.69754378

They called me a schizophrenic when I said this board is overrun with xitter SJWs

>> No.69754522

Imagine being a Niji talent and having to get along with this faggot just to keep up the facade of the happy Niji family.

>> No.69754524

You too would move next to a diamond mine if all it costed was being called a couple mean words from time to time.

Unlike Detroit where you get mugged just for existing.

>> No.69754560
File: 234 KB, 827x1385, 1606317614303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats, you baited me into writing an essay on such a lovely Thursday afternoon:

Ok, your point is that Nazis and leftists use the same methods of discrimination. Let’s get into that. The Nazis methods were designed explicitly to exclude Jews from Germany. The Nazis were ultra-nationalist, meaning their most basic principle was that the German state should be an expression and indeed a natural extension of the will of the German people, with who the German people are being defined on strictly racial lines. Due to their separate culture, descent and identity the Jews were considered alien from this definition of Germanness. Due to this separation, the Jews were seen to be not connected to the wellbeing of the German nation, with allegations of Jewish greed coming from the idea that this separation would mean they would not care about exploiting Germans as their loyalties are to their Jewishness not to Germany. This skepticism of the Jew’s intentions towards Germany at large meant that Nazi discrimination was designed to eliminate Jews from any cultural, social or economic facets of the life of the nation. Consequently, discrimination manifested in laws including the banning of intermarriage, the banning of Jews from flying German flags or emblems, the denial of German citizenship for Jews and of course eventually spiraling into outright attempts at physical extermination.
This is fundamentally different to the grievances and methods of discrimination employed by modern lefty types. Leftist anti-whitism is based on ideas of sins committed by whites in the past which must be atoned for in order to fit into their new world order. It is a policy of assimilation into their raceless world, where ethnic differences are put aside to build their economic utopia. Modern American leftist anti-whitism has no intention of exclusion, and instead seeks to incorporate whiteness into a sort of hybrid mutt identity: leftists would never ban intermarriage like the Nazis did. Affirmative action, for example, does not intend to remove all whites from universities, merely make sure they are sitting next to a Mexican and black woman. This stems from the leftist’s fundamental belief the primary division between people is economic class, and their racial policies are designed to overcome class inequalities which they believe have come into being partially along racial lines.
In short, anti-Semitic Nazi policies are designed to preserve a perceived purity of their group. A Jew can never become a German. Leftist policies instead seek to drag white people and indeed all races into their future universal class. by giving up certain things a white oppressor can become a member of this utopian future.

>> No.69754658 [DELETED] 

The biggest victory communists ever achieved was to convince the whole world that nazis were a right wing movement when the word SOCIALIST is right there in their name.

>> No.69754973

pretty obvious this is guy is just a seething fag bottom who got rejected by a white guy and is seething in anger over it.
he's the gay version of one of those racist chink chicks who's anti-white racism is just them projecting their rejection and desire to fuck white men.

>> No.69754984

no that's literally not what racism means

>> No.69755506 [DELETED] 

Boomers calling libs "snowflakes" on facebook a decade ago really has left permanent mental damage on them. The libs always tries to use 'snowflake' against the chuds, but it never works because they use it for non-trivial things.
>It is dangerous for society to function due to high crime.
>"duh, get over it, snowflake."

>> No.69755586

>The Nazis methods were designed explicitly to exclude Jews from Germany.
the point of national socialism was to restore germany to power and focus on pan-german politics instead of pursuing habsburg policy of creating a mongrel empire of all the people living in central europe. jewish question was a deriative not the focus of the policies as jews are not a german not even an european people.

>> No.69755622

God I fucking hate commies so much.

>> No.69755680

The leftist methods are designed explicitly to exclude the White man from society. The leftists are ultra-radicals, meaning their most basic principle is that the state should be an expression and indeed a natural extension of the will of socialism, with who minorities are being defined on strictly racial lines. Due to their separate culture, descent and identity, White people are considered alien from this definition of society. Due to this separation, Whites are seen to be not connected to the wellbeing of the state, with allegations of White racism coming from the idea that this separation would mean they would not care about exploiting workers as their loyalties are to their fellow whites, not to society. This skepticism of the White man’s intentions towards society at large means that leftist discrimination is designed to eliminate Whites from any cultural, social or economic facets of the life of the nation. Consequently, discrimination manifested in policies including the so-called diversity quotas, the banning of flying US flags or emblems, the denial of hiring for white men and of course everyday actions nearing a spiraling into outright attempts at physical extermination.

A White can never become an ally.

>> No.69755770
File: 144 KB, 382x540, 1000003490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit look at all those WALLs. I am NOT reading them.

>> No.69755854

I hope you're just (you) baiting else we've got some real Twitter tourists here after all this drama news.

>> No.69756013

This is highly likely.

>> No.69756143

>by giving up certain things a white oppressor can become a member of this utopian future
Debateable. We've seen people rejected by the regime for being White even if they married a nog and/or adopted brown kids. Being a tranny seems to be the safest route to protection from all criticism, but that is quite a significant sacrifice. Regardless, the result is the same: genocide of Whites.

>> No.69756231 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up nigger.

>> No.69756280

Yeah, english teachers in japan are so fucking privileged man

>> No.69756358

If you think racism is bad then you're not from here.

>> No.69756384

Cum is white. Get owned libs.

>> No.69756542

Most white work visa expats in Japan are English teachers and they barely make median salary. Ask me how I know you’re an underage who’s never had to work a day in his life.

>> No.69756963

>Because racism is inherently tied to people of power, who use it against marginalized groups of minorities.
That's racial oppression. Racism's prejudice on the basis of race.

>> No.69757047

Yes, this passage doesn't make sense with Jew and White switched.

The Nazi goal is to preserve an idea of purity of the in-group. The leftist seeks to abolish the concept of purity. The implication of substituting White in here assumes that “non-white” is a category as unified, concrete and preservable as “German”, which is obviously not true. It also assumes that the primary in-group of socialism is minorities, when it is the working class (strictly anyone who makes money from a wage and not through ownership/investment).
A white can indeed become an ally, in fact if you've ever seen a leftist march it is mostly white people. Of course, many leftist writers fail the early life check, but many of the rest who write this shit are in fact white themselves.

>> No.69757056

This thread feels like it has some posters who need to wash their vaginas.

>> No.69757178

As far as I know, Marine doesn’t browse this site.

>> No.69757221

>if you've ever seen a leftist march it is mostly white people.
it's almost exclusively jews where i'm from

>> No.69757269

>Say hello to an asian and they have a mental breakdown.
We need to discuss asian fragility.

>> No.69757494

>And they're always a privileged group, everywhere.
Cool, booking a flight to Johannesburg.

>> No.69757569

>systemic racism
like when the government denies benefits to a specific race? SBA grants/loans, FSA loans, scholarships, fellowships, college admissions, hiring opportunities, and promotions are all things that the federal/state governments and their instrumentalities have given to "minorities" and specifically carved out whites as being ineligible for those programs. There is systemic discrimination in America, and it's almost solely against white people

>> No.69757820

easiest (you) bait of his life. If you honestly believe this you are part of the problem, a real life Oblivion NPC.

>> No.69759055

>white people are kind and non-threatening
>I grew up around blacks, so I never relax
Damn, I didn't realize Niji was like this maybe I should give them another chance?

>> No.69760214

I'm so sick of this shitty semantics argument. I don't actually know whether that's the true definition or not, but when I call you racist we both know what I'm saying is "You're a bad person who prioritizes the superficial trait of skin color in determining how well or poorly you treat someone." It doesn't matter if it doesn't technically fit the strictest possible definition of the mean "R" word. You know exactly what the intent is and you dance around with disingenuous semantics to sidestep the issue.

>> No.69760268

Whites are a minority in NijiEN. Soon to be none left.
Racism and bullying go hand and hand. Encouraging a toxic environment.

>> No.69760874

Did whatever's left of EN management tell you to get the fuck off twitter, Uki-san? You should've at least went to reddit then, at least they gave you janny powers there.

>> No.69761152

It's, sadly, a much more common sentiment than you would think.

It's why you occasionally get embarrassing stories from major cities, where a white police officer or teacher or such will sue a city for discrimination, and the city will try to find some legal argument for why being racist is okay, fail miserably, and then almost invariably do an invisible settlement instead.

How any government entity has a right to settle without an explanation to even the court, let alone the public, is beyond me.

>> No.69761451
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>> No.69761566


>> No.69762172

You know, there are people who think like this.
You can talk with them for hours but you will not get anywhere because you will not be able to agree even on the definitions of what you are discussing.

>> No.69762554

>Post wall too
The left still can't meme

>> No.69762562

Thank you Gender Studies kun

>> No.69763900

I'm surprised mainstream parts of the internet even care about Uki's white people shit. Like it's making front page of /r/nijisanji etc. lol

>> No.69764200

Yet somehow you can be racist towards jews even though they're not hurting for representation in any field

>> No.69764372

Unironically correct, a lot of people get discrimination and racism mixed up.

>> No.69766436

nijiEN was the dramatuber all along

>> No.69768049

That's such a shitty definition because that would mean depending on the country you're in it completely nullifies whatever original claim you're making about X race.
>I can't be racist to white people, they have all the powers in US+Canada
The moment you're not in US or Canada and in another different race majority country then suddenly you can racist be by your own definition

>> No.69768120

Oh yeah, their "concert"

>> No.69768129

Wait they got a Doggie of the Day segment?!

>> No.69768382

It's funny when woke people use this logic but conveniently ignore how black people treat asians, korean specifically in the US and the history surrounding those 2 groups.
Uki can say whatever he wants, but let's not act like if every white person wasn't racist, suddenly he wouldn't have been bullied/harassed/assaulted/etc. tons of black and brownskins hate other asians and especially gays

>> No.69768491

Wait wtf, is this edited or real? That is some looney shit

>> No.69768879

unironically a woke psyop trying to redefine words to promote actually racist brain rot.

>> No.69769765
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>> No.69769904

>things settle down a bit

It was barely a week between this shit and that shit.

>> No.69770320

That's a lot of replies you must be right, I find it funny on 4chan you can be racist towards any other group but once a gay VTuber turns it on a certain group they all make threads about him 24/7 like the snowflakes they are.

They dish it but I guess they can't take it back.

>> No.69772808 [DELETED] 

Hey Kyle Wang, shouldn't you be doing your little anime gayboy LARP for your masters at Nijisanji EN right now instead of sitting on 4chan crying about white people, you ugly queer Gook.

>> No.69773101

>find his voice pleasant to listen to despite him being a moron
>go to youtube and search "uki violeta"
>first suggestion "uki violeta white people"
damn that shit spread like wildfire already huh.

>> No.69773221

that's just overcorrection for the guilt felt over having enslaved black people for centuries.

>> No.69773429 [DELETED] 

delete your twitter account you retarded purple gook, faggots like you have no business representing a company when you have even worse control over your emotions than bitches and whores

>> No.69774490

Do the world a favor and kill yourself, faggot

>> No.69774619

meanwhile in other companies: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-jporpTqTQ

>> No.69775021

i love it when retards conflate systemic racism and personal prejudice, perfect (you) farm

>> No.69775228
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getting this upset by normal human interaction lmao

>> No.69775447

how is this faggot even real lol
we Americans do this shit on the daily; just say hi or casually greet strangers while walking down the street.
heck, one of the most interesting conversations i had was with a Korean war vet that i met that actually served with my grandfather, and he was a complete stranger i met at a bus stop
how the fuck do you get offended by someone saying "hello."

>> No.69775899
File: 1.08 MB, 962x1560, Joshua Luna is a hypocritical bigot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joshua Luna works for kurosanji

>> No.69775912

>tfw hafu
>hated by japanese famiry
>hated by white famiry
>nobody makes friends with me at school
>mexicans tried to bully me in middle school and then mocked me for knowing kung fu after i kick their ass
if i wasn't getting weeb pussy in high school i'd be way more pissed off

>> No.69775972

>groundhogs are tasty
what's wrong with this one?
or is this nigga pretending he's above eating meat?

>> No.69776132

This is part of why I don't want to marry a Japanese girl. I don't want my son to be self loathing and identityless if I can avoid it.
Do you also have mental health issues? Seems like nearly every happa is mentally ill, mostly with BPD. Not sure if it's some weird genetic thing.

>> No.69776196

na just depressed
my sisters are fucked in the head though.

>> No.69776268

>The leftist methods were designed explicitly to ostracize whites from society.
>The leftists are a hivemind, meaning their most basic principle was that every place they infect should be an expression and indeed a natural extension of the will of the wokeism, with whom the leftists are being defined on how much of an anti white woke NPC they can be.
>Due to their separate culture, descent (skin color) and identity the Whites were considered alien from this definition of wokeness
>Due to their privilege, the Whites were seen to be not connected to the wellbeing of the wokeism, with allegations of White privilege coming from the idea that this privilege would mean they would not care about exploiting PoCs as their loyalties are to their Whiteness not to being a woke NPC.
>Leftist discrimination was designed to eliminate Whites from any cultural, social or economic facets of the life where they could be perceived as the majority or in place of power or privilege

Never read the rest of your garbage, but as you can see there really isn't a difference. It isn't a 1 to 1 comparison, but the method of discrimination is still literally exactly the same.

>> No.69777567
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Its not even just NijiEN's reputation fans that should worry about, its the company's stock price. It took a major beating because of the Selen debacle, going from 3800 yen all the way back down to its lowest in 6 months at 3040 yen yesterday. Maybe it could go back up today, but if it goes back down or even below 3000 yen, Riku is going to start ordering for yubis to be cut off for bringing dishonor to the company's name. It'll get real ugly real fast for the EN branch.

>> No.69777871

I can show you multiple existing programs in the private industry and in public institutions that explicitly discriminate against whites on the sole basis of race. You can't produce any similar analogue for blacks. There is ZERO "systemic racism" against blacks. Blacks are objectively the most coddled race in America (both in law and society) and everybody goes out of their way to not hurt their feefees.

>> No.69779590

is this meant to contradict what i said?

>> No.69780006

What the fuck did I just listen to?

>> No.69780050

That sounds more like a jew then a woman imo

>> No.69780129
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>> No.69780148

Jewish men are feminine.

>> No.69780199

damn you triggered the /pol/chuds hard

>> No.69780351

the only way to keep people talking about nijisanji

>> No.69780714

The faggiest thing ever uttered.

>> No.69780723

It does matter which country you're in. Racism in its semantic definition requires something systematic and structural.

>> No.69780967

No, you made a throwaway snide remark that didn't even attempt to counter what I said and I ignored that shit and continued on with my original argument

>> No.69780972

How is this damning? It's a commonly accepted knowledge that whites are the most problematic group in society. Being a white male has already become undesirable, and more is to come soon.

>> No.69781003

I respect the hustle, (You) farmer

>> No.69781057

>Racism in its (((semantic definition)))

>> No.69781445

I’ll never understand why people try to normalize white bashing.
It just makes you look like you have an inferiority complex.

>> No.69781754

i wonder if he has panic attacks when hes sees a whiteboard

>> No.69784676

because i didn't even mean to counter what you said you autist.

>> No.69785481

How long until they get their 3D? Late 2024? 2025?

>> No.69785666

>constantly accuse whites of subjugating your people
>also constantly antagonize whites when its the most tolerant society
>surprised when whites have enough of that shit and finally subjugate your people again
is this natural selection in real time?

>> No.69785681
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>> No.69785743

>and PSO2 collab anyways
NGS has been shit for 3 years anon, that's not a high bar to jump over.

>> No.69785858
File: 51 KB, 1106x1080, 1597422t72016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy doesn't live in a society, he lives in his own sad little world.

>> No.69786151
File: 519 KB, 1280x1079, f474dnr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is how Uki's brain works...
I see.

>> No.69786469

I can't believe people like this faggot actually exist in real life

>> No.69786475
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L + ratio + you are cringe. Go educate yourself ASAP

>> No.69786491
File: 107 KB, 800x800, 1658280024117869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a vtuber board
fuck commies
fuck nazis
fuck leftoids
fuck rightoids
fuck whites
fuck asians
fuck blacks
fuck hispanics
fuck jews
fuck indians
fuck racists
fuck self hating whites
fuck disapora victim brains
and most importantly
fuck jannies

>> No.69786670



>> No.69786879

He's admitting to eating dog but deflecting with 'butyou', not a rrat the artist openly admits to eating dog and defends the practice

>> No.69786946

>racism is... Le bad

>> No.69787023
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>> No.69787057

Nice bait

>> No.69787148

>also constantly antagonize whites when its the most tolerant society

>> No.69787416

no fucking way
listening to him in valorant collabs always made him sound like a fragile bitch but this is another level

>> No.69787440

fake news, it's clearly AI generated.

>> No.69787509

is it really?

>> No.69787547

>hurrdurr i'm being deliberately obtuse

>> No.69787598
File: 1.48 MB, 1920x1080, Bocchi_What.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the heck did I just read?

>> No.69787645

name a place outside of western world thats more tolerant

>> No.69787648

Please tone down the antisemitism.

>> No.69787707

>you didn't even attempt to counter what I said
>"Wrong. I didn't even attempt to counter what you said"
holy low IQ

>> No.69787922

Indonesia and Japan

>> No.69787986

You're a silly little guy.

>> No.69788241
File: 24 KB, 313x313, 145642242053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
4chan really is in eternal summer huh...

>> No.69788250

japan has no racial anti-discrimination laws lmao. try being white and getting a mortgage in japan

>> No.69788327


>> No.69788425

Sisters, we need to defend Snow King Vox from this demon!

>> No.69788607 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 500x491, 1707896367693241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans pretend to be tolerant then keep niggers in ghettos and spica in concentration camps, while also letting poor faggots die of AIDS. Then destroy a dozen countries claiming to defend democracy. Meanwhile the Europeans are super racist and don't even try to hide it.

>> No.69788777

holy projection

>> No.69788813
File: 74 KB, 228x211, 1706169924215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niji talent does a little racism
>niji reputation sinks even lower

No one outside 4chan give a fuck about "white racism", no one in other places is talking about it beside some anon with sock puppet account on twitter.

"White racism", is totally acceptable sociably and is encouraged because isn't even racism

>> No.69788879

twitter isn't real life

>> No.69788911 [DELETED] 

and yet still more tolerant than your average congolese, saudi, or chingchong

>> No.69789046

Try to make a joke about white people in your work place, everyone will laugh if the joke is good enough.

Make a joke about black people in your work, you will get called by HR and get warned or fired.

>> No.69789155
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>> No.69789168

>nijishill using a Selen image
that's a singular yike from me

>> No.69789203


If it weren't for the Selen thing, it would have been glossed over. Now though, it's different. Sure you're generally right, but this isn't the only thing that happened recently.

>> No.69789248

white fragility at work

>> No.69789292

That's unironically the academic definition of racism. Education won't solve this problem.

>> No.69789400

Both Saudi Arabia and the Congo are US colonies with puppet governments.

>> No.69789403

Remember when this board had moderation and removed off topic threads and topics? lmao

>> No.69789419

i didn't say "wrong", i was saying "indeed". you're the one who got pissy and originally said "you didn't even attempt to counter what i said" as if my intention was otherwise. i've never seen a retard get so angry over someone literally agreeing with him.

>> No.69789503

I'm surprised this dude is still alive
seeing happy white people out and about must be like walking through a Vietnam field after a napalm strike
he's so thirsty to be oppressed he has to do mental gymnastics to twist an friendly encounter with old ppl

>> No.69789615
File: 704 KB, 858x638, 1695858940131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't care less about your opinion
It's literally a nothingburger, only 4channers are seething about uki shitting on white people, no one on twitter, reddit or even dramatubers give a fuck about it, because they know it is a nothingburger.

>> No.69789657

>endlessly praise the oppressed
>people do absolutely anything to be considered oppressed
I love this timeline

>> No.69789706

uki is certified racist so its not off topic

>> No.69789738

yeah and the US is a puppet of jews & Israel, what's your point

>> No.69789779

yeah and the discussion was not thoroughly derailed

>> No.69789877

The funniest thing about this nigga. He pretty much is the textbook definition of what Flips hate about Americanized Flips. Like not just novels but like childrens' social studies books, he fits the description to a tee

>> No.69789915

Because a bit after debut he had to go silent for several weeks due to him stealing a fanartist's design without credit and getting caught.

>> No.69789965


>> No.69790032

Blame the Nijisanji liver for making it on-topic.

>> No.69790094

The term you are looking for is rich people and lobbies.

>> No.69790177
File: 82 KB, 605x681, 1622021187876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm annoyed because jannies nuke anti unicorn threads but leave this up
I just want to bully retarded candy ass unicorns

>> No.69790317
File: 69 KB, 570x570, 1543698906138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hated by japanese famiry
>hated by white famiry

Nope. It's usually the the other way around because they usually go "MUH CULTURE" trying to one up their parents cause they're not fetishizing their heritage. It's like overcompensating for being hafu. Hafus are unbearably spoiled and coddled 80% of the time

>> No.69790328

Yeah, the white farmers in Africa got so much power going for them

>> No.69790384
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>> No.69790452

do you know how hilarious it would be if uki discussion got banned from 4chins before he gets fired? this place of all things claiming moral high ground over a company that fired employees for "damaging its brand" rumao

>> No.69790459

>rich people and lobbies.
so....jews. got it

>> No.69790460

White people in South Africa are more wealthy than the blacks.

>> No.69790627

This is a Niji false flag to make all their detractors look like alt-righters btw, if you retards keep this up then they're going to handwave everything from the past month away as "toxic nazis attacking PoC vtubers"

>> No.69790724
File: 144 KB, 288x288, 1629914792313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niji uses time travel to set up false flags

>> No.69790786

Don't bother, the false flag has worked every time. Half the problem is /pol/tards who worship a version of fascism invented by commies, the other half of the problem is le ebin trolles.

>> No.69792937

That cannot happen since the anti-Niji side is packed with chinks, holes and homosexuals. Also those kind of narratives broke down completely a few months ago.

>> No.69793490

buddy please cool it with the antisemitism thanks.

>> No.69794605

Do investors know that though? Nijisanji will for sure take photos of false flag posts made here to show to investors to explain the drop in income.

>> No.69795465

Lol imagine if they saw vox shitting on that other homo mother, i wonder what they will think based on their culture haha.

>> No.69795563

Cope harder, NDF trash.

>> No.69795844

No, it's not. Anyone who claims it is has clearly dropped out of school.

>> No.69796073




>> No.69796225

I can't shake this either. I have no proof but I've seen others do this.

>> No.69796547


It sadly is. This shit is from Universities.

>> No.69796937


>> No.69797044

whites will never subjugate anyone ever again.

>> No.69797142

anon, modern education is unironically compromised and we have to deal with literal generation of brainwashed idiots. you can clearly see it with the gaza war and houthis attacks on random vessels. there are unironic retards celebrating houthis as real life luffy from one piece.

>> No.69797908
File: 48 KB, 924x560, 1525139125724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the SJW equivalent of a nice old lady saying "god bless" and rushing back to the internet to seethe about it on /r/atheism?

>> No.69798070

Its not random, its targetted at specific ships

>> No.69798162

yes current AI generated videos can't do hands so they always find a way to hide it.

>> No.69798271

Same. Never heard of him before this. It's telling when you're with a major agency and you're indistinguishable from Twitter randoms.

Literally, I thought it was some vapid NDF account at first. But, no, it's one of their own talents. Go figure.

>> No.69798281

Racism is based, what isn't based is shitting on one race and crying when they shit on another one, the same people who say cracker(idk who thought that was harmful)cry if you say nigger

>> No.69798418

Wrong. The whites with the mind virus are doing an amazing job subjugating themselves.

>> No.69798516


>> No.69798617

here's your (you) you worked so hard for it

>> No.69798638

And? Both are le bad, why do you care so much if it's one or another? You guys fight more for the definition than acknowledging that he's a retard regardless

>> No.69798682


>> No.69798685
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x1080, 1705701933768576.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're still a fuckin newfag that can't read, nigger.

>> No.69798782

>idk who thought that was harmful
sister invaders from the doxxsite

>> No.69798874

I'm disappointed that there isn't a self-hating quarter Black/quarter White/quarter Asian/quarter Spic that's a racist Nazi sympathizer that likes communism and is a janitor.

>> No.69798965

>Anti white
>Anti unicorn
Average ID fan, congratulations for the bingo!

>> No.69798988

Whats up with that sea edumacashun?

>> No.69799105

All thirdies get buckbroken by BWC one way or another.

>> No.69799156

So you’re changing the textbook definition of “racism” (which is clear in the dictionary, by the way) just because you don’t like what it means?

Jesus fuck not only you’re a bunch of uneducated retarded niggerfaggots, you’re also dyslexic

>> No.69799352

Josh Luna vtuber lmao

>> No.69799500

Can we stop arguing stupid things? racism is not moral in this era

>> No.69799513

(((They))) have been doing that for years, if you buy any dictionary printed after ~2015 it's going to say what that brainlet said more or less.

>> No.69799983

Sorry retard but Whites are just inherently superior

>> No.69800064


>> No.69800131

>>69800064 (Me)
sorry i take this back.

>> No.69800160

This thread is for shitting on nojisanji, if you have any issue sorry that happened or good for you.

>> No.69800974

Textbook definitions of many sociological concepts got thrown out over the past decade as politically-motivated ideologues got into the position of writing the textbooks. It comes from academia, saturates through the mentally ill low self-esteem overachieving creative nerd demographic, then into teenagers broadly through either their classrooms or fandom communities. Simultaneously it has now saturated to normie 'professionals', at a slower but now consummating rate, due to commercial initiatives like ESG scores instituted by those ideologues.
The basic, classical definition of 'biased discrimination against a person due to their race' will get further phased out in favour of the 'societal' definition until 'racism' basically means 'being mean to a PoC' (and 'being mean' itself becomes 'resisting'), which in informal areas it pretty much is already. This dissolution of definition has happened already off the top of my head with the words gender, vaccine, and violence, the latter change of 'violence' being one that was thoroughly mocked at the time but now is completely accepted (the change being of 'violence' denoting purely physical attacks to now also denoting speech that causes emotional harm), with legal ramifications. You don't have to change laws if you can change the common understanding of the words with which the laws are written, and that's something pervasive in academia and by extension the classrooms.
So tl;dr it will get more retarded because the kids are being taught to be masterclass sophists

>> No.69801082

this and also it started when immigrants, namely catholics but particularly jews, entered the american university system in the early 20th century and took over completely by the 1960s. all of america's current cultural revolution (which it imposes on the world through its influence and cultural hegemony) are 60-year old versions of trends and movements that began in the 1960s as a result of this takeover.

>> No.69801335

you are soooo silly anon stop bein so silly

>> No.69804049
File: 291 KB, 680x428, 1691222874595189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You literally cannot be racist towards someone who's the most privileged group on the planet.
to be fair this fuck is right, until some month ago you cannot blame shit to jews because muh 6 millions without being banned in most places

>> No.69807432


>> No.69807695

I didn't realize we had concentration camps for white people... shit I guess it's my turn then.

>> No.69807792

Riku my boy, you really should close nijien.

>> No.69808030
File: 24 KB, 822x194, 1702907300532400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're already trying so hard to segregate PoCs and whites. The only thing stopping them from going full genocide is failing to start a world/civil war as a guise to nuke white people.

>> No.69808347

I don't particularly care about the racism. I just think he's a pathetic bitch.

>> No.69808842

NDF losers really think that a company can begin planning & completely tie up plans this complicated in under a month, huh?

>Also PSO2.

LOL isn't that game like a decade old???

>> No.69810459

So... Is antisemitism okay then?

>> No.69810933

is the google collab and pso2 collab on jp branch? then its reasonable

how ever you will never what will happen to the singapore concert . isnt there already 2 canceled concerts already due to livers graduating before the concert or management cancels it themselves

>> No.69811682

Uki... you fucking monki.

>> No.69812641

Is Mochimochi botted? well once upon a time she was almost a consistent 4-view.
