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File: 1.77 MB, 1920x1080, 【例外配達】ししらみからのお届け物だよ…【獅白ぼたん_ホロライブ】 59-11 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6963710 No.6963710 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't Botan get scared? Do you lose this emotion as you get older?

>> No.6963901

Why don't you her a SC with that question, how the fuck would we know that, dumbass.

>> No.6963968

Some people are just not scared by games op...

>> No.6964012

she have seen your dick pic you sent Anon there's nothing scarier than that

>> No.6964022

I don't scream when I'm jumpscared, I just have a small heart attack and grunt or moan out some retarded cow sound
Movies, however, don't scare me at all
Watched The VVITCH recently, the jumpscares got me, but it wasn't scary and they talked like retards

>> No.6964032

Because physically screaming is a meme and an exaggeration on the streamer part.
Or are you telling me you scream like a girl when watching horror movies? I hope not.

>> No.6964060

damn bro you fucking owned that pussy lmao

>> No.6964100

Actually, women seem to do it, no meme
My cousins and other dumb whores scream like bitches when startled

>> No.6964107

Yes, unironically shit just stops being scary because you're less retarded

>> No.6964247

Chilla games aren't that scary in the first place

>> No.6964281

When you're older you react to everything with less intensity.

Any 30+ holos having the same reaction as the 20 year old ones are pretending

>> No.6964409

Whenever I get jumpscared in a game, I tend to not scream or anything but my mouse hand kind of jerks everywhere.

>> No.6964422

Mio is od but she's scaredy cat

>> No.6964430

When I was 15 playing FEAR in the middle of the night I was seriously scared by Alma appearing at the top of a ladder when you get onto it and have no control for a few seconds. But I still didn't scream. Just felt a cold chill and my heart started beating fast. And I think I stopped playing and didn't want to continue after that

Point is, Botan is like 3x the age I was

>> No.6964442

Some people do, anon.
Touch grass, go a to a theme park or something.

>> No.6964449

that's pretty funny

>> No.6964454
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>screaming is a meme

>> No.6964510

he probably meant in games
Also, how do you get c*ptcha with keyboard, not mouse?

>> No.6964557

Sora's way more emotionally withdrawn than Botan is. I think I've only ever seen Sora startled, and even then it was maybe once.

>> No.6964572

Literary me.
I didn't scream then but i emptied all my ammo into that ghost under ladder in painic.

>> No.6964583
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what captcha

>> No.6964664
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some people do much better in stressful and scary situations
I imagine that there's quite a lot that goes into it, genetics/personality, experience, age

>> No.6964780

Botan is always playing at max luminosity, in a well lit room it can help a lot.
I agree about Sora, even if the elevator jumpscare got her pretty good.

>> No.6964793

lions have nothing to fear

>> No.6964806

>scream like a girl
Make up your mind.

>> No.6964929

Botan had a hard life, she isnt phased by things like this

>> No.6964934

>Buying passes after they went the inflated crypto way

>> No.6965009

are you a sissy dicksucker who wets their pants after having a nightmare at the age of 30? Then sadly horror games are not for you.

What Lamy does is overacting and textbook japanese shoujo manga behavior of the 90's with her "kyaa" & "mo yada" - go watch / read any of CLAMP's anime or manga. That's the kind of character Lamy's VA decided Lamy should be coz she was into this and had experience in acting / role-playing.

Whereas Botan's VA is in her 40's she was never in the acting business; she was a pro e-sports player and later a e-sports team manager so niggerfaggot OP she was never into the Keyfabe coz never did it in the first place.

It's like telling Obama to enter the MMA ring and knock out Jon Jones.

Botan is an e-sports gamer so to her a game is a challenge to her to finish first, to get the most kills, no damage run, to get the most headshots, etc,. Getting jumpscared in a game is wastage of time to competitive players so they don't focus on that.

Also, Sissybitch OP after playing numerous horror games people gets tuned from the jumscares.

>> No.6965016

Can confirm the older you get the less fucks are given

>> No.6965072

well aren't you a badbutt motherflipper

>> No.6965384
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what about pretending not to be scared

>> No.6966108

>Do you lose this emotion as you get older?
Based boomers have overcome such existential hardship that the only thing left to fear is the tax collector.

If la lion was playing a game about being a fugitive tax evader, I'm sure she'd be absolutely terrified.

>> No.6966293

that one time she did get scared was pretty funny tho

>> No.6966492

she seen too much videogame shit in her life, fragged too many people it just doesn't move her anymore.

>> No.6966493

Not everyone screams like if they were getting murdered when scared, she gets startled if anything like when playing RE2 (or was it Village?) and a zombie that wasn't there before appeared, her reaction is closer to a WOW then shaking a bit.

>> No.6966632

From what I recall, she has said that she doesn't get scared from horror games because she knows they're made to scare people, so she kind of already knows what to expect. She has said that she does get scared when the scares come from unexpected sources, such as any non-horror game.

>> No.6966712

Dunno, That's part of it I guess. I'm 40+ As you get older you do and see things that help you put shit like horrorgames in perpective. Jumpscares can still get me, but I'm more likely to have the same response as Botan. I've been held under gunpoint a few times and had a live grenade thrown under my car. Stuff like that makes you reevaluate on what is scary, what deserves your anger etc. Part of growing up I guess.

>> No.6966768

Most of the Holos are over exaggerating. You can literally hear them take a big gasp of air to make sure they get a full scream when something happens.
Happens to me too. That's why Outer Wilds scares me.

>> No.6966800

What mode is that, Village of Shadows? Does that mean she's streamed the game, what, 4 times?

>> No.6966914


>> No.6966932

Whatever mode that changes enemy positions is called, thats why it scared her since she was so used to there not being an enemy there

>> No.6966938

Fucking Outer Wilds, that feeling while looking directly in a black hole was coming from somewhere deep in my brain. Also Dark Brambles.

>> No.6966967

Shion explains it

>> No.6966999

Lion never scared

>> No.6967046

She said before, it's because you expect scary stuff in horror games.

>> No.6967102

It can't possibly be because that game and that jumpscare in particular has been streamed and clipped a million and a half times before the two of them played it.

>> No.6967115

nigga girls would scream their souls out when lights go out for half a second during school

>> No.6967121

Nah, Botan just doesn't really get scared like that. At least not to scream. Read the thread.

>> No.6967170

She doesn't give enough of a fuck to pretend to be scared for content. Do you actually scream and jump when you play a horror game by yourself? You probably flinch a bit, and that's uh...not great content for someone streaming with a Live2D. Botan's character is being cool and calm so she can do it.

>> No.6972308

The better question is how are people scared of a fucking game? Like, it's not real, nigga. Just get a spine, nigga.

Women scream at everything. Men almost never scream unless they're being mutilated or some such. Every time you hear a scream, be it in real life, in a movie or a video, it is always a woman or a group of women who is screaming. They have absolutely no backbone or survival instinct whenever something unexpected happens, no matter how small.
>see a caterpillar
>sudden downpour
>go down a slide
>tapped on the shoulder
>have split ends
The list goes on. There is no shortage of everyday, mundane things that women scream at and it's quite irritating once you actually take note of how common it is.

>> No.6972344

Sora doesn't get scared either. Oh wait, she's over 30 too.

>> No.6972409

That was almost a yawn compared to Ollie, who jumped out of her chair and threw her mic across the room.

>> No.6972422

As you get older you do tend to be more jaded. Mainly cos you've seen similar shit before.
Fun fact: National armies don't like taking on anyone over thirty if they can avoid not just because they're going to be a bit lacking in the physical department but also because the psychological conditioning methods used by most modern armies don't reliably work on them. They see it all for the act that it is and will generally be either disinterested or find it funny.

>> No.6972438

Part of growing up in a shithole you mean. You had more than enough time to move to a non-shithole but you never did so spare everyone the sob story, gramps.

>> No.6972445

How the hell can Sora be over 30 when A-chan is 20 and they went to school together?

>> No.6972820

>They have absolutely no backbone or survival instinct
that's where you're wrong.

the scream is the survival instinct

>> No.6972873

>unexpected sources
Is being scared the same as being surprised?
Like when you open a screamer your body reacts instinctively but that's not being scared isn't it, that's just having a functional defense mechanism.
Scared is like turning on the light or pausing the game because you can't go on.

I see a lot of people saying that jumpscare are scary but it's the fear of the jumpscare that is

>> No.6973007

Either, A-chan is lying about her age(most likely given her position in Cover) or they didn't actually go to school together and it's all kayfabe. Her roommate literally said she was on the cusp of the Showa/Heisei baby year. So she was born in 1989 in Heisei 1.

>> No.6973011

>and they talked like retards
the fuck does that even mean

>> No.6973019

those are some terrible fucking subs. or "" "liberal""" if you're extremely generous

why do subbers feel they can make shit up just because they think it flows better in english? does the average vtube viewer want that? I doubt it

>> No.6973054

>The better question is how are people scared of a fucking game? Like, it's not real, nigga. Just get a spine, nigga.
This, the fear from horror games is only present when there's losing progression, so that when whatever ghost is chasing you it's scary because fuck no I ain't going back collecting all the dolls and shit for 40 min kek

>> No.6973114

I don't know if you're talking from a non-English perspective but while I can acknowledge the difference I'd still call both types being scared

>> No.6973274

What if that Showa/Heisei comment was the lie?

>> No.6973284

This is like saying that fapping can't be enjoyable because there's no possibility of actually impregnating a girl. The instinct is there. The game hijacks the instinct. You are scared even though you can't be hurt.

>> No.6973453

Sora said herself that she's the type to silently tense up when she's startled, she gets scared it just doesn't come across on stream.

>> No.6973456

Maybe A-chan and Sora were at school together but they weren't both students.

>> No.6973488

So is doing literally anything else. The only reason women have survived this long is because men were there to ensure their survival. And they sure as shit didn't go around screaming at every little thing.

>> No.6973620

Because actually good translators aren't translating fucking clips of vtubers.
Some are but they're extremely rare.

>> No.6973828

It's more like surprise: Instant flight-or-flight response instead of the kind of fear you mentioned where they try to cope before/after.
Botan mentioned that creepers scare her because Minecraft is mostly peaceful with enemies that are pretty obvious, but creepers sneak up on you, cause a ton of damage, and only give you about 2 seconds to react.

Iroha Translate is a native Japanese that has an awful grasp at English.

>> No.6973870

>The game hijacks the instinct
Only if you're an easily impressionable idiot. Same thing with those people who put on an Oculus and then freak out when they're on a roller coaster, shit is pathetic. It's not fucking real and you are never in any danger. People somehow forget this and let their senses take over which is a big no-no for anyone with a brain.

>> No.6973879

I guess some people do have the ability to self insert in movies and vidya and feel like they actually are in danger
Feels bad that I don't but dead space is still one of my favorite games

>> No.6974277

Go tell the brain that.
>People somehow forget this and let their senses take over which is a big no-no for anyone with a brain.
You're breathing manually then?

>> No.6974454

Breathing is an autonomic process. Being scared when you're expecting to be scared is 90% conscious choice.

>> No.6975101

>Being scared when you're expecting to be scared is 90% conscious choice.
Ah, there's your mistake. Thinking people expect to be scared. Motion sickness is the same thing, just the brain fucking up. Streamers playing horror games do play it up of course.

>> No.6975629

If you're playing a scary game, you expect to be scared. If you're on a scary roller coaster, you expect to be scared. Motion sickness requires motion in order to be induced. Getting "motion sickness" when you are, in fact, not in motion is indeed "the brain fucking up", but not in the way you're thinking.
And it's actually the inner ear fucking up, not the brain.

>> No.6975965

So you don't fap then?

I hope you don't love any vtubers either because you won't be mating or raising children or even meeting.

>> No.6976395

Once people start playing they get distracted and are no longer prepared for (jump)scares. Botan talked about that before, anon linked the video earlier already, she's prepared in horror games for those scares, and plays with high brightness settings so things the developer to not be easily visible yet is for her. Most people don't play like that. Add unsettling sounds to that, and the brain starts fucking up and getting surprised.

>but not in the way you're thinking.
The brain fucks up because it's expecting your inner ear to give information regarding the movement it is visually processing, but there is no such signal, so it thinks you're sick/poisoned and tries to solve that problem. Or the other way around and you're in motion (non-constant motion) while you're looking at something that does not match that movement.
Or at least something close to that, it's been a decade and some.

>> No.6976645

>so things the developer [intended] to not be easily visible
forgot word

>> No.6978725

Because the game isn't scary, it's just jumpscare simulator but with narration

>> No.6985189

why did you brag about your magic mind reading powers then smartguy

>> No.6985302

As you get older you start to yearn for death so scenarios like that aren't as frightening, you're just indifferent to them

t. 47yo anon

>> No.6985481
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anon... you know Ollie acts it up, right? this is coming from a zomrade. it's all part of the act. suspension of disbelief and all that.

>> No.6985653

It's streamers in general, and to be a bit more charitable you're there to be high energy and entertain, your emotional reactions becoming magnified is part of putting on a show.

It's why people like Botan are interesting when they don't pull that, because they put on the show differently and it's unique.

>> No.6985753

She’s high test

>> No.6985901

Botan is like a female version of the doom guy

>> No.6986104

There are a surprising number of redditfags here who confuse kayfabe with reality. Remember a swarm of them raided a Rushia stream because they thought she was genuinely upset at all the flat comments.

>> No.6986173

Yeah, you told that Markiplier guy.

>> No.6986396

kek, fucking agreed. i remember seeing them genuinely try to saviorfag Rushia because "oh no! my internet Oshi's feelings were hurt!"

>> No.6987290

>Botan on Coco's graduation announcement: I don't cry
>proceeds to cry 5 seconds later
>can't even mutter a single sentence before sobbing like a baby during Coco's Ark goodbye stream

Why is she like this?

>> No.6988659

let me tell you a tale about years long since gone. Back when I was a wee lad in elementary school we would occasionally have games-days for gym class. As you can imagine these days we played schoolyard games in the gym. Games like duck-duck-go, dodge ball, red rover, that sort. One day we were playing red-light-green-light. Since we were in the gym we had the advantage of using the gym lights as our red and green lights. When the light went off that was our green light and we'd all run as fast and as far as possible to the other end of the gym. When the lights came on we were supposed to stop, anyone who got 'caught' still running would be penalized. Let me tell you what happened. The moment the lights turned off the girls in class would start screaming their fucking heads off like they were god damn murder victims. Those fucking bitches would scream and scream and scream over the very simple, reasonable, completely expected fact that the lights were turned off. I never heard any of the boys scream, it was only the girls. Girls scream at the drop of a fucking hat, they scream over their own fucking shadow, they will scream at something you tell them is about to happen. Women scream, anon. They scream over fucking everything and anything.

>> No.6994080

its up


>> No.6994162

Please understand, it's hard to make new friends when you're over 30, so losing a friend you've just gotten close to can be devastating.

>> No.6994366

When you train seriously for playing games one of the first things to go is your flinch response

>> No.6994495

>do you lose this emotion as you get older?
No. Korone and mio are easily scared.

>> No.6994538
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Love that hag mental

>> No.6994824


>> No.6994846

Strong lion with a tiny heart.

>> No.6994873

>Do you lose this emotion as you get older?
Yes. I'm in my 30s. Scary movies do nothing to me anymore, so I only like scary movies just to watch people die now.

>> No.6994906

She's seen greater horrors in all the competitive, ranked matchmaking she did

>> No.6997191

One of the most frustrating times of my life was taking the train to my old job in the summer.
>Surrounded by gardens
>Fuck tonne of bees
>Constant screaming
If a bee was so much as a 5m radius from them you'd think they were being murdered.
They weren't appealing to anybody, women really do just wail like banshees for inane shit.

>> No.6997745

She did scream once though
