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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69606959 No.69606959 [Reply] [Original]

You've been placed in charge of the NinisanjiEN branch. Riku has given you an unlimited budget and a mandate to make the branch functional and profitable by the end of this quarter. You have blanket authority to hire, fire, and make whatever structural changes you need to the branch. How do you save NijiEN?

>> No.69607039

ISIS beheading streams starting Day 1.

>> No.69607055

why would i save it?

>> No.69607076

Firing everyone kek

>> No.69607099

For a fat paycheck

>> No.69607106

>unlimited budget
unlimited yacht works

>> No.69607160

>Make the branch profitable
>Fire everyone reducing your revenue to 0
Riku beheads you, try again.

>> No.69607315

I chooses 50 livers at random every year, then and places them all on an isolated island with no chance of escape. The livers are given one weapon each, then — under the threat of death — forced to kill each other until only one livers remains alive.

Repeat again next year.

>> No.69607359

Fire the male talents. Instruct the female talents to open Onlyfans accounts and hire community artists to produce exclusive NSFW art for their accounts. Have them do blowjob ASMR to advertise their new services. Make lewd 3d models for chaturbate streams.

>> No.69607360


>> No.69607395

Finana gangbang invitation to everyone mad.
In a yacht OFC.

>> No.69607530

he gave me unlimited budget, i can just buy a yacht and pretend it's for saving the branch.

>> No.69607616

You can but
>Be profitable by the end of the quarter
If you fail you get beheaded

>> No.69607717

fire and behead riku

>> No.69607850

retard, you didn't think this through did you.

>> No.69607924

>Presents a thought experiment
>Immediately starts trying to poke holes in its logic and avoid the intended question

>> No.69607951

Rape Rosemi

>> No.69607964

First order of business:
>look into the whole selen issue to see what really was going on and issue public apologies, etc
>separate the male and female blocs into their own group with minimal optional collabs
>hire tardwranglers with mental health backgrounds to keep tabs on the talents
>make the clique attend anti-workplace harassment training
>get rid of all Japanese keyboards within the branch
>have regular one-on-one conversations with the talents to see what they need funding and help with
>maintain amicable relationships with ex-talents and allow talents to collab with them
>let the talents get 80% of the profit (after manufacturing costs) from their merch sales
I think that's a good start.

>> No.69608037


>> No.69608071

Fire the troublemakers and recast their characters
>Why yes, Elira always had a thick Italian accent. Don't worry about it

>> No.69608095

Fire everyone and invest in Holo

>> No.69608153

This thread shows that if you let these "people" manage a company, it will be a giga disaster.

>> No.69608219

>unlimited budget
I will buy a majority stake in nijisanji and get rid of riku

>> No.69608257

>present a shitty what-if
>get called a retard
>s-s-stop it! you are being mean to me!

>> No.69608259

>Using company funds for personal investments.
Embezzlement. Beheaded.

>> No.69608285

>maintain amicable relationships with ex-talents and allow talents to collab with them
does any agency do this?

>> No.69608387

You'll need to give me a time machine as well

>> No.69608444
File: 80 KB, 455x557, 1707887807045639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rosemi collaboration with Bud Light to save the brand.
Captcha: DOAH

>> No.69608569

Mist are just giga-retarded autists who aren't taking the question seriously. The kind of mouth breathers that get presented with the Trolley Problem and say some stupid ass bullshit like "I blow up the trolley track" or "I ram the teolley with my car!"

>> No.69609368

Not really. None that I can think of off the top of my head.
I think it's pretty important though. Wouldn't you rather work at a company that doesn't hold grudges/character assassinate their former talents and try to throw them under the bus and forget they ever existed?
Even just small things like wishing them well them through Twitter or liking their comments occasionally shows that your company actually has a soul and makes it so fans don't have to take a hard stance against you or the ex-talent. It's a very graceful way that I think a lot of people (dramafags aren't people) would appreciate.

>> No.69609582

It's fucking /vt/, if I had the skill to work as a talent manager I'd go do it for money not use it to post here

>> No.69609754

Make the branch functional is one thing, but profitable? in just one quarter? no way to do that when everyone hates your guts, even if you show actual change people will wait before putting their eggs in your basket again

>> No.69610161

An actual sound post and todo list to try and unfuck Niji's current reputation.

>> No.69610241

Other than actually putting proper experienced managers in charge - at least 2 per current gen and a proper legal team and paying them appropriately
1. Phase out the tainted members by not offering contract renewals. Hell even frame it as due to budgetary constraints. Now is the time to do it because Japanese recession + share buyback + potentially lower than expected financial results gives you plausible reasons. You put out statements in a professional manner saying a contract agreement couldn't be reached and thank them for their contributions. No shit-flinging. If the talents say they didn't even get an offer - you respond "we didn't want to insult our former talents by offering them a contract well below their worth"
2. Rebrand once the problematic talents are gone. Nijisanji EN as a brand is carrying too much baggage. If it's worse than imagined, cull them all and use the new brand to start fresh.
3. Go on a charm offensive. Put on some free events, charity fundraising etc.
4. Generally just STFU and communicate professionally. No more laundry list Notice of terminations. That shit may fly in Japan but it doesn't in the West.
5. Slow down the gens, one per year. Each talent is a brand how are they going to get any traction if they have something new and shiny to compete with every 3-4 months. You can do slightly bigger gens instead. On big marketing campaign is more efficient and cost effective than 2-3 small campaigns every year

>> No.69610514

A proper investigation has to be the starting point. Whatever it concludes, whether there's a clique or bullying or whatever, several managers had better get fired, of not a significant portion of the Management. Regardless of whether there was bullying and harassment, management has allowed not one, but THREE of the branches best and most popular to quit (and kyo). This is UNACCEPTABLE. Heads need to roll, management needs to change.

>> No.69610567

>Riku has given you an unlimited budget

>> No.69610687

Disband, sell everything.

>> No.69610856

Honestly thinking this might be the move. It's standard operating procedure for Niji at this point if a foreign branch fails. Disband it, sell everything, roll remaining talents into main branch (if they keep them at all)

>> No.69611008

Fire everyone, provide bullet list of crimes with concrete evidence (unlike Zaion and Selen's terminations) for every liver except Rosemi, quit

>> No.69611059

I start by being open to Collaborations, Projects, Sponsorships, etc that would get our name out there, none of that shitcanning an MSG collaboration with one of our largest talents shit.
Complete overhaul of internal workflow, with any projects that are nix'd being done as transparently as possible so EVERY liver can see what the issue is and not repeat it.
More transparency with the JP branch so shit will be fully in Riku's perview. (that covers me if shit goes south because he could have looked down from the deck of his yacht to make sure we're not trying to drown each other in the EN ocean)
And a public apology with coupled with firing Elira and Vox, because fuck 'em.
>but Vox makes the most money!
Sure, because the place is currently run like shit so it has to rely on fujoshi-funding.

We don't need Non-con and BJsmr representing our company, especially from a potential future problem with all those fucking groomer allegations.
Normally I'm a Innocent Until Proven Guilty kind of guy, but Vox is a smarmy cunt and I ain't gonna go to bat for some smug british cunt.

>> No.69611063

shut it down and take early retirement

>> No.69611792

Long term benefits/profit will necessitate short term investment and running in the red until reputation is eventually repaired, if that's even possible.

Only possible way to be profitable that quickly is to double down on the mistakes and continue to cannibalize ourselves.

>> No.69611961

>Immediately stop accelerating
>Immediately tell everyone to just shut the fuck up for the love of god
>Mods in chat and strict filters to ban any drama mentions and have everyone resume a normal streaming schedule
>Anyone who wants to leave is free to go, no graduation queues.
>Launch an internal investigation to figure out what the fuck was happening inside the branch, if someone was actually bullying fire them and issue a public apology to Selen
>Fire whoever was responsible for that black screen stream
>Publicly announce that EN is under new management and it's going to be cleaning house and making big changes.
>Hire English speaking staff, pay them more than 8$ an hour. 1 manager for every 2 talents.
>Reconsolidate around what is left, and organize branch events, collabs, and variety programming like hololive to market the less well known members, and provide funding for members who will host fun branch-wide projects. We're making the family meme real.
This is the only way forward and it won't be profitable within a quarter but without serious house cleaning and investment the branch has no long term future. If you really just want to make quick profits the only way is to immediately disband the entire branch and roll it into JP while hiring a couple bilingual managers for Luxiem/Noctyx so they can stay around. Everyone else can graduate or learn Japanese.

>> No.69612052

>unlimited budget
I buy a bunch of top tier actors from Bollywood, give them instant 3D and tell them to make a movie, I will make the new NijiIN profitable!

>> No.69612340

>How do you save NijiEN?
Literally just stream. That's all you have to do.

>> No.69612422

>Talents do another guerilla black screen stream
Yeah no

>> No.69612688

Pivot into a new direction. Nijisanji is now a pro wrestling company

>> No.69612775

1- Utilize all means to discover what terms Vshojo, Phase Connect and Hololive offer.
2- Rewrite the contract.
3- Replace everyone in management and terminate every single talent, making sure the new hires do not have any form of relationship or interaction with any member of the previous team.

>> No.69612999

>>make the clique attend anti-workplace harassment training
As if this has ever done anything in any workplace.

>> No.69613173

By training he means copious anal sex. I'll be their instructor

>> No.69613194

Buy Gura out of her contract with hololive and either hire her or let her free.

>> No.69613683

Immediate all-hands meeting including livers to say that anymore bullying is an instant 1- month suspension, set up an anonymous tip line, hire more tard wranglers until anyone with over 100k subs has a dedicated mane-chan.

Also suspending Enna & Elira for a month because holy fuck

>> No.69613702

But profit must go up.
You can't just invest that much money and resources into a diseased branch of the company. The stockholders will just see profit go down, and pull out before you get any returns.
It would be a better idea to just fire everyone and shut down NijiEN. There's no way to save it. It's just another PR disaster waiting to happen.

>> No.69613939

I am building a fleet of yatchs equipped with AI operated drone-swarms, and then we are invading Western Taiwan to bring chuubas to the godless Han.

>> No.69615431

Quadruple down by going all in on manufacturing drama and heel-characters like reality television. Women love that trash, trust me

>> No.69615452

To add to this, find a fallguy/girl for the whole Selen fiasco. Two if necessary, but have them both accept blame for it and leave gracefully.
Odds you'll need to terminate Elira and Vox.

>> No.69617041

the only way to save is to

>> No.69617226

Whatever talent makes me cum first gets 3%

>> No.69618636

I poach mori for a few million dollars from Hololive then put her in the silent corner for the rest of her online life with a gag contract
>How do you save NijiEN?

>> No.69620738
File: 617 KB, 1280x720, TASUKETE YACHTMAN [sound=https2F2Fv8c4st.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic: sound version because op dropped it
I dunno about "saving" anything, because that assumes that every fucking bridge Anycolor has tirelessly burnt at this point can be rebuilt. This entire tale singlehandedly conveyed to me the importance of PR, at least for Vtuber companies (mind you: in the tech space their legacy is basically appeasing jews and normalfags)
Also, I just don't like Nijisanji very much. The mismanagement and abysmal reputation is one thing, the skinwalking, suspensions, and overall company mindset is another.
With that said, here's my best attempt at a battle plan:
>TOTAL. AUTISTIC. AUDIT. They are probably already doing something like this, but every fraction of the branch's structure, every interaction, every transaction, every internal dynamic needs to be combed over. I cannot stress the importance of evaluating every datapoint, because the next moves will both need complete precision and be totally negated if there is still rot from within.
>Throw in things discussed with Doki's lawyer for corroboration.
>Once that is done, the hardest parts begin.
>Basic restructuring. Some people will need nothing more than a gentle talk about thoughts and feelings going forward. Others, more involved with recent affairs, will straight-up be told to either graduate within the month or be terminated immediately. Simultaneously. People externally need to get the idea management isn't fucking around with reform without being told anything directly as to not feed dramafags.
(continuing in another post, thread is about to 404...)

>> No.69621710

On a single quarter it's just impossible to "fix" the current situation and make it profitable. However to fix it for long term.
>Clean house, meaning all current manager, legal and pr all fired
> Hire new management - short term 1 per talent until they get enough experience to handle more, but never more than 3, probably try to poach from some hollywood talent agencies, bonus points if they have any background on mental health.
> Issue a public statement about new management, promise internal change.
> New policies - no stealth suspensions, if management needs to issue an announcement from a talents account it needs to be clearly stated it is from management, open an anonymous hotline, internal audits based on those tips.
> Launch an internal investigation into Selens and Zaion cases, issue apologies if necessary and shut the fuck up on the matter. No antagonizing, prohibit mention of those.
> Hire temporary mods to instaban any harrassment or mention of those on sight until this blows over.
> Get through Rikus thick skull that projects don't pay for themselves in dollars, they are an investment to raise the talents popularity and visibility, which raises subscribers, ccv, members and superchats.
> If that succeeds create a group project and personal project funds for talents. Funds have a monthly cap let's give a hypothetical 5k for a personal fund, if the talent wants to do a project they take from that fund. If they are lazy fucks and do nothing with it, they cannot retrieve it. Group projects funds are for mandatory group projects, frequency and schedule tbd, but other than requering the talents to do group projects, let them decide what that is. Anything that requires more budget goes straight to higher management for approval. This should prevent issues like Selen overspending on projects while allowing them to actually make projects.
> Get managers to make monthly reports on talent projects and permission status. Create some kind of internal incentive for managers to actually secure the fucking permissions and not sabotage projects by dragging their feet.
> Hire someone to handle game permissions, this fucker entire job consists of spamming the fuck out of game companies, indie developers email inbox with permission requests, compile a list of them to be available for talents so they can just look at it instead of having to ask and wait, and market research into what's trending to seek permission for - crack the whip on this guy, pay more or hire more than 1 if needed.
> Open policy on collabs, only minimum rules required to protect talent and brand (basic "x topic is a nono, but otherwise have fun").
> Pay a basic salary to talents, remove said salary once they pass a certain earnings cap.
> Increase talent merch split. 50/50, 60/40 on profit max. Maybe do its as a gradual split, once they hit milestones they get better share.
> Allow talents voice acts gig as long as they use company character. In fact seek those out because the crossover has good potential to increase viewer base.
> Make mandatory psychologist visits for all talents. They all need it.

For sure theses changes would bleed out a lot of money for a while, but it would stabilize the disaster they currently facing and solve some of the structural issues they have. Eventually you can start optimizing the process, but that's after the crisis is over.

>> No.69621883

I kneel

>> No.69622086

Finally, some good content.

>> No.69622224

>>pic: sound version because op dropped it
Never mind, I attached another foreigner manipulated image because 4chan considered it a duplicate.
>Rebrand immediately, period. "Nijisanji" is forever a fucked name for most people outside of Japan, but a fresh name for the umbrella international efforts could help. See: Facebook/Meta.
>Three sentence long max press release to match. People just need to know concerns are being heard and that things will improve.
>Retcon the old generations, things will be flattened and shifted to match the "new" company.
>Immediately start hiring top-tier management, PR, and interviewers.
>Renegotiate talent cuts if needed to keep people around and make things attractive for new ones.
>A SINGLE new wave for the next two years just to inject some new energy into the branch. People will be vetted extremely carefully, everyone needs to mesh well both to avoid further problems and for the synergy. There will also be a lot of effort put into unique concepts and talents, because this gen is tasked with pulling a shitton of new fans in. To save costs, existing members could possibly be asked if they want to redebut?
>After all this, beyond simply settling with Doki, patch up completely with her. Again people will not really be told anything, but they will know things have gotten better once she collaborates with the new talents and some playful tweets are sent around. Fucking naked dogeza with a gift basket and apology cheesecake at her doorstep.

>> No.69622716

>functional and profitable by the end of this quarter
If by functional you mean healthy and growing, then that's impossible. End of this quarter is a fucking month and a half from now. Even given a full quarter, getting back to a healthy functioning state is fucked.
It still is profitable because it's an extremely cost business, it's just less profitable than before.

>> No.69624018

Unlimited budget? and I get to control hiring decisions? I'll treat it like I'm an emergency consultant.
>First things first, rescuing the branch's reputation.
Not a single mention of the Doki incident. Talents who speak about it or plan some gay psyop shit are canned immediately.
Make a single public apology, that the handling of the termination was inappropriate. Announce internal investigation into claims of bullying, never publish results.
Announce an initiative to aid in the mental health of livers, portion a moderate amount of funds for approved usage to offset costs (20k cap each month).
Hire experienced event planners to create a branchwide event for mental health awareness. It doesn't have to be big, but it has to be fast and competent. Announce partnership with mental health charity. Offer some small amount of merch proceeds (or better add addt'l donation option on top of merch purchases so it's free). Run partnership for a month or so.
Announce overhaul of NijiEN support staff, start looking for managers who actually speak english and have business experience. Acknowledge this takes time publicly. Begin transition from barely ESL staff to actual english speakers in all talent facing positions.
>Making the branch profitable, now that the public image only has one foot in the toilet
Start looking desperately for event sponsors and start planning monthly/bimonthly branchwide events with open participation. No sponsor is too small and even a minor event like a minecraft race is acceptable.
Each of these events has their own unique merch with most proceeds going to the company
Create process for talents to pitch projects and merch to be picked up by the company. Offer talents a large cut (according to the profitability and costs of the project) of associated profits to encourage creation and handing over of such projects to the company. Distinguish these from the former events by calling them "Talent-led" in messaging or some such horseshit.
Announce halt to future waves until

>> No.69624109

I hire Todd.

>> No.69624152

until the branch has a model that can continue to make money without debut/graduation/birthday merch for only specific livers.

>> No.69624315

>Fire Elira/Enna/Millie/Vox/Uki
>Give Elira massive severance package
>Marry Elira
>Live rich and happy

>> No.69626281

fire everyone

>> No.69627446

Well, first off, I give them all managers who are also tard wranglers....

>> No.69627522

Hire nannies for every talent.

>> No.69629360
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As someone who followed /vsj+/ during the exodus, a good way to fix perception is to give people something positive to talk about. I understand it maybe hard, and goes against their corporate philosophy, but they need to ACTUALLY PROMOTE THEIR NEXT MEMBERS, I FLAT OUT COULD NOT TELL YOU THE NAME OF ANY MEMBER WHO DEBUTED IN 2023 HOW ARE THIS BAD AT THIS SHIT?

>> No.69629592

Hire more niji jannies

>> No.69629859
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>How do you save NijiEN?
By buying a yacht.

>> No.69630338
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Either scenario will probably happen sooner or later. Anycolor's Stock is still at around 3100 yen after 2 weeks despite the CEO having to apologize for the EN branch. This wouldn't be a huge deal outside of the fact that Anycolor did a massive buyback of their stock at around the same price on December 18, so not only lost millions, but they're at risk of losing even more money.
And the last thing you want to fuck with is Riku's money. With how pissed off he looked it wouldn't be a surprise if he got the yakuza involved to strike some fear of god back into any EN livers currently living in Japan.

>> No.69631532

Gaslight Finana into gaining weight and then fuck her.

>> No.69631989

>fire everyone
>use all the money for some safe investiment

>> No.69636871


>> No.69637769

>announce a ranking system among all livers
>CCV and revenue of their channels will be recorded realtime like always but with a points system
>higher CCV scores higher points as does revenue
>the highest scoring livers receive a share bonus in pay and merch sales and priority support
>whoever scores dead last gets terminated
>repeat yearly
Either everyone rips each other apart from the inside like they're doing already or it pushes them to grow themselves at lightning speed
You can pay me with a yacht and a blowjob, riku

>> No.69642190

I just plap the girls and run off

>> No.69644116

I can get things back on track by the end of calendar year Q2, I need $1.8m USD for capital expenditures, and a yearly operating budget of $5.5m, and streamer revenue will be literally zero until May, so expected lost revenue of about $7m offset by the already flagging performance of the EN branch.

>> No.69644192

>Terminate Uki, Luca, Vox, Elira, Enna, Millie

>> No.69644342

Fucking terrible idea since it would just encourage cutthroat behavior and sabotage.

>> No.69644544

Offload EN branch to whatever they have in china since most of their devout fanbases are over there.

>> No.69644915

offer new models for sex

>> No.69648435
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Well, whatever it is, it's not this

>> No.69648482

Increase waves frequency

>> No.69649027

Fire everyone and restart the branch. Hire only hags above the age 35.

>> No.69649122

>hire a fuckload of PR
>put every liver on a short leash for public accounts for the next 6 months
>start cleaning up cliques and favoritism in the EN branch
>fire anyone who resists

>> No.69649735

Crazy that all this happened because Niji couldn't shut their fucking mouths.
I can only assume that, just like the people they hired to manage and communicate with their EN livers, their NijiEN PR team are also barely english literate students being paid minimum wage.

>> No.69649810

There's no way to save Anycolor's overseas expansion without investing money and losing in the short term. If they can't do it, then >>69611961 suggestion is the best path forward because whatever is holding up the EN branch at the current moment or a month ago isn't going to cut it any longer as the fan support that kept the EN branch running as it was isn't there anymore and something has to change. If I was put in the position or Riku, I would rescue the branch because the yen is shit and Japan is now in a recession and that is your only avenue of growth for the foreseeable future since China's economy is shit and it won't save the company here with their VirtualReal partnership which is their only other overseas presence.
