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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69599782 No.69599782 [Reply] [Original]

【 Yuko Yurei 】
[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@yukoyurei
[Twitter] https://twitter.com/YureiYuko

A thread for all her boobros, schizos, groomers, and more.

Previous Thread >>69554694

>> No.69599902
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That would be much appreciated

>> No.69599934

i'll keep this thread on my watchlist. i did try to get some stuff from the archive posted last night, but i only succeeded at getting one stream because it was so slow and manual.

>> No.69599968

Are you saying that people like Rushia aren't (weren't lmao) famous?

Look if you don't like doing the content anymore that's fine, but you simply can't say that gfeTubers have a lower fame *or* monitary ceiling.

Besides, there's a fine line between actual whore activities a la Melody and everyone else.

>> No.69600120

Same. I only managed to saved the oniichan, succubus and the pampering streams.
Hope someone uploads to gofile the loli reading VA

>> No.69600490

>Besides, there's a fine line between actual whore activities a la Melody and everyone else.
Riro would disagree

>> No.69600716

Thread theme

>> No.69600734

So she's becoming EN Azuma Lim?

>> No.69601154

Cucks General

>> No.69601508

Is it true that Yuko Yurei drinks urine?

>> No.69601574

yeah mine

>> No.69601596

Nyannersko Veirei

>> No.69601656

Yuko did nothing wrong. She just said she wants to stop making GFE pandering content. The majority of idol talents like Coni, aren't even doing that and are still very much liked.

She never said she hates her audience In fact, she expressed the complete opposite. She appreciates the fans and doesn't mind them seeing her as a girlfriend or wife.

All the seething boobros who try to guilt trip her into making content she doesn't want to make are the real assholes.

>> No.69601883

Azuma Lim......as in the JP Motorbike girl?

>> No.69601913

one shekel has been deposited into your account

>> No.69601953

Weird how she does a total shift in how she treats her audience and thinks of her relationship with them all while also moving towards doing outdoor fishing/camping vlogs...hmm..
I guess I'll just not think about why all of this could be.

>> No.69601988

No anon, she didn't simply stop the fake girlfriend content.
She ERASED it entirely.
The implication of that action is extremely clear. Anyone who can't see it must surely have grapes in place of eyes!
She DOES hate the part of her fanbase that enjoys such content, and she WANTS them to leave. There is no other possible meaning.
She burnt the bed. Now leave.

>> No.69602141

Its a case of the cute coombaiter vtuber thinking shes an entertainer and that people come because shes more entertaining then jerma

>> No.69602331

Is it really or is it an outside factor who told her to stop doing any gfe and then she tried to come up with a new direction, possibly also suggested by said outside factor?

>> No.69602390


>> No.69602461
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>> No.69602545

Maybe her parents found out what she was doing and told her to cut that shit out?

>> No.69602609

Why are threadshitters like you so bad at lying?

>> No.69602737

Because she doesnt want more of you to be made, she wants new audience not to have this expectation from her

>> No.69602795

It's really sad she didn't take the opportunity to stage a honeypot "fan meetup" in a secluded place.

>> No.69602878
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And why do you think that is, why do you think she changed so drastically after all of this?

>> No.69602880

Her dad seemed pretty wild

>> No.69602924


>> No.69603029
File: 3.05 MB, 1173x2050, yuko yurei ghosty hunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys dont you see?
shes a ghost hunter.
she needs more ghosts to hunt, and the easiest way to get more is by making her own fanbase off themselves. soon she'll have hundreds of more ghosts to hunt! 5D chess move for sure.

>> No.69603322


>> No.69603769

The only sane post in this thread

>> No.69603872


Boos what you need to understand is that women are fickle creatures. They love you one day, then they hate yours guts the next. BPD and Narcissistic women are the worst, their loves is fickle as hell and has all these gay little caveats. Not all of them are like this, but the type that would be attracted to vtubing and having a following on the internet are definitely prone to falling into this category.

The worst thing you can do is start blaming external factors for why they don't love you. That leads you into the toxic mindset of "well if I just donate more, or if I just work harder to give her more art, or if I can just convince her, or if i do XYZ they'll start loving me again". That is an easy way to get exploited the fuck out of until you're nothing but a husk.

Thanks for listening to my ted talk. Now stop falling in love with internet women.

>> No.69604116
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>> No.69604203

her vlog was fun, in a dorky kinda way.
im half convinced this is just an excuse for her to get exercise and sunlight so she doesn't drop dead from what i saw in the vid though.

>> No.69605385

Kind of like when the slave trade was abolished but slavery wasn't.

>> No.69607388
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>> No.69607595

Could be that too but women get to uppity and think people are there because they are entertaining and not because all the viewers want to secretly fuck them

>> No.69607696

Who actually believes this shit and falls for these obvious lies

>> No.69610046


>> No.69610131

Broken men who have are seek out any warmth in this cold, cruel world that exploits and subjugates them.

>> No.69610495
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>> No.69610718

Does anyone have that one members-only Maro confession reading stream from around last Valentine's? There was one long Maro near the end that confronted Yuko about her parasocialism and she basically just responded "I know what I'm doing".

>> No.69610829

Ah yes, the slightly better blue cunny.
Bets on her fucking off again???
>captcha: DAMAR

>> No.69611661

GFE is exploitative anyway.

>> No.69611791

she absolutely will.
its only how many months you think before.

>> No.69611963

>captcha: DAMAR
Based, new thread theme unlocked

>> No.69612067

April, ya know, for the meme

>> No.69613737

yuko raped me

>> No.69613881

thats kinda pathetic anon.

>> No.69614009


>> No.69614063

You sweet baby angel....

>> No.69614101

posted this on the other board but
>Sings song about suicide
>Old boobros on suicide watch

Yeah its unironcally never been so yukover, she's just mocking them at this point lmao

>> No.69614156
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I miss her

>> No.69614215

>>69614101 (Me)
>Just a train coming your way

Boobro idk why you are so scared, its just a train afterall.

>> No.69614437

You're not one of those melodramatic fools, right?

>> No.69614771

Not here creating toxicity right? Not here to sow disorder?

>> No.69615090

>Watching Yuko at all after all the drama

Honestly i feel for that one guy on twitter who's been seething for like 3 months now.

>> No.69615567

I preferred the thread about her being the Gura Killer

>> No.69616577

funny how he was called a doomposter etc but was right in the end kek

>> No.69616745

Is this an anti thread or a cuck thread?

>> No.69617128

neither and both.
a good chunk has been people laughing at the antis while clearly otherwise not having been part of the group that got cucked.

>> No.69617489

I'm just a tourist that made my way here from random drama posting in other threads. I think I watched a few Yuko streams ages ago but definitely not a frequent viewer.

>> No.69619665

I clicked "Do not recommend" on her channel today

>> No.69619793

unjfathoambly basedeg

>> No.69620187

Why the fuck did she tell her fans about her Urinary Tract Infection? Nobody needs to know

>> No.69620349

>disappears for 2 months
>comes back and goes "ah ha I know you like my GFE but fuck you I'm deleting it all"

Why do you watch her again? Then there's Pochi who keeps having meltdowns on Twitter. Idol was a mistake.

>> No.69620373


>> No.69620498

Yuko deserves a chance if only because watching the unicorns mentally shatter was hilarious. i'll throw her her 1 cent in ad revenue from seeing if a stream further entertains me as payment, why not?

>> No.69620600

>finds joy in his own hobby being destroyed
truly bizarre

>> No.69620843

kek, maybe in your opinion it is but in mine getting rid of those types is only an improvement. Yuko did the hobby a favor if they leave.

>> No.69621620

Western vtubing was a mistake. Why don't you just watch regular male streamers on twitch if you want to BTFO the parasocials?

>> No.69621777 [DELETED] 

VTuing should of been left to the Japanese

>> No.69621847

easy, cause theres vtubers whos content i enjoy.
not my fauly the only ones (you) enjoy are the extremely GFE parasocial ones.

>> No.69622656

She can make or not make w/e content she wants. but jfc what a terrible way to handle the transition.
