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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 86 KB, 514x868, boobros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69582038 No.69582038 [Reply] [Original]

>gfe chuuba
>ghosts (lel) her fans until they go insane
>comes back with a massive announcement
>"No more gfe, lol"
>nukes her old content
>"Nothing is going to change, btw"
>preemptively blocks her most dedicated fans on xitter
>"But please keep on supporting me :^)"
>uploads boring vlogs now
>fanbase metls down, and some of them even threat her with violence
who was in the wrong here

>> No.69582094
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exhibit 1

>> No.69582137
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exhibit 2

>> No.69582140

If she actually did that, her for thinking she would get away with it. But i won't give you the usual whole thing with womans and accountability.

>> No.69582142

>gfe AND western
it was always a recipe for disaster

>> No.69582152

Look like she married her manager so gfe has to go

>> No.69582201


>> No.69582203

The most effective way for them to get back at her is to chargeback the donathon, she literally scammed her fans and kept their money.

>> No.69582258

>she married her manager
it's even worse than that

>> No.69582268
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some of them accepted it

>> No.69582287


>> No.69582337
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exhibit 3

>> No.69582354
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Based, it means she's loyal to her true love instead of whoring herself online.

You could have had her anon, but you fucked it up.

>> No.69582407

Is this the pissgirl

>> No.69582422

You're gonna have to be more specific.

>> No.69582431

She's a /k/ grifter and endgaged in some offpako with her groomers before. Probably going to do some more soon.

>> No.69582464

how can it possibly be worse

>> No.69582465

Yeah, she pissed off her fanbase.

>> No.69582522

There was a big red flag when she built her whole personality on trying to imitate Gura but lewder. There was nothing genuine about her from the beginning, those who fell for her are just as guilty as she is.

>> No.69582550

see >>69404970

>> No.69582563

AI can't advance quickly enough

>> No.69582571

Isn't this the company that unjustly fired Riro Ron?

>> No.69582604

Riro... stop typing.

>> No.69582626

I'm starting to think vtubing was a mistake.

>> No.69582666

Good timing

>> No.69582684

It's slightly distressing that my oshi is friends with idol girls. I cope by thinking it's because she has no friends and takes what she can get but holy fuck seems like every girl at this corpo is either fucking their manager or a grifter

>> No.69582707

She pulls out too early and too quickly.

>> No.69582802

Anon, prostitutes are not meant for impregnation.

>> No.69582823

his comment got deleted btw

>> No.69582855

>piss drinker fanbase has a melty
kek, go to a fetish site next time

>> No.69582857

Most of the girls are great. They got rid of one for doing weird stuff with fans and a manager, Yuko is doing this, 1 more is having a menhera arc, and 1 has had IRL issues but is coming back soon. The other 9 have no issues and are great, don't get all your info from catalog bait threads

>> No.69582889

I think her whole gen of Idol have been called peetubers. I hope some of the boo bros turn to Fuyo because of this, she's a pretty good chuuba.

>> No.69582938

This is why you NEVER cater to unicorns in the first place. Psychopaths that will rampage the moment they think you've stepped out of line.

>> No.69582955

All of them are doing donothons aka scams.

>> No.69582988

i dont know of any whores with a cunny voice like yuko
can u recommend any?

>> No.69583021

>literally just stealing peoples money
People will defend this

>> No.69583063

Some of the stuff I've seen from her fans is the most obnoxious shit I've ever seen, but rather than tardwrangle and spare her non-schizo regulars a bunch of grief she went scorched earth, basically shat on months of bonding with her community and for what? Bitch in the woods content? lol. I hope the cunny rabbi didn't fight hard to keep her because what a fucking waste.

>> No.69583099


>> No.69583130

>originally cater to specific fans
>subsequently piss them off
>"that's why you never cater to X fans!"

>> No.69583131

...does that mean you're this psycho? >>69582094

>> No.69583145

EIEN won

>> No.69583221

But those fans are faggots and deserve to be swindled.

>> No.69583232

>*sniffs used chair of some SEAnog talent's boyfriend*

>> No.69583272
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Hi cubanoman

>> No.69583274

>if you donate x amount of money I will do y
>Actually I'm not doing y and I am keeping the money
Well I cant give any more money to idol, shame since the one I support hasnt done anything wrong

>> No.69583297

so basically she got dicks, pregnant/married or both. came back and now wants support since they're both poor now

>> No.69583309

GFE is cringe anyway

>> No.69583363

Get Riro info from catalog bait thread
Tells other's not to get info from bait thread's lol

>> No.69583391

>I cant give any more money to idol
your tax money......

>> No.69583432

I said whores, anon
Wemi doesn't go over the top like the Idol girls

>> No.69583436

>cater to schizophrenic narcissists
>reap the inevitable shitstorm that will always follow schizophrenic narcissists
A fate that could have been avoided.

>> No.69583438

Nah, I just bet she was told to quit that content after the actual shitstorm about Riro.
Idol Corp probably wants nothing to do with that anymore.

>> No.69583439

you missed the part where she was walking back the GFE for months beforehand and had a menhera moment where she publicly ran back to her actual pedophile PL groomers

>> No.69583496

>male collabs
>Pochi ditching her SOVL avatar from some generic indistinguishable twitch thot shit and lying about the artist
>Riro Ron running trains for cash
>Rin appealing to the tik tok trans zoomers
>Yuko literally steals your money
Is there anything redeemable about Idol at this point?

>> No.69583509

wait a sec

>> No.69583584

there was literally nothing about her even remotely resembling gura since the start (besides having a hoodie), you fucking retard. and no gura didn't invent lolis

>> No.69583593

She is still degenerate as fuck with her hardcore baby rp.

>> No.69583624

>recommending boyfriend connect to cucked and heartbroken boobros
An act so evil it should be bannable

>> No.69583625


>> No.69583649

I guess you could say this decision will haunt her the rest of her life.

>> No.69583654

So... she pulled a Vox? Lmao Phase really dodged a bullet with that one. Remember kids: DO NOT TRUST JEWS

>> No.69583697

Can't wait to see her crawling back to unicorns once she realizes gachikois don't want to see boring irl vlogs.

>> No.69583717

I've been in /jidf/ since EN debuted retard. "doing weird stuff" can mean secretly getting gifted an iPhone from a fan and having some unspecific "inappropriate relationship" with Tomer, not sure why my post made you think I got anything from a bait thread

>> No.69583748

she did not-so-subtle cocksucking ASMR once, but their groomer attention-whore CEO told her to stop so that was it.

>> No.69583802

Eh, it's all about dignity and moderation. Some girls just genuinely don't care for male collabs so it's not like they lose anything by skipping them. On the other hand, if you overcome yourself to make content you hate for people you covertly despise it has a very high chance of blowing up in your face. There are loads of people on /vt/ who think that 'pickme' is a compliment (she's just not failing at being nice to men roru), but this is what a pickme really is.
I don't know what the point of caring about hymen status of a crass coomer who drinks piss on stream is anyway. Fucking Rin is better. She collabs with males so she will never be my oshi, but at least she doesn't make me want to vomit.

>> No.69583858

They're still getting your tax money whether you like it or not

>> No.69583882

Thank you for the info, I will now anti her.

>> No.69583960
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She went full retard with her SS tier GFE.

Her crazy fans didn't make her do pee drinking or wetting streams. I'm sure she did worse.for the pay pigs.

I don't blame her for wanting to touch grass but I'm out

>> No.69583981

Idol is a sinking company, it won’t be long now until she graduates and returns to being an indie with her new fans.

>> No.69584096

Holy shit I thought someone was joking when they said she had asmr about being your grade school age sister kissing you and sucking your dick but isreal.

>> No.69584097

Not before their ES gen

>> No.69584122

I don’t know their names, but two of them made me cum pretty hard with some of their JOI ASMR shit.

>> No.69584146

>abused us
lmao what a bitch

>> No.69584177


>> No.69584190

You're like the trannies who defend and cope with bud light.

>> No.69584196

Western vtubers always either go full retard GFE or full on 4chan pandering until they get some solid numbers. Once that happens they slowly ease out of the GFE or /pol/ acts and start pandering to normalfags.
The goal is ALWAYS to get into the flesh streamer e-celeb clique, as proven multiple times by many many many vtubers so far.

>> No.69584207

lol I guess her unicorns finally creeped her out

>> No.69584223
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Reminder to flag her ASMR content for violating sexual content guidelines before you bounce out of her memberships, boobros. Make the rubble bounce.

>> No.69584232

Explain Rin Penrose then

>> No.69584260

Wow. Look like the groomer managed to caught her and blackmailed her. Maybe worse, he was hired as her new manager

>> No.69584262


>> No.69584269

They all already got deleted

>> No.69584292

Why do female vtubers keep doing GFE then back out of it abruptly and become extremely shocked that this causes a huge uproar?

I'm not someone who likes gfe but if you're going to cultivate an image and then pull the rug under people's feet, you really shouldn't be surprised that this generates some significant backlash.

>> No.69584306

Kissing is near the beginning, sucking is around the last 25ish mins.

>> No.69584326

That's what people said during early stage of Doki drama.
We all know the continuation of that one.

>> No.69584327

damn, link?

>> No.69584366

this unicorn doesn't even what she's talking about

>> No.69584376

Thanks brother

>> No.69584433

God imagine that creepy guy has his way with her body, her defiant face turn away, trying to not looking at him. But her tears drop regardless, wetting her bed sheet along with her piss

>> No.69584491

They wouldn't be in this line of work if they didn't have brain problems. You'd think that a corpo would have someone dealing with talent image management though.

>> No.69584495

Kek. Who's coping here anon? Whom's shitstorm is this, hm?

>> No.69584507

Unicorns and anti-unicorns are obnoxious as fuck, but I'll say that unicorns have more benefits than the latter if you treat them well ($$$).

>> No.69584538

They think they can handle the pressure at first because it draws numbers but it gets too much for them at some point. It's like a compound interest loan

>> No.69584559

Aw my god, I'm not gonna make it

>> No.69584598

And this is why I never give money to vtubers.

>> No.69584641

What are you even trying to say here? An individual has pissed off her core fans and will financially suffer for it. To be able to find some sort of positivity in this event means you're some kind of cuck who enjoys being on the losing side. Precisely like the trannies who feel vindicated over bud light tanking hard.

>> No.69584683

thanks anon, do you have more? since she doesnt care about her content anymore i hope more anons will leak them

>> No.69584699

Why are you dragging politics into this? I get the appeal of Vtubing being largely nigger and tranny-free but if you get your politics from Vtubers you’re retarded.

>> No.69584705

Riro asmr is the shit. Why menhera women so damn good at this?

>> No.69584730
File: 336 KB, 759x533, 1691297988309570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are people really surprised by this bitch? She betrayed her friend sleepy and all other indie friends she made to go corporate hasn’t talk to them since. I legit wouldn’t be surprised if she does go back to her previous life now that she has a legion of fans.

>> No.69584733

I don't know but I LOVE it

>> No.69584754

she has obviously decided that it was worth it. Your comparison does not match the situation.

>> No.69584757

Nah. You can cater to unicorns, but catering to unicorn coomers is a one way ticket to hell. Just look at Miko and Pekora. They don't cater to coomers and they're at the top of the world.

>> No.69584790

I think most people who do GFE/BFE do t realize how seriously the audience takes it and how schizo they are. You aren't an actor making a few videos and clocking off after, as a GFE/BFE chuuba you are LITERALLY the audiences GF/BF, you are in a relationship with them and they are very possessive. When the chuuba does realize the scale of the schizophrenia, usually by the unhinged DM's/ Maros they tend to freak out and back away, this in turn triggers the schizos and you get shit like this >>69582094

>> No.69584801

>nooooo you are not allowed to use an analogy that triggers me
I will give you one chance to prove you're not a butthurt tranny - explain why it was wrong to use that analogy in this argument.

>> No.69584803

>Legion of fans
Come on now

>> No.69584806

I only learned about it because someone mentioned it in the idol general, I've never watched her before but I saved this.

>> No.69584833

He might be referring to this

>> No.69584843

Yeah and bud light decided that dumping their core consumerbase was worth it too, what's your point? Financials don't have feelings.

>> No.69584850

I didn't believe actual incel faggots existed like are always parodied until I read some of her Twitter comments. these retards are actually going to rope because they can't jack off to her anymore, it's hilarious. Go watch porn. She's funny and talented and I'd rather watch gameplay or other fun stuff, this isn't an AV agency. Be glad you got as much degeneracy as you did. It's great to see they're a tiny minority though.

>> No.69584861

Not surprising, she debuted as someone that gives GFE, all of a sudden she drops it and now has backlash from a bunch of parasocial fucks.
Jesus, if she wanted a niche she should've done something else back when she first debuted. You reap what you sow

>> No.69584895

she already said she's still doing the donothon goals, kys

>> No.69584917

>legion of fans
32k people total watched her graduation bait stream, let's not give her too much credit

>> No.69584924


>> No.69584934

Cooming aside, they paid for content which has now been deleted. In that sense, it's as justified to be angry about it as if your steam games got wiped.

>> No.69584936

The thing about Unicorns is that they will always be betrayed. They want it to happen. It’s inevitable. Even if you never collab with males or hang out with Twitchtubers they will make something up about how you betrayed them and try to cancel you. There’s not even really a way to prevent them from becoming obsessed with you in the first place, they will do it no matter how many warning signs you put up.

>> No.69584960

>are going to rope
Surely not, this ain't some massive world shattering thing.

>> No.69584967

Its not even about catering to unicorn.
She basically soft redebuted, she alienated her entire fanbase

>> No.69585005

Are you one of those cucks who keep praying for hololive to crash? Two more weeks kek.

>> No.69585021

The only thing that you as a content creator can do is prepare for their eventual spergout.

>> No.69585072

Unicorns have nothing to do with Hololive’s success.

>> No.69585094

I could list multiple examples of GFE vtubers that have been going for years without that happening but I'm not going to name drop them in this shit thread. All you have to do is not be a liar.

>> No.69585144

Yeah I'm sure it's all due to you cuckbros. By the way how's niji doing? You know, the company whose fans are majority like you.


>> No.69585170

Thing is if the circumstances around her stopping GFE were better then it would've been better received. Instead she's stopping after apparently reacquainting with pedo groomers that harass her fans in the idol thread, unsurprising that this kind of backlash would happen

>> No.69585182

GFE is a disease and needs to be purged.

>> No.69585202

The majority of Hololive fans are normies.

>> No.69585203

She isn't a publicly traded company or a commodity. that can be bought or sold. Vtubers are more like musicians or writers, sure they have to appeal to the public but in the end their output is dependent on their wants and needs and not of the consuming public

>> No.69585209

How bad was the piss stream? Did someone save it?

>> No.69585232

I have been watching my JP oshi for almost 5 years and I never felt like I had a reason to sperg out. She just does nothing except play videogames while making cute sounds and an occasional (bad) utawaku.

>> No.69585264

Hololive boomed because of covid and Senzawa (atleast on the EN side)
Don't deny it

>> No.69585279

This. I'll laugh at coomercorns all day long, but she brought this on herself by deleting the archives. If I paid for something and then had the rug pulled out frum underneath me, I would be upset too. But in this scenario I'll just point and laugh at them

>> No.69585282

That doesn't make any sense in the first place, stop trying to shoehorn trannies into every other sentence. In your comparison, they would've been disappointed with that happened to the company, and it's the rednecks that all celebrated and felt "vindicated" by boycotting it.

Your poor argument could've been avoided if you weren't thinking about trannys 24/7, just like how Yuko could've avoided this whole situation by not catering to unicorns.

>> No.69585296

Nice strawman. Just literally keep your promises.

>> No.69585301

>sucking your dick
Nigga I'm just hearing her spitting and tonguefucking (me).

>> No.69585305
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>threat her

>> No.69585307

>I have never felt a reason to sperg out
But you will. It’s only a matter of time.

>> No.69585316

What Yuko did is absolutely retarded, I've seen chuubas who pandered to normiefags and twitter tourists from the beginning beg their community to please be more dedicated since most didn't give a fuck about her. Yuko lost dedicated fans and will lose money too, parasocialism is a core aspect of vtubing if you want to milk your fans, she could have toned it down a bit instead of going nuclear.
She will walk back on this in a few months, mark my words.

>> No.69585326

Well at least he is not another yes men, kinda based

>> No.69585342

If hololive fans are normies then what does that make niji fans?

>> No.69585351

5 more years? Yeah, I think I'll manage.

>> No.69585412

Who cares about Nijisanji?

>> No.69585418

She literally deleted paywalled content, imbecile. Even disregarding that, losing a chunk of her audience means less donations for starters. How do you think she even makes money?

>> No.69585432

Both Niji and Holo are for normies.
There is nothing otaku about Hololive

>> No.69585440

>Completely betray and abandon your original fans
>You get one psycho that won't actually do anything but says retarded shit on twitter once
>Call all unicorns psycho


>> No.69585461

Okay so where was the niji boom? They existed at the same time.

Next cope.

>> No.69585497

Not an argument.

>because I said so
I'm sure idol concerts are a totally normie thing. Back to your cuck cage.

>> No.69585543


>> No.69585550

The problem is she doesn't need to announce it, she can just gradually avoid it or make an excuse(tummy hort, not in mood etc...)

>> No.69585563

>Idol concerts are a normie thing
They are. Especially in Japan.

>> No.69585565

You mean rednecks weren't infuriated by the tranny ad and comments by the marketing exec? You know, like how Yuko's fans are currently infuriated by her comments and "new direction"?

Sorry but you failed the one chance I gave you, tranny.

>> No.69585573

is idol's fanbase comprised entirely of schizos?

>> No.69585587

Vtubers are more niche than anime, you get laughed at even at most animecons if you talk too much about them. Stop living in your bubble and go out sometimes.

>> No.69585606

The Luxiem BOOM
They filled the vacuum for fujos and yumes

>> No.69585618

You have no idea what "normie" means. Next you'll tell me anime is "normie".

>> No.69585625

She did gfe? Only watched one stream of her and enjoyed it, but didn't feel the need for more.

>> No.69585647

You know the saying 'Pay peanuts, get monkeys' yeah well, 'Make GFE, get schizos'. It's so blindingly obvious that the only party to blame is the vtuber.

>Hmm how could pretending to be someone's girlfriend and then suddenly stopping possibly go wrong?

>> No.69585683

Anime isn’t niche to anyone but boomers, literal boomers not the meme definition.

>> No.69585692


>> No.69585701

I'd hardly call a bunch of floppers a "boom". Or are you trying to argue that hololive does in fact have merit that lasted beyond an alleged covid boom which is why they're the best now even though shitxiem is a flop?

>> No.69585721


>> No.69585727

Anime fans hates vtubers because they are larpers of anime waifus

>> No.69585742

Not at all. Normalfag japs look down on otakus, including idol otaku.

>> No.69585761

>They are. Especially in Japan.
Do not talk about Japan if you've never been there. Don't even try to pretend, you've pretty much already outed yourself with this one.
Now compare that to vtubers, it is something even animefans look down on, calling it any sort of normalfag is utterly retarded.

>> No.69585759


>> No.69585765

NijiJP is doing fine, nobody cares about the EN dumpster fire.

>> No.69585779

It's not about the money, dumbass. She just wants to put out content that she's comfortable with. And sure maybe someday she'll change her mind and want get coomer stained dollars again but not today.

>> No.69585783

>because I said so

>> No.69585787

ALL of them do gfe and nearly all of them do some levels of JOI in members asmr. Coni's like the only one who only goes as far as some earlicking but isn't doing it like the rest who are just basically sucking you off with just earlicking. Riro was just the exception to go full masturbation but still was basically in line with everyone else.

>> No.69585809


>> No.69585821

how is that an argument? you don't pay to watch the same shit over and over, you pay for continued access to new shit. I pay for Netflix, countless shows are removed. Do I get to sperg out because of it? these idiots can simply archive their wank material, what's the problem?

>> No.69585842

Worst thing is if you go back along the path you can always see the more normal audience trying to move her with kids gloves back onto normal content buy talking about how much they like those streams, while ignoring the existence of the weirdass shit until it just gets to be too much and they sadly fuck off
You don't get to drinking pee by fucking accident, you had to TRY to get there

>> No.69585856

>GFEfags truly believe they can be abused
Commit rope, kek.

>> No.69585864
File: 214 KB, 850x1197, sample_deed5d1903b9196db2f2463742c5b48c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be perfectly fine. If Lumi can drop GFE out of nowhere and convince her 4ch gremlins to be spineless cucks then redditors are childs play.

>> No.69585871

>NijiJP is doing fine
Last I checked, Salome "the Gura killer" has mediocre viewership these days. Half her VODs don't even break 100k. NijiJP has definitely tanked, just maybe not as much as EN.

>> No.69585878

>he's not in the duke-tier getting blahaj humping GFE ASMR streams

>> No.69585892

>Normalfag japs look down on otakus, including idol otaku.
Idolfags are more hated in Japan than pretty much any other otaku. Telling a girl that you watch anime means nothing if you aren't autistic, but tell them you're an idolfag and they'll run away immediately. Vtubers are somewhat more accepted but that depends on how much you invest into them, it is very far from being a normalfag hobby there.
t. been to japan

>> No.69585909

It's fine to change your content style but it's a really dick move to delete all your previous content so that old fans cannot even reminisce or enjoy it, especially member's only content which was ostensibly 'funded' by payments.

>> No.69585911


>> No.69585917

>wastes a great model
>leeches off gura
>lies to her fans
>scammed her fans
>makes disgusting, degenerate content
>probably got blacked
Is she unironically the worst vtuber of all time?

>> No.69585934

Do you even remember what this argument is about or did you just want to angrily white knight some thot with a boyfriend?

>> No.69585941

Why? She's there. Streaming, making lewd jokes, playing games, collabing. What the fuck is wrong with these people? They clearly don't care about her if they'd rather have a miserable cumrag than a happy oshi.

>> No.69585959

It worked for nyanners

>> No.69585961

What type of whorehouse is Aviel running?

>> No.69585963

Even in Japan actual normalfags don't know or care about Vtubers and just think is anime shit and they arw still in the "lol that is a guy xD" phase. The other otaku fanbases are huge hypocrites shitting on Vtubers just like normalfags shited on them.

>> No.69585975

I think if you're going to do something like that you'd be better off actually starting fresh. Shit like this is never going to wear off.

>> No.69585977

Why hasn't anyone posted proof ever of the blacked claim lies. Surely scorned boos would have by now if it had any truth at all

>> No.69585978

>you will own nothing and you will be happy
Cuckfags truly live up to their reputation.

>> No.69585987

I find it hilarious that the designated "Gura Killer" dropped the GFE angle she had going just as Gura herself just got done doing a member's ASMR stream.

>> No.69586003

Nobody watches vtubers because they want THEM to have fun while they get nothing in return, Jesus, stop this, what a retarded cuck mindset.

>> No.69586028


>> No.69586067

NTA, and I'm a rando who just clicked on this thread buts its a lot more complicated then that. Nijisanji is in shambles now because of shit management. There's no two ways about it - Riku has been pinny penching on managers so badly that the clique happened. While its true that Hololive has thrived on GFE and unicorn-friendly experiences, what it really is end of the day is an idol agency. There is intense debate as to whether this excludes male collabs or not, and it is frustrating to see the JP side have male collabs with few issues while it remains such a heated topic on the EN side. But point is, Hololive is putting in the effort to make their talents "ready" for things like concerts. Thats why even the homostars get their 3D before anyone in Luxiem did.

This is also true. Its why the next few years for Hololive (and the vtubing sphere) are going to be interesting. Myth was without 3D for the longest time, but that was because of COVID and the restrictions on travel. Gura has been streaming a lot less now, yes, but she already has her audience "in the bag". And Hololive now makes more profit from merch than from superchats. End of the day, if Hololive is going to die (if ever) its going to be because of Yagoo's gamble on HoloEarth. But that's very different from Riku getting high school dropouts to work as managers on part-time mininmum wage pay.

>> No.69586070

Miori is the only trustworthy GFE while being a whore for purist unicorns

>> No.69586113
File: 476 KB, 696x673, smugoni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The groomers from her PL, who always hated this incarnation, won.
Her vtuber simps, who thought they had snatched her away from the groomers, lost.

>> No.69586115

go find some porn, 95% of her fans like this. the stream was 4k up, 150 incel chuds down. no one cares, we're just happy she's back

>> No.69586125

Lumi is different she got a boyfriend and wanted to treat him with respect and be the submissive gf. I have all the time in the world for trad girls. This case is a slut blowing her manager and ditching gfe so he doesn't get jealous.

>> No.69586126

Imagine this anon, you are seeing a regular show at your local theatre. You love this show, it's great but your heart is absolute set on a key part of this show, it ties everything together into a nice package that doesn't compare to anything else. Then suddenly, without warning, the director just decides to cut that part of the show. Everything feels shallower, less coherent and lacking in depth now. Things aren't the same and you simply can't enjoy it anymore knowing what was lost.

But as long as the entertainers are having fun you should go still see the show right? Even though it's not want you want anymore? You go there to support the entertainers not because they were providing something you valued?

Fucking retard.

>> No.69586129

But can you really call Gura GFE? I mean, it feels like it, and a lot of chumbuds want to believe its the case, but she also fumbles it at times. And yes I did listen to ASMR, but it just doesn't feel like a real GFE.

>> No.69586137

>homobeggar seethe out of nowhere
lmao. Of course a homobeggar would think it's perfectly acceptable for a vtuber to betray and cast aside her own fans. Homobeggars are, after all, literal cucks.

>> No.69586139

This is a tremendous L for incels. Who are they going to move to next?

>> No.69586171

You specifically sign a contract with Netflix in which you agree to that. It's more or less an accepted status quo that member's content is for life unless it's specifically stated as unarchived or needs to be taken down for a reason, even then it's only usually to edit out a part and then reuploaded.

>> No.69586183

I would expect a chumbud to be this cucked

>> No.69586188

what do you get out of watching pekora then? or Gura? or her majesty Dokiturd? where's the return on that investment? you're not owed jack off material by a chuuba you freak

>> No.69586192

>a small minority of schizos
>"her own fans"
She's too big as a creator for your kind to be important now. Go watch 2views.

>> No.69586211

>it's okay that my money was stolen from me, I can just consoom more
Cucks can truly only be saved with a lead injection into the brain.

>> No.69586220

Die nijishart die

>> No.69586227

You know that small minority probably made up about 50% of her income, yeah? Probably more.

>> No.69586240

nyanners who got run out of the company she was in by the wokescolds she was trying to appeal to?

>> No.69586254

You don't archive your favorite streams? Storage is so cheap nowadays and online only shit is ephemeral as always.
These stupid zoomers are idiots that grew up suckling on the teats of cloud storage. Megaupload sends their regard, bitches

>> No.69586261

Her (ex)friend Mozzu stopped talking to her a while ago and said something like "dont trust loli and gfe vtubers, i know some of them. most of them are grifters who hate their fans and make fun of them behind the scenes" it was like 3 or 4 months ago

>> No.69586266

Were all the dono goals supposed to be member things or is she baiting people to keep memberships for things she's "going to continue working towards"?

>> No.69586268

Calling all idol fans otaku is like calling all Sonic fans Chris Chan there’s nuance to this stuff.

>> No.69586281

terrible analogy. it was more you liked the backstage orgy after the show but they stopped doing it. she acts the same, did you even watch the vlog thing? piss jokes and lewd comments galore

>> No.69586307

It worked for her? Lmao, Nyanners is trying to stay relevant. Nyanners is literally seething at the imitator who got lucky and far surpassed her

>> No.69586322

>more homobeggar seethe
I doubt anyone in that literal jew corpo had many fans to begin with. Her audience is going to get even smaller now. She torched her career and did it for no reason.

>> No.69586332

You discordcels just move from one drama to the next
Vesper thought you sisters would watch him and now he's barely above 2view status

>> No.69586337

Do you know what a donation is? Donothons are a way of making desperate simps think that they're buying something, when they're actually giving away money unconditionally.
She's a fucking stranger on the internet working to make money for her corpo and herself. Why would you trust her this much?

>> No.69586342

mozzu is another whore

>> No.69586345

They are both very entertaining to watch, which is why people started enjoying their content. The equivalent would be them suddenly becoming boring retards or talk about politics on stream, the shift in the style of content is around that much. The problem isn't that the person in question won't be gfe anymore, the problem is that she spit in the face of her audience, and no audience should be cucked enough to tolerate that.
I couldn't care less about Nijisanji.

>> No.69586354

they've already seen it though. you got your money's worth. are you telling me people unironically go back and watch the same couple asmrs over and over and over instead of just saving them?

>> No.69586356

I kinda like Roca Rourin though. She is the one /jidf/ I do enjoy watching.

>> No.69586381

Possible, but that's something that remains to be seen.
Not everyone replying to you is the same person.

>> No.69586382

It's crazy the different kind of life two men can live. This anon hunched over desperately saving any little phrase that gives you the ''tinglies'' from your waifu while another man lays in his King sized bed and has her drag the tip of her tongue over his balls.

>> No.69586391

>it was more you liked the backstage orgy after the show but they stopped doing it
That's fucking retarded and makes no sense. Explain how that makes any sense. It's not like you were going and meeting up with Yuko secretly to fuck her and then being upset when she stops wanting to. They were a regular and habitual part of her content.

>she acts the same, did you even watch the vlog thing? piss jokes and lewd comments galore
How many parts of a car can you strip away until it's no longer a car? A key feature component of her content was removed. Simply because she acts the same doesn't mean the content wasn't removed, dumbass?

>> No.69586415

Are you seriously whiteknighting some whore you have zero clue about? How is paying for paywalled member content a "donation"?

You seriously patrol /vt/ for random thots getting shat on just to leap to their defense like a good little cuck?

>> No.69586425

Fans that have tantrums like this don't deserve anything. They might as well not even be real, you're like a parasites that feed off the well-being of others.

>> No.69586429

>are you telling me people unironically go back and watch the same couple asmrs over and over and over instead of just saving them?

>> No.69586437

and Yuko is also entertaining on her own merits just being funny and cute and hanging out with the other girls. coomer shit is beneath her, I'm glad she realized that

>> No.69586443

She's just a great entertainer. Plus she has an angelic voice. She's a bit shit at games, but she seems to know how to make her gameplay "funny". I also enjoy her bantz with Ame, which is why I'm one of the amesame shippers.

I don't watch Pekora, she creeps me out

I don't watch the Nijis.

>> No.69586465

>Possible, but that's something that remains to be seen.
Nigger stop being disingenuous. You and I know both know that the biggest paypigs and oilers are always the most parasocial schizos because nobody, unless they have genuine feelings for you, would throw that much money at you.

>> No.69586488

>which is why I'm one of the amesame shippers.
Ame hates your guts and that's why you can count the amesame collabs in one hand over the last 3 years lol

>> No.69586497

Is this the first time a chuuba has abandoned her fans in order to fuck her antis irl?

>> No.69586517

No, I think she's a snake tricking idiots. I don't have to pick a side.
And I was talking about the unfulfilled donothon goal, not the membership streams. Did you not follow that part of the story?

>> No.69586521
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>> No.69586533

Agreed. Every time I think I've seen as low as they can get, they sink lower. subhuman trash, crying and screeching because they don't get to jack off on their anime girl

>> No.69586537

>see piss jokes when doing my reps
>watch the said stream
I literally watched a chuuba piss 5 times on stream.

>> No.69586538

I'll admit that I didn't follow Pochi nearly at all through either of her iterations but what was the drama anyways with her? I know she had the far cuter avatar and style before and then changed to her current brown form but never really saw why.

>> No.69586541

If it was beneath her, she wouldn't have needed it to gain an audience in the first place.

>> No.69586545

>when they're actually giving away money unconditionally.

No anon. Simply because something is called a donation doesn't actually mean it is a donation, it depends on the context of the exchange. You could easily argue in court if people are giving money with the expectation of a return (AKA donation goals) then that is absolutely not a donation, that is an exchange of monies for a product/service to be delivered.

>> No.69586548

Their behaviour proves her right. If you get angry at your oshi for rejecting you, she was never your oshi to begin with, just an outlet for your parasocial feelings.

>> No.69586552

Oh shit my friend on Discord gave me some juicy gossip; he said that she deleted all of her membership streams and posts, so basically she milked all the parasocial fans nicely and then cashed out
Not only that, when she rebooted her past life account she didn't defend the Boobros who were being harassed by her old fanbase so she basically chose the old fans over the Boobros, they got cucked completely
And anyone asking questions about the drama in the IdolEN server is having their messages deleted so news is being suppressed
I guess we'll never know the truth; Yuko won
It's like the bad ending route of a game where the villain is lauded as a hero, the people who know the truth are suppressed and vilified as parasocial lunatics and exiled and the villain can start fresh without any repercussions cos nobody even knows what's going on
I hope all the Boobros that left that toxic environment find happiness that isn't dependant on some internet anime girl, I don't really like this ending

>> No.69586563

After Lia's fans donated thousands of dollars to her and were in the middle of their lewd intimate ASMR reward...she outright stopped the act and instead had a 30min flirty phonecall with a pagpag that used to bully and banter her on discord and twitter.

>> No.69586571

Gura isn't GFE, she basically treats her audience with kindness which to an isolated lonely person might as well be crack.

>> No.69586574

what an absolutely butthurt faggot piece of shit lmao. They're going to run out of rope at the department store soon

>> No.69586586

I also know that some can be mindbroken into cucks. Fans being outraged for some time before crawling back because they long for the good old times is a frequent pattern.

>> No.69586593 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.69586598

>I guess we'll never know the truth; Yuko won
She'll become another barely mentioned corpo.

>> No.69586599

Falseflagging as a holostar fan won't save you unicuck

>> No.69586608

But she is not lying in this case

>> No.69586620

that's irrelevant

>> No.69586627

Everyone knew her roommate since day one, and I don't fucking understand how some of you fags still got strung along. Actual braindead retards.

>> No.69586642

She can hate my guts, I don't care. Gura and Ame just had a collab recently
And even if Ame hates my guts, Gura is chill about it. Good enough for me!

>> No.69586647

>. Fans being outraged for some time before crawling back because they long for the good old times is a frequent pattern.
Give an example.

A counter-example is Finana who completely nuked her audience and doesn't even break 4 view anymore.

>> No.69586648
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She dindu nuffin

>> No.69586653

Kroni's fans would fight their own dad they're shit scared off that's how loyal and mindbroken they've become on the cuck chair. It's damn right commendable seeing a vtuber pull it off.

>> No.69586662

It's a donation de facto. That the de iure status may be unclear doesn't matter until someone actually sues.

>> No.69586688

In that case you're even more retarded. If she made a kickstarter with some reward then canned it and kept the money, would you also argue "it was just donations lol"?

>> No.69586690

not sure, some stuff was, some wasn't if I recall. Been awhile

>> No.69586711

wait, if these statements are real, it doesn't make sense for her to be engaging with "those" people tho?

Did she actually not think of the outcome or did she just hated the guts of her parasocial fans that gives her all the money in the world?
Because financially speaking, I don't get the move she went with here.

>> No.69586713

What a dumb argument.

I de facto bought this laptop. The de jure status may be unclear until security stops me because I haven't paid for it.

>> No.69586735

Geez, no wonder they got really upset. Damn...

>> No.69586738


>> No.69586760

Wontons (if you count reincarnations, she still has many of her old fans)

>> No.69586797
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Take this L jews

>> No.69586825

a little too obvious mozzukeks

>> No.69586841

Kawaiinigger or still mad she raised the membership a dollar so you can't drama farm?

>> No.69586843

Prove that Kronii's old fans returned to her?

>> No.69586850

She went too far with GFE and attracted utterly disgusting retards.

Also holy fuck I'll never understand unicorns. These girls never actually love you. It's always lies. Stop falling for it you fucking idiots.

>> No.69586888

She's a straight up manipulative snake lmao

>> No.69586902

No, because Kickstarter has a different legal framework and different expectations placed on it.
They are, de facto, donations. Until you present a viable way to hold her responsible for not delivering what she promised.

>> No.69586915

>These girls never actually love you. It's always lies
Eh. People here are lonely and crave intimacy badly. Even posters who say that deep down think ''But that doesn't include Fauna thankfully.''

>> No.69586930

can't really argue it was her conscience based off how she handled everything, so yeah, it's easier to assume casual contempt for her fans

>> No.69586962

I'm glad somone else can see their patheticness for what it is.
You're swiping at ghosts.

>> No.69586972

So you're not even pretending anymore that her audience got suckered financially since they had expected a return on their payment, you're just arguing whether they could sue her over it due to the wording? Pathetic cuck.

>> No.69587005

Idol fired riro and went as far as torch all bridges with her over this. Wth?

>> No.69587072

LMAO these dudes got scammed

This is your hourly reminder not to trust women

>> No.69587113

Taking it doesn't mean you bought it de facto or de iure. The difference between that and sending money to streamers is the status quo - theft is corrected by police and courts when discovered, milking viewers through a donothon with goals remaining unfulfilled is not corrected by either.

>> No.69587119

People who buy dating sims know that the girls are fake but that doesn't mean it's wrong for them to be angry if the script suddenly changes to make the waifu say she will never love you. People wanted a service and will no longer get it, and worse yet the content which they paid for has been permanently removed.

>> No.69587135

I'd take Riro over this. At least you might get laid.

>> No.69587209

I'm very much in agreement that the audience got suckered financially since they had expected a return on their payment. I'm arguing that they shouldn't have trusted her to get that return because there's no safeguard against her not delivering. You can seethe online and stop supporting the snake, but you're not getting your money back.

>> No.69587212

poor little fucks

>> No.69587221

I've been listening to Yuko's asmr's that were posted here and you have to hear it for yourself. She teases you, kisses you and tells you she loves you, it all feels so natural which is why its so manipulative. I feel bad for those poor shmucks that got scammed but those fuckers were gonna burn their money one way or another.

>> No.69587240

>The difference between that and sending money to streamers is the status quo
The legal definition of 'donation' does not give a shit about your status quo.

You promise something in return for money, it does not matter if you called it a donation or not, it's a fucking purchase. It is taxable income to Yuko, it cannot be written off as a donation for the donor because it's legally not a donation.

>> No.69587246

>shill your 2view piss drinking whore constantly on every other general
>must be a kaw*iinig or sea

>> No.69587302

The Jew's company is killed

>> No.69587307

It was true back then, and nothing will take those memories from me.
Life changes, as sad as it is.

>> No.69587316

remember when this grifter made a /meat/ thread with herself in the OP to shill herself then she got banned?

>> No.69587312

Ehhh I think the reason this stuff happens so often is women convince themselves that they just need to put up with catering to people they hate for a year and then they'll have a natural audience that will understand their true charms (aka not doing gfe). The reality of course is that transitioning content is often detrimental to your career in the short/mid-term and if you're coom-baiting people were likely never there for /you/ in the first place.

>> No.69587322

I'm almost certain that she could be sued for it but the easiest way would just be to charge back.

>> No.69587355

And reality doesn't give a shit about legal definitions unless police and/or courts get involved. Sue her, then get back to me.

>> No.69587397

nothing to do with unicorns
everything to do with vtuber rule #1
> never openly break your fans' trust

>> No.69587407

Once Idol's funding started to run out you could feel the desperation in how the girls were nonstop milking their fans.

>> No.69587421

she simply decided she wanted that more for whatever reason, which is fine even if I hate it
but she lied about the original artist being inactive and impossible to contact

>> No.69587425

Nijisanji deflection thread.

>> No.69587434


>> No.69587443

your made up rules don't matter maaan

>> No.69587470

>Once Idol's funding started to run out
Can't Aviel just milk the Israeli gov for more "IT" grants?

>> No.69587474

Oh god she's probably damage controlling in here right now

>> No.69587507

>shit for brains catalog spammer spams catalog
>hate the vtuber
You're retarded.

>> No.69587565

Uh.... anon. You DO know whats going on down there, right? The whole thing with Hamas, and Gaza? Its actually the reason why I feel sorry Aviel. Poor guy just wanted to have an idol dream.

>> No.69587604

Hey Juna if you're reading this, please get out of the company and go indie, you can have a good career as a streamer and singer if you put yourself out there. Please leave before you become radioactive too

>> No.69587630
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Add me to the list. I'm only waking up to this now. I've been thinking about dropping her since her hiatus but I've always put it off out of laziness. But her announcement stream made me read about her and fuck me what a shame.

>> No.69587635

>idol dream
>married one of his talents
Faggot just wants to play idolmaster in real life complete with the cucked fans

>> No.69587654

oh right lol

>> No.69587688

I wonder who made all those threads shilling Yuko while shitting on Gura, seems a bit too on the nose for someone to specifically target lonely desperate fans with loli GFE...

>> No.69587702
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>/jidf/ now blames p*ppa and ph*se for this

>> No.69587723

I think I've seen this play out before, but with a british man who has a massive ego and thougt he'd be too big to fail after telling his core horny fanbase to fuck off.
Does Yuko have a massive ego?

>> No.69587774

Hey Juna don't let these creeps groom you into their personal cum dumpster. Making beg for every drop as you kneel the floor with your hands bound to your feet forcing you to use only your head to milk those sweet groomer juice.

>> No.69587778

Juna please become a virtual hostess that wants to be an idol
You dont even need to flirt just have after work fridays where you drink and talk to chat

>> No.69587780

Wow I didn't know
Kronii, Lia, Ame and Pomu had boyfriends that's really interesting thanks for telling me
I didn't know Kronii had a boyfriend and that their fans were cucks
Are you taking about Phase Connect Lia?
Aw man I really liked her, she seemed so nice too
Wow you guys know so much stuff I didn't know and am shocked to hear, I'm suddenly very dissilusioned and have a heavy feeling in my chest like I want to just drop everything and run away, it's like all material attachments lead to suffering, especially women
I just got a catharsis

>> No.69587783

I thought they already got big money from Brave group?

>> No.69587815

>bringing in Phase out of nowhere and blaming them
is this what success feels like?

>> No.69587838

Anon thats the idol dream. You think Yagoo is any different?

>> No.69587884

Its just a partnership. Aviel has not yet sold Idol to Brave. Also, we dont even if the sale will happen

>> No.69587895
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On one hand, if you're gullible enough to fall for this, you absolutely deserve to be cucked because you're just a dumb idiot who needs to grow the fuck up.
On the other hand, this behavior is unquestionably scummy and exploitative towards people who maybe dumb and vulnerable, but still people. You have no morals, no compassion, no empathy, no soul.

>> No.69587910


>> No.69587922

They're not getting money, they're getting bought out

>> No.69587935

so what happened to your gura killer

>> No.69587985

Hololive is entertaining first and foremost.
You're just having fun with your oshi.
Some of them sing for you, some of them say funny English while drawing stuff in mspaint, some of them give you chocolates for valentine and some of them punch you for asking.
At the end of the day, what you think about your oshi is up to you. Some people do this stuff with their daughters. Some do this with their gfs/wives. Some do it with their moms/sisters.
It's just doing fun activities.
Obviously the "I'm her boyfriend" group is going to be louder /here/, but none of the Holos are outright GFE. Max they do is a bit of fanservice here and there during special occasions like valentine's and Christmas (which isn't always gfe btw, pekora made a "chicken cooling stream" waiting room and streamed gambling on a different stream while 13k nousagis were memeing in the waiting room).

At the end of the day, they're girls you just have fun with. Your actual relation to them is that you're just her audience, but within the confines of the stream it can be anything you want it to be.
Having some pure unadulterated fun with cute girls is one of the greatest forms of happiness a man can experience.

>> No.69588040

I will never understand why people think the type of person to go on the internet and parasocialize in order to make money is going to be a good person. The likelihood of that is pretty much zero. Good people wouldn't even think to do it in the first place

>> No.69588057

Pekora makes me kek
Gura makes my cum

>> No.69588069

So? Can still shit on them when it gets revealed.

>> No.69588090

Of course. Why else would I be on /vt/

>> No.69588107

>Yuko is also entertaining on her own merits just being funny and cute and hanging out with the other girls
hey if by chance that WAS her main content, there wouldn't be this much seethe. There wouldn't be any need to delete all her mengen stuff either.

>> No.69588133

Nigger your entire argument was that she didn't 'steal' anything

If something is stolen from someone but they are not aware that it was stolen, therefore it was never stolen in the first place because the the reality of the victim hasn't changed?

>> No.69588182

Some people genuinely want to make others happy and/or have a desire to feel wanted that way but have things which stop them from pursuing IRL relationships

>> No.69588231

> trusting western """vtubers"""

>> No.69588245

She makes me laugh
She makes me laugh and cum
Kek, he thinks I watch that whore.

>> No.69588251

Basically a rounding error unfortunately. Rare to begin with, but people that are that positive and good almost certainly are doing it for people IRL instead. People they actually care about. So unless your oshi is basically disabled or she's focusing on talents and actual skills 0% chance she's one of these

>> No.69588306

If you think Japanese ones are on average more trustworthy, you don't know Japanese.

>> No.69588325

Sounds like the path a certain goth will be taking soon.

>> No.69588368

Agreed. Japanese are just as bad if not worse. Though I would argue there's a decent amount of people purely being in the field out of a love of the craft instead, which is something that's also pretty Japanese

>> No.69588391

I'm a chuuba who does BFE (blessed with a nice voice) but I'm too schizo/BPD to be in a proper relationship anymore and I've accepted that. It's not good for my health but I genuinely do have feelings for my viewers and feel emotionally fulfilled by interacting with them (in return I also get upset if I see them interacting with other guys). Maybe it's different for girls but people like us do exist.

>> No.69588426
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>> No.69588439


>> No.69588445

Passionate people who genuinely love what they're doing and appreciate their fans exist everywhere, but those people usually don't do this >>69586593

>> No.69588492

You ever actually watched her? The only thing good was her dick sucking and skits. Everything else she's too much a retard to do anything without pissing you off, or she can't stay focused long enough to get anywhere

>> No.69588494

Very true, girls love a good whore (for them)

>> No.69588497

bro you have like 3 viewers

>> No.69588496

make it more obvious you have never watched Juna

>> No.69588524

>unless your oshi is basically disabled
I think you would fall under the qualification here (no offence intended).

>> No.69588525

you have yellow tinted glasses, anon

>> No.69588583

No Japanese women are cutthroat. I just recognize that in western cultures there's less interest and care into the art-form that is vtubing and the various associated aspects

>> No.69588596

>You ever actually watched her?
Obviously no, he didn't, this kind of drama and these sort of threads always attract retards who just want to shit on le evil incels and malicious unicorns. Tourists also swarmed the board thanks to Selen, so there's really an insane amount of faggottry here.

>> No.69588707

I'm a comfy mid-high 2 view and but my primary content is my YT channel which has pre-recorded ASMR and is nearly at 20K.

Offence taken. I'll rip your balls off.

>> No.69588769

If you are so bpd you can't form healthy irl relationships you are the mental equivalent to a wheelchair user. Hate to be the one to inform you

>> No.69588812

give link then

>> No.69588863

people only watch her to coom then leave. sad. No wonder she wants to try something different

>> No.69588878

>married one of his talents
no way

>> No.69588900

What are you talking about? She's the entertainer, not me. I'm supposed to be the one that's entertained, I don't care if she's having fun.

>> No.69588927
File: 65 KB, 2085x355, 1708392466234788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get both sides. She has a bf so she doesn't want to do this anymore but she should have considered the long term consequences of making degen gfe her main content.

>> No.69588930

I think that's just part of the general definition. Doesn't mean I'm not retarded though.

My original point was that, there are some people that do genuinely love their audience and consider themselves 'in a relationship' with them.

Don't want to publicly associate with here.

>> No.69588976

>Yuko is also entertaining on her own merits
Roru. Rumao even.

>> No.69589000

I only get the victim side.

>> No.69589006

>Don't want to publicly associate with here.
That's unfortunate, I was just looking for tips on what to start with.

>> No.69589012

I see why nijis have dogshit viewership now. They don't make content to entertain fans anymore and the keks left think it's normal.

>> No.69589049

>young woman
>should have considered the long term consequences
roru rumao

>> No.69589067

If you have any specific questions (hardware, ASMR styles, software, social media, etc) you can ask if me here if you like.

>> No.69589142

>if Hololive is going to die (if ever) its going to be because of Yagoo's gamble on HoloEarth
HoloEarth could be a complete failure and it won't mean jackshit for Hololive

>> No.69589246

Just in general what to do to jump from 0 to 10 viewers or get 1000 subs on youtube. But I'm probably too autistic anyway, so it's just my curiosity.

>> No.69589301
File: 14 KB, 660x106, chumbud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, Yuko is nuking even her most loyal simps, no hesitation. This new Yuko is not gonna last 2 months, she's either gonna beg for her simps to come back after she gets dumped, or she will graduate.

>> No.69589374

Are all Idol Corp fans as big of cucks as this guy?

>> No.69589455

Unless it's JadedTone himself or the other guy, it would seem so

>> No.69589496

True, I only trust Japanese GFE streamers like Mikeneko

>> No.69589503

>Are all Idol Corp fans
It's just western fans in general, outside hololive at least

>> No.69589558

For me it took about 5 YouTube videos before my content got any traction, suddenly one my videos blew up to 40K views overnight and that got the ball rolling. I was sitting at less than 100 views per video until then. Just a matter of producing content that is good quality and that you personally like and waiting for algorithm to bless you.

>> No.69589568

Go off Sister! Can't wait to make fun of these CHUDS back at the doxxsite! Let's do our dilations together!

>> No.69589606
File: 707 KB, 516x675, Goobashuffle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my problem

>> No.69589669

Bro I just got here and your samefagging is so obvious. You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.69589783

I see, thanks anon. I'm not asking the topic of your viral video cause I don't want you to dox yourself.

>> No.69589910

Live by the whore, die by the whore

>> No.69589917

>muh unicorns
Catering to a group and betraying them, especially for amother group who openly insults and mocks them, will gain this reaction.
You ugly homobeggar tranny. Try going out of line with your fellow freaks.

>> No.69589950

this is so inaccurate and out of touch that it's funny

>> No.69589958

He's gonna make her intoa real ghost

>> No.69590226

Of their opsec is airtight then I don't mind. Granted people should still know what they're getting into.

>> No.69590273

I am ashamed for my kind that chinese locusts managed to destroy coco for saying a single controversial word, but westerners somehow can't manage get yuko kaput even when drama of several orders of magnitude higher occurs. Where are the fucking bot raids for months on end?? Are chinks really more competent than us? Boobros have every right to bring this whore down, put your back into it!

>> No.69590336

that only works on twitter, retard

>> No.69590398
File: 431 KB, 749x735, 1693083347891511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am going to rape you to death

>> No.69590573

Gee whats with the intense hate, just be glad she put out some in the first place. Say "ok" and move onto a different content creator that provides something similar to what she did.

>> No.69590800
File: 1.99 MB, 1177x1024, 1677362983346429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, there's a reason for that...

>> No.69590897

Do they all have boyfriends, even Pippa?
