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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 104 KB, 1600x900, mumei-hololive-consumed-life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69527091 No.69527091[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>makes $27,000 in 1 minute of work
vtubing was a mistake

>> No.69527136

And hololive made like 9k without lifting a finger

>> No.69527252

Why the fuck is she in college if she can make this kind of money

>> No.69527280

>1 minute of work
50+ hours* on commission.

>> No.69527305

Easiest job in the world. And fair play to them for getting it.

>> No.69527352
File: 44 KB, 180x180, 1683789093524463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 minute of work
She drew only 9% in 5 hours of what she need

>> No.69527366

Yagoocht fund

>> No.69527367

vtubing is only short term profit, you either earn enough to retire or get another job after.

>> No.69527397

>Nijisanji lost 500k without lifting a finger
wait, sorry that was subscribers. my mistake.

>> No.69527411

She has to fucking do the work now anon, the money is a commitment

>> No.69527456

KEK, sister OP BTFO

>> No.69527465

Nijisanji lost millions with one word

>> No.69527521

sisters really do be like
>wow did you see that construction contractor just made $50,000 dollars in less than a minute of work when that company signed the contract?

>> No.69527553


>> No.69527556

>>makes $27,000 in 1 minute of work
>1 minute of work
Anon they're fucking commissions, she got like 450, that's several fucking days of work she HAS to do. And that's also par of the course for very popular artists who do commissions.

>> No.69527578

>9% in 5 hours
>will take her 55 hours to finish
> $490 per hour

That actually doesn't sound so insane tbqh

>> No.69527607
File: 13 KB, 837x164, Jdon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69527625

>1 minute of work
She still needs to finish all the commissions and she isn't even 10% of the way through

>> No.69527688


>> No.69527706

>Why the fuck is she in college if she can make this kind of money
Always good to have a backup plan to fall back to if things go south

>> No.69527767


>> No.69527771

Well she has to actually draw the comissions, it’s not 1 minute of work

>> No.69527853

It's only roughly a third of that since YT & Cover will take their cuts too (assuming she hasn't negotiated to get better SC cut yet, but even if she has it wouldn't change things much)

>> No.69527886

Yeah but she has to do 450+ commissions now, yes those are relatibely simple but still it will take her many hours and multiple streams to complete them and since people payed for that she can't quit lke she did with her other drawing series. If anything thsi will be her main content for a few months since she's not "back to regular streams" yet.

>> No.69528118

>>69527886 (me)
Also she still has that 2 view and poorfag mentality and underestimated her fans, considering her reaction to the amount of superchats she probably thought that 1 minute was enough for 100 something commissions instead of 400.

>> No.69528533

even if you want to do that
$9,000 (her cut)/50 hours = $180/hr
if someone worked a full time job at $180 per (40 hr * 50 weeks) they would be making $360,000 per year

>> No.69528591

oh no no no

>> No.69528593

$490 per hour is $980,000 per year

>> No.69528622


>> No.69528645

and? this obviously isn't something you can do as a full time thing

>> No.69528672

Commission-based pay doesn't scale into full-time working hours. There a reason why so many artists can't make a living full time even if they charge huge prices

>> No.69528694

$27,000 for 3 or 4 days of work is still a ton of money for basically no work. that is like 4 to 6 months of work for most people to make that much money

>> No.69528716


>> No.69528748

put my on the screenshot
Discord niggas
Leddit lmao
unicorn brotherhood
>t.fpbp gang!

>> No.69528795

that is a lot of money for drawing cartoon characters

>> No.69528815
File: 30 KB, 406x406, 1679695261869486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a ton of money for basically no work
>no work
anon... do you have the smallest clue how commissions fucking work? what the fuck?
also, mumei selling a stylized pfp for $50 is one of the lowest rates i've ever seen a big artist do in my entire life.

>> No.69528858

you are a mega tranny

>> No.69528908

Her mom never hugged her or told her she loved her. Her parents will probably look at her in disgust (already do) if she doesn’t finish College.

>> No.69528958

>basically no work
A professional artist does like 100 drawings a year. She got almost 500. Granted, they're small drawings, but this is WELL past the usual amout of work an actual artist who lives off commissions does.

>> No.69529040

Ok, so what? What are you trying to tell us? That it's unfair? That it's wrong?

>> No.69529074

Most artists don't have the opportunity of always getting commissions

>> No.69529159

She never going to finish them in a healthy manner, probably should have used Mori's guidelines as an example and immediately cut them once it hit a reasonable amount. A good amount of people are going to get fucked over and never get theirs

>> No.69529163

A proffesional artists is also doing full renders which can take 10-30 hours. Mumei is doing doodles. I like Mumei but don't pretend like what she is doing is similar to an actual comission artist.

>> No.69529258

>she can be a vtuber successfully for the next 40 years
c'mon son
Gotta get them degrees/certifications etc for when she moves on the management based roles after she graduates

>> No.69529266

What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Most artists don't, okay, and many artists do. She's one of them. Are you gonna go around accusing every popular illustrator who does as well?
It quite literally is a commission. It doesn't matter if you think it's not impressive, it's dirt cheap even for a "doodle" compared to what even small artists charge for a chibi and for twitch emotes, and trying to argue that it's "basically no work" is beyond fucking retarded.

>> No.69529347

I am so happy AI art is now a thing and art jews will starve to death

>> No.69529391

i never understood this sentiment. ai is literally a thing *thanks to* the artists you shit on.

>> No.69529409

yes its not fair that a dumb bitch can whore herself out for tens of thousands while everyone else is struggling to just get by

>> No.69529469

The college experience and maybe to have a reason to leave your room. Or she just values have an education. There are a lot of reasons to continue to go to college. A lot of elderly return to college just to have something to do in their old age to keep their minds active.

>> No.69529481

I'm antisemitic and fucking over artfags is funny.
also the general hatred for a great deal of creators today for being woke faggots and trying to push tranny shit down people's throats. its why people were against the writers in the writer strike

>> No.69529482

yes and antibiotics are a thing because of diseases. and now all those "artists" will have to get real jobs instead of being entitled whores

>> No.69529492

$100 for a doodle is not cheap. I comission plenty of artists who are far more skilled then Mumei for a lot less and get a lot more.

>> No.69529505
File: 70 KB, 247x248, 1707533856685111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exchanging tangible goods for money is whoring yourself out
that fucking bitch at the store that prepared my ice cream was just another easy whore?

>> No.69529540


>> No.69529542

>art jews
>people who deliberately undercharge for their work because they feel their skills are inferior

Pick one.

>> No.69529545

Bae lived in her cuckshed with her parents while in college and I am pretty sure Mumei does most or all her classes online. they aren't really getting the college experience

>> No.69529549

Ignore AIfags. Literally none of their arguments are in good faith and are only meant to get a rise out of people, despite how much they swear it's because of the "technical advancement".

>> No.69529575

>yes and antibiotics are a thing because of diseases
antibiotics are a thing because of diseases, not THANKS to diseases. you're thinking of vaccines, dummy.
they started at $50 (unless you're not from the US, in which case they're even cheaper).

>> No.69529603

When your hobby is your job, the mundane is an escape.

>> No.69529608

artfags get paid too much

>> No.69529621

>$50 for a stick figure
>dirt cheap

>> No.69529626

she's exchanging pretend girlfriend delusions and slop for money. nobody would buy a commission if she wasn't a female using her femininity as a whorish bargaining chip

>> No.69529631

Most artists are degenerates who just want to draw girls with big tits. You need to get outside of your /pol/ bubble

>> No.69529684

well, feel free to find cheaper artists that will do what moom does.

>> No.69529687


>> No.69529694

it's not fair, at least nijisanji does it properly by taking the appropriate amount of money

>> No.69529701

rent free

>> No.69529742

>they started at $50 (unless you're not from the US, in which case they're even cheaper).

$50 for an uncolored doodle she can do in a few minutes is not cheap. I know of at least 4 artists off the top of my head who would give me a full body rendered piece for $50 or less.

>> No.69529790
File: 85 KB, 230x226, 1707449766579885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing drawings (something she's known to be good at) for people who like her drawings is exchanging girlfriend delusions
what the fuck? the ice cream stand girl did NOT actually want to be my girlfriend!?

>> No.69529841

>no argument

>> No.69529842

Entertainment industry is absolutely brutal. Vtubers are at best small-time D-list celebrities, and while they make a good bit of money, it can vanish in an instant. New blood comes in every day to steal your audience from you, and 10% of your audience makes up 90% of your income. If you lose a few of them, you can still have basically the same number of viewers, but be making 10% of the income, so you're basically struggling to keep streaming enough to keep your "passive" income from your subscribers, but not being able to put in as much effort because it's just not enough to live on by itself.
That can happen literally any time, without warning. It could be for no reason than a new generation comes in and steals your oil daddies (notice how many older-generation streamers suddenly become highly active when a new generation shows up? Yeah, this is why), or it could be that you screw up somehow - accidentally show discord for half a second and show a message from your boyfriend, make a dumb joke without thinking, tell a friend about an upcoming project and they tell some other friend of theirs who tells someone else that can't keep their mouth shut, and you get fired.

It's good to milk it, but not rely on it.

>> No.69529863

nobody would commission whoremei if she was male

>> No.69529866

>artists get paid too much
>starving artist has been a trope in media for centuries

Pick one
Art money is so heavily skewed to the very top group of super popular artists. Most artists either work 16 hours a day or do art as a side hustle because they can't work 16 hours a day.

>> No.69529913

Didn't she mention that she graduated in a stream a year or so ago? Is she getting her masters as well? She better keep up the vtubing to pay off her loans.

>> No.69529930

Says the guys who brings up trannies out of nowhere

>> No.69529935
File: 284 KB, 478x468, 1707801357951131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p-pako sensei and redjuice are FEMALE? what in the goddamn fuck?

>> No.69529956

No, she dropped out for the second time and went back to college for the third time

>> No.69529962

At this point you might as well complain that popularity even exists at all.

>> No.69529977

don't care. I want all artists, writers and actors to starve and have AI do it instead

>> No.69530006

That was actually an argument. It's like you saying "$5k for a house? ridiculous". Yeah $5k is a lot of money by itself, but for a house it's dirt cheap. $50 is pretty standard stuff.

>> No.69530014

I'm not complaining about that at all you retard

>> No.69530035

that was bae

>> No.69530094

>orcschizo is here

>> No.69530100

why does hating trannies get you upset?

>> No.69530112

Pretty much none of the drawings she did were uncolored. Did she really receive that many akasupas?

>> No.69530142

>Why the fuck is she in college
If you want a real answer she talked in a stream that she was thinking of quitting college to focus on Hololive but managers convinced her to stick with college and do both

>> No.69530172

I know at least a dozen actors who would act in any role given to them for free just for the exposure. I know at least a dozen musicians who would release their music for free for the same reason. What point are you even trying to make?

>> No.69530177

Not for the amount of time and effort that went into it

>> No.69530197

>AI should put all artists out of their job because they get paid too much
>>Artists have been underpaid to the point of poverty for all history to the point it's become a cultural staple
>don't care

Can't argue with that logic, based retard

>> No.69530201

>art jews
those are the people using AI to make bank retard, its everyone else that will lose money. You are literally playing into their hand.

>> No.69530248

She said at the start that reds were "bonus color", not that she wasn't going to be coloring in the rest.

>> No.69530264


>> No.69530291

They deserve that more than you.

>> No.69530317

Then saying "uncolored doodles" makes it even more incorrect.

>> No.69530330

AI is quicker to put techbros and white collar workers out of a job before artists, since non-sociopathic people will always value the human element of art more than the technicalities.

>> No.69530340

Anon is making the point that what Mumei is producing is actually the equivalent or greater than actual professional artists at a good price. My point is, no she is not.

>> No.69530352

That was before capitalism.

>> No.69530372

Mumei's cut before taxes is 1/3rd of that

>> No.69530384

>I hate these people and therefore they deserve more than you

>> No.69530385

You mean orcschizoschizo, his style is unmistakable and he always posts around this time before he goes to sleep
No idea why people are even engaging him, he doesn't care about any of the arguments

>> No.69530400

>Indians and Chinks should get more money than Japs and white people

>> No.69530434

Her mom said she'd disown her if she didn't finish school.

>> No.69530446

Only bad artists overcharging lose any commision money to ai anyway

>> No.69530550

Because the average mangaka, comic book artist, animator, freelancer etc are swimming in money

I'll remind you Van Gogh died in 1890. Hitler made almost nothing from his paintings.

>> No.69530553

In this niche, VTubers are celebs, getting one of them to draw you something live on stream is worth the money. We'll see more things monetized, songs requests, hello -insert your name-, drawing, perhaps even to be able to join their servers in multiplayer games, to be able to ask someone a question directly etc.

>> No.69530579
File: 133 KB, 411x354, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also all those people bitching about "muh she's grifting/stealing/tricking/whatever into giving her money!!" and how the drawings were not worth it or whatever, you know she even showed what a complete piece would look like before she even opened supas right? there was no deception here, so if people looked at this and saw the pink supacha price tag and thought it was worth it and spent it, who cares? why are you shitting your pants so hard?

>> No.69530606

So how many artists have you comissioned anon?

>> No.69530611

Vtubers on fiverr when? They could make bank sending 10 second recordings to people.

>> No.69530633

because she wants to prove she isn't retarded to herself and her mom (she is retarded, she literally got diagnosed as being retarded)

>> No.69530653

15 or so, one even took over two years for a commision

>> No.69530674

Prove it.

>> No.69530699

Know your worth anons, most of you could find a skill that if applied correctly could see you make a good amount of money, just don't go chasing dreams like entertainment, you're not pretty enough for that.

>> No.69530715

She really shouldn't give a shit, considering she makes more money than her mom ever will.

>> No.69530723

good, I want the tech jews in poverty too
