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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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695188 No.695188[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Positive Kiara thread

>> No.695265

Graduation soon.

>> No.695288

Oh she’s in uni?

>> No.695324

If she's graduating from university then that is impressive considering her background.
But I'm not surprise, Kiara is a genious!

>> No.695371

Unlike her fans.

>> No.695401

I just want an outfit change.

>> No.695435

ba dum tss

>> No.695452
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>> No.695494

The only thing positive I can think of about Kiara is HIV positive.

>> No.695590

never give up girl, always in pain girl, keep going anyway girl.

>> No.695606

I never watch western whores but she makes EOP seethe so she's allright.

>> No.695666

Why do Kiarafags push her so hard? Are they compensating for her inadequacies by just spamming her? KFPfags please explain

>> No.695757

>Why do Kiarafags push her so hard?
Damage limitation. They are basically trying to save face.

>> No.695760

A lot of her spam is /jp/enises trying to generate antis via oversaturation because she posted a screenshot of /hlg/ forcing them to change the thread to /hlgg/ or something. It's a reverse psychology seethe because /jp/enises can't sneed.

>> No.695785

>Why do Kiarafags push her so hard?
t. isn't here during ame or gura hours

>> No.695886

Difference is, Ame and Gura don't get hate. What hate they get is minimal in comparison and their fans don't bite.

>> No.695953

She didn't even finish high school and just went straight to japan at age 15 for an idol career. But yeah she is a genius indeed

>> No.695969

Was her Bloom video unarchived? I didn't see it in the sub box.

>> No.696102

What she lacks in brains she makes up for in guts then.

>> No.696176

Well she is an idol and successful and loved by everyone so it turns out it was a genius move.

>> No.696209

lmao this bitch couldnt even finish highschool

>> No.696235

>loved by everyone

>> No.696395

>had to drop her idol dream
>loved by everyone
>tried 5th gen and got dropped last-minute so they could add polka in her place
>loved by everyone
>had the worst start of EN, kept translating every single fucking sentence she said to japanese, even though she didnt have a japanese audience at all, got shitted on for months for being the least subbed and least liked EN
>loved by everyone
>tried to force friendships with the JPs just to drive them further apart, now no one talks about her or remembers her at all
>loved by everyone

>> No.696430

Take your pill

>> No.696456

i already took the orangepill

>> No.696468

Tbh being trilingual and putting a ton of effort forth into a relatively unique dream compared to the normal wage slave is pretty sick, even if I don’t really like her streams that much

>> No.696482

Will be passed by Ina soon, more menhera attacks incoming

>> No.696484

Other than some schizophrenic inbreds that seethe whenever she breathes yup.

>> No.696527

Is that why there are videos of literally random people walking past her and wishing her death?
Man, that is some intense love right there

>> No.696566

That was before.
Everyone loves Kiara! She's the most popular HoloEN with japan too.

>> No.696646

how many fucking threads do you retards need

>> No.696674

>tried 5th gen and got dropped last-minute so they could add polka in her place
tbf most people would've been dropped. Getting Nobuhime guarantees that she's not fucking up, considering her past, and her old fans will follow with her.

>> No.696684

She was blocking that Bikeman bike line, she was pretty stupid

>> No.696693

>Is that why there are videos of literally random people walking past her and wishing her death?
I have several questions. None of which will be answered because of the rules.

>> No.696707

worst fanbase

>> No.696710
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>> No.696715
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>> No.696720

>that dude that got doxxed he made kiara cry on stream

>> No.696725

don't worry she completed deserved it

>> No.696749
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>> No.696758

do trannies uniroinically back her?

>> No.696776

>Positive Kiara Thread
Here? Impossible.

>> No.696794

I mean, she is a BIG trans right activist in her roomate account

>> No.696826

yea but the emphasis is KIARA got dropped lmao, they knew all the other 4 were much more talented than her and would produce much better Content. No way kiara would last those 5 months it took her to get her shit together if she had the rocky start 5th gen had

>> No.696834


>> No.696835
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Wait, then why the fuck are KFP calling everyone that dislike Kiara a "tranny"?
Why would a tranny hate someone supporting them? Doesn't this imply KFP themselves were the trannies all along?

>> No.696863

KFP aren't smart

>> No.696948

There is one video you brain dead moron. And japs hating white people isnt new. Most are extremely against whites moving to Japan

>> No.696989

>being this new

>> No.696998

>is ugly irl
a damn shame

>> No.697029

kfps are big hipocrites

>> No.697065

lmao so fragile. yeah literally you are why japanese fucking hate you fucking dumb anglos.

anglos are subhumans and every european hates them as well

>> No.697141

Why do Cocofags call others reditors?
same thing.

>> No.697727

No the average jap hates lazy retards who sit at home and contribute nothing to society

>> No.698056

>Wait, then why the fuck are KFP calling everyone that dislike Kiara a "tranny"?
Because they literally are (proven) trannies. It's just a fact.

>> No.698201

Kiara is a gigastacy and the trannies are seething

>> No.698249

I love Kiara and this is not supposed to be disrespectful in any way. I am just curious. I keep reading comments that sound like it's confirmed that the actress who portrays her is gay for real. Is this true, or are people over-interprating stuff.
I also only want info about that one subject if possible and not learn something horrible about the actor because that might make me enjoy the character less.
Sorry if this is a bad post. I am new here.

>> No.698283
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>> No.698392

She is not gay, not even the character she plays is exclusively gay. But probably bi.

>> No.698393

well, to put it simply, they're not actresses, they use a persona but they're mostly themselves while streaming. So yes, she's a dike, she was before she even joined hololive

>> No.698414

They are actresses and if you think otherwise you’re a socially retarded inbred

>> No.698468

Are you retarded? They're streamers, not actresses, they're allowed to "break character". They talk about their personal lives and past experiences on stream.
Just because they puppeteer an animated drawing doesn't necessarily mean they're acting you dumbass

>> No.698489

If you look into any of their past lives it’s extremely obvious they’re acting.

>> No.698580

Obviously a lot from the actress goes into the character since we are not seeing scripted scenes, but rather just a stream of consciousness from the actor.
However, Kiara talks totally different when she isn't in-character and you can tell that she is a lot less authentic than, let's say, Calli for instance. This is not supposed to be negative about her. Being less authentic is not necessarily bad - she portrays a fun character.

>> No.698602

>However, Kiara talks totally different when she isn't in-character
God damn one of her roommate's videos literally mindfucked me, the voice is completely different and way deeper.

>> No.698605

Because it's easier to antagonize anyone who doesn't agree with you by lumping them together with an already disliked demographic/minority. /vt/ has pretty much settled on SEAniggers and trannies.
Also zhangs/bugmen if you don't like Coco.

>> No.698630

If she's portraying a character, why did she decide to make Kiara so loud and annoying?

>> No.698647

because she is stupid

>> No.698653

I think both of you are correct to some extend. It's neither 100% acting nor completely authentic.
Listen to this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSuTWSJIP1U
Sounds a bit different than the usual Kiara, right?
Not to mention that I always get this feeling that she is the most respected among the ENs which would not fit if her silly character was her actual self. I think offscreen she is a lot more serious and mature.

>> No.698670

I had to stop watching Korone after hearing her real voice... now her streaming voice sounds so strained in comparison

>> No.698677

The SEAnigger thing was literally confirmed by a mod way back on /jp/, also fairly obvious based on the times when shitposting starts spiking, not to mention these utter morons keep exposing their own timezone when they shitpost.

Tranny thing is more far-fetched but one of the mostt obsessive Kiara antis was indeed a tranny.

>> No.698686

she seems to enjoy doing it for a long time, what is the problem?

>> No.698696

On the one hand, I think she tries to immitate the Japanese idols/Vtubers who generally are cuteness overload.
On the other hand, her character reminds me a lot of the mascots from German TV for children. It's fair to assume that she watched that stuff as a kid and it probably influenced her idea of what a cute character is supposed to be.

>> No.698700

kiara fans are trannies themselves and that is their way of deflecting

>> No.698725
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watashi ga kita!

>> No.698747

To be fair Watson's real voice is also extremely different from her stream voice.
Gura also fakes the high voice but the contrast is not as strong, not to mention the high voice sounds extremely natural somehow.
Mori's really the only one who talks with her real voice.

>> No.698759

I know it was confirmed, I think that's why people settled on that one over alternatives. The insidious part is trying to get people to believe that ALL ___-antis or whatever group are SEAnigs or trannies.

>> No.698847

That's my point, they're not acting, they're in-character. They don't have a set personality they need to follow as you would have in a script, most of the time they're just themselves but talking with a cute voice to match their persona.

>> No.698869


>> No.698911

Yeah but they replaced her not Aloe who did end up fucking up

>> No.699067

It’s probably one of those things where if you force yourself to talk a certain way for long enough, it just becomes how you talk. But it just comes across as fake to me. Just hangout with your chat normally, why play up a character

>> No.699093

if both the audience and she herself enjoy the character I really don't see a problem

>> No.699182

I am sure a lot of the real life bleeds into the character. No questions there. It's like role-playing. When I play pen&paper then the character I play will necessarily have a lot from my real self in him, but that does not mean that we share the exact same beliefs, sexuality or interests.

>> No.699188

You fucks go from one extreme to the next. No one thinks it’s fucking scripted but it’s obvious improv built on their persona. Extremely obvious with the whole haato hachama arc. It’s not bad that they’re voice actresses but don’t be delusional

>> No.699217

There isn’t a problem but actively arguing that these girls are being 100% genuine 100% of the time is just incorrect

>> No.699253

None of the girls (or any famous streamer for that matter9 can hang out "normally" because that would be boring as fuck since 99% of the time they would just be silent and chill.
They are all pushing themselves to some degree to be entertaining. Mori and Ina seem to be the two most authentic Vtubers, but even they obviously are not acting like they normally would. You think Calli talks in this rushed breahtless way when she isn't on stream? Ina openly admitted that she usually just types and has to force herself to talk more.

>> No.699269

Yes ina is definitely one of the more genuine ones.

>> No.699567

>Got dropped for Polka last minute
this is believable but also super weird.
I'd assumed it would be Nene or Aloe that would slide into the shaky spot, at least compared to Polka. Nene and Aloe have comparably little prior experience, and in the case of Aloe had a bit of a sketchy past, where as Polka had experience.
Fix your rrat. its believable but has really falls apart the moment you actually think about it.

>> No.701404
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you just answered your own question
