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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69516283 No.69516283 [Reply] [Original]

I love Mori so much I want to support her earnestly in everything she does! I want her to be content and fulfilled by all of the effort she puts forth! I love her laugh! I love how she's cool, cute, and a dork at the same time! I love her commitment to her friends! I love that she holds herself to high standards, and I love that she's able to pick herself up whenever she gets down on herself! I love her voice! I love when she hums in my ears and also when she's pretending to suffocate me with a plastic bag! I love her taste in games and anime! I love her dedication to uplifting small-time creators because she spent so long doing her best underground herself! I love how expressive her avatar is, and I love that she acknowledges that and regularly makes full use of it! I love her hair! I love her eyes! I love her smile! I love how her original outfit is so edgy and flashy and how it perfectly compliments her natural gap moe! I love that her second outfit is so heavily influenced by her actual fashion sense, which is cool and cute and dorky, all at once, just like her! I love her dumb hat and her hoop earrings! I love that she is comforted by her fans! I love the gratitude that she pours out for deadbeats even when we don't deserve it! I love that she would reassure us that we do deserve it if she were to see one of us say that! I love her tits! I love how she's so dedicated to her niche subgenre of music! I love her lyrics and her flow! I love that she's willing to branch out into doing other styles of music as well! I love that she's determined to improve her vocal capabilities to accommodate her trying different musical stylings as well as her raps! I love that she's always focused on self-improvement and espouses those same values to her community as well! I love that she's into theatre and poetry! I love her odd sense of humor! I love her endearing awkwardness! I love that she takes inspiration from so many things from her life and channels them into consistently enjoyable creative output as well as a wonderful personality! I love that she inspires me! I love Mori! I love her so much!

>> No.69516328

Fat Piggy

>> No.69516341

Most sane Deadbeat

>> No.69516555

Y'all cowards don't even smoke crack

>> No.69516560


>> No.69516637


>> No.69516822

Plappable even

>> No.69517121

Plap, plap, plap, plap, get pregnat.

>> No.69517799

Sorry op but she will never love you the same way you love her

>> No.69519729

I just want the horse tapes.

>> No.69519784

I want to support her ass cheeks with my giant Mexican cock

>> No.69519972
File: 275 KB, 2893x4092, 20240131_130627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do deadbeats try so hard to "redeem" mori's image in the eyes of/vt/? who gives a shit what this mentally ill cesspit thinks when they trip over themselves to invent reasons to hate someone? i prefer to just insult these retards and call them out as the ineffectual losers that they are. it's much more fun.

>> No.69522364


>> No.69522476

Please be real. This is so nice, I don't wish for it to be ironic...

>> No.69522702

Her ccv is in the dumpster if you ignore the advent leeching collabs. They're desperate to reverse it. They shill her everywhere, not just here.

>> No.69522750
File: 169 KB, 850x850, e117cc0857c781fd64d9ec378f16356f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing to "redeem". I love my oshi and will discuss/praise her as any other fan does for theirs. Rrats and delusional takes on "who she really is" do not matter because it's clear those ranting against her, thread after thread, are not interested in real discussion. Only in furthering their own delusions. The "Mori" they discuss does not exist and so it does not affect me. It's an amusing sideshow, one to gaze at in curiosity (and maybe feel slight disgust/pity towards)- but nothing to get upset over.

>> No.69523280

I like her too, just the way she is. Her personality is super freaking cute and I'd bang the shit out of her in a heartbeat again.

>> No.69523282


>> No.69524506

I think he just likes his oshi, bro
It doesn't seem that deep. Sorry there aren't any Ame love threads on the catalog for you

>> No.69527206
File: 309 KB, 500x627, 1689299428675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love my oshi!
>why do you care so much about the catalog? That's kinda pathetic. You should not think about them at all, like me
You're not that avatarfag, are you

>> No.69529107

Architect bros stay winning

>> No.69529135

That's cute

>> No.69529310

Mori certainly made the mistake of pandering to the Twitch circle, but she's basically a great Vtuber. She just thought Twitch was as cool now as it was in 2018.

>> No.69530066

If you love her so much, why don't you marry her?

>> No.69531631

Janitor spam thread.
Where are the jannies to clean up the janny spam?
