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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69516226 No.69516226 [Reply] [Original]

Kyo is not exactly memorable or interesting, but like most graduates, he was ambitious and hard working. So at some point he had to face reality and the clique.
So now he is gone... But he left us a little present, during his graduation stream he set up a trap expecting someone from the clique would be stupid enough to fall for it and of course Enna did.
Kyo would complain as he did with Millie about NijisanjiEN gathering taking place in Japan and was asking for it to happen in America...


>Kyo: I feel like Japan was a fun trip overall
<Enna: Would you go again?
>Kyo: Yeah, but like not anytime soon, because I don't feel like flying for that long
<Enna: Yeah, It's a long fly
>Kyo: paying that much for a fly
<Enna: (brief silence) Oh yeah, cause you have to take like ok...
>Kyo: yeah
<Enna: understand. That's expensive...

<Enna: WE at least let people know like two or three weeks in advance, is that long enough? (sips and hits cup against her nose)

Kyo just managed to demonstrate from the mouth of one of the clique members that there is a privilege group, that has special benefits like not having to pay for the flies to Japan for Nijisanji related activities organized by themselves.

>> No.69516279


>> No.69516401

This rrat needs more legs, how am I supposed to make normies fall for this?

>> No.69516441

kek actually that was genius

>> No.69516470


>> No.69516607

Gura deflection thread

>> No.69516713

Heh, I guess he's alright.

>> No.69516776

>we [as in not you]
Why did she have to do my bro Kyo like that?

>> No.69516802

if it is that overt anycolor will have to completely clean house at EN

>> No.69516819

I'm not giving a niji VOD a view so I'll take your word for it and believe this summary uncritically.

>> No.69516852

LK at work

>> No.69517000

Enna voice make me sick, so I'll take your word for it and believe this summary uncritically.

>> No.69517032

where does it say enna's flight was free?

>> No.69517217

Her hesitation at the mention of the price of the flight says it all.

>> No.69517242

It implies hers was DIFFERENT.
If they lived in totally different parts of the globe I can understand, but they don't.

>> No.69517241


Kyo facing off with Elira and getting slapped down. Telling her she can retire her duties because there are enough people now who can lead EN.

>I'm being gaslit hear.
>Toxic workplace environment.
>Man I'm gonna retire.

I've been saying it I think Kyo was against the Clique at the very least trying to work his way through it to get some control.

>> No.69517277

Counterpoint, it's cuz Kyo doesn't have income at the moment.

>> No.69517479

Also fucking hell.
In context of recent events, selen's parents coming with her to that trip paints a totally different picture.

>> No.69517570

Hi Enna
post tits

>> No.69517579

or maybe it's because enna is just a bigger streamer with more income than him

>> No.69517681

post receipts

>> No.69517906

What the fuck? That voice coming out of that shota model is comedy incarnate. Why did he ruin it with the 2.0?

>> No.69517922

I don't get it?

>> No.69517929

and you better hang on to nijisanji as long as you can because once you leave no one will hire you again

>> No.69518111

he still had to take a greyhound to get to her so maybe he does live far from an international airport

>> No.69518133
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She's technically bigger in terms of sub counts, but Scarle and Hex made way more than Enna ever did throughout her time at Nijisanji.

>> No.69518227

Then she wouldn't be commenting on how much he has to pay, because they're paying the same amount, she just wouldn't mind it as much.

>> No.69518234

Kyo faggot just like Kuro is a retard if he's complaining. If it's for business then you write it off as a business expense so reduce tax liability. That includes any rental, hotels, meals, etc. You're literally writing off vacation and accommodations.

>> No.69518267

I think he was all for the clique until he realized he wasn't in it. if that bird quote is real someone said it to him because it doesn't sound like something he would normally say

>> No.69518413

Or maybe they just live close enough that it doesn't make sense to fly. 90% of Canadians live within an hour drive of the border.

>> No.69518543

i love the smell of a fresh rrat in the morning

>> No.69518631

i don't /#/, why is this the case? do those two just have many more dedicated whales/gachikois than enna?

>> No.69518678

>Kyo was an inside nigga all along

>> No.69518778


>> No.69519026

What the fuck...

>> No.69519169

Clique is for people willing to help out managing stuff. Kyo is only interested in helping himself. Of course he's not in the clique.

>> No.69519194

>senpai duties
What could those be?

>> No.69519409

Holy shit

>> No.69519421

Hex is discount Vox and Scarle is just a very nice horny girlfailure

>> No.69519425

Doesn't he have some sort of disability? Maybe he has to pay extra because economy class sucks extra for him.

>> No.69519427

I'm just as ready for Niji to implode as the rest of you but this is a bit of a stretch.
>Enna: (brief silence) Oh yeah, cause you have to take like ok
Doesn't Kyo have some sort of medical problems? i imagine this makes it harder/more expensive to fly, like he has to book 2 seats or some shit. I think that is what she was saying but obvs she can't just come straight out and say it.

>> No.69519567

Yes. Scarle has done very few male collabs and is a gfe giga stacy. Hex is also going very hard on that bfe thing.
Enna on the other hand lost most of the whales doing the cucking with kyo. Also being a general bitch does get you that many whales to begin with

>> No.69519608

Thanks for explaining, Enna

>> No.69519609

Pretty much. Hex and Scarle just keep to themselves and pretty much do their own thing in NijiEN. It also helps that they dont treat their fanbases with complete and utter contempt, certainly not to the extent that Enna demonstrated throughout the course of the past year.
Even Millie made 20k more in superchats than Enna, and although Aia is trailing well behind both of them in terms of sub counts and views, her dedicated fanbase propped up to where she's only behind Enna by 40k in superchats.

>> No.69519665

>Clique is for people willing to help out managing stuff.
Realistically, it shouldn't be their job to manage stuff.

>> No.69519674

Didn't Hex throw Zaion under the bus?

>> No.69519686

They can't legally charge extra for medical devices, and they don't count toward your baggage limit.

>> No.69519717

Fulgur has to buy two seats as well and he’s never complained.

>> No.69519765
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>Sorry Millie
>Sorry Elira
>it wasn't personal
Someone has to squeal and what more poetic than a bird.

>> No.69519771

You're right. I think we know the real answer: Kyo is 500lb and needs to buy 3 seats

>> No.69519785
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>> No.69519787

How do you think elira got jp work visa while being canadian independent contractor?
Maybe it's a literal job and they're getting payed for it.

>> No.69519824

she did him in many more ways

>> No.69519851

Unironically this, the 2.0 ruined the appeal

>> No.69519893

No, Hex was rightfully disturb by Zaion's socially unacceptable behavior.

>> No.69519975

It's been so long that I honestly dont even remember anymore. I think he probably did some sort of "AS SOMEONE THAT WAS SEXUALLY HARASSED" shit that all eboy vtubers pull even as they basically whore themselves out, but as far as his time in NijiEN he's been pretty much isolated save for the odd collab. Presumably the shit that the hexlings got up to ruined any chance he could have had for mass appeal, but I dont think he cares either way.

>> No.69519985

Could be, but he potentially huge conflicts of interest isn't to be taken lightly.

>> No.69519990

Yeah there is no way in hell she got a Japan transfer without having a (semi-)management role in Niji. Simply would not happen otherwise. That plus the very imbalanced merch/sponsorships is all but verification that she's doing it

>> No.69520007

Only when she usurps Riku.

>> No.69520150

"harassed by other talents due to mismanagement"

>> No.69520211

writing off business expenses doesn’t mean you get that money back, it just means you get refunded the the tax on the income that you spent. if you make 100k, get taxed 30% leaving you with 70k, then spend 10k on business expenses, your tax gets recalculated as if you only made 90k and therefore owed only 27k in taxes, giving you a rebate of 3k. you still spent 7k.

>> No.69520268

Didn't Bae move to japan? Are Hololive talents also independent contractors or are they employees? Genuinely curious I don't know anything about vtuber contracts.
Petra also moved to Japan early on, didn't she?

>> No.69520298

>2 days ago

>> No.69520379

That's 7k of living expenses you most likely would've spent anyway.

>> No.69520413

He was from the clique and he was fucking Enna

>> No.69520437

I'm pretty sure hololive does give a base salary, so they're employees.

>> No.69520442

They're all contractors except A-chan, she's an actual full time. I think NijiJP also has manager streaming, but not sure.

>> No.69520459

Is there a full list of agent LK breadcrumbs anywhere?

>> No.69520461

I know for sure Kiara couldn't get one.
I think Petra is studying there.
No idea about Bae situation, maybe she used her "once in a lifetime" visa like Kiara initially.

>> No.69520468

Yeah, but he's bored now.

>> No.69520550

He probably got tired of her shit.

>> No.69520559

Lawyers explained it yesterday she had become a quasi-manager. She isn't officially on the books as a manager but she is treated like one mainly because actual management touches for them as necessary to the day to day operation of business.

This shit happens all the time but most companies have a strict enough ladder where. I have personally seen quasi-managers get slapped down hard for overstepping. The issue is that Nijisanji is really loosey goosey so Elira was able to exercise a lot more power then in a more structured business.

>> No.69520698

any evidence?

>> No.69520893

Nijisanji clique reflection thread

>> No.69521265

>Pomu and Selen versions: clearly disturbed, don't want to do it but see no other alternative
>Enna version: gleefully laughs
Why is that so fucking on brand

>> No.69521318


>> No.69521324 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.69521332

Superchats aren't everything. Enna is a singer and likely makes more money on voice packs than other people in that screenshots. Merch and sponsorships too. She has more memberships as well. She's been in Nijisanji longer too which means she had more time to make more money.

More parasocial streamers, often leaning into GFE/BFE tend to have their income skewed more toward superchats. That does NOT necessarily mean that they earn more.

>> No.69521376

>has to hook 2 seats
How fat is he?

>> No.69521499

Nowhere near Fulgur.

>> No.69521515

Speculation only but fair Speculation.

Quasi-managers again are very common in any company unless direct managers are right there working with people, we know a large portion of EN staff left to get fucked in an NFT scam, and the stringe level of favoritism and unbalanced dilecery of the rules.

The issue is this is the simplest explanation for why things got so bad and out of hand.

>management shortage and lack of people wanting the job necessitated talents taking roles as quasi-managers(again this shit is really fucking normal) because otherwise shit wouldn't run at all

Again it is Speculation but no one has provided a more reasonable argument and no even if Selen was a total menhera behind the scenes, perceiving every slight as an attack and threatening to graduate constantly. It doesn't explain everything else that happened and the massive fumbling of 2 terminations plus the mounting graduations where talents come out of their like they were just liberated from a concentration camp after a typhus epidemic ravaged it.

>> No.69521580

Fans know their oshi

>> No.69521778

What did Kuro mean by this in todays stream?
>Japanese companies are like, you gotta be loyal to them. You don't wanna be on the other side cause *makes a cutthroat gesture*

>> No.69521784

Bae is currently living hololive offices unuded storage room, whike looking for apartment

>> No.69521888

They start to call other business in same gield and preventing them from hiring

>> No.69522030

I don't understand how that proves that some people fly for free?

>> No.69522148

from english M?

>> No.69522180

No new drama, so fags are getting desperate combing through streams

>> No.69522349

The dialogue strongly suggested they did not have the same flight.
It can suggest a difference in price for the flights which can be explained if they are flying from very different areas.
If they are flying out form a similar area the difference could very well be that one flight was comped and one was not.

>> No.69522395

based and graduationpilled

>> No.69522438

employees due to the base salary

>> No.69522439

imagine watching a kyo stream when you could o literally anything else

>> No.69522520

The weird and most damning thing here is the >we
The other part sounds a lot more like she's referring to his disability and extra lengths he'd need to take for air flights. Or at least it's a more reasonable explanation.
Totally assuming OP is accurate here because no way in hell I'm adding a view to his graduation stream.

>> No.69522645

flight clip is nothingburger
this one tho? pretty spicy

>> No.69522824

One of the bigger pieces of evidence for how Niji only give Japan transfers for management is the fact that Pomu didn't get a transfer and immediately went to stay in Japan after graduating and Petra had to get a student visa.

>> No.69523092

it is accurate and yeah
>The other part sounds a lot more like she's referring to his disability and extra lengths he'd need to take for air flights.
is exactly how it sounds

>> No.69523127

They are all independent contractors. That's why they're free to stream and monetize whatever games they want, set up their studios wherever they want, and can make their own merch for private sale.

>> No.69523183

>people thought it was le funny banther
>It was not

>> No.69523200

So that's why he's been silent. VShojo is a Japanese company confirmed.

>> No.69523267

Yeah, and he used to belong to it.

>> No.69523279

> That's why they're free to stream and monetize whatever games they want
Press X to doubt

>> No.69523410
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I'm guessing he has to pay for first class to fly because of his medical issues. Might cramp up and has spasms or whatever in economy.

>> No.69523413

The talent are independent contractors. The models are wholly-owned IP by the company, which is why they need to get perms and things. The perms are needed for the company, not the talent. It's just like how in Hollywood you can have people play extras in the background of a film but they still have to follow stage directions and can't just do whatever. Vtubers are that level.

>> No.69523479

Fulgur can't fly period, Niji outright said he would not be traveling to Japan.

>> No.69523503

>special benefits like not having to pay for the flies to Japan for Nijisanji related activities organized by themselves
Yeah, because they ARE management.

>> No.69523579

Is he obese for an actual reason or just lazy?

>> No.69523607

they wouldn't pay for two seats

>> No.69523734


>> No.69523766
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he might need to clear drugs that are scheduled in japan

>> No.69523847

Got in a car wreck, fucked up his spine to the point of having severely decreased mobility, and then got extremely fat. So it's an issue of movement, weight, and general discomfort if he were to fly. According to sisters he is "less fat" now but that could simply be cope, either way Anycolor said he wouldn't be in Japan to record for the AR Live that was briefly mentioned last year.

>> No.69523862

Reimu te amo

>> No.69524008

>Reasonable explanation

I'm actually Elira

>> No.69524071

I know how that feels. I lost 60 lbs in two years, then had a major medical issue that crippled me. Gained back that weight in 5 years, fighting it over and over through dieting since I couldn't exercise like I used to.

>> No.69524159

It's obviously what this guy said holy shit. Amazing what people here will forget to rrat.

>> No.69524183

If you have to exercise at all to keep a stable weight you almost certainly have dietary problems (which is admittedly tricky to adjust to when your lifestyle has sudden forced changes like that)

>> No.69524251

It only implies that if he goes again, he would need pay, as he is no longer an employee, not that he paid when he was still in Niji.

>> No.69524282

He was fucking Enna at some point which gave him some breathing room.

>> No.69524285

America and their 2 seat policy

>> No.69524368

But enna has been around longer and has more merch to make up the difference and more. Oh wait 2%

>> No.69524405

Morra sua puta, o que é seu está guardado

>> No.69524439

So lazy

>> No.69524799

Bae could have nabbed a part time teaching job like Mori. Also, I have the impression that doing live concerts is better for getting a visa vs just being a streamer.


>> No.69525304

It's probably the same with Finana's funny meme name

>> No.69525376

Isn't there this once-in-a-lifetime special visa?

>> No.69525396

>Finana's funny meme name

>> No.69525430
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Is Kuro retarded enough to publicly back up his old friends against Doki or do I need to take my meds?

>> No.69525623


>> No.69525942
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Stupid fucking bitch

>> No.69526054

Scarle doesn't offer GFE, but companionship. Her big thing is just endless tangents and reading EVERY superchat. This gets scammed by her viewers becuase they just send in a fuckton of cheap blue superchats, however the sheer number of them add up to them being like akasupas.

>> No.69526411

Even if it somehow was an official position it would still be shitty. Managing the people (under NDAs) you directly compete with is a clear conflict of interests. The merch rrat is just one way of how it would allow you to abuse your power.

>> No.69526468

Kuro just wants to stay out of this mess, I can respect that.

>> No.69526472

There's some fuckery going on. The mouse and Matara should be all over the bird, but it's radio silence. Could also be that Doki is just a nightmare to work with so they're ducking her. There could be several interpretations of this.

>> No.69526531
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Wouldn't it be funny if Zaion's "new-hired manager" was Enna?

>> No.69526610

The merch rrat is stupid though. The ones that don't pursue it don't because 2% really isn't worth it, the ones that do aren't doing it for the money but instead are using the merch as something for the fans.

>> No.69526630

>always liked reimu's cooking streams
Surely she's innocent in all of this... Right?

>> No.69526655

>Enna becomes a Madame of a Vtuber agency
Dick goes up!

>> No.69527377

They get more than 2%from voice-packs and Elira has more of those than anyone else and we don't know the specifics of things like the Hythe collab, but somehow whenever something with limit spots comes up Elira is also there. Regardless, my point was that it is a conflict of interest and the fact that we are even debating if she is pulling strings is proof that having her manage her co-workers while competing with them is a terrible idea.

>> No.69527534

>The mouse and Matara should be all over the bird, but it's radio silence
They are probably scared of Anycolor and don't want to take any chances until the coast is clear.

>> No.69527620

That is so true. It's obvious multiple livers wanted to live in Japan so why did only Elira get transferred by the company and the others had to do it by their own means?

>> No.69527642

Rather than pulling strings it makes more sense management just favored her because she helped out and all the extra work ate into her streaming schedule.

>> No.69527704

>Mouse scared of a JP corpo on fire
>Matara giving a shit about ex-employer
Get a better rrat

>> No.69527775

Could be just timing. She was in 1st wave and maybe she kept applying every year until they finally said yes

>> No.69527820

>/vt/ likes Kyo now

>> No.69527904

No. But at least he's not a total wigger.

>> No.69527916


>> No.69527966

Nobody likes Kyo, we're just laughing at yet another self report

>> No.69528046

But he was the one to bring up price.

>> No.69528237

hi Vox

>> No.69528247

I wouldn't be surprised if Gunrun had to tard wrangle Ironmouse because she literally cannot help but get involved and he doesn't want the company to be dragged into whatever the fuck is going on right now or is yet to come. Matara likely knows better than to try and poach from Nijisanji while something like this is going on.

>> No.69528321

Or there is some truth to Selen being a menhara and not wanting her to an hero herself as a Vshojo member.

>> No.69528323
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I misjudged him

>> No.69528432

>Kyo is not exactly memorable or interesting, but like most graduates, he was ambitious and hard working. So at some point he had to face reality and the clique.
He was part of the clique when zaion got fired. What you mean is he ran afoul of Vox and Elira and got dunked on.

>> No.69528455


In the same stream, Reimu also complained about the price.

>> No.69528500

Kyo is a faggot asshole, so is enna, he got what he deserved. And now enna and elira will get criminal charges for embezzling nijien funds.

>> No.69528518

He threatened to expose Vox's underage sex dungeon...

>> No.69528587

>Reimu implying she had to pay for travel and board as well
So what are the odds that she was also being abused by Enna and Millie before and/or after Nina left? Because it's painfully obvious that Nina was also a target.

>> No.69528595

Yeah, everyone who actually watched NijiEN knows that Selen is an absolute nightmare to work with. It's insane that people actually take suicide baiting from a BPD woman seriously.

>> No.69528631

Enna thinks her kids will make similar money and never be in her income bracket pre nijisanji

>> No.69528643


>> No.69528671

Nina is still friends with Enna and Millie who are core clique members who probably hate Doki, so Nina probably also hates Doki and told Mouse to stay away from her

>> No.69528697

Scarle also streams a ridiculous amount.
On average she streams 1.2 time per day (so she streams 7 days a week and at least one day she streams twice), and her average stream is 5.2 hours

My rrat is that she has a retarded amount of student loan debt so she's working like she owes the mob money

>> No.69528911

Based on OP’s timestamp, it doesn’t look like he was ever a part of the clique. His relationship with Enna meant so little to them that he wasn’t invited to a single Niji hangout in NA. He was seen by the clique as an orbiter. He was also probably a part of that /vt/ parody stream, which likely earned him the ire of the clique, since they weren’t going to put the blame on Millie or Enna.

>> No.69528985

Also the Clique comes here to spread rrats to deflect away from themselves.

>> No.69528996

>Nina and Finana stopped following Doki
Checks out.

>> No.69529047

Nah i think he tried to fuck his way into the clique and was never let in. He ate that roast beef for nothing

>> No.69529070

really reaching for this rrat bro

>> No.69529246

When we win, all of you are going to be buried alive. I hope your worship of a fat ugly pedophile like Vox was worth it.

>> No.69529384

Nina gave "i just can't make as many cool projects as the other livers" as one of the reasons for leaving. And you know who was known to make too many projects? Yeah, rrats write themselves.

>> No.69529508

Why would it be surprising? Everyone falls for it until the 3rd or 4th time.

>> No.69529563
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Hold up, weren't luxiem and recently the new wave flown in for free?

>> No.69529665

Probably one of the things they all negotiated for going forward because it was one of the major factors that prevented 3D stuff.

>> No.69529815
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Luxiem got flown in to record for some concert a while ago, why weren't other livers, who have been with the company for longer flown in for projects?

>> No.69529989

Anon, stop suggesting things the internal investigation has disproven.

>> No.69530019

Based black guy.

>> No.69530092

The ndf doc had a quote and clip of Kunai saying they got flown in and had dinner there. Luxiem got flown in to record for the AR live which was cancelled, which is why they were so mad, right?

>> No.69530105


>> No.69530167

Doing 3D means singing and dancing which means practice and being physically entertaining, most vtubers just want to do stuff from a chair or at most standing in their room. Just because they were there longer doesn't mean they actually want to do all that.

>> No.69530193

Rrat: Enna is a femcel reverse sex pest and so unappealing she needed the clique to force some wigger to hang out with her.

>> No.69530218

how can you say that when Pomu was there all this time, begging?

>> No.69530285

Weren't Enna and Millie also good friends with the Kettle from the pre-Niji days?

>> No.69530335


>> No.69530851

It's crazy how one of the few who wanted to do singing & dancing on a stage, got the shittiest 3D model of the bunch, and when she asked the modelers to fix the garbage job they did, they dragged their asses on it for an entire year, preventing her from participating in 3D events that she specifically was invited to.
Totally ass-backwards company who puts 0 thoughts into any sort of planning.

>> No.69531138

>WE at least let people know like two or three weeks in advance
Not only that here she states that she make part of management.

>> No.69531183

>Lil kyomie was real

>> No.69531383

>they had a discord without her for MONTHS
bro...there's delusion and then there's this

>> No.69531500

I also don't get why they are so stingy.
The place I work at doesnt even earn a tenth of what nijisanji does, yet they easily pay for all my expensive whenever I have to fly or travel.

>> No.69531510

Vox has bragged on stream about using his kindred koins for first class to Japan. That costs over $20,000 USD (I know he's British, I don't care. Murica)

>> No.69531580

Hex surpassed vox. You don't see Fujoshi mutilating their arms for vox

>> No.69531618

Because they have shit moddlers and riggers and didn't want to pay a 3rd part to do it because that'd be another multiple rounds of perms hell.

>> No.69531628

I work in the finance department of a middle sized communications company (we do pr, advertisement, shilling, etc). We pay for travel expenses for all of our employees, including part timers who are invited to yearly company events.

>> No.69531663

Not sure if friends but at least acquainted

>> No.69531744

a first class flight from bongistan means you get mushy peas with your jellied eels instead of baked beans

>> No.69531832

no, kyo said he splurged and upgraded for business class cuz of his neck?spine? problems, it was in one of the zatsus after one of the jp trips

>> No.69531860

Not a matter of stingy, just the difference between employees vs contractors. I can write off employee travels as business expenses for taxes, you can't do that for contractors and you just eat the cost in straight cash out. It's a bad financial move. Also the contractors can write it off themselves so makes sense they pay for it. Obviously they updated the contract since last wave or two.

>> No.69531883
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>constantly shits on coworkers
>constantly pampers and coddles her fanbase
>to the point got terminated because couldn't publish fanart from her fans

My wife can't stop being based

>> No.69531902

Mouse is busy with her birthday concert and it's not like she was ever close with Selen to begin with. I guess a collab could still happen eventually though but probably only after the situation cooled down.

>> No.69531909

Haven't kept up with this drama can I get a qrd on any new stuff

>> No.69531975

A collab will def happen because gotta get numbers while drama is still hot, unless Mouse has some info and wants to avoid Doki for some reason.

>> No.69532008

Wait. Are Niji Talents not actual employees?
How does that even work? They have been with Niji in some cases for years. Wouldn't they have to be hired eventually?

>> No.69532101

Independent contractors, not employees

>> No.69532106

They have no base salary and pay for debut themselves so obviously aren't actually employees and just contractors.

>> No.69532168

speculation, but it's unusual for parents to crash work trips (especially asians don't really like pay last minute prices for tickets), meaning something might've sounded wrong that 2023.11 off collab in Japan, enough for her parents to fly halfway around the world and insist on staying at the same hotel she was staying at.

>> No.69532228

They're employees. They cannot work for other companies and don't have the freedom to do so they're also assigned a manager. That's the definition of an employee sir.

>> No.69532245

stop noticing things

>> No.69532294

Do you not know how contracted labor works?

>> No.69532300

This once again doesn't make sense to me.
Even if you paid them japanese min wage, the amount of money you had to pay would be negligible and would give you all the other benefits of employment.
Unless these people are getting taking advantage off to begin with, it does not make sense from a logical stand point.

>> No.69532318

Didn't she say this herself on a stream. It's not delusion

>> No.69532362

3thyria was a mistake.

>> No.69532363

it is, he said so on one of the zatsus after a trip

the influencer rrat does get a bit supported in the zatsu tho, he mentioned getting into parties with his "cool" friends

>> No.69532382

You don't have to be an employee of a company to get asked to sign a non-compete agreement.

>> No.69532396

I don't think they collabed before so I'm not so sure they will suddenly start now. But it's not impossible, Selen seemed to have a positive opinion of Ironmouse.

>> No.69532441

That's exactly my point. They are not friends.

>> No.69532457

The logical point is when it comes time dor termination. Firing an actual full time employee especially in JP is a huge hassle both legally and financially while firing a contractor is pretty simple.

>> No.69532463

Considering Aethel who was shitting all over Niji during the recent stuff is bros with Kyo and was super hyped for him to get out.. I kind of believe some of this.
>Gunrun had to tard wrangle Ironmouse
You don't know Mouse at all. She avoids mentioning drama like the plague. The Nux shit was the only real hiccup and it was a learning experience.

>> No.69532475

Bullshit. If they were *actually* contractors they wouldn't be able to do things like tell prospective nijis they can't do things like continuing to voice act. When was the last time you saw a voice actor not be allowed to work on multiple projects at once? Didn't think so

>> No.69532523

The non-compete agreement is part of the contract. Don't like it? Don't sign the contract.

>> No.69532616

Do you not understand what a non-compete is? They're allowed to have side gigs that isn't in the same sphere as the corpo, so if they want to mow the lawns for senior citizens on the weekends that's not an issue. Doing voice acting or songs while literally selling voice packs and songs under corpo? That's breaching non-compete.

>> No.69532682

And since when is voice acting competing with being a fucking vtuber. I work in an industry rife with non-competes and there's no way any of this would fly there

>> No.69532681

Damn he's obviously vshojo bound. Now you guys will feel how Holobronies feels when he starts collabing with Matara and Henya. And henya is going to turn him into her fuckboy.

>> No.69532700

As much as I love the rrats this is the most probable answer.

>> No.69532739

Employment for life...yeah it does make sense from a japanese standpoint. But japanese have always been known to be kinda stupid when it comes to efficiency.
Or rather than sense, it does explain it. It's still senseless to me. Thanks for the input.
Niji Talents are still getting fucked over, holy shit.
Selen somehow only earned 200k in a year with close 1M subs and nearly no breaks and long streams.
My manager earns half of that browsing boomer newssites all day.

>> No.69532790

I never watched Nijisanji outside of a bit of Rosemi and Reimu. Do people know what his medical issue/condition is or has it been kept vague?

>> No.69532839

Because the vtuber model is an IP owned by the corpo, you're literally a voice actor doing live streams. To broaden the category you just put them under entertainer. For non-competes it really depends on the country and it's laws. I genuinely don't know if you're underage or just keeping thread bumped.

>> No.69532843

Being a wigger with a meth addiction

>> No.69532881

Vtubers are basically voice actors. Only difference is that VAs follow a script, while Vtubers are all off-the-cuff.

>> No.69532883

It's kinda telling how this happen way often to the most popular and also female livers.... like it was a calculated move.

>> No.69532917

working holiday

>> No.69532989


>> No.69532991

It's a matter of perspective. Obviously Holo has the better contract now but that's in hindsight. Back then when indies were scrambling to join a corpo Niji didn't seem that bad.

>> No.69533046

I am really starting to believe the embezzlement might have legs, it is all just a little too loose and unprofessional. I only ever see settings like this when there is clear nepotism (which is not uncommon, just problematic).

>> No.69533058
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It did happen, but we heavily played it up for drama.

>> No.69533142

Depends on your definition of embezzlement. I doubt management gave livers access to corpo bank accounts.

>> No.69533322

NijiEN debuted before holoEN, right?
Still, kinda sucks but people do be desperate.

>> No.69533339

in that case, working holiday only lasts a year.

>> No.69533374

work visas cost a lot of money and you need to fulfill multiple requirements, the fact that only elira got the work visa strengthens the rrat

>> No.69533378

Yeah, not like I didn't think about it before, but there are some really dark rrats ahead in that direction...

>> No.69533461

No, Myth debuted first, then LazuLight, then Obsydia, then Council.

>> No.69533526

tbf none of these two were close to selen, so taking sides with niji friends is understandable

>> No.69533542

>She avoids mentioning drama like the plague
Sure, buddy.

>> No.69533586

yeah, but if the payment info of the english-only partner and artists go through the clique payments can be redirected.

>> No.69533602

Oh, so they tried to copy that success and didnt even offer employment.
Explain the shitty video tazumi posted. They have no clue how the west works.
Anyways, gn8 I got work tomorrow.
Thanks for the knowledge.

>> No.69533684

like the voice pack when selen was servant
like pomu never getting any say and being forced to be a maid

>> No.69533709

It wasn't expensive for her because she made her boytoy Kyo pay.

>> No.69533738

Actually interesting and plausible rrat.

The branch is getting wiped sooner or later.

>> No.69533748

he's not only a nigger but also became something worse

a snitch.

>> No.69533803

Either people leave because its toxic or the toxic gets thrown out
Either way heads will roll

>> No.69534081 [DELETED] 
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fulgur also said he left the dc on multiple occasions

>> No.69534181

yeah, after that usually companies have to pay a lot of money and fulfill a ton of requirements if they want to get a work visa for a foreigner

>> No.69534274
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wrong pic sorry

>> No.69534386

we be spending our day digging for the truth enna

>> No.69534471

He was unironically insecure about it.

>> No.69534497

Do /here/ faggots really?

>> No.69534524

Not how cliques work unfortunately

>> No.69534606

>if only you knew how bad things really are...

>> No.69534766

The privileged class is able bodied people.

>> No.69534874

what if they're actually supposed to be compensated for their flights but the talents managing talents are pocketing the money?

>> No.69534948

Sir the fact equipment and a model plus a work phone is given to them to be able to their jobs makes them employee not a contractor. That's cope. Nijisanji runs their business the same way wwe is run.

>> No.69534995

He was disturbed by a rape joke but not by his underage viewers cutting themselves for him and posting it on his tags or by his senpai's rape roleplay. Kys sister

>> No.69535043

Nah Lucius Malfoy said Canada law would list Nijis as Independent Contractors.

>> No.69535154

He said there was a weak argument for them being employees, but do we know any more? Does niji give a small salary like hololiove? Has it ever been mentioned?

>> No.69535160


>> No.69535265

>a fly
>pay for the flies
ESL shitter thread

>> No.69535284

I know this is a rrat but I don't think Nina OR Mysta were part of the clique.

I don't have the clip on hand but I remember Mysta expressing frustration that collabs were constantly being FORCED on him.

Looking back and looking now, Mysta is a lot more comfortable in his collabs with Mika and VShojo people than he felt with a lot of the other Niji collabs

>> No.69535380

>Mouse avoids drama like the plague
Sure thing sister

>> No.69535393

Ugh, that's so disgusting wtf

>> No.69535477

Ding ding ding

>> No.69535508

nina was eventually let in/ tolerated but not trusted

>> No.69535568

The whole conversation was about them having to fly to JP while the livers who live in JP (Petra, Kotoka, Meloco, etc) never have to fly to the west.

>> No.69535867
File: 15 KB, 195x120, kys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished pixel-matching "manesan's" nickname cutoff from the bottom of elira's video
Font family, scaling, everything
This people are sick

>> No.69535904

Whether they worked for salary or commission is largely irrelevant. It depends on the amount of control NijiEN had + whether Niji's were capable of working in their field while they were under contract with NijiEN. But it's basically it's own thing that would have to be argued by lawyers, based on the conditions and terms of the contract. Confusingly, Canada (and germany) have a third category of worker called "Dependent Contractor". This is the sort of thing that would have to be argued by lawyers with a specialization in a particular province's employment law, anon.

>> No.69536021

From the gist if it I thought it was more of a She could be considered employee but the argument is weak, so things like having a salary would be part of building it up to say she was one when you prove enough of these small things. That's all I was asking.

>> No.69536059

There's no good way to spin that. They don't own their ips. They could get terminated at any time, and they're encouraged to put their money back into projects to grow the company at their own expense. Same pros and cons of nijisanji from that stand point.

>> No.69536061

I don't think Nina or Mysta hate anyone desu. I think they just moved on and don't want to insert themselves into any drama. They might collab in a few months as I imagine Doki is going to go more into twitch meta and the chances of them ending up in a group collab seems more probable.

>> No.69536197

There is obviously some resentment towards the company, hence that things they have said about it. They just seem to have mostly moved on unlike someone like Zaion who needed more time because of the bullshit they did.

>> No.69536297

I think it's less resentment and more being excited to be treated like an employee in a good company. Doing things they always wanted to and feeling supported and happy is something someone should be able to talk about and appreciate.

>> No.69536526

LK mentioned something about a non-disparagement clause for graduated livers. Maybe that's why Nina and Kuro aren't following Doki since it would be seen as disparaging the company (taking a side against them)?

>> No.69536594


>> No.69537094

sounds right. let some you consider useful sit on the edge living off crumbs with a promise of eventually being let into the inner circle(they'll never be let in)

>> No.69537372

>Enna's pet going against her group
Yeah, no. Don't try to defend him when he's one of the worst ones

>> No.69537471

He was the one who spear headed getting Zaion fired, all because he couldn't handle the bants.

>> No.69537503

There is a *very* interesting question about that in one of the Legal Mindset stream:

Also note False's response to the answer!

>> No.69538217

Got the pomu and selen ones on hand?

>> No.69538417

>Yeah it's a long fly
Did a Vietnamese anon post this? You fuckers always love cutting off syllables from English words

>> No.69539303

Nijis have a history of ruining the appeals of their models. See every NijiEN liver who didn’t debut with triple D massive honkers.

>> No.69539456

isnt Enna literally living in Japan nowadays?

>> No.69539592

Has any of this been added to the gurrat

>> No.69539870


>> No.69540000


>> No.69540142

>millie and elira just turn everyone fatter and/or getting more attention than them into targets
jesus christ it really is high school

>> No.69540197

6:57:30 till 6:59:20

>> No.69540254

based fulgur girlhusbands sticking up for their wife
noctyx has the weirdest fans, alban yumes are literally still more concerned about him collabing with women than the fucking branch imploding (based)

>> No.69540388


>> No.69540584

>her boytoy Connor is scared to talk about nijisanji

>> No.69540634
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Wth fml

>> No.69540743
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I'm fucking dead

>> No.69541622

Nice, thanks.

>> No.69542711
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Other VShojo members replied to it, so its not as if its a big company no-no. Its personal.
Something's up. Anyways, gotta go lads. Need to take my meds.

>> No.69542859

She and Selen had a Lethal Company collab that Selen dropped out of at the last minute because of her suicide attempt.

>> No.69542911

ironmouse is exactly the type of going-on-50 woman who would take sides in high school bullshit, so it's believable.

>> No.69543921

Was she even following Doki in the first place?

>> No.69544197

"Fly" and "flight" are both one syllable

>> No.69544675

Holy shit

>> No.69544961


>> No.69545102

Holy Rrat

>> No.69547144

Was just shown in the lawyer stream: Doesn't matter what you call it, if treated and expected to act as an employee, the judge will see you as an employee.

>> No.69547983

Reimu is a spiteful bully

>> No.69549168

Reimu: My cooking did an "attempt"

>> No.69549960

Never trust a latina.

>> No.69554184

You mean mainland chink woman

>> No.69558606

when does it end

>> No.69559063


>> No.69559244


>> No.69559333
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That's what you get for talking shit about council, get fucked FATGUR kek

>> No.69560894

In the stream he explained he needs to lie down or something due to his epilepsy

>> No.69562386

>"i'm so shy uwu scared of men uwu"
>effortlessly takes the lead in teasing a dude on stream
nijicucks are so gullible
