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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69473038 No.69473038 [Reply] [Original]

Deal with it jealous weeaboos

>> No.69474032


>> No.69474258

has anyone ever noticed that you can tell if a model is used by a japanese person or not? I wonder why is that

>> No.69476282

everything was in moon rune so i never even clicked on her.

>> No.69476447

i'm seething with jealousy about this

>> No.69476811

Fuck you, I am Japanese in my heart

>> No.69476871
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honorary japanese women are fucking sex

>> No.69477089

Don't care, would still drink her spit. Also
>Not even JP
>Mogs other JP talents

>> No.69477215
File: 406 KB, 562x529, 1706429916251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is full blooded Japanese

>> No.69477453

I want her to step on me while she sings

>> No.69477454

Having several Japanese talent executives cum inside her does not make her blood Japanese

>> No.69477505
File: 798 KB, 749x775, xy93jt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did she marry a japanese person?

>> No.69477582

>Several Japanese talent agents yeah
Yeah me in seven different disguises

>> No.69477616
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All me

Even better, she transformed into a Japanese woman and now is just simply Japanese.

>> No.69477659

i dont even know her

>> No.69477809

Imagine the taste of her sweat after a showtime

>> No.69477880

former idol like chickn and the dogs

>> No.69478020
File: 2.11 MB, 1170x1863, 1708179063719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to imagine, I'm with her right now

>> No.69478101

You think she shaves?

>> No.69478106


>> No.69478161
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Gotta fit in the bunny suit somehow

>> No.69478234

I'd go feral if she didn't

>> No.69478291

Japanese expect white women to shave

>> No.69478330

Absolutely not, and it do stank

>> No.69478844

I'ma groom her so I can become a Japanese citizen

>> No.69478940

Clara my beloved Japanese wife

>> No.69478969

>phase JP
>most successful talent isn't JP

>> No.69478987
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>> No.69479425

If she’s American then I can prank her like an American right?

>> No.69479448

why would someone want to join the jp branch of an, up to this point, english company? is it the novelty of being a jp vtuber that can speak english or is she just a turbo weeb?

>> No.69479513

>Most beautiful voice on god's green earth
>filters faggots by using moon runes, even though she speaks english 90% of the time
God I love her

>> No.69479584


>> No.69479700

Sakana wanted an idol group, this is how he got it. Also she serves to bridge the gap between EN and JP, iirc they do communicate off stream fairly often, but TL issues make it difficult to Collab live, having someone who speaks English and Japanese fluently makes that much easier. Also she does have a great singing voice, and she sounds cute. In conclusion I WOULD drink her spit.

>> No.69479749

Rrat is visa sponsorship, she couldn't afford to wait and fishman offered her an easy out

>> No.69479850

Also, as I understand it, Phase has basically no reputation or recognition in JP, people know about Pippa, but they don't really know about Phase as a whole. Its why fishman spent the big bucks on advertising

>> No.69479959
File: 138 KB, 850x1200, 1708306935355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she's Japanese, duh.

Lies, she doesn't need a visa because she's a natural born Japanese citizen

>filters faggots by using moon runes
based, someone who can't appreciate an older Japanese woman has no right to bask in her glory

>> No.69480347

Is it ok if the spit is tofu flavored

>> No.69480461

she does sound cute. good for them then.

>> No.69480530

Yesterday during the superchat reading portion, she mentioned she got very good news. Does anyone know what she was talking about?

>> No.69480659

oh yeah she's getting married with me tomorrow

>> No.69480879
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It was after talking about her having 3D, and she also mentioned on her indie that summer is going to be a good one. My guess? She got confirmation she's getting a sololive or a 3D showtime, or something similar. If I had to guess? Probably during OffKai.

>> No.69481248

That would be pretty awesome

>> No.69481407

I love her.

>> No.69481583

>offkai concert
I am so going to be there and be her otaku-kun.

>> No.69481625

I would like to pretend like I’m going to kiss Clara and then pull her pants down in front of her friends

>> No.69481846
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She'd probably like that

>> No.69482733

>see her SEX model before debut
>JP girl, can't go wrong with that
>ends up actually being a westerner living in Japan
>oh no
>watch debut
>humor is clearly western style
>likes stuff that has always been more popular here
>didn't even have a pixiv account
>naturally hangs out more with the EN girls than her own group
My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined

>> No.69482907

Did she grow up in Japan? If she is westernized she is not Japanese.

>> No.69482951
File: 548 KB, 1467x2200, GFgjCLvWMAAeGdX.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>westerner living in Japan
>Japanese living in Japan

She has a pixiv tag.

>> No.69483043

Honestly Sakana should just make the girls do their JP reps. The Japanese connection is too much, just learn some basic Japanese at least.

>> No.69483096

From the JP girls, I really like Yuu

>> No.69483174
File: 1.84 MB, 850x1511, 1677414206299949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like (Yuu) too

>> No.69483179

Can’t believe she’s the tallest

>> No.69483239

He could barely make Pippa go to the dentist, or Lia go to take her meds, he isnt going to get them to learn another language

>> No.69483342

They should really nepohire more Star Ring girls, there was lots of untapped potential there. They knew how to pick talent, but weren't lucky enough to get an audience.

>> No.69483643
File: 2.92 MB, 720x900, yuucute.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Yuu) cute!

>> No.69484544

If they can get more Yuus, than I am all in

>> No.69488662

Huh? I'm not a japanese executive

>> No.69488786

I love Clara so much it's unbearable, no vtuber has ever done me in like this.

>> No.69490027

Miran for JP Invaders. An absolutely exceptional musical talent who is just doing her own thing as an indie right now.

>> No.69490032

>Sakana comes into the stream happy that he finally got his idol
>She immediately sings Chop Suey by System of a Down

>> No.69490132

Remember when Selen and Pomu traded models, and suddenly Selen's eyes were HUGE! That was funny

>> No.69490377
File: 610 KB, 328x648, clara smile.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw clara thread

>> No.69490504

Didn't she go on break because of her voice? Girl has been grinding nonstop.

>> No.69490603
File: 3.82 MB, 1280x720, cawfee [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fttx5m3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Phase thread

>> No.69490616

So when is Clara opening her memberships? She's the first vtuber ever where I feel like supporting her directly, because I can make a difference (unlike most holos) and she deserves it (unlike most indies).

>> No.69490706

It usually happens a few weeks after monetization. I'll probably still use streamlabs for donations though.

>> No.69490799
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kek this is so good, she has a knack for emoting with her model.

>> No.69491028
File: 3.88 MB, 320x233, ClaraOpening[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fwelkz4.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your daily dose

>> No.69491056

I will work hard and become Japanese just like Clara

>> No.69491094

I believe in you anon, all it takes is willpower for you to be genetically Japanese.

>> No.69491163


>> No.69491580

Clara put on a fucking clinic last night... felt the alanis morisette was especially satisfying, but she dominated the whole set

>> No.69491906

She's a pro with tons of experience, for sure. Big W for Phase.

>> No.69492000
File: 503 KB, 3248x4663, 1697522400716793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See link to clara showtime VOD
>try not to click because I have stuff to do
Damn it's the fifth time, I just can't resist. Time to watch it again.

>> No.69492028

I am always hesitant when women sing songs originally sung by men, but Clara is one who consistently succeeds at it.

>> No.69492342

I miss her comfy 2view streams but I'm glad she's getting the recognition she deserves. Go, go thunder girl!

>> No.69492343
File: 648 KB, 700x700, Good Girl[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fuijghx.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clara in the catalog!

>> No.69492576
File: 244 KB, 500x360, 1688198208732795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda hoping she does membership streams so we feel that vibe again... But I'm just glad I supported her back then. Felt amazing to see her sing to a concert hall's worth of people after having been in so many karaokes when she sang to a couple dozen people.

>> No.69492610

Is she you know? Sounds very familiar, is that who I think it is?

>> No.69492706

I want Clara to piss in my mouth and it seems like she'd secretly be willing to, iibohpowyn (if I'm being one hundred percent honest with you niggas)

>> No.69492787


>> No.69492791

If you have any doubts just listen to her sing Ave Maria in her first showtime, it's basically identical except she honed her art even more. I thought it was obvious from the moment she spoke desu

>> No.69492878

beryl gang... will she grace us with a lick emoji to help keep things authentic?

>> No.69492931

She has a really recognizable voice, I didn't watch a lot of her PL, but when I heard this >>69491580, it immediately clicked, that's cool, hope she succeeds as JP, because it seems like she wants it that way.

>> No.69493105
File: 785 KB, 320x460, _clara__slurp_[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl41ti3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when do chuubas unlock emojis anyway? Does that come with memberships?

>> No.69493177

Yeah, it's linked to the number of members the channel has.

>> No.69493846

She's weak to praise it seems

>> No.69494535

anyone remember that one meowmeowmeowmeowmeow song beryl did one time? cutest thing I have ever heard in my life... she should bring it back

>> No.69496181

It was a Chinese meme song IIRC. Learn to Meow.

>> No.69496279

>because it seems like she wants it that way.
I kind of understand her logic too. Visa shit aside, holoEN has been relegated to a side branch and her talents, while probably explosively recognized, wouldn't be a priority for Cover. Meanwhile, Sakana recognizes a jewel and won't let it go to waste if the OffKai rrat is true.

>> No.69496897

ohhhhh! lol the rollercoaster that just took me on.
>found EDM version
not nearly as cute as beryl
>found original version
cute, but still not nearly as cute as beryl
>found this with the EN lyric translation https://youtu.be/2VLY1BawqXw?feature=shared
alright what the fuck those lyrics are adorable

>> No.69497036

Hell yeah, that's why she liked it. She'll probably sing it again too if you remind her.

>> No.69497568


>> No.69497896
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gotchu homedog

>> No.69498089

Oh fuck you're right, it's how the tracking detects how round their eyes are kek

>> No.69498224

I had tried finding it before and I'd already accepted i'd never get the chance to relive that listen. thank you!!!! know what, youre pretty cool anon

>> No.69498581

Clara... accept my marriage proposal in your marshmallows... before it's too late...

>> No.69499788
File: 239 KB, 1280x720, DebutClara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea just how powerful Clara is. In her orisong she states she can achieve 1 BILLION volts of potential. Do you have any idea just how much that is? Lightning strikes can occur with as little as a few tens of thousands of volts, and up to hundreds of thousands. She has control over TEN THOUSAND TIMES more potential! According to the Meek Criteria for the breakdown voltage of air, at standard conditions for temperature and pressure, you can create an electric arc in air with 3.4 megavolts. That means Clara can create an arc of lightning at about 300 meters! And that's in relatively dry air, if the humidity is increased, the arc distance can go up by a lot, enough to make an arc from over a kilometer for sure!
With 1 BILLION volts, even if you were wearing a full body gimp suit made of 2 centimeter thick electrically insulating rubber, she'd be able to grab your shoulder and effortlessly electrocute you through the rubber as if you were wearing nothing!
Clara's potential is so high that to be able to manipulate those voltages, her electrical organs have to be made of DIAMOND, because that's the only material with enough dielectric strength to have a chance at containing them. Literal DIAMOND.
Do you know how many electrical eels you'd need to generate as much voltage as one Clara? One eel can generate up to 860 volts, so one Clara is equivalent to 1 163 000 adult electric eels. With large eels of around 20 kilograms with around the density of water, that's 23 million liters of eels. An olympic swimming pool has a capacity of about 2.5 million liters, so that means to create as many volts as a SINGLE CLARA, you need about 10 Olympic swimming pools filled to the brim with electric eels.
If the current generated by Clara scales similarly, since an electric eel creates a shock of 0.2 amperes, this means Clara can muster 4.6 mega-amps! With this much current, Clara only needs to shock you for a nanosecond and you will explode with as much energy as a kilogram of TNT!
This is the true power of Clara Kaminari.

>> No.69501654


>> No.69502967

>Kaminari may Cry

>> No.69503694
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Many such cases.

>> No.69505709

Anon, almost all of her streams were in Japanese. And she wasn't even the most successful one in either views of superchats.
