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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69463806 No.69463806 [Reply] [Original]

The term "virtual youtubers" was only coined because of the major industry pioneer Kizuna Ai, whose kayfabe was being an AI. Hence, "virtual". This fact alone shows the vast majority of the so-called "viewers" here and in fact tourists. It's especially telling how ironic weebs call vshojo talents "virtual youtubers" despite the fact that not only they aren't "virtual", but they are actually glorified fleshtubers with twitch culture that have willingly shown their audience a large amount of skin, nullifying the need for an avatar.

Stop using terms you don't understand.

>> No.69464034

*cums torrentially*

>> No.69464040
File: 72 KB, 666x666, smug selen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing sister

>> No.69464058

this board already hates vshojo anon.

>> No.69464060

I still think it's strange that this board used to hate westernizing the medium and hated fleshtubers, but is now growing more supportive of both. What exactly happened? Because I actually don't know.

>> No.69464096

Do foreigners really?

>> No.69464161

I hate VShojo and all VShojo adjacent whores

>> No.69464340

By the Kizuna Ai definition, the majority of Holos aren’t vtubers.
Projekt Melody is more of a vtuber than all of HoloEN

>> No.69464388

I don't think there's much difference in tone if any, between Natsumi Moe playing GTAV then to Geega playing GTAV right now. EN vtubing will never not be unwestern.

>> No.69464460

A chuuba focusing on being a real youtuber with high effort edited videos could put streamers to serious shame. But that takes effort and time and makes less money.

>> No.69464534

a bait thread died for this.....

>> No.69464567

>be a virtual YOUTUBER
>stream on twitch

>> No.69464633

>be VIRTUAL youtuber
>not an AI

>> No.69464699

That's true. We should be calling them all "livers" instead. Right? Right?

>> No.69464955

Geega isn't literally fucking guys on her GTA stream so I think I prefer the western tone

>> No.69465114

>not an AI
>stream on TWITCH

>> No.69465180

The most tedious kind of autism is the kind that's unable to accept that etymology has always been and will always be a mess, and so they constantly ree about people using words 'wrong'.

>> No.69465237

>Stop using terms you don't understand.
this but CGDCT

>> No.69465248

And now people will find out that her name was actually “絆愛 (キズナアイ)”.

>> No.69465312

OP provides an uncomfortable truth.
Graduate every "vtuber" aside from Roboco and Neuro (vedal will be shot by firing line).
I don't like it but it will keep vtubing pure.

>> No.69465475

so neuro-sama is the only true evolution of vtuber, as a vtwitcher?

>> No.69465576

>Projekt Melody is more of a vtuber than all of HoloEN
She's also more honest, kind hearted, and overall a better person than most of them.
That being said, the only Twitch vtuber worth watching is Henya.
I've been watching vtubers since Kizuna AI and I still don't get OP's point.

>> No.69465676

Even the youtuber part is kind of a misnomer seeing as they that was derived from making videos, like youtubers, but at this point streaming is the primary form of content.

>> No.69465723

Mito and CookieswirlC are the best vtubers. Streaming is almost always bad content, people only like it because they’re lonely as fuck and need emotional support from women, it’s nothing to do with entertainment for them.

>> No.69465771

This makes as much sense as complaining about Hamburgers that aren't from Hamburg.

>> No.69465779

He's being pedantic

>> No.69465881

Good point

>> No.69465910

>I've been watching vtubers since Kizuna AI
If you were, you wouldn't be a filthy faggot that watches Projekt Whore. Kill yourself newfag.

>> No.69465940

Cringe newfags

>> No.69466001

Yes, but he has a good point.

>> No.69466027

>Every word is literal and can only ever be used literally
Remind me, what's the minimum age requirement for posting on this site? You sound like you're not even 15.

>> No.69466154

Kizuna Ai didn't have any kayfabe or other weird wrestling lingo crap. The voice behind it was a voice actress that was playing a role. It was pretty much acting which is why it was good and had so much charm. In the early days being inside a virtual environment was a common theme.
There are also differences in the technology they used, the fact that Kizuna Ai was often animated rather than motion captured. The use of high quality 3D versus budget Live2D which is mistakenly considered the best option. The company behind it also wanted to sell to developers of games and animation studios. For this they were developing 3D technologies that worked with the Live2D method, but it wasn't very good. When indies started to use it they ditched all other developments and efforts to create new technologies. Now they focus only on the direct to consumer Live2D application.
Another huge difference is that they were not streamers originally. When they did stream it was not always games. But today you will find many so-called fans that can't comprehend a world where a "vtuber" was not expected to stream games every day. This has led to stagnation of the medium as a whole.
All the ASMR and GFE stuff comes directly from egirls that were all doing the same years before.

>> No.69466181

Shut up

>> No.69466197

Their models are virtual.

>> No.69466290

this IS a bait thread

>> No.69467339

This is why Neurosama is the best vtuber and surpassed all others, shes a real AI

>> No.69467646

why are you posting images of a corpse, anon?

>> No.69467681

(You) must be at least 18 years old to post here.

>> No.69467824

>none of them are AI
>all of them are WHORES

>> No.69467870

>whose kayfabe was being an AI. Hence, "virtual"
You use this to seethe about VShojo but what it actually means is that any vtuber who is NOT an AI is not a vtuber.

>> No.69468012

the vtuber audience does have a lot of people who only watch for entertainment. There's a reason a vtuber will have 1k viewers for a gameplay stream and then 5k for a gimmick stream.

>> No.69468981

Probably some others from the ancient times who are also now retired

And neuro

>> No.69469111

Remember when ai did a tour of Tokyo with us on Google street view

>> No.69470237

>is a man

>> No.69470400

based kayfabe enjoyer.
sad that kayfabe has been killed because of omega, it was actually more important that purity (which only applies to a small section of vtubers who are idols).
now, we just have cg e-girls

>> No.69470707

2024 is the year vshojo burns to the ground

>> No.69471173
File: 85 KB, 751x609, pmelhc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$500 says she cancels this stream for some contrived reason

>> No.69471676

Well then he's shit at it cause virtual =/= AI

>> No.69472076

I don't care faggot, it's to late to gatekeep me, vtubers are what I make of them, cope and seethe

>> No.69472275

I want to become a chuuba(male) and will keep kayfabe important

>> No.69473399

Where is Kizuna Ai now?

>> No.69473442
File: 3.06 MB, 1080x1920, hentai AI.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vshojo talents
>aren't "virtual"

>> No.69473605
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>> No.69473609

look at that ass my god

>> No.69474844

What the hell. She never has an ass like that

>> No.69474911

Based distorted image poster.

>> No.69475034
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>> No.69478635

porn addiction, seek help

>> No.69483610
File: 261 KB, 612x348, Is Arlo a Vtuber.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vtubers are Muppets.
Arlo may not be a virtual youtuber, but he has the same spirit.

>> No.69484319

Mel doesn't usually cancel streams though

>> No.69484822

Why I read that in her voice

>> No.69485400

Board is getting overrun with normalfag outsiders like all popular boards do.

>> No.69490906

Demographic replacement through underaged tourist brought in by Parrot and BVTM

>> No.69491330

Been trying to school the EN kids for years but it's no use. They claim to like vtubers without knowing what they are or what it entails.

>> No.69491483

Words mean what the consensus says they mean. If everyone uses Vtuber to refer to something, that thing is a Vtuber.

>> No.69491797

I don’t consider /lig/gers to be people, so

>> No.69492870

OP's right. Virtual YouTuber only refers to YouTube. Maybe we should switch for vcaster.
Your take about not being virtual the moment you record something IRL is a little bit bolder but yeah, Vhoejo showing skin like the whores they are is true. Even Hololive did IRL videos. I'm not against vcasters cooking or showing gloved hands sometimes. Haachama did classic streams that way.

>> No.69495232
File: 814 KB, 1199x677, 1677040439425162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kizuna Ai doesn't give a fuck about your headcanon bro.

>> No.69495314

Japan is becoming more and more isolated in it's popularity with vtubers. They don't try to do any outreach to the rest of the world, and this board isn't /jp/. We've seen a massive rise in indy vtubers, Nijisanji absolutely shitting the bed and showing how dogshit JP corpo culture can really be and their were already plenty of people who didn't like it. It's the turning point.
