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69407674 No.69407674 [Reply] [Original]

>Elira and Vox are still public enemy number 1 and their careers are likely dead now
>Meanwhile Ike just keeps streaming and goes about his business as if nothing ever happened and no one gives a shit
Like... how?

>> No.69407734

because all the retards on twitter dont even watch the talents
they were never niji fans to begin with

>> No.69407942

I've watched Elira's announcement video 4 times by now but still struggle to think of anything relevant Ike said. Why was he even there?

>> No.69408000

He's a literally who homonigger, Voxfag is the big homo

>> No.69408055

Because Ike involvement makes no sense, those two cunts must have roped him into this somehow. Ike is a good guy

>> No.69408175

to shake his water bottle

>> No.69408191

the former 2 spoke really big shit that could actually get them under fire
ike was there as a yapping cosmetic piece because he was arguably close to selen (or so he says)

>> No.69408193

moral support

>> No.69408236

Serious answer? All three of them were probably immediately interrogated that very afternoon and ike's involvement was considered the least severe so he was allowed to return to normal streaming duties on probation.
Elira and vox being the chief architects and the ones who said all the things that could be considered defamatory and legally compromising were likely suspended. Even if kurosanji has no intention of firing them (yet) they proved to be loose cannons that needed to be gagged. Ike did not.

>> No.69408316

The lawyer couldn't even remember his name

>> No.69408319

Ike barely said anything and gave the impression that he was just roped into it because 3 people is a better balance than 2 I guess. Meanwhile Elira and Vox spoke like they were personally involved in the accusations.

>> No.69408332

You need to be subscribed for weeks to be able to write in his live chat

>> No.69408378

To be fair his involvement was the most minimal of the 3 with him just saying "I'm disappointed in Selen" and not much more.

>> No.69408460

because he's literally a fucking nobody

>> No.69408465

Because they assumed that if it was just Elira and Vox (two people directly involved with the Selen thing) it'd sound like only they were mad at her. They had Ike join in so it looked like everyone supports the statement 100%.

>> No.69408486

Wow it hurts you that badly huh? Witch hunting vox and elira is not enough to satiate your small penis syndrome. Gotta go after the lil bro too huh?

>> No.69408603

Because he's unironically a homosexual man.
People think the drama surrounding Doki is a big deal, but this is just another Tuesday for fudge packers.

>> No.69408660

Because he was the least egregious of the 3. It seemed like he was there just because he had to be and showed no real enthusiasm for throwing Selen under the bus unlike the other 2, especially Vox. That guy's yapping may very well have landed him and Niji in some serious legal hot water.

>> No.69408663

bait thread utilizing source from Reddit, you guys are that bored, huh?

>> No.69408842

Yeah, he basically just pearl clutched over being doxxed even which was a reach even if they really thought they were being sued.

>> No.69408937

That's simple: he was on the stream but was the only one that didn't talk about in detail about the document nor made disparaging comments like the other two retarded idiots

>> No.69408973

Nigger actually cunning enough to make his statement as vague as possible so he can backstab mgmt or the clique depending on which Niji decided to scapegoat the blame with plausible deniability. Meanwhile the other two retards just air out everything in order to blame Selen.

>> No.69408978

Kek seriously?

>> No.69409103

Yup, he didn't even mention Ike lmao

>> No.69409339

tbf, "stream normally" is all anyone had to do.

>> No.69409349

Because it was incredibly obvious he was dragged in because Elira and Vox realized it would look really dumb for "suspected ringleader" and "most-subbed liver for star power" were the only ones putting out this hit piece, thus making it even more obvious an attempt at slandering Selen. So, they need more star power that seems trustworthy and reliable, and isn't involved in the drama, and the Luxiem boys are still their biggest subs. In Luxiem, Luca's currently mired in his ex-mod dumping all her receipts like it's December 27th drama, and everyone knows Shu is Elira's lapdog, So, Ike gets dragged onto the stream. He's generally calm and reasonable as well, which adds to the image of credibility they desired.

Since he thusly has the largest chance of just being a hostage in that stream, most people are willing to just go back to ignoring him unless receipts he was actually involved in anything show up.

>> No.69410069

His reputation is also blown, it's just that, like the other guys, his actual numbers will hardly be affected because his fanbase already consisted of nothing but mentally ill teenage zhangs and irredeemable faggots. Expect Vox to also be unaffected in the numbers when he goes back to streaming.
Elira though...

>> No.69410178

Elira and Vox could have streamed normally too. The first stream might have required some extra moderation but after that it would have been forgotten.

>> No.69410181

They wanted a third person and having it be Millie or Enna instead would've gave the clique/bullying rrats way more credibility. It needed a neutral party and nobody else probably wanted to get involved.

>> No.69410259


>> No.69410299

If they just streamed they'd probably get by just fine.

>> No.69410303

he made fun of him today "water bottle ASMR"

>> No.69410387

If we assume daph was given the info and self reported, he was mentioned in the doc sent to Niji. daph said that those 3 volunteered but that more were "probably" listed in the document.

They self reported and 39iq daph is accidentally reporting them while trying to defend them


>> No.69410445

I mean Vox hadn't streamed in months even before this so we don't even know if he's suspended or just lazy af

>> No.69410557

He has glasses therefore is reputable and you should belieb us

>> No.69411313

Has he done anything suspension worthy?

>> No.69412191

He might be in less trouble since he was in Kyo's graduation stream, unlike Elira who did not show up.

>> No.69412554

Joining a big corpo is like winning a lottery ticket. It gives you enough exposure so that no matter what happens, you're always going to have at least a small subsection of fans willing to support you. The company could be an absolute garbage fire, you could do some bad things yourself, it won't matter because there will always be a number of dedicated fans willing to support and/or forgive you for whatever happened.

>> No.69412721

Ike is also being bullied. With the recent Doki stuff though Elira and Vox realized they need to keep their bitches on a tighter leash. Vox is probably blackmailing Ike with pedo images, so he can't just run like Selen did.

>> No.69413395

Seriously. The niji she was closest to was a nijiID. Who do you think she played in all those tournaments with?

>> No.69413572

He streams, just not on his channel

>> No.69413758

Kys troon

>> No.69414019

You have to be a month long member just to chat in his stream. Do you think that's just like nothing happened? Do you know what would happen if chat was open? Believe me when I say, these guys will never have a stream like before. Sure they will have a small core audience, like the bitch Enna said "you guys would defend me even if I killed someone", but there is no growth anymore

>> No.69414126

He is a double agent and was actually sending a coded message to doki.

>> No.69414435

People had a hard time understanding what Ike said because it was all in coded language and most likely heavily censored by lawyers. He had probably originally had a longer, more detailed statement but legal shot it down.
Most of what Ike says is alluding to the fact that "there's more things we can't say". This likely refers to more damning details contained in the document sent by Selen, or her behavior in the company generally. Niji's lawyers looked at this and, either for legal or PR reasons, told him he couldn't reveal any of it, so we were left with an empty statement that essentially says "there's more we can't reveal".
Beyond that, Ike is one of the few people left in NijiEN that could plausibly be considered Selen's friend. So even if he didn't say much, his presence helps to reinforce the narrative that all the livers hate Selen and support the corpo.

>> No.69416358
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>no one gives a shit
are you sure about that?

>> No.69416407

Everyone thought Ike was just Vox changing his voice

>> No.69416653


>> No.69416762

Vox? Yeah. Elira? Nah..

Vox has cultivated an army of menhera chinese girls that would kill for him. Elira always tried to act as a kind and supportive person. Elira is done.

>> No.69416788

he should do water bottle crinkling and paper-ruffling asmr

>> No.69416826

Ike was there cause the casual perceive him as the
>Good boy nobody can dislike

>> No.69416889
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>I've watched Elira's announcement video 4 times by now
just as planned

>> No.69416965

he only appears in collabs you mean? or do you mean he also streams from his PL?

>> No.69416968

Because Elira is a bitch, Vox was insufferable during the video, and Ike was just tagging along but seemed like he didn't want to be there.

>> No.69416995

just wait anon this shit will happen with elira and vox as well - as soon as their chats stop getting brigaded they'll come back like nothing happened and it will just be hugs and hearts in the chat. there is no such thing as cancelling, even minor ecelebs, all they have to do is just come back ignore and post like normal and everything is fine. cancelling only exists for some poor fuck that says the wrong shit at the wrong time and has too much personal info on the web.

>> No.69417150

No one knew why the fuck he was there, and he was super uncomfortable. So most people are giving him the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.69417248

>no one gives a shit
You already answered your question.

>> No.69417255
File: 219 KB, 912x1212, 1680112832000867.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one gave a fuck about Ike

>> No.69417362

Vox was at kyo graduation beyond that he stopped streaming like 2 months ago

>> No.69417573

Kek, if it's true that bitch is not beating the 39IQ allegations

>> No.69417727

based megane fucker

>> No.69417733

Vox's part was so ME ME ME ME MY FEELINGS ME ME ME ME ME all the way with one or two chuckles that he actually made me want to punch him in the face
Truly insufferable motherfucker

Elira at least, despite being a dumb retarded bitch, tried to cover that with crocodile tears

I think even Ike wondered what the fuck he was doing there and if we believe the lawyer, knew that he was going straight to the wall

>> No.69417803
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>I was thinking on *chuckles* graduating with her
God I want to kick him in the balls so much

>> No.69417855

He probably realized himself how fucking retarded that line is.

>> No.69417860

For dramatic effect
>Remember Ike, be relatable by being nervous and taking a zip of water
>Make sure to squeeze the bottle hard enough to make unnecessary noise for more tension
Regardless, that pissed me off rather than making me feel bad for him.

>> No.69419153

Those numbers are pretty consistent with what he was getting before the Elira stream.

>> No.69419219
File: 482 KB, 1042x408, 1701193223001961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no they aren't

>> No.69419940

aren't those just like 2 videos it looks pretty consistent in that he's kind of all over the place do you have like a pool like 30 streams or something lmao. The image you showed looks pretty consistent with the point you tried to disprove.

>> No.69420014

>Like... how?
Nice voice.

>> No.69420120

Ike was so negligible people forgot he was in the video. Even the lawyer guy forgot about him and had to ask his chat what his name was, when he could name vox and elira while summarising the situation.

>> No.69420144

Mike from cleveland was completly forgettable

>> No.69420459
File: 1.49 MB, 989x558, 1688068896052959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait who?

>> No.69421361

As soon as I heard he was involved in the stream I instantly unsubscribed and removed my two year membership. I don't give a fuck if his part was inconsequential, he was still part of it in the first place.

>> No.69421599

Wowie you are so brave anon, tell me more

>> No.69421638

okay bootlicker

>> No.69421670 [DELETED] 

Enna claims to be a virgin to appeal to her femcel audience

But Enna has dated and moved in for more than a year with multiple boyfriends and fakes being a femcel for viewer engagement

Also Enna craves BWC and fucked Kyo during their offcollab.

>> No.69421747

I will lick the boot of such a strong alpha male who takes such decisive action!

>> No.69421931

Tbh I forgot Ike was even there

>> No.69423444


>> No.69423614

Because nobody fucking cares about Ike.

>> No.69423692


>> No.69423760

he really didnt say shit he was just there like there being a dumbass faggot shoving dicks up his urethra

>> No.69424108

I care

>> No.69424264

To convince the audience that every single NijiEN member totally despises Selen and it definitely wasn't the doing of a small group within the branch.

>> No.69424296

The Danganronpa and first Nier streams are already after the Elira stream so yeah doesn't seem like he took a significant hit.

>> No.69424387

nope, only the last three streams took place after the elira stream. Danganronpa 11 happened immediately after so it got a boost from the peanut gallery hoping he'll break down or do something amusing, and that's why the streams folllowing it decline

>> No.69424452

>only the last three streams took place after the elira stream
That's literally what I said.

> the streams folllowing it decline
Only the second Nier stream could be said to be below average for him.

>> No.69424482

Maybe he was secretly upset that Selen put and kept him in a jar.

>> No.69424492

okay that's retarded, there's no way a member of the biggest wave in NijiEN has an average of 2.5k

>> No.69424543

He didn't really say anything and was completely overshadowed by the other two idiots.

>> No.69424591

>Ike: I'm just happy to be here.
That's why Ike is fine. He basically said nothing

>> No.69424705 [DELETED] 

>Elira at least, despite being a dumb retarded bitch, tried to cover that with crocodile tears
Or they were legit because she saw the chat and basically knew her career is done.

>> No.69424727

He was just there to say his name was Ike Eveland, hes a reatrd he cant help it.

>> No.69425022

I hope she cried herself to sleep that night ruminating on how badly she fucked up.

>> No.69425034

He did the smart thing and said fucking nothing!

>> No.69425102

He’s a rapist in disguise.

>> No.69425145

What ever happened with that reddit post

>> No.69425185

which makes the rrat all the more convincing that she had to do it cuz of the quid pro quo

its so funny how she thought she could get away with this kinda character suicide with all the better female options in the vtubing market

>> No.69425238

not that poster but he's only appeared in other ppls collab streams

>> No.69425348

If the GURRAT is true, she has a lot more to cry about if this goes anywhere near a court.

>> No.69425423

This is probably the case, would fit with the rrat that they either hijacked or pressured the livers to tweet the Elira stream in order to implicate everyone.

>> No.69425429
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>there's no way a member of the biggest wave in NijiEN has an average of 2.5k
>he doesnt know

>> No.69425486
File: 267 KB, 1921x1153, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and here is the strongest Luxiem

>> No.69425517

Was probably just some Metoo dramawhore trying to leech attention, guess she got cold feet.

>> No.69425581

yikes, suicide dixxing AND dragging the whole branch as an united front?

>> No.69425596
File: 679 KB, 1078x2141, Screenshot_20240218-144003_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at the views in his stream happening right now. These are his average numbers. Sometimes it's more and sometimes less, but this is definitely his median which was the case before the Elira stream. He's basically been entirely unaffected by any of this.

>> No.69425728

That's a collab, it by definition cannot be his average numbers

>> No.69425783

i have a rrat that he has commited the heinous crime of being friends with elira and vox irl, thus did not wanted to abandon them

>> No.69425785

Hey Redditor Girl (who is apparently an art vtuber?) who claimed Ike is a sexpest, now is your time to shine. Don't let it go to waste.

>> No.69425821

Lol. You really think fucking Vanta is bumping anyone's numbers up?

>> No.69425849

enough that it can't be used as an average

>> No.69425883

how the fuck is holoID mogging a branch with at least 5x more people in it lmao

>> No.69425886

if the lawyer is correct she's not gonna be able to sleep well anyways

I hope she gets backlash from all the sponsors and the internet forever if she really bullied people lmao

>> No.69425887

tecnically its ike whos bumping vanta's number up. check on vanta and lets see who really is leeching off who

>> No.69425889


>> No.69425980

Probably because the branch has 5x as many people in it - potential viewership interested in NijiEN streamers is divided a lot further than people potentially interested in watching NijiID streamers.

>> No.69426211

he never said anything relevant in that black stream
anything he said was already been said by vox or elira
his presence on the video was negligible

>> No.69426336

He used the bottle crunching ASMR to hypnotize the audience.

>> No.69427535

No because what he said align with what Doki said.
- She admitted things she wrote in the document were incorrect because she was in a dark place at time.
- His intervention was bad but not a attempt at character assassination unlike Vox & Elira.
- He always had a better reputation than the other 2.
- You are lying if you imply that he is unaffected by the situation.

>> No.69428393

So little presence that people forgot he was even in the Kurosanji recording

>> No.69430375

So you're saying Ike... fights for his friends?

>> No.69430407

He literally might as well have not even been there. He added nothing.

>> No.69431055

BBC on twink action is a tag fujos love

>> No.69431479
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it's called the "the insane fujos in my fanbase have my back, now I just have to look pretty and ignore everything until it goes away!"strat

>> No.69431502

Are we sure ike was actually on the stream and wasn't just an AI stand-in?

>> No.69431764

An attempt to give the video more credibility,
"oh someone Doki was friends with is also part of the video"
Only issue is that a majority of dramafags don't watch NijiEN so they didn't know that Ike and Doki were friends.

>> No.69432021

I don't like about Elira and Ike, but I have no doubt that Vox was happy to do this stream. He is a narcissistic scumbag and always has been.

>> No.69432201

>"I-It must be AI no way my Ike is EVIL!!"
>"he's doki's friend!"
and choose to participate in a direct attack to her image and credibility...ogey
inb4 forced

>> No.69432213

That motherfucker sounds ecstasic when even Elira sounds crushed by stress, i really want to punch this guy

>> No.69433023

This. It was like subtracting zero fans and zero support. You terrified the fanbase into rallying and coming together like never before. Shoulda listened to gus fring “i do not believe fear to be an effective motivator” The raw financials of supas and views and streamlabs will bring stocks up, not mean tweets. Can a mean tweet remove money from tazumis coin purse? Jp investors cant even read your tweets anyway, try nihongo next time. Also thank you for the lovely comments on our vods and views, you’re helping boost our algorithm so john q youtuber whos never seen this drama will get recommended one of our streams and maybe stick around! Wow, I didnt know you guys cared so much!

Ooh did i rustle your jimmies? How about a mean superchat? Riku needs some wax for the yacht deck.

You know what, I’m sorry, make sure you support doki. Legal fees are expensive especially in western canada. Keep giving her that money. Surely shes gonna dunk on niji again right? Shes gonna say something real defamatory? Ooh right, oof sorry. Welp.

>> No.69433347

I havent seen an example of one streamer who lost ccv (excluding ones not streaming) in fact some gained like aster. Damn, that must be frustrating.

>> No.69433489 [DELETED] 

Larp hahahahah larp hohohoho. A 2 year ike eveland incel? Lololol You paid ike eveland 120 dollars is that what you’re telling me?

>> No.69433559

“Okay bootlicker”, he said calmly, tears welling in his eyes.

>> No.69433562

>You terrified the fanbase into rallying and coming together like never before
A year's worth of subscriber gains were wiped out in two weeks.

>> No.69433803

Ike’s cool. He tweeted something implying he’d be on a long break. Shortly thereafter he slapped his dick on the keyboard and got to streaming like nothing, defiant at dookiebird for setting the branch on fire. And he was definitely hurt because they were friends, you can see a couple dozen selen collabs hes done, assuming they are still up (actually im a check)

>> No.69433922
File: 2.49 MB, 1328x1944, Ike Eveland needs some water.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, he just drank some water. No one cares about his part, just a bit confused.

>> No.69433939

17 year old with rage detected opinion invalid

>> No.69434025

>he said nothing
>his chat is barely moving and numbers are in the drain
>one of the top two fujo infested channels in EN
gee I wonder how he can keep streaming like nothing. It's a hugbox. A bubble of toxic positivity.

>> No.69434068

If i want to defend him i'd say that out of the three stooges, he's the only one who knew that they were doing something incredibly fucking stupid so he made the only sensible thing to do : laying low (like he does all the fucking time) and going back to business as usual.

The other two team rocket members, on the other hand are still fucked unless proven otherwise

>> No.69434144

You see the thing is, theres an exchange rate you have to take into account. Its about 6 chumbuds to 1 luxiem fan. Because that’s how little they have value in society. Actually 6:1 is pretty generous, but i’ll let you have it

>> No.69434195

If legal was checking the stream in first place it wouldn't have happened.

>> No.69434291

Arent all men like schrodingers rapists? Like at all times a potential rapist and potentially not a rapist? Bear in mind hes got that viking blood, so don’t dress too cute bud, might be your bumhole on the line.

>> No.69434295

It's fitting because both Ikes are also gay

>> No.69434482

Yeah, we’ll all switch over to the pedobait shark after she did this. Let me practice.

Look at my shark wife

See ya’ll on /ggg/

>> No.69434638

>>If the collected greentext typed on a screen is true

What an if. If you wrote that if on a piece of paper and taped it to your roof, some chinese astronaut on the moon right now could read it.

>> No.69434923

You realize one of those views is you right? This obsession is so funny. Its like a scorned yandere ex girlfriend who is trying kill you if you wont love her

>> No.69434942

If you think Ike and Selen weren't good friends, you're a clueless clown who never watched Selen

>> No.69435035

>A bubble of toxic positivity.
Just like Doki? LOL

>> No.69435389

She probably will but honestly for the good memories she gave me as selen, i just want her to peacefully go off and stream in whatever dark corner she picks and live in peace. No more shit. And at this point, she might be, or might be real soon blacklisted poison to corpo collabs. Because even if she is 100% innocent shes a blazing red flag. She might get into a rough spot when collab offers turn away. But she could always not collab and just grindset supa pity farm. She could also deploy the 3rd attempt stategy that happened somewhere in january

>> No.69435476

Holy shit, ive mained ike in smash since brawl, i should have known!

>> No.69435739

Lmao oh no not the dead subs! What’ll we do about the dead subs who never watched and were hate subbed to snoop on the streams?

>> No.69435809

Lmao oh no not the dead subs! What’ll we do about the dead subs who never watched and were hate subbed to snoop on the streams? What else?

>> No.69435911

Boohoo dead subs unsubbed waaaaahh! Mah big number!

>> No.69436022

Yeah, because the sign of a healthy chat is having lots of people shitting it up with unrelated screeching about a topic you're clearly not going to talk about during the stream

>> No.69436131

ARGHHH Happiness! I cant stand it!! It burns!

Btw toxic positivity more applies to in person one on one situations, not a group of people chatting over text

>> No.69436319

This is a board for the discussion of vtubers, he was discussing the CCV of a vtuber.
How is it in any way like an obsessision?

>> No.69436380

He basically just said he was sad. He’s still a snake but twitter fucks are too pussy to go after someone who’s depressed

>> No.69436421

How are they dead if they made the choice to unsub?

>> No.69436480

>Meanwhile Ike just keeps streaming and goes about his business as if nothing ever happened and no one gives a shit
lmao his chat requires you be subscribed for 4 weeks to send a message, it's almost entirely green names and is just the same couple dozen people talking among themselves, and his ccv is took a huge hit and continually went down over the course of his nier stream once people realized he had no intentions of saying shit about the termination, meaning his numbers are inflated from dramafags

>> No.69436560

As schizoid and baseless of a theory of it is, i have to admit that the stream being the soley the three of their ideas, maybe with loose approval from manager? Makes sense. It had to be approved in some fashion, approvals are what got us into this mess. But yeah i could see the three of them doing that ill advised stream and it backfired real bad

>> No.69436713

You could put your efforts to productive things, this obsession isn healthy. Cant believe your watching nijimales doesnt that make you die a bit?

>> No.69437012

Quantity over quality.

>> No.69437020

They stayed subbed a long time, but werent regular watchers. Rosemi had 500k subs lost almost 20k. Did she ever stream to nearly that many people as she lost? Except outfit reveals and shit? All those lost subs but the ccvs keep on tickin the subs keep on flowin, the garbage took itself out. You know what number of people they have watching or subs doesnt matter to us as long as they are getting decent money and are happy?

You probably never cared about your hologals happiness. Just her numbers. Not how she feels having an embarrassing fanbase who puts her face on a twitter profile and says gross shit.

>> No.69437318

I meant general obession with ike eveland and his performance and metrics and why a hololive fanbase would care about what a luxiem member is or isnt doing. And that obsession applies to niji as well

Lemme tell you something. I stumbled across vt a year or two ago, having not seen any hololive streamer yet. This place ruined holo for me, i didnt want to be a fellow fan with a gross fanbase

>> No.69437479

Ike is a male petra.
He barely interacts with the rest of the company so his fans couldn't care less about the drama.

>> No.69437722
File: 175 KB, 1389x1080, IMG_7548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your obsession with Hololive is unhealthy, seek professional help.

>> No.69440540


>> No.69440796

That question explains his entire career in luxium

>> No.69442567

Funny thing about daph, with the language used by her if it ever goes to court she will be interrogated by both doki's and niji's lawyers and then dragged to talk I'm court since she litteraly gave them enough to speculate whether or not she got leaked information, if you don't know shit don't talk as if you know something the public isn't aware of

>> No.69442990

>mgmt or the clique

sfx: Crime Syndicate laughing

>> No.69444901


>> No.69445465

Anon these are normal Ike numbers

>> No.69445611

Good job sport! Don't go spending that 500 rupee gift card all in one place!

>> No.69445981

Ike is based
He advertised water bottle ASMR, said basically nothing and then went back to doing his job.

>> No.69446036

Because Ike had no reason to be in the video and have no reason to exist.

>> No.69446156

I'm gonna say it: Neither Vox or Ike will be hard affected by that situation. Elira will but these 2 have audience of girls who can't even speak english properly, also they don't care about anyone besides males from that company. So yeah, i think these guys will be fine(besides some death threats for a while) their wallets won't be affected much

>> No.69446296

Vox being a dumb retard or an abusive asshole isn't a minus to Vox's fanbase

>> No.69446679

Vox will be fine if he stays inside whatever remains of the NijiEN community. Everyone else thinks he is a toxic clown.

>> No.69447480

>Neither Vox or Ike will be hard affected by that situation.
Vox will, him being a creepy child groomer has been brought to light to the general masses

>> No.69447703

General masses != his kpop stans. You can't reason with them, he can kill a person and they will still donate to him. Actual sociopaths

>> No.69449238

>Tumblr post
>Disproven day 1
>"But but it's real! Let me repost it again!"
Fuck off.

>> No.69450455

Vox was also in a collab stream two days ago. If he is on suspension, it's a very soft one.

>> No.69450750

Ike is a prime example of wasted potential. He had several chances to carve a unique niche for himself in the vtuber sphere and never did. I don't even know what he does on a regular basis and I doubt many people do.

He could have leaned into his music background and been a metal guitarist/vocalist vtuber but his perfectionism and performance anxiety stopped him. He could have leaned into his degenerate visual novel tastes he mentioned during his debut and brought hidden gems to a huge new audience but he didn't because all his favorites are loli shit and he'd get torn to shreds. Hell he could have started playing Nier and Drakengard earlier in his career and it probably would have popped off since Automata was still relatively fresh around debut.

>> No.69451001

They all celebrated those milestones sis. At least they can do it again in a year's time.

>> No.69451273

Vox rarely streams nowadays, having explicitly expressed his hatred for his audience that gave him his luxurious life to begin with. Elira is in Japan, so she wasn't planning on streaming for a while, anyway.

If they need a break, they'll announce it, like Kotoka. Otherwise, everyone has bills to pay, and I assume they're all working on planning to resume work in the future. There's nothing new to speculate.

>> No.69451967

Scandinavian autism

>> No.69452319

2nd Youtube lawyer makes same comment on the black screen video and participants

"Elira, Vox, and that other forgettable one."

>> No.69454463

That's too close to home so it has a fair chance to be true.

>> No.69455960

>He could have leaned into his degenerate visual novel tastes he mentioned during his debut and brought hidden gems to a huge new audience but he didn't because all his favorites are loli shit and he'd get torn to shreds.
Eh, Fulgur reads degenerate BL shit on stream from time to time and his audience still isn't exactly massive.

>> No.69456409

>She admitted things she wrote in the document were incorrect
No she didn't.

>> No.69456499

all ike did was drink water

>> No.69456528

Who is this?

>> No.69456588

who is that? I swear, I've seen him somewhere but I just can't put my finger on it

>> No.69456734

>She admitted things she wrote in the document were incorrect because she was in a dark place at time.
>His intervention was bad but not a attempt at character assassination unlike Vox & Elira.
his only memorable contribution was drinking water
>He always had a better reputation than the other 2.
depends on where you ask
>You are lying if you imply that he is unaffected by the situation.
not op, but he is so fucking irrelevant nobody cared, both lawyers forgot his name less than a few mins after watching the video

>> No.69456764

screamo twink

>> No.69456783

There's a lot of power in being a forgettable background character

>> No.69457314
File: 516 KB, 516x859, GDyUaVeWMAArIDL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He could have leaned into his music background and been a metal guitarist/vocalist vtuber
This I agree. Good thing the other big agency delivers on that front tho, Niji could never

>> No.69457823

well of course
he is the favorite after all

>> No.69458048

literally who???

>> No.69459565

because cancel culture doesn't even slightly work if you just ignore the people trying to cancel you. it's not hard, twitter doesn't have any power over anything if you just don't listen.

>> No.69459836

What's going on with Luca?

>> No.69460723

Ex-mod of his is claiming that she skinwalked a lot of his career, such as building all his Minecraft projects, being the source of his 'handwritten' messages, and being the scenario/scriptwriter for his voicepacks. Also claims that he's kind of a sexpest who's obsessed with women wanting him and chasing him but immediately declining them/losing interest when he has a chance to actually do anything with them. Also a claim he harassed people who failed to get in Nijisanji.

There were a fair amount of legit-looking receipts, but in the end I doubt we'll truly know since it's very unlikely Nijisanji will acknowledge it and fire him, since everything else is on so much fucking fire rn.

>> No.69463796


>> No.69463905

Name a single straight male in NijiEN

>> No.69464005

NTA but Luca.

>> No.69464052

What's this guy's name, again?

>> No.69464145

Ok I like Gero and taiga so I guess Ike has now upgraded to screamo twink with the water bottle in my mind.

>> No.69464167

>Ignored desperate hag pussy to stroke his own ego.
Being exclusively gay for yourself doesn't mean you're not hella gay, bro.

>> No.69464290

Does being a narcissist make you gay

>> No.69464352

>The only person you are sexually attracted to is yourself
>You are sexually attracted to a person of the same sex
I think that's a solid "probably", chief.

>> No.69464399
File: 863 KB, 560x840, literally who.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69464413

Just want to point out that Vox has an army of chinese women that would throw themselves into fire for his anglo cock so his career will never die

Elira took the biggest hit of anyone but she has enough fans to where she'll recover over time, Ike was just kind of there to back them up and he's also got a fujo army at his beck and call

>> No.69464419


>> No.69464482

Canadian Elf lawyer unironically forgot his name four times during one stream

>> No.69464958

fujo here
I hate niggers

>> No.69466046

Because no one actually gives a shit. Drama = Views

>> No.69466311

>Elira and Vox
>needed to be gagged.

>> No.69467174

>his only memorable contribution was drinking water
He's also the one that said she could leave at any time, slamming the door on any of the dumb faggots who were trying to excuse Elira and Vox by claiming management forced them (after all, talents can leave at any time, right?). If anything Ike's contribution was more stabbing Vox and Elira in the back than anything else.

>> No.69467323

He's such a non-factor in all this that it wasn't even surprising his name got forgotten lmao.

>> No.69467440

He’s a male rapist. They get away with anything except murder

>> No.69468125

He was just there in a failed attempt to bolster the credibility of the other two because he was friendly with Selen. He contributed nothing of value, so anyone turned off by his presence there will just silently leave instead of raising a fuss, and everyone else just pretends it didn’t happen.

>> No.69468645

Who the hell gives a shit about hex

>> No.69471033
File: 782 KB, 1594x893, 1707788373743120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big a yab will it be if it comes to light that Elira has unalived herself and succeeded where Selen failed?
