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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69331645 No.69331645 [Reply] [Original]

So why did the sisters spergout out harder then they ever have before? Was it the mass un-subbing? Normalfags dunking on Nijisanji? Everyone making fun of Vox for being the world's biggest retard?

>> No.69331864

i have news for you op, the "sisters" play both sides, either they play it up for content that they can later milk from you retards in the form of youtube streams (yes, these big channels actually have dedicated shillcords, you can see how a lot of the posts all kind of sound the same), or they are just addicted to drama and they don't care who loses as long as they get their kicks out of it

>> No.69331974

ACtually the sisters are from the doxxsite and openly talk about coming here. If they wanted drama they could stay on the doxxsite.

>> No.69331987
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Sisters got uppity in the moment Vox is involved. Now they're also uppity about some lawyer who shafted Vox's retarded takes live

>> No.69331994

>akshually sisters are genius shitposters

>> No.69332057

read the post anon

>> No.69332258

quit trying to self embellish yourself, literally any 16 year old with a keyboard can be a dramafag drone regurgitating stupid reddit memes its not hard

>> No.69332282

I did, it was retarded.
They don't play both sides because the moment their arguments get shut down they leave for other threads still peddling the same talking point or try to avoid answering. And unless you have any kind of proof that there is coordination to "milk it" for youtube streams, I'd tell you to just take your meds.

>> No.69332588

It's literally just because Vox made a fool of himself. Until the damage control stream happened they were staying quiet as fuck.

>> No.69332923

>he thinks all of the “sisters” are all lgbtqz women, and not trolls playing both sides, or setting themselves up for easy dunks
Are you genuinely retarded? There are some actual sisters, of course. But do you really need the concept of falseflagging explained to you?

>> No.69332973

>leddit,twitter&/vt/ support selen
>any dissenting questions or opinions get shutdown with "omg she literally tried to kill herself like omg u are le evil"
Naw,fuck selenniggers.

>> No.69333027

Sisters are in shambles because now even normies know Vox is a retard. Any chance he ever had of having a normal youtube channel or a career in the film industry has been squandered, and even if he recovers with time, this drama will forever follow him. If I was a pretentious numberfag like him and fucked up that badly, knowing I now depend solely on schizo yumes to get a living, I'd probably kill myself.

>> No.69333146

Reminder that Vox would laugh at your fat ass self harming in his honor. Now fuck off and beg for upvotes on your containment site you gross butter beast.

>> No.69333203

That just sounds like some of the sisters are mad that the others are retards.

>> No.69333246

>sisters act like retards

>> No.69333251

>fuck normal humans with empathy, my autist ass that regularly jokes and tells people to kys is correct because this generation is too soft and REEEE WHY DOES NOBODY AGREE WITH ME

>> No.69333254

>sister = anyone I dislike
now you’re getting it

>> No.69333330

The trolls are winning, yes
There’s a lot of drama out there to farm

>> No.69333333

Streisand effect for grooming, trauma triggering RP, and helping push a coworker to suicide and admitting on main
allegedly ofc lmao

>> No.69333379

Are you telling me the doki rentrys were just a prank bro?

>> No.69333429

Except they have talking points and a narrative, which we already know is fucking retarded. Their best arguments are dogshit. The reentrys looked like they were written by teenagers.

>> No.69333443

Implying I give a shit about male vtubers,let alone a fucking EN one.
The United savior faggotry for selen is just retarded. Reddit tier gamergate shit.

>> No.69333534


>> No.69333538

mid get

>> No.69333556

i don't care that she tried to kill herself, i care that nijisanji is fucking incompetent

>> No.69333624

Would Babs cosign this? I don't know, and don't care about males, but hoo-boy those digits

>> No.69333652

What kind of argument are you making if it gets shut down like that?

>> No.69333844

There's no saviorfagging. Niji just fucked up THAT badly by letting those 3 run their mouths and leaving the video up and monetized

>> No.69333890

> I am morally superior because I retweeted #stopsuicide, CHUD. #BLM
Kill yourself trend hopping drone.

>> No.69333918

This is what happens when a bunch of online losers that get powertrips from cancelling people (80%+ of current Nijifans) are on the receiving end

>> No.69333953

>Implying I give a shit about male vtubers
Because you cry like someone that would faggot, crying about how dissenting opinions aren't allowed wah wah wah. No one here even needs to bring up the suicide attempts to talk about how retarded Niji is, so why dont you keep up. Go to reddit and cry about it there if you're sensitive ass can handle watching a number go down without wanting to kill yourself

>> No.69334035

Nobody cares about the appeals to morality. There's concrete rational arguments that the counter-truth narrative straight up loses to.

>> No.69334040 [DELETED] 
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I really don't care for Squ anymore. Funny how that can happen. I might have even called her my oshi 1-2 years ago. It's like everything I don't like much about her got magnified over time. Someone here called it "flanderization" once and I think he was on to something. It's not that I hate her or anything, I just don't care anymore.

>> No.69334092

It was the gurrat.
They know that we know, and that's unacceptable.

>> No.69334125

She's on break. Go watch someone else.

>> No.69334199

Maybe it isn't 100% true, but the general reaction to it shows that something in it hit a little bit too close to home, and they are panicking

>> No.69334480

>any dissenting questions or opinions get shutdown with "omg she literally tried to kill herself like omg u are le evil"
>and the other side will say “why are you believing this BPD menhera bitch
Both sides are retarded

>> No.69334595

Don't both sides it. The BPD thing is their main talking point. Nobody makes dumb moral arguments over the GURrat.

>> No.69334626

Can't even run to the hugbox now that NDF are getting bullied out there too. They're literally internet pariahs.

>> No.69334666

>le both sides
straight out the sister handbook
go back

>> No.69334864

Sister, sister
Talk about a two-way twister
Shaking up the family tree
With sibling synchronicity

Sister, sister
Never knew how much I missed ya
Now that everybody knows
I ain't ever gonna let you go


Sister, sister
Never knew how I missed ya
Now that everybody knows
I ain't ever gonna let you go
Sister, sister

>> No.69335756
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>> No.69336006

she posted the hospitalization band. Nijisisters glossed over it but boy did everyone in NijiEN give her the cold shoulder. EVERYONE, OVER THE HOLIDAYS, GREAT FAMILY IMAGE RIGHT?

>> No.69336043

yes, and?
