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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69325745 No.69325745[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Uh oh, Dragoonbros. This doesn't look very good for us



>> No.69325824

Another sister rally thread?
Fine, I'll argue with you since you flee threads the moment you can't come up any good reply when you get proven wrong.

>> No.69325846

Enna has CP on her phone.

>> No.69325859


>> No.69326008

why do this for free when you could actually work for them for $8/hr?

>> No.69326083

Based, but she's still a bitch.

>> No.69326093
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Not like this...

>> No.69326111
File: 227 KB, 720x759, Screenshot_2024-02-17-08-53-21-778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it up with Japan's economy

>> No.69326277

Everyone in Obsydia is on their 3rd manager though.
Their 1st manager got promoted
Their 2nd one was shared with other waves, which proved to be unfeasible
and their 3rd is their current one

>> No.69326316

Ok Millie now shut up already

>> No.69326360

I'd get heated too dealing with kurosanji's management

>> No.69326401

can you post more selen lewds? other anons welcome to as well

>> No.69326604

What argument? Selen admitted to berating her managers multiple times and every manager associated with her conveniently ended up not working with her anymore

Could it be she was the one harassing managers for doing their job and her accusations of her bullied was a deflection?

>> No.69326671

Not really about the managers, more of the general "arguments" the sisters keep bringing up.
Also see >>69326277.

>> No.69326847

Explain why she is the only one in her wave to get a the Xsoleil manager and why conveniently, every manager that has worked with her has either stopped working with her or has had issues with her while she insists she didn't "scare them away"

>> No.69326850

According to nijisanji's termination Selen (so obsydia too I guess?) had to change managers 6 times

>> No.69326956

Unless you have private information on the matter, neither me nor you can claim we actually know why this happened. Speculation is fairly fruitless when we're obviously on opposite sides of a discussion.

>> No.69326980
File: 164 KB, 1307x343, HOLY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.69327072
File: 87 KB, 1306x431, Go_To_Sleep_Vox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off vox you pedophile

>> No.69327084

There's a pattern of Selen's self admitted unwarranted angry rants to managers where she has said a lot of bad shit. There's a pattern of Selen burning through managers . I don't think any wave other than Obsidiya has had three different managers confirmed to have stopped working with them

>> No.69327111

Ah yes, I forgot the fact that companies aren't allowed to pay their employees anything above minimum wage. My bad. Especially for a completely inconsequential position such as talent manager, of course.

>> No.69327121

Agreed, never let a good model go to waste.

>> No.69327226

Selen's managers were underpaid college students who probably didn't know what they were signing up for retard it's not rocket science. try harder sister

>> No.69327266

There's also a pattern to the way waves crash on a beach if you ignore all the times it doesn't fit said pattern.
Indeed we have no confirmation that other groups have had as much change in management but we do not have anything that tell us otherwise either. As for the reason why it wasn't brought up by other livers is maybe simply because they didn't care about enough to talk about it.

>> No.69327283

This is going to be taught as a case study in business schools. Even if Niji produces video of Selen doing everything from killing Rushia's cat to taking a shit on Elira's streaming PC to poisoning wells in African villages, they still won't win back sentiment in the west because of how they bungled the initial termination. In 10 years more people in the west might know Nijisanji just because everyone who gets an MBA had to write a paper for an international marketing class on how badly they fucked up.

>> No.69327400

She literally said that other members also got new managers and implied that is was part of a more general restructuring. Stop bullshitting.

>> No.69327408

They literally are paying them above minimum wage. For a part time, entry level job where you assist a manager, don't work weekends , is remote and you work 5 hours a day, it seems pretty reasonable.

>You have to be bilingual

So? English is taught in Japanese schools. It's not a big requirement
