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69300161 No.69300161 [Reply] [Original]

>mentally ill
>too scared to talk to girls
>needs a oshi to fill the girlfriend void no matter how shameless it might be
I need suggestions. Any tiny yab makes my mentally ill brain feel like the world is ending so I need a stable GFE streamer that, won't have a guy on stream, quit the GFE suddenly, and doesn't have any bad yabs I need to ignore. Yes I know I'm a unicorn but my mental illness literally can't help itself.

>> No.69300300


>> No.69300394
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Nene Amano is for you. Come home. She's live right now!

>> No.69301378

If you are into girlfriends that don't give a single fuck about you, maybe

>> No.69302713

You're going to fly too close to the sun, anon. The better the illusion, the worse it'll be when it's shattered.
A couple of years ago they would have said Rushia.

>> No.69302774


>> No.69302922

Just be a schizo like me and pretend whatever chuuba you are watching is your gf

>> No.69302971

Honestly, fpbp

And thats EXACTLY why she's the best. >>69302713 is right. You have to remember that, end of the day, they're playing a character.

>> No.69303027

this woman's laugh heals my soul

>> No.69303047

You're just setting yourself up for pain when its inevitably revealed they have a bf irl (They all do)

>> No.69304780

Doesn't stream enough, I don't hate her tho.
Heard of her so maybe I'll check her out
Did this a few times and got burned hard by innocuous shit
I know but I can't help but be drawn to GFE chuubas. I guess the good news is I don't anti them once I get burned but it's depressing af. I just need one unicorn friendly chuuba thay I can be relatively secure in.

>> No.69305973
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Come home...

>> No.69309689


>> No.69309732

idk anon, her mods are obnoxious af, you have to keep the chat closed to get a decent experience but that restricts any interaction with her.

>> No.69310223

I don't know what your smoking anon. I used live chat and hardly anything gets removed unless you're being a blatant coomer and her mods almost never chat. Thinking of someone else?

>> No.69310414

>Any tiny yab makes my mentally ill brain feel like the world is ending
do rrats count? because if they do I think you may be screwed or would have to just watch streams and never read anything about her

>> No.69312258

Most minor rrats and dox shit no. Stuff like Rushia or having actual males on stream or definitive proof the chuuba has a bf are what get to me.

>> No.69313169
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Lemon whore, she streams every day. You'll notice when she's gone.

>> No.69313335

Holo: Fauna
Niji: Vivi
Phase: Runie

>> No.69313734

Mikeneko. Ruthless, driven, conniving, and also best in the biz. And her widely known scandal means that no normie male is going to touch her with a 10 ft pole, allowing you to simulate in your brain the perfect menhera experience.

>> No.69315435


>> No.69316869


>> No.69317034

Psst come to shiori shes very nice and have chill streams

>> No.69317061

Rushia was the best GFE chuuba to date and no other chuuba even comes close - she even did it to the guy she married and the guy she was cucking him with
Online AND IRL, no other chuuba comes even remotely close

>> No.69317095

Nene's okay, but she doesn't feel like a girlfriend.

>> No.69317098

>Wife experience fleshtuber
Mafumafu was just being salty cause he was a unicorn.

>> No.69317155

>Unicorn friendly
Did she break up with her boyfriend?

>> No.69317196

ok cuck, but what about the people that actually want to have stable lives, sanity or offspring?

>> No.69317276

I second Runie. Best pickup phase has done ever. Never have I seen a streamer love their job and their chat more.
Personality and banter with chat is perfect too

>> No.69317536


>> No.69317555

I was going to name my Oshi as the supreme GFE, but then I re-read your post and thought that I don't want another mentally ill unicorn in the fold. We already have enough.
Pool's Closed.

I'll recommend >>69300394 since I don't watch her, and then I won't have to interact with you in case you turn into a Gabe.

>> No.69317644
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>Let's get married at 50k, chat.

>> No.69317668

Mike Neko is giving out kisses on stream right now OP

>> No.69317751
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I know you

>> No.69318133

your only option is jp indies that still have the goal of making their viewers happy before all else gosling bro, any GFE related on the EN side is simply just whores and/or dollar chasers that hate their audience
>>69317751 is the prime example, never trust GFE chuubas with a contract

or just follow gabe and watch whoever he latched on to at the moment, though I haven't seen him in a long while

>> No.69318204

What are your thoughts on Miori? She is an EN indie so no contracts. Was going to recommend her to OP

>> No.69318372
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Seldea does the job for me. She has a nice voice and since she mostly speaks Korean her fans are majority non-western and I don't have to worry about reading about yabs or drama, PL shit or whatever. Her english is good enough to respond naturally to comments, but I haven't felt the need to chat so far.

She seems really genuinely cute and affectionate, she likes to tease sometimes - and her ASMR is top shelf.

>> No.69318378

Black company. Glad she escaped.

>> No.69318474

OP, you're not the one who made the Elira thread right? If you are, you should really try that tulpa idea if you're that on the edge.

>> No.69318555

Are her gachis ok? If she ever has some.
This is kinda evil lol

>> No.69318677


>> No.69318720

her streamlabs is quite anemic for being a gfe chuuba, she even plays acoustic guitar and sings
is apex such a debuff

>> No.69318809

Shiori is cool, her threads are a mess tho and for my own mental health she seems too volatile
No thanks if bf shit is true
Idk who this gabe retard is but I'm pretty quiet in streams and on threads.
No. I'd rather not give myself schizophrenia either

>> No.69318817

I've only checked her out briefly at some point, but she overdid it way too much and I got a bad impression
I trust your opinion more than mine though since I don't watch her
I'm not a namefag sorry

>> No.69318945
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Runie Ruse is super cute and playful.

>> No.69318992

No, she didn't.

>> No.69320982

Ceres comes Pippa-approved as GFE, which might not sound like much of an endorsement but Pippa takes GFE oddly seriously.

>> No.69321054


>> No.69321266
File: 138 KB, 400x400, 1491316954172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon, the other Ceres. Yes, Fauna. She's very consistent and a vet so she's a very safe choice.

>> No.69321422

why dod they all have BFs, specially Lumi

>> No.69321601

>jp indies that still have the goal of making their viewers happy before all else
This is zero streamers ever.

>> No.69321674

Because they're girls.

>> No.69321794

They're not my oshi but Fuwamoco/Kiara/biboo are the safest bet in En in think. They have the least "yabs"
Just be careful of how close Mori tries to get to them. She has a track record of getting close to girls and then suddenly said girls personalities changing for the worse

>> No.69321860
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>> No.69321958

I did think about recommending her because she's really good at what she does but she is surrounded by professional yabbers and OP needs the safest options.

>> No.69322046

I wanted to make OP worse so he understands that GFEs arent the way

>> No.69322134

Perhaps you should kill yourself to illustrate things could be worse.

>> No.69322331

i don't even speak nihoogo and you can just tell from a minute or two of watching michaelcat that she's amazing at it.

>> No.69322481

>She has a track record of getting close to girls and then suddenly said girls personalities changing for the worse
Mori and FWMC are practically best friends.

>> No.69322541

I would also like to say Runie Ruse from Phase Connect, but also look up for yourself. Don't get too deep into her, or you might get a spark that would make you explode. Even if we're anons, we care about your choices and your stability to watch the chubbas.

>> No.69323416

Just came here to see if anyone shared my gfe oshi, I'm glad nobody did

>> No.69323580

Who's your GFE oshi?

>> No.69323724


>> No.69324232

Is she the one that fucked one of her mods?

>> No.69324987

i hope not, or else i will be very sad and might actually off myself, i dont want shondo to cheat on me.. please..

>> No.69325008

please keep thinking this way and don't change your mind ever

>> No.69325072

I'm deliberately encompassing everyone inside and outside of chuubin. Nobody does this for other people.

>> No.69325264

it's true but allegedly they never fucked, even when they met up at his or her house

>> No.69325455

>Any tiny yab makes my mentally ill brain feel like the world is ending
If you're not just shitposting, you need to get offline, it's not good to be upset about anime girls online failing to live up to your standards. You should consider a healthier outlet, such as writing, painting, sculpting, athletics, anything that's some kind of real work with your hands you can take pride in.

>> No.69325550

Learn JP, im serious. The best EN gfe chuuba is like bad JP gfe at best, the gap is crazy. You are not gonna get good gfe from an EN chuba because western women just dont have the cutesy culture. I dont know if EN is even capable of doing proper gfe.

>> No.69326278

Not telling

>> No.69326583


>> No.69326726

Somehow you came up with an answer even less believable than Asmongold.

>> No.69326785

>Holo: Fauna
>I'm not your friends don't you have girlfriends?
kek and more kek when you think about the last time she actually did an asmr ?

>> No.69326824


>> No.69327528

Do you have any idea how little that narrows things down?
