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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69295413 No.69295413 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for fans of Sayu and her content.


>Twitch (LIVE!)





>Twitch VODs


>But I hate twitch
It's ok, she streams on youtube too! (Not today, sorry)

>Is it really a good idea to bring this general back?
Yes. Sayu love.

Previous thread >>69120360

>> No.69295614

wayu weaaaaaaam

>> No.69295843


>> No.69295909

We goin wild

>> No.69295928


>> No.69296768

I want to be anally penetrated by Sayu

>> No.69297041

Man, Poppy's Playtime really is shameless with the marketing, huh

>> No.69297046

understandable and same

>> No.69297068

>DNA ancestry test

>> No.69297260

>voice packs
>double 1k on twitch and youtube
it's over, she's ungroomable, we will NEVER marry her, it will be some weird arab oil baron or something, RIP in peace my dreams

>> No.69297349

yeah me

>> No.69297402

>he doesn't irradiate chad energy

>> No.69297579

More like... Poopy playtime, heh...

>> No.69297744

Being groomable is not about the numbers, it's the state of mind.

>> No.69298052
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Just be SO FUNNY the streamer repeats your joke in chat it works every time

This has happened over ten times in 2 years and I hardly ever chat:
>Make joke
>Streamer reads it out loud because it's good silence filler
It's like the Key and Peele "High on Potenuse" skit except I'm doing it intentionally

>> No.69298081

What's with this can't do attitude?
Fine, you get to sit in the cuck chair while I rail her sweet behind.

>> No.69298090

She's actually inclining, she won't read my comments as much as she used to. It's over anons. She's unattainable now.

>> No.69298233

gripping sayu's buttcheeks in both hands

>> No.69298344

>Not a GIGACHAD with 7 digit figures for passive income so you can have animalistic baby making sex with Sayu all day every day

>> No.69298558

I have recovered and would like to announce I made this post.

>> No.69299205

She's kinda tense rn

>> No.69299457

scary gayme

>> No.69299902

1.4 K on Youtube....Where did all these fags came from? I bet a lot of them where part of the lynching mob but oh well she's a good girl so she already forgave them.

>> No.69300062

fuck you stop stealing my strategy

>> No.69300193

Scared Wayu is arousing

>> No.69300507

dont worry ill stop watching when pomu returns

>> No.69301317
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She turned into an alien

>> No.69301349

and she's dead

>> No.69301526

I want to make this hag a mother!
I want to have beautiful hafu babies with Sayu!

>> No.69301663

S-she's getting filtered!

>> No.69301817

>clearly having fun streaming right now
>almost at 75k already
I'm proud of you guys.

>> No.69302059


>> No.69302086

Same desu

>> No.69302147

She killed Poppy!

>> No.69302170

Hot and based.

>> No.69302235

He fell on his own, it was an accident. She didn't even notice.

>> No.69302305

>killing someone so casually
She's dangerous indeed.

>> No.69302562

she got a shoutout by moist critikal in the nijisanji video (directly reading off zaion/sayu), which has over 2 million views right now, so there's now a ton of normies who had no idea she existed now sympathetic towards her who may check her out. she recently released a debut highlight video that probably also helped.

I bet a decent amount of dragoons probably also warmed up to the idea of at least checking her out since she was essentially treated the same way as doki, and they need something else to watch when doki isn't live now that they've dropped niji livers.

>> No.69302706

lolibaba hag love!

>> No.69302767

speaking about Asian problems: I was getting a haircut, and the barber thought I was in high school. I'm 28...

>> No.69302787

Her desktop...!

>> No.69302835

>genshin and honkai everywhere

>> No.69302894

I wonder if she'll try Wuthering Waves, she seems like a big Hoyo fangirl

>> No.69302984

Orphaned Pomudachis mostly. For what it's worth most of us just kinda ignored the Zaion situation when it happened rather than defend or harass her.
I wish I had started watching her sooner.

>> No.69303197


>> No.69303262

the kurosanji curse finally took effect

>> No.69303475

yeah, as a dragoon, I just zoned out of zaion's terminatiob since selen basically had no interaction with her.

doki's stream ended so here i am

>> No.69303494

Patting Sayu while she gives me a sloppy toppy

>> No.69304029

>The key to my heart would be heart shaped

>> No.69304411

Sayu's hand is stuck on my dick

>> No.69304412

>Pomu gone
>heard about sayu feet
now here i am

>> No.69304413

i was primarily a holofag who only really watched selen and a couple other indies besides. didn't really venture out of my bubble until recent circumstances brought my attention to sayu.

she's fun and i enjoy her style of streaming a lot. especially because i enjoy it when the streamer knows how to speak well and just ramble on about stuff. really glad to have found her. so if' you'll permit me to stay, i'd like to keep watching her.

>> No.69304521

dragoon here. now that pomu and selen are gone, i can stop pretending to give a shit about nijisanji.

>> No.69304538

hag love!

I'm bad with horror games but I'll keep her in the background while doing other stuff

>> No.69304584

>dont need consent

>> No.69304608

>That's just like vtubers, vtubers don't give consent for anything

>> No.69304714

yeah, I was just watching other non-vtuber stuff while Selen was gone. doki re-debut (and this drama explosion that's been giving me a lot of sleepless nights) got me back into the rabbit hole, so now I'm watching sayu

>> No.69304835

You're welcome here!

>> No.69304851
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Anyone can watch her as long as you occasionally (or frequently) lust for her so she's reminded that she's still desired as a woman

>> No.69304858

Get strong anon, smol asian girls need someone to hold onto during the jump scares.

>> No.69304932

thank you! now if you'll excuse me, i have wanton fantasies of impregnating sayu to return to

>> No.69304967

I would definitely hide behind said smol Asian girl. I'm Asian too, so she might even be as tall as me if not taller.

>> No.69305007

i feel no lust, only the need to breed her

>> No.69305143

Her chats go so fast and she's inclining so I don't think that's necessary at the moment. That being said, I DM'd her when she wasn't feeling well from all the drama, and if something similar happens in the future I'll do it again.

Until then, I'll just lurk here.

lolibaba hag love!

>> No.69305190

she put an ASMR mic on her throne and someone bought it
does this mean she'll be doing lewd ASMR soon?

>> No.69305450

The wayu beams are slowly melting my brain

>> No.69305739

She's 5'0" so you're probably still the meat shield.

>> No.69306052

Sayu likes that button

>> No.69306261

yes, please
that's true, but I'd most likely yeet her and run

>> No.69306294

when the fuck did sayu become a mid 4view? I'm so proud of her. was the dokibump that big?

>> No.69306321

wayu beeeeeam

>> No.69306375
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most Niji livers are taking a break from streams
im a Rosebud and since Sayu didnt have much beef with Rosemi i dont mind watching her sometimes

>> No.69306531

the drama hit mainstream. moist critikal namedropped here as a precursor to the doki events in his video, and that has over 2 million views full of normies who knew nothing about her before.

lots of vtuber fans who already knew about her, especially dragoons, are coming around to believing her now since she essentially went through the same thing as doki.

>> No.69307300

Love Sayu <3

>> No.69308411

Saying this as a normie (when it comes to vtubers) - the corporate restrictions surrounding the industry always felt like they were written to please retarded japs or incredibly autistic idolfags. I don't really give a shit if Sayu did most of what she's accused of, especially if half of what she's accused of is having a good sense of humor. Watching her feels like watching a real streamer, and it helps that I'd be supporting someone bullied by a clique of hypocrites get back on their feet.

>> No.69309396

>joined twitch AND youtube membership
>she thanked literally everyone but me
This is why I don't open my heart

>> No.69309670

Nah, this happened to me too. She's growing too fast. It's over for goslings.

>> No.69310245

>that time i met her at offkai and held her hand will probably be the last time she lets her fans get that close
i hate knowing she's in the big leagues now, i want my smol indie sayu back

>> No.69310429
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Feels like a fever dream from a week ago

>> No.69312221

She's cute

>> No.69313511
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free her

>> No.69314644

>Wake up
>Sayu is already finishing
No... was she cute today?

>> No.69314699

She was very cute

>> No.69314734

Sayu sexo is only for me.

>> No.69314771

now that niji en's imploding, she's unironically inclining a lot. she was the canary in the coalmine martyr, and everyone that was supporting that toxic work environment are now getting fucked.

niji in shambles
sayu thriving

>> No.69314776
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Stay strong rosebud.

>> No.69314808
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I'm happy & crying to see my daughter growing. I just hope she focuses only on herself and her fanbase instead of reading the bad stuff around this board/Twitter

>> No.69314885
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>member stream next week
>it will be ASMR if we want to
Bros I love my retarded menhera daughter hag wife so much

>> No.69314937

Big same. If she can do it, any of us can do it, man.

Also "We'll sync up later" is a legit great outro

>> No.69314991

Sayu should stay away from reading anything at all on Twitter, for her mental health, and always remember that those people that harrass her online are most likely miserable as fuck.

>> No.69315002


>> No.69315150

That's just social media in general, she has a fan base to focus on now. Hopefully, she understands that.

>> No.69315206

tourist and lurker of your hag for a while, she's been there since the subathon

>> No.69315271
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>check the website
>valentine's day voice pack

>> No.69315412

I've never seen her as Zaion, I just know some kurosanji shit happened with her, gave her a try and I'm down bad now

>> No.69315415


>> No.69315441

criticizing sayu at this point would be like criticizing doki, especially since she's also been working on just moving on. I think most think of sayu positively for now.

that being said, i think false has said something about revealing some stuff when an NDA expires soon. if it's in March, it would lineup with when Zaion was terminated. if sayu publically attributed to it, then she may get more attention and harassment from diehard niji fans who are still sticking by niji even then.

I don't think it'd be wholly bad if she's mentally prepared for it, and it'll likely prove informative. if it is tied to her, though, I plan to give her a DM of support just to let her know that she still has her fans.

>> No.69315907

whats the website?

>> No.69315925


>> No.69315929


>> No.69315960


>> No.69316007
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god... imagine what secret benefits lie behind this tier
if only...

>> No.69316031
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>> No.69316050

Sayu don't listen to your father, what you need to do is go to the bank, withdraw the money you've made in the last week, and sift through it while reading hate comments

>> No.69316112

>beef with nijis
I fail to see how that's relevant, I'm a ryuguard and still watch both feesh and Wayu despite the "gaslight"

>> No.69316473

I mean yeah. We're vtuber fans not cops, watch who you want. In the end, watching content that makes you happy is a personal experience anyways, so only you can decide that.

>> No.69316591

I was watching the Poppy VOD and it suddenly got privated, the hell happened

>> No.69316838

not me, I only get hard for my oshi Henya but Sayu is still a cutie, would definitely headpat.

>> No.69316841
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>Dragoons and Pomudachis are watching Sayu
We were so close to meme /MeDS/ into reality... so close...
Happy to see you guys here

>> No.69317031

twitch or youtube?

>> No.69317111


>> No.69317263

>merch in EUR as it should be
>membership in USD
she'll definitely miss out on some EU members if she doesn't have the site operator fix it

>> No.69317388

YT found about Sayu dying of cringe for 10+ minutes on twitch side and got jealous of being left out

>> No.69317716

>HI GUYS this is nothing important, just wanted to say sorry that the Poppy Playtime vod isn't up yet, had some processing issues with it so we'll have it reuploaded ASAP! SORRY AGAIN

>> No.69317813

>Sayu is now mogging 90% of NijiEN
You love to see it

>> No.69317908

watching it on twitch currently anyways

>> No.69317998

Pomugoon until late last spring here, when "My life got flipped-turned upside down," as the fresh prince once said
only got back into streams during the tail end of last month, let alone vtubers, only to find an apocalyptic wasteland awaiting me.
I'm glad she's still around and even seems to be flourishing to some extent. I'm glad you guys saw her through the bad times. Every time she expresses her appreciation for all the support she's been getting lately a part of me screams in agony over not having been there for the last 8ish months.

>> No.69318752
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I totally get it. I've only been here since the final stretch of the subathon, and I wish I could go back in time to kick some asses and protect Sayu

>> No.69318803

why did people spam horses in chat

>> No.69318850
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Because her cybernetic ears make her look like a fucking donkey

>> No.69318922
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I'm that Henyafag who popped in here when my oshi was on vacation and saw Sayu also has an amber eye, asked the regulars here on what Sayu's like then checked her out on stream and liked what I saw, so now I occasionally tune in.

>> No.69319024

wasn't there a yt redirect from Rima?

>> No.69319263
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>> No.69319575

she was raided by drama coverage horse vtuber Rima.

>> No.69321179

100k soon

>> No.69321636

>the twitch vod is gone too
Is it just twitch being twitch or did she take it down?
what if she had a gurrat.txt in her desktop

>> No.69323227

>that being said, i think false has said something about revealing some stuff when an NDA expires soon
A couple of dramatubers have been teasing something very juicy about NijiEN that they can't reveal yet. I don't think it's Sayu related tho.

>> No.69325280

Yeah her desktop is probably the reason. I didn't even take a look so who knows what she had there, probably some /ss/ stuff.

>> No.69325326

do you really think she comes here

>> No.69325623

Not this general, I mean the other SS

>> No.69325907

Should be added to the OP

>> No.69325913

Wayu love. I’m happy she’s finally feeling the appreciation and love she deserves.

>> No.69325966


>> No.69326147

I took a look while the twitch vod was still up and there was only gacha stuff. Maybe she just wanted to remove her paypal info.

>> No.69328245

Wayu beaaaaaam

>> No.69328512
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>Got a twitch membership
>Got a youtube membership
>I'm just sitting here thinking about if I should get a sincronisity membership
I want to support this hag, but I don't really care about any of the perks. I'll get the voice pack tho.

>> No.69328871

>website and a decently paced chat speed
I'm so emotional, how did she do it, bros? She finally got to shake off the usual chains that held her back, and I've even seen normies read her docu and stop thinking she's into /ss/ or whatever the fuck. She seems so happy and thankful that every time she has to log off, it lasts like an extra 20 minutes because she feels the need to keep thanking people. And she still feels on the verge of crying, every time, aww

>> No.69329481

>I'm so emotional, how did she do it, bros?
She unironically managed to improve herself and worked her ass off to grow her community I'm a little salty that Selen's drama happened just when she was getting close to becoming a solid 1k chuuba by her own hard work

>> No.69329849

She still did it herself, anon. Think about it, if she didn't prepare herself for this, some would still just take a quick peek but not stay like how they are now. She has fully earned her community, and the community has worked hard to defend her from shitty anons. Celebrate their hard work, it's okay anon

>> No.69330080
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Yeah, I'm well aware of it, I just hope she does it too

>> No.69330158

So happy for her... It's nice that sometimes things work out.

>> No.69332458

I hope so, WuWa looks baller.

>> No.69335064
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>The meme lawyer is going to review Zaion's case and Sayu's document
I have a bad feeling about this

>> No.69335260

Eh, I'd rather this was left to rest, but his takes and audience have been pretty pro-talent (or rather pro-common sense and basic ethics) so I wouldn't worry about a surge of negative sentiment from this.

>> No.69335347

I'm mostly worried about sayu having another retard episode and going on the attack

>> No.69335426

As a bong I can tell you that Sayu's document wouldn't be damning in court but since it was made public is wouldn't be admissable in any UK court.
However Niji would be fucked since it was a clear case of constructive dismissal.
Even if Sayu was guilty of every item on the list of her termination letter, it was mismanagement and possibly maliciousness on the part of Niji management that made those mistakes unavoidable.

>> No.69335721

>thread isnt full of dramafags
>consistently streaming
>4 view
>new website
We are so back

>> No.69337217

Legal mindset, a lawyer youtuber with expertise on international corporate law, is doing his 2nd stream on the niji/selen drama right now.


He said he will get to the Zaion drama when he finishes with the Selen stuff, this may take hours. I will post an update when he starts on Zaion since I am watching him anyways.

He is very knowledgeable and fun on law and it will be interesting to see what he thinks of the Zaion drama.

P.S. the Selen tlr is basically Niji is super screwed legally and so is Elira and Vox.

>> No.69337380

>P.S. the Selen tlr is basically Niji is super screwed legally and so is Elira and Vox.
You didn't need a lawfag to tell you that, just somebody that has interacted with a courtroom even tangentally or had any working knowlege of lawful practices.
However it does not contrain Sayu yet so my interest in minimal.

>> No.69337486

I hope Doki just goes for a settlement, Anycolor will drag this case for years if she tries to go to trial

>> No.69337501

>membership in USD
I don't see how that's an issue though? You can still buy it

>> No.69337629

Most likely, she did try ToF and Hoyo doesn't lock you into only playing Hoyo games as far as I am aware.

>> No.69337763

Yes, Hoyo doesn't lock you into only playing Hoyo games anymore

>> No.69337789

Man I really wanted to like that, but the MMO-lite aspect of it just ruined it badly.
I hope WuWa focuses more on the solo aspects rather than co-op. The combat is head and shoulders over Genshin so I really hope it keeps a good trend.
I also want Mugen to be good as well as Duet Night.

>> No.69337963

That's only if she tries to litigate this in Japan. The Canadian government will fund her case against Elira in Canada. Elira, Vox, and their cronies are fucked.

>> No.69338086

ToF is utterly trash in story-driven and boss battles, but i loved the amount of gadgets for exploration the game has

>> No.69338269

It should've stuck to a single lane, either a gacha or an MMO, it could've been fine if it just choose one since those games tend to have their hardcore fants.
Suprisingly little overlap between the two as well.

>> No.69339421
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>He's going through the sisters document next
So 2 or 3 hours until Zaion's case

>> No.69340104

What would you make you get this tier?

>> No.69340281

The funniest part of all this drama shitstorm is that this literal nazi chuuba is getting popular again due to the dramabird. Despite that they both hated each other's guts when they worked together.

>> No.69340355

You'd be contributing to Sayu's organ drive operations so that she can star in her own JRPG.

>> No.69340432

>hat this literal nazi chuuba
Fucking what?

>> No.69340455

I shit you not. Sayu, I know you are /here/. I'll open my wallet and you can take everything you want.

>> No.69340502


>> No.69340513

winning the lottery? I think that is more of a one time thing. Like instead of using paypal and stream elements you directly hand over 250$ and cancel the sub after that.

Captcha: SADPP
>me when Sayu goes offline

>> No.69341500
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>> No.69341551

>nazi chuuba

lol nice bait, go back to xitter

>> No.69341610

> Sindicate Praetorian
>You also get exclusive VOICE RECORDINGS for certain special events or holidays! Ringtones, secret storytelling, even some donkey or cat content!?
Wait, what does this mean? Will the special voice packs be included with this tier or do I still have to buy them separately?

>> No.69342142

I got some merch, but idk how much cut she gets from uwumarket

>> No.69342820
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I'll remind the people once again how badly you underestimated Sayu

>> No.69343038

No one expected Niji to be this retarded.

>> No.69343417

as a fag who doubted that post, I would love to be proven wrong here

>> No.69343728

Technically, she went well over that number during last stream if you add up twitch and youtube viewers. Questions is, how many people had both streams open at the same time

>> No.69343819

You can put her with 3k viewers with both Twitch and Youtube.
Both live streams reached 1,700 simultaneous views at some point.

>> No.69344079
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Andrew is taking a look at Zaion's case after the next SC reading segment

>> No.69344166

There was a moment when one of the streams (twitch I think) had more than 2k viewers. Lasted only a few minutes though

>> No.69344192

Just so everyone else knows, he is coming into the Zaion drama mostly blind.

>> No.69344706

I'm guilty of that

>> No.69344754
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>> No.69344770

Zaion drama is starting .

>> No.69345109


>> No.69346705

Is this going to end well though? I honestly don't want this drama to just cost her viewers again when she is finally inclining.

>> No.69346716

This guy is pretty funny desu

>> No.69346822

>I'm oy veying on that one
alright I kek'd

>> No.69346983

It literally wont't matter as long as Sayu doesn't give him the time of the day. If she talks about him... well, he has a few bad videos about anti-WOKE culture and vaccines being bad. So I hope she just ignores him.

>> No.69347030

Dont worry anon I just subed to her

>> No.69347089

So far he seems to be on her side. Or at least sees most of the bullet points as the bullshit that they are

>> No.69347261

I mean, Zaion's case is pretty much bullshit, so he will defend her for sure. The issue is that this guy is the kind of person she needs to stay the fuck away if she wants to make a fresh start and not attract the /pol/ crew.

>> No.69347369

THIS. It is one thing associating with the likes of Khyo/False/Parrot etc. but if she wants to have any kind of chance at being outside the small creator island she was depressed about just a few days ago she cannot get involved with this guy, for her own good. I'm worried newer fans will egg her on to do so.

>> No.69347439

Yep. I'm a little worried because False is giving him info to clarify some stuff, and I don't want this guy to get close to Sayu in any short of way.

>> No.69347446

She just needs to listen to the voice in her head that is saying "fuck all of this, good things are happening focus on good things".

>> No.69347749

that voice? yeah me

>> No.69347855

Then you b etter turn up the volume motherfucker, you know damn well how upset this shit makes Sayu.
That voice in the back of her head that says "justice justice justice justice justice" is gonna start gaining traction because you can fucking sense her moral injury flearing up.

>> No.69348134

She ignored the black mirror stream. She can ignore this guy. I believe in her. I'm still scared as fuck, please Sayu don't be a retard.

>> No.69348243

She just need to keep doing what she's doing right now while keep quiet about the whole niji drama.

>> No.69348256

Keep being supportive, the best way to prevent her from making a retarded choice is to keep making her feel good.

>> No.69348324

At least on her discord they immediately shut up someone wanting to talk about it and are just ignoring it. That is good.

>> No.69348330

She gets around 1.4k on Twitch and 1.6k on YouTube. I'll try to remember to take ss next stream

>> No.69348377

Black Mirror stream?
But yeah, she's strong. My faith in her never falters, I just worry for the close calls that come up from time to time. Feel like the entire chat can tell just how much she misses Nina etc but she has to stop trying to "make up" for what happened.

>> No.69348429

I hope she knows better than to give attention to a grifter

>> No.69348530

The Elira/Vox/Ike stream about Doki.
Yeah, I'd also LOVE if Sayu could collab with Mata, Doki etc. but we gotta accept that's just beyond anyone but their control so no point dwelling on it and whining about it. Just move on and if it one day happens that will be great.

>> No.69348531

>Black Mirror stream?
The video with the 3 stooges throwing Selen under the bus, Sayu did a couple of streams right after it and managed to ignore it.

>> No.69348663

The lawyer has been repeatedly saying that if they want someone on his show, they should let them know to contact him. I hope he keeps his word, and not go searching for drama by inviting Sayu. There's also the possibility that False or some other dramatuber might try to convince Sayu to talk to him, so that she is 'vindicated'...

>> No.69348750

That's what I'm worried about.

>> No.69348799

False might try but the one thing about drama chuubas is that they're all self-serving retards at the best of times.
Sayu is the False scoop, I can see him trying to monopolise.

>> No.69348945

I pray Sayu doesn't get False'd

>> No.69348948
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The only thing Sayu should know about this is many more people are reading her story for the first time now and are support her. Karma is working in her favor and all she needs to do is keep being herself and keep moving forward as a content creator. Leave the past to the past and look forward to the future because the future is going to keep getting brighter and brighter for her.

>> No.69349093

Her brand is finally growing at a good rate, she'll rock this and ride higher, I hope she does cool merch because she has a very cosplay friendly design.
I'd love to see this shit at cons.

>> No.69349094
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>False is teasing a huge scoop for march

>> No.69349286

It would be one-thousand percent retarded to leap back into drama during the most successful period of her entire career, but I'd support her regardless.

>> No.69349291

Does anyone have the vod of the part of her subathong when she showed her thighs , or maybe is in her vod channel but i don't know which one is in it

>> No.69349405

>I'd support her regardless.
I'll support her as long as I don't feel I'm enabling her hurting herself

>> No.69349512

Guys, a scoop is something new.
Calm down is just another vshoujo hire or graduation.

>> No.69349656

It's a scoop related to the Niji drama, a couple of other dramatubers have also talked about it and it's supposedly pretty fucking big. The original speculation was that the EN branch is getting folded, but someone noticed that Zaion's NDA is about to end...

>> No.69349735


>> No.69349812

She'd probably do it to get mentioned again by Charlie

>> No.69349830

>This is the event that Sayu came back to warn us about.

>> No.69349907
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Fuck me.

>> No.69349929

YouTube Jesus will probably not think about this again, but to get into the surface level YouTube sphere tells everyone how fucked this situation is.
Niji has no way to survive and will have to pull a Wactor.

>> No.69349989

>pull a Wactor
heh funny thing, 4 talents just left a bit ago

>> No.69350515

Fuck. If I member now, it'd look like I only did it because I got introduced to her channel from a boomer drama lawtist. Fucking bullshit.

>> No.69350537

money conversion isn't free. my currency isn't listed on the site so I'd have to convert either way, but EUR is cheaper

>> No.69350703

Then member when she next streams and encourge her to ignore the bullshit.

>> No.69350732

You can wait until next stream. There's a member stream next week anyway.

>> No.69350879
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He subbed

>> No.69350966

Look, I actually think the guy sucks, but I'm glad he is bringing positive attention to Sayu. She deserves it.

But I swear if she reaches out to this guy and starts hanging out with him in public she is going to sink all these good opportunities coming her way right now. Everyone who is a fan needs to make sure she doesn't react or respond. She needs to just move on.

>> No.69351138
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it begins

>> No.69351223

We know but that's why we need to fully support her.
Sayu will be sedated by support and now that things are on the up for her we need to keep the trend going.
Especially the lawyer, False and (to a lesser extent the Parrot) might be dramafags and leeches but they are contained within a certain sphere of infuence.

This lawyer can do real fucking damage and is already a controvercial figure on his own, associating with him will be poison to her career.
But her upward trand is due to support she is now getting; SAYU LOVE will keep the intrusive thoughts away so keep piling them on!
For the love of everything don't let her fall down again!

Also suggest cosplay merch. Her design is fucking anime MC/10 and that is a selling point.

>> No.69351375

>keep making her feel good.
understood, I'm gonna make Sayu cum.

>> No.69351648

Parrot doesn't matter. Too small and he just reposts stuff from here, he's harmless to her reputation.

False is manageable and doesn't do much harm, not now at least, but I'd still really prefer she stick away from him and Khyo. Dramatubers always have that moment when they play to the crowd and are universally loved, but then one month later they are poison again.

Yeah this lawyer will ruin her career if she engages with him. She wants to avoid being locked on a tiny island of content creators? She cannot risk buddying up to this guy.

>> No.69351888

>She wants to avoid being locked on a tiny island of content creators
Being locked on a tiny island of content creators wouldn't necessarily ruin her content, it would just make it harder to monetize.
But being locked on the "Friends of Nick Rekieta" tiny island of content creators would ruin her content and her finances.

>> No.69351928

Eh, I'm not worried. At worst I think she might comment she saw a clip of this guy, welcome the new subs and just move on. She knew she had to immediately cut ties with that one 3D modeler and she has stayed the fuck away from the NijiEN drama since she had her PTSD breakdown, so I trust her

>> No.69352188

The lawyer literally said that he does not recommend starting a case against nijisanji.
I dont see any scenario where Sayu contacts him to be honest.

>> No.69352195

Probably just paranoia speaking now that she's doing better than before, so you make good points, but still worried.

>> No.69352338

There's a good man.
Remember, you don't have to fuck her hard and infact, sometimes it isn't right to do.

Daramatubers are always leeches regardless of their percieved benevolence, good things happen in spite of them and the most useful thing they have is a platform.
But since their content lives and dies on views it all becomes clickbait, there is no journalistic integrity nor investigation. That would require work.

Sayu is on the verge of escaping mini island, she can ride the wave to really propell her contant and create a solid brand.
Part of me hopes she manages to create a group of indies to protect and promote eachother since indie > corpo in my honest opinion.

But the lawyer is fucking poison and we need to limit the influence by keeping Sayu happy. That moral injury will continue to fuck her over until she gets some damn therapy.

>> No.69352492

>The lawyer literally said that he does not recommend starting a case against nijisanji.
Its less about this and more about Sayu and her current state of needing a very strong friend in her life.
Collabs are nice but you can tell that she craves a closer relationship with somebody, somebody that is 300% on her side and unambigously so.

>> No.69352610

>if Sayu could collab with Mata
I don't think that will ever happen.

>> No.69352726

Agreed. The Vshojo girls clearly do not like her. It would be great if she could, but yeah I agree it'll never happen.

>> No.69352730

I just hope it translates into proper catharsis for her after so long. Just subbed but it looks like she has a proper manager?
Sayu if you're reading this remember they tried to bully Doki into an emotional break live to slip up, and the best strategy instead of getting emotional has always been to shut up and drop more wayu weams

>> No.69352755

I dont believe that she will approach anyone, she is not stupid. My only fear, is the case being too relevant and her PTSD triggers again.

>> No.69352819

Exactly. She has to stick clear of him. She has too.

>> No.69352851

Not even doki was contacted by them btw.

>> No.69352894

Sayu, I'm a new subscriber because of le meme lawtuber and apparently you have enough tism to be lurking these threads, so I wanted to say this if you may listen (from a new viewer who grew interested in you):

DO NOT keep clinging to that guy, listen to your fans that posted here before, just move on and take care of your brand, let past wrongdoings go, you and Doki just need to move on, nothing is weirder than a vtuber that keeps jumping from drama to drama while I subbed while seeking your core content in first place. So do that, please

>> No.69352926

Sayu is already too big for Phase at this point. I don't even think the sadgirl asylum bit applies anymore when she seems to be doing a lot better lately.

>> No.69352994

Stupidity has nothing to really do with it.
I've worked a lot with people that have PTSD and even some victims of a big bomb that went off.
Emotions win out in the end and the trigger can but pop without warning.

>> No.69353022

>Just subbed but it looks like she has a proper manager
Her support staff is good, and judging from the last week is miles better than Niji's. At the end of the day, it's easy to be paranoid, but any shitty decisions that could be made will at least be going through more people than Niji's feedback loop.

>> No.69353121

I mean I think people just assuming Doki and the ex-livers are all friends is just cope. U-san, sure, but thus far the other ex-livers definitely don't seem to be in any rush to associate with her atll. VShojo as a whole too, as you say, I'd have thought considering how outspoken Mouse-y and Melody get on any sort of 'injustice' they'd have vague tweeted something. As it stands only Kson's vague tweeted about it.

>> No.69353211

I said that anon.
I dont imagine her thinking "Associating with this lawyer youtuber is a good idea".
However, I can see her PTSD triggering if the whole Zaion drama is relevant again.

>> No.69353217

Sayu feet? Where?!?

>> No.69353339

Kson is a real one, she's also the only one who publicly supported Sayu. I assume that might be because she's already blacklisted by Niji, while the others might want to keep options open.
Though I think Zen made a tweet that qualifies as vague-tweeting.

>> No.69353444

Doki makes sense as she's in the middle of legal shit. Depending on the NDA terms, so could Sayu but I can't imagine why Vshojo would care unless there's a noncompete clause.
I can't imagine a company founded by MowtenDoo of all people would care about edgy shit, so it probably comes down to petty squabbles between Sayu and their talents. Or that she thinks she's better off as a full-indie.

>> No.69353465

Kson definitely is blacklisted by Niji and that is probably a big reason why she doesn't care. She's been outspokenly supportive of Zaion, collabed on her subathon and let herself have a starring role in her lore vid, I have no doubt Kson gets along with her.

Did Zen? I probably missed it then.

>> No.69353502

I would make her put her feet on my face.

>> No.69353545
File: 404 KB, 636x434, Variant Human.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a certified Cougar Chaser and Hag Lover that has been given Sayu's blessing.
You wish you were me.

>> No.69353591

>The Vshojo girls clearly do not like her.
Kson does. as for the others, I've no idea. for example, I don't think Henya even knows Sayu exists, she doesn't pay too much attention to the rest of the sphere as she's busy with her own stuff most of the time, other than that it's collabs with friends.

>> No.69353596

>The Vshojo girls clearly do not like her.
Not liking her and not wanting their brand to be attatched to Zaoin drama (which is attatched to another corpo AND said corpo has clinically fucking insane fans) are two very different things.
Sayu rocks the indiesphere even if she is on the smaller end of it.
I respect that and she can be a good fit, if she had more cash I could see her exploding upwards and gaing more traction.

Vshojo are generally pretty savvy and their managers are probably advising against extending the brand all that much further than what they have now. Three newbies at most.

>> No.69353636

Kson likes Sayu, it's just Matara.

>> No.69353755

Another day, another morning being happy for Sayu and lusting over her cute hag smol hands and feet

>> No.69353788

Ah, there, that was right after the termination: https://twitter.com/zentreya/status/1754676093481623578
as I said, very vague, but I guess it's vaguely supportive. Damn this bitch tweets a lot I had to scroll a while for this kek.

>> No.69353817

does this tier get me access to 'dat ass at conventions?

>> No.69353979

Kuro too probably.

>> No.69354007

Based retard

>Verification not required.

>> No.69354018

Why is Kson blacklisted by Niji? Because of their CN fanbase? CN really is a cancer.

>> No.69354057

Sure, all possible, I just think it is a far simpler explanation "we don't like her" than to insist it is all clever corporate manuvering.

But, at the end of the day, none of us know at all and we're just making shit up so its all equally pointless.

>> No.69354163

Nah it was after she tweeted about the 2% if memory serves.

>> No.69354296

Will rubbing her feet help with this?

>> No.69354311

No, even before that she was a persona non grata. I am guessing the way kson is it is also something she said offline.

>> No.69354370

Exactly. As time goes on and her reputation gets cleaner more people will feel like it's safer to collab with her without attracting the wrath of the nijimob

>> No.69354417

I don't think Kuro has ever talked with Sayu...

>> No.69354479

I hope you're right but, and I'm just a pessimist, it wouldn't surprise me that even if she does one day get big no-one from VShojo and no ex-Niji Liver ever even acknowledges she exists.

>> No.69354688

Yes, but not too hard.
She is smol and will require you to massage her calfs too.

>> No.69355277

I really hope that Sayu get bigger enough so these fuckers (Vshojo and their pussy suckers in the vtuber scenario) can't ignore her anymore

>> No.69355466

I dont care about them, I just want Sayu to stop being a "Voldemort" in the vtuber scene. Also I hate Ethyria, i dont want any of those bitches near my oshi.

>> No.69355624

I think if she continues to be friends with Phase that will be the way. Phase is on the rise.

>> No.69355874

I also don't care about them, but i care about Sayu being a persona non-gratta in the vtuber community when she did nothing wrong.

>> No.69355961

Our time has come anon, Sayu is now all but officially vindicated in the eyes of pretty much everyone but the most insane of Nijifags.
The only two reasons to watch them if you aren't mentally ill are gone.

Sayu is on an upward trend finally growing as she should, at her current rate she'll reack the 100K milestone by the end of March.
Everyone that were a shitter just had egg on their face and she hasn't been considered toxic since Dokie started making waves.
All we can do now is watch the best girl finally take her rightful place.

>> No.69356660

Succeeding so hard your enemies don't want to remember who you are is the good ending, anon

>> No.69357025
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Bros, I get it, but stop worrying so much. Sayu is a great person and managed to retain plenty of friends while she was treated like a pariah, and now her limiters are finally off. If some chuubas don't want to collab with her, who cares? She will make better friends. Now it's her chance to make a fresh start.

What, the nijis and ex-nijis that didn't stand up with her when she needed them the most are still keeping their distance? Screw them, whatever. Matara is still mad with Sayu? Shame, but we can't do anything about that, let's just keep moving.

I'd personally love if Mint or Doki were friends with Sayu, but you can't force that kind of stuff. Sometimes things just don't happen. That's just life, it is what it is.

Fans reflect their oshis, so let me remind you of some of the cool stuff that has happened in the past couple of weeks:

>NijiEN is burning down and the awful management got exposed
>Sayu was vindicated, the haters went away and the community is giving her a new chance
>110k subs in twitch
>74k subs in youtube
>3k CCV between youtube and twitch
>4 years twitch anniversary
>The genshin ad
>Atlus sending Sayu the creators box
>The web is finally opened
>ASMR member stream next week
>And the most important thing: Sayu is happy as fuck

Things are looking up, so let's just keep supporting our girl and showering her with love

>> No.69357582

>>And the most important thing: Sayu is happy as fuck
Of all the good things that have happened, this is the best and so you are right anon.
I will reign in my dooming and allow myself to be happy that my Oshi is happy.

>> No.69358018


>> No.69358223

Remember anon, be gentle she is literally only 5'

>> No.69358238
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>The voice pack is just 2 minutes long
I'm expecting a full 20 minutes date next year.

>> No.69358528

Does she tell you that she wants to steal your heart (electronically)

>> No.69358604
File: 210 KB, 500x500, 1688120071963685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She thanks you for being there for her

>> No.69358736

I think Sayu fans need to stop wanting her to associate with other ex-Nijis because their sentiments bleed into hers

>> No.69358881

We need to get this hag a man, fucking stat!

>> No.69359750

No real Sayu fan wants her associate with those snakes. It's the newfags who probably still believe that "talents good corpo bad" shit who still want her to do it. The truth is all of them are pieces of shit, hell I don't even want her to associate with Doki after the former ghosted her and rejected her goodwill gesture.

>> No.69360901

i made this post actually i was just saying bullshit
but im glad sayu is thriving

also i dont like how people are inserting niji shit in here, please keep that shit in the catalog

>> No.69361200
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>Worrying about stupid twitter stuff
Who the fuck cares, keep supporting your oshis and just be happy if they make new friends
We have wasted too much time already getting mad at each other, so let's be positive

>> No.69361920

Is this real? Does she really like getting lusted after? I watch most of her streams (I avoid Twitch when I can) and just lurk innher chat. It would be great if I can tell her how much my dick appreciates her model and how I could be her second husband.

>> No.69362028

>The Poopy VOD is still gone
...it wasn't a processing issue was it

>> No.69362086

That man is me by the way.

>> No.69362273

Relax anon, she's probably still asleep and she's not in Nijisanji anymore

>> No.69362277

She probably wanted to delete something, but I don't remember anything bad about the stream

>> No.69362394

making her feel good would be my only goal. after toughing it out for so long I'd really just want her to relax and cum

>> No.69362439

Enna claims to be a virgin to appeal to her femcel audience

But Enna has dated and moved in for more than a year with multiple boyfriends and fakes being a femcel for viewer engagement.

Also Enna craves BWC and fucked Kyo during their offcollab.

>> No.69362509


>> No.69362514

VODs take fucking forever to process sometimes but maybe she and her mods put it on the back burner because they're too lazy to scrub through it lmao

>> No.69362993
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>> No.69363071
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>> No.69363088

Bros, she was so cute yesterday...

>> No.69363142
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>> No.69363216
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>> No.69363250

sayu cute

>> No.69363282
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>> No.69363324

Dude you're 8-10 years and a marriage too late to groom Sayu wtf

>> No.69363356
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>> No.69363392

Are you infecting people with Chad energy?

>> No.69363508
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>> No.69363519

sayufags, all of my shitposting was for you. I'm happy to learn that she's happy as fuck because she deserves it. I'm glad you guys are at peace. :)

>> No.69363695
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>> No.69363740
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She was groomable until last week

>> No.69363777

Sayu needs a sawed-off shotgun.

>> No.69363882

I still want to see Niji burn and Finana/Kyo/Kotoka/Hex disappear, but Sayu's happiness is my top priority, and at least it looks like I can leave Niji's downfall in others' hands.
Thank you for your service. I genuinely mean it. You've made the world a better place and you made me think I could believe in justice and karma once again

>> No.69363980

Sayu needs good things, no more doon. Just supporting my oshi.

>> No.69364526
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>bump limit
We are so back

>> No.69365266

It has been an honour!

>> No.69365431
File: 525 KB, 1536x2048, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayu love!

>> No.69365581

I need to creampie this hag, you have no idea how much lust I have for her
