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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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69188837 No.69188837 [Reply] [Original]

>stupid loud noises
>soft babyish voices
>unironically sang twinkle twinkle little star
this is basically Cocomelon for adult babies, huh?

>> No.69188910

childrens content, consumed by adults with autism
just like bronies, steven universe, SOL anime, etc

>> No.69188918
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Sheen, this is the 7th week in a row you've posted this bait thread.

>> No.69188922

yeah pretty much

and they have boobs too! so you can jack off to them!!

>> No.69188998

Fuwawa literally wears bib

>> No.69189028


>> No.69189085

It's very cute and they are healers

>> No.69189154

Easier to clean up after a sloppy toppy.

>> No.69189194

Op here, disregard my post I’m too busy sucking cocks.

>> No.69189217

All of vtubing is this way now, which is why it's always bright happy colors and sounds, why they get so mad at males, male collabs, politics, LGBT, or religion (BAD THOUGHTS NO HAPPY), why vtuber content is always bottom of the barrel clickbait or react streams, why you have your content (dramafags) devoted to adults mentally stuck in high school and gossip sites. Vtubing and streaming in general will never have its own breakout artist like michael jackson or mozart.

An incredible technology devoted to the pacification and proliferation of manbabies. Disgusting. Technology has domesticated the human being and turned what was a great wolf into a into a grotesque, oversocialized, drooling pug. Ted may have been right.

>> No.69189269
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I consider FUWAMOCO to be closer to late 90's to mid 2000's Nick Jr. They aren't braindead enough to be Cocomelon that's in a league of its own.

>> No.69189273

>and they have boobs too!
Only one of them has boobs

>> No.69189279

Also I wrote this post with three big black dildos inside me.

>> No.69189318

Can confirm, was one of the dildos

>> No.69189328

NDF deflection, just going back to fuwamoco is the best you got?

>> No.69189423
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Oh look, yet another nijiseethe thread

>> No.69189428
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>Vtubing and streaming in general will never have its own breakout artist like michael jackson or mozart.

>> No.69189439

It's soul-cleanse for bitter ojisan salarymen
t. bitter ojisan salaryman

>> No.69189449

Most obvious deflection thread today. What's the daily Niji scandal this time? Yet another termination or someone attempting suicide?

>> No.69189467

It seems like today is the day people decided to
make retarded threads about FuwaMoco.

>> No.69189512

Maybe Elira's embezzlement rrat has hit too close to home for the sisters.

>> No.69189554
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>> No.69189630
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Western men have become increasingly infantile with every subsequent generation

>> No.69189712

Reverting to a childlike state of mind when it comes to media you consume is usually a sign of poor mental health / neurodevelopment, a lack of healthy coping mechanisms, and having little to no support systems or strong social bonds.

>> No.69189788
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All men and women have, it's intentional. Look at the state of /pol/ and the internet these days. The infantile can never hold power in life, they can only be manipulated, used, and discarded when their usefulness has expired.

Nobody argues real issues or thinks about real philosophy anymore, so the world can never get better, it can only decline in quality until billions of people die and those responsible get to reap the rewards.

>> No.69189823

Are you practicing medicine without license?

>> No.69189911

And it works every time

>> No.69189975


>> No.69189989

gogogaga motherfucker

>> No.69190066
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Yes, of course

>> No.69190119

It is. I don't recall them leaning this hard into it as the GGN twins either. Like at all.

But like, whatever. They found a niche, who am I to begrudge them their success.

>> No.69190193

It's genius and I applaud them, drain the manbabies of their money. They don't deserve anything less.

>> No.69190256
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>> No.69190316

Use bing AI to make him fatter and give him a norwood baldness, put pro-unicorn propaganda poster on the walls.

>> No.69190327

It’s pretty funny if you ever watch their roommate patreon content and they sound completely normal. NotMoco in particular is a million times more articulate

>> No.69190353
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I know it's a fucking meme but unironically Niji deflection thread. I'm partially to blame too for posting >>69189269 but I like teasing baufags

ZOG brain sludge that lazy ass parents plant their kids in front of. Showing your child Cocomelon is borderline abuse IMO

>> No.69190449

>>69190353 (me)
Oh shit I just realized what you meant lol I thought you were asking what it was

>> No.69190469

their success proves that vtubing will never be an art form... baka

>> No.69190647

>schizos think you can't criticize livers, only companies

>> No.69190817

>Nobody argues real issues
oh but they do, they're simply all a bunch of 90 IQ NPCs polluting every channel where this could be done

>> No.69191028

If Fuwawa was a tranny this is what she would sound like.

>> No.69191236

Fauna sang Row your boat. It was kind of cute actually

>> No.69191649

I'm trans btw not sure if that matters

>> No.69191807

>2views cannot comprehend what acting endearing is

I am not wrong! The world is!

>> No.69191815
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>> No.69191849


>> No.69191936

I can smell your axe wound from here

>> No.69191940

You sound like a reddit faggot

>> No.69192056

nijinigger try harder, a whole discord of NDFkeks and all of you are useless and can't even falseflag right.

>> No.69192064

projection, I would say those who defend this infantile shit are the real trannies as they are inherently childish and look for escapism.

>> No.69192165

keep seething nijikek.

>> No.69192183

>*faggot manchild thinks you can't criticize his oshi during dramafag hours

>> No.69193076
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What did NijiEN do this time? Or is something big going to happen? Always seem to follow with schizo threads like this with sisters lashing out.

>> No.69193091

at least they aren't bullies, unlike a notable portion of certain other company's "talents"

>> No.69193514

>holosimps still going "BUUUUUUT KUROSANJI"
other companies are irrelevant, this thread is about your daycare oshis.

>> No.69193565
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HUAÆE? Raffians, I think there’s been another misunderstanding. OP forgot to say he was a faggot before posting huh.

>> No.69193650

zoomer please fuck off

>> No.69193885

this reminds me of old weeb threads where people argue over whose cartoons are more "mature". yeah, you're so much more mature if you like anime girl streamer X over anime girl streamer Y

>> No.69194116

>they hated him because he said the truth
BAU BAU indeed

>> No.69194819

at least my oshi doesn't cater to diaper shitting manbabies

>> No.69195160

there there, I know. you and your oshi are so mature. yes you are! (head pat) yes you are!

>> No.69195290

Nijisisters are returning to normal. Gave up on Doki. The fuwamoco seethe threads return

>> No.69195424

>thread baiting for member content

>> No.69195498

your oshi just got outed as a bully and got btfo.

>> No.69195707

cut that shit out, that's gay

>> No.69195991

Is that all you have? Deflection.

>They don't agree with me!?
>Must be a tranny!
>Not a tranny!?
>NIJI fan

Vtubing is shit now. Niji's shit, Holo's shit, indies are fucking shit. It's all a bunch of grown ass woman pandering to grown ass men trying to milk them for all their worth. Heaven forbid a man shows up or you might accidentally suck a cock, a reasonable fear for someone as straight as you are. I miss the 2016/2017 days. Before faggots like you ruined everything.

>> No.69196117


>> No.69196172

I'm trans btw

>> No.69196198

>OP realizes 2 years late that most of /vt/ is greatly entertained by baby sensory videos

>> No.69196337
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Man being old fucking sucks. I wish I was 8 years old again so I didn't feel like shit constantly and my biggest problem was trying to find something to watch on tv.

>> No.69196352

I am over 30, never watched MLP (fuck the pony fuckers) Steven Universe and I dislike SoL anime, but I enjoy Fuwamoco
Get fucked BAU BAU

>> No.69196387

tl;dr vtubing is mostly unregulated and free markets are very good at finding the actual demand regardless of good or evil

>> No.69197975

you sound like a pony fucker, maybe you'd love it

>> No.69198162

Yes. Goo goo gaa gaa

>> No.69198259

Bau bau is literally no different from brony lingo
Brohoof everypony!

>> No.69198295

The correct term is Teletubbies with tits but close

>> No.69198570

I watched teletubbies as a child and I've found them creepy and uncanny

>> No.69199116

Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy.

>> No.69199250

No one cares, faggot

>> No.69199854

Completely true on all counts and that's a good thing. Not every form of entertainment has to be your soapbox for shilling your extremist ideology or talking about Palestine sis. Fuck off back to twitter tourist.

>> No.69199879
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>> No.69200143

"inside us is a wolf"
nah you a gay nigga lmao

>> No.69200780

You know what most JP vtubers are like this once you pass the language barrier right?

>> No.69200849


>> No.69201373

that does not make it right. barney tubers are at least tolerable in jp

>> No.69201664

whAeT?!! wuffians??? is this truea?!

>> No.69201840
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>> No.69202440

>extremely dedicated to the character
>doing a weird, usually high-pitched voice
>basically never mention anything about their personal life, especially if it breaks "immersion"
>innoffensive to the point of infantilization
>innocent presentation with frequent "accidental" lewdness
>adore idol culture and never say anything negative about the company or their co-workers

They are literally doing the jp vtuber experience in english, anon. In it's purest form, it's just jpop idols with extra steps.

JP viewers usually want an escape, while western viewers usually want someone relatable and "real".

Don't get me wrong, I respect the hell out of them. They've hustled hard and are clearly continuing to do so (to the point that other very hard working members have told them to chill for their own good). Hell, I think they have an average of over one stream per day. Their content is high quality, energetic, very positive, and as far as I can tell, rigorously on schedule. They're also great singers to boot.

May not be your cup tea (you won't catch me typing "bau bau" into chat anytime soon), but you gotta respect the work

>> No.69203292

>people are unironically calling anons women and troons for not liking literal baby entertainment.
take away the tits and the lewd slip-ups and it's literally toddler crap

>> No.69203363

Enjoy ruffians.

>> No.69203469

go back to /wvt/

>> No.69203877
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>> No.69204381

what a stupid fucking quote, he never intended it to be used on literal preschool shit like this, and ponies, the world has gotten infinite.

>> No.69205040

I haven't heard this in a long while. Nostalgia really is one hell of a drug.

>> No.69205209


>> No.69205667

Man's famous for a children's novel series with a talking lion jesus allegory. I think he'd find fwmc delightful
