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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 21 KB, 616x643, min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
69147450 No.69147450[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The japanese are finally waking up to how shit working at anycolor actually is. They found out anycolor is willing to pay someone fluent in business level english and japanese 9$ an hour to manage their EN branch.

>> No.69147491


>> No.69147493


>> No.69147663


>> No.69147694


>> No.69147733


>> No.69147873


>> No.69147886


>> No.69147920

>$9 an hour
do japs REALLY?

>> No.69147986

mickey d salary

>> No.69148008


>> No.69148157

>learn 2 of the most retarded languages on the planet
>minimum wage

>> No.69148169


>> No.69148175

9$. Per hour. Minimum wage. 2.4$ billionaire company.
What's a mockery to work there. *Sigh*

>> No.69148240

Hey, you don't become a billionaire by paying people fair wages.

>> No.69148291

>JAP and ENG proficiency
>10 AM to 9 PM working hours
>minimum wage in fucking Tokyo

>> No.69148301

Overtime can be mandatory in Japan, and the low wages they lobby for at the federal level allow them to then maintain a disgusting business structure where companies willing to soil their reputations and longevity can offer ridiculously low wages that can only give you a livable income if you work 60+ hours a week

These businesses mainly target new graduates that need immediate employment. Rural emigrants, those from dysfunctional homes, those who are homeless (but not the truly homeless, I mean net cafe level homeless) etc

If you dare to quit, they will give you an immensely negative review to any company you interview with in the future. If you manage to get a job anyway, they will harass your new employer, sometimes even using frivolous lawsuits. (If you were working in advertising, you would likely get another job at a different advertising firm, your black company employer can then argue your new company had tried to sabotage them as a competitor)

Japan is hell for the common person
Please keep in mind, that in Japan, holding the opinion that the status quo is fine is as common as the same sentiment in any other country

Telling the Japanese to 'open their eyes' doesn't work. Because they believe YOU are the ignorant one

two not enough

>> No.69148318

priviledged fuck... and here I am on 2 dollars an hour in 3rd world... someone should shoot this guy.

>> No.69148339

Is that really minimum wage in Japan? I get double that on my secondary job that I do for fun.

>> No.69148363

>forgetting about cost of living in tokyo versus his shithole

>> No.69148430
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>working hours 10:00 to 21:00
>min wage
>"part-time job"
is working 11 hours considered a part time job?

>> No.69148433

>Work your ass off learning 4 languages to only be paid $9 an hour

>> No.69148461

Yeah because it costs you 20 cents to buy a fucking burger and your rent for the month is $20

>> No.69148648

Well this is probably still a minority of japs. I checked the quote retweets for doki's japanese version statement and we still have a lot of bootlicking japs there. Twitter is still the biggest social platform for them at this point.

Also is this the payment of the oversea employee they are trying to hire? I vaguely remember few days ago saw a thread about that and everyone in /here/ are shitting on them.

>> No.69148708

Yeah it's the same job posting
The Japanese guy in OP pointed out that they're paying the absolute minimum wage though, which I think was never pointed out when it was discussed here?

>> No.69148863

Read again, it's 5 hours per day minimum/20 hours a week but you can do more in a single day if you have the time.

>> No.69148927


>> No.69148943

>plebbit spacing
Japan has the least wage gap between CEO and average mook.

>> No.69148956

well in japan a good full course meal at a family restaurant is like $6.

>> No.69148993

i know your house costs as much as my lunch today, but some of us have living spaces that shelter us from the elements and roads not covered in animal shit

>> No.69149030

so which Live organ is this????

>> No.69149038


>> No.69149084

That's hours when you can choose to work, the requirement is 20 hours/week.
I don't know Japan's labor laws, but where I live most minimum wage offers are public postings they need for legal reasons and the actual hires are nepos with compensation negotiated separately. Companies often can't give someone a job without advertising the vacancy first so they make it as shitty as possible.

>> No.69149117

What country? I'm from SEA and this is very low.

>> No.69149151

Pay peanuts, get monkeys

>> No.69149176

Tokyo minimum wage is 1113 yen an hour, yeah

>> No.69149214
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>> No.69149280

lmao for minimum wage im throwing that shit through deepl

>> No.69149355

He can’t even get it right...Another one who doesn’t understand me...

>> No.69149369

No I think I saw a few anon talked about it being minimum wage for tokyo but yeah even if we don't know about this it's still a pretty low payment.
I also live in east asia but holy fuck even a few years ago when I'm having a actual part time job in a restaurant the payment is not this shit.
>Has to be pretty fluent in 2 languages
>Translation work is not something easy to do. I am not a actual translator but had some translation work before, shit can take multiple hours to complete and fine tuned.

I think the job posting is fine but it's just the payment that really fucking sucks a lot, considering the fact that anycolor is such a big billionaire company too? They are actually going to get deepL translated bullshit, you pay peanuts you get monkeys

>> No.69149420

Youre the one who cant copy me properly

>> No.69149471

I am a new grad in IT and i get 26€...
Germany isnt even that expensive to live in

>> No.69149486

10$ an hour is shit? For the job yeah but for minimum wage, it's pretty normal. My country has, converted, only 15$ minimum, and I ain't no second world peasant or anything.

>> No.69149493

What will it take to change this mentality?

>> No.69149536

I don't think anyone's arguing about the minimum wage, but Anycolor only paying the minimum for what they're asking you to do fucking sucks

>> No.69149563
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Where the fuck do you even live? I'm in Malay-"we vote idiots into power"-sia and not even "unskilled labour" would work for only 2 dollars an hour. And things are getting shittier here by the day. Seriously, what kind of shithole are you in?

>> No.69149581

Translators get like 70-100€ an hour usually

>> No.69149586
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Letting Japan become a stable Empire for a while (more than 50 years).
More money = higher minimum.

>> No.69149600

Translating is practically unskilled labor, it's why clippers do it for free.

>> No.69149794

>I don't think anyone's arguing about the minimum wage
I can see a few in here doing that.

>> No.69149804

yo are you guys actually fucking killing that Ian Miles Chong retard? That shits funny as hell

>> No.69149892

No, it's not about minimum wage being $9 for japan is shit. In my country the minimum wage is literally approximately $5 per hour, but a lot of times the employer will pay higher than that anyways.
It's just the fact that translating for $9 a hour really fucking sucks. I'm slow as fuck at translating but say I take 3 to 4 hours to do one translation work, 4k yen isn't gonna last me so long unless I move to some third world shithole.
It depends the workload from niji but me myself would rather apply these translation jobs with x amount of words = y amount of payment.

>> No.69149952
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>"that is it Elira, you ruined your branch. We are taking away your translation duty. It is too important to leave it to you. Clear communication without any power abuse between us and EN organs is critical for this branch, so we are hiring student placement for minimum wage"
I just fucking can't. I love this comically greedy black company

>> No.69149989 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck is that guy even?
For once I thought I've curated my twitter feed pretty well, only having vtubers and illustrators post in it but for some reason I've been seeing posts about this guy I don't know

>> No.69150000

>execution is funny if it's against people I dislike
Peculiar. You don't happen to advocate for equalising policies, do you?

>> No.69150055

Most of them don't understand Japanese (or English for that matter) and the less effort you put into it the more money you can make from it.

>> No.69150072


>> No.69150282

You don't even know what unskilled labor is. Being a waiter is unskilled labor, and they expect to get paid. Programming requires specialized skills, but many decide to work as a hobby. Volunteering does not mean something is unskilled.

Your bait got me, retard. Have a you.

>> No.69150287

you are about 2 to 3 dollars worse off than i am, sorry to say, but rip in pieces both of us bro.

>> No.69150290

>retard Malaysian spends his adult life larping as a freedom loving American
>outwardly vocal against sharia and supports Israel, a country Malaysia considers the legitimization of as treasonous
>Someone in Malaysia finally turns on fucking google translate and notices this
>He posts something positive about Malaysia and fucking disappears for months
I advocate for laughing at retards fucking around and finding out

>> No.69150305

Ive seen this translated by somebody that actualy knows japanese and shit about japan.
The listing asks for daily english, not buisness
Thats "hello, good bye, how are you", the second to lowest proficiency.
Its also a starter/tryout position for students.
They hire in batches by year and then you work yourself up the company for 20 years/till you croak.
Its a shit job and dumb jap corporate culture, but in no way out of the ordinary.

>> No.69150365

They forgot working adults not eligible.

>> No.69150548

You failing to understand basic economics is the reason your country is a shithole.

>> No.69150566

>Asking for Japan business lv. skill translator
>Paying at Tokyo Minimum wage.

Bitch! i can get that kind of jobs anywhere for more than that.

>> No.69150605

To be fair, translators are getting shit on in the job market right now, because companies have found out that chat gpt 4.0 paid version is getting very very good at AI translations. Just need a few proof readers and you're good to go, versus maybe a whole team of translators before.

>> No.69150606

I'll be sure to laugh if you ever get executed.

>> No.69150630

Im not even sure its a translator job
The listing that went around was quality assurance for overseas projects.

>> No.69150661

>learn 2 of the most retarded languages on the planet
They require translator to know Polish?

>> No.69150670

There a difference between low level translation and specialised translation/oral translation.

>> No.69150772

Jewgle japanese hiring season, its a typical jap corp entry level job.
I hate running defense for corps, but its just how it is there.

>> No.69150789
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Nijisanji's Korean group can't release voice goods on Valentine's Day
The cold treatment of overseas groups still continues.

>> No.69150844


>> No.69150889

My oshi has talked about her OL days and people were working stupid huge hours of mandatory unpaid overtime

>> No.69150935
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golden yacht

>> No.69150975

She did that in Japan?

>> No.69151009

I dont remember millie becoming japanese

>> No.69151034

Nah, the authorities here won't give a fuck about him unless he starts talking shit about the government or the king

>> No.69151046
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>> No.69151051

damn this thread is full of poor people, it reeks

>> No.69151107

This, but ~5.5$/hr

>> No.69151203

>this thread
This entire board is full of poor sean'rs. There's no barrier to entry to vtubers besides having internet and a phone (even the Cambodians can afford that nowadays).
I keep getting the awful reminder that this fanbase is full of poors and children and poor children by reading comments on youtube.

>> No.69151421

Yet I feel like you guys are living in moms basement
just a hunch

>> No.69151637

I fucking wish

>> No.69151806

If you are being hired for legal stuff or just to translate legal documents, thats usually the amount you can expect

>> No.69151852

He's thinking gig jobs where they have to travel their asses across the place and translate for some conference or some shit, not the sjw infested job of "localization".

>> No.69152049
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A good start!

>> No.69152058

>Business level of Japanese
>Business level of English
>9$ per hour
Yeah, that job sucks ass.

>> No.69152293

No. I am 100% sure your average translator gets 70€ an hour(was standard 8 years ago, so its probably more now)
the 70€ an hour count for the way to and back from the District Court as well as the typical breaks
translating of legal documents etc

>> No.69152711

You get what you pay for.

>> No.69152760

Hell yeah, actually a funny instance of a sigh meme, all others were complete shit so far

>> No.69152908

shit being ordinary is worse than shit being unusual

>> No.69153023

Eh at least here (and Japan according to a manga I read one time) translation is usually done by amount translated and not hourly. Unless doing live translation

Something like documents would be paid per page/line.

>> No.69153174

>US burger flippers who don't even know English are getting paid more
roru, rumao

>> No.69153228

How about this one
>English talent manager
>NOT a part time job
> 300000 yen/month / [8x30 (normal working hour) + 45 FIXED overworking hours] = 821 yen / hours
> 2 years of experience required
> business level english + japanese

They paid their full time manager less money than part-time student doing QC. On top of that these manager juggling minimum 5 talents

>> No.69153306

Yeah, she worked at a few companies over there

>> No.69153379

If you were ever gainfully employed and trying to get a promotion anywhere important you'd know mandatory unpaid overtime is a universal experience.

>> No.69153460

The fact that this is not only turning them against the company but also turning fans against each other outside the English sphere is fucking hilarious

>> No.69153466

>reddit spacing
>muh two nukes tranny
Go back

>> No.69153641

Meanwhile the hololive osting actually looked like a sweet gig for anyone with managerial experience and experience with people who have learning difficulties.

>> No.69153687

It’s not quite universal.
It’s banned at my company. I get paid less as a result but the trade off is worth it to me

>> No.69153765

>8x30 + 45 fixed overworking hours
thats code for 7 days a week

>> No.69153975

You dumb fucking redditard, before I tell you to kill yourself I need to tell you how wrong you are. Japan is like that because they LOST the war. They got subverted by the enemy who installed military forces, usurped their economy and wrote their constitution. All this after and because of getting nuked. The Japanese have been made into slaves under the guise of salarymen. You're like the guy from undertale trying to motivate the snail to run faster but you overdid it and it burned to death. Two nukes were too much. Now kys.

>> No.69154054

Germany lost the war and was a puppet for a long time, didn't stop them from having very good laws that protect workers. Japan is just a nation of cocksuckers and hierarchies, like it always was

>> No.69154099

>newfaggot doesnt know the difference between paragraphs and reddit spacing
I chuckled.

>> No.69154134

Wow I didn't knows Germany was nuked twice. Good thing they weren't raped and pillaged by the red army.

>> No.69154214

Open a history book, retard. Eastern Germany exists

>> No.69154301

Germany was literally controlled by both internationalist regimes until very recently you fucking retarded nigger. With the retardwd decision to decommision nuclear power and the US nuking their gas pipeline connecting Russia, their economy will slow down just like Japan and they will get the same problems + the addition of Turkish migrants soon

>> No.69154341

>Telling the Japanese to 'open their eyes' doesn't work. Because they believe YOU are the ignorant one
I thought it didn't work because their asian eyes don't open very wide.

>> No.69154391
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forgot the pic

>> No.69154402
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>> No.69154432

uh no they have always jobbed to authority so hard they need special words for it like sudoku and kamikaze

>> No.69154465

Nice goalpost moving, retard. The most important thing here is that there are labor laws and you can't get fucked like you would get in Japan, that was the topic.

>> No.69154540

Germany wasnt nuked twice and their economy wasnt forced into stagnation like Japan's. Japan would have succeeded with their approach and had the highest salaries and work conditions today if it werent for the nukes and consecutive collapse.

>> No.69154592

> What's japanese economic miracle
I suggest you find some uranium and eat it, it might give you some iq back that you've lost from licking all those japanese boots

>> No.69154647

Again, wow didn't know they were nuked twice and not raped and pillaged by the Russians. Not like US forces just noped out and abandoned the Germans knowing full well what would happen to the civilians that had nothing to do with the war besides be born in the wrong country. Not like they treated the Japanese completely differently than the Germans after the war.

>> No.69154707

The fuck are you on about? Take you meds, retard, nothing you've said justifies having shit labor laws in Japan, it's just a country of cucks that dream of sucking their bosses dicks

>> No.69154756

Go back

>> No.69154771

Sorry the point goes over your head, I know it must be difficult being retarded. I'll try to dumb down the concepts for you if I decide to reply in the future.

>> No.69154788

>hourly wage less than a PT at a small coffee shop in a 3rd world country.
this is bullshit.

>> No.69154798

I mean they are offering minimum wage for a part time job, if it was a full time 9-5 (which extends to an overnighter because of Japanese work culture) I’d understand the fake outrage.

>> No.69154800

kys retard, it would be very honorabru

>> No.69154868

You can't just purposely ignore the job requirements when making your argument.

>> No.69154872

Sudoku and kamikaze aren't about authority but honor. Not like a redditard would know anything about that though.

>> No.69154887

Here's a link to the job position:

>> No.69154930

Your cost of living is relatively dirt cheap retard

>> No.69154951

Honor is not shooting catapulted plane pilot descending on the parachute. Whatever Japan was doing was being retarded and throwing meat at the enemy

>> No.69154988

Can't compare since it's unfair. Germany was able to afford labor laws only because of massive subsidies from America.

>> No.69155000

It says 10am to 9pm but I can't imagine you're actually working throughout all of that. Considering the majority would just be having to reply to emails/messages, you're really only working a few hours a day at most. You'd just need to be available during those hours

>> No.69155007


>> No.69155101

Tokyo minimum salary/hour is exactly 1113 yen for context. If there werent laws involved they would have paid cheaper

>> No.69155109

Oh wow, you’re required to speak English and Japanese to a decent degree to get this part time translation job, what a shock.

>> No.69155169

It literally says you just have to do a minimum 5 hours a day or 20 hours a week.

>> No.69155194

Labor laws aren't about the money, they are about not being able to fire someone without a good reason and giving them enough time in advance. Whatever practices Japan is doing are not economically motivated, they are just based on spite and false understanding of authority.

>> No.69155279
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Something that's missing from the JP the OP posted is the final part of the position requirement. I assume the JP didn't mention it, because it's not abnormal for Japan, but this... (translation in image)
Means that they're only taking applicants who are enrolled in college (it's legal in Japan and other companies do it). Meaning a reason a project or permissions can get delayed is because the manager was too busy studying for an exam.

>> No.69155303

20 hours a week is nothing. That's 4 hours a day for 5 days. Unless the workload is insane for some reason, there's not really an issue here

>> No.69155435

Nah, dutch

>> No.69155652

Why do you think they romantize the shit out of living in a 1-room apartment and eating cup noodles every day?

>> No.69155655

>Dumb retard doesnt understand what he is talking about
Why did the economic miracle happen retard? It was america loosening their control after occupation and letting japan grow. And then when japan's growth was so great they had the #1 biggest growth and were about to overcome the US as the biggest economy in the world Plaza Accord caused another economic stagnation. Japan was literally about to become the biggest economy in the world and they wouldnt even need some dumb labor laws because everyone would prosper under the sun, but they got culled by enemy forces.

>> No.69155697

>need specifically a struggling college student in their third/fourth year.
they are minmaxxing company profit at the cost of manpower.

>> No.69155716

mate, easy on the copium

>> No.69155769

You wouldn't get it.

>> No.69155789


>> No.69155863

They deserved a 3rd bomb

>> No.69155965

I could get it if you'll provide a live demonstration, always was curious about sudoku puzzles

>> No.69156040

>and they wouldnt even need some dumb labor laws because everyone would prosper under the sun
Believing Reaganomics unironically, rumao. I really hope you free yourselves from this cuck mentality, and get some nice union wins someday in the future

>> No.69156045

Yes they are about money and the fact that you dont think so shows how little you actually understand. You prefer to comfort yourself with made up bullshit like spite and false understanding of authority. Also Japan does have laws that prevent employers from firing employees. You dont even know shit about Japan. Go back.

>> No.69156058

>Why did the economic miracle happen retard?
Because the US spent 8 years rebuilding the country and then the Japanese had 10 more years to catch up
>as the biggest economy in the world Plaza Accord caused another economic stagnation
The US gave Japan some pretty sweet trading conditions in the 50s. By the time the 80s rolled around a lot of Americans were asking themselves why give Japan these benefits when the country isn't a bombed out third world shithole anymore.
>Japan was literally about to become the biggest economy in the world
If that was the case the Plaza Accord wouldn't have achieved much. Japan was highly depended on its connection to the US consumer market. The "biggest economy" would have been just empty numbers for bean counters to measure dicks against each other.
Although Japan had some big economical issues that went beyond anything in the Plaza Accord.

>> No.69156154

Ok but you are the test subject.

>> No.69156320

>commietard in charge of looking at reality
This has nothing to do with believing you delusional tankie.
Bet you're one of those retards who thinks north korea is more comfy to live in than south korea

>> No.69156655

They spent a few years helping rebuild what they themselves destroyed. The biggest growth took place AFTER america seemingly fucked off (I say seemingly because they kept military presence). By the times the 80s rolled out America's aid had been long looong gone.

>> No.69156710

South Korea is a shithole where people are ready to kill each other for a position at Samsung, and is even worse outside of Seoul. Not saying that NK is better, obviously, glorious Germany is better than both of them. Also, nothing prevents Unions from forming without socialistic laws, but Japs are too much of a cucks to stand for themselves.

>> No.69156713


>> No.69156760

I'm saying that the boom that happened in the 60s is a results of the groundwork laid down by the Americans in the 50s and the beneficial trade agreement they got to rebuild (and prevent communist sentiments).

>> No.69156867
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Ok you kinda got me there I have no retort

>> No.69156876

A way bigger boom would have happened if america didn't fucking nuke them in the first place anon.

>> No.69156929

Sigh. . . . .

>> No.69157026


>> No.69157030

>Riku dood, wat nou?

>> No.69157054

Well maybe the Japs should have had their retarded militaria clique bomb Pearl Harbor.

>> No.69157097

Pearl Harbor was a fucking falseflag

>> No.69157153
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The original Japanese from where "negligible" came from also became a meme over there, on Twitter, Anycolor's BBS in Yahoo Finance, 5ch, etc.

>> No.69157195
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>> No.69157205
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>Get $24 dollarydoos an hour for packing shelves at super market, work literally anyone can do
>People who have been professionally studying a second language are getting half of what I’m paid, for something requiring far more skill and knowledge
>Also likely has far more responsibility involved along with less room for mistakes as opposed to my workplace
How does shit like this even happen man? I get you could argue that it could just be treated as a side gig but that’s just so insane. How has the world ended up in such a state where people who strive to get such important skills are treated like disposable garbage? It makes sense for me to be treated like shit because a high schooler can literally do the same thing as I can but for cheaper but like fuck man.

>> No.69157258
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Try lower.
Japan is actually a shithole once you take off the weeb goggles. There's a reason most mangas and anime are set in highschool where they all live with their parents

>> No.69157283


>> No.69157300

Australia dish wash around $28/hour

>> No.69157337


>> No.69157389

Ive never made a post or an account on plebbit in my life, which is why its funny when retards "call out" reddit spacing while not understanding what it actually is.

>> No.69157528

How much is the rent?

>> No.69157563
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Super disgusting
Remember EN one
Overseas = foreign not local wage

>> No.69157585

I wonder if anyone will try to join to purposely do to Elira what she did for others and translate all she says however you want.

>> No.69157665

If two nukes weren't launched, probably Japan wouldn't exist anymore. The only other way to finish WWII would've been routing the island.

>> No.69157672

That just mens they are paying 5 hours a day max, even if you work overtime

>> No.69157686

its the low amount of these jobs and the fact that theres a lot more people with skills like that now.
many people are invested into the field they put in effort to learn, so working as that in itself has value to them, while its nobodys dream to stock shelves in a supermarket, so people that do monotone stuff a drugged 5 year old could do actually demand half decent pay
