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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68998272 No.68998272 [Reply] [Original]

Pomu and Elira used to be really close, right? So why is it that while Elira is going through a career-ending moment Pomu's RM is doing twitter spaces talking about the idols she got to grope this week and shit? They're even both in Japan. Is Elira that much of a snake that even Pomu cut ties with her?

>> No.68998398

Pomu is on her Hololive probation period. She’ll only acknowledge pure virgins until 1 year into her Hololive career.

>> No.68998413

She's knows it all but couldn't do anything to stop Selen and Elira from bashing heads, because Selen was likely correct in her complaints, but Elira had management on her side.

>> No.69000594

Pomu supports her wife Elira which is why she doesn't follow Doki

>> No.69000932

They were hanging out until just before the stream. We know this. Pomu getting involved publicly is basically as bad a look as what Elira did to start

>> No.69001087

Pomu probably knew quite a bit of what was going on internally, she did seem apologetic about not doing enough to stand up to management with their situation involving Selen. Whether or not she knew Elira would be crazy enough to do what she did or just what else she knows behind the scenes is different matter entirely. The same can be asked about people like Nina and Kyo.

>> No.69001179

>used to be
Isn't pomu in japan with eliro right now getting that sweet futa dick?

>> No.69001232

>They were hanging out until just before the stream. We know this.
They weren't, Pomu was in class.

>> No.69001287

>Is Elira that much of a snake that even Pomu cut ties with her?
Pomu is not a niji employee anymore and thus does not have to care what they are doing. She is living her best life, returning to how she was in 2014, a second childhood, raping idols in japan.

Elira is responsible for her own downfall.

>> No.69001322

She's in Japan for classes for the next 3 months.

>> No.69001653

For what, Japanese immersion?

>> No.69001934

That's what it seems like. She mentioned that her apartment is included in the cost of the course, and there are a few learning centers in Japan that offer 3-month Japanese language courses that include stuff like room & board.

>> No.69002146

I see.
My friend is finishing his Japanese immersion so I can only hope they go to the same school but I doubt it.

>> No.69003939

I think she was the main mediator, when she announced her graduation, the branch became a time bomb, and with Pomu focusing more and more on her final projects the less time she had to be a mediator, I also believed that Pomu and a part Of the NijiEN vtubers they didn't know how serious it was until it exploded in their faces, people don't take into consideration that the talents barely see each other in person once or twice a year, all their interactions are just messages and video calls , this favors that the situations of discussion and fights are kept secret, so also when confronting them they end up softening the problems, take for example
For example how easy it is to hide something, just watched as Lucas ex mod pretended to be him and no one noticed.

>> No.69005092

these oshis she is getting to grope are the niji grisl she is not following doki either, likewise doki isnt following, in fact even matara and kuro who could get a lot of clout from this, are not following selen either

>> No.69005998

cool guys don't look at explosions

>> No.69006261

Pomu won't vouch for either Elira or Doki. If you're not part of it there's zero reason to get involved in the mess.

>> No.69010048

hope so

>> No.69013491

>used to

>> No.69014211

Pomu was friends with everyone
Selen was one of her best friends
She's just a friendly person

>> No.69014461

Pomu didn't want to get involved in this kind of garbage. its probably what broke her and made her leave. She won't take sides, but she also probably doesn't see Elira the way she used too anymore.

>> No.69014875

Imagine getting on a life raft from the Titanic and looking back to see your best friend do a belly flop from the top floor.

>> No.69014914
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There's nothing to be gained by publicly siding with either at this point either, especially not with threats of lawsuits being thrown around.
If she's called as a witness, then that's when she should get involved, but even then, maybe not publicly.
Having to choose between your friends is pretty fucked up.

>> No.69014963
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Pomu strikes me as the mediator type who just wanted to bring everyone together and help them to get along. She's probably pretty sad right now watching all of this unfold and seeing her friends fighting each other, and disappointed with herself that she couldn't stop this. I think that's what she meant with her tweet on the day Selen was terminated, not about management - especially the "I wish I could’ve done more and I’m really sorry" at the end.

>> No.69015237
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If the rrats about Elira being middle management are true, Pomu was never friends with Elira (maybe she was in the beginning), but her OL wagey survival instincts kept her in the good graces of the clique until she couldn't take it anymore.

>> No.69015493

Staying clear is definitely the smart move, especially if you want to work in the industry again.

>> No.69015648

And it's obvious she went to Kiara to ask for help (since not only is she an outsider friend, but she also has experience in tard-wrangling HoloEN). During Pomu's graduation call-ins, Kiara mentioned how Pomu "did everything she could", "did everything in YOUR power", showing that Pomu really did try...

>> No.69015940

This is why I don't buy Selen's crap, nobody who USED to work there will side with her besides >Zaion who is another confirmed nutcase

>> No.69015960

>I don't have to walk on my boss back anymore
But at what price Pomu... at what price...

>> No.69016073

she definitely went to kiara for help, but kiara does not tardwrangle, she gets wrangled

>> No.69016274

I don't think it's a coincidence that everything started falling apart when she started heading for the door. She was probably putting out a lot of fires and smoothing over interpersonal drama behind the scenes in a way that nobody else really could because she has seniority in both Niji senpai hierarchy and real world experience.

>> No.69016525

do your reps, anon.

>> No.69016797

Well now she won't even have Zaion's support kek, fat chink thought she was untouchable now she's gonna become even more radioactive than Sayu.

>> No.69016986 [DELETED] 


Is this her or did I get taken for a ride?

>> No.69021377


>> No.69021734

A literal tranny AKA the biggest nutcase

>> No.69022111

Its not impossible. She said a classmate asked her if she was a vtuber

>> No.69022314

There's nothing to gain from getting involved, the internet has already decided Selen can do no wrong regardless of the facts.

>> No.69023183

And the facts are, oh omnipotent one?

>> No.69023704

The ex-mod even fooled Pomu herself, I doubt anyone knew before she exposed Luca. Amazingly enough, that vindicated Pomu from all the times she had jumped on Luca and explains why after the first MC server got nuked, she sensed something was off about him and eventually stopped interacting with him.
If she is named, it would most likely would be Anycolor because she can be pointed to as an example of someone who left "amicably". Selen has no reason to destroy her friendship with her calling her in to testify against Anycolor. And we would probably know because even if done pseudonymously with the court calling her something other than her real name, the case would be found pretty quickly by the public and court drawings are still a thing even if you can get in without a name, at least in the US where you will still be drawn as part of the court proceedings.

>> No.69024231

Companies are lining up to work with her anon. Companies at this point would rather sponsor or support a liver individually on a case-by-case basis than do anything with NijiEN.
Plus Selen literally does nothing to hurt NijiEN. The company itself has consistently done more to hurt its own image than anything Selen did. Elira went from 606k subs all the way back down to 577k in the span of a day, she's as fucked as NijiEN's talents are now.

>> No.69024528

Like people still saying Selen did nothing wrong uploading the video when they dropped the logs showing she was explicitly told to wait for approval?

>> No.69025202

Anon, their whole smoking gun was that it took management 37 or so hours to respond to Selen. And we aren't even sure as to what timezone Selen's Twitter account defaults to either.
And it wasn't even about song permissions, but just about whether NijiEN itself had permissions to use ex-livers that the company itself owns the rights to anyways. If this the best that the company has to defend themselves with, they would not last in a Canadian court case, which is where a good chunk of their talents are located.

>> No.69025441

Cope. She was told to wait for approval and she didn't, it doesn't matter who they had to ask what matters is they had to ask someone.

>> No.69025639

Considering that Vox had management approval to do a rape ASMR and Millie possibly had approval to do the disastrous Secret GC Stream, I'm not sure management approval means much.

>> No.69025764

It doesn't matter how you feel about it, she needed approval she didn't have.

>> No.69025816

It does when they are the ones who set the rules that must be followed. Don't like them? Then graduate, like she kept on telling others she would but always reneged.

>> No.69026068
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She just eventually burned out completely

>> No.69026249

I swear that literally none of this board watches streams of any kind because this is the same exact problem that people in Hololive have complained about for fucking years

Also what in the fuck are all of these fucking rrats about Pomu? Literally do your reps

>> No.69026312

I don't know why everyone keeps seeing Sayu as so spiteful. She's a doormat that forgives everybody, and they're both going to be fine, either way.There's just not much you can do publicly when legal battles are happening.

>> No.69026411

Friendly reminder. Anything legal will be dealt with in canada. CANADA. Cucks are cucks, but Canadian laws are to be feared for how ruthless they are in defending Canadian workers.

>> No.69026540

The obvious answer is that Pomu, Nina and Mysta are implicated on the whole mess and if they speak out, they get dragged into it. The fact they left doesn't automatically exonerate them. Maybe they were IN the clique but just didn't like their cut, or they did heinous acts in their early career and regretted them later (notice all 3 of them are OGs).

>> No.69026658

So literally everyone but her was in on it?
Sounds like Selen was the problem.

>> No.69026866

Yeah I know, but I don't know how deep the privacy goes and if Vtubing would be a legitimate excuse for them to remain anonymous in all aspects. Anycolor is in deep enough shit I doubt Selen needs any witnesses here, she can just point to the series of events that has transpired and what she has gathered and pummel them to the ground just on that alone.

>> No.69026922

>leave because of shitty company and toxic coworkers

>> No.69027052

Being the single one out in a company filled with nepo-hires and run by a clique acting as shadow-management is not a bad look, anon. If the rrat of them embezzling company funds is true, then yeah of course no one wants to speak about that, anyone who does can be seen as complicit.

>> No.69027161

That's a hypothetical. It has nothing to do with reality.

>> No.69027189

I never said they're guilty. I'm simply considering the possibility of things being a lot more complicated than your tiny subhuman brain can even grasp.

>> No.69027252

Or they're still bound by NDA, which is why they use euphemisms like Hollywood when the subject comes up. Or they just don't want to get involved in the dumpster fire in general. They aren't automatically exonerated, but they aren't automatically suspect either.

>> No.69027295

Yeah, here in /vt/ we only talk about facts, reality and 1000% hard evidence.

>> No.69027319

>Having to choose between your friends is pretty fucked up.
Goddamnit man, don't make this more depressing than it already is...

>> No.69027341

>Perms trickling in for over a year
>Her work calendar and schedule
>37 hours without doing their one fucking job
>Nearly 2 years of this being a constant problem
>Even in her termination notice Niji self-reported that their management was so bad Selen often had to do their fucking job for them
>Past videos by Niji used Nina
>Niji literally owns their IPs
I'm sure you have the timestamp for when the MV was posted btw. You can't straddle the fence. You have to actually show up to work and do your one fucking job or you gotta dilate.
>5th strongest EN liver gone

>> No.69027441

>to show that someone is involved in a crime or partly responsible for something bad that has happened
Saying they are implicated is saying they are involved/responsible. You have no proof of that. You're going around saying everyone is guilty in being involved in this whole mess.
Learn the meaning of the word before you use it.

>> No.69027447

>Past videos by Niji used Nina
I'm sure THEY waited for approval. If only everybody was able to follow that simple rule.

>> No.69027627

>Manager fucks off
>Manager has constantly fucked off for years
>Niji's done it themselves already
>Literally owns them
>Ships it
There's a reason AAA companies were tweeting at Selen that she can DM for perms any time instead of being ignored by management for months

>> No.69027776

>Pomu already graduated and this faggot falseyed and khyo trying to create some issue
Leave Pomu alone.

>> No.69028105

Pomu is pretty old man, her egg production is plummeting, she left because she knows life is more than anime and streaming.

>> No.69028379

Mint finally accept that Mocca was right.
Always has been.

>> No.69028525

okay but the company couldnt follow the god damn law by sharing legal documents with non-lawyer parties, so breaking a rule is the least criminal thing that happened.

>> No.69028764

??? I think you mean Lyrica, and Nova who snapped back at Mocca.

>> No.69028771

You'd think that'd be something you only need approval for once. What kind of idiot would you have to be to continually seek approval for that?

>> No.69028805

who fucking gives a shit about approvals. If they'd just fired her for that and didn't engage in the completely baffling character assassination no one would still be talking about this. I don't think anyone is claiming Selen Did Nothing Wrong, but this has just been a disproportionately vindictive response, I wish all you bootlickers would get that through your skulls.

>> No.69028915

>I don't think anyone is claiming Selen Did Nothing Wrong
There are plenty of people saying this and other shit like "they own the characters she shouldn't even have to ask!!"

>> No.69028969

The best part is that they even admitted themselves it was a nothingburger. They wanted to change it from It was privated by management to it was privated by management for having ex-livers in it (who they own the IP for). So it's literally them terminating her because they're fucking with her.

>> No.69029379

>for having ex-livers in it (who they own the IP for)
But there have been other covers released with ex-livers in them.
It's sounding like, even after a liver leaves the company, they still have some say in how their image gets used by the company/other livers. That's actually a pretty nice thing to see.
Maybe if she had just waited for management to check approvals with the ex-livers, this wouldn't have been a problem.

>> No.69029436

No you see, the integrity of the brand is dependent on management being seen in a good light. Selen didn't provide enough context so she was fired. Pay no attention to the management self-immolating, they're allowed to do that.

>> No.69029579

Maybe they shouldn't spend 2 years not doing their job while sitting on a menhera bomb they're constantly abusing until there's no dudetrustmeit'sreal left :^)

>> No.69029640

>Maybe if she had just waited for management to check approvals with the ex-livers, this wouldn't have been a problem.
Yeah, maybe it wouldn't. Or maybe they'd find some other BS reason to delay it or cancel it entirely. Maybe they'd ask her suck Riku's cock on stream. Who knows.

>> No.69029693

>37 hours
>In production for over a year

>> No.69029821

This is true, I was the professor giving her extra credit

>> No.69029969

Management said they didn't see the contents of the music VIDEO until the day before release. That doesn't sound like 2 years to me.
Considering the manager only brought up the issue with the ex-livers, it doesn't sound like there was any other BS reason.

>> No.69030282

Yeah, that's pretty terrible of her. I really hate it when people do that to me at work. Like if we have to work on a project with a set deadline, they spend months working on their part, and they don't hand it over to me to do my part until a few days before it's due. It's like, why can't they be more considerate that I need time to do my work too. I swear, some people only think of themselves, and not of others.

>> No.69030458

Nah 2 years is constant severe perms and approvals issues. MV was in production for over a year as she collected perms and progressed on it. All the storyboarding from the approval request, concept, her calendar and schedule. The MV upload timestamp after ghosting her for 37 hours for the billionth time.. Engage your brain to realize why they omitted that from the messages.

The other BS reason is the constant fucking with her for 2 years from not paying an artist that took a Niji job then punishing Selen for paying the artist with her own money after they didn't pay her for months. Shitting on Selen for giving contest rewards with her own money. Spiking her fall guys tournament at the last second cause they wouldn't do their fucking job then raking her over the coals before forcing her to read a prewritten corpospeak "apology". Two billion tweets or bitching sessions about how she got fucked over by management this week or that week deleted like tears in the rain.
Meanwhile Vox, Millie, and others were barely getting slaps on the wrist for worse.

>> No.69030575

>Get MV
>Don't even show up for two more days
>LITERALLY ignored doing your manager job and getting perms for it for over a year
You wouldn't have a job if you didn't show up for two days faggot

>> No.69030617

I find it hard to believe that she wasn't aware of her bullying nature

>> No.69030662
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>> No.69030919

>Don't even show up for two more days
Anon... check the calendar and see what was going on during those two days. The world doesn't revolve around Selen.

>> No.69030948

Despite how everything turned out afterwards, I still think he chose correctly.

>> No.69031008

Damn if only the manager had over a year to read the form entry listing who the fuck is in in the MV then do their fucking job huh?

>> No.69031087

Who is it and what happened?

>> No.69031169

How do you know this "form" exists?

>> No.69031295

Not a holiday for Japan

>> No.69031475

Ah yes, the humble manager gazes out of their window looking for smoke signals to divine compliance with company policy and who they need to get perms with. Such methods are the apex of corpo efficiency. No one would ever use forms that give a rundown of its contents, who is in it, content used, etc. to manage a canadian vtuber on a different continent and time zone.

>> No.69031630

Based on the discord leak HoloEN had, she 100% has to wrangle her branch mates.

>> No.69031734

Check the Nijisanji calendar.
NijiFes 2023 was December 23rd and 24th. Manager was busy with shit there. Sorry Selen, but the big annual Nijisanji Festival takes precedence over a bog-standard song cover. Maybe she shouldn't wait until the last minute for a perms check.

Hypothetical form, that she could have hypothetically not filled in truthfully (or even at all), that hypothetically might not have properly reflected what was in the video itself.

>> No.69031917

Maybe if you did your job when the original approval was sent when she started all of it in earnest over a year ago Niji wouldn't be burning down. The good news at least is you'll be looking for a new job soon at the rate the branch is disintegrating.

>> No.69032076

The original approval for the music VIDEO was only sent on December 24th. That's not "a year ago".

>> No.69032316

Yeah, maybe next time when you get an e-mail over a year ago that lists who will be in the MV maybe do your job you dumb cunt. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Stupid ass motherfucker

>> No.69032353

When your manager is your "friend" you have no choice but to smile along until you get the fuck out.

>> No.69032555

You're making an assumption there. You're assuming the list of talents was sent a year ago. Considering we know Selen is known to ignore emails and not send things in, I wouldn't be surprised if she... didn't send in that list!

>> No.69032638

elira pls

>> No.69032647

So she's somehow able to organize all of these artists, musicians, etc. but won't send an e-mail to management? And all of them vouch for her and it somehow escaped her thoughts for a whole ass year?

>> No.69032842

>So she's somehow able to organize all of these artists, musicians, etc. but won't send an e-mail to management?
Correct, she has a history of missing or straight-up ignoring messages from management. There is a literal perfect example in the the 15min video from yesterday.

>> No.69033082

>Selen is known to ignore emails and not send things in
>Selen is tweeted at by AAA Multi-billion dollar international mega-corporations begging her to just DM them for any perms she wants so she can actually stream the game before the heat death of the universe because management fucks off and doesn't answer their fucking emails constantly for over 2 years
>There is a literal perfect example of management fucking off for 37 hours in the 15min video from yesterday while omitting the MV upload timestamp and over a year of correspondence during which Selen was collecting perms and sending them in to management from those involved such as lilypichu

>It really is an NDF tourist
Mnay sad cases...

>> No.69033168

Hello Elira, go flip some burgers, McDonalds needs you, Nijisansji EN dies soon.

>> No.69033200

Hot take, if you never answer your e-mails, it is factually true that you never heard of it. It's a bold strategy Tazumi-sama lets see how that works for your stock value.

>> No.69033306

Not spiteful, but she seems really triggered and unhappy that Doki is getting way more support than she did. You can tell she hasn't been taking the reception well and is wondering why she got the worse outcome for arguably less-severe violations.

>> No.69033344

>There is a literal perfect example of management fucking off for 37 hours in the 15min video from yesterday while omitting the MV upload timestamp
Management was busy with NijiFes. The world doesn't revolve around Selen. She needs to grow up and learn the value patience.

>and over a year of correspondence during which Selen was collecting perms and sending them in to management from those involved such as lilypichu
Did she get perms from the ex-livers? Because it's sounding like she didn't. And no, this wasn't a brand-new rule made up on the spot, as livers who've released covers w/ graduated livers have talked about it.

>>It really is an NDF tourist
>Mnay sad cases...
No argument? I accept your concession :)

>> No.69033448
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Maybe the managers should, you know, do their jobs and get perms then huh?

>> No.69033455

Yeah definitely, but she's making more progress now than ever. Unfortunately we can't go back but apparently people are coming out of the woodwork to apologize to her.

>> No.69033586

Your mind is stuck still thinking about the song.
The adults are talking about the music VIDEO.

>> No.69033732

Elira is probably the reason why she quit, Pomu finding out who Elira really is may have completely demoralized her to continue being a streamer

>> No.69033818

Your mind is stuck still thinking about the music video.
The adults are talking about a PROJECT which Nijisanji knew about for over a YEAR and was receiving PERMS for which NECESSITATES basic human functions like filling out a PROJECT APPROVAL FORM fpr internal recordkeeping for the project which contains super cool super fun stuff like WHO IS IN THE MV and WHAT IS USED IN THE MV because they need to check things for compliance and who to get perms from because things take time. Instead they jerked off for over a year then omitted literally everything including the MV upload timestamp.

>> No.69033893

He chose wrong by all accounts.
The road untaken might've been one leading to a cringy twittard, but it's better than the one he did take.

>> No.69034016

And who would fill in that form? Selen.
Did she? That remains to be seen.
If she did, then the perms check shouldn't take that long, but she went ahead and jumped the gun anyway. That's all on her.

>> No.69034026

No? She the straw that broke the fairychad was not even getting a chance for the idol collab. The branch was constantly abused and neglected by management. Opportunities were denied and even taken away and it had been this way for nearly 2.5 years at the time. It was only getting more dysfunctional not better she saw that writing on the wall. You have to know japanese and move to japan or you're never going to make it in an existing corpo. That's the iron reality.

>> No.69034192

Why the fuck would they need perms from fucking exlivers you dumb nigger. It's literally their IP. I swear you Nijifaggots are so delusional that you are reminding me of those cuck japs.

>> No.69034194

Typical bootlicker attitude. And then make it like a rat and bail. Well she is an office rat through and through.

>> No.69034298

The fact nijien don't have multiple dedicated managers to have a balanced ratio per talent, and even have talent(s) themselves acting as management leading to such horrendously fucked internal bullying culture is mindboggling evil.

>> No.69034357

Lawyer has her receipts so I pray to god Niji keeps stabbing her in the eye until she snaps again.
Management continually didn't do its job for over 2 years
She was frequently having to do most if not all the perms legwork because management was struggle sessioning her constantly.
They were trying to ass bandit her over something they didn't do for over a year, shown them themselves, will show in future projects, and own the IP for so it was episode 29062906 in management fucking with her on purpose. That's why they fucked up when they claimed they didn't know anything about it until 2 days before, and ghosted her for 37 hours of, when she has receipts of everything she sent to them proving otherwise. She talked about it but well, you know the mutilated state of her channel now.

He's some retarded NDF tourist it's incredible.

>> No.69034370

>Management was busy with NijiFes
This is not the argument you seem to believe it to be, especially given that the video was in production for a year straight and the thing they had to """check""" was whether or not they could use their own IP in the same way they already had done multiple times before (?!). This is a job that would at most take the exact length of the video and in all actuality would take ten seconds.

>> No.69034428

Because even after graduation, Nijisanji allows the livers to have a say in how their image is used. That's actually very humane of them, and shows that they think the liver is more than just their model, but also the person behind them. This way, if a liver doesn't like how their image is being portrayed in something, they have the option to reject it.

>> No.69034462

Holy shit it this niji staff?

>> No.69034544

They don't even give them their fucking play buttons, what makes you think they'd allow ex-livers to have any say over their own image?

>> No.69034561

It was a pretty based plan
>Hire JOP's to manage Canadian and UK talents so the JSLs and ESLs have to mediate
>Don't hire enough
>Roll the failed indian branch into EN management
>Don't fire the shitters either
>Everything goes to hell

It's possible since he thinks he's going to get a yacht ride if he pretends a manager not getting that perm for over a year is somehow a successful argument.

>> No.69034564

>given that the video was in production for a year straight
And yet, management said they weren't presented with the materials for the music video until the 24th. Sounds like Selen should have been sending in the materials as the video was being made.

>> No.69034656

>what makes you think they'd allow ex-livers to have any say over their own image?
>*In accordance with Nina Kosaka's desire, the "Perk Random Sticker" will feature her version even after her graduation.

>> No.69034684

Pomu just sent me this.

>> No.69034897

I believe managers that answer and read their emails so well that AAA game companies contact Selen instead of management so the perms are obtained before NijiEN is folded into the main branch.

>> No.69034953

Scarle clearly wasn't.

>> No.69034958

Management also said they privated the music video and that Selen also lied when she claimed management privated the video in the same Twitter statement.

Hopefully they give us more than carefully-curated screenshots to prove their claim that they only found out about a music video a year in the making just last month.

>> No.69035133

Other way around. The AAA game companies don't check their emails, so Selen has to go to them directly to obtain perms.

>> No.69035183

It was a bullshit excuse to fuck with her.

>> No.69035214

Why are you here if you're a retarded tourist that hasn't watched her? Honest question.

>> No.69035293

Pomu is a narcissist she doesn't care about what people do as long as they give her praise.

>> No.69035335
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>Management also said they privated the music video and that Selen also lied when she claimed management privated the video in the same Twitter statement.
Reading comprehension. Read the part in red. That's what the issue was - that she omitted the essential context.

>> No.69035401

They appreciate talents so much they completely deleted the channels of Yugo, Zaion and Selen unceremoniously.

>> No.69035404

Circle the top sentence in red then reasoning in the second sentence. Then take your own advice.

>> No.69035457

>When deleting a top earner is a "negligible financial impact"

>> No.69035515

It was a misleading statement because it omitted context. Not a hard concept to grasp.

>> No.69035576

Pomu is not as innocent as you think she is. This board will have a very different opinion of her by the end of the week.

>> No.69035600

>our response was to make the music video private
>she made the misleading statement" "management privated the song"

>> No.69035620

They're literally the only ones in the world that cared and the "added context" is that they privated the vod after they didn't do their job in over a year.

>> No.69035632

I have to agree sadly. In her defense (and the others) it's possible to be so browbeaten she felt like she couldn't do anything about it. perhaps she's even been stockholmed into rationalizing the actions of the clique as not that bad, or the subjects of their bullying as somehow deserving of it, or to some degree culpable in the situation despite being totally blameless victims

>> No.69035652


>> No.69035693

Honestly fuck pomu, she never stands up publicly her "friends" and is only interested in personal gain and if even the smallest controversy is in the air she just shuts up.

>> No.69035719

The paragraph is very badly written. By using "notably" they are indicating that the part in quotes is what was misleading, but they are quoting a factual statement.

>> No.69035782

It's easy when you're close to someone and both of you only want to show each other your best sides. It's much harder when you're not even present for whatever happens so it's hearsay from two parties neither of which you can or even should trust

>> No.69035803

She tweeted out that she wished she could have done more, meaning she did try to help. Furthermore, she reached out to Kiara as well, because recall what Kiara said during Pomu's graduation call in. "You tried everything you could", "you did everything in your power". You can't expect one person to be able to fix this shit-show, especially if people don't want to listen.

>> No.69035840

Why the fuck are they waiting till the nth hour after a video is in production for an entire year to suddenly realize they need this one specific type of perms that they have yet to acquire?

>> No.69035853

That reminds me the part where management gave Kiara the wrong date and almost made her miss the graduation.

>> No.69035858
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Was Petra in on it? I always felt like she and Reimou didnt care much for Niji and just did their own thing.

>> No.69035861

>I won't specify what this context is or how it invalidates the statement

>> No.69035889

Ask Selen why she didn't send in the materials earlier. Management said they didn't see them until the 24th.

>> No.69035926

I suspect that internal situation is worse than it seems. It's probably not just bullying and harassment. So bad people would be afraid to speak up.

>> No.69035928

Nijisanji works a lot like China where there's a gorrilion rules that are selectively enforced depending on whether they want to fuck you over.

>> No.69035944

Yes, because her original statement read like it was never going to come back, when the missing context "until perms are checked" changes the context to mean that it would be coming back (if she didn't have a menhera breakdown about it, anyway)

>> No.69035993

It was never coming back.

>> No.69036018

How do you know that? Which timeline are you from where Selen didn't try to kill herself over it?

>> No.69036030

Petra has nothing to do with this just like Meloco and Kotoka and the rest of JP. This is an EN issue.

>> No.69036045

What fucking materials? The completely finalized video? You're telling me management wasn't aware of the most basic things about the video until literally the day it was scheduled to go live? Be fucking for real.

>> No.69036120

what approval? Niji owns ninas model and l2d. The person behind it has no right to anything as soon as the leave the company. Like nigga fuck off you fucking braindead cunt.

>> No.69036132

Management also said Selen didn't pay an artist. Yet, https://twitter.com/dreamydesu/status/1754536452845887582 and fucked the fall guys tourney. They blamed her for getting perms when they wouldn't answer their fucking emails.
Management said a lot of things.

Management also gave a confidential legal document only meant to be shared between lawyers to three vtubers without redacting contact information thereby doxing everyone including Selen to Vox, Ike, and Elira.

>> No.69036130

That's what they said in the statement. So it sounds like Selen never brought the materials to management beforehand.

>> No.69036138

>can't be arsed to pay artists
>can't be bother to have NDAs with the right name
>Don't worry, we'll get things done in a timely fashion

>> No.69036168

Because it didn't come back.

>> No.69036178


>> No.69036199

Death to NijiEN. Death to managerial faggots like you, too. Fuck off with this jap shit.

>> No.69036228

Because she flipped out and told people to re-upload it, thereby breaking another rule. Read the termination notice, it's all detailed in there.

>> No.69036243

Maybe if management was skullfucked with a bayonet, this wouldn't have been a problem!

>> No.69036245

Do you know that or do you assume it? Everybody keeps saying this but they can never actually prove it. And an IP belonging to a company doesn't mean lower management shouldn't ask someone about things just to be safe.

>> No.69036272

So they punished her for thinking the video was not coming back. Because the video was never coming back.

>> No.69036293

If all that was left was to check the ex-livers permission, then it sounds like Selen gave up right before the finish line.

>> No.69036310

Hang yourself, you subhuman freak. No one cares about this fucking faggotry or this filthy fucking company run by animals, which needs to be burned to the ground, and the ashes covered in concrete.

>> No.69036347

They literally own the IP to all Nijisanji models. That's how the entire bussiness model works.

>> No.69036352

Nope, read the termination notice. It was originally going to come back, until she had her menhera flipout about it and told people to reupload the cover.

>> No.69036399

>No argument
I accept your concession :)

>> No.69036401

Do you think anyone in marvel can freely use mickey mouse just because disney bought them?

>> No.69036410
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Are you such a tourist that you think privating is forever? Management privates vods all the fucking time. They get privated willy nilly, whatever caused an issue gets cut out then it goes back up days or weeks later depending on how much time and effort it takes. She even went on to explain that they'd just need to be edited out.

Quality company btw

>> No.69036424

>implying management ever intended to do anything instead of jack off

>> No.69036449

1. The video was not going to come back.
2. The video didn't came back.
3. The video was never coming back.

>> No.69036456

I will accept my boot on your neck, this is not a debate.

>> No.69036485

Lower management should know about standard policies by now. Like whether using ex-livers in MVs. This shouldn't even need to be escalated any higher.

>> No.69036524

Pomu is a white woman. She got out of a bad situation and therefore doesn't have to care anymore if other people are going through it. Simple as.

>> No.69036536

This is more like Marvel asking themselves for perms to Ironman because Robert Downey Jr doesn't play him anymore

>> No.69036580

Management said they would unprivate it once perms were verified. If perms were in place, then it wouldn't have taken long. Selen should learn to have patience.

>> No.69036631

Disney can literally add Mickey Mouse and Howard the Duck to the Deadpool & Wolverine movie if they fucking want. And George Lucas and Fabian Nicieza have no say in what Disney does with those characters, because they are owned by Disney.

>> No.69036637

>once perms were verified
ETA: Never

>> No.69036695

The 24 is a work day even in the most christian countries, which japan were nijien managers are and live, isnt. The lazy ass managers should have phoned the exlivers immediately within 15 min or at reasonable hours for those receiving the call ,whichever is first.

>> No.69036701


Waiting for management to answer emails? Good one.

>> No.69036708

And you know that, how? Because other livers had released song covers with graduated livers, and they got perms after they (this might surprise you!) got perms verified!

>> No.69036733

There is literally nothing Pomu can do that can fix it outside of garroting Tazumi then doing a hostile takeover of the company to reform it while protected by an armor made up of the kidnapped play buttons

What if like, and this is a big if, management does its job and gets perms in over an entire year on a MV as it has done thousands of times for other MVs without issue?

>> No.69036741

Disney can do whatever they want with the character but can a comic artist add mickey to the latest ironman issue without asking first?

>> No.69036788

Thanks for agreeing that Selen was deliberately singled out for targeted abuse... Which has been the core of her case against the company this entire time.

>> No.69036831

Many managers were busy with NijiFes, which was on the 24th. NijiFes takes priority over a bog-standard cover. The world doesn't revolve around Selen, she should learn not to wait until the last minute to check.
Also, given it was the 24th (Christmas Eve), I wouldn't have been surprised if the ex-livers were busy with the families, and wouldn't respond to emails timely (and no, this wouldn't be something marked URGENT)

>> No.69036849

>Can't be bothered to pay artists
They're clearly dragging their feet as much as they can.

>> No.69036893

According to your own logic, Selen abused herself by not being patient, which other livers had no problems doing. Sounds like a her issue.

>> No.69036905

What made you think that other livers hadn't gone through the same process and were actually waiting for the OK?

>> No.69036908

>Ex NIJIEN members are also now prohibited from being shown in any form by any member which confused me as we have some that graduated in good termas and were referenced in recent past works as well as will be referenced in future works
t.Selen btw

>> No.69036928

They made a bullshit excuse and probably kept making bullshit excuses just to fuck with Selen. This falls into a pattern of management fucking with talents and them quitting or being fired in droves.

>> No.69036998

>Management doesn't do their job for over a year

>> No.69037086

>They made a bullshit excuse and probably kept making bullshit excuses just to fuck with Selen
Yeah, like your mother probably drank a lot while carrying you and your dad probably didn't beat you enough. I don't want "probably" I want "did".

>> No.69037107

Selen has been known to misrepresent the truth very often. (I mean, just look at her comments about international tournaments, plus this whole cover fiasco). Because other members are working on covers with ex-livers with no issue.

>> No.69037125

They wouldn't need to ask Stan Lee, but the editor. In this case, that's management.

>> No.69037165

>Selen doesn't send in the materials for management to do their job until the day before release.
Sounds like she should have sent in the materials as they were being worked on.

>> No.69037178

The ex-liver thing is complete bullshit and should be disregarded a priori. Its blatantly dishonest.

>> No.69037188

Just like when Niji didn't pay the artist which the artist corroborated Niji didn't pay them? Oh wait, that was Nijisanji.

>> No.69037204

Maybe management should have been more proactive in keeping track of the content that their content creators are creating

>> No.69037237

I am assuming the discord leaks are real.

>> No.69037291

And the editor would have to ask someone at disney if it's alright to use the mascot of their company in this comic book issue and would have to send in the draft for review etc. We don't know who was asking what, all we know is selen sent in her video, the manager took a while to get back, and that his response was "confirmation pending".

>> No.69037332

Presumably Marvel's editors wouldn't wait until an issue is scripted, penciled, inked, colored, and printed before asking papa Disney for permission for its contents.

>> No.69037339

Good thing her lawyer has proof she did and now Nijisanji's lawyer knows they have them.
I'd also like you to take forty minutes explaining how a project they have been receiving perms for over a year with a scheduled release date is also wholly unknown to them.

>> No.69037374

>Can't pay artists
>Can't put the right names on NDAs
C'mon go--guys, we were working with Selen in good faith!

>> No.69037393

Interesting how management knew enough about the project to have acquired permission for the active livers, but not enough to ask permission for the graduated livers, despite them both appearing in the same images in the video.

>> No.69037398

Then Selen would whine and complain about management breathing down her neck over every single little step of the process. She would never be content.

>> No.69037443

it's almost as if management wasn't made aware of the art of the graduated livers, huh

>> No.69037477

The Marvel editors have control over Marvel characters. In the case of Mickey Mouse he has to have their own editors.

In this case the NijiEN managers would decide on NijiEN characters.

>> No.69037478

You've made too many excuses for the corpo. I'm starting to think you work there.

>> No.69037497

Funny how she didn't complain about having to pay artists that was supposed to be handled by management.

>> No.69037565
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Obviously because she was clearly graduating eventually dumbfuck, probably when it was her turn in the queue. The endgame here isn't "Selen stays and is happy", it's "Nijisanji handles her termination in a halfway competent way that doesn't completely torch their own reputation in the process".

>> No.69037618

Oh mein gott you've figured it out! Despite producing over three years of MV's not a single manager has ever asked for a list of everyone that will be present so they can (not) get perms in over an entire year.

>> No.69037665

Honestly management shouldn't be paying the artists in the first place, because the company never pays for personal projects. They just have this weird-ass system where a liver can have management pay for project assets with their own earnings before their monthly paycheck gets sent out. It's really retarded and convoluted and shouldn't exist. They should just make it so that the liver pays for it from their own paypal, instead of mixing between their paypal and the company's (I guess) paypal.

>> No.69037719

One rrat is that management also demanded for permission from every single featured talent.

>> No.69037858

I would assume they don't even need to ask that unless they featured NijiJP talents.

>> No.69037861

No one believes these subhuman troglodytes. They should all kill themselves, especially Elira.

>> No.69037902



>> No.69037917

The company paying artists directly is massively more efficient since they can deduct those as business expenses rather than it coming out of the pocket of the liver after payroll and income taxes. It makes complete sense for them to do things like that.

>> No.69037970

You can still deduct things as business expenses even if you pay for them from your own account. See people who do gacha pulls on stream.

>> No.69038082

There's an internal rule where they have to ask literally every single liver. Management didn't do their job.
You have to ask for anyone and anything that's in it to manage perms issues. The entire point of asking this early is to solve problems early in production not 2 days before a scheduled release Niji knew about and had been receiving materials for for over a year

>> No.69038163
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That's how it is: if a company is a den of thieves and there's one person which actually is honest and wants to bring in some value - that person is enemy number one to be eliminated. Because they might denounce them, an actual threat.

>> No.69038266

Screenshots? I only see Maria being qt and playing neat games at ungodly hours as usual

>> No.69038395

Pomu's a smart girl. She's will not say jack shit outside of legal requirements.

Elira, Pomu, and Selen are my favorites Lazusydia, though. I dream of a day they reconcile their grievances. And then they can gang rape Pomu.

>> No.69038628

Pomu's libido is too powerful. That's why she graduated. They kept badgering her for a go. They kept talking a big game. Then they ended up like the protagonists in a reverse-rape doujin.

>> No.69038922

And now she's been let lose in Japan, terrorizing idols and maids everywhere! No cute girl is safe!

>> No.69039203
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>> No.69040004

notPomu went out of their way in a previous space to imply that she is not meeting Elira any time soon. People thought maybe they were just busy with their own stuff. Maybe Pomu knew what Elira was about to do and wanted to keep her distance.

>> No.69040064

Knew she was a good egg. World of difference between her and these fucking subhumans.

>> No.69040559

>Is Elira that much of a snake that even Pomu cut ties with her?
No, retard. Pomu understands that Anykara framed Elira and forced her to read the speech they wrote for her on a prerecorded stream.
She understands thst Anykara is passing the blame to the members.

>> No.69041202

t. Elira clique member

>> No.69044735

>What does Pomu know?
She left before things got worse

>> No.69045550

so pomu turned from a beaten up OL to a beaten up anime girl

>> No.69045750

We know better now with the great unifying rrat, try harder.

>> No.69045852

It was never about perms.

They quite literally made the rule just to have justification for sabotaging her. Enna had just released an MV with ex-livers, barely 40 days prior.

>Sabotage selen's MV
>she snaps and releases it anyway
>need justification for taking action against her
>pretend the delay was about permissions, and quite literally make a brand-new rule about ex-livers (whose IP you own)
>enforce the new rule you just made up two seconds ago
>Terminate with cause
>Legally fire your employee without cause, by pretending there was cause, post-hoc.

>> No.69046009

well I will say that she knows how to do PR better than anykara considering she's posting egg pizza instead of engaging with the drama

>> No.69046096
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If that's the case Yagoo is completely based.

>> No.69046343

All three of them went to fucking Antarctica, Finana has gone radio silent even on her PL, she knows too much.

>> No.69046403


You ndf niggers are obsessed with parroting this. What perms?

Lilypichu? She had granted them months prior.
The livers included? Anycolor Incorporated owns the intellectual property, not the individuals.
The composer, sound tech, editor, animator, the director? The song was finished by may. The storyboard was finished 1 year prior. The video was finished by September.

Whose perms? You shills already fail to elucidate. Whose perms?

Incidentally, in the termination notice, anycolor inc. asserted the MV being privated had to do with depiction of ex-livers (whose IP they own) and that clause was not even an actionable infraction when the video was privated and when Selen released it anyway. They created the rule AFTER the fact. But, they used the infraction to justify terminating her. RETROACTIVELY.

>> No.69046424

>that she omitted the essential context
which was?
why didn't they openly provide this "essential context"

>> No.69048771

This is all drama, and niji is a retarded company... But Selen is a woman. So yeah.
This drama doesnt happen with men, only women and faggots. Lets be honest with ourselves for a second here.
Selen is a bitch that, maybe after a year of being obstructed, decided to push management and she lost that fight. Then she pathetically anheroed for attention, like women do. Men succeed in suicide, women do it for attention.

>> No.69049537

Finana didn't go to shit. The retarded zoomer got on everyone's shitlist because she went on an offcollab, her were cards declined, then SOMEBODY had to foot the bill for the gacha addict.
Lazulight was always a two-member unit
The meds wont work if you don't take them

>> No.69050075

After today it's clear it's one-member

>> No.69050195

If I got to grope idols I'd be talking about that too

>> No.69050755

She didn't even decide to push management. Management was so absent and useless all the time for so long and she had become so fucking used to doing their job for them for so long that what happened was she saw Niji doing what they told her she couldn't do, went yeah okay retard, then put it up anyway. Arguably you could make a case that she had a mental breakdown after that year of abuse by management because she was figuring out that this was going to result in having to edit people out of the MV taking away from the whole unity and family aspect of the MV group scenes which was somewhat corroborated after the fact.

The real comedy was everything after
>Management skinwalks on her locked out twitter while badgering her while she's hospitalized to the point they have to get a lawyer
>Selen tries to put a lid on the incident so everyone can just move on
>Management self-reports it's livers bullying her
>Nooo, you can't say we privated it you have to say we privated it cause we didn't do our job getting perms for over a year cause we just don't do our job and don't ANSWER OUR FUCKING EMAILS OKAY!!?
>Corpo (((lawyer))) really does it. Just gives confidential documents containing personal information to who we now know are three anime girls. Actual Doxing literally everyone in the company, incl. Selen, involved with it to Elira, Vox, and Ike
>ENtards self-report who of them were the bullies while also proving themselves so wholly retarded they don't understand that shit gets redacted and their lawyer can file a motion to seal the court records even if shit pops off
>Ike literally showed up only to put on a miniskirt and cry I-I thought I knew y-you!! ;_; Take a bow you massive 12yo girl you should be proud
>For a guerilla stream set to intentionally overlap doki's first gaming stream
All she wanted to do was play neopets and be happy. Now their stock is below where it was in june 2022 with no recovery in sight as even jap corpodrones are beginning to flip

>> No.69052150

I gotta wonder where NDF fuckers like that come from because they sure as fuck aren't being paid by a company like Nijisanji to shill

>> No.69052262

literal retards from SEA

>> No.69056708

I think she is only just now finding out.

>> No.69057489

Pomu knew everything that was going on, and didn't speak out about it making her complicit

>> No.69058233

You fuckers ever work a job? The moment you quit you forget about all that shit and move on with life.

What possible reason does she have to get involved even a little bit. If she is friends with Selen or Elira she can talk to them privately and not blast everything out on twitter like the Niji retard management did.

Let the girl grope her oshi's, take "classes" (hololive probation period) and jerk off to MGS in peace.

>> No.69058388

anon she's one of the founding pieces of the branch. She 100% knew what was going on behind the scenes, and chose not to speak out about it

>> No.69058464

Yeah good for her, she got out before this ship sunk. I would have done the same thing, having your livelihood attached to this clown show?

Seems like the smartest of the bunch at this point

>> No.69060214

Not her job to fix this shit

>> No.69061580

Anon you forgot about this?
>Please respond to Kiara

>> No.69061952

>If only everybody was able to follow that simple rule.
The rule they invented just for her a day before the CHRISTMAS video was supposed to be uploaded?
The rule that didn't apply to a video from another lived that was posted a month before her video?
That one?
Oh and btw, inventing random rules to then blame the person when they inevitably break one is a well know abuse tactic

>> No.69062178

>And Cain answered: am I my brother's keeper?

>> No.69063466

Doesn't matter. Nijishitji is no longer her burden. She's free.

>> No.69063607

>The rule they invented just for her a day before the CHRISTMAS video was supposed to be uploaded?
It wasn't, other livers had to follow the same rule when they released covers w/ graduated livers.

>> No.69064439

a cover with a graduated talent's vocals in it is different from just a visual reference. The model and design don't go with the talent, they stay with anycolor.

>> No.69064538
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The AKIBerse is real!

>> No.69064646

what retail ass job did you work? i still remember how my old CEO used to take cocaine and how fucked a decision it was for me to take that job

other jobs i still play vidya with coworkers, work is a major part of your life when your not 16

>> No.69064947

>Pomu is studying the Dao
>To comment on drama would deharmonize her existence
>she will soon start living as a hermit in the woods, gathering all key idol merch needed to perfect her qi
>the twitter space is the last words that will come out of her mouth until she begins daily hour-long chants of wotagei
>eventually she will overcome the limits of mortality and become the eternal idol vtuber she aspires to be, never to graduate or reincarnate

>> No.69064973

If anything the Vox stream and the Millie not-vt stream shows just how much favoritism there was within the clique for those retarded concepts to get approved.

>> No.69064991

>*In accordance with Nina Kosaka's desire, the "Perk Random Sticker" will feature her version even after her graduation.
Shows that they gave Nina the option on whether to include her image in the stickers or not, even when she was already graduated.

>> No.69066781

I'd read a wotaku cultivation novel

>> No.69069364

They had a month to unprivate it nigga

>> No.69069488

Maybe if she didn't break another rule by telling people to reupload the original cover, things wouldn't have turned out the way they did, and the original cover would have been unprivated.

>> No.69070701

You don’t do twin suicide attempts over perms. SOMEBODY has to be lying. Either Selen is insane and this is all a huge menhera episode, or she’s telling the truth and she saw bullying so awful and unrelenting she ended up wanting to die.

It’s that simple. Perms issues, management response times, the Vox recording, all those are red herrings.

>> No.69071251

enna is literally dropping the ball for these guys. truthfully the clique should just kill her lmao

>> No.69071374

She's been hospitalized. She has the receipts.
