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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68953522 No.68953522 [Reply] [Original]

Hourly reminder that Scarle did not bend the knee.

Hermosa, si estas /here/, sal de ese lugar.

>> No.68953623
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>> No.68953646

As a guardian of hololive, I may be willing to let her in if she cleanses herself of niji completely

>> No.68953661

let's see if she's still so tough a week of forced collabs with aster

>> No.68953739

She's a flip. stop the latina cap.

>> No.68953746


>> No.68953763


>> No.68953811

I will support Scarle if she leaves Nijisanji.

>> No.68953819
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>> No.68953839

>aster's cocksleeve
Why do brownskins love sloppy seconds so much?

>> No.68953841
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>Nijisanji using their Livers like a shield to deflect blame away from themselves in a private matter between Doki and Nijisanji
>somehow they fucked this up
Aster can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.68953864

Gave Rosemi the benefit of the doubt at first but after this I unsubbed. Scarle is probably one of the few in the branch who doesn't want to get involved in any sort of way and I can respect that.

>> No.68953883

Thank god she's the only Niji chuuba who's porn I ever nutted over

>> No.68953887


>> No.68953942

Of course the only pinch of empathy from this company came from a Latina.

>> No.68953958

Same, im out. I just watch indie, phase and holo now

>> No.68953964

t. Seething Spaniard pissed his people intermixed with their colonies across the world and has to deal with the repercussions

>> No.68953969

>victoria brightshield
will they stop shilling her now

>> No.68953977

Scarle only cares about milking her gachikoi whales. Why the fuck would she care about this drama let alone get involved in it

>> No.68954101

She's fully American Citizen.

>> No.68954109

flips are honorary latinx

>> No.68954174

Sit the fuck done sisters

>> No.68954228

At this point termination seems to be the best option, if she graduates she will keep getting bullied until she leaves. With termination she can finally be free faster and she will be looking more based, except for nijifags but who cares about those brainlets.

>> No.68954252

I'm still huffing the copium by subscribing to the idea that management took over her account. If she truly has bent the knee then she would've said something by now but she's been completely silent since the termination dropped.

>> No.68954262

The fact the she was able to not retweet that tweet means that the other could have done so too.

>> No.68954344

Never watched this chick but I have a genuflecting level of respect for her now

>> No.68954356

I'll support my favorite chocolate streamer if she leaves. Poor girl just wants to stream

>> No.68954460

was she actually the only one?

>> No.68954472

>"What she was like the 2worst ccv NijiEN and no one watched her before this but now she is based???"

Fuck off nijikeks, no i wont watch your fucking organs.

>> No.68954475

Scarle has more integrity than your oshi.

>> No.68954655

Latinas are not to be trifled with.

>> No.68954736

I'll kneel if her resistance turns out to not be a fluke.
I'm just so tired of these fucks all either outright siding with RIku because they are sociopaths, or cowardly only hinting at their sadness on PL accounts.
Just one member who has the balls to side with Selen, please.

>> No.68954740

Kotoka didn’t retweet anything and Meloco retweeted it in her sleep.

>> No.68954832

She only knows three words in tagalog, while her spanish is close to B2.

>> No.68954884

It's more likely management forgot to skinwalk Scarle's twitter account, these last few weeks it's been shown that Niji management is hilariously inept due to multiple incorrect NDAs sent out and for the EN branch having a guy who treated his Niji management job as his 4th priority.

>> No.68954981
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No... I thought you said they were good ones...

>> No.68954991

Why is Ren there wasn't he one of the good ones according to /vt/ a few days ago?

>> No.68955042

Ren is the only surprise there but I guess it just means that his "words of support" for Selen were just virtue signaling

>> No.68955091

>speaking another language now makes you that race
nigga u stupid

>> No.68955168

Kyo, Meloco and Kotoka didnt tweet either though.

If Scarle does have dignity unlike the rest of NijiEN, i'll follow her reincarnation

>> No.68955170

>Fungus is the only one who says something that isn't an absolutely fucking retarded "please watch our 15 minute corporate statement for the FULL truth"

Every time.

>> No.68955259
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>> No.68955304

She works for Nijisanji.
My oshi doesn't.
Your argument is invalid.

>> No.68955321

No please. Latinos should be offended for being associated with failipinos. Flips should be offended for being called (((latinx)))

>> No.68955357

I never said she was Latina, did I? Try to improve your reading comprehension, idiot.

>> No.68955455
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They might be, they might not. Its probably 'mandate"

>> No.68955515
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I did not expect Scarle to have the strongest backbone but I guess she was already pissed over the forced collab with Aster

>> No.68955543

Probably her parents are second gen flip who only learned tagalog from speaking to older relatives. She has blood, but she's more latina-american.

If you're /here/, please take care.

>> No.68955622

Her mom is mexican, dad is filipino.

>> No.68955635

she's a better position than the rest of them. I don't like her but she has a cult following already, if she gets terminated it wouldn't change anything, she can just go indie and those retards that follow her will stick. so its not really that brave once you put her situation in perspective

>> No.68955684

Coming back BIGGER and BLACKER

>> No.68955822

She needs to go to Phase, she'd be a perfect fit.

>> No.68955925

Seems like luca didn't either, he retweeted the stream in silence most likely because he had to but, unlike all the other members he did NOT retweet any of the anycolor statements

he really was the double agent

>> No.68956020
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While on one hand, I want to believe Scarle is truly this based.
But I also know my oshi is a bit of a bimbo and extremely forgetful. Her liking the Kurosanji post does give me hope tho. There's a good chance that the forced collab with Disaster Aster swayed her decision.

>> No.68956050 [SPOILER] 
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her PL

>> No.68956062
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t. I want to believe the rrat

>> No.68956094

Scarle “La Adelita” Yonaguni?

>> No.68956137
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Worth noting that it could very easily be management posting on their account.

Anyway I put it in a chart, OP missed out Meloco's repost, I checked and I can't see that Kotoka acnowledged it either.

>> No.68956155

That's not her PL, thats gumi

>> No.68956163

its not.

>> No.68956272

Rosemi could still be graduating. This is just her way to leave on good terms. Scarle however is trying to get terminated.

>> No.68956279

I see... it seems I've been mistaken

>> No.68956281

Less to lose.

>> No.68956282

based if true.

>> No.68956285

Scarle should have her own tier for >>68953623

>> No.68956360

She is one of the most superchatted nijiEN despite low ccv, she has extremely dedicated paypigs she runs 7 hour zatsu streams for.

>> No.68956384 [SPOILER] 
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That's Selen's fren. This is her.

>> No.68956449

She's cute.

>> No.68956502

thanks for the correction, anon

>> No.68956501

Ren hates Selen because Mumei mentioned her on stream but wouldn't mention him

>> No.68956509

Scarleta si estas aqui casate conmigo mi amor. Conmigo y nadien mas..

>> No.68956874

If being in the court docs wasn't enough for you, >>68956050 marks Millie and Enna as participants. That's Selen's friend confirming that those mentioned in the stream were the perpetrators.

>> No.68957033
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Those women have the "Revolución" running in their blood. It will take more than an angry jap to make her blink.

>> No.68957225

Obviously she's got a strong backbone. Do you see those knockers?

>> No.68957384

Agreed so much, but Phase is notoriously nepo.

>> No.68958337
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Ooooooh yeah

>> No.68958526

But what was the deal with the Aster leak?
>Vivi reposted Devilira's video
I guess I will have nothing to do with any NijiEN vtuber.

>> No.68959580

I can give the non quote re-tweets the benefit of the doubt for now that management is hijacking the accounts, but it's a big assumption

>> No.68959815

So why didn't Kotoka retweet?

>> No.68959923

She's a wannabe JP who's not going to involve herself in filthy EN drama.

>> No.68959940
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What a goddess.

>> No.68959956

Repost needs to be split into
>Repost + Message
>Repost + Problem
>Repost(Management Forced)

>> No.68960008

>I'll be back soon.
Was this a recent change or did she add this much earlier? Some on her YT btw.

>> No.68960206

I’m honestly wondering how many of the ones who weren’t there actually knew what was going to be said. If not, smart of Scarle to not do anything that would tie her to that retardation.

>> No.68960219

Too busy hunting vampires.

>> No.68960494

Always been there

>> No.68960785
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What really hurts me from all this is knowing Rosemi is an actual rat.

>> No.68961341

njimanagers have access to everyones socials anyway making this irrelevant

>> No.68961415


>> No.68961541

Vivi has betrayed us bros

>> No.68961614
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Meloco did nothing wrong

>> No.68961701

All of this was a skinwalk.

>> No.68962005

Same here anon, she's the only nijiEN I care about.

If you were a Tsunderiafag, you'd know she was no saint (although I have to admit that to this day I haven't bothered to learn the complete story about that), but what happened there is what makes me doubious about the tweet and her silence. She isn't the bootlicker type.

>> No.68962762

Rosemi didnt RT the original 3 page statement, disappeared from twitter the same day, and suddenly she comes back to RT Elira's tweet without saying anything? Pajeet hands pressed the button on her's and Petra's account I'm 100% sure.

>> No.68962928

Shes very clever. She gets to do the right thing AND gain from it most likely

>> No.68963176

She’s got too much camwhore energy for me. She’d be better off streaming in the flesh.

>> No.68963233

Rosemi is forced into bootlicking to keep her position, like Millie.

>> No.68963329

She can just return to her previous activities with her new fans from niji as a plus. All she's gotta do is commission a Live2D model instead of being a fleshie again.

>> No.68963755

Her Twitch offline screen has a 2D avatar, I don't know if she ever had a rigged model but the design is there.
She might be able to pull off a kson style mix too, she's got the looks and god knows her fans are thirsty enough.

>> No.68963883

I would like to hijack this thread to say that there needs to be more Scarle Yonaguni foot fetish artwork.
Thank you, that is all.

>> No.68963994


>> No.68964095


>> No.68964303
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She has more important questions to ask

>> No.68964439

Scarle i know youre reading this theres still time to save yourself. take Vivi and flee into the unicorns embrace

>> No.68964471
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>> No.68964662

why does she have 4 arms?
does she have some deeper powers we dont fully understand?

>> No.68964906
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Not hers

>> No.68964985

bros wtf? Why did I sleep on Scarle all this time? She seems great

>> No.68965023

anyone /here/ uses latinx solely to piss off beaners

>> No.68965316

>Rosemi is forced into bootlicking
she choses to bootlick actually, there is no excuse for this. I know you like her I used to watch he in her indi days she was great, but we have to have some moral standards.

>> No.68965393
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From what I know about Tsunderia is that it was a shitshow and one of the talents (Urara/Slugma) had to essentially work as a manager for all the other girls. So when Rosemi's PL got accepted into Niji Slugma told her to go there because it was, at the time, way better than Tsunderia.
Fags here will call Rosemi a rat or whatever but I haven't heard any ex-Tsunderia member talk shit about her or what she did.

>> No.68965629
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People change... anon.
