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68940667 No.68940667 [Reply] [Original]

You have to stay neutral. Do not take a side. Corporations are not inherently evil. Maybe selen is a bad guy here. Maybe not.

>> No.68940694

>Corporations are not inherently evil.

>> No.68940735


>> No.68940754

My only goal here is making both Nijisanji and Doki toxic enough that Cover just wants nothing to do with either.

>> No.68940778

I don't care who's right and who's wrong all i want is to see Nijisanji burn

>> No.68940796

I side with my oshi. She has zero relation to any of this, doesn’t know who these people are and can’t even speak English

>> No.68940799
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>Corporations are not inherently evil.

>> No.68940803

OP is inherently a faggot

>> No.68940804

>it's not real
>it is but it's not a big deal
>it is but she might have deserved it
Keep spamming this, maybe you'll actually fool someone!

>> No.68940826

Wait did mumei say this or are you just using her image? I couldnt imagine she would say anything (everyone already knows who she supports) let alone something like that

>> No.68940838


>> No.68940843

corpos arent inherently evil. but nijisanji is

>> No.68940848

ok mumei

>> No.68940863

stop shitposting with moom you filthy subhuman

>> No.68940885

>Corporations are not inherently evil
they're amoral entities that will do anything for profit. not inherently evil sure, but more than willing to become evil if it's lucrative and they can get away with it

>> No.68940902

>Corporations are not inherently evil.
Anycolor is though.

>> No.68940925

cover and niji are in bed against antis, but apparently not against bullying from within their own

>> No.68940951

In this case the corpo is clearly fucking evil

>> No.68940969

Dokibird made a big fuss of how Mumei (referring to her as her PL) saved her life and how she deserves all the support she gets.

>> No.68941005

The losses dare I say, will be negligible. :^)

>> No.68941019

>You don’t have to pick a side
The last refuge of a coward faggot who knows they’re wrong but doesn’t want to admit it.

>> No.68941023

well since a distorted image is telling me that corporations aren't evil, who am I to disobey?

>> No.68941059

Not everybody goes to a liberal arts school, Emily.

>> No.68941072

With reasonable people, we can compromise. With a dead Selen on one hand and live Selen in the other, we combine these to produce half dead Selen.
Nijisanji is benevolent.

>> No.68941083

OP here. I just randomly chose the image. Mumei didn't say a shit iirc.

>> No.68941105

Yeah I understand that, I was just worried bc I thought it was another one of those “educate yourself!” or “don’t go looking for the truth” edits

>> No.68941144

I am the audience.
I was on a side from the start.
My job is to point and laugh at the puppets on stage, not to make any decisions in this story.

>> No.68941157

I will always be on the side that makes me laugh the most, and let me tell you, there aren't many things funnier than watching a company implode by its own hand.

>> No.68941181

Im on the anti nijisanji side, whether that means siding with selen, sayu, or even dramafaggots. Also don't use mumei in your dumb shitpost, she out of all holoen girls probably wants niji dead the most.

>> No.68941409

Nah, this is just a foreigner manipulating an image

>> No.68941423
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めっちゃ いいね

>> No.68941687

>she out of all holoen girls probably wants niji dead the most
>gets rejected
>friend she convinced gets accepted
>takes time off from work to "watch Twilight", read get her shop working and legal team assembled
In for a penny, in for a pound.

>> No.68941834

They're an amalgamation of people at the end of the day. It may give individuals "cover" in a sense, but nothing evil gets dome without someone enacting it.

>> No.68941903

its not based to be neutral against bullies vs someone who almost took her own life.

>> No.68942286

It's not based to side with someone getting rich off of pity-baiting and her own mental deficiency either.

>> No.68942351

please don't post edited images like this, it keeps japanese people up at night

>> No.68942421

Wrong Mumei wasn't denied, she just applied to a different company

>> No.68942495

No pretty sure their unpaid overtime where they need to drink with their bosses is keeping them up at night

>> No.68942607

Nice try NDF

>> No.68942875

I would agree with you but these fuckers showed there talents Doki's/Selen's private legal documents and basically soft confirmed who the bullies were fuck them

>> No.68943073

Public company's main purpose is generating profit for stakeholders by any means necessary, therefore it's inherently evil.

>> No.68943119
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>Corporations are not inherently evil

>> No.68943241

Go watch MagnatesMedia, you will realize that yes, all corporations are in fact evil.

>> No.68943269

Nah. Regardless of her poor mental health condition or how many legitimate grievance she allegedly had, Selen deserved to be terminated. That said, Niji EN management are the ones who've publicly shown their true color (black) time and time again.

>> No.68943356

That's how job applications go, anon. You apply to several postings because there's a significant chance you'll get rejected. Unless she lied to Dokibird about applying to Nijisanji

>> No.68943477

private companies indeed are not inherently evil, but publicly traded companies like any color are required BY LAW to be evil

>> No.68943594

Or it could have just been a simple misunderstanding because they're dumb early to mid 20s girls.

>> No.68943669

>I'm embarrassed to say I'm joining Hololive... I'll say I'm joining Nijisanji instead!
When you put it like that...

>> No.68943689

I'll always side against kurosanji. They're always in the wrong
>but what about
Don't care.

>> No.68943727

But Niji is inherently evil.

>> No.68944114

millie is emilio aguinaldo and selen is gen. antonio luna (pag nagets mo to ikaw nga yan millie tanginamo hayop kang traydor ka)

>> No.68944410
File: 165 KB, 623x826, D1D8D35A-E7A3-4145-9BB9-0FFEE21696DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo rrat prediction: Doki planned everything. She's been collecting evidence on nijiEN for years to put in the legal document. She made it look like a suicide attempt to get the public to unconditionally side with her. The legal document will get mysteriously leaked, exposing the misdeeds of her bullies. Niji fucked with a 200IQ psycho menhera.

I don't actually believe this but it'll be hilarious if real.

>> No.68944550

She isn't going to leak it, she's going to go to court and sue the fuck out of Niji and the bullies now.

>> No.68944568

Bobo amp.

>> No.68944785
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fence sitters will eventually get splinters in their ass, and as they fall onto one side they will be treated as the enemy

>> No.68944873

Pomu was in on it, this is why she bailed right in the middle of the month of silence.
Kyo caught wind of what is coming and barely managed to fit his graduation in time.

>> No.68945184

Still a massive blunder by Niji, allowing or using talent to speak about legal matters and revealing the documents to them is a mistake, I wonder if anyone with legal expertise can speak on this.

If selen was wrong here she would lose the lawsuit, end of conversation.

>> No.68945280

You're not supposed to write the objective of the raid as a title of the threads, sister, go back to the nyfco discord for proper instructions on how to astroturf /vt/

>> No.68945304

Mumei never said she applied to Nijisanji. Selen just assumed she did. Did you even watch the stream they talked about this?

>> No.68945620

Pomu submitted her graduation in August

>> No.68945697
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>> No.68945735

>just assumed
Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.68945810

It's a funny reaction pic, but OP is being an enlightened centrist.

>The Nazi's and the Polish are both equally at fault for starting WW2.

>> No.68945932

>corporations are not inherently evil
The only commercial enterprise that can have a moral backbone is one where the owners face direct consequences for their company's actions. Corporate shareholder "limited liability" means the company is incentivized to maximize profits by exploiting workers and contractors.

>> No.68946244

they're both bad. nijiEN is scummy and inept, but Selen is also complete trash for faking a suicide and trying to get her whole branch fired out of spite. Neither of them deserve a W

>> No.68946486

I find it funny that for some reason people think that corporations would ever value good morals over maximizing profit.

Like why? Why would you think that? What evidence has there ever been of that case? If bulldozing an orphanage makes you a nickel you should do it. The only reason corpo's don't steal your money at gunpoint is that it's currently illegal to do so. Put another way- if they wouldn't do it, why do you think we had to make it illegal in the first place?

>> No.68946840

But what if the good moral was the best way to maximize profit?
Take this Selen situation as an example. If they let her have an amicable graduation (good moral), the company would have had 2 weeks of streams where people donate a ton of money to thank her and the company gets 50% of it. (maximize profit)
Instead, they flat-out terminated her (bad moral) and get $0 out of it (minimize profit).

>> No.68947040
File: 318 KB, 1169x1169, 1704707882908492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corporations are pretty much inherently evil by definition, as their purpose is to maximize profit. This does not mean of course that every person working for the corporation is evil, but as an entity, they're forced to choose the bottom line of the corporation over their own moral misgivings.
As any company starts going past an employee number in the low tens, the probability of decisions being made morally approaches zero, and once it sells stock, it automatically plummets to absolute zero.

>> No.68947118

This is what losers say
Don't shitpost with my owlshi

>> No.68947194

Fence sitters get the rope.

>> No.68947248

if it was fake, then why did she go completely silent for a whole month?

>> No.68947313

For appearances. She was grinding to masters in APEX during that time.

>> No.68947477

Then why did niggisanji say they took away control of her socials after speaking to her emergency cvjkxontact?

>> No.68947520

The argument isn't about whether corporations in general are evil, silly, it's about Nijisanji being evil.

>captcha: 88YJAV

>> No.68947609

The only thing a fence sitter ever wins is getting killed by the winning side.

>> No.68947642

They only took control of her Selen socials. Not her Dokibird socials. She herself chose to go silent on Dokibird to keep of the appearance of "woe is me I'm still recovering~"

>> No.68947699

that's how you sell it, obviously

>> No.68947901

Sure- there isn't a 1-1 overlap here. Sometimes what makes good moral sense is good for business. It's why corporations spend a fuckton of money trying to ensure they have good images. It's why a lot of them virtue signal and say they support good causes (which makes them woke) without doing anything substantive.

I'm not a communist, I don't think we should ban all private enterprise or nothing, because there are a lot of areas where private enterprise is good or at least neutral.

The problem however is if we don't constrain them to act moral when profit is counter to good morals, then companies will do what's profitable at the expense of human lives. Dumping pollutants in the drinking water for one, treating their employees like cattle for another. I once straight up had a boss tell me I can't sit down when there's nothing to do at work, I have to actively look for new tasks to perform, because if I don't actively try to maximize profit then I am stealing from the company.

>> No.68948058

Rationally and logically, yes that would have been the best thing to do for all parties. However the people involved are humans with emotions and they make human mistakes.

From Selen's side
>publically reprimanded by management for the tournament problems
>endured months of "internal bullying" and was done with the company
>tried to negotiate late Jan amicable graduation but was either ghosted or offered bad terms before termination announcement
>only called out the bullying in public after the termination announcement was made with all the accusations against her

From the company side
>Selen was a troublemaker with a history of non-compliance to procedures similar to Zaion but not quite as bad. Still was a nail to be hammered down and gave no incentive to be treated kindly
>already preparing for pomu and kyo graduations, didn't want to put too many too close
>MV upload without rubber stamp was probably the straw that broke the camel's back for company
>possibility that rushed termination was from talent managers trying to save face with upper management or from the company as a whole fearing that Selen would beat them to the punch with a list of grievances or full lawsuit

From the nijimembers side
>aware of repeated clashes between selen and management
>Selen threatened graduation but took it back several times, indicating less than stable emotional state
>no mention of bullying or harassment
>Scarle leaks (if real), and Sayu revelations about Nina suggest inter-member relations were not at all rosy
>three members make a public denouncement of Selen and defend the company either in additon to or in spite of the CEO making his own announcement the same day. Why didn't only the CEO make his speech to spare his talents the controversy?

There's still a lot of gaps to fill in these stories.

>> No.68948126

Or killing entire ecosystems and endangering the animals that live within them
Or outright murdering workers who want livable conditions
Or overthrowing a democratically elected leader and then murdering him via the CIA in order to reduce shipping costs for fucking bananas.
Shit's fucked

>> No.68948362

Corporations are inherently amoral.

>> No.68948364

>Or overthrowing a democratically elected leader and then murdering him via the CIA in order to reduce shipping costs for fucking bananas.

>> No.68948814

every publicly trading corporation is required to be evil if it will make them even a single cent more than being moral because they have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders. If harvesting organs from bystanders on the street and then paying fines for it was more profitable they'd have your kidneys by sunday. Stop being retarded and simping for a legal construct that exists because General Partnerships have unlimited liability and you'd actually lose your house for fucking up bad enough

>> No.68949334

Idk I am just wating for the Scarle rape porn to pop up

>> No.68949371

Look up United Fruit (Now Chiquita)
They were up to all kinds of shady shit.

>> No.68949459

fiduciary duty only exists in burgerland and nowhere else because burger courts are retarded

>> No.68949612

Corporations are inherently evil. Humans are inherently evil. The fucking faggots in this thread going UHHH HONEY THAT'S JUST AMORAL are just scared of using the word evil to define something that specifically works to its own benefit, and require everything in the world to have one neat label that doesn't offend or challenge anyone's perceptions. There are no amoral actions, and there can be no amoral actors until there is only one actor left.

>> No.68949720

You know the term 'Banana Republic'? That's literal. The United Fruit Company (US based) overthrew a central american government that tried to either tax them, or like diversify the economy or something (which at that point was 90% made up of fruit plantations). They then installed a 'republic' that existed only to sell banana's at the behest of the US.

Libertarianism will eventually devolve into corporate feudalism if given enough time.

Now again: This doesn't mean we need outright communism, but when companies complain about 'burdensome regulations' that's their ideal end-point.

>> No.68949777

Turkish defense has worked for over a century at this point

>> No.68949794

Sounds like salty rejectee imo

>> No.68949932

Only works because enough people are interested in staying on Turkey's good side, and they're whiney bitches about the whole thing. Contras with how nobody is keen on staying on Rwanda or Serbia's side.

>> No.68950038

E pano kung pilipino ako pero di ako si Millie. Gago disappointed din ako pero walang ibang mas kupal dito kundi yung mga anak ng puta dyan sa Niji

(What if I'm Pilipino but not Millie? Fucker, I'm also disappointed but there's no bigger motherfucker than those sons of bitches at Niji)

>> No.68950124

>Corporations are not inherently evil
there are no good billionaires, there is always scumfuckery involved

>> No.68950445

Don't tell me what to do or put words in my mouth, nigger.
I've already factored in every possibility. Even if I gave the company the most benefit of the doubt possible, and said, "oh, Selen, like many talents and fans, may be mentally unstable," forced myself to divorce from any feelings and equate the hospitalization to the kind of suicide bait behavior I've seen from women before, and left out the potential internal dynamics and bullying aside as a separate issue, I would still have to say based on everything I know and have seen that Nijisanji terminated and is attempting to disgrace a talent that was basically doing her job despite an obstructive management team that was and still is not.
This is why I'm unabashedly in support of Selen when after one entire week nothing else of substance has come out from Anycolor's side besides, "she disobeyed orders, she broke the contract" in slightly different flavors, to a person that in every other sense has constantly tried to pull for the company nonstop.
I still believe that agencies are incredibly important for the Vtuber industry, and anyone who tells you after recent events that everything should be indie all the time is either overreacting or out of touch with reality.
However, understand that the core role of said company is to prolong careers for the good of the chuuba and their audience, keep the number of sorrowful goodbyes to a minimum, and provide the tooling and support to enable them to be the best entertainer they can be, which is where some projects excel and others crumble.

>> No.68950497

Nigga, I saw better russian propaganda at Quora

>> No.68950740

>legally recognized group of people

>> No.68950814

People were literally moving on, people wanted to be neutral, Nijisanji fans already ate "hey Selen might be mentally ill, so lets just take this possibility and move on", the discourse was dying, on the other side, it was just going to be a Neopets stream, no one talking about Nijisanji, everyone wanted to move on


for god knows what reason, so it's kinda hard to feel "neutral" when Nijisanji can't stop making people think whoever is in charge is a giant piece of shit

>> No.68950929

sorry, meant for OP

>> No.68950933

I can't tell if there's this many men that don't understand female nature (like the fact that they fake suicide to get attention) or they are all just tired and righteously lashing out at a shittly managed company for introducing dick into their CGDCT hobby.
I know for a fact I'm basking at this schadenfreude.

>> No.68951146

she posted hospital band and she DESPISES the idea of fans finding out how fat she is. So at the very least she got 5150'd and spent 3+ days in a psych hold of some sort

>> No.68951288

Well, the whole "le female nature" argument doesn't work much since Nijisister fanbase desperately defending the company is vastly chinese women, just like Selen.

See: the first reply your post got

>> No.68951413

Fuck you, i’m taking whatever side leads to nijisanji’s downfall because they are a scourge on the community and have been ever since luxium debuted

>> No.68951495

Most talent agencies are good for creators, the difference is they don't ask them to sign their rights away.

>> No.68951525

Lmao, you think they would have denied mumei? She had over a million subs and nijisanji only cares about numbers, they would have accepted her in a heartbeat if she applied

>> No.68951540
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>> No.68951596

i almost took my own life anon
will you take my side now

>> No.68951677


>> No.68951742

now replace niji with the holo logo during the coco incident

>> No.68952283

My suspicions were right all along...
You scum would use her tragedy for your bullshit agenda

>> No.68952356

And same with you!

Capcha: r2nda

>> No.68952365

>now replace niji with the holo logo during the coco incident
here's an idea: pandering to retarded chinks is bad, and being an awful black company run by high school mean girls is ALSO bad

>> No.68952429

Ironically, romney-sama and his father were both inherently evil.

>> No.68952866

People can pick a side if they want, however I wish people would stop assuming that I'm a Niji shill just because I'm willing to listen to the other side of the story. Seriously I hate how everyone here seems to think that anyone who has a different opinion is being disingenuous.

>> No.68952972

leave my multimillion dollar company and their chink pandering alone!

>> No.68953085

many moving parts is worse, yes

>> No.68953156

>Corporations are not inherently evil.
Private companies are only evil if they choose to be evil.
Publicly traded companies have no legal choice but to be evil if their shareholders demand it.

>> No.68955624

Taking no side is taking a side

>> No.68955681

do not
use selen's best friend's image
for shitposting like this

>> No.68955718


>> No.68955780

NDF really isn't sending their best and brightest today.

>> No.68956957

rumao, DYRBI? This has all gone exactly according to plan. Selen got everything she wanted. She wanted out, she wanted money, she wanted revenge. All it took was popping a few extra tylenol and you fucking idiots fall for it hook, line and sinker. It's pathetic.

>> No.68957020

Too bad I already picked my side when Aloe graduated

>> No.68957105

Selen's a menhera, but that doesn't mean she's wrong.

>> No.68957522
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Pretending you want both to receive the same amount of fire when you know full well one will survive just because it's ten thousand times bigger, all to preserve your precious oshis, is just so disingenuous, sisters.

>> No.68957689

outing your age here a little half the board doesn't even know who this man is

>> No.68958073
File: 109 KB, 1200x894, EFXxMVDVUAUV8ZW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only side I need to decide is which monitor to put Elira's livestreamed suicide on

>> No.68959026

