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File: 97 KB, 545x889, iof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6893476 No.6893476 [Reply] [Original]

Iofi has COVID-19.

>> No.6893504


>> No.6893505
File: 660 KB, 634x360, Worst Day [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fpyb4v3.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6893522

Hope she recovers soon and well too. Purin is going through hell atm after catching it

>> No.6893536

Indonesia is actually the global epicenter right now for it.

>> No.6893541

She's still young. Worst case scenario she loses her sense of smell

>> No.6893542

Was hoping this was a baitpost, hope she doesn't end up suffering from serious symptoms.

>> No.6893551

This is surprising, hope she gets well soon. How bad is the Corona situation in Indonesia?

>> No.6893559


>> No.6893573 [DELETED] 

go outside and touch some grass goes wrong baka

>> No.6893577


>> No.6893579

She's the first one confirmed in holoPro, right?

>> No.6893594

Oh, damn. Hope she'll be fine.
Assuming she doesn't have any pre-existing issues, which is hopefully the case.

>> No.6893622

As soon as I start watching Loafy again this happens...

I hope she'll be OK. ID streamers are what got me into vtubers way back. It'd be heartbreaking to lose of them.

>> No.6893635

>Worst case scenario she loses her sense of smell
Long Covid is a thing, even in young people.

>> No.6893638 [DELETED] 

why the fuck i write "baka" but turned into "baka", is this 4ch feature or something?

>> No.6893639

Why is this some big public announcement? She's a young woman with a 99% chance of nothing fucking happening.

>> No.6893652

Doesn't she live with Risu? Uh oh.

>> No.6893668


>> No.6893677


long covid isn't real

>> No.6893690

its grim, hospital collapsing everywhere, oxygen supplies are diminishing

t. live in jakarta

>> No.6893693
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Seems that way

>> No.6893698

that's what you get for being a social whore

>> No.6893699

You're not real.

>> No.6893701

56k cases on July 15th alone.
Its real fucking bad

>> No.6893708

Pre-existing conditions do. not. matter. There's people healthier than any of us will ever be that died from it and they had *nothing* wrong, thats why C-19 is such a big deal. So unfortunately, worst case is she can die from it. Best case, she'll only deal with feeling shitty for a week and suffer from long term issues that is still being discovered a year later.

>> No.6893719


>> No.6893720

Holofags oh no what happend. nijisanji has over 100 members and not a single one of them got the covid.

>> No.6893724


>> No.6893729

Because she's under house arrest so she can't stream. Plus if she gets actually sick then she might be out longer.

Sure they could vague post about it, but there's no reason to beat around the bush and let people speculate if there's no reason to.

>> No.6893730

Because Indonesian medical care is so shit that she has a decent chance of dying from it.

>> No.6893738

She is a Hololive product that is currently out of commission.

>> No.6893739

Because young healthy people have died to COVID. Also quarantine concerns.

>> No.6893755

wait a fucking minute. isnt iofi and that rat roommates? hope she recovers soon bros

>> No.6893756
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Not even Covid gives a fuck about Nijis.

>> No.6893760

I'm sorry anon.

>> No.6893763

It's unlikely for a woman in her 20s (guessing, don't know anything about her rooommate) but the worst can still happen. Indonesia also has poor health infrastructure.

>> No.6893776 [DELETED] 

mark my words, the rest of the holo IDs will get corona from Iofi a few days later from her. They are already exhibiting some symptoms.

>> No.6893777

Why is there an announcement? It's making this seem dire.

>> No.6893802

Because it is.

>> No.6893806

all the indo girls should move in with reine

>> No.6893817

feels weird seeing anything related to hololive even officially mention covid. feels like they mostly avoided the topic the past year, which kinda makes sense since hololive and vtubers are mostly a happy escape from the real world

>> No.6893818
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>> No.6893840

>serious symptons
It's just the flu dude. It's so harmless ZOG needed to try and bump the numbers up by classifying car crash victims as coronavirus deaths

>> No.6893852 [DELETED] 

No way Reine will take filthy peasants into her safe castle. You think her mom would even allow them to dirty their castle floor?

>> No.6893854

Young people have also died from the flu

>> No.6893866


there's no long term issues

>> No.6893874

>July 22nd
They wrote the announcement tomorrow?

>> No.6893897

>There's people healthier than any of us will ever be that died from it and they had *nothing* wrong
Fake news

>> No.6893898

>Because she's under house arrest so she can't stream.
Do Indogs need to leave their house to use the internet?

>> No.6893904

Anon... your timezone reps...

>> No.6893905

your geography reps anon...

>> No.6893909

Come on anon

>> No.6893910
File: 136 KB, 463x454, pomugey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that shes gonna dies theres more chances for ID loving holofags to give niji ID a chance!

>> No.6893920

A coworker of mine, a woman who is 45+ and a smoker had it. It took her a week to get over it and it was just like a bad flu. Nothing more, nothing less.

The only true danger of corona is the governments reply to it. Vaccines and restrictions. If there were no media hysteria nobody would even register corona. The "pandemic" is entirely fictional and nothing significant is happening.

>> No.6893925

its already 22nd here

>> No.6893927

>/pol/ hypes up the virus in january/february 2020 and says it'll kill everyone
>once people actually start dying outside china they 180 and say it's fake

Why are you faggots like this?

>> No.6893928

Anya is Japanese she won't get it until the Tokyo Olympics.

>> No.6893936


>> No.6893941

>Look at the same map
>Bong actually the highest
Sasuga bongs

>> No.6893952

Fuck, I hope she's alright. And before you say "stop pretending to care about her", I actually do. She's one I watch regularly.

>> No.6893990


>> No.6893992

that's one hell of a flu, my cousin had covid and he almost didn't make it

>> No.6894001


>> No.6894002

We thought it'd be a big happening but it turned out to be a nothingburger the left wanted to use to crack down and force everyone to live like bugmen

>> No.6894005

>wake up tomorrow
>see announcement that all 100 members of ninjisanji have contracted COVID-19
What do?

>> No.6894013

Back in March last year I lived within the epicenter and had to care for family who had gotten it, shit sucked bad. Wish you guys well.

>> No.6894014

Contrarians at heart. They're the dumbasses who'd promote internet censorship if it meant upsetting everyone.

>> No.6894018

Pretty much expect more ID streamers to get it, it may or may not get announced, but some breaks out of nowhere are to be expected

>> No.6894027

ah yes, totally nothing. 4 million people died from nothing

>> No.6894032


it's not the black plague but there's no need to swing so hard to the other extreme. most people will be fine but the disruption would've been pretty bad either way.

>> No.6894045

>Anya is Japanese
Oppai loli hands wrote this post.

>> No.6894055
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>> No.6894064

At least first public one

>> No.6894079

Moona is in different island anon...

>> No.6894083

And a doc friend of mine said it was nothing. Months later he caught the flu, had a near death experience from it, and survived next to an oxygen tank. Besides him, people have died from "just a flu" and they were healthier than me.

>> No.6894085

>This is surprising
Its not. Shits getting worse.

>> No.6894090

Had a friend almost die to it, he still has damaged lungs from it.
Another friend had it, it did fuck all to him but he had after effects for months and almost lost everything cause he couldn't work, he's fine now at least.

There is no rhyme or reason to chink flu, it either fucks you up, kills you or it does nothing.

>> No.6894103

>doesn't notice how conveniently the information drip-fed to him by /pol/ fits into his already established world view
People really are this easy to trick. Wild.

>> No.6894111


I tested positive last July and the worst of it was about two weeks of breathing problems, but my smell and taste didn't fully return until over two months after. I was testing positive up to three months after my first positive test result, too. I don't have any real health issues, so it was mostly just a pain in the ass, but my stepdad almost died after getting pneumonia.

>> No.6894116

now your's chance to become a vtuber and fill the void!

>> No.6894118

All of HoloEN dies because of Covid tomorrow

>> No.6894129

Is her roommate fat?

>> No.6894130

fuck china

>> No.6894132

They might have isolated her to her room to protect family.

Idk the full situation obviously. But it was bad enough she can't stream. Even if it's just a bad 2 week flu, that's still 2 weeks of not streaming minimum. And if it was like my coworkers, she'll be fucked up for another 2 weeks or so impacting her streams.

No point in keeping it under wraps.

>> No.6894147

COVID doesn't exist.

>> No.6894151 [DELETED] 

I thought Moona Iofi and Squirrel live together in a Holo ID house?

>> No.6894152
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>> No.6894165

Dang. Hope she recovers. This will likely delay her 3D debut and probably her other ID1 genmates 3D debuts as well since I don't think they'd leave without her.

>> No.6894176

Only Risu is at risk

>> No.6894184

Pretty much. They just reclassified deaths from other causes as "COVID" deaths. Mortality from all causes was actually down in 2020. Basically nobody dies from COVID who wouldn't have otherwise died from something else.

>> No.6894190

I'm a Croat and since I'm from a small country of barely 4 million people it is very, very easy to see nothing has actually happened and that the whole thing is bullshit. The only place where I see the "pandemic" is the alleged news from say America or India and so on. It is much easier to feed you people bullshit because you live in gigantic countries and can't have a proper frame or reference. News, events or absence of events filters quickly through a populace as small as ours. It's much more difficult, nigh impossible, to claim a shitload of people died here or something like that. The only people who died were in their 60s, but mostly 70+ or that were fucked either way from other illnesses.

>> No.6894206

yfw the reason Roa hasn't returned to streaming after the Meiro shit was because she got the COVID and died. Not Nijisanji/Holo related but I hope Vodka recovers. He just bought a KR APEX team.

>> No.6894207

They used to.

>> No.6894209

That or he just lived in a place where the flu wasn't as bad. Here in asia, it's a wildcard killing people left and right. I've seen kids die and elder people live from it. It's crazy.

>> No.6894244
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>> No.6894251

>Talks about being easy to trick
>Accepts the MSM narrative being force fed to him by every left wing institution in the world
I'm a free thinker thats why I believe everything John Oliver tells me to believe

>> No.6894254

You are such a dumptruck-ass retard, its honestly impressive.

>> No.6894255

It depends on the person. If their immune system is weak, they would most likely die even with the best medicine.

>> No.6894256


sorry you had to deal with that, man.

>> No.6894258
File: 190 KB, 359x380, 9F3484C8-A67C-46BD-9A0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ID1 was scheduled to go to japan for 3d
>Iofi wasn't even vaccinated


>> No.6894260 [DELETED] 

Nope Roa reincarnated as a new vtuber and she`s doing fine now.

>> No.6894264

My mother caught it, she isn't even 40 yet. She couldn't do shit while she was sick, she was bedridden for days, struggling to breathe, having to order soup and force herself to eat it cause she couldn't get off the bed. Once she recovered, she couldn't even climb a set of stairs without pausing to breathe. It was pretty terrible.

>> No.6894268


They're having their 3D debuts in Japan, and there's still travel restrictions unless you're in the olympics

>> No.6894273

Its in salamat pagi but she's fine, mild symptoms for now.

>> No.6894284

some niji ID took breaks because they didn't feel healthy
they just don't announce it

>> No.6894288
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>> No.6894311

vaccination doesnt prevent contracting it

>> No.6894313 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6894320


it happened a few times but not on a large enough scale to meaningfully affect the data.

>> No.6894322

>3rd world shithole

>> No.6894361

Damn you, China Virus. But I'm sure she'll be fine. Get rest and lots of vitamin C and D.

>> No.6894365
File: 603 KB, 654x667, Why are Indogs like that [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fxjbz1s.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well then why announce ID1 is getting 3d? They would absolutely never allow them into japan unvaccinated, not even 2 years from now

>> No.6894366

Black people kill more than covid

>> No.6894369

yeah but imo the vaccines do seem to be dangerous, if she got one there is a bigger chance of trouble

>> No.6894375

That's a great point.
What the fuck is Cover doing?

Also, this is my new favorite Gura picture, thank you very much.

>> No.6894382

>Total deaths by other causes drop by exactly the amount of COVID deaths
Really makes you think

>> No.6894391
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Nijinigger BTFO

>> No.6894392


>Good morning everyone, yesterday because Iofi had mild symptoms, Iofi went for a test and was tested positive. Thankfully Iofi's condition is now stable, and is recuperating and isoman at home. So Iofi is off streaming first until he fully recovers.

>> No.6894394

Only Sinovac apparently because of how fucking ineffective it is.

>> No.6894398

4M out of 192M infected

Honestly, its not that lethal. Most of these deaths are probably old people or those with existing disease which is very unfortunate.

>> No.6894400


you're looking for /pol/, anon

>> No.6894415

It's weird that there's an overlap between the vtuber 4chan weeb demographic and the retarded soft sciences major soccer mom demographic.

>> No.6894416


damn i remember when some retard said that if china time was ahead of us then they should've warned us about 9/11

>> No.6894419

The 60s neighbor that got it still get home safe and healthy
It's fucking bullshit

>> No.6894424

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.6894435

I really like Zea although she is inclining on her own pace.

>> No.6894473

I think the part that makes the virus so bad is that a lot of "underlying issues" are not known about before hand.

>> No.6894479
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>> No.6894481

>There is no rhyme or reason to chink flu, it either fucks you up, kills you or it does nothing.
Yes. My rrat is that it is actually a psychosomatic disease. Meaning, the people who are fed propaganda about it or fear it are the ones who get severe symptoms because they're convinced it's dangerous. Think placebo effect in reverse. Corona as such is at worst a flu-like disease that is insignificant. But once paired up with hysteria and introduced to the plebs via fear porn some of them will genuinely start dying.

I do not fear corona. I fear the vaccines and the government. Because it's clear they're either taking advantage of the situation to enslave us or are the main culprits. Whichever option is true, fuck them. I will be ungovernable if push comes to shove.

>> No.6894483

stfu burger you dont live in south east asia, you dont know shit how bad it is over here: high population density, healthcare has its limit, vaccination is still low because of stock issue . Try seeing bunch of bodies and overloaded hospital in news while u die from diabetes

>> No.6894484

/pol/ is a honey trap for the easily deluded

>> No.6894488


spoonfeed who, I miss her

>> No.6894493

Still not getting the jab

>> No.6894522

Its not that they don't have them, they get them in trickles, they also have a gigantic population.

>> No.6894530

the mRNA vaccines came at a perfect time - they've got much fewer side effects than the previous generation of vaccines, and yes this has been well studied, this is just the first large deployment. The sinovac is a conventional vaccine, which significantly less effective, and also from West Taiwan

>> No.6894534

You generally only need vaccines applied a few week before travelling, so this in essence only says that ID1 isn't getting 3D in August

>> No.6894535

Literally the same amount of people died worldwide as they would in a normal season of influenza deaths. Take away the sensationalism of the last year and this was business as usual for much of the planet. I only missed work because someone caught it and forced my job to shut down for a few days.

>> No.6894546


t.doomsday prepper

>> No.6894553

survivorship bias you dumb fucking animal

>> No.6894568

>I do not fear corona. I fear the vaccines and the government.
Confirms you never went out of this website.

>> No.6894572

Some Nijis I watch said they were sick months ago and still have a cough to this day, feels like they got the rona and didn't say anything. Why is there an announcement for this? Is she gravely ill?

>> No.6894579

>constructing a wall only has a 99% chance of preventing invaders
>it's not 100%, let's not do it
>even though it's literally free

>> No.6894581

my 60's neighbour that got it died

>> No.6894583

The biggest irony is that SEAfags are the ones constantly talking shit about American Healthcare.

>> No.6894608
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Glad it's just one of the irrelevant IDs and not someone I actually like

>> No.6894622

I hope she has a speedy and comfortable recovery. No one deserves to be sick, even if you disagree about severity etc.

>> No.6894636

I got my second dose of pfizer vaccine. First dose, I did not feel anything. Second dose, I feel sleepy and sluggish.

I haven't meet a covid infected person so I can't really say its effectiveness.

>> No.6894642

>j-just let the government implant chips on you

>> No.6894644

I'm a nijifag and I laughed

>> No.6894645

Airani covidteen

>> No.6894646

literally the opposite, /pol/tard chuds like you say it's fake and then fucking die in agony in the hospital while begging for forgiveness, it would almost be funny if you didn't drag innocent people down with you

>> No.6894647

the fact is they survived
poor shitter should've tried to live a healthy life

>> No.6894648

damn virus keeps jumping species

>> No.6894652

see >>6894190

>> No.6894672

Taka caught covid you fucking falseflagger retard

>> No.6894683

>it's not cancer, therefore who cares
4M out of 200M is a fuckton more than than any disease that spread to this degree in this short time span. No, Iofi is probably not gonna die, but get some basic medical perspective for once in your life.

>> No.6894688 [DELETED] 


Don`t bother her about Nijisanji stuff, she`s doing well now

>> No.6894697

>literally free
It's not though. Ignoring government costs, shit knocks out down for 2 days minimum.
The vaccine hurt me more than covid did.

Not saying people shouldn't get it, but its not really "free" either. And I've known a person who's been extremely fucked up by vaccines before to the point of almost dying.

>> No.6894711
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>> No.6894713

Good shit, anon.

>> No.6894715

Fear porn. It isn't real.

>> No.6894728
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>implant chips
Jesus, you're a lost cause. You're more /x/ than /pol/ at this point.

>> No.6894729

Same, all I got from the 2nd Pfizer dose was sleepiness and sore joints for a day.

>> No.6894737

>Literally the same amount of people died worldwide as they would in a normal season of influenza deaths.
Even assuming this this were true (it's not), those deaths are happening in a background of mass masking, shutdowns, and quarantines. At least in America, we basically didn't have a flu season and the transmission rate of a lot of other communicable diseases are down, and C-19 is STILL a huge issue. Also please stop pretending that the only two outcomes of COVID are death or nothing. Even if people aren't dying, they still are filling up hospitals and straining healthcare systems everywhere.

>> No.6894738

Not her moron, literally "Aria is Haachama" tier retardation

>> No.6894746
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don't use my oshi to shitpost, you fucking nigger
kill yourself unironically

>> No.6894756


thanks I literally never send any messages to any chuuba so no worries

>> No.6894757

>vaccination is still low because of stock issue
On that note, how's Japan's vaccine effort going? Last time I checked a few weeks ago their vaccination rate was pretty low

>> No.6894758

>shit knocks out down for 2 days minimum.
I felt a slight pain in my shoulder for about 12 hours and then it went away on my second dose. On my first I felt nothing at all. The fuck are you talking about, anon?

>> No.6894772

The mental condition of the patients does affect their health but immune system play more role in this. People don't die because they're stressed, people die because their vital organs doesn't receive enough oxygen to functions.

>> No.6894796

Fucking this.
I hope she's getting better soon

>> No.6894805
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No, I just got into a parasocial relationship with her.....

>> No.6894814


Appreciate it, man. Wash your hands, stay in if you can. I never left the house last year, but my grandmother passed away and spent a day in the hospital and I think we were all exposed by proxy when we saw the very few people that attended the service.

>> No.6894820

Damn. Iofi was the best ID.
I hope the symptoms won't be serious and that she will recover smoothly.

>> No.6894821

>Also please stop pretending that the only two outcomes of COVID are death or nothing.
seriously this.
and even if it's not covid, if your local hospitals are filled up with covid patients and you get in a car accident, guess what, no bed for you.

>> No.6894826

Your body must have reacted hard against it. Mine was pretty straightforward, though I'm not sure if the dizziness was a result of it or just the exhaustion of lining up for it.

>> No.6894829

you mean the chip you have at your hand 24/7 that logs literally everything? no but please, continue to be scared of science fiction instead of reality retard

>> No.6894841

>they still are filling up hospitals and straining healthcare systems everywhere.
Ah yes, I remember how our national TV told us about that giant medical ship that was brought in so it could be filled up, but remained completely empty.

Nothing exceptional is happening and there is no pandemic. The entire thing is a manufactured, fake event.

>> No.6894856

>Damn. Iofi was the best ID.
Do you really...?

>> No.6894857


>> No.6894869

got it this february and even now my sense of smell and taste are still definitely weaker than it used to be, though it does seem to be getting better

>> No.6894878

OP is faggot as usual

>> No.6894879

It must be nice being so stupid. Life must be bliss.

>> No.6894903

Why does she speak poo language so much?

>> No.6894911
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>> No.6894915

Perhaps. I always also getting hit with antibiotics side effects simultaneously. But the side effects seem common enough that every other person I know I seems to get at least a day down.

For me I just had terrible muscle cramps and spasms for like 2 days. Shit was painful as fuck. Far worse than any sickness I've had.

>> No.6894931

Are you retarded?

>> No.6894956

>giant medical ship that was brought in so it could be filled up, but remained completely empty.

>instead of being glad that local safety measures was able to avert the crisis from getting so bad that the extra beds ended up not being used, he digs deeper into /pol/tier conspiracy theory

>> No.6894963

Iofi GF nooo....

>> No.6894977 [DELETED] 

Stay stupid. I`ve watched Roa for a long time and i know who she is. Stop spreading misinformation clipfaggot.

>> No.6894986

She's young. So long as she doesn't develop ARDS (statistically unlikely at her age), she'll be fine. Jesus Christ some of you are limp wristed faggots about this. I've had the coof. It's not that bad. It's not a fun time, but it's not that bad.

>> No.6894998
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>tfw my sense of smell is already so fucked from huffing my childhood plush toys that I wouldn't be able to tell the difference

>> No.6895001

S-Shut up! It's the rigger's fault!

>> No.6895009

I hope it just blows over in a week, and she's totally fine after. I enjoy her streams, and she seems really enthusiastic about streaming so I hope she can get back to it as soon as she's better and doesn't get depressed while also being sick.

>> No.6895010

Tell that to the hospital I work at, where there's talk of canceling surgeries that require overnight stays (again) because our beds are getting filled up and we're short on staff.
I'm sure the entire US healthcare system is happy to be bleeding money, workers, and other resources because something something government mindcontrol chips.

>> No.6895015

sounds like she'll make a quick recovery

>> No.6895043

Believing in corona is like believing in flat earth. If there was no fear porn in the media you wouldn't know it exists, because it is insignificant. Ergo the masks, as a perpetual visual sign that "something" is happening and that you should be scared and take the vaxx, and give up your freedom, livelihood and sovereignty.

The whole thing is a manufactured event. It is literally not real.

>> No.6895055


The first thing to keep in mind is that there are a wide range of different methods, tools, and techniques, which are all blurred under the same name of 'vaccine'. This is something most people concerning these sorts of questions have difficulty explicitly conceptualizing, but it is especially true of those that naively stooge for power.

The first therapeutic technique to ever be called a vaccine, was a virus literally called vaccinia, also known as cowpox ('vaccinus' being a latin root for 'of or from the cow'). It was observed that milkmaids and other folk who worked with dairy animals were far less affected by smallpox when outbreaks would pass through an area, and it was eventually linked to cowpox, which, while having mild effects on humans, was also related with the former, meaning prior infection with one providing cross-resistance to the other.

Once this phenomena was discovered, techniques elaborating on it for use against other highly morbid viruses (viruses, specifically) quickly proliferated; whether by use of related but less morbid strains of a virus, or by the same strain, but weakened or denatured in some way first, or some combination thereof. An early bottleneck in this process was actually the question of, how do you even produce the viruses and get them in a serum in sufficient numbers, in the first place? Until another enterprising fellow came up with the idea of infecting developing chicken eggs with your target strain, then later collecting and filtering out the virus filled serum left over. Morbid, but effective.

There are some vaccines that still take this traditional form, which are usually safe and effective. There are also many measures, which are also labeled as vaccines, that do not take this form, and you are generally better off avoiding them.

There is also a more meta-leval dynamic to the process, which is the inverse relationship between the morbidity of a virus and the rationality of 'vaccine' as a therapeutic measure against it to begin with. In order for a vaccine virus to actually 'prime' an immune system to recognize it or things related to it in the future, it needs provoke an immune response. Ie, it needs to have teeth, have morbidity of its own. When the question is viral afflictions with very high degrees of morbidity, like smallpox, polio, ebola, and so on, the trade-off between the morbidity of the target affliction, and the morbidity of a vaccine, can be large. When you start speaking of increasingly trivial viral diseases however, you start approaching the point where the morbidity of the disease, and the morbidity of an actually effective vaccine, become essentially equivalent. And in the case of highly endemic viruses, like influenza, rhinoviruses, et cetera, it can not be uncommon for a vaccination to be even worse than an actual infection, due to differences between how different folk can respond to a given dosage, differences in types of possible exposure in the real world environment, and so on. This is also besides the fact that such sorts of endemic viruses are eternally mutating, which is why you can find yourself catching a cold one year, and still find yourself catching another cold later some other year, which basically renders the idea of vaccination techniques for such thing as a big joke to begin with. (But if you could somehow meme people into the idea of buying a never ending stream of 'vaccines' for such a thing, that would certainly promise great payoff; and if you could somehow meme people into the idea that an endemic dynamic that humanoid societies have dealt with from the year dot, was in fact an extraordinary matter that requires *extraordinary measures*, and you place yourself in position to *administrate* those measures, that would certainly promise great payoff as well... in power. An interesting thought eh?)

>> No.6895059

when she dies, don't pretend you all started caring about her

>> No.6895063


>> No.6895074

She's going to get some nice saviorfag supachattos when she comes back.

>> No.6895075

>thread turns into a /pol/tard and /x/chizo general not even 5 minutes in

>> No.6895089


>> No.6895090

>covid dissidents on fucking /vt/

>> No.6895097


It might be in your head, because I felt the exact same way, but over time it got better. Just do small things to train like eat distinctive foods and smell strong odors like vicks vaporub

>> No.6895102
File: 28 KB, 384x799, images.jpeg-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew this thread was going to be shit but I looked anyway.

The fact is, she's not well, and is in a country hit hard by it and struggling to save people from it.

Just...wish her well, wheather you like her or not no one deserves this.

To all you tribal mother fuckers, all you pro and anti vaxxers, just remember...

She is a person, suffering, even just 2 weeks stuck in one's room fucking sucks, let alone if worse happens.

Just when you are done posting shit...wish her well like a decent human being, y'all human...aren't you?

>> No.6895116

nigger were your teddy bears stuffed with asbestos?

>> No.6895125

Oh sure and all of a sudden a couple of my distant relatives just decided to die from the flu in one immediate year. Fuck you too.

>> No.6895131


Now, the johnson&johnson treatment and similar modalities might look like traditional vaccines at first blush, since they do technically have a whole virus as an active element; but they are basically equivalent with the mRNA shots in effect, as it uses a modified retrovirus to graft the same RNA strands that produce CoV2 spike proteins into a cell. Thus, effectively turning your cells themselves into 'viruses', producing and shedding spike proteins that start fucking shit up every where.

Which is certainly an interesting phenomena, but has only a tenuous connection with teaching your immune system to recognize and eliminate a virus (and also to stop firing the big guns everywhere once it has been eliminated... which is completely absent in the resequencing type treatments - whoops). Such sorts of resequencing modalities, which are commonly being called 'vaccines' here, are like putting aerodynamic wings on an orbital reentry space-craft; a pointlessly counterproductive use of high technology by managers who don't understand or don't care to understand the technology they are appropriating.

The short answer to your question is that none of the offerings made by western firms are good quality. And in cases where even if you did have a good theory behind a product, due to combinations of institutional decay and ideological malfeasance, they would not be capable of making it good anyways. Biotech firms in Europe and America cannot make good treatments anymore for much the same reasons as why NASA cannot fly rockets anymore or Intel cannot develop chips anymore. Your easiest course of action is to simply not take any. If for some unknown reason you simply must have a shot, then get one that uses the traditional denatured virus method, like covaxin. If for whatever reason you can't get those, then, move to an area where people don't give a shit about it. This will probably improve you life-prospects in many other ways as well. If for whatever reason you can't get those, and you refuse to move, then just print out a vaccine card and fill it out yourself. You can find templates online. Use high quality paper or cardstock and laminate it when you're done even for that special touch. Most business owners are sane people who don't give a shit, but they're obliged to go through the form of the ritual motions to avoid getting destroyed by the ruling priesthood. Which means that even if they are sympathetic, asserting your rights as a 'sovereign citizen' can still cause trouble for them. But all you need to do is just give them a good excuse.

>> No.6895151

All she need to do is to rest at home. Recovery at least in 3 weeks or more. DON'T EVER GET HOSPITALIZED, that's where the chance of dying is increased because it was cramped and lack of oxygen.

>> No.6895164

That’s quite a sizable sample size.

>> No.6895189

>She is a person, suffering, even just 2 weeks stuck in one's room fucking sucks, let alone if worse happens.

Come on nigga. I was stuck alone in my room for 6 months during lock down last year.

>> No.6895194

based retarded concernfag

>> No.6895196

That's because they're too dumb to understand cause and effect
>lockdown because the virus spreads like wildfire
>hey this didn't infect everyone like world war z, lying media
>don't wear masks or get vaccine because alex jones said it'll turn you into a lizard that emits a 5G tracking signal
>why won't they lift the lockdowns, this is a plot by the global elites to cripple their own world economy for no reason

>> No.6895204

Reminder to the anti-vax faggots here. You did this to her. Your choice to not take the vaccine and your spreading lies about how the vaccine is bad has led to increasing spread of the virus, which is why Iofi has it now. Stop endangering others with your shitty life decisions, you're not the only person who will suffer from it.

>> No.6895207

>implant chips
Not even /pol/ believe in this shit lmao

>> No.6895214

America hoarded most of the early supply, 3rd world countries barely even got to taste the shitty j&j one.

>> No.6895217 [DELETED] 

clipfaggot just stay in your lane. Stop watching my Roa okay? Antis like you just make the Vtuber world an awful place.

>> No.6895218

You just wait. As soon as all these anons finally publish their n=1 studies, they'll show the whole world how this virus is fake.

>> No.6895220

It wasn't as bad as I expected, honestly. Most of those retards were told off.

>> No.6895221

If fucking Albania had no problems with hospitals, or Bosnia, or Macedonia, I'm pretty damn sure I am right. There was never a potential for the system to be overwhelmed because this is a fucking lie.

Also, tik tok nurses. The sheer idiocy of what you people buy into is staggering. The only real medical emergency was that everyone realized nurses are shit.

10cents have been deposited into your account. That, or you're a tik tok nurse.

>> No.6895234

I caught it in the first wave at the end of December shit sucked was coughing up blood for a week with low oxygen levels at the time the hospital staff didn't know what I had so I was stuck in a bubble room for 3 weeks

>> No.6895242

I really wish you have the first hand experience of the virus

>> No.6895259
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>> No.6895260

Iofi always seems really nice, I hope the best for her.

>> No.6895272

>tik tok nurses
seethe more about tiktok nurses. getting freaked out because of 1 minute dances, fucking weak.

>> No.6895273


>> No.6895280

HoloID is literally the best branch in Hololive and I say that as hardcore DD man

>> No.6895285


>> No.6895287

>house quarantine instead of in hospital or special facility
That alone should tell you enough about how overloaded the medical care is.

That aside, are there any other ID members that live in jakarta?

>> No.6895291

Reine was just a few days ago...

>> No.6895314

I bet you want her to die just to dab on le anti-vaxxers, isn't it ?

>> No.6895315
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>this entire thread
hope Iofi recovers.

>> No.6895322

It's different being alone and sick than just being alone. Even if it's just a fever, there's still the psychological aspect of forcing yourself to sleep when you're not tired because you're too weak and cold to be doing anything, save for browsing on your phone.

>> No.6895329

Wanna give any reason? What does she have that Moona, Risu, Reine or Ollie don't?

>> No.6895348

>heroes standing up against tyranny and enslavement of humanity
Fixed that for you.

>> No.6895353

NijiID niggas probably laughing rn, in fact I'm pretty sure Hana send someone to sneeze at iofi

>> No.6895357

I guess I've become really sensitive over quarantine because seeing people wishing she'd die along with other chuubas when they're sick or in the hospital actually makes me upset

>> No.6895358

You're a good rratfriend.

>> No.6895369

j&j has effectiveness similar to moderna and pfizer- remember that j&j got tested against the south africa variant, so its numbers are from a higher difficulty setting
now, astra-zeneca, that's the weak sauce

>> No.6895372

You're behind the times in the latest shilling grandpa, we have eleverty seventy omega variants now and so the old vaccines won't save you anymore and so you need more lockdowns and more masking and more coof shots all over again.

>> No.6895384

Had covid back in December, fucking sucked. My smell and taste still aren't right for some things (mainly fried chicken and eggs both smell like an old vat of grease.)
Hope she recovers quickly

>> No.6895396

Jesus christ, when I first saw the tweet come up I horribly misread health as something much worse. Here's to hoping she bounces back.

>> No.6895410

kek. I'll remember you when they build a digital NFT statue in your memory.

>> No.6895457

Literally my entire life.

>> No.6895458

imagine not having caught Covid yet
only hags die from such a low tier virus

>> No.6895463

That's you just actually being human and not a soulless monster like most people have become because of society.

>> No.6895469

190m people not died from it is a sizeable sample size, indeed.

>> No.6895470

>house quarantine instead of in hospital or special facility
This is what over 90% of the world has been doing since March of 2020. Putting mildly ill people in a special quarantine box away from home only works if there is no widespread community transmission

>> No.6895472

thats just straight up some auschwitz juice

>> No.6895496

98% survival rate. She will be fine, except if she get interned in a hospital, now that's concerning because hospitals all around the world kills thousands of people every year (but of course, they blame it on illnesses or other conditions that lead to the patient's death and not on incompetent doctors), specially from shit holes like SEA.

>> No.6895503

is your post bait? If so, am I responding to it or simply acknowledging it? Questions to ponder.

>> No.6895524

welcome to 4chan. People are edgy or genuinely believe that death should be politicized. You should get out of here before /pol/ comes back with reinforcements and graphs.

>> No.6895548

Iofi was one of the first chuubas I ever watched.
Maybe not as much recently, but to see her go would be mentally devastating. Not to mention a personal reality check.
Truth is I wouldn't wish death on anyone of the chuubas you see on this board. It's easy to disassociate because we never see the real person behind the avatar. But if they die, fact is the character dies too.

I don't care how slim the chance is, I hope she's OK.

>> No.6895557

>just 2 weeks stuck in one's room fucking sucks
I hate normalfags.

If they didn't believe in what the media was telling them they'd be fine. Psychosomatic effect. I mentioned this already.

I'll get to that once I find my first leprechaun and his pot of gold. Surely, they exist as well.

>> No.6895565

It gets terrible really fast. I received an obituary at least once every day now. The last one was a 20 years old university student.

>> No.6895596
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based schizo

>> No.6895602

it's shit, the vaccine hesitation rate is so high. My English friend in Japan told me that they are not educated on vaccination nor do the government explain what it does.

>> No.6895614
File: 753 KB, 628x669, 1621910788253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll take the shot to protect your oshi, right?

Right, anon?

>> No.6895616

It's super easy to say dumb or mean shit anonymously on the internet, so I doubt most of them actually mean it or have truly thought out what they're saying. I know it's easier said than done, but you'd be better off devoting your energy to positive things rather than worrying over what assholes are saying.

>> No.6895618

I hope it does not leave too much of an effect on her.

>> No.6895620

I'm not new to 4chan but I am definitely new to giving this much of a shit about streamers. I know /a/ makes jokes about mangakas dying but when someone is sick people are usually compassionate, and on the unfortunate time that someone dies everyone shows solidarity. I hope this board never ever has to go through a death of a chuuba,

>> No.6895623

I've been watching niji for way longer than hololive but god if this didn't crack me up.

>> No.6895626

Don't get me wrong, I am not belittling covid. I am just comparing it to black death and spanish flu lethality.

>> No.6895637

I got J&J a few months ago

>> No.6895641

based and redbull
hospitals just want to farm the sweet death money

>> No.6895646


>> No.6895660

Been fully vaccinated for two months now.

>> No.6895662

I'll shoot inside my oshi, yes.

>> No.6895678

I work in healthcare and got that shit the very moment I could.

>> No.6895714

It mutates like the common cold. We are all going to get it eventually(and multiple times), regardless of how many shots we get.

>> No.6895727

I want us to die together, Ame.

>> No.6895730

I'll do it for my oshi, my grandma, and my little brother.

>> No.6895745

OK, but tell me, do you have special software designed specifically to shill vaxx and spread fearporn on 4chan when threads about corona appear or is it an Internet wide thing? I'd imagine there's an imageboard version. How much do you earn per post?

>> No.6895754

I got my second dose last monday, this week.

>> No.6895772

Yeah and it's in rats now. It's never going away

>> No.6895778 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 604x604, 1616137422114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would Vaccinating Iofi works if i had already taken Phifzer a week before and i nut inside Iofi spreading my RNA-DNA into her womb curing her?

>> No.6895799

Not loud and obnoxious like Ollie. Not an autist like Moona. Not a danger to my nuts like Risu. I don't watch Reine.
She's just an all-around good, hard working girl. Not to mention that she treats Sora like a friend.

>> No.6895803

10 cents have been deposited in your account.

>> No.6895849

Anon, we are all free to think and believe in things the same way you believe the best way to get shot for COVID through a gunshot from the spooky government. If your course of action is to counter with "y-you're a shill", then you're pretty much a lost cause.

>> No.6895857
File: 108 KB, 736x700, 1611365631438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a shot of a saline solution earlier this year before traveling to 14 first world countries representing my shithole

>> No.6895859

If Iofi passes away, what happens?

>> No.6895867

Was she not vaxxmaxxed?

>> No.6895902

She dies

>> No.6895907

No vaccinations are available in Indonesia.

>> No.6895927

And Indonesia use mainly Sinovac for vaccination, which led to current situation.

>> No.6895942

she'd be Iofinished

>> No.6895948

She'll no longer be alive.

>> No.6895950

Iofi killed the whole branch, damn, selfish bitch.

>> No.6895959

This, I've seen a fully vaccinated man in his 50s still got and died from covid. Annual boosters will be the tread

>> No.6895962

Hope she can recover quickly, I had some relatives that caught it and thankfully they managed to recover.

>> No.6895972

Please be safe treerrat...

>> No.6895979

Tell me, is it terrifying to live a world where anybody that holds a dissenting opinion to yours must be part of some big government conspiracy to control you? If you wanna talk about fearporn, that fits the bill pretty well.

>> No.6895980
File: 27 KB, 739x415, schizo).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the vaccine makes the skin area that got injection sligtly magnetic for a few days
i thought it was some facebook schizoposting until i fucking saw it with my own eyes

>> No.6895987

yeah it will mutate like the seasonal influenza - there's a good chance we might even see epsilon variant soon but it doesnt mean that you should just sit on your ass and do nothing. some form of mitigation/protection via vaccination is still useful then being entirely unprotected. its like being naked versus wearing diamond armor in minecraft, it wont stop incoming damage but it'll at least try to limit/mitigate the damage.

>> No.6895992

She lays low.

I am comfortable making this kind of joke because nothing bad will happen to her, since corona is essentially the flu.

>> No.6895993

...doesn't Risu live with Iofi??

>> No.6895998

I'd sooner strangle her to death with my bear hands.

>> No.6896021


>> No.6896025

Le final yab

>> No.6896045

I'm just reporting on what happened to me since that guy is asking how is the situation in here.

>> No.6896051


>> No.6896058

COVID doesn't affect squirrels.

>> No.6896066

The craziest part is how it makes things like keys stick to you, though they aren't even made of magnetic metals. It's almost as if the general public doesn't understand how magnets work and so they get irrationally scared when they're brought up.

>> No.6896087

The media hysteria was fucking right, Covid in the early days was deadly. It wasn't just unhealthy people, it was all people. As more people die, so do the more aggressive mutations.

The problem is poverty areas, India, Indonesia, China, Southern Burgerland. A more dangerous mutation spreading is like a wildfire that fills up hospitals, people die faster when the hospitals are full.

Either get vaccinated or go lick some handrails in a busy city.

>> No.6896108

Then why the hell does the statement say she hasn't been in close contact with any of the other HoloID members? Are they lying to us? Or did she go elsewhere and I didn't hear it mentioned?

>> No.6896126

Fucking this. It's not about Indonesia being poor, the govt could buy 1 billion vaccines right now, but there's a supply problem because the burgers are hoarding it. Fuck you and your shitty capitalism system.

>> No.6896128

Imagine the profits!

Retards. Corona is nothing. How can you not see that they're making you into cattle to be milked and controlled?

>> No.6896135

>4 Japanese items
>2 Indonesian items
>1 English item

>> No.6896139

It really is overblown and I can't wait for monkey pox to spread so you spergs find out what a real pandemic looks like.

>> No.6896140

Anonchama...I hope you haven't forgotten that Influenza exists.

>> No.6896151

after Chink who hide their statistics

>> No.6896155

The obvious answer is that my oshi Risu is a social recluse who can't even be bothered to hang out with her own housemate!

>> No.6896164

America is not obligated to put their own citizens at risk to help the rest of the world.

>> No.6896165

Bros I'm schedule to take the sputnik vaccine tomorrow. How bad is that russian trash?

>> No.6896166

Until you or a loved one gets it. Then you'll "come around".

>> No.6896181

t. Moderna Monarch

>> No.6896198

This is true but still I don't recall Risu saying Iofi wasn't in the house at any point lately and that's far too close for comfort

>> No.6896200
File: 661 KB, 1246x884, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from the future and I bring bad news.

>> No.6896211

As is typically the case with science, I think the only way to find out is to give it a shot!

>> No.6896218

The EN aquarium date is cute as fuck

>> No.6896225

my mom got it and she didn't have any symptoms

>> No.6896232

The worst part is that the US is hoarding a bunch of vaccines for a gigantic mass of idiots that don't even want them.

>> No.6896236 [DELETED] 

If you take it, the better vaccines in development will be less effective. I`m waiting 2 years for the real vaccines to show up, not this experimental RNA crap.

>> No.6896255

It's just... She keeps having these menhera episodes that make her unlikeable. Remember the Gura incident?

>> No.6896261

No anon, you gotta wait at least 2 weeks until the vaccine settles in completely. Just wait a few more days before trying.

>> No.6896269

Why would I become infertile for my oshi?

>> No.6896280

Pomuniggers truly are the worst fanbase on this planet

>> No.6896281

>The problem is poverty areas, India, Indonesia, China, Southern Burgerland. A more dangerous mutation spreading is like a wildfire that fills up hospitals, people die faster when the hospitals are full.
Those people keel over and die from basically any disease Anon. It's not because Corona is deadly or dangerous but because EVERYTHING is deadly to those kinds of people. Indians smear cow shit on themselves as a ritual.

Corona is nothing. It is only useful to the governments to enslave us. That is all. That is all this is. And you worthless fucks are complying and going into slavery.

>> No.6896291

I am a flip and got my second dose of pfizers. J&J are reserved for senior citizen here with currently an ongoing vaccination schedule this week. My father and mother are getting their J&J shots.

>> No.6896294

Had this early this year, she'll be alright, trust me anons

>> No.6896303
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because it would make no difference

>> No.6896321 [DELETED] 


Okay I will settle for nutting in her Ass in this first week instead.

>> No.6896325

Because you haven't forgotten to take your meds, ensuring you're in the right frame of mind to understand that vaccines don't make you sterile.

>> No.6896331

drink extra vodka

>> No.6896339

Iofi beats to be buried to

>> No.6896356

I didn't realize /vt/ was an anti-vax board LOLOLOLOL

No wonder you guys are alone and retarded

>> No.6896357
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>Alien comes to Earth and dies of human disease

>> No.6896362

but anon, you're already infertile in practice

>> No.6896378

And also lose 10 IQ points.

>> No.6896383

anon, countries with mrna vaccines have been much more effective than countries with the conventional vaccines. Israel was the first to get vaccinated with mrna vaccines, and they're still seeing 0's of deaths a month. Meanwhile, countries that were graciously given the superior sinovac are starting to get mrna doses to re-vaccinate their sinovac'd people

>> No.6896387


>> No.6896388
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Thanks for an interesting and informative take instead of more shitflinging, anon

I already got it so whats done is done
Not like I go outside anyways

What concerns me the most is how little people grasp statistics but oh well

>> No.6896389

Remember to donate blood plasma.
A certain mouse needs it.

>> No.6896408

From what I can understand, Iofi has literally the best job by staying indoors all the time and stream. Why did she risk herself going outside? That's kinda stupid.

>> No.6896426

anon, vaccines have existed since 1796

>> No.6896434

>2 / 100 people act like faggots

>> No.6896441

Would you like to come to the land down under lockdown, anon? Where the women cry "Get jabbed" while private businesses go under?

>> No.6896447

Doesn't matter. You will be virgin your entire life anyway.

>> No.6896455

She might have gotten it doing errands like grocery shopping.
t. Got it from filling up my car

>> No.6896462

Nigger most of my country is vaxed and things have returned to almost exactly as they were pre coof. What fucking slavery are you talking about

>> No.6896485

You're setting yourself up for an especially painful grudgepost.

>> No.6896496

And have you ever met a person that was born in 1796 or '97?

>> No.6896498

No, I don't remember the Gura incident.
Iofi is the nicest (ID) gall around. End of story.

>> No.6896504
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Are we winning Chumbuds?

>> No.6896511

>He worries as he posts regularly on the /GFE/ board

>> No.6896532

So this /pol/, are they in the room with us right now?

>> No.6896537
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>> No.6896549

based blissful ignorancefag

>> No.6896555

The slavery that comes from lockdowns not being lifted because a bunch of idiots still refuse to wear masks or get vaccinated.

>> No.6896571

Even in leafland, Trudeau has yet to turn us even a little bit more gay

>> No.6896592

>vaccines have existed since 1796
And scientists took, on average, 10 years to develop vaccines, as a joke. Good thing the Experts™ got tired of that joke on 2020 and now they only take a year to develop. Thank god for Science™

>> No.6896625
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They're in every board. You won't notice it until someone just randomly says something about american presidents or american governments

>> No.6896628

trips for mundane truth. Remember to own the libs by keeping your elders safe

>> No.6896641
File: 20 KB, 463x453, ogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't Risu taking a break a few weeks ago because she was feeling sick? Maybe she actually had it first, but didn't tell anyone and gave it to Iofi
No, I will not take me meds

>> No.6896646

Damn! I hope she recovers quickly and doesn't suffer any long term symptoms.

>> No.6896717

It’s shocking how many people have forgotten early in the pandemic when they were saying it could take years or at least 18 months for a vaccine, yet somehow several months later there were three vaccines ready to go.

>> No.6896742

Genuine question: If the American/British vaccines were dangerous and unsound, why wouldn't China expose them?

>> No.6896747

My niggah, it took 1 billion years for humans to develop the airplane. Then it took 60 years to fly to space.

Things get faster at developing once the basics are discovered.

>> No.6896780

Ignoring the fact that mRNA vaccines have already been under research for decades, you can't wait 10 years to develop a vaccine when the virus it would protect against is causing a global pandemic. Unless, of course, you want to wear masks and stay in quarantine for a full fucking decade.

>> No.6896794

>>damn i remember when some retard said that if china time was ahead of us then they should've warned us about 9/11

>> No.6896806

Well, that's kinda unfortunate. I worked from home and would always go shopping during hours when there's literally 10-20 people in the mall and scram after getting food for two weeks so I don't know really know how people got them unless they went outside frequently

>> No.6896810
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It's always funny when /pol/tards 100% reliant on government handouts and/or their parents to even continue functioning in life complain that something is a "conspiracy" to enslave them. You've always been a slave dipshit, you're a slave right now, and you'll never not be a slave, because you're incapable of thinking. And you'll just continue being a slave to the morphine drip of comfortable propaganda you receive from grifting blowhards and fellow NPCs for the rest of your worthless self-cucked lives

>> No.6896837

Do you have any idea of how many billions of dollars and teams of scientists were working nonstop on this? It was the only source of funding you could get for any vaguely adjacent field for those "several months"

>> No.6896887

She'll be fine as long as she doesn't have a pre-existing medical condition like diabetes or kidney disease.

>> No.6896919

I will never forgive the Chinese

>> No.6896924

Exactly they just lifted almost all restrictions in my city a few weeks ago, no need even for masks anymore

>> No.6896943

She was feeling a bit off in the days after she got vaccinated that's why she took a break

>> No.6896946

Or the pre-existing condition of living, because it was a false narrative only "sick" people died from it.

>> No.6896968

no masks means your mouth is wide open for govt sponsored dicks into your mouth!!!!1!!1!! Wake up sheep!

>> No.6896969
File: 264 KB, 2500x1406, freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine unironically thinking that there are people who aren't genuinely fighting back
>imagine being this much of a sheeple that you'll rather roll over and submit to the govment
>imagine not getting a Freedom Phone so that you can post on 4chan without being tracked

>> No.6896986

Your projector, anon...

>> No.6896989

You should probably tell all those scientists working on the Ebola virus, a virus with a >50% death rate, that the Science™ has granted us 1-year developmnet vaccines now. Those morons have been working on a vaccine since 2003 and only started using in on limited, non approved runs on 2019. What a bunch of idiots. If only (You)'d told them that vaccine creation and testing only takes one year now.

>> No.6897029

>the novel coronavirus and the ebola virus both have the word virus in them
Wow they're literally the same thing! Why the fuck are immunologists wasting so many years of their lives in medical school

>> No.6897032

>fighting back in the comfort of your own home by shouting your beliefs in an anonymous image board
Good job armchair activist.

>> No.6897035

Have you ever looked up the reason why? And I don't mean looking at the politicized news website you go to tell you want you want to hear.

>> No.6897078

people already cry over the rare weak side effects of the covid shot, a pox vaccine will make them have a full on schizo meltdown

t. smallpox vax enjoyer

>> No.6897110

>Freedom phone
Anon...I don't know how to break this to you. But that phone is just like any other phone. Your "untracked" data will still be stored regardless.

>> No.6897111

Iofi-chan ngedugem trus sama om" Tiap malem sih, nular deh

>> No.6897118

Who would tell you that they were exposed? Your news anchor? HuffPo? New York Times, perhaps?

>> No.6897126

Ebola vaccine's have gotten less than $1billion in funding since 2003.
Covid got about $100billion the past 18 months
Also they're different virus'.

>> No.6897145

Nigrump, we are talking about covid you stupid fuck.
Covid is just an enhanced flu, which has been taken care of already you stupid bastard. If you took the covid vaccine you wouldn't get any stupider because you are already at the lowest level

>> No.6897153

>asymptomatic case
Why doing all this drama?

>> No.6897154

Yes. Exactly. Imagine how much money they earned treating a fake illness.

Corona does not exist. This whole thing is a scam, a powergrab and you chimpanzees fell for it and are dragging us down with you into slavery. I refuse to follow. I am so thoroughly disgusted by you vaxxers that I cannot even regard you as human anymore. How can you be so blind, so gullible, so eager to serve? What is wrong with you? Where are your powers of observation, your reason, your common sense? How do you not see that this whole thing is a massive conspiracy against us, the common man? How do you not see and understand that this is a way that leads us all into a totalitarian tyranny? How? Fucking how? How can a normal human fall for this shit?

>> No.6897164

China has their own news outlets that publish in the West retard. Russia has some as well.

>> No.6897167

The vaccine has been "ready" since 2013, retardchama. But it has been in the testing phase since, as a joke of course, we don't need to test vaccines anymore. It is current year

>> No.6897191

>asymptomatic case
Read it again

>> No.6897207

Dugem dimana cok. Tempat dugem juga pada tutup sekarang gara-gara PPKM.

>> No.6897215

I dunno man, I just wanted to work from home

>> No.6897218
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>unironically shilling Freedom Phone, the overpriced cheap chinaphone made solely to milk retards
I know some of you niggas are dumb but holy shit anon

>> No.6897238

Yeah because belittling the efforts of good people just to prove a point on the internet is the only thing of value in your life.

>> No.6897249


>> No.6897280

holy shit this girl is desperate for attention

>> No.6897298

And are you saying you read those?

>> No.6897328

Iofi is a good girl....

>> No.6897338
File: 397 KB, 536x513, 1624114375924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you know what "projecting" is?

>> No.6897348

I wanna kiss Iofi on the lips.

>> No.6897352

You didn't even try. Now tell me about Dear Leader and other "good people."

>> No.6897361

post W2

>> No.6897368

Yeah I'm surprised not many other girls are leaching off of covid

Imagine if Botan got covid her views would boost because she's a hag

>> No.6897405

Another reason to hate zhangs (the fuckers who created it)

>> No.6897450

I heard donating plasma is painful, as well as the fact that I will have eternal anemia due to other medical complications so I couldn't donate any sort of blood if I wanted to...

>> No.6897482

Watch Reine. She's great.

>> No.6897531

It has been weird that none of them seem to mention it and collabs have happened all the time during these last 2 years

>> No.6897542
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>> No.6897558
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The thing is I'm basically just gonna not get the vaccine

I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know.... UGH I know.....

It's just that I'm not gonna get it is all


>> No.6897608


>> No.6897672
File: 234 KB, 309x303, 1603642144507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's fine
I've heard enough stories to know that "I'm fine" is a fucking death flag. They say they're fine, they only have minor symptoms, and then a few days later it hits them like a freight train, and they're fucking dead.

>> No.6897674


>> No.6897705

Anon... This is a misconception, young people or new generations do not even leave their house to take sun or play with the dirt. They do not develop a strong immune system.

>> No.6897718

>wondering why is everyone suddenly talking about iofi
>open Twitter
well that sucks even though I don't watch her I hope everything is gonna be fine

>> No.6897733

Pfizer chad reporting in.

>> No.6897752

my shithole of a country hasnt even distributed it yet

>> No.6897755
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>> No.6897758

>Dead: 724
lol, still only 724.
How many days has it been stuck at 724? Four days? Five days?

>> No.6897791


>> No.6897833

Eh, she'll be fine. At least this is kinda the best time to get the coof since you'll be busy with the upcoming gachakek content. Get better soon famalam.

>> No.6897885

Congratulations, you're in the small minority of people here who are sane, or at the very least not devoid of empathy.

>> No.6897915

the numberfag got covid, rip in piece

>> No.6897936


>> No.6897948

real???? I haven't checked the general for a year now

>> No.6897954

Oh get off that horse dildo of yours.

>> No.6898027

I'm protecting her by not taking it

>> No.6898069

Masterfully written bait. I kneel.

>> No.6898109

I'm pro-restrictions because the government gives me $500 for each week of lockdown and I don't even have to work for it.

>> No.6898147

Iofi lost her sense of smell apparently.

>> No.6898245

that's probably a blessing in indonesia

>> No.6898286

But anonchama...inflations are a thing.

>> No.6898312
File: 199 KB, 377x329, 1626445482045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame Mori. She's an asymptomatic carrier who electronically transmitted the virus to Iofi during the totsumachi.

>> No.6898432

> thread turn into /pol/ and cultist circlejerk

I think both you anti-vaxxer and pro-vaxxer faggots should die already, you both are absolute human trashes.

>> No.6898435
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>> No.6898508
File: 1.05 MB, 1366x768, Indo where.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you got the wrong poopy place anon...

>> No.6898509

idk, SEA food smells pretty good usually.
I assume Iofi doesn't live in the slums, since she and her genmates are probably in the top 1% of income earners in Indonesia.

>> No.6898604


>> No.6898634


>> No.6898649

I miss Gary.

>> No.6898660

This is what they do when they have covid.


>> No.6898759

If she ends up having to graduate because of her health, she'd be the second Holo who has to graduate because of the Chinese

>> No.6898815

You mean the eighth?

>> No.6899113

Except that this is a graduation- from existence.
