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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68917961 No.68917961 [Reply] [Original]

>mentally ill
>has manic episodes
>constantly breaking rules
>attempts suicide
>threatens to sue
>threatens to doxx coworkers
>gets kicked out of the company for it
>lies about bullying
>somehow people think she's innocent and not in need of a psych ward and straight jacket
Are vtuber fans genuinely retarded?
An entire group of people who worked with her straight up said she was a nutjob and people still believe the wackjob with the nervous tick?

>> No.68918025

Hi Elira.
Do us all a favor and kill yourself.

>> No.68918046


>> No.68918065
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The NDF sure is active today.

>> No.68918105

I hope you have a good lawyer Elira.

>> No.68918127


>> No.68918151
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Anyone on the side of Millie and Enna is a worse scumbag than even the biggest menhera. Even if Selen was 100% in the wrong.

>> No.68918172

kys NDF retard, no (You) for you

>> No.68918186

you know you fucked up. you were never management material.

>> No.68918206

Hi elirafriend can I join niji as a male chuuba?

>> No.68918210

stop noticing and goon to dokibird porn pls

>> No.68918250

fuck off elira

>> No.68918283

Hey Elira if I slap you and call you a chink whore while I fuck your throat will that make you cum?

Just asking because you're been throating a lot of Japanese cock lately and it really seems like you have a racial humiliation fetish.

>> No.68918323

the image turns me on and now I feel like jerking off

>> No.68918337
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Why are you describing yourself sister?

>> No.68918344

Reminder that all of OPs statements are true and she still beat nijisanji. By their own admission, apparently they could have done nothing and she would have just killed herself eventually. But instead they are killing the entire branch in order to ???? against her.

>> No.68918363

Reminder that NDF, KurosanjiEN Management, and the clique are obsessively /here/ always running psyops. Don't let them fool you from their propaganda and insensitive damage control

>> No.68918376

go to bed Enna

>> No.68918377
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>> No.68918390

Sorry I'm only into anime guys

>> No.68918394

Sup enna hows ur day been?

>> No.68918418

Did you just called yourself retarded?

>> No.68918424

>Niji EN claims there was no abuse.
>Niji EN claims the abuse came from the livers.
If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything.

>> No.68918431

It's like you retards have unironically never heard of Amber Heard

>> No.68918437

Tell Pajeet Prime that the sweatshop doesn't have enough men or sim cards to turf over this one.

>> No.68918466

We're honestly beyond the point where any claims like this even matter. Okay, she was the most impossible and crazy person to work with ever and there was nothing for it but termination - that still wouldn't have justified going about it the outright bizarre and malicious way NijiEN handled it. Tell her she's out, have a short statement about no longer working together, everyone moves on, lawyers handle anything else if absolutely necessary. Dropping the first letter on her with no warning despite having requested a quiet graduation was already bad enough, but scheduling a a public struggle session to coincide perfectly with her first gaming stream back is so far beyond the pale that anything they could possible accuse her of is completely immaterial to how deeply they fucked up.

>> No.68918487

Nijinigger cope

>> No.68918496

>trying to reason with bots
Don't bother.

>> No.68918534

even if it was all true, they could have just terminated her without this PR nightmare. it would have been incredibly easy.

>> No.68918543

I really hope this ends up with niji losing all of their Canadian talents for breaking employment laws in Canada and being barred from business there. Please.

>> No.68918546

That's Michael Cat

>> No.68918567

Cool story Elira

>> No.68918587

That's what happens when you let Mexican subhumans in your company

>> No.68918642

the billion dollar company thanks you for your free bootlicking

>> No.68918647

how much are they paying you?

>> No.68918652

She is my mess

>> No.68918697

>The company is indefensible, so lets attack the victim!
I hope those giftcards are worth it senpai.

>> No.68918846

>An entire group of people who worked with her straight up said she was a nutjob
This is known as bullying.

>> No.68918882

she sounds crazy hot

>> No.68918895

>attempts suicide
>threatens to sue
>threatens to doxx coworkers
Reminder that Selen never said any of these publicly, it was Nijisanji management and livers that brought it the public and destroyed their reputation.
This could have gone so much easier for you fuckers.
>gets kicked out of the company for it
And the way that happened was entirely Illegal in Canada. Enjoy the lawsuit.
>somehow people think she's innocent
No one said that.
Stop thinking you're the victim here.

>> No.68918979

Exactly, in this case;
Doki is depp
And you are amber turd.

>> No.68918986

No sane vtuber get terminated from the company, as you can see how batshit insane Rushia and Sio are. People who are siding with her are all newfags.
Not saying Anycolor didn't do anything wrong though, they're retarded for triggering Selen and made her sperg out. The EN management is probably absolute garbage and deserved to be fired long time ago too.

>> No.68918995

It's really interesting how the people taking her side can only reply with "NDF" and "you made a girl try to kill herself!!" because they have absolutely no proof of anything other than Selen being a lying menhera.

>> No.68919062

>Do us all a favor and kill yourself.
Damn. Even Selen couldn't do that. Failed harder at it than an Apex tournament.

>> No.68919146

I'm a Holofag and am glad that I won't have to see this hideous design any more. 99% of Nijis look hideous. Total niji death.

>> No.68919174
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>> No.68919185

>mentally ill
>has manic episodes
>constantly breaking rules
She's just like me fr

>> No.68919296

Show her how it's done then.

>> No.68919331

she doesn't have to be innocent for niji to be fucked

>> No.68919343


The only thing i want outta this is an Scat arc. Please tell me some pretty girl shit on someone's bed.

>> No.68919356

VTuber fans massively retarded.
She gave the video to management to approve A DAY before the day she wanted to post it and posted it without approval, then cried that the video was taken down.

>> No.68919367

Elira stop posting in here and let me fuck you

>> No.68919390

If Selen was a man
this would all go differently…
oh to be a damsel in distress

>> No.68919399

And that's why niji handled the situation like they did, cause retards like OP just eat it up regardless

>> No.68919455

Hi Vox, go back to gargling that boot with Ike

>> No.68919479

I'm willing to bet everything will come to light and Selen will be shown to be justified.
I don't follow Niji at all, but I saw the stuff about this drama.

>Lily says she gave perms in Aug of 2022
>Song wasn't released until well over a year later
Selen was sick of them fucking her around and refused to stop them from releasing the song/mv for Christmas for her fans.
A project she paid for out of her own pockets instead of company funds.

How the fuck did it take over a year to get permissions etc

>> No.68919602

She gave them the video for approval a day before posting it.
The problem was that the video contained Mysta and Nina, both ex-members of the company. Because of that they asked for more time to approve it, but she posted it anyway.
Anybody saying "a year" is missing this point entirely. Nobody ever said anything about her warning the management about the content of the scenes in the video beforehand.

>> No.68919641

2 possibilities guys... she is victim, or the rushia of niji.... I bought her sob story, but so many people today revealed different takes...

>> No.68919662

Not going to argue that she isn't menhera, she admits it herself. Even if that did disqualify everything she said you can't argue with the fact that she has been going out of her way to not stir shit and just move on with her life while Anycolor can't let it fucking go and is acting actively maliciously towards her.
This is some King Solomon shit, go with the one that doesn't want to saw the baby in half.

>> No.68919689

>Selen will be shown to be justified
selen will absolutely lose the lawsuit and she'll come back crying

>> No.68919697

The Mercy cosplayer?

>> No.68919754

I don't believe Niji at all given their recent behavior

>> No.68919762

She's not the Rushia of NijiEN, because Rushia's termination was handled quickly and professionally. Anything she might have done pales in comparison to the sheer malice that Niji have treated her with since then. She's gotta go? Okay, she's already agreed, you can both fuck off out of each others' business.

>> No.68919782
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How are people still defending this black company?

>> No.68919803

She said it many time that the video will has every member of NijisanjiEN in it. Why didn't the management tell her that no graduated member allowed before that then ? They approved the fucking project project

>> No.68919822

What did Selen lie about?

>> No.68919826

My guess is that she convinced herself that she was being bullied, but it is just not be true, to my and other people's terms of what bullying is.
Then check the logs in the Elira video. There's an image showing the timestamps and the management response. Unless you also believe that they are doctored.

>> No.68919839

You're not wrong girls who try to suicide are batshit crazy and need to be cut off, especially in an environment like japan where mental health isn't taken seriously

>> No.68919861

go to bed sister

>> No.68919875

op forgot:
>pic not related

>> No.68919901

>they have absolutely no proof of anything
The statement made by Elira and co is proof enough for me.

>> No.68919904

Fuck off Elira, go cry to Enna and Millie.

>> No.68919916

im gonna laugh at every dookie bird defender when she ends up being worse than Rushia

>> No.68919936

They didn't say no to have them on the video. They only asked for more time. But she didn't listen and posted the video anyway.

>> No.68919950

2 more weeks, right?

>> No.68919978

If she was able to follow directions her music vid would have been approved.

>> No.68919986

Management had over a year to approve the video's content during its production.

>> No.68920008

>no proof
Ya, I'm sure that Elira & others definitely wanted to post a black screen video running Niji defense completely on her own volition lmao

>> No.68920012

go find a lawyer Enna, time is running out.

>> No.68920023
File: 7 KB, 290x174, 123918237129837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are fucking delusional if you think this case is the same as Rushia's case

>> No.68920068

In Canada, your boss can't fire you for blatantly doing the opposite of your job then publicly shutting on your manager after? I knew Canada was shit but not this shit

>> No.68920086

>gets accused of a ton of shit you know you didn't do
>make an emotional video about it, with support of others
>can't disclose what is the shit you've been accused of
>people online say the video you made is proof you're evil

>> No.68920108

>the video contained Mysta and Nina
Nina graduated in July, Mysta in August. They had 5 months to get approval from Nina and 4 from Mysta. This isn't hard to understand.

>> No.68920130

Goal post mover of the month.

>> No.68920133

You're about to learn about duress and it's role in the legal process.
Have fun

>> No.68920144

i know this is kind of a no-no thing to think about but i do want someone to actually kill themselves over this.

not Selen, but one of them. just one of them going over the edge is gonna sink the entire yacht. at this point it's really just what hasn't happened yet.

>> No.68920161

you had to post this picture and now i have to cum

>> No.68920179

I don't know why everybody is so fucking caught up with whether or not the MV was allowed.

It doesn't fucking matter.
The issues are:
>Nijisanji trying to character assassinate their own employee as they fire her
>Firing their employee through public notice when she said she wanted an amicable seperation
>All but confirming there was bullying occuring and no action was taken
>Using their other employees as mouthpieces and meat shields

>> No.68920188
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ambitious people get stifled in japanese work environments anon, I've seen it myself. One of the only good coworkers I ever had who was genuinely passionate about his job and had a ton of good ideas to improve the way we do things got bullied so hard by our department heads that he one day came to work looking liked he'd been dredged out of a swamp and told me he couldn't sleep because he had nightmares about coming to work. He then just got sick one day, went home, went AWOL for 3 months and never returned. Almost the same exact situation and he was absolutely in the right and the horrible witch who bullied him and tried to gaslight everyone into thinking he was in the wrong was awful at her job and should have been fired years ago.
I'm on doki's side here even if she technically broke the rules or was mentally ill, they made her that way.

>> No.68920206

ok Elira.

>> No.68920219

Show me where she gave them the video a full year before posting it.
Or where she warned them that she'd have ex-livers on the video.
Have in mind that a full year before, they were still in the company. (or am I getting my dates wrong?)

>> No.68920236

This. The MV fiasco was just the canary for the public

>> No.68920246

Selen's claims are that she was the victim of a pattern of bullying. Reread the OP and tell me if there's any bullying there. Should tell you who's telling the truth pretty fast

>> No.68920256

She should try to kill herself again but more effort into it this time

>> No.68920270

Project was planned for over a year to release on christmas, selen sent the video to management at 8am of dec 24th, got the "oh actually we need confirmation that we can use our on IP on the video so sorry, tee-hee" on 9 pm of december 25th. Surely she is at fault right?

>> No.68920292

>gets accused of a ton of shit you know you didn't do
We had no hard confirmation on who was involved here until today.

>> No.68920326

There was a bitch in my highschool who suicidebaited. All her friends got tired of her bullshit eventually.

>> No.68920361

Riku won't have sex with you, you can stop defending him tooth and nail

>> No.68920369

NTA but if your case is 'Management did nothing wrong but they also had no idea what the person who they are supposed to be managing was doing for a full year' that doesn't make Niji look good

>> No.68920388

>Then check the logs in the Elira video.
NTA but the Elira video contained a lot of unverifiable and frankly unbelievable claims, such as "we were always friendly and never had fights" and "everyone was always given the chance to participate in every event."

>> No.68920411

I didn't know Selen wasn't being retarded out of her own free will. I wonder who pressured her into deliberately going against the orders of her manager then publicly throwing dirt on the company's already shit reputation after they do their job and private the video. What a mystery

>> No.68920418

cool anon, nobody cares, kill yourself

>> No.68920440

don't you have p*lestinian children to bomb or something?

>> No.68920460

For sending it on the 24th and expect that nothing could go wrong? Massive retard.
I'm talking about Elira's video from today, you retard. Or didn't you even watch it?

That has nothing to do with the SINGLE IMAGE they showed on the entire video that was logs containing the timestamps of messages between Selen and the management. And shouldn't undermine its validity. Holy shit, get a grip.

>> No.68920502

Management conveniently cut that out to slander her to make it look like it was a last minute request.

>> No.68920508
File: 206 KB, 1200x835, 1687572868504274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Enna is so evil then why do I want to fuck her so hard?
Checkmate, doki's days are numbered.

>> No.68920518


>> No.68920522

selen next time use a sturdier rope i believe in you

>> No.68920542

I don’t think ending up in the hospital is baiting.

>> No.68920571

>Nobody ever said anything about her warning the management about the content of the scenes
She shouldn't have to "warn management" about the content. The managers should be actively engaged in the production.

>> No.68920573

Where did Selen say that she warned management of the ex-Livers in the video?
When was this warning?

>> No.68920578

i can save her

>> No.68920585

You will never be invited onto the yacht.

>> No.68920589

That can all be true and Nijisanji can still be retarded for handling this the way they are.

>> No.68920593

because evil girls are hot?
checkmate earlwet.

>> No.68920604

Crazy/Evil = Hot
You know this.
Lol its a woman
She probably ate like 4 sleeping pills and 3 gummy vitamins and then napped for 2 days waking up with a sore throat

>> No.68920629

Poor nijisanji, who would be so wicked as to do something like that to them

>> No.68920634

You haven't seen a genuine crazy bitch then. I envy you really.

>> No.68920688

Damn Elira. Do you really?

>> No.68920692

Where is your proof she didn't?
Do you think she just started a project over a year ago, got all the permissions herself and all the art herself without talking to manager once about it until she already uploaded it?

>> No.68920691

Yet it is supported by a big part of NijiEN, even if you don't count those just retweeting. Vs Selen's words. You just blindly pick who you want to believe because Niji = bad.

>> No.68920702

I do find it funny Doki stopped streaming less than 30 minutes in to jump on Twitter and start arguing about her former company. If that doesn't scream batshit crazy I don't know what does.

>> No.68920703

All woman are insane. I believe the Mehera over Niji who at the very least is clearly peak retarded

>> No.68920706

Was something revealed in the past few days?

>> No.68920715
File: 374 KB, 1077x1400, Screenshot_20240211_153147_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manic episodes

NDFbro...if you want the menhera rrat to stick, you're going to need to at least get the diagnosis right.

>> No.68920769

Imagine Niji's response if Selen had actually done it. They would have had a big pity party full of donos, maybe a charity dono stream, and probably absorb most dragoons into the other talents. All eyes would be on Niji and the sympathy they received would carry on for a long time, for example they could have gotten bigger donos on the anniversary of Selen's death. It's a very disgusting situation all around. I'm not saying they were intending to drive her to suicide, but Selen makes it seem like they were repeatedly terrible to her behind the scenes. Not sure if that's just jealousy due to being in a coed environment or not, but from the Elira video, I'm leaning more towards Selen.

>> No.68920806

Have you ever worked for a company in your life? It doesn't work that way. The managers aren't your parents. You warn them before you do your shit, and if they said OK and shit happens, it's their fault.

If what you said is to be expected and wasn't the case, then Selen is to be expected that the management sucks and that she has to warn them of shit instead of assuming that they're already aware, and it's her fault for not warning them.

>wants me to prove a negative
Grow up, imbecile.

>> No.68920814

> I believe the Mehera
And call others retarded, get a grip.

>> No.68920841

>victim mentality retard
Yeah, I hope Elira attempts suicide too. Maybe it will work just like Selen did

>> No.68920859


>> No.68920898

>Have you ever worked for a company in your life? It doesn't work that way. The managers aren't your parents.

It 100% works that way, and you are accountable for the actions of all of your personnel.

>> No.68920935

As a manager, sometimes you have colleagues that are batshit crazy in a way that helps them pull 10x their weight

It's your job to treat them like the precious fragile creatures they are and insulate them from having to deal with regular concerns like "company policy." Figure out how to give the appearance of everything running smoothly while letting them get on with it.

When they fuck up bad enough that you can no longer protect them from getting fired you break contact and never ever let anyone talk about it publicly

>> No.68921002

kys nijiclique, she was willing to let this shit go. it's not her fault you're a bunch of self incriminating faggots desperate to suck riku's cock for quick cash

>> No.68921011

I thought you guys were exaggerating about the "NDF" but threads like this definitely make it seem as bad as described

>> No.68921083

>That has nothing to do with
Yes I know. I was giving a general interpretation of the context, not only the image. Remember, the context also includes the accusation of bullying, it's not only about the MV.

>> No.68921091

>warns employee that they have to warn you of shit
>employee warns you at the last moment
>tells them they need to wait for extra approval
>they do the shit anyway without your approval
You know she posted the video without permission. There's no discussion on this. How is this not a fault of hers?

>> No.68921115

What's funnier still is the fact that they've went on stream proving that they've been /here/ before
You could be talking to Elira, Enna, or Millie right now!

>> No.68921195

>Elira is seething out of her skin right now because I called her a nigger faggot

>> No.68921208

Managers/Supervisors are accountable for the mistakes and failures of their personnel.
That's how it works.

>> No.68921212

>ghost your top earner for 37 hours and Christmas isn't even a holiday in JP
>competent management

>> No.68921215

not really. they had a year to do that yet nothing came of it

>> No.68921242

the nyfco totally not corpococksuckers defense squad are at it again

>> No.68921269

>management is run by assholes who dont do their job and show favoritism to certain livers
>its her fault for not following the directives
your brain is made of shit

>> No.68921282

>she was willing to let this shit go
She was/is fucking suing them. Doesn't sound like letting go.

>> No.68921426

Have you ever had a job? That's how shit works in real live. Management could be the worst scumbag morons on Earth, you either follow the rules or gtfo.

>> No.68921504

chinese yumejo army (doing it for free)

>> No.68921524

>if they said OK and shit happens, it's their fault.
That's what I understand the events to be, yes.

>> No.68921580

>Have you ever had a job?
Where do you think we are?

>> No.68921589

This, sending a letter via her attorney with the real names and addresses of the livers sounds like she's going to war.

>> No.68921608

>Vs Selen's words.
Let's not forget the other Nijis who have recently graduated. Oh wait, there's quite a list here...

>> No.68921701


>> No.68921756

Any of them mentioned bullying?

>> No.68921775

and people will STILL side with a forgive someone who went against dogshit management.

Following rules because they're rules is for retarded bootlickers.
Break shitty rules and deal with the consequences
However, Selen is shown to have made the correct choice. Look at the insane hatred Niji EN management is getting for how they've been reacting to this.
Completely unprofessional behavior from Niji.

Even thinking under the assumption that Selen is 100% in the wrong(she's not). Niji's reactions and behavior publicly has been a shit show

>> No.68921803

Not just EN either. Every single JP reincarnation I've seen talks about how shitty their time in Nijisanji was

>> No.68921861

Again, what could possibly be so damaging about including ex-livers in the MV that you characterize giving management time to check it as a "warning?"

>> No.68921952

>We need permission to feature cameos of Characters we own the rights to

>> No.68921955

the later each of these is posted the funnier it becomes

>> No.68921997
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>> No.68922001

>Look at the insane hatred Niji EN management is getting for how they've been reacting to this.
>Completely unprofessional behavior from Niji.
Twitter trannies are angry with you, you must be in the wrong. Internet is fucking done at this point.

>> No.68922026

>When they fuck up bad enough that you can no longer protect them from getting fired
I'm sorry I thought management privated the video, not Selen.

>> No.68922086

It's not about being damaging. It's about following protocol. I don't care how you feel about the issue, the fact of the matter is they needed to get permission and selen sidestepped this to meet an arbitrary deadline.

>> No.68922148

>Have you ever had a job?
Being a vtuber isn't a real job, but keep telling me how real life works lmao

>> No.68922177

Wow, a reasonable take. [Spoiler]Inb4 it's from some absolute faggot.[/spoiler]

>> No.68922254

Coco was absolutely not nice because she just loves and respects Hololive so much.
She has great respect for her co-streamers/workers.

>> No.68922294

This shitshow is what happens if you don't treat it like real job.

>> No.68922349

well anon her tweet afterwards could be considered quite damaging

>> No.68922371

The main takeaway from this is that NijiEN management knew fuck all about a project that's been in the works for a solid year by a talent they're supposed to be supervising. They really didn't know ANYTHING until a day before it's release? Incompetent doesn't even begin to describe it.

>> No.68922373

>It's about following protocol.
Yes, let's ruin Selen's big Christmas gift to her dragoons in the name of protocol. I'm sure that will go over well and make us look like the shining examples of the vtubing sphere.

>> No.68922376

>She has great respect for her co-streamers/workers
Unlike the other dragon

>> No.68922418

in this case the unrecoverable fuck up is Selen immediately tweeting about it and asking others to re-upload

she's absolutely right in her own feelings that she's wanted to get this cover done and out there for years and for whatever boring corpo reason it's been dragging on forever and she hadn't been given the support she needed to realize it

>> No.68922453

Seeing the drastic difference in tone between Elira's and Riku's message, looks like some people aren't following protocol either. Shit I wonder what the Niji precedent is for people who don't follow protocol?

Tick tock motherfuckers

>> No.68922454

Agreed, and it makes their flimsy excuse for taking it down even more suspect.

>> No.68922481

Real talk, when will Elira go 0-1 IRL?

>> No.68922493

All it shows is they didn't know about one particular part of it.

>> No.68922516

the one that was willing to leave neutrally? after the things they did to her? and they kept doubling down? coco said more shit about management during her time in holo than selen did for niji.
>EN blocks my collabs
>management keeps on rejecting my projects
but sure, keep on defending kurosanji, NDFsister

>> No.68922531

>Yes, let's ruin Selen's big Christmas gift to her dragoons in the name of protocol
Yes anon, that's exactly what they should have and did do. Why does this entitled bitch think she should be exempt from the company rules? Nobody else has had this issue and others have had retired livers show up.

>> No.68922534

>in this case the unrecoverable fuck up is
No, the management is the unrecoverable fuck up. Just look at the recent Elira video. If management approved that before it was posted, which I'm not sure of as it hasn't been 48 hours yet, it's proof that they are still as incompetent as they were last December.

>> No.68922560


>> No.68922618

>the bullies are ITT with the NDF
kill yourselves, you pieces of shits. make sure you succeed, unlike selen.

>> No.68922638

Yes, she's entitled for wanting to post an MV with other livers in it. Hot take there, anon.

>> No.68922646

They made up a new rule to deny it

>> No.68922688

>in this case the unrecoverable fuck up is Selen immediately tweeting about it and asking others to re-upload
It is. At that point selen had no future in nijisanji and everyone knew it. Everyone on /vt/ was setting up for the inevitable event of the termination. People werent even really surprised when she didnt show up to pomus graduation because they already knew.

And then niji were feeling themselves yoo hard and they missed the easiest slam dunk of their lives and scored an own-goal when they announced that selen was bullied by her coworkers and attempted suicide and they fired her while she was recovering in a hospital bed by informing her fucking emergency contact of her termination.

And now here we are.

>> No.68922697

While management did take over 36 hours to get back with approval, and needing approval to have graduated livers in the video is silly, I agree that she was definitely wrong to post the video without approval. Then tweeting for fans to reupload it is even worse

However, Nijisanji's "PR" statements regarding this matter have been comically bad, and are way worse then any of the allegations against Selen.

>> No.68922747

Same. If you're a Niji talent and siding with Niji and not supporting Selen, fuck you.

Obviously they won't get themselves fired, but Selen would 100% know if you were privately on her side

>> No.68922763

Yeah and it's apparently the one part that needed checks and permissions that take more than a day to get back on. Again, incompetent doesn't even begin to describe it.

>> No.68922791

She's entitled for thinking the rules don't apply to her, yes.
They made a new rule so this can't happen again, not to retroactively justify something they don't need to justify.

>> No.68922843

>However, Nijisanji's "PR" statements regarding this matter have been comically bad, and are way worse then any of the allegations against Selen.
And this sums up the xtwitter drama culture perfectly. No matter who's actually in the wrong, just appease the troons.

>> No.68922860

oh totally, management is the ultimate problem, but her asking people to other reupload it was the one thing any line manager wasn't gonna be able to insulate her from consequences coming from further up the chain

>> No.68922904

Selen was in the wrong for willfully disobeying management's instructions, regardless of how much Niji EN screwed her over by not paying Selen's commissoned artists and contractors.

However, whichever sheep wrote this shill is the immature one who has never worked in a shit corpo. Management can always screw over employees by making up rules that don't apply to everyone and arbitrarily pulling protocol at the company's convenience.

>> No.68922948

>She's entitled for thinking the rules don't apply to her, yes.
I'm sorry did you forget about the part where management had MONTHS to figure out what was in the video? These retarded rules wouldn't even be an issue had they been keeping an eye on the production. You know, just a simple message here and there asking her how it's going, say, once a month. What are they even doing all day?

>> No.68923045

Asking others to reup it wasn't the best idea but considering the allegations of bullying, maybe it was a smart move.

>> No.68923082

Where's the rule that says they have to publicly throw someone who gets fired under the bus with a 3 pages rap sheet?
Ultimately, this PR nightmare is niji's own fault.

>> No.68923113

Really? They had months to figure out what was in the video they got sent on christmas eve?
Selen had months to tell them what was in it.
>just a simple message here and there asking her how it's going, say, once a month
Your proof this didn't happen? You don't know shit, all we have is a snippet and hearsay.

>> No.68923115

Why are you so sure they didn't? Those cameos are not integral part of the video, good chance Selen wouldn't mention them no matter how often she was asked "how it's going".

>> No.68923167

She knew it wasn't about protocol or perms.
She was fully aware it was never going to be reuploaded. It was either do that or let the project for her fans and all the time and money she spent on it go to waste.

>> No.68923241

>Ultimately, this PR nightmare is niji's own fault.
That's undeniable. JP corpo didn't account for westoid drama faggots, what a surprise.

>> No.68923306

Imagine thinking that made-up rules that don't exist don't apply. Couldn't be me

>> No.68923341

No, that's only how it works in corporate slavery. You can also file complaints to higher management or HR if it gets bad enough. I'm sure higher management won't be happy to hear that you can't do your job cause your manager can't even reply in 24 hours.

>> No.68923374

>Your proof this didn't happen?
Why are you asking me for proof? Ask Niji to be more transparent about the timeline of their interactions with Selen regarding the video.

>> No.68923392

Imagine anything your boss directly tells you doesn't apply. And keeping the job.

>> No.68923409

Well, clearly they haven't learned with today's shitshow.

>> No.68923428

>Nijinigs are still trying

It's just sad at this point, my son. Take the L.

>> No.68923438

>Those cameos are not integral part of the video, good chance Selen wouldn't mention them
Your proof this didn't happen?

>> No.68923439

Yes, nina

>> No.68923474

>straight up said she was a nutjob
And yet somehow she's still better than her coworkers

>> No.68923481


>> No.68923539

Imagine having a shit boss who arbitrarily enforces rules against you but not your coworkers, and who doesn't allow you to celebrate finishing a project that you spent a lot of time and money on and your fans are eager for.

>> No.68923547

It doesn't really look like they had months. Unless she posts a screenshot that contradicts the one posted today, it looks like she did what the termination notice said (something I actually didn't believe) and uploaded the cover for approval then was told to wait and within 24 hours said
>Fuck it
Then was shocked when it got removed.

There are legitimate complaints I have about management and their treatment of obsydia and Selen in general but I can't say I find them guilty in this instance. It's Japanese company bullshit. They see one thing that they're unsure about and delay things for forever. Bae got to experience this with Mind craft where permissions fuckery delayed it like 2 months past when she wanted to upload it.

>> No.68923551

Your proof it did? We both don't know shit, you just choose to believe menhera woman over simple logic.

>> No.68923553

Stage 4 copium addiction is no joke, my boy. There are hotlines you should consult.

>> No.68923646

i honestly don't fucking understand this eastern mindset. they don't value creativity? they prefer if their oshis are just puppets? coco, ame, la creatividads in general are hated? WTF

>> No.68923647

>It doesn't really look like they had months.
Do you think a whole video just falls from the sky on Christmas eve? We know it's been in work for months because it has been communicated like that.

>> No.68923661

>drove an employee to commit suicide
Yeah unfortunate that the news made it out of Japan. If it hadn't, they could have swept it under the rug with a broom made out of glorious 1000x folded Nippon steel.

>> No.68923680

The rule was other ex-livers appeared in the video. It's like a big fuck you to Selen and they waited so long to tell her too. How fucking stupid is management to private a video just because it contains ex-livers. It's insane.

>> No.68923770

isn't corpo suicide rate pretty high in the 1st world?

>> No.68923846

You don't understand it anon, santa claus delivered it too late so poor niji management couldn't get the perms on time

>> No.68923935

>It's insane
It's not. It is JP corpo autism. The manager is not sure it is ok, needs to confirm with his superiors, those need to confirm with theirs. That's how they operate, nothing new. Cover does the same, just Holo girls have a lot more to lose so they mostly stay quiet.

>> No.68923937

We know she sent it on christmas eve because we have the exchange showing so, yes.

>> No.68923985
File: 10 KB, 211x244, RetardRegister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please learn to read.

>> No.68923992

I hope Elira, Millie, and Enna stay in Nijisanji forever.

>> No.68924032

Proof of one event is not proof that events prior didn't occur.

If that was genuinely the first time management had seen the video, they are beyond incompetent to have had no idea what their talent was doing for over a year.

>> No.68924039

Classic Doki defenders.
Don't actually argue how she did nothing wrong, just call anyone who defends Niji a faggot

>> No.68924064

Here's how it went
>Selen finds composer and producers
>Selen records song
>They touch up Selens vocals
>Selen commissions a bunch of artists
>Selen has artists get approval from management to work with her
>Selen commissions someone to create an MV using the art
>MV gets done
>Selen sends it in for approval after receiving it

Management doesn't really have anything to do with the MV process. That's all up to the individuals themselves. It's possible that not every single piece of art used in the MV was screened before it was included in the MV. It kinda seems like it was in fact not screened before the MV, until proven otherwise, this particular instance seems like Selen was the guilty party.

>> No.68924065

Niji is Amber in this case.

>> No.68924075

Do it if you won't get anybody else in trouble because of bullshit copyrights, etc.
It's so funny how they need permissions to play fucking games, but that's what you get for working in corpo. Fucking Capcom.

>> No.68924107

If you fuck her she can't femcel bait anymore and that would ruin her brand

>> No.68924176

They'll stay in Nijisanji for as long as it lives.

>> No.68924194

Time will tell, twitter crowd shit on Depp first as well.

>> No.68924216

There is no proof they knew beforehand and no proof they didn't know, you can't assume either way. Calling management incompetent does not absolve selen of wrongdoing either.

>> No.68924225

Its not an eastern thing, its a 'corpo defender' thing. People who enjoy creativiy and dislike conformity do not tend to be fans of nijisanji JP.

>> No.68924266

Thing is, the stated reason are permissions for the likenesses of ex-livers... from the same company. There is literally no financial liability involved beyond the fabrege ego of a powertripping fuckwad in the management line, and it makes a lot more sense when you look at how hard they're trying to bury her reputation.

>> No.68924268

If management's only contribution to the project was a rubber stamp what the fuck are they even there for? You're arguing it's ok that they're incompetent because managers are supposed to be incompetent

>> No.68924288

All I hear is "needs correction".

>> No.68924309

>They don't value creativity?
>They prefer puppets

If you think about it, from an early age in Japan you're reinforced with the idea of
>Don't stand out no matter what
You're supposed to dress like the others, you're supposed to sound and talk like the others and creativity isn't good, routine and traditions are good.
Those who stand out are told to fall back in line and straighten up. Jobs that actually work with creative people are some of the lower paying jobs in Japan

>> No.68924315

>Management doesn't really have anything to do with the MV process.
Lmao, you're assuming Selen didn't notify management of the project that entire time just for your argument to work. Cause if she did, then any half-decent manager would've asked for a draft or the general idea of the project to check on things.
But she announced her project publically before, so management should've known about it at that point by the latest even if Selen is so dumb to not tell them.

>> No.68924331

Because you have a thing for evil Chinese women

>> No.68924385

>it's ok because other people commit suicide too
Do corpocucks really?

>> No.68924409

Fuck off Millielirenna.

>> No.68924412

Do you know that nijisanji has exclusive rights to the models? I know some JPs were involved in their own design process.
Do you think they should keep showing them in videos without acquiring consent even if they do?

None of this is relevant to the fact she was told to wait anyway, it's just an excuse to change the subject away from Selen doing something she was specifically told not to do.

>> No.68924421

There is proof they knew that an MV was being worked on given they had recieved permission from lilipichu about permissions in August.

If management is that sheerly incompetent then Selen is absolved of any wrongdoing. Selen's primary objective is to please her fans. Management's primary objective is to support Selen. Selen did her part. Management did not do theirs.

>> No.68924453

shes starting to reveal her mikeneko nature. i dont really hate such a "problematic" vtuber. she doesnt seem to be menhera but looks like an absolutely spoiled child with no social experience. pomu definitely had and knew social manners, so she graduated not bothering anyone as much as possible but she is really like a nerdy rich girl endlessly funded by her parents.

>> No.68924461

And that's what's getting people confused. They may have their own reasons. Maybe they actually don't want to show anybody retired? Like "hey who's that liver? Let me see-- oh." Or something totally different that's not all about money

>> No.68924467

I'm not arguing that it's okay for Managers to be incompetent but rather the norm. Like I said I once again have to refer to bae, who is one of my oshis and had her cover delayed for a while after she had almost everything approved. Japan works on a stupid hierarchy system where everything has to go to some supervisor one level higher than the last and it takes forever because of those reasons. It's shit but it's Japan, until people stop supporting Japanese companies, things like this are common

>> No.68924478

Wait, are you saying a normal person would just stream like nothing happened after they got smeared live during Elira's most viewed stream?

>> No.68924493

You raise a good point, Selen is prime throatraping material.

>> No.68924498

To think the management would rather take the effort to skinwalk their entire EN line to market a hitpiece than to respond to their talent in under 37 hours

>> No.68924508

A rubber stamp that they wouldn't give her solely because they weren't sure if it was ok to include ex-livers. That or they wanted her to have a bad day for their own amusement. I'm not really sure which one is real.

>> No.68924522

I honestly can't tell why she gets a free pass for all this shit. Oh I'm so sad, as an adult woman I can't handle any stress or confrontation, guess I'll just die! JK, buy my merch as I throw all my friends under the bus, you fuckin simps! HAHAHA!

And most of you clowns are slapping this shit up.

>> No.68924577

Proof they knew an MV was being made is not proof they knew all of the contents of the MV.

>> No.68924590

>It's shit but it's Japan, until people stop supporting Japanese companies, things like this are common
your anti japan propaganda is genuinely off topic, you dumb political grifter. go back to r3ddit

>> No.68924612

She never threw her friends under the bus. That was niji.

>> No.68924621

NTA, what's the likelihood of financial damage from showing ex-livers in a music video, in your opinion?

>> No.68924637

>it's ok for management to be hands off do it yourself

>> No.68924643

I've hated Enna since she debuted, but ironically Selen is such a pathetic grifter shitshow that she has forced me to be Team Enna. So I hate both of them even more now.

>> No.68924672

I'm assuming she notified them that she was making an MV featuring nijisanji livers and artists who have worked with her in the past. I'm assuming she got them all to sign NDAs and etc etc but did not run every single last piece of art past management asking for approval for each and every single piece of art. Judging by the fact that the manager only seemed to know about graduated members being included in it after the project was fully completed, I'm guessing she didn't tell them
>Hey I'm including people who have left the company in it
Because she herself actually wasn't aware. The artist who drew the ending slide didn't even ask Selen about the idea. She said she just found the idea fitting and as a "looking back on fond memories" type of thing. Selen included it

>> No.68924706

True. Doesn't mean they aren't still in the wrong for how they managed the situation afterwards and beforehand, tho.
More than half a dozen of talents fleeing the company, Pomu's breakdown in a member stream and Scarle recently liking a "kurosanji" tweet tell quite a different story than a poor ethical company being bullied by a menhera employee.
Was she still wrong in venting out against them this way? Sure. But putting it in the context of everything else, I don't feel like blaming her for that.

>> No.68924709

And until today, she was willing to let everything go with the public perception that they were friends.

>Niji and Elira: whoopsie!

>> No.68924728

>management was doing their job, they were just half-assed about it
Wow, I've truly seen the light. NijiEN management is even shitter than I thought

>> No.68924742

Elira just came out and said she threw them under the bus today.

>> No.68924747

Irrelevant, the only thing that matters is that they needed to acquire permission first. Selen couldn't wait because she thinks she's special and the rules shouldn't apply to her. Stop trying to make excuses.

>> No.68924755

Not even that, she literally had her lawyer sent a letter with the real names and addresses of the livers on it in order to intimidate and get compensation from Anycolor. Of course Anycolor's response was shit with the vid on Elira's channel, but that was in response to Selen's letter, so it was obvious she didn't want to drop anything. More likely than not, Selen wanted compensation, or hush money or else she'll reveal everyone's identity through the lawsuit since everything is open records.

>> No.68924776

It's genuinely not. It is how Japanese companies operate. Everything takes approval and sometimes approval can range from days to even years. Kiara at one point mentioned that one of her ideas took a full year to get approved by management.
Managers are incompetent and drag their heels at every opportunity. It's the same literally everywhere

>> No.68924819

If they were aware that an MV was being made, they should have absolutely been regularly checking for updates, proactively supporting her by asking her if she needs anything, etc. There really shouldn't have been anything that needed permissions 24 hours before uploading
It is managements job, not Selen's, to check on her progress. That's what managers do. I'm reminded of the story Gura told about her manager and her at some sort of event and her manager was fetching her water, sandwiches and asking about her wellbeing proactively. Not waiting for Gura to complain of hunger, being thirsty, etc.

>> No.68924827

She didn't tell them cause she thought it wasn't an issue. And management didn't inquire about it cause they're incompetent wankers that do fuckall all day.

>> No.68924861

>Irrelevant, the only thing that matters is that they needed to acquire permission first.
Isn't the point of getting permission to protect yourself from legal consequences? The consequences are very relevant, it's why the video was denied in the first place.

>> No.68924874

Not her problem?

>> No.68924884

she's been trying to blackmail them from the start, in the termination announcement it even said Selen was saying "do what I want, or else"

>> No.68924899

And what exactly is management's excuse for not giving or denying perms during the WHOLE 1 YEAR that the MV was being worked on? Too busy tonguing Riku's ass?

>> No.68924908

kys millennira

>> No.68924914

Of course a legal letter is going to have their real names and addresses on it, you expect the lawyer to address it to anime girl #58 or some shit? Are you mental?

>> No.68924921

ok Vox. Now go back to doing parasocial ASMRs

>> No.68924958


>> No.68924973

Are you ESL or do you not understand what throwing someone under the bus means?

Niji is the one who publicly implicated their talents in bullying. Then they did it again in the Elira video. Doki never insinuated it was the other talents even when Niji said it first.

>> No.68924995

Stop trying to boil this down to "Selen wouldn't follow the rules so she's the one who's wrong."

>> No.68925002

I don't disagree with that. Their handling of the situation was disasterous and caused the CEO himself to publicly apologize, something I've never seen before.
I don't blame her for being frustrated and I dont think there's such a thing as a "good corporation" but in this case I can say that until proven otherwise, Selen was in the wrong here. Sucks honestly because I had money on them lying about the whole
>She only gave us a day
Shit but turns out I'm wrong

>> No.68925052

Someone needs to tell niji the last thing you do when you're getting sued is go full retard with public statements regarding the case.

>> No.68925062

She probably didn't think it was an issue you're right and management are incompetent wankers but it does look like her manager at least was trying to do his job.

>> No.68925070

>the real names and addresses
Genuine question, where the fuck did she get their real addresses?

>> No.68925092

Maybe they did maybe they didn't. Maybe Selen didn't mention the retirees showing up because she didn't think it was important, we just don't know. It is Selen's job to thoroughly explain the contents because the managers aren't the ones making it. They will only know as much as she tells them beforehand.

>> No.68925107

Off collab
Sending gifts

>> No.68925111

Wtf what do you mean you have to use people's legal names and I can't address a court summons to Elira Pendora?

>> No.68925124

Elira, when is the next stream?

>> No.68925125

The thing is it really doesn't matter anymore.
This is the same situtation as it was with Rushia if everything Selen claims is wrong and everything Niji claims is true.
The problem is that Niji fucked up their PR.
Hololive simply fired Rushia due to breaking NDA and everything from there on out is handled in private and will never be disclosed to the public.
Meanwhile Niji adresses the issues poorly in an attempt to save face only for it to backfire and then continue to make it worse.
Selen gave them the chance to handle this in private but instead they try to defame her. This makes them look guilty, spiteful and untrustworthy.

>> No.68925129

That shit is public information, especially to a legal office.

>> No.68925142
File: 850 KB, 2000x2837, 1685122681958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won btw

>> No.68925160

thats not a vtuber topic, you anti japan ideologue. you can blame a company and criticise japanese culture, but propagate it is just means you try to politicise the topic or vtubers. fuck off back to redd1t.

>> No.68925178

To be fair managers do that at conventions for Niji too.
In fact Selen herself talked about making her manager go shopping with her and hang out with her during NijiFes. She talked about how she was provided money from management as well as food and etc.

I don't think management has a very hands on approach with mvs and covers though. They're just there to give rubber stamps. I don't think it's much different in HoloEn. Holo JP seems to be a bit different but I wouldn't be surprised if nijiJp was different too

>> No.68925221

Holy shit
What if it was Anycolor's own legal team that filled in their livers' address field on the document and Elira's clique misunderstood that for Selen doxxing them?

>> No.68925227

of course she did, she's the one making complaints and starting all this drama in the first place. now she's trying to get them in legal trouble for it too, like a fucking narc in middle school. it's pitiful

>> No.68925247

How big a chance it is doesn't matter, what matters is covering their tracks.

>> No.68925274
File: 86 KB, 339x176, 1691357126590576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't feel as good repeating the exact same situation as Zaion just with everyone on the other side this time, does it? Even getting her former colleagues to try and shit on her is backfiring this time.

>> No.68925283

Then how the fuck is a billion-dollar company acting more menhera than this bitch?

>> No.68925292

Yes Selen did do wrong, it’s just NijiEn has done more wrong.

>> No.68925321

>She's the one making complaints
My brother in Christ she literally didn't say ANYTHING until after they made the termination notice...

>> No.68925323

I'd believe it, but then again we have accounts from people who worked with Niji saying that they can't even get your name on a fucking NDA right

>> No.68925338

>bitching about 'narcing in middle school'
Lmao is this actually Elira?

>> No.68925362

>she's the one making complaints

>> No.68925366

i don't think selen could do anything worse than nijisanji at this point desu. the fact is that even if selen fucked up and everything about her is true, nijisanji is a whole ass corporation that's acting like a goddamn child trying to come out on top of this by preemptively throwing the first strike. they should have just shut up and let her go quietly. a toxic employee is one thing, but when a whole company manages to make themselves look bad, that's a whole other level of incompetence. there are so many people that had to go "yup, this definitely will help our PR" for things to even get to this point.

selen broke her contract and termination was justified, sure. but nothing nijisanji has done since then has been warranted EXCEPT tazumi's statement, the only thing that was not a complete PR disaster.

>> No.68925374

The don't even all live in the same country, I really doubt it is.

>> No.68925385

Yes I will blame Japanese companies for being autistic and generally miserable to work for for extended periods of time due to the constant rules and hierarchies that you have to obey. The constant delays and slow process of getting anything done because "tradition" is more important than progress.
This is why I don't care for anycolor or cover, the two largest vtubing corporations.

I hate the idea of permission bullshit and if Selen were in a company like vshojo to begin with, she honestly wouldn't be dealing with any of what's happening right now. What's happening right now is solely because Japan is autistic about everything

>> No.68925419

I'm sorry. NijiEN is that stupid. Only NijiJP can prepare a statement that understand the delicate culture of english speakers.

>> No.68925494

Do you think they just go by their anime girl aliases during offline collabs?

>> No.68925498

You mean when he was reminded that he actually has to work for his job, cause he sure wasn't trying before she sent her that. And arguably not after she sent it.

>> No.68925524

>they should have just shut up and let her go quietly
Wish Cover did this with Mel. Not deflecting, just sad, it's a valid point.

>> No.68925527

Unless she flat out publishes the dox of different livers and starts releasing the audio recordings she allegedly did without consent, I'd say you're correct.

Tazumis statement was all that was needed tonight but I'll be interested in what the future holds for either. It does sound like lawsuits are about to start flying and I'm not sure honestly if either party are in the right

>> No.68925545

The funniest part is more people are flipping sides on the Zaion issue.
She's been getting more support because of this fiasco

>> No.68925550

Elira please, all your clique had to do was to NOT make this retarded video because you're obsessed with having the last word and bygones would've been bygones

>> No.68925592

I was asking about addresses

>> No.68925600

Kill yourself Elira

>> No.68925612

She's a fucking sore loser too who goes full retard the moment she doesn't get her way, and always goes "it's not my faaaault". So much for the HAHA dragon

>> No.68925621

lmao is this really Enna?

>> No.68925669

Selen taking her to court is not bygones being bygones.

>> No.68925695

They are talking to the investors, not to the public or their idols' fans. Very Japanese, completely devoid of humanity. When choppily translated to English, it shows even more devoid of any resemblance of humanity.

>> No.68925773

If Niji had allowed her to part amicably instead of trying to nuke her reputation publicly, then there would be no case.

>> No.68925791

They might not. It's not exactly clear what the information was for, but any addresses would likely be included in a specific context (such as if Selen was visiting someone).

>> No.68925810

>Selen taking her to court
Where has this ever been said? We don't even know if she takes Anycolor to court (which she should at this point). Taking individual livers to court doesn't even make sense.

>> No.68925887

I'm pretty sure Selen implied that she would be taking anycolor to court over the bullying incident

>> No.68925888

she complained TO THEM not to the public

>> No.68925982

What's your point here anon?

>> No.68926060

Did she? I haven't heard anything like that yet. But at this point her lawyer would probably pleading to her about it with it being such a slamdunk case. Don't even need to search for evidence, Anycolor is just providing it on a silver plate.

>> No.68926206

And? It's not like said court case would even make the news beyond /vt/schizodom. Hell Elira wasn't even in the firing line until she in her infinite wisdom decided to go public with her and the clique being litigated. Now this shit will follow them and their identities wherever they go. Was that a win?

>> No.68926257

Nijinigger defense force ACTIVATE!

>> No.68926432
File: 10 KB, 228x221, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys what if, Elira volunteered to be the meat shield because kurosanji will force another liver to do it, so she's just saving her friends knowing she'll be targeted for hate and shit...

>> No.68926724

Okay manager-san

>> No.68926738

I don't see how gender is related here, people are shitting on Elira

>> No.68926955

>somehow people think she's innocent and not in need of a psych ward and straight jacket
95% of those are just holokeks who jumped on this situation to attack Niji. They never watched Selen before.

>> No.68927131

I really wouldn't guarantee that.
Full disclosure, im not a lawyer and support Doki but if she was recording people like vox without his knowledge or consent that's an interesting case because in the UK where he's from that's illegal but in Canada it's not.
It also really depends on if the messages sent to her can be construed as harassment/bullying. If what was said on stream tonight is true and they were trying to understand why the cover was privated, it's likely they weren't harassing her.
Information regarding their addresses also likely had to be shared with talents because they're likely now involved in the suit itself, I'm not sure you can legally withhold information about why you're going to be a part of a lawsuit. From dokis tweets it also doesn't seem like her medical history was shared just that she was in the hospital for an attempted suicide, something she herself made public.
If what anycolor said is true and talents were only able to see parts that they had to see and were under no legal obligations to stay silent about it, I don't really know if she's got a slam dunk case.

I'll try to ask some lawyers about it tomorrow if I can and get their opinions but it's also tricky which country this lawsuit is even going to fall under.

>> No.68927543

>that's an interesting case because in the UK where he's from that's illegal but in Canada it's not.

It's not. Doki is in the clear. This type of thing has gone to court so many times and it's settled that as long as the person who was recording was in a single party consent state, it does not matter about the other party.
