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68867576 No.68867576 [Reply] [Original]

Vox is the bully confirmed

>> No.68869341

never watched vox,
but I disagree, just a useful idiot who doesn’t understand why management doesn’t want to scare off the golden goose.
I can understand how both the non-consensual recording & doki’s warheads for nijien could break their friendship though

>> No.68871097

Vox is just chilling watching the mayhem. He knows is safe regardless what happens

>> No.68872310

I imagine Vox did actually feel betrayed by Selen recording him to prove that he was getting favorited by the managers. Kind of stupid to assume any coworker to coworker conversations are private.

>> No.68872829

Who wouldn't?
Girl's a psycho.

>> No.68872996

nah elira and millie are.

>> No.68873090

Hey as long as we're talking about Vox here, he got really specific about being shown confidential legal communications! So he's going to have to be extremely fucking careful about every single word he broadcasts publicly for the next several months, minimum. This would not normally be a problem, but his entire job is to broadcast words, and he has an extremely difficult time controlling his emotions, even compared to other people in his company.

I don't know how much input he had in this, but whoever decided to have the livers themselves deliver that message is a fucking moron.

>> No.68873391

He wasn't the bully he was, friend of Selen, and the bitch recorded every single conversation with him, and is using all of that without her consent to sue NijiEN.

That's beyond scummy, no wonder Selen has BPD

>> No.68873778

Based, Selen deserved it. Secret recordings are for feds.

>> No.68874193

calm down enna

>> No.68874334

That model is so gross, what a waste of LAM art

>> No.68874384

There is no bully.

>> No.68874480

Elira, Millie, Vox were all confirmed.
Ike confirmed for useful lap dog

>> No.68874517

Le Retard De Vox Akuma

>> No.68874582

You know, I've never considered how recording consent works across international lines. Vox still lives in the UK right?

>> No.68874970

holy pajeet ndf

>> No.68875232

Vox has a fragile psychological state and is being manipulated by kurosanji

>> No.68875313


>> No.68875332

Why not on voxs channel?
why did they do elira like that?
because they didn't want vox to take the sub hit.
good one niji

>> No.68875350

The man may have just made himself libel.

>> No.68875627

Neat, so England is single party consent with strings.

>> No.68876014
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>> No.68877305

>wears a wire around her friends constantly waiting for them to give dirt on people
>is surprised when her friends don't trust her or want to speak to her anymore
So is Selen just a retarded menhera or what?
