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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 38 KB, 400x400, myqueen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68809238 No.68809238 [Reply] [Original]

My queen...I will save you

>> No.68809482

>can't save her oshi

>> No.68809824
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>> No.68809875
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>> No.68810097

Cyclist vtuber?

>> No.68810919

but you've never watched her?

>> No.68811861

She looks like a cassowary

>> No.68814639

poor vivi

>> No.68814706
File: 329 KB, 1488x2088, IMG_3593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn’t view-bot his oshi
You don’t love her

>> No.68814732

Can't feel sorry when she joined the company after the Zaion shit.

>> No.68814778

Would actually be a hilarious second costume.

>> No.68814824

shill me a good stream
I like her design and she sounds sweet and kind

>> No.68815593

Vivi plz stop the male collabs so I can watch again
I only had like 3 streams of yours to enjoy but I liked them a lot

>> No.68816269 [DELETED] 

>Luca cocksleeve

>> No.68817373


>> No.68817557

Alright I'll give her a shot. When's the next stream?

>> No.68817821

ForeverPandering is STILL a furry?

>> No.68817906

I frequently hear good things about her, but I'll never watch her as long as she's in Niji.

>> No.68818160


>> No.68818182

he hasn’t been called that in years, but yes, using his music bucks to commission furry porn

>> No.68818383

Of the 58 vods she has on her channel, only 4 of them are male collabs, two of which were obligatory full gen collabs, and one was a tournament where she didn't have much choice in her teammates.

>> No.68818705

this will never not be funny

>> No.68818878

Honestly it was nice of bonbon to come out of hiding just to help the new girl play at all.

>> No.68819160

one year after debut vivi will still be too autistic to ask girls that aren't kunai to be on her team

>> No.68820164

Firstly, there isn't enough feet art of her. Second of all I just recently finished watching her zatsu and it was comfy. I really feel bad for her. Hopefully she exits and either returns to indie status or joins some other company that isn't so shit.

>> No.68820231


Bro I fucking applied after the Zaion shit. I didn't think it was THAT bad because, probably like her, I didn't think it'd happen a-fucking-gain. Like a one off or something. Like with Hololive.

>> No.68820356

Vivi go to bed.

>> No.68820397
File: 233 KB, 406x756, 132121321332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like a one off or something
>implying its a one of thing with nijisanjis history
heres an old tweet of anycolors management talking to the cast of yumenographia after they complained on twitter about how they only found out that the service was terminated and that they were out of a job on twitter without any prior warning
shit like that has always happened in nijsanji and you were a retard who never did your history reps with them when applying

>> No.68820559

It can't be that bad when the company can't tell drama twatters to fuck off and even bitched about Deez Nuts?
Can't use your own company's songs
The "rape joke"? It wasn't even about the rape joke at all. Niji stand up to chat drama baiting over the incredibly awful name choice Niji gave Zaion. The baiter whom she tried to dodge but it still got twisted anyway by drama baiters Niji did fuckall about
They should have told retarded twatters to fuck off during the hogwarts bullying campaign.
Romhacks was literally just saying she played them way in the past not saying go do it. Stuff like Blazeblack were an experience pokemon fans should experience.
Blaming Zaion for stating the fact that Uno has severe problems is a problem with the game not her.
The FFIV account debacle was on management both for the initial fuckup and not compensating the livers for shit so she can cope with the new account. She talked about it in detail a good bit.
The entire telephone nightmare stemmed from Zaion getting hit with a refusal where the others got to use their account.
Had to pay for her own debut

At least you learned that you have a problem recognizing bad deals.

>> No.68822739
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>My oshi's left. What do I do now...

>> No.68822989

Vivi literally hates the type of people in this thread ITT
nice to know that no one watches streams and just uses her as a prop

>> No.68823095

>no one watches streams
no shit why would anyone watch nijisanji

>> No.68823149

Type of people that call her a queen or what?

>> No.68823603

Do your niji history and thinking reps vivi

>> No.68823650

NTA But what was the timeline between her firing and the auditions for the wave she debuted in? Because she most likely ignored all the red flags just to get to be with Selen and Pomu, only to have her get a taste of them in one collab and then eternally be cuckquened with Pomu's Exit and Selens firing.

>> No.68823702

people who assume they know what she's thinking and "pity" her
everyone going poor vivi :( she hates

>> No.68823711

It's okay. I love dumb woman

>> No.68823759

I'm still mad that Claude ditched her to join another team. she did not seem happy about having to go beg people to let her join

>> No.68823931

Claude is in the clique. He cares not for those that do not kneel to them

>> No.68823953

I don't do that but I do complain about males

>> No.68824566

Am I not allowed to feel bad for her because she's signed under a company that's proven to be objectively shit?

>> No.68824962

I hope the best for you, Vivi.

>> No.68824999

If you do lurk here Vi just do your best. Even if Niji is a shit show the one thing going for you is that you aren't apart of it.

>> No.68825204

You kids ever see clerks? I mean look up clips of it on tiktoc or whatever you brats use. That whole thing about about civilian contractors working on the death star applies to everyone working at niji.

>> No.68825573

So you actually gonna watch her or?

>> No.68829396


>> No.68829646

Of course you are, I think the sentiment is that she probably don't enjoy people using her to sympathy-bait

>> No.68829714

Didn't her genmate soft-graduate?

>> No.68830388

If they can't retain professionalism when firing and employee, then it doesn't matter how badly that employee fucked up. They will do it again whenever they feel like it, and as I said when the Zaion drama happened, next time it won't be so pretty. At least Cover knows how to handle their terminations properly

>> No.68831597

>we don't like how cast members are expressing their feelings. We are taking action against them
Damn. Every new piece of information I learn just makes everything worse. Wonder how low it can go

>> No.68831760
File: 77 KB, 1200x914, kevrmqrr77j41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The year is 2029, a disheartened Vivi (left) right after the great millie/enna split (or Babu Civil War as its more commonly known) in which 95% of the livers were killed or missing in action, leaving Vivi as the most senior member of NijiEn.

Accompanied by Riku Tazumi (right) after negotiating a further 1% deduction from the liver's merch sales, he is remarked as saying "Am I not merciful?" followed by screaming the same sentence and clutching her by the face.

>> No.68832680

Omegas of omegas
