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File: 19 KB, 598x170, doki dont bully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
68716897 No.68716897 [Reply] [Original]

>let’s not be bullies and harass anyone, I’ve been on that end before and don’t wish that to anyone

It's important to note what she DIDN'T say here. She didn't say
>let's not bully, they don't deserve it
>let's not bully, the other livers are innocent
She didn't say that because it's not true, by omission she's implying it actually is true, and Nijisanji already admitted it's true in the termination notice. There ARE bullies among the NijiEN livers, and their bullying was so cruel and severe it drove her to attempt suicide

>> No.68717227

OP wishes he was a 13 year old mean girl so bad

>> No.68717616

>by omission she's implying it actually is true
That's not how it works.

>> No.68717839

she didn't mention you WEREN'T a fag so by omission that means you are a fag

>> No.68718056

OP is a faggot

>> No.68718126
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It is in this case. The easiest argument against bullying is that you would be bullying someone innocent. But she didn't say that. It's like when the hero in an anime says
>I won't kill you. That would make me as evil as you
to the villain. You don't use that argument on someone who is innocent

>> No.68718199

what's the easiest argument for you not killing yourself?

>> No.68718475

Back in my day entertainers got a lot of money by making a lot of people enjoy themselves. This bullshit of getting money for guilting people into siding with your retarded suicidal ass and buying your merch is peak fatherless zoomer hours.

>> No.68718827

She also intentionally waited instead of dousing the flames immediately, hmm I wonder why she would do that...?

>> No.68719427
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I really hope you're getting an extra cut on the side for this Millie

>> No.68719519

>lets not bully anyone
I don’t owe her anything, fuck nijisanji and all of their organs too

>> No.68719539

Is this "Millie" in the room with us right now?

>> No.68719548

To blueball drama vultures.

>> No.68719592


>> No.68719649

If she's telling the truth or not, I dunno
But she definitely wanted to leave it implied

>> No.68719910

Nijisanji confirmed other livers bullied her and no they didn’t fabricate that out of thin air in an official statement because that’d be completely illegal

>> No.68720076
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the truth is that she got fired for breaking the rules repeatedly and tried to off herself after management told her she isn't coming back this time, spun it so it looked like she was bullied, and got 500k subs

>> No.68720582

you're thinking too much.

>> No.68720783

Yes anon. Everybody with a brain already know this. Why are you making a thread again?
It's Aster-"*sigh*"-Femboy's turn for shitting up the catalog.

>> No.68721087

She also didn't say that the reasons for termination listed in the notice were not true, meaning they are correct, so Anycolor was right in terminating her.

>> No.68721542

It's been like a month anon, Doki is live RIGHT now. Nobody cares anymore, you missed out on the fun.

>> No.68721754

So management sits their ass on a project for a year and a half. IT'S YOUR FAULT SELEN, GET IN LINE, WE'LL DO THIS NEXT YEAR!!

>> No.68721879

The NDF routine is to bring up old posts with a preprogrammed attack because they froze and fucked up the first time. It's to stroke their ego, but they are still fucking failures. They do this when they think no one is paying attention. Last word kind of stupid shit mentality.

>> No.68721955

The notice said management was not presented with the music video until December 24th.
On December 25th, they replied to her with items that required additional permissions.
She ignored them and released the video anyway.
Considering Doki did not say this was a lie, it's therefor given to be the truth.

>> No.68722418

>Selen wants to sing the same song she sung when she graduated from Dokibird to join Niji, heavily implying shes prepping to graduate
>Selen then goes behind management's back and creates a full video basically about graduating using everyones likeness to springboard her career out of Niji
>Nobody wants to be a part of this, all refuse being a part of the video
>Management gets pissed that Selen ignored them again (25th time)
>Privates video
>Selen tells people to reupload it
>Selen tries to kill herself because shes a BPD riddled woman
>"T-they were bullying me"

>> No.68722720

>easiest argument against bullying is that you would be bullying someone innocent
Literally all bullying is against someone innocent, unless you're just going straight vigilante justice but that's not bullying, that's just being a criminal.

>> No.68726294

>won't show any evidence
>let's not bully anyone
Confirmed fake then.

>> No.68726534
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>2 credits have been deposited in your account

>> No.68727040

>Bullies pushed me to near suicide but I have to protect them
Yeah it's very real. She can't even put out one screenshot of some no named manager.

>> No.68727776
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I kinda wanna bully Millie Pagfait, ngl.

>> No.68727795

>Asks you not to bully
>Continue to bully anyway

>> No.68728662

Keep in mind that Doki apparently sent management the "proofs" and got laughed out of the room because it was just people saying "stop fucking breaking the rules selen"

>> No.68728746
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>Doki lying as she breath
you suprised?

>> No.68729358

what you retarded ndf fail to realize is that both things can be true simultaniously, and in fact both things being true makes each one MORE likely to be true.
all you do by constantly bringing her alledged rule breaking up is constantly remind everyone
>hey guys management has a ton of reasons to hate selen's guts and want to harass and bully her out of the company and not deal with any other bullying going on!
that's all you're doing. constantly telling people they have very clear motive to abuse her.
like corpo like fan I guess, both of you can't help but try doing PR in the most retarded way possible.

>> No.68729661
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>Artists confirming NDA request was sent in august and only received the contract in January
"Official only saw the music video in December" is lying by omission. Was December the first time they saw the video? Probably true, was it the first time they heard about the project? Bullshit.

>> No.68730331

Of course they knew about the project, but they need to see and give the video a stamp of approval before release. They saw the video, there were issues with it, she ignored them and released anyway. The rule infraction is clear-cut, they were in the right to private it.

>> No.68730877

NDF faggots deserve the rope.

>> No.68731501

They were absolutely retarded to private it. No copyright issues meant no risk to the channel. Literally everything needed to be done behind the scenes. Adjust internal processes, punish, whatever. But they acted like children on a power trip, and continue to do so.

>> No.68731693
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>> No.68732089

>No copyright issues
How do you know?

>> No.68732126

cope faggot

>> No.68732133

maybe it was the fact that she commissioned every NijiEN liver into her graduation teaser music video. I'm sure some (all) of them wouldn't want to be associated with that

>> No.68732294

Because copyright owners came forward and said they gave permission ages ago.

>> No.68732347

vigilantes that I like are based.

>> No.68732387

Nigger NIJI didn't fucking send the NDA until January why do you think they only had problem with the video?

>> No.68732713

Wait what, there's testimony that the various copyright owners signed the NDAs in August

>> No.68732928

Doesn't fucking matter, it's not some high school drama. Their appearances are owned by the corp, and nobody loses anything from these cameos.

>> No.68733014
File: 61 KB, 1671x188, slen1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you're saying it's up to the corpo whether their likeness is used?

>> No.68733188

How do you know it's all of them? How do you know one of them didn't reply saying "No"? You don't know, you're assuming.

>> No.68733340

Exactly how many people do you believe own copyright for a song?

>> No.68733517

It's not the SONG that's the issue, it's the music video itself. Read the termination notice. It says, straight up, the MUSIC VIDEO was only first given to management for review on the 24th, they replied on the 25th with things that needed perms checked, she ignored them and released it anyway. The issue is with the MUSIC VIDEO, not the song itself.

>> No.68733519

No shit? They owned the characters, they owned the channels. The person behind Selen owned the video, and maybe could distribute it under fair use, but it depends on how exactly her contract was formulated.

>> No.68734585

I wonder how much is sayu seething at her

>> No.68734705

she's a spiteful cunt, this is such a halfass 'call for peace' come on. She might as well say BULLY THOSE ASSHOLES.

>> No.68734728

Show me the sauce, I wanna read then

>> No.68734867

Now picture the blue homo making an MV and having all the holo girls appear without asking them first and the shitstorm that would cause

>> No.68734892

Okay, and exactly how many copyright holders are involved in the video? Let me give you a hint: Anycolor owns ALL RIGHTS to everything involving a liver's character. It's the same reason livers can't just take their models with them when they quit. Anycolor owns the character. There are zero permission issues with using anyone in nijisanji(including ex-members) because Anycolor is the only person in the room that gets a vote.

>> No.68735174

It could have been artists, or if you want to go with something goofy the MLP reference

>> No.68735340

i'd let her piss in my mouth iykwim

>> No.68735368

Selen commissioned a ton of artists for the MV, hence why she complained about being out $15k. One/some of them probably didn't reply to Anycolor with a signed contract giving Selen/Anycolor full commercial rights to their artwork.

>> No.68735462

This board is a gaggle of embarrassing retards.
>say something about a vtuber's PL some faggot loser doesn't agree with
omg doxx!!!!!!!!!!!
>whole board goes into some drama about a graduating vtuber from a shit company and promotes her PL because they agree with her
omg based!!!!!!!!!!!

you should all be taken to a ditch and shot

>> No.68735469

Artists don't really get a say either. The art was commissioned. The commissioner owns it. It was also commissioned specifically for the video, meaning their irrelevant permission was granted by default. If I hire someone to build me a shed, they don't get to tell me what kinds of tools I can put in it. I own the product I paid for, and it is mine to do with as I see fit.

>> No.68735504

The artists she commissioned, she got permissions forms from, and who all supported her publicly when the video was taken down?
There was no fucking copyright issue, someone in management wanted to see her beaten down and rejected her using THE COMPANY'S OWN IP
Then were on the phone with her emergency contact while she was in the hospital to emphasize how important it was she dogeza immediately

>> No.68735558

>She didn't say that she wasn't bullied or that the other Livers don't deserve to be harassed
Because both of these things are True, anon. Doki is being gracious. I suggest you take the hint and back off before it gets even worse for you.

>> No.68735648

It doesn’t matter if they already got perms, there’s a final approval that needs to be confirmed and they didn’t get that

>> No.68735843

The final approval is from Anycolor. Anycolor didn't approve it. That's what this boils down to. They waited till she invested a bunch of money into the project and then pulled the plug at the last minute. You can blame it on incompetence, or you can blame it on spite. Either way fault lies with the company for being shit.

>> No.68735861

>and Nijisanji already admitted it's true in the termination notice.
They admitted it is true that she CLAIMED that she was being harassed. I can claim that OP is a faggot and apparently that makes it true.

>> No.68736005

Yeah the shit storm will have multiple livers come out and say they feel betrayed or holo didn't ask them for permission or they do not consent being in the video.
Here's the neat part: none of them can sue based on copyright because none of them has the copyright. It will be a corpo suicide, but it has nothing to do with copyright.

>> No.68736096

How do you know it was all of them? One of the posts up here >>68729661 said they only got the contract in January. So it doesn't look like it was "all of them". Yes, management is incompetently slow to send things out, but contracts are needed to keep from getting hit with a lawsuit.

>> No.68736149

>The final approval is from Anycolor. Anycolor didn't approve it.
Because there was some issue that we don’t know of that wasn’t resolved yet so they couldn’t do the final approval

>> No.68736237

So your argument boils down to
>anycolor said something was wrong and I believe them because they are trustworthy

>> No.68736263

the issue was obvious power harassment

>> No.68736360

They didn't pull the plug. They privated the video until all of the proper perms could be secured. Instead of waiting, Selen told people to re-upload the video, thereby breaking copyright. If she had been professional and tweeted "Hey guys, there was a perms issue with some parts of the video. It's been privated until the issue is resolved, sorry everyone!", there wouldn't have been an issue. Instead, she had a menhera breakdown and tried to kill herself over a music video.

>> No.68736479

Considering Doki did not say it was a lie, it must be correct.

>> No.68736562

"I was told I was nothing without the company"

>> No.68736625

Your argument boils down to the same except mine has more strength to it given Selen brought a legal team to this and they have no reason to lie in the face of that

>> No.68736700

The funny thing is they made the claim public before she did. Which is uhhhh??? Why would you do that? Why would you admit that the employee you are trying to fire came to you for help about harassment? The very same employee you are trying to paint in a negative light in that notice.
>yeah she came to us for help about harassment
>after investigating ourselves we decided we were not at fault
Yeah okay bro. How the fuck does that make it into an honest to god real PR notice? Let me remind you that they have seen her hospital records. They knew what happened. They felt the need to publicly bring up livers bullying her even knowing that she was in the hospital after a suicide attempt. It's no wonder they are hiring new managers because someone 100% got fired over that notice opening them up to legal trouble.

>> No.68736736

Yeah, the issue was they pushed her into nearly killing herself. Or if you're one of those fags who think it's just pity bait, the issue was they've been harassing her for months. Seriously, they blamed her for timezone mixups (that we viewers never saw) with hosting international tourneys and explicitly banned her from doing them again for a time... when all of that comes down to managers faults across the globe. There is no conceivable world where the person who said "hey wanna join my thing, here's the date and time in EST/JST" should be blamed for that.

I'm surprised this point isn't getting pushed more since it's bleedingly obvious.

>> No.68736748

And Anycolor would have no reason to lie in a publicly-made statement if it was so easy to disprove.

>> No.68736785

My argument has the weight of the people being involved in the music video standing in support of her. Your argument has the weight of a company claiming they dindu nuffin.

>> No.68736818


>> No.68736969

She commissioned like 30 artists for that dude a handful of them saying they had perms doesn’t prove there were no issues

>> No.68736990
File: 323 KB, 2800x1575, GF7S51HW0AAlKvB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/#/monkeys are now defending nijisanji because they're threatened by doki
Or is it just the need to be edgy and contrarian for the sake of it?

>> No.68737060

they didn't even say they investigated just "yeah we think the bullying was because she wasn't following the rules, sucks to suck"

>> No.68737083

They would if they can keep what happened under wraps with NDAs. Why are you such a tool?

>> No.68737128

How do you know that's everyone though?
How do you know every one of them signed the contract granting commercial rights to Selen/Anycolor for the artwork?
How do you know one of them missed it in their email, or one if Anycolor was late to send one out, like this one above >>68729661 ?
Yes, Anycolor management is incompetently slow in getting things done, but that's no excuse to break rules and put the company at risk for a lawsuit.

>> No.68737142

I mean this in the politest way possible, as someone that genuinely supports artists: THE ARTISTS DO NOT MATTER. They don't have a say in things, because the art was commissioned. They weren't leasing the artwork. They weren't borrowing it. The art belongs to the person who commissioned it. The commissioner owns all rights to it.

>> No.68737184

The NDF really want people to forget about the timeline and how badly their Black Company fucked up. What alerted everyone was the termination statement itself, I'm surprised it doesn't get posted more often.

>> No.68737194

Okay you’re just stupid

>> No.68737211

Yes, she's /here/

>> No.68737230

>pushed her into nearly killing herself
I mean, most of the time someone "attempts" and fails, its for attention.

>> No.68737250

The commissioner does not own commercial rights until a contract is in place saying they do. There's a reason artists charge different prices for personal requests vs commercial requests.

>> No.68737269

Attacking a person because you can't attack their argument? Sure, thanks for the concession.

>> No.68737326

This. She literally said it was an issue that was going on for some time and management was very publicly fucking with her projects and cancelling shit. Hyperfocusing on the MV is retarded.

>> No.68737337

it's a very good excuse to break rules because she's better off now than with that shit ass management, and even the japanese investors caught wind that EN has shit management.
The alternative is suck up and accept your $15k project won't ever see the light of day because it takes your manager 6 months to send an email. The only bad thing she did was get too emotional and try to an hero, without that she would be in the clear.

>> No.68737406

Are you trying to argue that only the artist has a copy of a contract signed by both parties?

>> No.68737440

>"It's OK if she broke the rules and put the company at risk of a lawsuit, but she's doing much better now outside of the company"
Alright you're not even trying now

>> No.68737473

Get any group of girls together and there's going to be cliques and bullying. It's really more about how management handles it.

>> No.68737633

if the company's procedures are shit they would be facing the consequences of said shit procedures, yes

>> No.68737670

??? No? The contract is from Anycolor, not the artist. Anycolor sends them a document saying "This contract grants commercial rights to the artwork for use in blahblahblah", so that they can protect themselves from potential lawsuits. The artist signs it and sends it back to Anycolor.

>> No.68737918

Can I digress for a moment and point out that this sounds like Anycolor is being assbackwards technologically? I mean it's a Japanese company so it's to be expected but still. I can literally buy a house by signing contracts electronically, but they... what? Got shit lost in the mail?

>> No.68738452

Who said anything about mail?? It was assuredly done via email. But sometimes people miss emails, some email systems might flag it as spam, etc.

>> No.68741892

It's not Selen's job to fix Anycolor's problems. Anycolor created these problems for themselves all by themselves, and any solution will have to come from Anycolor.

>> No.68742239

The reason the Sisters hyperfocus on the MV is because it makes it easier to pretend the MV is the only issue. If the MV is the only issue, it's very easy to condense the issue into "he said/she said" and dismiss her as a deranged menhera.

It's much, much harder to claim Selen was in the wrong if we examine the past history of Nijisanji sabotaging and fucking with her, the past history of Nijisanji sabotaging and fucking with other "stars" like Pomu, the stories about Nijisanji refusing to pay artists and Selen covering the company's expenses with her personal funds, and the stories about what it was like to work for Nijisanji from ex-Livers, all of whom have told stories that match at least in part with Selen's complaints.

Most of these Sisters probably know Selen's claims are true, they're just mad at her for making the company look bad. It's the same reason they hate Zaion and still rage about her to this day.

>> No.68742427
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Deconstructionism was a mistake.

>> No.68742597

Anycolor's problems stem from Japanese copyright law not having a fair-use clause. That's not something Anycolor can fix.

>> No.68743758

What if he (she) is one?

>> No.68744000

Why would they harass and bully her out of the company when... They could just remove her for breaking the rules constantly?
You think they're bullying her because she wont stop breaking the rules? Are you retarded? They'd just Zaion her if they didn't like her, what are you talking about

>> No.68744273

I guess you didn't watch her return stream.
You know, where she mentioned talking to a lawyer and showing him the proof of bullying.

There was no need to make this thread, yet here I am responding to you like the retard I am. Cheers.

>> No.68744386
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>They waited till she invested a bunch of money into the project and then pulled the plug at the last minute
In plain english. Also it's never said that song permissions was the issue

>> No.68746376

Oooor, management is incompetent constantly getting her into situations where minor infractions happen, which is great for them since its what they want. They can build up a nice hefty files of these minor infractions that are not really much of a problem for the company, but give them legitimacy when they threaten their talents and/or fire them.
I mean, the most horrid infraction they have on her is her not getting perms from inhouse talents... fucking inhouse talents. The management could not get her perms for their own fucking IP. This is 100% not even incompetence anymore. This is malicious.

>> No.68746499

>I mean, the most horrid infraction they have on her is her not getting perms from inhouse talents... fucking inhouse talents. The management could not get her perms for their own fucking IP. This is 100% not even incompetence anymore. This is malicious.
They didn't say that though. It sounds like it was an issue of some artists involved in the art in the MV not having signed the contract granting commercial rights to Selen/AC. See >>68729661

>> No.68746552

where is this from? is that part of the 4 page termination notice?

>> No.68746592

Aaah so now we are back to this. It started with
>she didn't get the perms so anycolor was right about it
and now we are back at
>ok she had all the required perms, but anycolor said no so she should have listened
Oooook. People should just sink in more and more money into their project and have them indefinitely pushed off because management wants to harass you. Because that is what this is. Its power harassment. If you have all the perms you need, and the management still does not let you release your project what is it then?

>> No.68746642


>> No.68746725

Surprisingly, you are the only one who has mentioned this. Everyone keeps going on and on about ANYCOLOR’s incompetency when in fact, they are bound by Japanese law (which a lot of it IS fucking stupid and retarded, but not ANYCOLOR’s fault).

Hololive is exactly the same, but funnily enough, they’re better at tardwrangling their talents so they don’t go complaining about it. Or Hololive is good at hiring the types of people who actually understand facts and therefore don’t complain.

>> No.68746774

Nope, his argument actually boils down to:
>selene said she had perms
>song owner came forward she gave perms nearly a year ago confirming what selene claimed
>by law commissioned work defaults to giving you perms to use it for commercial purpose confirming what selene claimed
>other artists also claim they gave perms
>thus we can reasonably assume selene actually had all the perms
The only perms you can argue are not out in the open are owned by anycolor anyway. So it would be hard for their own company to infringe their own intellectual IP. So the only thing this can come down too is someone fucking with her project for the lulz.

>> No.68746790

So they hate Selen because she breaks the rules, and she breaks the rules because management hates her? You sound retarded

>> No.68746893

>they’re better at tardwrangling their talents
hmmm sounds like they have someone that work with talents to manage all the in and outs of the project. maybe niji should take notes and find come up with something similar

>> No.68746955

>"Hi I want to work with X company/person. >Management can you make it happen?"
>"Yeah sure."
>six months later, no response
>"Hey since you aren't doing anything, I contacted them myself and they said I could do it"
>"Fuck you how dare you go around me I'm now going to make it so you can't do that again so that I can continue to pretend to be important."
idk sounds pretty management-y to me. Typical hierarchical squabbles. Selen wants to do shit but management sits on their ass, so she goes around them, so they hate her.

>> No.68746974

maybe there wouldnt have been any issue if nijien management wasnt filled with lazy incompetent assholes who want to avoid doing their job as much as possible? the points you idiots make pretty much revolve around "management is shit so its the talents fault for expecting anything from them". really helping anycolors's case there bud

>> No.68747026

if both are bound by the same laws how come one is better than the other?
>they have better managers
wow crazy, I wonder if that's the real reason of their incompetency instead of, you know, japanese copyright law
it's like you retards are purposefully missing the actual crux of the matter

>> No.68747032

That is not how commissions work m8. If you commission work you by default have permission to use it. That does not really put as much blame on Selene as you might think.
This only highlights how badly management is doing their job. 6 months to send an artist a contract? 6 months? For an artist... in the vtube business? Are you actually using that image to defend niji? At that pace, if a talent wants to do a xmas event, they have to start working on it more than a year before it.
And again, you don't even need the contract to use it for the song. You would want to send the contract if they want to use it outside of the scope of what Selene commissioned it for. Which can be done after the fact anyway.

>> No.68747035

That's pretty much what niji is saying without saying it outright. Just say some bullshit there's a mysteriously entity (surprise, it's anycolor itself) that did not give permission so therefore selen should be terminated. While never disclosing who withheld the permission

>> No.68747047

Sounds like its Slens fault

>> No.68747149

>That is not how commissions work m8. If you commission work you by default have permission to use it.
All depends on what contract was signed. There is a reason artists, musicians, hell even some computer programs, charge different rates for personal use vs commercial use.

>> No.68747164

Nope, more like she does not break the rules as written, but management decides that their word is the new rules. So even if you have all the perms for a project that the management refused to get, so you had to get them on your own. You can't release your project, even if it adheres to all the rules as written.
Why? Because you bypassed them, that makes them look bad, and they can't have that. So they will shit on you and your projects.

>> No.68747188

>typical corporate speak covering their asses
>nothing get resolve
>business as usual
you're surprised a typical japanese company is pulling this shit?
There's probably 3 EN manager in the whole branch retyping the fax from japan to email their talents lol

>> No.68747239


Marin also made his own original song before informing the manager, then they finally cooperated with Marin to complete the copyright check
now that song has got 40 million views

>> No.68747309
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Circular reasoning is pretty retarded, isn't it?

>> No.68747353

Were you expecting the company to admit guilt in their own notice?

>> No.68747363

>until all authorizations were confirmed from our end.
That's the essential context that was omitted. She omitted that there were some perms things to work out. Instead she acted like it was gone and never coming back, hence why she told people to reupload it.

>> No.68747391


>> No.68747437

Then he (she) will be ban from this web site. Simple as

>> No.68747440

It is misleading to say "Management privated the song" and imply no reason behind it when she knew very well it was privated because she hid it from management until 1 day before and they said not to release it yet

>> No.68747447

cope and rent free

>> No.68747504

Yeah it would have been much better if she broke NDA by talking about the behind-the-scenes reasons it was privated.

>> No.68747529

Yes, I agree!

Yes, it really is because they have better management. That really IS the crux of the matter.

As much as you want to believe your rrat that the entirety of ANYCOLOR has some personal grudge against Selen, their highest subbed/earning EN female, purposefully sabotaged every single one of her projects and then had a PR suicide of a termination just for shits and giggles, it makes zero logical sense, from simply a financial point of view.

Sorry, but the truth is, ANYCOLOR has shit management, but they still follow Japanese law.

>> No.68747559

Given what the Luca mod leaked, along with other leaks, the more accurate rrat is
>other livers hate selen because of her success and they are petty bitches
>they constantly snitch to the absent, incompetent management about any minor infraction they can find with selen
>management does typical management autism and says "WTF how dare you break our sacred rules, your kind coworkers tried to help you and you just ignored them"
>selen tries her best to follow all the applicable rules for her new MV
>but it doesn't matter because petty bitches decided they won't allow her to release it and demand management punish her for "including their images without their consent"

>> No.68747575

It's not breaking NDA, especially if the company wanted her to say the reasoning.
Also, remember Bae had a similar issue with her Mind Craft collab song. She tweeted out that the release was delayed because of last minute perms checks. If Selen was a professional (she isn't), she would have done the same.

>> No.68747585
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>Selen if she just waited for all authorizations to be confirmed from the end of management

>> No.68747590

anycolor rugpulled the permissions on her MV fucking last minute and then yoinked the video - even though they had already given her permission to upload it - and then blamed her for it.

not to mention, said perms literally never mattered in the first place as the relevant party made it clear that this was never an issue and they were never rescinded. it's an actual compacted chunk of shit for reasoning.

as for other shit they are citing random internal petty shit we never saw with no receipts and never any proof of it before. wow suddenly they care so much about their internal rules and protocols - that's why Luca was allowed to openly have randos playing his MC character on the live nijiEN server day in day out, which is torching the NDAs in every way possible (imagine a fan or mod being allowed to play on the actual holo MC server without it being cleared and this happened for long-term projects). rather that definitely is not allowed officially, but hey as long as the public didn't know they were fine sweeping that under the rug and now are pretending nothing's wrong despite her mod bringing clear receipts of him breaking almost every rule in the fucking book. believing one fucking single word out of anycolor's mouth is a fucking fool's errand.

>> No.68747673

>anycolor rugpulled the permissions on her MV fucking last minute and then yoinked the video - even though they had already given her permission to upload it - and then blamed her for it.
Proof? Where was this statement made? Because Selen's termination notice says otherwise.

>not to mention, said perms literally never mattered in the first place as the relevant party made it clear that this was never an issue and they were never rescinded. it's an actual compacted chunk of shit for reasoning.
Who is the "relevant party"? Because there are way more people involved than just one "relevant party".

>> No.68747711

This is hilarious to read, manifesting invisible words, visual hallucinations are a sign of schizophrenia

>> No.68747766

Its honor to fight in the trenches with you, KON MILLIE!!

>> No.68747852

Please don't compare two separate companies. You can't say that because Cover works a certain way that Anycolor does the same. I don't mean that as a slight to either company. Different companies simply have different internal regulations.

Also Anycolor only started, allegedly, asking her to update her statement AFTER she tried to kill herself. What's interesting to me though, and I genuinely don't have an explanation for this one: They had no problem skinwalking her twitter account to tell the world she was in the hospital after they had removed her social media access. BUT they weren't willing to just post the explanation for why her MV was privated at the same time? We know management sometimes posts on livers' accounts for them. Yet they wouldn't do it this time? I feel like the answer behind this is the key to everything, but I don't know what it is.

>> No.68747881

Can you link me? Because from what I read it was just Luca stringing along a hag to do field work for him and cucking his fanbase

>> No.68747995

What I assume happened was NijiEN Managers were talking to Selen's emergency contact and basically said "Everyone is worried about where Selen is, can she give a statement/can we write a statement that she's ok?" and got something to write for her.

>> No.68748140

Whatever happened to Selen doesn't absolve Zaion. Nobody gets fired after, what 5 months, without having serious problems.
Maybe you could argue that Selen's issues influenced them to nip Zaion in the bud, but why waste time, commission her 5 figure model, hire her, train her, promote her etc to fire her like that UNLESS SHE WAS THAT BAD?
Do you think the company hired her just to mess with her and fire her and cost them money and reputation for no reasons?

Maybe you think the other 30+ livers are just trapped and Zaion was the only one who had the guts to fight back? I don't believe company just throws money away to be evil to one random girl out her wave of 6 other people. That doesn't make sense to me. What does make sense is a girl who was so unprofessional she aired her dirty laundry in a big ol' list got her self fired for being unprofessional.

>> No.68748144

Well Selen said they got information from the hospital, and I take her at her word on that because it would be a very weird thing to lie about. But the curious part is why didn't they just clear up the MV privating issue themselves while they knew she was unable to access twitter. What was stopping them? Why did they need HER to do it when they presumably have working fingers and keyboards.

>> No.68748148

>As much as you want to believe your rrat that the entirety of ANYCOLOR has some personal grudge against Selen
I think the bullying clique is rather more on the money about the bullying, which, again, could've been solved by proper management.

But there's a bit of truth in what you say, they probably didn't have a grudge but their hands off approach led everyone to believe it was personal
To recall the old adage "never atribute to malice that which you can atribute to stupidity" which fits very well into the "ANYCOLOR holds a grudge against her personally" rrat

>> No.68748227

She still never specifies between livers and management, so the focus on livers is still all Niji.
The black company doesn't need defending, retard.

>> No.68748232

The song owner is irrelevant. The VIDEO was the issue, not the song. If she had released a blank screen, with just the song playing, she would still be in the company today.

>> No.68748247

>I feel like the answer behind this is the key to everything, but I don't know what it is.
Probably because she just tried to kill herself lmao, i dont think its that deep

>> No.68748344

>you want an employee to do something
>they are in the hospital so they can't
>you could just do it yourself
>you refuse to do so
>you blame them for not doing it on their termination notice
It seems pretty deep to me.

>> No.68748424

Looking at the notice, it seems they wanted her to be the one to clarify it for people, but they couldn't come to an agreement on it. Also because if staff made a statement, and Selen wouldn't corroborate it, it would cause a big issue. (I know, I know, this is a big issue already). I'm guessing staff gave up on coming to an agreement and just filed it under "non-compliance".

>> No.68748457

Ironic that what you're highlighting is missing context, when the fact that her simple tweet, only saying "management has privated the song" without giving context is the whole issue.

Maybe you could argue that Selen had no responsibility to give context, ehhhh..fair. But combined in the same tweet saying, "go ahead and reupload the song", that's the whole problem.

I wonder what would have happened if her tweet had only said "Sorry, management has privated the song". Would that read as passive aggressive? Maybe that would not have been bonkable. But can you see, how by doing that, without giving any other reasoning (reasoning that she knew according to the letter), that's a problem?

>> No.68748504

Well if staff told the truth then Selen would have no reason not to corroborate it. And if she tried to lie out of spite, they would have the evidence to sue her for defamation.

>> No.68748536

How about the fact that you all claim that management hijacked her account and tweeted for her with that apostrophe theory. Why didn't they just do that here? Why not send a tweet as her, saying whatever they wanted her to say?

>> No.68748545
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I think they tried, then removed her access after. Maybe the comments were actually from her, then she lost access. Why do people think she didn't write those tweets other than the comma-schitzos?

>> No.68748552
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>> No.68748625

Selen wouldn't corroborate it because it would show that she was in the wrong. Looking at the notice, it reads like staff presented her with two options: Either staff makes a comment about why the video was privated, or she makes the comment. She seemed to choose option 3: neither. Hence why no statement was published.

>> No.68748657

That's exactly what I'm asking. Why didn't they just send the damn tweet themselves on her account? They clearly have access to liver accounts. They have posted on them before(I'm not talking about the apostrophe shit, they do it for other non-sus shit). If they didn't have access to her account they wouldn't be able to remove her access to it. There is literally nothing preventing them from clarifying things themselves. If they were actually worried about reputational damage here, they could have fixed it immediately before any harm was done.

>> No.68748667

That's another thing right there. Selen and Management have a disagreement. It is undisputable that they tried to negotiate for a while. How long is fair to expect to negotiate a dispute like this? Months and Months? A Year? Eternity? Apparently management decided it was irreconcilable and decided to terminate. Its easy for Selen to say WAIT WAIT WAIT I WAS JUST ABOUT TO COMPROMISE, after they made their decision. I'm not making a conclusion here, just speculating.

>> No.68748704

The weirdest thing to me is the apperent fact that Selen/Doki had zero (0) friends in NijisanjiEN, of the 30+ people not one of them is her friend. How does that happen?

>> No.68748800

If they sent the tweets, I wouldn't be surprised if Selen fired back and said staff took over her account and made statements not by her, yadayada, and would have turned into another set of drama.

>> No.68748805

She doesn't have a choice in that matter. Staff has access to her account and could make the statement themselves. That's my whole point. Her choice would come afterwards, when she goes back to streaming. Does she: A. Corroborate the tweet. or B. Deny the tweet. Well, if the tweet was accurate then denying the tweet would land her in a lawsuit. So she's gonna go with the truth or get sued. Unless Anycolor lies in the tweet, but that's a whole different can of worms. And surely they have no reason to lie. Right?

>> No.68748839

If she brought up that it wasn't her who made the tweet then she would be pressured by literally everyone to give her side of the story. If she refused at that point then nobody would take her side because she didn't offer one to take.

>> No.68748948

I've heard tell that Ike Eveland was one of her closest friends, based on the amount of collabs they had together, and their nice interactions.

If what happened didn't sit right with Ike, who has an impeccable reputation and respect, you could expect him to perhaps take a break, or do it an outright strike in protest. But nope, he's been active cheerfully on twitter and streaming. That's credence to me, that she was not treated unfairly.

For a Luxiem member, it would be NOTHING for him to do a silent protest and not stream. Management would be insane to threaten him to stream after they just lost Selen.

If he thought that Selen was bullied into an "attempt", he can absolutely afford to not stream.

>> No.68748955

Verbal perms are not the same as a written agreement. Contractors do not have copyright by default until a contract is established. Selen is not the contractor as she does not own the intellectual property, ANYCOLOR would be. If she subverted management at any stage and went ahead before artists put pen to paper with their agreement, she did not have legal perms. Based off of their termination statement, this is exactly what happened.

>> No.68749141

Alternatively, is there anyone he hasn't interacted with for the past 2-3 months? If people were actively bullying Selen during this time I assume he wouldn't talk to them publicly or privately, nor organize collabs with them

>> No.68750136

That's a great question, unfortunately I'm not a Quildren by any stretch

>> No.68750310

The more I think rationally about what happened, the less I feel like defending her...
>Selen works on her video all year long, spending 15k along the way.
>She tells management "here's the video I'm uploading" on the 24th and they tell her to wait until they see it and approve of everything, as it is the normal process.
>Because of management's known incompetence and her own impatience, she says "fuck it" and uploads on the 25th, riling up her fanbase with this very graduation-coded song and video.
>Management sees she uploaded the video before they approved it and they private it, obviously, while they keep doing their job in the slowest way possible per usual.
>Selen is in distress over this on twitter and makes a tweet putting the blame on management, and asks people to upload the cover on their own (a big no no, despite Selen being the one who paid for the thing).
>Millie, and probably more people behind the scenes, asks Selen about it since it seems weird to them that the video would be privated right after she uploaded it if it was all approved to be uploaded (it wasn't).
>This is, most likely, what later Selen would claim would be the "harassment from other affiliated livers due to mismanagement".
>This whole fiasco is what the awful termination notice refers to as what led to various misunderstandings that damaged their reputation
>To calm things down, management wanted to disclose to the public that it was all a misunderstanding, or were looking to have Selen do it herself
>Management tries to get in touch with her and her emergency contact to reach to an agreement on what to do but they couldn't, so Selen's access to her accounts was revoked temporarily (like taking away their games from a kid that is not listening).
>In this time, Selen gets a lawyer and is the one communicating with management, who is still trying to come to an agreement on clearing the misunderstanding, and is asking Selen to follow the process in the future.
>Selen now demands management to be made legally responsible, and claimed she was not unable to engage on her activities as a liver due to anycolor's decision and that she suffered from harassment from other livers BECAUSE of the shitty management.
>All this while refusing to admit she did not follow the rules in the process, she did wrong by asking people to uploading the video, and threatening legal action
>Anycolor basically says Selen is shifting the blame to them, and that her current position stems from her own dismissal of their rules and believe no one engaged in unjust practices towards her specifically, so they decide to cut ties with her.
Management is not innocent in this, but it seems kinda straightforward.

>> No.68750395

consider the fact that you're arguing about whether Selen throwing a shitfit temper tantrum and trying to off herself and blaming management for the rules being what they are was right or not
Spoiler alert: it's immature behavior no matter what the case was, especially regarding some shitty MV

even if it took them 10 fucking years, crying about it and saying you aren't able to do your job when you signed a fucking contract is still peak baby behavior anon

>> No.68750460

>>68750310 (me)
>Management tries to get in touch with her and her emergency contact to reach to an agreement on what to do but they couldn't, so Selen's access to her accounts was revoked temporarily (like taking away their games from a kid that is not listening).
By this I mean they got in touch with her and her contact, and were not able to reach to a decision. Not that they couldn't reach her. All of this happening after she ended up in the hospital after "an attempt" due to stress, anxiety, etc., from this whole thing.

>> No.68750506

Where does the suicide attempt slot into this, and what caused her to try and kill herself from this string of events

>> No.68750644

The "attempt" must have happened between the video being private and management asking her to clear the misunderstanding she caused with her tweet.
Say what you want, but they are not wrong at all when they said that her tweet about the song being privated damaged their reputation. Was their reputation already bad? Yeah, but this actually made it worse.
As to what pushed her to do it? Stress, anxiety, depression. It's no secret she had been unhappy for a while now, even if she seemed in high spirits during december. She had been working for a while on this project she probably wanted REALLY bad to be up on Dec 25th, and it was all in the shitter now because of bad management (and because of her sharing the video with them on the 24th).

>> No.68750821

On December 25th in the evening NA time, she tweeted about the cover going private, "please reupload", and being out $15k.
On December 27th in the evening NA time, she tweeted about the accident, and said "I just got back access to my phone yesterday", meaning she got her phone back on the 26th at some time.
My guess is she made the attempt on the evening of the 25th, because (from what I understand) they won't give someone who attempted, access to their phone for 24hrs. So attempt 25th evening + 24hrs = get phone back 26th evening.

>> No.68750935
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>> No.68751109

Do people just not realize that we hate Nijisanji so it doesn't matter what Doki says?

>> No.68751234
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Don't worry! I'm first in line to bully Aster with by dick! I'll avenge you Selen and dragoons!

>> No.68751345

>The best thing to do with a person who has just tried to kill themselves is to completely isolated them from their friends and harass them with work stress

>> No.68751392

she decided to off herself <1 hour of the cover getting privated? Sounds more like she went menhara, now im doubting she even attempted to kill herself

>> No.68751701

If in the next six months Vshojo keeps refusing to collaborate with Doki, this timeline is most likely confirmed.

>> No.68751883

They was NEVER going to put it back up, don't be delusional.

>> No.68751931

Vtuber drama is truly high school drama for young adults.

>> No.68752023

>commission her 5 figure model
They didn't commision shit.
Nijisanji literally have a bank of unused models which they pick out and choose for new hires. They have little to no say in what they look like when they debut. If their lucky they get a choice out of a handful of designs.
This is basic knowledge.
And it's very obvious they didn't train her either, considering they was using her to train up a new hire manager themselves.

>> No.68752046

5:16 AM · Dec 31, 2023 Was when she said she went home from hospital

So roughly 6 days in the hospital. But I'm not really doubting "an attempt" as she calls it took place. I'd really love to know what she tried to do. What type of an "attempt" was it? And I wonder how she made "an attempt" and then got hospitalized. Who was around that noticed and saved her? Did she get cold feet and call for help?

>> No.68752120

>1 day before
That's a load of horseshit because artists have confirmed they were sent NDAs by Nijisanji for Selen's project. They absolutely were aware of the project.

>> No.68752266

Ok, so it costs them a little less money than I figured. They still spent money on stuff like her debut merch. And the cost to their reputation of firing someone so soon made them look bad (deservedly) so did they conspire to hire and fire for some money and reputational loss? Why? Irrationally evil? If she felt that the admittedly tough restrictions of working in a Japanese company (restrictions that also exist in Hololive btw) were too much, is that the company's fault? Or her fault for not considering everything, or finding a way to adapt to her restrictions? I know she had problems with her old Genshin account not being allowed to be used, are you telling me there are examples of other streamers who got away with this (and don't pick a non-JP company or indie)?

>> No.68752268

Some scenarios based on my personal experience
>she attempted but was still awake and told her parents, go to ER
>if it was too many pills/alcohol, get stomach pumped and take activated charcoal, if it was cuts, stitches
>suicide watch can be between 24 to 72 hrs, sometimes if the person has a history of mental illness or is diagnosed with something, you are sent to either inpatient (jail) or outpatient (more control and can leave earlier)
I highly doubt she roped that is a very male suicide method and not impulsive, neither is exit bag, and she was taken quickly, therefore it wasn't a ledge of a building or a train. The fact that she had her phone fast makes me think she was on suicide watch only and not taken to a mental hospital.
t. bipolar 1 who got taken during a manic episode

>> No.68752344

>without giving context is the whole issue
That's kind of on Niji at that point. If Nijisanji management had any level of goodwill in the community, people would have assumed the best but they don't, so people had no reason to believe Nijisanji was ever acting in actual good faith. Which is proven by the fact that Luca still isn't fired. They pick and choose when and why to enforce policy.
If Cover had pulled a video down and say Marine said management pulled it down, I don't think anybody would assume Cover management is doing it to spite Marine. They would be very curious why and probably cite copyright concerns. Nijisanji's black company chickens are finally coming home to roost.

>> No.68752414

I wish he was one too

>> No.68752422

What your saying makes sense if and only if we are referring to Nijisanjis internal policy. Permissions can be issued verbally, there is no law that says they can't.

>> No.68752453

>>She tells management "here's the video I'm uploading" on the 24th and they tell her to wait until they see it and approve of everything, as it is the normal process.
Here's your point of failure. They already knew about the video since other artists have come out and corroborated that Niji sent them NDAs.

>> No.68752485

>song being privated damaged their reputation
That's not valid reasoning to terminate someone. Equally Selen could claim they damaged her reputation.

>> No.68752516

You are definitely a woman.

>> No.68752557

Just because the artists signed NDAs, doesn't mean the video didn't need to be checked before release, and also doesn't mean all the proper contracts are in place (NDAs are juts that - Non-Disclosure Agreements. Does not cover things like rights management).
They checked it, they found something that could be a perms issue, and told her to wait, but she ignored them and released it anyway.

>> No.68752612

Why anyone on /vt/ is suddenly pretending to be sensitive about mental illness and suicide is beyond me, including Doki fans

>> No.68752638
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Yes, my name is millie

>> No.68752679

You are assuming that Nijisanji management is acting in good faith when it's clear they don't.

What is more likely:
A. Selen didn't clear the video with management at all prior to release but for some reason still went ahead getting artists to sign NDAs, getting permissions from Lilipichu (which Lili confirmed) and all the other bearecratic shit when she knew it was going to get taken down anyway
B. Niji made up a bullshit excuse to kick her the teeth one last time knowing she was leaving

You and I cannot comment on what Niji's internal policy looks like because neither of us have any information on that other than the information presented. I have no reason to believe Niji acts in good faith and every reason to believe they acted in malice.

>> No.68752713

Your argument that Luca should be fired isn't something I agree with so that doesn't work for me. And don't forget about the parts where they gave her warnings and final notice in May. This was not a first offense.

Picking and choosing when to enforce policy. Could you give examples of that? Maybe not involving Luca because this place has the largest hateboner for him I've ever seen so its hardly objective.

>> No.68752721

Suicide has always been a nuanced topic on 4chan.
Look at Terry Davis. People don't joke about his death, whether or not he actually threw himself in front of a train, because he was beloved. Same with Selen, nobody has any actual reason to hate her

>> No.68752737

Lol niji management is a fucking retard.

>> No.68752765

Throwing yourself in front of a train is different than taking 4 tylenol

>> No.68752772

Wrong, but its ok, you had a 50/50 chance of being right

>> No.68752797

>Your argument that Luca should be fired isn't something I agree with so that doesn't work for me
Breach of NDA is a zero tolerance policy across pretty much every industry. So your feelings don't matter.
>And don't forget about the parts where they gave her warnings and final notice in May.
Am I suppose to believe these 'warnings' were anything but simple bullying tactics and harassment? Where is the proof of these infractions?

>Maybe not involving Luca because this place has the largest hateboner for him I've ever seen so its hardly objective.
No. Luca. He broke NDA. That is a fireable offence in basically every single company in the world.

>> No.68752826

Based off >>68729661 , it seems Anycolor first has the artist sign an NDA, and then has them sign a contract (probably for rights management).
Considering Selen hired, what, 30 artists for the MV, that's 60 documents right there.
The notice said Selen sent in the music video (not the song, the VIDEO) to management for the first time on December 24th.
Manager probably looked through the video, checked each piece of art to make sure they had both NDA and contract in place, probably found some that were missing (either misplaced by management, or didn't receive back from artist), and let Selen know, but she ignored them and released it on the 25th anyway.

>> No.68752838

Trivilaising someones attempted suicide doesn't help your case as simply a curious bystander, it paints you as a retarded faggot with an agenda.

>> No.68752861

Yes, congratulations on being able to read and extrapolate the obvious meaning
Is there anyone who thought otherwise?

>> No.68752866

Lol. Post your hands right now.

>> No.68752892

I an a bystander, I wonder if you'd feel the same for women who cut or starve themselves for attention.

>> No.68752972

Your entire post is speculation backed up by 'seems' and 'probably'.
>The notice said Selen sent in the music video (not the song, the VIDEO) to management for the first time on December 24th.
Untrue. Go back and read the statement.

Again, I have zero reason to believe anything Nijisanji is saying.

>> No.68753015

These clips have not aged well:


>> No.68753032
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>Untrue. Go back and read the statement.
Do you want to try again?

>> No.68753048

I cut myself and part of why I do it is for attention. So yes, I do empathise with those people.
Also again, your proving your agenda by speculating it was simply for attention. If it was for attention she would have made a much bigger statement than a single sentence that doesn't even mention the word suicide and doesn't hint at the method. Lots of people who suicide for attention love to describe the method because they think it adds more validity.

>> No.68753097

It wasn't her first offense or even the only reason during this singular incident they terminated her. Remember, Selen threatened to take her claims public in the middle of the behind the scenes negotiations (btw negotiations are a compromise, they aren't either I get what you want or you get what you want typically).
What this reads to me as Selen going "I'm not getting what I want, so I'm going to release this statement if you don't give me it!" THAT right there, was when they decided to terminate her. The frustrating thing is we don't know what the manner of the negotiations were. If AC was refusing to budge and were being unreasonable assholes, I'd hate them for it. Equally possible, Selen could have been making demands that would have been impractical or unreasonable for them.
Here's a question to consider. Could Selen have chosen to agree to their conditions, and graduated later on? If she had compromised just a little maybe, we could have had the Pomulen goodbye we wanted, and she could have had a proper graduation as the Purple Dragon Gamer girl we loved.

>> No.68753102

All I needed to know about the Dokifags posting in here

>> No.68753105

>the video
>the materials
Are two different things.

The materials could literally mean anything including the song.

>> No.68753133

Read the next sentence, where it mentions the music video by itself and not "the materials".

>> No.68753151
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This woman tried to end her life because of online bullying and you think she's this calculating?
She cant even calculate her calories nigga.

>> No.68753150

I'm male retard.

>> No.68753176

What are the materials which constitute a music video?

So at what point did they clarify it WAS NOT the song as you so insist?

>> No.68753182

A small minority of us are people trying to fight for the livers left in the company. You know how frightening this hate mob was to us? We saw our oshis very careers threatened before our eyes. If not for their actual streams where a lot of fans have shown support, we'd be staring at the abyss on twitter.

>> No.68753207

these shitheads will do and say anything to throw their talents under the bus and save their ass, 0 credibility

more like they didnt do shit because they didnt want to do shit or approve her project just to spite her

she has all the receipts of her attempt, hospital and psychological threatment. again she said what she said because she has all the proofs to back it up and got the ok from her lawyer. cope

>> No.68753217

I got nothing to prove to you, I'm here to debate and see your sides of the story

>> No.68753252

Ok fine, we'll use the Luca example. What part of the NDA did he break? Related to the groomer manager? Or are you talking about the discord screenshot that shows it being his call?

>> No.68753258

Because we all know the music part is fine, it's the art in the MUSIC VIDEO that didn't have everything in place.
Again, look at the tweet one of the artists posted here >>68729661 . Anycolor didn't send the artist the contract until January. Management probably saw the contract was not in place so they wanted Selen to wait until it was.

>> No.68753272

Not helping your case of trying to seem rational and mentally sound.

>> No.68753308

And you don't think the anal-retentive Japanese company also has receipts? And you believe miss borderline that all of these harassments are objectively harassments, in bad faith and not just reprimands and corrective actions? Fine if you do, I'm not convinced.

>> No.68753317

Openly lying in public would be too easy of a court case for Doki. They wouldn't open themselves to get sued that easily.

>> No.68753332

How can a Canadian sue a Japanese company

>> No.68753361

By hiring a lawyer and have them figure it out.

>> No.68753382

>It wasn't her first offense or even the only reason during this singular incident they terminated her.
> Selen threatened to take her claims public in the middle of the behind the scenes negotiations
>btw negotiations are a compromise, they aren't either I get what you want or you get what you want typically
No they aren't. Negotiations is just a word for formal conflict resolution. Generally it is associated with compromise but it is not necessary.
>What this reads to me as Selen going "I'm not getting what I want, so I'm going to release this statement if you don't give me it!" THAT right there, was when they decided to terminate he
Sure, that's totally your speculation based off nothing except the words of a company which has lied before. Doesn't mean Niji was in the right even if you are correct.

I don't think you understand, I don't really give a shit why Selen was terminated. If she broke internal rules, sure, whatever. Terminate her. Niji is copping a world of shit for HOW they terminated her, with childish callousness not befitting a billion dollar company.

> If AC was refusing to budge and were being unreasonable assholes, I'd hate them for it. Equally possible, Selen could have been making demands that would have been impractical or unreasonable for them
I have every reason to believe Selen, who has has absolutely nothing but glowing reviews from independent third party sources, acted in good faith. I have no reason to believe Niji, who has had absolutely nothing but shit reviews from independent and dependent sources, acted in bad faith.

> Could Selen have chosen to agree to their conditions, and graduated later on?
You do understand, she was already planning to graduate. Dokibird's twitter became active in early-mid December. Last Cup of Coffee was her goodbye that she released on Dokibird before she left for Niji. One of her closest friends Pomu had probably already told she was going to leave too. She was leaving. Niji definitely knew that.

>If she had compromised just a little maybe,
Why should you compromise with bullies?

>> No.68753389

That's at least two of us you've misgendered reeeeee. By the way, I'll re-appropriate the nijisister "slur" as term of pride.

>> No.68753410

Again, not helping your case that you're simply an independent bystander by trying to character assassinate people rather than address their arguments.

>> No.68753462

>calling mentally ill female behavior "mentally ill" is character assassination
Huh? She has receipts for her hospital stay so she's crazy and so are you, but let me stop replying before you slit your wrists over an anonymous reply and sue me for bullying.

>> No.68753569

>Because we all know the music part is fine
How do we know this? Nijisanji nor Selen have never clarified specifically what the issue was.

>> No.68753600

>I'm not convinced.

Nijisanji has a track record of being a shit company to work for. What makes you not believe that that company with a shit record for treating their talents like shit, was not treating their talent like shit?

>> No.68753660

okay sister

>> No.68753779

How retarded it would be if everyone knows about he project except management for 1 years+ kek

>> No.68753803

In the afterparty stream after the song's release, Selen talked about how she got permissions for the song, including saying that her manager told her that she was good to go with the song now.

>> No.68753813

good luck, korea has been trying to sue japan for 100 years.

>> No.68753828

You want reciepts, I want receipts too. I want to see Selen's receipts, hers and AC's both. I would love to pore over all of them and make up my own mind.

I have no doubt Selen has before, and is capable of acting professionally toward the outside contractors. Just because she is responsible and makes payments on time doesn't equate with ignoring the rules of her company. I'm actually starting to think this was all a problem with Authority Issues. If that's the case, being in a Japanese company was not a good fit for her. Being an independent vtuber and her own boss will probably be the best thing for her. A bit of a side tangent, but not everyone has a gift for being an entrepreneur a la Ironmouse. There are plenty of people who are more comfortable with the structure of a company. I think we should keep that in mind before we tell all the vtubers there they should just graduate and try to make it on their own. Personally that's why I want to fight for improvement, not just destroying everything.

If she would have compromised, it would have been a sacrifice. She could have made that sacrifice for the fans, for a real graduation and Pomulen. But I think she was thinking of only herself. Of course, she probably wasn't in the right headspace to consider all the possibilities but that's what she is.

>> No.68753845

Given there's no way to verify that information thanks to Nijisanji deleting her entire channel, what else you got?

>> No.68753883

Nobody's character assassinating her. We can agree she has mental issues, unless you want to dispute that fact? Because the evidence for that is about as definitive as the other little leaks you guys have.

>> No.68753895

Here you go:

>> No.68753928

>Because of management's known incompetence and her own impatience, she says "fuck it" and uploads on the 25th, riling up her fanbase with this very graduation-coded song and video.
>Management sees she uploaded the video before they approved it and they private it, obviously, while they keep doing their job in the slowest way possible per usual.
>Selen is in distress over this on twitter and makes a tweet putting the blame on management, and asks people to upload the cover on their own (a big no no, despite Selen being the one who paid for the thing).
Yeah, this was definitely a mistake; I knew the moment that tweet went out there would be repercussions. Even if management was dragging their feet that was just a retarded thing to do.

>> No.68753938

You seem to think that I think Selen was wrongfully terminated. I don't think she was. She most likely did break internal company policy.

The parts that people including myself are upset about are:
A. The rules are applied inconsistently. Look at Luca right now.
B. The rules are mostly bullshit anyway.
C. Nijisanji's attempted character assassination of Selen and general unprofessionalism
D. Nijisanji's failure to take any responsibility for the shit show they've caused

>She could have made that sacrifice for the fans
Absolutely none of her fans would want her to sacrifice her wellbeing for the sake of a company. We're not Japanese.

>> No.68753968

You expect me to scrub through 1 hour and 23 minutes to find the exact thing you were talking about?

>> No.68754043

I acknowledge Nijisanji has had issues, being overly strict, purportedly not having a good staff to talent ratio.

Would you acknowledge that Selen is not a perfect angel who has not done any wrong in this situation? Are you blind to some of the flaws we see in her?

>> No.68754084

You can probably search through the chat for mentions of staff/management/song, but I really suggest listening to the whole thing, to get her side of the story about the cover. After all, you're trying to defend her, so it's best for you to know everything she has said about it.

>> No.68754096


>> No.68754125

You must not have read the statement, and I'm tired of having to keep reminding you guys what it said. If you want to know what the issue with that music video was, go back and look at the statement and we'll tell if you got it right.

>> No.68754166

So you don't even want to listen to Selen's side of the story?
You're just blinding defending her without wanting to listen what she has to say?

>> No.68754179

I called her and anons mentally ill and they are BPD splitting

>> No.68754180

>Would you acknowledge that Selen is not a perfect angel who has not done any wrong in this situation? Are you blind to some of the flaws we see in her?

Do I think Selen broke company rules and that was a valid reason to terminate her?
Do I think Selen did anything immoral?
Do I think Niji did something immoral?
Are Nijisanji's policy bullshit?
Is it immoral to circumvent those policies because you wanted to give a goodbye to your fans?

Selen is a moral good in this situation. Niji is not.

>> No.68754213

>Look at Luca right now.
I don't follow that faggot, what's going on with him aside from the discord leak?

>> No.68754214

I've read the entire statement. Never was it specified exactly what was wrong.
Give the timestamp if you're so certain that your proof exists and then I'll watch the video.

>> No.68754232

If you want to continue the discussion, I guess you have to bro

>> No.68754248

It is immoral to break Japanese copyright law when you're working as a representative of a Japanese company.

>> No.68754274

The discord leak is enough to have him fired for NDA breaches given he sent communcations between other talents to a third party not authorised by Niji.

On top of that he gave an unauthorised 3rd party access to his MC account.

On top of the he was leaking information about upcoming merch to an unauthorised 3rd party.

Multiple breaches of NDA should result in instant dismissal.

>> No.68754320


At what point does Japanese copyright law get broken here? Selen had permissions for everything. It was purely for Nijisanjis internal management permission autism that she was terminated. Not complying with internal management permission autism is not a crime.

>> No.68754363

>Selen had permissions for everything.
Apparently not, considering one of the artists said that they didn't receive the contract to sign until January. >>68729661
And NDAs are NOT permissions.

>> No.68754396

To be fair, a statement doesn't mean anything. There are plenty of people that take the faux-highroad after they've already created a shit show. You probably know some yourself in your daily life. If you think about it you probably know a lot online too.
It's always easy to be visibly "positive" when you feel like you're winning. Genuine concern is always much more involved. All the things she didn't say that you point out, a genuine response would address those, admit where it was her fault, and then ask people to refrain from harassment.

>> No.68754441

Now what part of the copyright law was broken anon?
>the character designs?
Belongs to Nijisanji, if they don't want can just not ask for any fucking perms for internal characters from any members, they don't own shit, including the graduated one
> members appearance perms?
That's a fucking internal policy and you talk like she break Japan law
> Song?
Already gotten

>> No.68754449

You do understand that Selen can have permissions for something without needing anybody to sign anything right? This is my point about it was entirely Nijisanji internal management permission autism.

Verbal permission is valid under law.

>> No.68754480

Not in Japan. There's a reason Japanese companies, not just Anycolor, are very anal about getting permissions in writing.

>> No.68754514

I was already thinking rationally on day one. All the other evidence of her preparing to graduate and setting up all her accounts and things since December, which entails funneling fans and other people to those accounts too. It just shows that she was already undermining management and was going to leave and go indie. It's understandable that she tried to rush things through to fit her own timeline, but to think she was just an innocent victim is delusional.

>> No.68754538

It's not what's in the art, it's the art itself. Without having permissions in place, what would stop an artist from turning around and suing Anycolor for use of their art in the video release without their permission?

>> No.68754547

Contract and permission are 2 different thing you retard

>> No.68754573

>Not in Japan
Go ahead and cite me Japanese copyright law which states that verbal permission is not valid under law. You seem to be an expert on it.

>> No.68754589


>> No.68754594

So you think there would have to be a 3rd document in place then? Because there is no way they would give permission without having a contract in place first.

>> No.68754608

Song credits aren't secret you can literally lookup the official credits and rights owner of any song ever written you absolute retard.

>> No.68754621

Assuming you believe that discord leak is 100% genuine. Which a lot of us don't. Let's assume it is 100% real. Why did he leak it? Is he a silly troll? The other things I can't speak on. And if evil company is so strict about the rules, and the rules were so "clearly" broken, why didn't they fire him already?
Luxiembux? Favoritism? Because now it seems like the company is schizophrenic. Selen didn't do nothing right?

>> No.68754626

>Without having permissions in place, what would stop an artist from turning around and suing Anycolor for use of their art in the video release without their permission?

Selen had the permission. She simply just didn't have permission from management. Legally, Selen and AnyColor were absolutely fine. Niji just didn't know if they were actually fine or not because they didn't do they bureaucracy dance.

>> No.68754629

Writing doesn't mean it must be a formal contract, it's the proof and if they can show it, it is valid under law

>> No.68754657

Nigga READ THE FUCKING THREAD. Nobody is saying that permissions weren't in place for the song. Everyone knows and agrees that the song permissions were in place.
The issue is with the MUSIC VIDEO, more than likely the art in the video itself.

>> No.68754690

Considering the artwork is being used for commercial purposes, yes a contract would need to be in place for granting a commercial license.

>> No.68754726

>Selen had the permission.

>> No.68754727

lol fuck this dramawhore bitch chink. you literally stoke it up

>> No.68754795

Why bother having a discussion had a million times when it has been condensed into video essays? You're allowed to be wrong on 4chan but that doesn't affect your legal chances in the real world.

>> No.68754800

That's a non-issue too, so little of an issue that I didn't even register as an issue. Who the fuck is going to sue you over permissions for an art commission? The random 3rd world artist living in squalor that barely makes enough to feed their cats? Lmao

When was the last time you saw a video on youtube get DMCAd for IMAGES.

>> No.68754821

>Which a lot of us don't
There is an image floating around that I don't have saved which very convincingly makes the argument that is real. The points that stood out to me were

A. No digital forensic interference
B. It was using an old format of discord mobile that aligns correctly with point C
C. All the profile pictures match up to the correct time
D. It was done within an hour of the tweet from Raziel

The options are:
1. Raziel made up the screenshots but for some reason decided to make it 100 times harder on herself by choosing to date the incident in an old discord format using old profile pictures. She did this within an hour and correctly used the pixel signature of a screenshot.
2. They're real.

The choice is obvious.

>Why did he leak it? Is he a silly troll?
Literally does not matter.
>And if evil company is so strict about the rules, and the rules were so "clearly" broken, why didn't they fire him already?
Niji aren't consistent with their application of rules. They play favourites so they can harass other people with red tape, like Selen.

>> No.68754850

Nobody who had anything to do with the project has stated anything except yes, she did have permission.

>> No.68754902

>it drove her to attempt suicide
every troon on twatter is like this, troon. you know well bout it

>> No.68754917
File: 28 KB, 694x146, kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Considering the artwork is being used for commercial purposes, yes a contract would need to be in place for granting a commercial license.
No it's not.

>> No.68754929

Everyone can see it was kyo, enna and millie.

>> No.68754930

Permissions are permissions, and they need to have them in order to cover their asses, thanks to Japanese copyright law.
Or need I remind you about the Holo-caust?

>> No.68754935

Anon, even Lucubs know the leaks are real. Everyone knows Mizuchi has been his online mommy for 5 years

>> No.68754971

What's the source?

>> No.68755052

Why does it matter? Literally just look up the licensing rules for any country, they're quite literally all the same.

>> No.68755108

Also they are all fan arts mind you and it's a tough case to argue that the artist has the bigger perms. Niji can also sue them for using the character they own for commercial purpose and gets away with it. Normally it's mutually agreed since niji don't want to isolate themselves from fan artists.

So legally all fan arts are illegal and niji doesn't need to receive the perms. Check your reps it's everywhere in the net about Japan fan art law.

>> No.68755179

Didn't Selen own all the art in that music video? Or did AC commission some of it?

>> No.68755190

Likelihood of being sued isn't a factor. Whether its 0.01% or 99%, they need all this approval. I'm sorry, I'm not even disagreeing this seems above and beyond anal and bureaucratic, but this is the nature of a Japanese company. If the company believed they didn't have perms yet or just wanted to make sure they had all permissions squared away, its not unreasonable. They requested her to wait and she disregarded and uploaded it anyway (all in the letter). They privated it. At this point she wasn't even in dogshit yet. After the tweet she made where she didn't include the reasons why it was privated and told everyone to reupload it (extremely boneheaded), the big breakdown happened.

Now at this point, its unclear if she was suspended and that provoked the attempt or if she made the attempt before being suspended, then she felt they didn't care because they were requesting her to clarify the situation. Another unknown to speculate about. Its just such a shitshow holy shit.

>> No.68755339
File: 59 KB, 600x580, 1679279019874357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This past few months have been utterly embarrassing for Nijisanji and it's been delightful to watch their acolytes scramble to try and take control of the narrative.
Your company is corrupt, your oshi is a crooked and horrible bitch, more members will get fired, and when your oshi gets fired too. I will take great pleasure in watching you have a mental breakdown when you have to turn your back on the company you've dedicated so much of your time defending.
Keep the keks coming, I've been loving this.

>> No.68755367

AC owns the character used in the illustration hence the fan artist would need their perms to create the art.

This is the same as that HoloBass song about Ame when the artist creating the song don't have perms from ame about voice and character

>> No.68755414

So Selen bought art the artists wasn't allowed to sell and that's the issue?

>> No.68755429

Once a nijisister, always a nijisister. You are all under the mistaken belief that termination and drama will cleanse you. Doko is still a rotten to the core ex-niji talent, just as Selen was a rotten to the core niji talent. All fans are still rotten to the core nijisisters, they're just having a tantrum.
Genuine and nice people don't look at this and see two sides. They see a trash fire.

>> No.68755660

What if I told you... the same person who doctored the image, is also the same person who made the cryptanalysis photo pointing out all their clever little "genuine" touches. Can you disprove me? Can either of us prove or disprove its real (gut instinct isn't proof)?

>> No.68755714
File: 206 KB, 500x500, 1707363925532142.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a monster!

>> No.68755841

Can you prove that I'm not Luca telling you that everything that was leaked is correct? No you can't. But we work based on logic and non-falsifiable claims are not logic.

> Can either of us prove or disprove its real (gut instinct isn't proof)?
You can't 'prove' fucking anything. You can't even prove that my dick isn't lodged in your ass right now, it's impossible. Even if Luca, Aster and Scarle all came out tomorrow and confirmed every leaked was true. I can just say, "Oh they're lying." That's why you use logic and things like Occam's Razor to determine what is truth.

>> No.68755868


>Literally does not matter.
I'd say it matters if you want to convince people why he would act in a detrimental fashion. If you think he leaked it, why don't you think critically and try to find his motives for leaking it. Do any of the motives make sense? He had the means to do it, but I can't think of a motive. Cook me up a plausible motive and maybe you can get me on your side.

Because him leaking that would be analogous to me screenshotting my social media profile and posting it here. If you assume I'm rational, I wouldn't do that. Are you assuming he's just irrational?

>> No.68756004

>I'd say it matters if you want to convince people why he would act in a detrimental fashion.
I don't? I literally don't care why he did it. He did it. It is a violation of NDA. Nothing else matters unless he was under extreme duress. Think 'leak this information to your ex-mod or I'm going to pull the trigger' type of situation.

>If you think he leaked it, why don't you think critically and try to find his motives for leaking it
Does his motive change any of the facts? No. So it doesn't matter. He broke NDA. That is a fireable offence. He should be fired.
>Do any of the motives make sense?
Does his motive change any of the facts? No. So it doesn't matter. He broke NDA. That is a fireable offence. He should be fired.
> He had the means to do it, but I can't think of a motive
Does his motive change any of the facts? No. So it doesn't matter. He broke NDA. That is a fireable offence. He should be fired.
>. Cook me up a plausible motive and maybe you can get me on your side.
Does his motive change any of the facts? No. So it doesn't matter. He broke NDA. That is a fireable offence. He should be fired.
>If you assume I'm rational, I wouldn't do that. Are you assuming he's just irrational?
I literally don't care if he is rational or not. It doesn't change any of the facts that he broke NDA. That is a fireable offence. He should be fired.

>> No.68756013

I don't even live here, and I know this place is not objective on Luca Kaneshiro. If they wanted to frame anyone, he'd be at the top of the list. That's not definitive proof, I know, but that leads me toward my conclusions.

>> No.68756053

I’m just reading the discussion, but I think it’s a mistake to assume people behave rationally by default without proof one way or the other

>> No.68756159

I'm sorry I'm not gonna let this go. You can't even think of any plausible motive for him to do this? And I thought we agreed neither of us can prove anything. So why are you calling these facts?

>> No.68756164
File: 102 KB, 680x245, nijisucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we suddenly arguing fanart permissions anyway?

>The materials for the music video were shared for the first time with our management on December 24th. Since some elements in the music video lacked proper authorization, on December 25th, we communicated to Selen Tatsuki that permission needed to be obtained from relevant parties, requesting her to wait before releasing it.

Nowhere here the type of "lacking permission" is specified. And and it reeks of technically correct lawyer speech meant to misdirect. More likely than not it was cameo permission bullshit, good luck getting it from bullies.

>> No.68756185

>I know this place is not objective on Luca Kaneshiro. If they wanted to frame anyone, he'd be at the top of the list.
What proof other than Luca, Aster and Scarle all coming forward and acknowledging everything is true would you even accept as definitive proof?

The proof we have is a disgruntled ex-mod, who was extremely close to Luca, leaked this information in a way that is very difficult to replicate in such a short amount of time that she did it. Either this person is a fucking schizophrenic digital forensics god who for some unknown reason decided Luca was going to be the person to leak information about Scarle and ASTER, or this person is a disgruntled ex-mod who Luca leaked information to.

It's pretty easy to see which scenario is more likely

>That's not definitive proof, I know, but that leads me toward my conclusions.

Nothing is definitive proof. My point stands. You can't prove my dick is not up your ass right now. But what is more likely:
A. Somehow my dick is up your ass right now but you are completely unaware of it
B. My dick isn't actually up your ass and I'm lying.

This is Occam's Razor.

>> No.68756256

>ou can't even think of any plausible motive for him to do this?
Explain to me why him having a motive means that he didn't break NDA by leaking confidential Nijisanji information to an unauthorised 3rd party?
It literally does not matter.

If Luca raped a kid. Does his motive matter? No.

>And I thought we agreed neither of us can prove anything. So why are you calling these facts?
Prove my dick is not up your ass right now. If you cannot prove that it isn't, I declare that a fact.

>> No.68756332

>Alright, I'm all done. Have a good day, might come by and debate more later.

>> No.68756407

Who arest thou quoteth?

>> No.68756495
File: 795 KB, 2897x4096, __dokibird_indie_virtual_youtuber_drawn_by_mr2d__af3f2e9d77eb1f979c9c702ae0e55644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Hey, I recognize this grudgeposter! Tell me more about how giving co-workers gifts makes one a horrible person!

>> No.68757060

Are you fucking retarded? He leaked it to Mizuchi because they were close friends and he thought she wouldn't leak it to anyone else. He leaked things to her because he wanted her thoughts on them, wanted her to do stuff for him, etc. It doesn't take a fucking genius to see this.

>> No.68757598

hello DEFEATED Nijississies
