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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68604899 No.68604899 [Reply] [Original]


Look at this way, if we keep make fun of other vtubers, surely their fans will drop their oshi and watch phase girls, why wouldn't they?

>> No.68604955
File: 32 KB, 271x403, ESLchama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68605042

Isn't her whole appeal just being a /pol/tard?
That's such a retarded niche to cater to and a dumb move to stunt your growth.
Unless you're literally so retarded you know you wouldn't be able to help yourself but say /pol/ shit in your streams anyway.

>> No.68605209


Now, why would anon need to improve his english just to shitpost on cambodian bamboo basket forum?

>> No.68605239

>Isn't her whole appeal just being a /pol/tard?
yes and she's not even good at it

>> No.68605270

Her appeal is basically she's thequartering/tim pool if they were vtubers, the joke here is that she's explicitly stated that she loves tranny dick and black dick on her PL. Also her fans are cucks in deep denial as well because she's had literal who male on streams that you can't even be able to mentally contort the situation as if she was clout chasing or grifting for a new audience.

>> No.68605328

From what i gathered as a neophyte phasefag, not anymore, but i guess no one will ever forget

>> No.68605440

What the fuck are you waffling on about?

>> No.68605468

Is this shilling or just really bad falseflagging? Either way I'm still not going to watch Pippa.

>> No.68605583

>thing i don't like must be small
It's a completely untapped market as far as vtubers go.

>> No.68605638

Holofags actually think like this, that's why all other fanbases hate them

>> No.68605656

It’s really funny seeing anons out themselves as complete threadreaders when discussing anything related to phase, the Ethan Ralph saga was over 2 years ago, and even then she was hardly a /pol/tuber unless your criteria was making fun of Alex Jones or joking about the feds.

>> No.68605867

Come back when you've learnt english you pathetic board shitting SEA monkey.

>> No.68605969

So true sister, you tell those chuds!

>> No.68606052 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 613x919, image_2024-02-07_022518343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she aim at right wind people

>> No.68606056

That's a twitter tranny arguing in bad faith, best to just ignore.

>> No.68606140

she keeps kicking the hornet nest that is political youtube to this day. FFS she was in a Vaush clip just a couple days ago

>> No.68606240

I'm a tourist and even I'm starting to understand why everyone hates phasefags holy fuck both the fans and the falseflaggers are the most annoying posters

>> No.68606386 [DELETED] 

phasejanny will delete this

>> No.68606541 [DELETED] 

By /here/ I assume she actually means r/4chan

>> No.68606616

Stop skin walking other groups NDF catalog fag

>> No.68606699 [DELETED] 

Dyrbi screen shots like this are easy a piss to fake

>> No.68606736

I thought she was a fence sitter who tries to play up to both sides.

>> No.68606776 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 737x770, Pipkin Plappa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was this photoshopped too?

>> No.68606935

I always thought that Pippa being a grifter was a meme but I guess it's not. I guess we can now safely assume that Kirsche is a registered Democrat and tankie

>> No.68606982

What does Phase have to do with Aster being an asshole to Scarle?
Are you seriously implying only phase fans are making fun of nijis? lmao

>> No.68606989

This is probably getting deleted by the brownskin janny

>> No.68607009
File: 278 KB, 570x628, 1691714148602905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone /here/-pandering should automatically be labeled a grifter and shunned. It's almost like some people aren't willing to learn.

>> No.68607015

Fucking pansy

>> No.68607071

shoe0nhead is a vtuber now?

>> No.68607090 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 598x627, The Rippa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68607220

>racism towards white people doesn't exist
yeah, right

>> No.68607254

>cancelling her for anti-racist tweets made 3 years ago
Are you the mirror opposite of a Twittard?

>> No.68607259


>> No.68607285

Right on cue.

>> No.68607299

yassir is here

>> No.68607372

for being a /pol/ twat she too cool with them queers

>> No.68607376

>oh nyo you can’t have your own nuanced beliefs you gotta choose what basketball team you belong to

>> No.68607424

You're like the glowniggers that make excuses for conservathots that are plain as day grifters lmao

>> No.68607434

Horse shoe theory continues to be proven right

>> No.68607542

Anon get to know real women instead of projecting your male brain on their ass, most women are like this they basicly have the equivalent of fluid for beliefs and political opinions and will change them almost overnight.

>> No.68607598

>post her own tweets showing that her stance changes based on who she's pandering to
>"Are you cancelling her? What are you, a twittard?"
>"Her beliefs are just nuanced bro, trust me."

>> No.68607673

it's literally just falseflaggers replying to each other
just another day in the shithole that it catalog

>> No.68607718


>> No.68608243

