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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68582107 No.68582107 [Reply] [Original]

"Kuro"sanji comes out of this paradoxically looking better than before

>The targeting of Enna and Millie as "bullies" as well as the backlash toward the company triggered protective reflexes from the Nijisisters- Any new revelation is ""fake"" or written by a schizo or a "bullying attempt"
>Most of the people outraged over Selen have been pacified by her final statement on the matter and want to move on or they were clout chasers who weren't a loss to Niji in the first place
>She was indeed a negligible financial loss, losing only the hyte sponsorship - the stock is climbing back and even Goldman Sachs agrees it's a nothingburger
>Luxiem and Noctyx all just had their best numbers in months, Enna and Millie are just as strong despite losing thousands of dead subs

How did people fuck up this hard in their response to Anycolor's PR disaster? They have literally lost nothing. The final nail in the coffin will be when Doki stabilizes to Selen numbers.

>> No.68582229
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>> No.68582367

So is Ennaposting the new Selenposting except now it's bootlicking nijisanji?

>> No.68582429

Yeah, just ignore that nijisanji is now never getting sponsored by a non Japanede company ever again because anyone sponsoring them will face backlash.

>> No.68582430
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>> No.68582451

What is with the hostility against niji? Do you people have nothing to do in live but spread lies?

>> No.68582502
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>> No.68582514

What lies?

>> No.68582547

I'm on 4chan so that's an unironically yes.

>> No.68582942

>nijisanji is now never getting sponsored by a non Japanede company ever again

Besides Hyte they literally never were, so this is a non issue even if true
Game devs will pay out the ass for sponsorships from even no-name twitch streamers and Niji still looks plenty enticing numbers-wise

Face it, it's worse than negligible. It's fucking GOOD for the company.

>> No.68583041

cope thread

>> No.68583136

We only spread rrats.

>> No.68583137

Enna Alouette of Nijisanji. You disgust me. Unsympathic narcissist. The only reason you share an existence on this earth is because your parents made a mistake, and it's a shame you inherited that same behavioural mistake. I don't want to see your sorry excuse of trying to be human on my YouTube recommendations ever again. Get out. The only time I want to hear your voice is when you're asphyxiating. Because you don't deserve to breathe the same air I breathe. You're going to tell me to touch grass; I'm touching grass more than you ever will with you being strung up so high. The audacity. I cannot believe your impotence. If there was bug spray for me to hand out to every individual on this planet, I would buy out the entire bug spray economy just so I'd know that my and others' houses were bug free. And don't think that others won't turn on you, either. Your mind is so rotted you think your way of life is acceptable. You expect others to be with you through thick and thin, at the expense of their own well-being? What a terrible joke. Unbelievable. Awaiting my copyright strike.

>> No.68583199

now this my dear is what we call cope

>> No.68583257

Shut the fuck up, Enna. I hope you drown in the yacht.

>> No.68583281

grudgepost bait used to be believable

>> No.68583639

>when Doki stabilizes to Selen numbers
Fuck that'd be good. Niji members has been gaslit into thinking they're powerless and helpless without the company, classic entrapment and isolation tactics.

All they need is that assurance that things will carry on as per normal if they do leave. Doki safely retaking selen number is enough assurance. They are so battered by their abusers, that they are only thinking survival not success, but they can cling onto the flimsiest assurance to break the brainwashing. Doki becoming as per usual is the best outcome.

>> No.68583885

>The final nail in the coffin will be when Doki stabilizes to Selen numbers.
You are right. If Doki can prove to be just as successful, while not having Anycolor eat up all her profits, then that will indeed prove to be the final nail in the coffin for NijiEN. Because why the fuck would anyone GOOD stick around and put up with that awful company when they can keep doing everything for themselves(like they already have to) and make more money in the process by going indie? Future waves are likely going to be filled with only the most desperate, talentless, individuals who have no chance on their own. And even they will likely see their stint in Nijisanji as a prolonged advertisement. Get in, get a fanbase, then get out and take them with you. Nijisanji will be a revolving door of 1~2views hoping to become 3view indies after their mandatory black company service is over.

>> No.68584138

Have you seen the numbers the newst wave has? Only 1 of the 3 has JUST reached 100k subs. It already is a "come with 1 viewer, leave with 3" company XD

>> No.68584516

nobody deserves that

>> No.68584670

cool fanfic

>> No.68585370

>Luxiem and Noctyx all just had their best numbers in months, Enna and Millie are just as strong
You and I both know this is drama watchers hoping they'll say something

Nijisanji has received irreversible damage to their reputation, and all they seem capable of is making it worse.

EN will not survive 2024. If *any* of their talent are left, they'll have been folded into the main branch. And then it'll just be another posthumous bleed-out like KR and ID.

>> No.68585443

I'm curious now how many devs are seeing this and deciding that they will either never give NijiEN permissions for their games, or pull existing permissions.

>> No.68585691

Like that apostrophes rrat?
Doki used the curly apostrophe back in 2019 when posting images of her dog and she's still using both apostrophes in her recent tweets.
It's misinformation and it's intentional, but it can give you 15k likes on xwitter.

>> No.68585733
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Inhaling too much copium might lead to mental rot.

>> No.68585866
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Oh, and look at that, she already put out the fires.

>> No.68588994

It's all blood sacrifice. They sacrifice chuubas on the altar of j*w*** greed, making the money rain and eliminating bad players at the same time

>> No.68589053

All is doomed to be complacent

>> No.68589509

>Niji is never getting an EN sponsorship from anything besides Raid Shadow Legends ever again
>The Company is so Radioactivlu Black that only the most desprate Whores will ever apply, thus cutting the tallent pool down to the worst of the worst
>Everyone's looking for a way out of their contracts ASAP before they get sacrificed on the Altar of Riku's Yacht
>Investors looking at the company Nervously at best, Money wil dry up soon
>Doki gets her Plaque

Sure, Retard, Nothing Happened

>> No.68591536

No, it's just one faggot spamming this shit. His ADHD will kick in a few days and he'll move on to another vtuber.

>> No.68592097

I will say, the one annoying thing to me is all these places who sold unlicensed Fan merch saying they were gonna quit selling nijisanji merch, and that the remainder would be on 10% off sale.
Motherfucker you realize that Niji would actually be HAPPY you did that, right? i don’t know about Niji, but Japanese companies tend to NOT like unlicensed fan merch. It just seems like an attention ploy and then all the replies are calling the rando merch stores based etc and how “THEY SURE SHOWED NIJI”
