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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68518516 No.68518516 [Reply] [Original]

The most annoying thing about this, aside from the fact that they fired one of the greatest vtubers I have ever seen in my life for bullshit reasons (pic unrelated) is that people are using Selen's firing as an excuse to to say that Zaion's firing was unjustified too. Let me make one thing clear, this isn't a cartoon where they do one thing that's evil so that means that literally everything else they have done is evil. It can be true that they fired Selen for stupid reasons, but also that the firing of Zaion was completely justified. At the moment, she has not been exonerated or vindicated in any way.

Maybe more will come out in the future, but from all the evidence I have seen with my own eyes, I agree that Zaion broke the rules. Every single thing they listed in the termination letter, I have seen evidence of the infraction associated with it. The fact that they then proceeded to lie about many things in Selen's situation is frustrating, but does not change this.

If you have any counterarguments, feel free to share them. I am open to having my mind changed.

>> No.68518598
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A literal who?

>> No.68518686

dang right anon. making jokes about dee's nuts is a serious termination-worthy offence. zaion was literally hitler for making it.
I'm sure had they included that zaion breathed oxygen into her lungs as an infraction you would also slobber that up as well.

>> No.68518726
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>but enough about selen whadabout zaion
Good thread

>> No.68518858

Nijisister new deflection strategy just dropped!
In todays edition:
>Salvage what you can
And on that note an obligatory:
>Fuck you you Kotoka/Enna/Millie

>> No.68518869

??? Both were justified, one just got super-cancelled by an internet mob.

>> No.68518998

Selen's was not justified because they were proven to have lied about the things they claimed.
They didn't lie about any of Zaion's termination reasons but her defenders here love the rape/pedophilia stuff so they try and act like it was all about that.

>> No.68519120

Anyone who's really a fan of her knows her firing was justified, even Sayu/Zaion herself said she deserved it.

>> No.68519125

both fucked up, niji overreacted, lied and fucked up both of them
but sure you can have double standards so you can get fucked by yacht king while imagining you get to fuck the dragon
the rape thing was just a joke, Selen has said a lot of fucked up shit too, the pedo thing you have to be a retard if you think imaginary anime characters count, if you want to go for pedo there is another organ you can complain about

>> No.68519249

Let's be real though, the only reason people are so gung-ho about defending Zaion is because they like that kind of stuff. If the situation was otherwise the exact same but instead of slobbering over little boys she said "#TRAHR" these same people would be celebrating her firing. It's a same how polarized the internet is that people only defend injustice when it pertains to something they personally like. People are hypocrites.

>> No.68519319

Stop shitposting with Enna asshole!

>> No.68519646

And one more thing, speaking of double standards. WHY does Genshin have only two heights for male characters, but three heights for female characters? Where are all the Klee-sized males? What possible reason could there be for making that body type for females, but not for males? And they had a chance to fix this mistake for Star Rail, but no, they did the exact same thing. This pisses me off more than you can imagine.

You know what game doesn't have this problem? Granblue Fantasy. There are tons of male potatoes in Granblue. Some of them even have deep manly voices and facial hair, like Yodarha. It's great. You know there's not a single playable character with a beard in Genshin Impact? Baffling. They're finally making one in Star Rail, although it's more like stubble. But it's better than nothing.

>> No.68520314

Twitnigger can't take a joke I see. And imagine that, an asian born hobby have people who also like asian culture. If you think there is any correlation between cartoon and pedophilia it says more about you than her

>> No.68520387

Can someone fully explain the Zaion saga because I've been trying to piece it together but I don't seem to get far

>> No.68520639

They defended her because she was being viciously canceled by a hatemob of her OWN company's fans all the while being unable to speak up.
Not because she didn't deserve to be fired.
It was funny how antis always deflected back to "why she deserved be fired" when everyone else focused on the harassment and actual hard doxx she's received from people similar to (You).

>> No.68521257

lol fuck off twitter freak

>> No.68521767

Except it isn't about being justified or not.
It may sadden people, but it is understandable when an employer fires someone because they don't want to work with them anymore.
It's incomprehensible and unethical when an employer drags their former employee through the mud.

>> No.68522054

Everytime they retell the story, Zaion just keeps getting better.

"She was the best vtuber ever she had 20k ccv!"


"She was a saint, assassinated for no reason at all! 100k ccv 5 million subscribers!"

>> No.68522108
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>> No.68522193

Yeah and Nijisanji totally doesn't have half a dozen of their 10 most popular talents discussing how much they like rape and shotacon doujins, fuck off NDF

>> No.68522285
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>> No.68522349

post pale toes enna

>> No.68522502

zaion got hired in and immediately started fucking up on stream & getting bonked by managers for stupid, avoidable shit she was seemingly unrepentant over. at the same time, behind the scenes, she was getting thrown under the bus by coworkers and left out to dry for a lot of shit unnecessarily. it eventually got too much, she got cut and we're still dealing with the complex idea of "someone can fuck up and get punished for it while also getting unfairly treated over other shit"

>> No.68522593

Notice how everyone in that list only did one or two things, but Zaion did all 7 things.
It's almost as if one thing on its own isn't enough to get fired and the reason Zaion was fired because she did so many things.

>> No.68522637

Of course Zaion broke the rules, Selen did too by telling people to reupload the music video. It's not a question of if they broke the rules or not, it's a question of if that warranted being dragged through the mud, bullied and thrown under the bus by other Livers. And no, it did not. The punishment just doesn't fit the crime.

>> No.68522669

Zaion did nothing wrong.

>> No.68522771
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>> No.68522863

>Unprofessional and controcersial Menhera joins black company with harassment issues
>Immediately does a bunch of small, but significant blunders that lead her to be the target of harassment internally
>Management far from difussing and properly conducting the liver and the situation left her to her own devices
>Situation spirals out of control and it hits critical mass
>Zaion gets terminated and every one of her misconducts, no matter how small (including a deez nutz joke) got listed as a reason in her termination notice
>Liver behind Zaion posted about her experiences in her own private account.

>> No.68522900

I can agree that firing Zaion may be viewed as justified by some (though I don't agree with it). The way they did it - now that inexcusable.
They didn't just fire her but did what they could to ruin her future career for good - kept stirring the pot which lead to rabid NDF doxxing her, they probably told the talent from her wave to shit on her or their share will get reduced from 2% to 1% and tried to erase every single thing related to her.

>> No.68523003

have you ever held a job before because usually, people who are at that job longer can fuck up and get away with it because they have tenure and shit. it's very easy to write things off as "a one time fuck up" when you have a clear history of not fucking up for a while. Zaion came in and started fucking up immediately and seemingly refused to change so she got cut. any real world job would do the same. it doesnt excuse the rest of everything but she fucked up, plain and simple.

>> No.68523126

Selen was loved by Nijifans, Zaion was disliked by most and even her own genmates didn't like her

>> No.68523144

>one of the greatest vtubers I have ever seen in my life
Who is that?

Moving on to your main point. Whether or not Selen's termination was justified or not needs to be settled in court. Nijisanji actually has a very strong case despite what you and twitter drama autists and clout chasers post. If they win or she doesn't pursue it then it means she was rightfully terminated and was just muddying the waters and using general Niji hate as part of her grift. Nijisanji isn't a good company but I'm not convinced yet that any of their ex-talents are innocent either. Zaion is the most obvious example of someone that deserved that get terminated, but it's only obvious because she can't keep her shit together.

>> No.68523199

How does it make you feel that Vshojo is doing better than ever without Silvervale LMAO

>> No.68523256

Only niji fans try to argue about the nuance in being terrible people. They're all terrible people, all boring and bad content creators, all extremely amateurish and vindictive. Nijisanji and ex-Nijisanji talents will never stop being vile people that most don't want to watch. That's why they barely get any viewers.

>> No.68523279

crazy how not even the dramafaggots care about her anymore lmao no one does. shes completely faded from memory as soon as she left

>> No.68523300
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Zaion= Dark jokes, shotacon, deez nuts joke
>Gets terminated
Other Niji Livers= Dark jokes, leaking company secrets, deez nuts joke
>You are a great asset, for the company

>> No.68523304

I'll counterargument you with the following: every fucking liver on that fucking company did at least 2 to 4 things she allegedly did, ranging from using emulators to play Tomodachi Life to telling dark humor jokes. Why is it fair she's the only one to get the axe?

>> No.68523313
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>Hogwarts Legacy Dramatourist buzzword

>> No.68523346

Regardless whether or not she deserved to get fired, her termination letter was actually an uncalled for abusive list of nitpicks very much in the vein of Selen's. Of course sisters ate it up because she was cancelled on Twitter beforehand and she didn't have years of history to build a fanbase with NijiEN like Selen. Even so, the job of an agency is to protect their talent (including on their way out), not take a shit on them and throw them to the wolves on them when they make a mistake. NijiEN has no functional PR and the fact that the slander letter worked the first time with Zaion should be considered a black mark on NijiEN fanbase that enabled the dogshit management to continue their bullshit until it eventually blew up in everyone's faces with Selen's suicide attempt.

>> No.68523416


>> No.68523432

Everything about the company is incompetently run, and their talents are mostly people who haven’t worked a “real” job before—something that they know because they’re a vtuber company. Everything about NijiEN that should enable its workers to do their jobs is poorly run, if at all, and NOW is when you bitch and complain about professionalism?
Zaion might have made mistakes, but it’s not as if she was in a place that made it easy to learn that shit on the job.

>> No.68523627

it's less about professionalism and more about how she fucked up without giving herself any kind of net to save herself. which is very bizarre seeing as this *isn't* her first job so she should clearly know you be on your best behavior for a few months and then once you've been there long enough, you can relax a bit. it's basic shit.

>> No.68523668

you bunch of fucking low iq negroes have no long term memory. we all had been posting about Kurosanji's asspulls to pad out her termination notice since almost a year ago, on March 10th, 2023.
it was just a list of either negligible things or vague, nebulous shit, used as reasons for her termination. the last reason is just a very long "etc".
the termination letter itself doesn't specify what exactly Zaion did wrong, and that plus Sayu's document proved beyond any of your baboon babble that Negrosanji, it's management and livers had it out for her.
this was what confirmed the shadow-suspensions, the clique, the revenue shares, the youtube plaques, EVERYTHING.
if you're going to continue polishing the tiny cock of paul li then you might as well kys.

>> No.68523708

Get a job, nigger.

>> No.68523842

Not sure how laws in your country works, but laws in my country state that if you hire a worker it's your responsability know their profile before hiring and to make sure they're adecuadate for the job.
And it's also your responsibility to properly induct them in your rules, train them for their job beyond simply assuming they know what to do.

Zaions repeated misconducts speak more of a lack of proper training and poor oversight from supervisors and management, specially as a new element to the corporation, than herself breaking the rules. Zaion's and other former NijiEN talents echo this as well.

>> No.68523899


>> No.68523961

This thread reeks of nijiniggers.The SEAs ones

>> No.68523970

Twitter tourists posting bait again

>> No.68524065

Why do 16-year-old Indonesian kpop girls keep asking me if I've ever worked a real job when I tell them that Nijisanji's work culture seems completely fucked? I don't know how it works in their monkeyland but I'm a team lead and I've managed to let people go without immediately following it up with an email to every competing company with a laundry list filled with absurd nitpicks about their performance, and as a bonus I'm pretty sure none of the people working under me have tried to kill themselves because of me.

>> No.68524115


>> No.68524445

The office and her can fuck up at the same time. It's not one or the other. They could've done so much better training but she could also have not been fucking retarded as soon as she got hired. It's that easy.
Take your meds, anon, cause no one is excusing what happened after she got fired or are they talking about stupid faggot twitter drama from single digit follower accounts. They could've left things significantly more amicably and saved everyone so many headaches.

>> No.68524510

Go back to Xitter
This. Her fans aren't saying she did nothing wrong, but rather the reaction to her mistakes were overblown because Nijisanji wanted to erase her from the scene
Or maybe, just maybe, Nijisanji was a terrible workplace with managers that play favorites

>> No.68524521
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>Zaion the shota lover
I would have loved it if an older woman gobbled me up when I was in middle school. You're a faggot for hating her.

>> No.68524835

>tldr : deflection

>> No.68525255

i don't care about anyone i just want niji to burn

>> No.68525286

Oh I've worked an actual 9 to 5
My old boss used to tell me "Remember, boy. These aren't mistakes, these are opportunities for growth"
When someone accused another of being harassment the site manager went as far digging up the footage for the cameras for evidence
And we played Mario Kart on lunch break.

If it was that easy we wouldn't be having these threads. It's ok for things to be nuanced and complicated

>> No.68526305

You seem extremely racist so I'm just going to dismiss everything you have said as false.

>> No.68526459

mucho texto lmao

>> No.68526470

Go back to x tourists

>> No.68528590


>> No.68529722


>> No.68529852

Lmao fuck off tourist

>> No.68531062

You've got things backwards - Zaion's termination was very flimsy and Selen's was undeniably justified - she publicly called on people to make unauthorised reuploads of a MV she doesn't own the copyright to.

>> No.68531270

Selen may have finished Nijisanji off, but she has always been a hard nijinigger for the past 3 years and was an active part of the nijiniggerdom.
It truly is a disservice that people shit on the only one with any personal integrity to try to put a stop to it

>> No.68531698

>Using a copyrighted song in her stream without prior authorization
Zaion played a genmate's song cover on stream.
Luca stole custom-made BGM from Hololive talents and has not apologised: >>/vt/thread/S23331437
Uki fucks with Disney: >>/vt/thread/S25840152#p25842536
>Revealing internal information that can potentially cause issues for stakeholders during her stream
Zaion revealed they had permission to play Hogwarts Legacy. Livers have been revealing which games they have permission for all the time.
NijiEN revealed how assblasted they are by 4chan: https://youtu.be/zg2XZDyi7Vs
>Making statements that could lead to speculation or leaking of internal information using social media accounts that she personally operates, during her activity suspension time
Led to speculation and slander of rival companies: https://files.catbox.moe/615dx3.png
Led to speculation about event cancellation: https://files.catbox.moe/8x52vs.jpg & https://files.catbox.moe/q089sc.png
Led to speculation about merchandise profits: https://files.catbox.moe/33y8k4.mp4
Millie & Ena alluded to knowing Elira before joining. Led to speculation on nepotism hires.
>Offensive remarks regarding discrimination and sexual assault
"Rape joke" on fictional character: https://youtu.be/0tkQAkTSREM
Mentioned rape: https://youtu.be/LwftoO7-1lo
Reads comment calling her queen of jews: https://youtu.be/Xa38OJjHe2I
Soviet Union joke: https://youtu.be/leCK_in8bJo
Racism against Sikhs: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxWwUzINSE6pSdX9GW_X1FBY7ZSpPEOulo
Stereotyping accent: https://twitter.com/meIomaid/status/1585489887620366336
White face: https://archive.is/WbisT
Misusing black features: https://twitter.com/kanae_2434/status/1520196872744316928
Liking women vulnerable: https://files.catbox.moe/p0vz00.mkv
HIV joke: https://files.catbox.moe/oucrjs.mp4
AIDS joke: https://youtu.be/L35lpJ2d7zA
Man uncomfortable with sexual assault jokes shows dildo in age unrestricted video: https://streamable.com/pn89he
Fans try to bury incident: https://files.catbox.moe/7rc52y.png
Kotoka teaches Mysta how to declare anal sex: https://youtu.be/n0skgeKVyjE?t=415s
Mysta uses it on Riku Tazumi (it's ok, he's drunk): https://youtu.be/tPKszHFkToc?t=80
Orally raped her sister indirectly: https://youtu.be/z4nDZTAksLM
Joke about genocide of fictional people: https://files.catbox.moe/vam5mu.png
Uki obsessed with white people: https://files.catbox.moe/lh4q3g.mp4
>Several infringements of the Rules pertaining to the use of games defined by ANYCOLOR Inc. (including intentional infringements) and repeated false justifications given to ANYCOLOR Inc. regarding these infringements
Zaion used past life accounts after getting permission from manager but manager backpedalled hard after.
Manager continued to make rules to disrupt her content.
>Expressing her will to perform streams using illegal games (also referred to as pirate games)
Zaion expressed her will to but did not play romhacks.
Pomu assumed to use SnickerStream on a modded 3DS based on framerate: https://youtu.be/uc-FZGqMsLg
Kyo admits to using a capture card: https://youtu.be/1KrS-xfO57E?t=3592
You can't capture footage from a 3DS without a third party capture card or software which requires custom firmware. Game and console modding are both illegal in Japan. https://web.archive.org/web/20200806000920/https://www.nintendo.com/corp/legal.jsp
>Comments that can be considered offensive to the rights holder of a game during a stream
Zaion complained about UNO's shitty UI.
>Giving false information to other NIJISANJI EN Livers regarding the contents of her communications with ANYCOLOR Inc.
Zaion opened membership after meeting Nijisanji's criteria but did not ask for approval.
Zaion """""gaslit""""" Finana.
Zaion forced to give false information to her fans by management: https://files.catbox.moe/u1t1ni.png
>Falsely claiming to have received permission from ANYCOLOR Inc. after a viewer commented on Zaion performing an action prohibited by the Rules
Zaion used her old FF14 account despite being told not to.
>Falsely claiming to be sponsored by a brand during a stream
Zaion pretends to be sponsored by Dee's Nuts not knowing it was an existing company.
Pretends to be sponsored by Manscape: https://streamable.com/tr6vze
>Giving "likes" to comments falling under defamation of NIJISANJI Livers and ANYCOLOR Inc., using social media accounts that she peronally operates
Zaion liked more malicious comments than she admitted to.
Kyo liked and responded to tweets attacking Zaion during her suspension using his roommate account: https://archive.is/gUgHZ
Is responding to actions his roommate account did on his corporate account not breaking the Rules?
Zaion Streamlabs was terminated by this point.
"Defamation" of other vtubers not in their company: https://files.catbox.moe/23ybzo.mp4
>Numerous other actions and comments infringing the Contract and Rules
Incapable management thinking etcetera is acceptable.

>> No.68532470

>the only reason people are defending Zaion is because they like that kind of stuff.

Still hyper fixating on that and using it to deflect her defenders. I hope you don’t get your hard drive checked anon.

>> No.68532750

They are tiwttards anon of course they have shady shit to hide

>> No.68532830

Crazy that Zaion alone completed this whole list in like 3 weeks.

>> No.68533260

It's crazy that Niji decided to enforce all of their rules all of a sudden for one specific individual

>> No.68534067
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Nice deflection thread faggot

>> No.68534555

She could have just deleted the tweet and asked people to delete the reuploads. It makes no sense to fire a very popular streamer who has been working for you for three years, over something that is so easily fixed.

They left the tweet up for a month too. If it bothered them so much, why didn't they just delete it?

>> No.68535814

>Every single thing they listed in the termination letter
i still can't get over how they thought it was a good idea to air the dirty laundry like that. multiple times.
i've been fired from jobs before and if you call up the company for a reference check, they will refuse to give details other than confirm dates employed.

>> No.68538205

i see

>> No.68538403

Obligatory "Sayu did nothing wrong"
