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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68386807 No.68386807 [Reply] [Original]

I love these girls like you wouldn’t believe

>> No.68387068

Kirsche streams too much for me to watch.
I can only handle her in clips or pippa collabs(pippa is biologically incapable of streaming for more than 2 hours at a time).
Doesn't matter how hilarious a joke is if it's in the middle of a seven hour stream, and there's another seven hour stream the next day. Even at 3x speed that's impossible unless you literally ONLY watch her and nothing else. Can't even keep up with a tv show or read a book or you'll fall behind into the vod dungeon.

>> No.68387303

People accuse Pippa of being political, but Kirsche is far more political, and while she she can be funny, it ultimately turns me off.
In b4 Plappa blm post, I'm talking about right now today, not the past.

>> No.68387969

Kirsche sucks. She's trying to wedge herself into the audience that also watches idiots like The Quartering.

Pippa may have racists in her chat but she doesn't make her entire content/brand around their existence. Kirsche calls herself Fox News, complains about whatever Daily Wire and Quarter Pounder complain about. She's trying very hard to be "The Conservative Grifter" Vtuber.

>> No.68388140

>She's trying very hard to be "The Conservative Grifter" Vtuber.
Sounds like a great way to stand out, considering 99% of Vtubers and entertainment in general is pozzed as fuck.

>> No.68389455

maybe if you want to stand out for being a fat fucking retard. Like good on her for making a living circlejerking with chuds but that's the ceiling there.

>> No.68389724

me too man. they are a much higher quality than all the other grifters /here/ tubers and feel much more genuine

>> No.68389813

Trannies hate Kirsche

>> No.68390067

I mean, have you ever thought that she genuinely believes what she says, and that it’s not actually a grift after all?

>> No.68390290

Pippa, Kirsche, MariMari, and Chromu collab when?

>> No.68390331

ok well then she's still just going to be known as a fat retard because what she apparently believes is basically just regurgitated Daily Wire/The Quartering garbage. Also she carefully avoids debating the topics which leads me to believe she's just feeding chuds what they want to hear anyways.

>> No.68391490

women should be pretty, kind, careless, and loyal. these two act like men, being crass, racist, and sexist, and generally disgusting. they would require many beatings by their husbands to get them under control.

>> No.68391685

>ironically calling others chuds

sounds like you're the fatter faggot here

>> No.68391769

I love Kirsche futa art

>> No.68391781

cope, seethe, and dilate.

>> No.68391834

that's because you are a chud :)

that's the best you'll ever come up with

>> No.68392209
File: 246 KB, 985x962, chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Words are hollow and do not hold power unless you give them any.
"You will never be a woman, tranny faggot" also holds no power, but you will give them quite a lot.

>> No.68392319

you are either 14 and made being edgy your entire personality, or you are a kissless virgin on your 40s

>> No.68392340

i believe it

>> No.68392350

>being crass, racist, and sexist, and generally disgusting.
>they would require many beatings by their husbands
The irnoy is quite delicious anon, bravo.

>> No.68392395

Give me a political chuuba that isnt retarded

>> No.68392462

You're right, I wouldn't believe you

>> No.68392517

gawr gura

>> No.68392832

I would rather that there weren't any political vtubers, but since there are, it makes sense that a right-wing vtuber (even if a conservative lolbert and not actually right ist) would be the one that's successful and a leftist political vtuber would not be. People ultimately still watch vtubers to be entertained and feel better about themselves. basic right-conservative talking points can provide this to some extent to a lot of viewers. However, leftist ones don't, because there's nothing positive or uplifiting about modern leftism, it's entirely a negative ideology about how you're bad and wrong, and it won't leave anyone feeling better after having listened to it. Remember that Futa Coochie Mana tried something similar but with marxist-leninitst ideology and cocksucking for Putin and it completely backfired on her and drove her viewers away because it's a negative ideology that makes even believers feel bad about themselves.

>> No.68393532

Isn’t cocksucking Putin considered right-wing? Didn’t /pol/ want Russia to win?

>> No.68393595

it's not ironic. wonder why japan doesn't have vtubers like them? it's because in a true conservative society, they don't permit woman to act like that. THESE are the type of women that will rebel against their husband, and they need to be broken.

>> No.68394360

shes obv from chan but for sure just playing it up to not look "normie" if she can make a bag off of retards with no shame, good for her

>> No.68394490

>no nig jokes
>no spic jokes
>no pajeet jokes
>no chink jokes
>no jap jokes
>no gook jokes
If you hate libs/sjws/woke shit but you still act PC, you don't actually believe the shit you say
She is unironically a grifter

>> No.68395121

Isn't kirsche an enormous black man?

>> No.68395394

what is TOS

>> No.68395613

Props for trying to fit in but please try not glowing brighter than the sun next time

>> No.68396530

This. But even despite that, she still actually *does* make those types of jokes literally all the fucking time. The above post is just flat out wrong.
She just has to be a bit cryptic about it to dodge TOS. Apparently that anon is just too retarded to pick up on any joke that's more complex than just staring at the camera and saying nigger repeatedly.

>> No.68396665

Chromu? What makes you group her with the others?

>> No.68396692

>i have presented myself as the chad and you are the wojak, silly and hysterical.
You will never be aware of your surroundings, faggot, also holds no power, but you will give them quite a lot.

>> No.68396780

Kirsche is only watchable if she collabs with Pippa.

>> No.68397273

chromuchromu fit in pretty well with Pippa during their collabs.

>> No.68397429

>Isn’t cocksucking Putin considered right-wing?
Most right-wingers don't give a shit about the conflict and just don't want us to spend money funding Ukraine. But there is a subset of right-wingers who explicitly support Putin/Russia. Typically more "reactionary" types. Most /pol/ users would fall into this category.
Supporting Putin/Russia is a pretty rare position for a left-winger to have, though. If I had to guess, it would have something to do with USSR allegiance, and recognizing that Putin/Putin's Russia is not exactly all that right-wing/capitalist as it's made out to be.

>> No.68398085

She notices race statistics in crime regularly. One example off the top of my head was when she was reading an article on asian hate and the author brought up that physical assaults of asians had gone up due to coof fears, and se very loudly and directly asked "WHO'S DOING THE ASSAULTING? WHICH DEMOGRAPHIC?"

>> No.68398654
File: 356 KB, 1920x1080, purge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alt his schizo

>> No.68401153

Kirsche activates my breeding instinct like you wouldn't believe

>> No.68401227


>> No.68401288

Your taste is abysmal

>> No.68401896

I think that's even worse.

>> No.68401931

I think chromu and mari would kill my remaining brain cells if they ever cross paths

>> No.68402038

Kirsche is a fat retard or a grifter, desu.
Way too focused with whatever hot topic Rev or Herohei has brought to the table that day (usually how retarded 16 year old on twitter are destroying society)

I actually have no issues with RWers but if your concern with decline centres on social media gossamer rather than wages/housing costs/generational wealth/the inability for millennial to start families (despite female desire for children being at its highest since the 70s) then you aren't actually very serious about your concerns

>> No.68402306

Kirsche unironically malds about the coloreds and larps like she does shit about it IRL.

Pippa is just an incel that people mistake for being right wing cause she's got fucking complexes. A little chuddy but more annoying and miserable than left or right

perscription for both is a 7/10 dude raised with both his parents

>> No.68402511

All four of those retards in the same game would be glorious.

>> No.68402630

Get them on a jong game

>> No.68403004

>no evidence

>> No.68403239

hey kirsche

>> No.68403783
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Kirsche is annoying but she's been better lately, less blatantly "pick me". Maybe she's getting better, Pippa had an arc where she was pretty annoying too before she realized what kind of picture she was painting for herself and chilled out.

>> No.68404557

Kirsche often goes into rants about localizers and injecting their shitty politics into works that aren't their own. The other day she did a sponsored stream for P3R and when asked about her thoughts about the localization she said she purposely ignored the drama so she could do the stream.

>> No.68404726

I’m shocked she even got sponsored by them. I thought she’d be a complete pariah to the MSM like Synthetic Man

>> No.68405272

Fatlus probably don't even give a shit because they know the game will sell anyway. Harry Potter should be proof to everyone that social media is just a bubble

>> No.68406959

I accept (((your))) concession, retard.
Hope you'll learn that calling people "nigger" or "chud" has no effect on the kazak basket weaving website.

>> No.68407066

Kirsche is pretty based

>> No.68407742

>being a right winger is bad, chud!
Where are you redditors even coming from
fuck off already

>> No.68408360
File: 62 KB, 565x747, Pikamee Gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will you learn

>> No.68409523

I'm a Super Lefty. You can call me a pinko commie, idk. I saw her post on Twitter defending a certain guy who crossed state borders with a gun that he should not have in order to put himself into a dangerous position to murder protesters so I blocked her. Don't advocate for the murder of protesters please and thank you.

>> No.68409651

He didn't kill enough of them

>> No.68409949

Pippa is far and away the best EN Vtuber.
Kirsche is great too, but less entertaining on her own.

>> No.68410112

She also loves girls

>> No.68410141 [SPOILER] 
File: 219 KB, 271x535, kirsche1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-----Kirsche dox.

>> No.68410191


>> No.68410295


>> No.68410317

>Did you see what she was wearing? In that part of town? No wonder she got raped.

>> No.68410344

2 of the worst rancid whores to every infest this medium with their ilk.

>> No.68410367

LoL. Lmao even. Are people still coping about him doing the right thing and being in the right

>> No.68410380

When they say funding for Ukraine, what they really mean is spend more money in arms manufacturing here in America and pay Americans that then gift the weapons to Ukraine who fight our enemies for us. There is literally no downside since Americans already pay for the damn weapons with our taxes but those just sit in the weapon depot to rot until we make new ones.

>> No.68410390

Male vtubers exist.

>> No.68410396

literally all of Kirsche's fanbase is TVA retards (third worlders too stupid to figure out kiwifarms)

>> No.68410462
File: 417 KB, 2100x2400, __pipkin_pippa_and_pipkin_pippa_phase_connect_and_1_more_drawn_by_mossyartburger__405c813724db0e37a07b6049557f43dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who crossed state borders with a gun
See, right there you were lied to. It was documented *in court* that the dude didn't have the gun when he crossed the state lines. Yeah, there's an argument to be made for why his action were wrong but for fucks sake actually make sure you're getting all the details right while you do it instead of being a retard that takes everything said by a massive media driven astroturfing campaign at face value.

>> No.68410480

>3 pdf's got with criminal records got shot that night
>dont advocate for murder
anon, pdfs only have a solution.

>> No.68410484
File: 617 KB, 578x778, kirschecall[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ftgm42p.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68410491

Excuse me sir or madam, but I too am a “super lefty”, an anarchist in fact, and that kid did nothing wrong by attempting to preserve order during a state sponsored riot event. They purposely put a deranged man out into the streets where he could have killed anyone or destroyed a lot that night. The kid helped to prevent just that which caught the convict’s attention and drove him to his death. The other two fatalities were unfortunate goobers trying to fight a scared and fleeing guy with a gun, with a skateboard of all things. A fool’s way to die.

He should have killed you.

>> No.68410503

Need to be more rancid. Smell streams when?

>> No.68410539

Do you have her cheeseburger alert?

>> No.68410590

at least their fans like vtubers and the culture (kinda)

>> No.68410743

Who's on the right?

>> No.68410887

Not even sure why Pippa is called a political one since she's not saying anything about politics.
She just isn't as opinion shy as other corpos (lot's of women with her opinions who are just scared to express themselves)

>> No.68410958

not really maybe at the start you had the russian botters there as you had some holol faggots but key issue is nobody wants to pay for a war that says nothing to them, this is true in both America and both, the other side is thatboth of them have jews or crypto jews leading and sending caucasians to their death just for another blood offering in a jewish blood ritual, its fucking stupid everything.

>> No.68410988

The Leftist parties of Europe are super Putin leaning and just turned it down because they knew it would give them a bad look. So instead they just turned to a general "war bad" position without really admitting who's fault the war is.

>> No.68411212

apickme and a landwhale, both dramafaggots with cancerous fans

>> No.68411738

there are likely paid actors ITT trying to preserve the readers' skewed view of reality

>> No.68411822

Go away dyke

>> No.68412118

Leftist here. Siding with Russia. Conservative Putin is just a sensible guy trying to protect his country from western oligarchy and the nazis Biden and company nursed into power there.
The USSR doesn’t exist anymore. Doesn’t play onto this at all.

>> No.68412160

YWNBAW or pass

>> No.68412185

This deflection isn't strong enough, what do we do sisters?

>> No.68412576

go back to facebook

>> No.68412721

im going to give kirsche a chance just because she shares my seething burning hatred of localisers, what should i watch that ISNT ragebait?

>> No.68412898

probably class of 09 vods

>> No.68413038

Learn Japanese instead of watching that whale fucking retard.

>> No.68413066


Only ugly women say pickme

>> No.68413160

One is a rotting mold monster and the other is a landwhale. Fucking faggot.

>> No.68413534

only people with brown skin watch these two

>> No.68413561

I'm absolutely much whiter than your ass

>> No.68413680

>Like good on her for making a living circlejerking with chuds but that's the ceiling there
I mean, I've been saying this with Lucy Pyre for like a year now, but here we are.

>> No.68413770


>> No.68413917

Are you faggots going to unironically play out the alt-right phenotype purity spiral meme, I need a good laugh

>> No.68414358

People are delusional thinking any vtuber is going to hit a ceiling with this angle when Rogan is signing $250m Spotify deals. If they keep putting themselves out there they'll keep inclining.

>> No.68414580

It's a convenient way to offload tons of old stock from armories then turn around and start lobbying for massively inflated weapon manufacturing contracts to produce new stock for the next sandbox excursion while lining your pockets. Simple really.

>> No.68414752
File: 156 KB, 1080x1082, man and his waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch her discuss localizers with poltfan who does translation and localization work.

>> No.68414868

No it's not. Supporting Putin is the normal position for a hard leftist. What you mean is that it's a very rare position for someone who gets all their opinions from corporate media to have. The demographic that is pro Ukraine are the people who are politically inert or corporate mouthpieces since it's in their interest (or their betters' interest) to fund the war in Ukraine using public debt.

The real leftists think the Ukrainians are actual nazis and Russia has been dogwhistling with communist imagery lately also.

>> No.68415382

Never really understood what people mean when they call a vtuber a grifter since that's essentially their job but after watching that first clip I think I finally understand now. Like, hot damn, how do you go from "YOUR OSHI HAS A BOYFRIEND" to "uuuuuuuuu boyfriend doko mee so femcel" in less than 10 seconds without feeling any shame?

>> No.68415408
File: 13 KB, 196x257, IMG_3659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weird furry libtard grifter who tries to be based
>fat ugly grifter trying to be Tim Pool
I see a trend here

>> No.68415493

>true leftists support kleptocracy A while the sheeple support kleptocracy B

I see...

>> No.68415684

Yeah? Is it a surprise to you that leftists actually support the state even when they claim to be anarchists? You can't have egalitarianism without a totalitarian state anyway.

>> No.68415745

Is that supposed to be entertainment? Localizer bad. Yes we know. You shouldnt invest 8 hours a day into watching somebody just because they spout popular beliefs like that. Whats next? Glowies are bad defend yourself!!! Waco texas!!!

>> No.68415794

Supporting russia is a position of a pure contrarian NPC, left ot right doesnt matter

>> No.68415875

....so you care about state borders, but not national borders?

>> No.68415890

What other chuubas have a chat that needs to be told not to talk about doors?

>> No.68416146

What are your gendered pronouns that are very valid?

>> No.68416281

Supporting Ukraine is the position of a standard firmware NPC, so it's not like that's any better. I'm only telling you that for real leftists it's normal to support Russia.
Are they doing it only to be contrarians? I don't know and I don't care. Not my problem.

>> No.68416402


>> No.68416446

Explain the Republican party

>> No.68416487

Leftists (and normal people really) should be agaist imperialistic agressions, and the Russian invasion is the clearest and most unjustified instance of that in recent history. Though there is no reason for anyone who doesnt have their brain rotted with contrarianism to support that corrupt AIDS ridden shithole.

>> No.68416518

Some people want assurance that they’re not the only person on the planet with that opinion. It keeps them sane, especially with everyone else telling them the opposite.

>> No.68416626

They are pretty awesome.

>> No.68416648

Reminder that Quarterpounder saved Hololive during the Holocaust permissions drama years back from before HoloEN was a thing. He’s undeniably a cornerstone of the brand.

>> No.68416674

I assure you that we all hate Jeremy.

>> No.68417653

Isn't the one on the left a nazi?

>> No.68417887

She doesn't care what horse fuckers think

>> No.68418065

I don't get it. That's just what I hear normies say about her.

>> No.68418131

The Horse Cock loving streamer called her a Nazi

>> No.68418241

I see...

>> No.68418365

You should probably kill yourself if you need a fucking vtuber to tell you that your opinions are heckin valid and precious.

>> No.68418415

so many faggots on here desperately want validation from the people they watch hours of instead of having a job or being any sort of positive to society and getting it from that

>> No.68418607

I don't mind Kirsche, she can be a ton of fun when both her and Pippa are shooting the shit on dumb stuff, problem comes from her fans, a lot of them are like what people think capipis are and will drama post everywhere, problem is, if you tell them to calm down even slightly they shit up everything, cuckpost and try and start a war on twitter about it treating it like an occasion to turn this into IBS, they don't understand that it's the reason why there's been tension between the fanbases, because otherwise they'd all be cool together

>> No.68419069


>> No.68420140

Lots of angered twitter tourists in this thread.

>> No.68423115

please do better

>> No.68423310

What are your preferred gender pronouns?

>> No.68423326

>it's because in a true conservative society, they don't permit woman to act like that.
There are fucktons of female netouyo streamers tho? It's just that politics is a big no-no for JP vtubers.

>> No.68423460

/pol/ wants russia and ukraine to wipe eachother out because of who controls both.
Anyway stop politicking and talk about how fuckable kirsche is and how amazing she'd be in bed.

>> No.68423516

Nice bait you fucking retard. We all know what actually happened without /pol/ thank you very much.
This is not about vtubers.

>> No.68424043

Just because someone has different views from you doesn't mean they're a grifter. You people really need to stop this word around, especially since it's so often pure projection as usual.

>> No.68424089

*stop throwing this word around

>> No.68424146

Anyone who uses "chud", ironically or not, is always, without fail a sub 80IQ retard who is easily misled.

>> No.68424803

>circlejerking with chuds

>> No.68426320

The difference is that SJWs have the entire mainstream media, entertainment medium, all of Twitter, all of Nijisanji and Vshojo, and thousands of indie Vtubers to validate them. Anti-SJWs have no equivalent. As someone who believes in equality, I believe that if one side is allowed to have validation, the other side should be allowed to have it, too

>> No.68426709

did you sleep through the recent rushia events or something

>> No.68426901

Who cares? Neither side is your dog in the fight and neither has any legitimate God-given claim on the territory of Ukraine or the right tax the people who live there. Governments aren't your friend and there is no benefit to cheerleading in conflicts between states. Even if you cheer with all your heart, they'll still ultimately send you to die in a ditch so that Explosive Devices Inc. goes up the stock market and 80 year old man can enjoy his private jet for a few more years.

What do you want me to explain about them? I'm not sure what kind of explanation you're looking for.

>> No.68427022

>political chuuba
this alone should disqualify someone as a vtuber

>> No.68427039

I want them to fart in my mouth

>> No.68427143

Clinical, crippling retardation

I sincerely mean this, their entire domestic and foreign policy for the past 30 years has effectively been "nuh uh"


>> No.68427499

wtf is this from?

>> No.68427826

This is cool and all but I've yet to know why she has a hula hoop on her ear.

>> No.68428208

From the slampig's discord.

>> No.68428432

Two of the worst things to ever happen to vtubing
Reminder that the owner of the Kiwi farms split is a mod in Kirsches chat and she defends doxxing and kiwi niggers
Pippa isn't much better and flooded /vt/ with /pol/ niggers and drama fags

>> No.68428641
File: 189 KB, 553x524, 1689980885652214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/turds desperately shoving their rancid burger meme "politics" into every single hobby
>even a hobby as retarded as Vtubers
>doing the exact same thing SJWs are doing on Twitter and using any opportunity to virtue signal

>> No.68428814

St. Kyle eliminated a serial wife beater and literal child molester. He did America a favor.

>> No.68428971

>doing the exact same thing SJWs are doing on Twitter and using any opportunity to virtue signal
You mean the thing you allowed and condoned them doing for years? And yet when someone else starts doing it in equal measure, NOW it’s a bad thing?

>> No.68429066

This. If they can have Hasan, I can have a Fuentes.

>> No.68429369

>It's an issue now a tiny minority of right wingers do it after years of huge majority left wingers doing it
>The left doing this to vtubers this whole time. NOW we have TWO? Right wing vtubers talking about their politics it's an issue?
The hypocrisy is insane from you.

>> No.68429462

kirsche is prime veibae level of nasty

>> No.68429567

>"YOUR OSHI HAS A BOYFRIEND" to "uuuuuuuuu boyfriend doko mee so femcel" in less than 10 seconds
What are you hallucinating about? Kirsche is very open about her trying to find a real life man.

>> No.68429671

>a bunch of turbo commies making everything super gay and brown
>some people telling them to stop ruining things
>they freak out that there is resistance to making everything gay and brown
>the group complaining about the actions of the first group are the ones in the wrong

>> No.68429692

What is this nonsense? /pol/cels are seething at both of those chuubas for not being Hitler enough.

>> No.68429799

>doesn't even deny it
>"b-but they started first!"
the best move is to not play. Completely ignoring the retards and enjoying your life and hobbies. Instead you're letting the clowns live rent free in your head and even worse bringing that shit into every hobby by whining nonstop about them and using the same obnoxious tactics and brainlet arguments.
SJWs and /pol/turds are two sides of a shit eating contest. When in reality you should wonder why are you even eating shit in the first place.

>> No.68429912


>> No.68430064

Kirsche has one of the worst voices I've ever heard in vtubing. She could be saying the most profound shit that I agree with or crack hilarious jokes and I would still be like holy shit I can't listen to this voice.
And you can tell that she's a fucking WHALE.

>> No.68430155

No. You don’t get to preach about “equality” for decades, only to attack one side for doing something you allowed the other side to do for ages.

>> No.68430215

The "you're just as bad as them" tactic that SJWs employ while trying to pretend to be neutral is one we're all well aware of, it's not going to work.

>> No.68430301

>Sir Geoffrey, do you know who also uses swords? Saracens. Lay down your arms as a true act of defiance
>Sir Shekelstein, are you mad? The enemy is at our gate and threatening to break it down and kill us all!
>Geoffrey, thou are a Saracen!

>> No.68431037

Say what you want but here you are discussing politics on a thread about an autistic pink rabbit girl playing videogames. You're so far gone you genuinely can't go beyond the whole "left vs right" and us vs them mentality. You can't fathom how retarded this shit looks from the outside and the fact that you're legitimizing the other side by providing a perfect antithesis for them and keeping the debate alive.
I don't care about twitter or leddit, I use 4chan because I want to discuss my autistic hobbies without some political drone virtue signaling and spewing bullshit about degeneracy and the fall of the west.

>> No.68431543

Again, no one is falling for your guise of neutrality.

>> No.68431594

>LGBT BLM whores
woooooow soooo based

>> No.68431942

Kirshe Top 5 donothon reward, but the guy have leak

>> No.68432166

I don't get off to audio shit but goddamn

>> No.68432208

Not neutral, American politics are just retarded and I refuse to take part in that circus. But whatever, keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.68432389

theres only one vtuber whos spoken the gamer word as far as i know.
who else can speak the word without fear of the adl?

>> No.68432601

Right is what the entirety of /vt/ thinks left is like for some reason

>> No.68432715

You mean this one?

>> No.68432959

subbed and protected

>> No.68433094

to reference reality is to forgo 2D
by mentioning such things it makes you no better than a fleshstreamer

>> No.68433198

You love whores?

>> No.68433289

You mean. Pippa. Who is being edgy on purpose to get the 4chan crowd so she can see people here calling her based?

>> No.68433343

What an ugly fucking vtuber model

>> No.68435066

its from israel worship
as tucker said, jews have ancestral beef with the russians as an ethnicity and funding ukraine is their way to harm the russian peoples
the war would have still happened regardless of who ruled russia and which type of ideology they had

>> No.68435414

Is this a riddle or something? It's like you're asking for a triangle that doesn't have three sides.

>> No.68435640
File: 20 KB, 680x371, 1677980720886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68435729

Doesn't Pippa get creeped out by 'love yous'? Did that change when I wasn't looking?

>> No.68436477

I'm making art featuring these two and I know it will make both of them seethe for different reasons

>> No.68436815

reminder that so many retarded statements like this are easily disproven by watching ONE stream. he's not a mod

>> No.68436982

Which one is Destiny? Which one is Hasan?

>> No.68438265
File: 328 KB, 1043x763, 1693034013722426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are grifters. Pippa is a known grifter (le ebin redpilled vtuber that votes democrat and tweets out BLM support kek) and the only way Kirsche would tolerate someone like that is if she's one too.

>> No.68439525

And Kirsche hates trannies. All is well.

>> No.68439707 [DELETED] 

Lumi too, but don't tell anyone.

>> No.68439775

Lumi too, but don't tell anyone.

>> No.68441533

>I use 4chan because I want to discuss my autistic hobbies without some political drone virtue signaling and spewing bullshit about degeneracy and the fall of the west
Then why CHOOSE to enter a thread about Pippa and Kirsche, rather than enjoying literally any other thread?
>chooses to engage with political VTubers
>wtf stop talking about politics!
fucking retard

>> No.68441694

If you don't resist SJWs now, they will infest your country too, and then you will no longer have the luxury of ignoring American politics. American progressivism is an ideology hell-bent on global cultural imperialism.

>> No.68441748

Did Kirsche ever say which TERA server(s) she used to play on and which guilds? I'm 99% sure we were friends in game but I have no way to confirm it.

>> No.68441956

Lumi hasn't said nigger on stream, to my knowledge, she's just heavily implied that she says it off stream.
She has said fag on stream tho. And there are supposed discord leaks floating around of her saying something along the lines of "black people annoy me" lol.

>> No.68441991

Touch Fluffy Tail

>> No.68442019

Just so you know, this is the "Five Guys" girl.

>> No.68442047

wtf happened in this thread lol

>> No.68442100

>unless you literally ONLY watch her and nothing else.

>> No.68443991

She literally said Stupid Fucking Nigger on stream, just flew under the radar since no one made a big deal of it.

>> No.68444774

I assume anyone who follows and tries to cite endwokeness for good posting is either completely lost or grifting

>> No.68447753

No she didn't. I know what you're referring to, but she said "stupid fucking degree". It just sounded like nigger cuz of the way the clip cut it off.
