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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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68349609 No.68349609 [Reply] [Original]

Talk about OWOZU, idol ES, other random ñ shit HERE.

exOwozus+exAmais+exNatamo+Hana Yomeguri+Emikukis+Papitas+Lunaria+Pooky Boo+Emberlith+exSedais+Rakkun+Meica+Others

Previous thread >>68267480

reimu, ironmouse, other exwactors, not welcome.

>> No.68351110
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Se acabó.

>> No.68351969
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>> No.68352272
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>> No.68352451
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>> No.68353591


>> No.68353686

off topic shit

>> No.68353928

Not that anon but Shura talks way more with girls in this thread

>> No.68353971

Like who?

>> No.68354720

I suspect she is f...

>> No.68354777


>> No.68355275

Well, Yamu is in others so I can comment here.

>> No.68355463

>other exwactors, not welcome

>> No.68355587

I didn't say anything then, kek

>> No.68355813

no problem you can talk about her
this refers to Japanese exwactors

>> No.68355894

Other ex wactors go here

>> No.68356055

This general is filled with tribalniggers and shitters you're better of not mentioning her at all.

>> No.68356199

What is she talking about?

>> No.68356324
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>> No.68356372

You'll regret posting here where the shitters are, but I'm no one to tell you what to do.

>> No.68356467

fuckk off shitter

>> No.68356583

you want me to post in the other thread just so you can start talking shit about me oshi

>> No.68356587

I'll wait until /Yamu/ after her debut.

>> No.68356693

I don't understand these nigs, we make /vtes/ to get rid of all the chispa scum, it acutally works and the /exwactor/ threads turn peaceful (with rare exceptions), now you come post here on your own volution.

>> No.68356694

Futanari ?

>> No.68357403

I don't think anyone is that stupid

>> No.68357404

I don’t want my oshi to be related with a ntr whore

>> No.68357469

She’s debuting with Eiwy, Condesa and Mai this week, constantly tweeting with ex owozus and Papitas raids her and was in her chat 2 days ago

>> No.68357470

What's the deal with that Lady Jade girl and why is Saika bashing her nonstop?

>> No.68358050

Anons .
I ask this to seek consistency:
Why don't we choose other forums in Spanish or "chan" to discuss in Spanish since we are from a non-gringo region?

>> No.68358196

There are still shura gachis? Now her mods will read her marshmallows. What do you feel when the mods who don't donate always chat with her? now they will know all the nice things you send them

>> No.68358208

Because we hate spics who are so retarded they can't even learn English.

>> No.68358276
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sex with crayon!

>> No.68358304

They don't care.

>> No.68358366

They now will have full control of her perception of the fandom, grim. It's Misora all over again.

>> No.68358414

Why does one need to know English? Artificial intelligence and the rise of China changes the way we interact in the world

>> No.68358456

Is that whore stupid?

>> No.68358471

She didn’t say mods, she said “staff” probably referencing to her shithead manager, which is not the best but she was getting horrible marshmallows anyway so I’m okay with it. Better than some mysterious man checking them.

>> No.68358472

Crayon shin chan

>> No.68358496

They should, when the mods have control of the fandom it is the end of the vtuber, on top of that with those mods who are hungry for attention even worse

>> No.68358550

She calls her mods staff, idiot

>> No.68358597

Shots fired

>> No.68358657
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Forgot pic

>> No.68358732

Because we don't want to interact with subhumans, yes we're elitists

>> No.68358788

She calls manager staff because she doesn’t want to mention him as such anymore

>> No.68358839

So her manager has now even more control over her, I would prefer that maros are completely disabled than to have them be filtered by some fag before hand with all the bias he may have.

>> No.68358846

She’s a literal pedophile and friend with kinetic kek

>> No.68358896

You know it’s only for dynamics, right? For normal messages she has curiouscat which is not anonymous

>> No.68358953
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Everyone knows it's megajorn.
This nigger will decide what she reads or not.

>> No.68359157

She didn't say that, she said that she would open the marshmallow but that her staff would review it.

>> No.68359189

What dynamics?
Can't everyone just use a non anonymous way since they're so allergic to that?
Is better that marshmallows are disabled completely than they're read by some fag

>> No.68359295

So are we getting that Crayon's lora or not

>> No.68359296

So that fag is lying.

>> No.68359349

This, just disable them.

>> No.68359359

She mentioned her marshmallow is not open and would only be for dynamics on stream, you can go check right now

>> No.68359367
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Reminder that Idol is another black corpo:
Idol Corporation is a Israel founded agency with the monetary help of the Israel state, their first vtubers streamed on hebrew (IdolHE), 3 of these Girls where terminated on shady circunstances and forced to graduate before the contract ended.
They also deliverally terminated Riro Ron (KyOresu) that way just to ruin her vtuber carrer or any future chances to join other agency.
other talents from the EN branches are really unhappy with the CEO (Aviel Basin), and there are rumors of some possible graduations based on the thalents PL accounts.

>> No.68359376
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>> No.68359616

why they keep doing this shit?

>> No.68359734

i mean why? who cares about your appearance you are a fucking vtuber

>> No.68359824

i tolod you fags that twitch vtubers have the normal streamer culture, thats why.
they are streamers using an avatar

>> No.68359885

Puti !!

>> No.68359938


>> No.68360014

Then this general will become off topic for the board lol

>> No.68360055

some whos streams:

>> No.68360154
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Ok, this is the situation, Kinetic fag is planning "doing something" with 4chan, shitter said he's starting to enter because all recent drama being first posted /here/

>> No.68360203

Cute Aisu!

>> No.68360297
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ok fags, why are you lusting for a boy?
you realize thats gay?

>> No.68360391

He is a man, it is a matter of time before he makes a mistake and ends up funado, fuelvt will release news about him when that happens

>> No.68360470

you ralize that he is friends with Fuel

>> No.68360612

Are you aware that that kind of faggots love to stab each other's back?
Even happened with Radiofuna, they had some fag who appeared so regularly almost became part of them, then he got a funa and radiofags threw him under the bus, told he's unrelated to them and funned the flames against him.

>> No.68360625

gossip streamers don't have friends

>> No.68360832

they were shilling each other on their streams

>> No.68360873

All a facade.

>> No.68361147

those gossiping insects are not the same like with english ones, i mean Paltafaggot, Kinetic, Fuel, etc. actually try to put with the common spic streamer community idea, helping each other.

>> No.68361321

Do you really believe it? I already told you an example of radiofuna throwing one of their own under the bus, it'll happen again.

>> No.68361376

hope is truth but is clear that Palachilena and Kinetic are planning something

>> No.68361452 [SPOILER] 
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and the ploblem is?

>> No.68361573


>> No.68361663
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>> No.68361996
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Ex-Lily just admitted ego searching on "Forums"

>> No.68362079

where she is? i mean she privated her account and all, any news?

>> No.68362163
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She used to do it even before being Lily, and as Lily begged for anon's attention which she didn't receive btw.

>> No.68362258

good, i always have a weird nope feeling with this girl. too artificial for me.

>> No.68362404

why the hell would you want that? she want to be shitted on on daily basis?

>> No.68362485


>> No.68362576

She's an oldfag from other boards, nip, es and even here.

>> No.68362627

idolES will be twitch focused, mark my words.
Aviel is not dumb and will take all those Owozu viewers.

>> No.68362731

I don't doubt it but why would you want to be the target of the shitters

>> No.68363023

I guess you're a newfag and I can't bother to explain how was the thread around that time.
Simply putting it she wanted obsessive anon gachis.

>> No.68363145

well yt is bleeding numbers so is normal, also their en branches are not doing so well even Rin's numbers decreased to half of what she used to had...

>> No.68363342

on other notes, people here think that idolEN is some kind of jpstyle vtubing or something, funny.
their thalents are just Pippa wannabes with shitty murrican jokes and coombait to the point that is cringe, worst than Rakkun.

>> No.68363379

I'd love to seem that monkey causa try anything.

>> No.68363421

I love how idol makes these shitters angry

>> No.68363495

he will send his friend to shitpost here to create a narrative for recording his stream, and he will success cause we are 6 retards, im 4 ips already

>> No.68363528

Personally, it is better that all these groomers and dramafaggot come here.
I would love to expand my area of influence

>> No.68363571

dozo (You) now back to your pisscord idol shill

>> No.68363726

iss for faggots like you that they are doing it, they want more drama for their streams, they know that fags comming here will create a nore putras chismosas and more numbers for their streams

>> No.68364019

Well, they are morons, we govern Wactor with an iron fist, which makes them think it will be different now.

>> No.68364308

also you realize that fags posting are less than 10 fags you realize how easy is to change your egemony

>> No.68364386

this this idiot that this place is the center of the universe KEK

>> No.68364476

>7 gordos sebosos with delusions of grandeur replying to their own posts

>> No.68364498

He's not alone, and there are more like us that have been hibernating until an opportunity arises.

>> No.68364536

Reminder that anons ALWAYS win.

>> No.68364574

You can tell these fags dont watch them or know anything about idol, actually known more as a whore central than an idol company kek

>> No.68364668

You don't understand, the best way to deal with this place is to ignore it completely.
The more attention they give us, the more power we get.

>> No.68364855

>it's ok if they are not spics
and then they bitch about Rakkun sex jokes, funny.

>> No.68365067

Matrixfag you're fucking delusional. You retards couldn't even protect Sylvie and let groomers like fer and puchy get ahold of her social medias.

>> No.68365078

I’f one of these future threads goes the whole tread without the word “spic” in it I’ll give each of you a million dollars

>> No.68365119


>> No.68365131

whatever you say shitter

>> No.68365221

og jefaza...

>> No.68365328

Discorfags doing dicordfag things.

>> No.68365337

every single vtuber do that retard

>> No.68365601

Hey there chiller. You better tell your minions to keep an eye on anysado.

>> No.68365604

i bet that some of her irl "friends" did that

>> No.68365617

girl like badboys, making us look like the bad guys only attracts them more.

>> No.68365687

Tell us the rrats of chiller, I want to know your obsession with him.

>> No.68365710

until they become bad with their partner, then they just learn

>> No.68365721

>t. overweight kissless virgin goblino

>> No.68365736

anons are the bitchy girl who hates everybody, so it feels good when she actually likes you a bit and is embarrassed about it.

>> No.68365832

Don't project kek
That is how those groomers describe us

>> No.68365920

queen /vtes/

>> No.68365981


>> No.68366098

of course is this subhuman, report and ignore.

>> No.68366168


>> No.68366300


>> No.68366347

You think we don't know what you did shitller?
Pathetic little kid better stop pretending to be a man
Sylvie already has real man to protect her

>> No.68366352


>> No.68366853

I'm not even a sylviefag, you moron
My fault for giving you attention, go to the other thread.

>> No.68366919
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>> No.68366993
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>> No.68367166

Why do you even reply then?
I'm talking to shitller not you

>> No.68367417

Mai time:

ignore the shitter

>> No.68368417

is ok to enjoy Mai?

>> No.68368943
File: 1.79 MB, 1024x1536, pLyQfWTavFEQolPB2Npkp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pooky SEX!

>> No.68369426

AI tard please do some Crayon

>> No.68370429

this please

>> No.68371876

get in coombros

>> No.68371984

Finally some coomer content

>> No.68372259

just wait a bit, idolES will have an AVchuuba.

>> No.68372825

well idolEN indeed do coombait but i don't think that they could find someone on the ES market that do something to their levels

>> No.68373881

Just wait and see. Latina women can be very horny

>> No.68374726

>these kind of trash are the ones that come to our threads

>> No.68375800

That slut is asking for it

>> No.68375814
File: 56 KB, 465x294, latinx vtubers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latinx vtubers be like

>> No.68376797

>Idol Corporation is a Israel founded agency with the monetary help of the Israel state
Based, now I will watch your agency.

>> No.68376849

Nymph beats anything any idolEN ever did, I think even JazminVT beats them.
The catch is that no latina dares to do loli coombait to the same level as anglos do.

>> No.68377556


>> No.68377848

insert the video of Kson responding about Meica plsss

>> No.68377910

fuck off shitter, stop replying to yourself.

>> No.68379099


>> No.68380496

It's always fun to poke on brotecitos hehe

>> No.68381171
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>> No.68382700
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>> No.68384081
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Ladies and gentlemen, latam vtubing.

>> No.68384390

why was akami crying? I don't speak much spanish

>> No.68384469


>> No.68385628


>> No.68385980

gata fiera in stream

>> No.68386102

Average chilean

>> No.68386539

Meica when?

>> No.68386696

Come watch funny frog Keri Ikehana

>> No.68386957

i rather eat shit that give her a view

>> No.68387197

>She’s a literal pedophile
wait really?! I will now watch her

>> No.68387665


>> No.68389251

The fuck is she talking about?

>> No.68389733

i'd would love to use the thread but seems that is impossible for spics to not act like monkeys and ignore and report shitters...

anyway jut leaving this stream here:

>> No.68391097

her voice is pretty hot

>> No.68391482

Isn't she talking about Shura

>> No.68391842

lmao couldn't ride off lunaria and nimu, got cancelled for being a pedo

>> No.68392348

>now they will know all the nice things you send them
This is the reason why I dropped who used to be my oshi.
It hurt a lot doing so but I think she's finally out of my system by now.

>> No.68392467

Did any other girl we know do that thing Shura is planning to do?

>> No.68392545
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>This is an official Niji document

>> No.68392646

Eru’s marshmallows are supervised by a “friend”

>> No.68392734

I told her I couldn't have sex with her today.

>> No.68392782

What a jealous roastie if she is, Shura has never even addressed her

>> No.68392786

This hits different after those recent revelations

>> No.68392991

they are smart, less schizos to deal with also they got rid of negroid like you from her community.
day by day in sidding more with people like Rakkun, or even Emikukis, spics don't deserve a jpstyle, they are streammers not your wifes fucking sperging schizoid subhumans.

>> No.68393019

WAIT SHE IS https://x.com/essievtuber/status/1754955883916705961 FUCKING KEK

>> No.68393550

They'll come back when their new public see them as nothing more than an entertainment product and don't receive the love they so much crave.
And you know what? We won't have to do anything.

>> No.68393669

Kek there's a nigger who wants to kill vtubing for spic streaming lmao

>> No.68393671

abloblobloblo, do a favor to your family and neck yourself unikek.

>> No.68393743

So sound mad.
You know I speak nothing more than the truth.

>> No.68393902

your hallucinations are the "truth" now, they farmed their own fanbase and you are undesirablee scum that they need to filter to be happy with people that actually care and love them, dear schizoid.

>> No.68394001

Sure sure, just like putiglota's public loves her so much and respects her she never got fed up with them, right?

>> No.68394046

stop trying to reason with these faggots, they live on their own alternative reality.

>> No.68394107

Time always gives anons the final victory, the truth is ours.

>> No.68394181

Hello kinetic, is that all you got?

>> No.68394300

she is a total different case, and she didn't wanted gachicucks don't try to compare two different situations.
also she have her loyal too, just happen to have legions of casuals that she actually used to grown

>> No.68394394

You say this just as Shura is coming back to our path, with the exception of opening those groomer supervised maros.
And for the record, anons always recommend shutting those down since the filter doesn't work.

>> No.68394450

It has to be him right?

>> No.68394495

is very patethic to act like toxic schizoid and borderline stalkers just cause on your rotten brain are imaginating that a fucking streamer is your wife, totally clownish

>> No.68394534

>she is a total different case
How so?
She's exactly what happens when a vtuber who wants to be an idol goes full emikukis/rakkun.

>> No.68394639

>wanting to be a idol
the retarded shit you have to read.

>> No.68394648

I mean what else can she do? Erucucks have her in a lock since last year

>> No.68394746

>>68394648 (me)
She’s only opening for confession streams or whatever so I think that’s okay desu

>> No.68394778

Who else?

>> No.68394889

Sup kinetic, just how many times did you get turn down from your grooming attempts to came up with this facade in order to talk to girls?

>> No.68394996

You're so mad you can barely write, little one.

>> No.68395276

hilarious how these retards think they have moral superiority and are on a position to demant shit, when all they do is trashtalk the vtubers they say they love dragging them to dramas, boicoting their activities, harassing them and attack to harm tir mental health hurting them every single day, you are the cancer of the community, you are undesirable scum

>> No.68395343

I know right? She should audition for idolES

>> No.68395372

Are you projecting?

>> No.68395488

I AM morally superior to all of you groomers, and past events back me up.

>> No.68395512

just showing you a mirror, so you can see how despicable you are.

>> No.68395739

I have a clear conscience. :)

>> No.68395907

Listen here little causa shitter. I'm not the one with a grooming past, dunno why are you projecting so hard but that shit ain't gonna fly here.

>> No.68396358

kek, well you are talking to grumpy salty oshiless retards that only know to bitch and are unable to show love or even gratitude.
Actual fans fucked off time ago, also you have those brainlet fb subhuman shiters and other faggots that came from those malicious discords too

>> No.68396473

And yet you're still here, what does that say about you?

>> No.68396571

a casual poster from other generals

>> No.68396587

He's projecting lmao

>> No.68396760

projecting? thats what i saw on your generals sweetie, just look at this thread.

>> No.68396880

I only see anons sharing stream links until that faggot came to specifically attack anons.

>> No.68396967 [DELETED] 

ok jot****r

>> No.68397441

Niji is really doing a wactor with PR fuckup after PR fuckup

>> No.68397470

Well, yes retard. She wanted to boost her career as a vsinger, but the spics triggered her nervous breakdown and just excused themselves with "es que así somos los latinos", retards

>> No.68397609

Akira will outlive them all, but Hololive.

>> No.68397635

That sounds like kinetic and their hunger for views

>> No.68397714

stop being pretendig to be stupid, she shitted on idols on numerous times, she wanted to do covers and sing, thats not the same as being a idol.

>> No.68397877


>> No.68397921

I actually respect Akira for refusing to die.

>> No.68398047

well this is showing you that the ones that were pretending all this time to be the good and healtier part of community are in fact a bunch of hypocrites and liars, the ex fans W are more toxic than japanese gachis.

>> No.68398120

there are clips go and look for them idot.

>> No.68398618

is sad to find that Owozu girls viewers where more supporting and loving than these hypocrites, spics don't deserve jpstyle.

>> No.68398865

he was right and you know it

>> No.68398952

How so?

>> No.68399020

He's trying to install a rrat. Don't fall for his bait.

>> No.68399043

You need to backup those claims

>> No.68399141

stop pretending to be amnesiac, you know what happened and how you community reacted and even this place.

>> No.68399416

Please refresh my memory.

>> No.68399450

You mean how your people raided the threads to spread rumours so you could blame that shit on us in your livestreams?

>> No.68399463

harassing talents ans extalents, boicoting the activities of the ex talents, malicious posts and sending death wishes to their maros to the remaining girls and the ex talents, etc, well you really want me to continue?

>> No.68399643

THIS, finally someone had the balls to point it, and don't forget the dialy harassament that they still have to deal with.
if some of the next idolES are reading here, please don't pander to this kind of scum.

>> No.68399732

>shilling idoles
This is totally not a raid from the funaniggers.

>> No.68399799

>muh imaginary scapegoats

>> No.68399846

>boicoting the activities of the ex talents
>malicious posts and sending death wishes to their maros to the remaining girls and the ex talents
Those were Twitterfags not anons
>dialy harassament that they still have to deal with.

>> No.68399916

So everything bad that happens is automatically anons fault?
Isn't that too convenient? Don't make me laugh.

>> No.68399948

you know what, in not even replying to you and you hypocrite

>> No.68400031

Because you don't have any proof, just your own delusions that serve your agenda.

>> No.68400183

Your hate only gives me drive and resolution to keep this place going lol

>> No.68400374

hate? in just exposing you thats all.
and have te decency of not pretending to be senile or amnesiac now.

>> No.68400508

Oh yes yes, we're certainly the worst.
Nigger you twitterfags are leagues shittier when you go on a witch-hunt you just have to open Twitter to see the kind of shit your people is capable of.

>> No.68400586

You exposed nothing, little one. I'm still a better fan than any of you ever will.

>> No.68400743 [DELETED] 

for example, when nisha anounced was about to anounce her yt channel thefake account was posted minutes after she told about the real one, some of you made that account for funposting xDDD

>nooo those where some discord tards i sure!!!!

>Those were Twitterfags not anons
>even if i have a twitter account and post here i'm not a twitter fag

really nigger

>> No.68400893

Nigger, first and foremost, read the rules; even this shithole has rules
Second, I know you're responsible, you enjoy drama and playing the hero and the voice of reason

>> No.68400903

>some of you made that account for funposting
proof? Your delusions?

>> No.68401112

that nigger is one of you since the W shitstorm, and is the fag that make the threads.

>> No.68401193

>one of you
Says who?

>> No.68401299

Niggas you have really bad "research" skills, you keep pointing out the wrong people lmao

>> No.68401311

you know what, whatever, keep with your hypocrisy

>> No.68401375

So it's all in your delusions, you have no proof.

>> No.68401675

>that nigger is one of you since the W shitstorm
yes and his writing style is always the same, and he even parrot the same shiposts word by word.
>and is the fag that make the threads.
nah thats other faggot

>> No.68401681

Nigger, he actually hate us

>> No.68401840

then you admit that this place is just a anti hangout?

>> No.68401914

You don't know what a real anti is like.

>> No.68401971

listen here retard.
anyone can post here antis, shitters, fans, and retards like you.

>> No.68401996

No. That's just you trying to push a rrat on us.
You're gonna need stronger arguments if you wanna use us as bad example in front of your jew overlords kinetic.

>> No.68402230

OK now I'm convinced that you are kinetic, you're completely disconnected and know nothing, only your delusions

>> No.68402301

Say what you want, it is clear that it is impossible to reason with you

>> No.68402399

day 3 of her marathon go help

>> No.68402433

The nerve kinetic has to say all of this after shitting on Riro like an anti

>> No.68402491

And you should see the shit he said in their private discord kek

>> No.68402556

So exw officially merged here?

>> No.68402704

nah is just that bored retard generalizing and lumping all the jpstyle fans on the same sack trying to point that we are more toxic that latamstyle twitch chuubas fans.

>> No.68402770

ah and the stealth idolEs shilling too.

>> No.68403139

Not at all. But it would be better if the thread enters in hiatus until the novelty wears off and tourists ITT and the funagang go back to their normalfag sites.

>> No.68403264

yeah but instead of having two dead threads we could have one that doesn't look like it's in life support all the time

>> No.68403305

dude stop with your imaginary scapegoats, is just 2 or 3 bored shitters.
also reflected on the ex thread.

>> No.68403349

I rather have two death threads than one with continuous fighting. JP style fans and twitch whore fans can't coexist.

>> No.68403415

dude not even exwactor fans can coexists...

>> No.68403423

>41 ips

>> No.68403517

and 7 ips are mine and i'm not even joking this time.

>> No.68403533

yeah but all exw but nisha are twitch whores now lmao

>> No.68403613

can you please stop baiting like a dumb kid for a second.

>> No.68403891

i like Crayon and she is not so much jpstyle but you can enjoy her if you drop your autism.
stop being such a faggots really.

>> No.68403987

You can't force me to watch her

>> No.68404004

learn english shitter

>> No.68404068
File: 317 KB, 2048x2048, GC_wEEEWMAAua9y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wait that the AI anon post that Crayon lora, just wait...

>> No.68404171


>> No.68404315

I don't watch males no matter how cute or fuckable are they, sorry.

>> No.68404396

are you sure:

>> No.68404496

Please make /Yamu/ when she debuts!

>> No.68404529

My love, finally...

>> No.68404647

other dead thread
just join a fucking discord at this point
you will get a horde of shitter no matter what you do, you know the state of this place

>> No.68404809

kindly kys

>> No.68404837
File: 84 KB, 400x400, 1467748454741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68404845


>> No.68405027


>> No.68405166


>> No.68405228

Why so mad yuritroon?

>> No.68405361

You aren’t even trying to hide it anymo…

>> No.68405484

open the maros please kekw

>> No.68405764

My Queen, my wife.

>> No.68405830

Keep those bots running darling

>> No.68405882

I love her so much...

>> No.68405885
File: 472 KB, 1280x960, 1701733250777793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumb choripanera she could had tried to join idol bue the retard was brainwashed by Akami, kek dusgusting porteñas sabotaging each other, but well they will not hire that talenteless trash kek, can't wait to se her mods and the official discord that puchi and that other fag made heheheheheh

>> No.68405959


>> No.68406036
File: 21 KB, 246x282, 1678159503151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hold Yamu's hands like this...

>> No.68406133

Yamu love!!!

>> No.68406327

Such a cute girl

>> No.68406430
File: 64 KB, 400x400, ZFAXcTPH_400x400v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bing so the shitters where the fucking choripaneros who would have guessed it kek
same subhumans as her oshi kek
sos re puta Yamu nadie te quiere

>> No.68406445

I'm so happy!! yamuyamuyamu

>> No.68406463
File: 819 KB, 2500x3000, 20240207_015654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68406521

Me too bro, me too!!

>> No.68406625
File: 278 KB, 1125x1197, 143563436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.68406676
File: 54 KB, 768x768, 20240207_020039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68406739

Choripanera i know you are reading this
Good night and you better prepare yourself for what is coming :)

>> No.68406772

Thanks for the help reaching bump limit kek dumb faggot

>> No.68406845

I have a bunch of money ready to drop at her :^) She better prepare her pockets.

>> No.68406923
File: 1008 KB, 4096x2926, 20240207_020348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68406994
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>> No.68407032

your brown queen will expend all on her redacted hahahahaha

>> No.68407079
File: 199 KB, 1246x1772, 20240207_020536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.68407096

cuddling with chamu

>> No.68407149

Yeah, me.

>> No.68407219

>Puchy and Redeyes and Kazze as mods
oh nononono

>> No.68407221

Good night, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Yamu and can't stop thinking about her...

>> No.68407231

wtf is up with that retard?

>> No.68407326

Yuritroon leave yamufags alone and gtfo

>> No.68407327

Just report him.

>> No.68407342

Yes yamu cuck us with Haise , please collab with hin aahhhh

>> No.68407345

yamufags keep giving her cat food money.

>> No.68407523

Yamu my love, isn't that retard pathetic?
Let's laugh at him kek

>> No.68407643

funny that they only react when someone say something about that disgusting cunt and they keep antiying every single girl
>REPORT HIM!!!!!!!
hahahahaha you are very pathetic
Sylvie fags you where asking who are sending those maros and blaming Yuritron? these faggot choripaneros

>> No.68407749

>Puchy DMs on that- well you know

>> No.68407894

post skin color, shitter.

>> No.68407919
File: 120 KB, 889x400, 1701729359409388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a pathetic existence, go back to the idol general you shitter.

>> No.68407995
File: 693 KB, 2304x3072, F-kbRMpW8AAzdZv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are so back Yamu cucks

>> No.68408076

>kinetic shat hard on riro
>the himeaschizo posted riro pics to anti yamu
It really makes you think, huh?

>> No.68408297

lmao Yamu cucks are even more delusional than before

>> No.68408396

I don't need Ru anymore xd

>> No.68408622

Don't say that Puchy, you know that you can't groom that choripanegra because you know redacted, haahahahahahaha

>> No.68408666

>posting yamu in the contention thread
As always, you are the most retarded group in this dumpfield.

>> No.68408737

Are you sure you hate her because you seem really excited for her return, almost hysterical. You must be a tsundere.

>> No.68408772

now i know the news ;^)

>> No.68408919

We know you have no life, squizo.
It doesn't matter, I'm going to have a lot of fun with you in this dump :)

>> No.68409059

I will rape the choripaschizo he's such a faggot he's begging for it

>> No.68409060 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 1514x1151, GCCc7syWgAA6RnH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking nigger again
fuck off kid.

>> No.68409207

aw don't be like that choripanero, don't cry

>> No.68409285

your whore will anounce her graduation soon nishadown hahahaha

>> No.68409346

don't give attention to the retard.

>> No.68409395

you will cry when i leak that bomb kekkekek retard prepare your anus hahahaha

>> No.68409434

always so easy to manipulate, I just have to point you in the right place and you become a good hound.

>> No.68409478

Yamu if you're reading this the ones trying to cancel you are the guardiafaggots.

>> No.68409557

Nah, it's one bored retard that came back to the general to shill the jews

>> No.68409600

yamu love!

>> No.68409614

kek seems that i'm not alone after all, no one likes your prostitute choripaneros hahaha not even Shura

>> No.68409704

Yamu tender love.

>> No.68409710

But Shura likes no one anon that's not even a secret.

>> No.68409839

Final message:
Yamu belongs to /us/ <3

>> No.68409873

Final message:
Yamu belongs to Puchy <3
